De Kiem Tra Anh7 Ky I

  • November 2019
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Gi¸o viªn ra ®Ò vµ ®¸p ¸n: NguyÔn ThÞ ThuËn §¬n vÞ: Trêng THCS Phóc Hoµ - T©n Yªn – B¾c Giang. ®Ò kiÓm tra tiÕng anh 7 sè 1 häc kú I Thêi gian: 15 phót I.Put the verbs in the brackets into the simple future tense (5pts): 1. We (go) to school tomorrow morning. 2. They (not go) camping this afternoon. 3. What time you (watch) TV tonight? - I (watch) TV at about 7 o’clock. 4. Lan and Hoa (play) badminton next Sunday. II. Listen to the passage twice and tick T (True) or F (False) to the following statements (5pts): 1. Hoa is not a new student in my school. 2. She lives with her uncle and aunt in Ha Noi. 3. She will be thirteen years old on her next birthday. 4. She doesn’t have a lot of friends in Ha Noi. 5. Her telephone number is 8 622 091.

§¸p ¸n vµ híng dÉn chÊm bµi kiÓm tra 15 phót sè 1 kú I Anh 7: Tæng sè ®iÓm toµn bµi lµ 10 ®iÓm. I. (5 ®iÓm)Mçi phÇn chia ®óng ®îc 1 ®iÓm 1. will go 2. will not go 3. will you watch - will watch 4. will play I. (5 ®iÓm) Mçi phÇn tÝch ®óng ®îc 1 ®iÓm: 1.F 2.T 3.F 4.T 5.F Tapescript: This is our new classmate. Her name is Hoa. She is from Hue. She is a new student in my school. She lives with her uncle and aunt in Ha Noi. Her telephone number is 8 262 019. She will be fourteen on her next birthday. She is talking to Mr. Tan. She says: “I am nervous because I don’t have any friends in Ha Noi.”

Gi¸o viªn ra ®Ò vµ ®¸p ¸n: NguyÔn ThÞ ThuËn §¬n vÞ: Trêng THCS Phóc Hoµ - T©n Yªn – B¾c Giang. ®Ò kiÓm tra tiÕng anh 7 sè 2 häc kú I Thêi gian: 15 phót I. Choose the best answer (5pts): 1)You can find Math books ................. the shelves ............... the left. A.on – at B. on – on C. in – on D. at – on 2) English books are ............... the back ............... the library. A. on – of B. in – of C. at – of D. at – in 3) ............... can I find the History books, please? A. Where B. What C. Why D. Which 4)7 giê 45 phót ®îc ®äc lµ: A. It is seven past quarter. B. It is seven forty-five C. It is a quarter to eight. D. Both B and C are correct 5)Are there ............... English books in our library? A. any B. a C. an D. some II.Listen to the passage twice and tick T (True) or F (False) to the following statements (5pts): ..........1-The library in Nam’s school is large. ..........2-In the library, there are a lot of readers. ..........3-The library opens at seven o’clock in the morning. ..........4-Nam never goes to the library. ..........5-He hates reading books in the library.

§¸p ¸n vµ híng dÉn chÊm bµi kiÓm tra 15 phót sè 2 kú I Anh 7: Tæng sè ®iÓm toµn bµi lµ 10 ®iÓm. I-(5 ®iÓm)Mçi phÇn chän ®óng ®îc 1 ®iÓm 1.B 2.C 3.A 4.D 5.A II-(5 ®iÓm) Mçi phÇn tÝch ®óng ®îc 1 ®iÓm: 1.F 2.T 3.T 4.F 5.F Tapescript: This is the library in Nam’s school. It is not very large, but it is very nice. In the library, there are a lot of books, novels, readers, magazines and pictures. There is also a study area. The library opens at seven o’clock in the morning and closes at half past four in the afternoon. Nam often goes there. He likes reading books in the library.

Gi¸o viªn ra ®Ò vµ ®¸p ¸n: NguyÔn ThÞ ThuËn §¬n vÞ: Trêng THCS Phóc Hoµ - T©n Yªn – B¾c Giang. ®Ò kiÓm tra tiÕng anh 7 sè 1 häc kú I Thêi gian: 45 phót I-Listening: Listen to the passages about Lan, Hoa and Quan 3 times and complete the table(2.5pts): N Age Job Address Telephone ame number Lan 12 student Hang Bai Street .(1)......................... ....... Hoa (2)......... nurse (3)......................................... 878 255 .... ............ Quan 36 (4)..................... Viet Yen (5).......................... ...... ........ II-Reading: Read the passage and give answers to the questions that follow (2.5pts): Minh lives in Ho Chi Minh City with her brother, Nam. She often goes to school on foot because her school is near her brother’s house. It is about 200 meters from her house to the post office. She sometimes sends her letters to her parents. They live in Ha Noi. So she misses her parents very much. Questions: 1-Who does Minh live with? ........................................................................................................................................ ..................................... 2-How does she go to school? ........................................................................................................................................ ..................................... 3-How far is it from her house to the post office? ........................................................................................................................................ ..................................... 4-Where do her parents live? ........................................................................................................................................ ...................................... 5-Does she miss her parents? ........................................................................................................................................ ...................................... III-Language focus: Choose and circle the correct answer A,B or C to complete the sentences below (2.5pts): 1.How .......... is it from Bac Giang to Bac Ninh?- It is about 21 kilometers. A. distance B. long C. far 2.What .......... intelligent boy! A. a B. an C. is they go to the market?- By bike. A. How B. What C. Where 4.Her mother is ............... beautiful .............. me. A. better – than B. more – than C. the – than

