Deacon, Steve Coach

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  • Words: 3,496
  • Pages: 15
September 18, 2008

Today’s date is September 18th 2008, time now is 1335 hours. My name is Detective Terry Jones, my Code Number is 6354. I’m with the Louisville Metro Police Department. This interview pertains to Case File #08-197 uh, it is a death investigation involving victim Max Gilpin. This interview is being conducted at 6808 uh, Hill Peak Court and it w…, it’s regarding the interview of coach Steve Deacon.


Uh, coach Deacon can you identify yourself?


Yes. My name is Steve Deacon.


And, your date of birth?

Deacon Jones

And, address?


6808 Hill Peak Court.


And, phone number?

Deacon Jones

Are you aware this interview is being taped?




Does it meet with your approval?



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Okay. Uh, prior to going on tape uh, we talked about uh, what had occurred on August 20, 2008. At which time Max Gilpin fell ill? If you would uhm, elaborate again for me what uh, what you duties were that particular day. Uh, as it relates to PRP’s pr…, football practice?


We started out uhm, the team got started kinda late. Uh, it was probably about uhm, 4:30 uhm, and we uh, took the field. And, they did a couple of routines that they normally do. As far as stretching, they get in 5 lines and they do s…, little warm up period. Where they jog a little bit and, and work on the hip flexors and things like that. Then they uhm, uhm, go into team stretch. And, then we go into a period that we call team take off. And, uh, that’s where the offenses uh, gets out, breaks out of the huddle. Goes up to a lineman of the ball, and they all run a play. And, then they run through about 10 yards, and then they get back in huddle up again. Uh, during that period we have offense and defense that does the same thing. So, the defense is on the other side, and they run a play. And, then after their play is finished uh, we go on with the second string unit on offense. And, then we do it as well defense. That period is called team take off, that lasted about 6 to 10 minutes. And, depending on how the plays are going, if they’re executing and hustling and that thing. Uh, then after that uhm, Coach Stinson had notified me that we had a couple of players that were injured. And, needed treatment and I’m known as the team trainer. I help in those issues, and help kids that uh, need to have ice or any kind of tape treatment or something like

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that. And, then I notify their parents, I let our team physical therapist or team doctor know as well. And, we go from there, so had uh, Sam Ellis, Taylor Banks that needed some treatment. Uh, whirlpool on, on an ice treatment, and at that time I took them over to the locker room for that treatment. Uhm, we were probably in the locker room total about 45, 50 minutes. Uh, Sam was in the whirlpool for about 20, and then Taylor was receiving ice. And, then we switch ‘em and uhm, Taylor was in the whirlpool. And, Taylor, uh, Sam got ice. Uhm, when we finished up we got, went back to practice. And, uhm, my brother Bobby, who is the coach there at PRP. Had asked me to check out one of our players named Antonio Calloway. I uh, got over there and, and Antonio was having trouble breathing. Seemed like his uh, breaths were short and quick, and he had just got through running uhm, gassers. And, had exerted himself and uhm, I believe that he got finished early. And, got to uh, as of working hard that he got to finish his gassers early. So, when I noticed that his breathing uhm, was just uhm, controlled breathing? Would allow him maybe to calm down and get back to normal breaths. We put ice on the back of his neck, sat him down under a shade tree. And, uhm, held his arms on top of his head, and continued to speak to him about controlled breathing. And, and try to get him to breathe normally. Uhm, at that time uhm, some players yelled out, Coach Deacon Max needs your help. And, I turned around and started walking towards them. They were walking towards me, 2 players uh, I don’t remember their name? Had Max uh, upright walking him to me. Uhm, when I got close to him he collapsed and fell to the ground, on his knees.

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Uh, I then walked around and supported Mat underneath his shoulders. Uhm, and uhm, asked him if he needed help, was he okay? To see if he would respond, and then I, I started to know that he was moaning? And, just seemed like he was in exhaust state. Uhm, at that time several coaches had walked up. Coach Donnelly, Coach Webb, and Steve Ellis, and another parent. And, I had gotten them to help me get Max up in the gator unit. Uh, sat him on the passenger side upright. Uhm, and Steve Ellis held on to him in the back. And, they drove over by the water uh, we got. When they got water over there uhm, on Max, I asked a couple of players to go get me some ice bags. And, so I could have ‘em over there for Max. Uh, then told uhm, Coach Bobb, Assistant Athletic Director to meet me over there by the gator with Antonio Calloway. So, both players would be close to each other. And, I could check their status ongoing. Uhm, when I got to Max he had ice on the back on his neck. Uh, we placed ice down on his lower hip area. Uhm, we uhm, had water going on, on the back of his neck. And, discontinuing (inaudible)…, we tried to get him to respond to us. He still wasn’t responding, still had the breathing and norm. And, it was just kinda breathing and groaning as he g…, took each breath. Uh, his dad was there at the gator with us. Uh, that’s when I looked at his dad and said, yeah it’s pretty serious. We need to call, do you want me to call, and he agreed upon that. Uh, that was about 6:17 and then I called 911. And, she gave me procedures on the phone uh, I was right there next to Max and that gator. And, I continued to do what she told me to do. Uh, I told her that we had done a lot of the things that she’d already requested. Like ice on the

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back of the neck, ice on his lower extremities and. And, she wanted me to feel his skin to see if he was sweating. However, because of the water draining down to his legs? Uh, he was you know, covered in water constantly. So, uh, I couldn’t tell if he was sweating at that time or not. So, uhm, I guess after I made the call and hung up? She explained to have uh, some help so the EMS could get back to the location where we were? So, I asked a couple of parents that were there, and some players. To uhm, go out there and, and locate their self where the EMS could get back there. Uh, as quickly as possible. Uhm, thinking around 10 to 13 minutes they arrived, and then I explained to them what was going on. I stood by Max and, and checked pulses and made sure that his. He still had a heartbeat uh, we never had to apply any CPR. Uh, he seemed to be breathing on his own, and just in that moment uh, with each breath. Uh, that time the EMS took over and uh, I had gave them all the information. Given them all the information that I had at that point. With you know, as far as just a strong rapid pulse. Uh, he was still breathing and uh, they took over from there. Jones

Okay. And, he was ultimately transported to the hospital by EMS?


EMS actually they took Antonio as well. Uh, we asked them if we needed to make another call. Or, what we needed to do, and they said they’d just take and transport both of them.


Okay. Uh, what is your position at, at the uh, as it uh, regarding the coaching staff. What is your, what do you do?

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I’m a, I’m a assistant coach, and I coach the quarterbacks and the receivers. However, I been with PRP for, this is my 4th year. And, I kinda stepped up and carried the roles of a, a trainer so to speak. Uh, offering my services as far as uh, taping the kids if they need tape? And, being kinda like a go to person uh, if they need assistance or need to go to see a doctor. Or, physical therapist for treatment.


And, only players that you actually assisted in that capacity was 2 players, which uh, you said went to the whirlpool and, the ice tub?


Yes, that was Sam Ellis and Taylor Banks that day. Uhm, had some issues with like strains and, and soreness. So, they were just placed in the whirlpool and with some ice.


Okay. And, uhm, when you arrived it was around 4:30 p.m.?


Yes, sir.


And, what kind of training was the team taking, but was doing take. What kind of training was taking place at that time?


At that time I just noticed that it was kind of a transition period. There was people gettin’ water, there was people still running. Uh, there was people uhm, walking around uh, just waiting for the next uhm.




To, to end practice or bring it up, is what we call it, to end practice. And, that kinda thing uhm, but when I got there that’s when I was

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called to check out Antonio as well. Uhm, but as far as the 2 people that needed me after Taylor and Sam? Was just uh, Antonio and Max. Jones

Okay. And, when Antonio uh, because ill uh, you just had notice that he had finished his, his running drills. But, was in need of some type of breathing assistance or, or breathing exercises?


Well, he, it seemed like he was hyper ventilating, he had a lot of short breaths. And, he couldn’t get a normal breath and uh, or a deep breath. So, Coach Bob Deacon was helping him and assisting him trying to get him to take uh, normal breaths. And, control his breathing uhm, we were just trying to coach him through it mentally.


And, you’re not for sure how long the team had been running gassers?


No, I sure, I’m not for sure at all.


And, you left the field to go back to the gym with the 2 players at what time?


Uh, let’s see it was probably about 5:15, 5:20.


So, they uh, they went back, you went back to the locker room, right?


They went back to the locker room.


Okay. And, you uh, was not present on the field during the majority of the training?


No, sir I wasn’t.

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And, when you got back that’s when you noticed that someone had called your name?




Uh, regarding Antonio or, or Max?


An…, Antonio.


Okay. And, uh, regarding Max’s illness uh, you were attending to Calloway at the time. When you said a player, how, how’d you become aware of that Max (inaudible)…


I was attending to Antonio and my back was towards the team. And, Antonio was sitting in the shade. And, when I was talking him controlled breathing. Uhm, I believe my brother was there, Coach Bob Deacon and. And, so I kinda heard somebody shout out uhm, hey Max needs, needs help. Uhm, I’m not sure, it sounded like they said that. You know, Max is down he needs help. Uhm, and then that’s when I uh, walked towards them.


Okay. And, when you got to Max he uh, collapsed to his knees?


Collapsed to his knees, he was still conscious, he was still breathing. He had a little moan, groan uhm, and then appeared to me at that time, that he was just totally exhausted, and uh.


Was he sweating at that point when he collapsed?


Yes, yes, yes..

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He was sweating?




But, as you called EMS and later they told you to do another evaluation? You couldn’t determine if he was still sweating because he had water drenched on him?


That’s correct.


Okay. And, practice is normally over at what time?


6 p.m.


And, you described this practice as a uh, late practice or?


Yeah, things got a little started late uh; normally It’s about 3:15, 3:30 when the kids take the field, so.




They were about uh, about an hour or hour and 15 minutes late.


Behind schedule?




Okay. And, the and the training is set up as an agenda. Everyone knows what they supposed to do at that particular training. And, you practice every, every coach knows what (inaudible)…


Sure, absolutely the coach uh, he actually,

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that’s one of his pet peeves. He likes the kids to know what’s going on. So, he places an agenda uh, right there as you come into the locker room. And, the kids know exactly if they have to have full gear, or just partial. Jones



Or, just shorts and helmet. So, they know up front what entitles for practice.


What to expect? Okay. And, so Uhm, so the training is, is set out in an agenda kind of fashion. Uh, is this an everyday, how many, how many times a week does the team train?


Uhm, let’s see we have, we have 5 practices before our game. Uh, so we have 4 practices uh, since we play on Friday.


Okay. And, uh.


Usually about 3 hours.


Okay. And, you will uh, do you, do you know uh, what time the last water break your team received?


Uhm, lets see, I believe they were gettin’ water about when I left for team. To go take Tren…, Taylor and uh, Sam to the, right after team take off.


Okay. And, let me go toward break is it as a team or is it in individuals?


Uhm, it’s basically uhm, as individual, ‘cause each coach uhm. When it goes into individual period uh, some will go get water right away.

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And, then some will uh, wait until after individual sessions over. Jones

And, it’s, it’s all up to that particular coach to determine that. If they completed their assignments or duties in a proper way. He feels comfortable with what they, they learn. He, he can cut ‘em loose early?


Yeah. Each coach has, has the authority to just uh, watch what’s going on in their drill. And, they uh, let the players get a drink anytime that they need water.


And, you couldn’t tell me what the other coaches duties consist of? Or, if they even gave, gave water breaks (inaudible)…


No, I, no I couldn’t tell, I was asked to leave and take Taylor and Sam to the, to the locker room.




Uhm, I can tell you that on a normal day that uh, each coach allows their players to get water as often as they need it.


So, if I asked you how long the team been running sprints, you couldn’t answer that?




Okay. Uhm, give me a second. Did you see any of the players become ill?




That required any assistance whatsoever?

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Okay, okay. Uh, and you said your son plays on the team?


Yes, my son Zack Deacon.


What’s your uh, son Zack?




Okay. And, and you s…, you told me uh, that your son explained to you why the team was running sprints?


Yeah. Uh, that night I had asked him if we just, was it any uhm difference in the running of you know. Compared to other practices, and he said. No, because they didn’t do the drills that they were normally supposed to be doing. Uh, they didn’t get through the team procedures that they normally do. Uh, some terms like 7 on 7, uh, team where we work together. And, run off in some defensive plays? Uh, he said pretty much that nobody was, they were lacking in their effort. And, coach just decided to go ahead and, and make a conditioning period.


Okay, okay. And, again you don’t know how long the team had been doing, running conditioning drills?


I do not know uh, normally we run anywhere between 6 or 8, what we call gassers, and.



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Sometimes they’re timed, it just depends on the, how hot it is. I did notice that they, they didn’t have their gear on. They didn’t have their helmets, they didn’t have their shoulder pads.




And, that kinda thing.


Okay. All right, is there anything else I didn’t ask, anything else in…, important that you wanna cover?


Uhm, just the incident that my son was called down. Uh, and relayed some information to Coach Stinson on a Wednesday night. I believe, and then my son was called down uhm, I’m not sure. It was either that Thursday or Friday. Uhm, without my p…, approval to talk to uh, this assistant principle. Or, the, the principle Dave Johnson.


Um-hum. So, letter you had a letter sent home with you, with your son (inaudible)…


I had a letter sent home and we were supposed to sign agreement. Or, uhm, get in touch with the metro.




If we did not want our sons or uh, interviewed without a parent.


Okay. So, you uh, you obviously didn’t want your player, you son who is a player.



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You didn’t want him to have any contact as it relates to this case, without you being there or being notified?


Yes. And, matter of fact I called the assistant athletic director and let him, left a message for him.




Because, I didn’t get the letter right away.


Who is the assistant?


Uh, actually it’s the, it’s the main guy Craig Webb.


You left a message with him?


Left it with the athletic director.


And, and he stated that someone had already, someone had talked to your son after the letters had came out?


I had just informed him that I didn’t want anybody speaking to Zach. And, make sure that I knew about it.


Okay. And, uh, is there anything else you add (inaudible)…, that I didn’t ask you? Anything else important?


I think that’s got it.


Okay. Uh, and you, did you ever hear of any coaches deny players water while you were there?

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Uh, no.


Okay. All right uh, again I’ll go ahead and go off record. Uh, if you have anything uh, if we come up with other questions, well go back on record. But, I think we will conclude it, and at this time (inaudible)… Time now is 1355 hours.

END OF STATEMENT File #08197mjones-dl

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