5.Thoa ............... video games tomorrow. A. will not plays B. not will play C. will not play IV-Writing: 1.Write 3 sentences about yourself, using the following cues (1.5p): a)name/Nga.=>............................................................................................................... .................................... b)I/ go to school/bike.=>................................................................................................................ .................... c)It/ about 5 kilometers/house/school. =>................................................................................................................................... ...................................... 2.Complete each of the following sentences in such a way that itis similar as possible in meaning to the sentence before it (1p): a)This shirt is very expensive. =>What ........................................................................................................................................ ....................! b)Those hats are very cheap. => What................................................................................................................................ .............................!

®¸p ¸n vµ híng dÉn chÊm ®Ò kiÓm tra mét tiÕt tiÕng anh 7 sè 1 häc kú I (Tæng sè ®iÓm toµn bµi 10 ®iÓm.) I-Listening: Tæng sè ®iÓm 2,5 ®iÓm. Mçi c©u ®óng 0,5 ®iÓm: 1- 8 574 593 2- 2- 25 3- 3- (30) Tran Hung Dao Street 4- teacher 5- 0982 321 840 Tapescript: Lan is twelve years old. She is a student at Quang Trung Lower Secondary school. She lives on Hang Bai Street. Her telephone number is 8 574 593. Hoa is twenty-five years old. She is a nurse in Dong Da Hospital. She lives at 30 Tran Hung Dao Street. Her telephone number is 878 255. Quan is thirty-six years old. He is a teacher at Cao Xa Primary school. He lives in Viet Yen. It is quite far – about 12 kilometers from his house to his school. So he usually goes to school by motorbike. His telephone number is 0982 321 840. II-Reading: Tæng sè 2,5 ®iÓm. Mçi c©u tr¶ lêi ®óng ®îc 0,5 ®iÓm. 1-Minh/She lives with her brother, Nam. 2-On foot./She goes to school on foot. 3-About 200 meters. /It is about 200 meters (from her house to the post office) 4-They/ Her parents live in Ha Noi. 5-Yes, she does./ Yes, she misses her parents very much. III-Language focus: Tæng sè ®iÓm 2,5 ®iÓm. mçi c©u chän ®óng ®îc 0,5 ®iÓm. 1.C 2.B 3.A 4.B 5.C IV-Writing: Tæng sè 2,5 ®iÓm. Mçi c©u/ý ®óng 0,5 ®iÓm. 1-a) My name is Nga. b) I go to school by bike.

c) It is about 5 kilometers from my house to school. 2-a) What an expensive shirt! b) What cheap hats!

Gi¸o viªn ra ®Ò vµ ®¸p ¸n: NguyÔn ThÞ ThuËn §¬n vÞ: Trêng THCS Phóc Hoµ - T©n Yªn – B¾c Giang. ®Ò kiÓm tra tiÕng anh 7 sè 2 häc kú I Thêi gian: 45 phót PhÇn A. Language focus: I.Chän mét ®¸p ¸n thÝch hîp trong sè A, B, C, hay D ®Ó hoµn thµnh c¸c c©u sau, khoanh trßn ®¸p ¸n chän (3 ®iÓm) : 1-What................ noisy class! A. an B. some C. a D. any 2-Mr. Hoan works .................. a hospital. He takes care ............... sick people. A. in – for B. in – of C. at – for D. for – of 3-What does your mother do?- .............. A. She is a nurse. B. She is nurse. C. She does as a nurse. D. She is an nurse. 4-Her new house is ...............her old house. A. biger than B. as bigger than C. as big than D. bigger than 5-............... is it from Phuc Hoa to Cao Thuong? - It is about 5 kilometers. A. How far B. How long C. How often D. Where 6- ............... do you get up? - I get up at 5.30. A.What B.How C.What time D.Which II-Chia ®éng tõ trong ngoÆc cho thÝch hîp (2 ®iÓm):

1-Nam (visit) Da Lat tomorrow. 1............................................................................. 2-My sister (do) her homework now. 2............................................................................. 3-They (watch) TV everyday. 3............................................................................. 4-Which subject (like) best? 4............................................................................. - I (like) English best. -............................................................................ PhÇn b. reading: §äc kü ®o¹n v¨n sau vµ tr¶ lêi c©u hái bªn díi (2,5 ®iÓm): Hai goes to Phuc Hoa school everyday by bike. He is a student in class 7A. He enjoys school very much. His favorite subjects are Literature, History and Geography but he likes History best. In History, he studies past and prevent events in Viet Nam and around the world. In Literature, he learns about books and writes essays. In his Geography class, he studies maps and learns about different countries. Hai thinks Geography is difficult but fun. Questions: 1-How does Hai go to school everyday? ....................................................................................................................................... .................... 2-Which class is he in? ....................................................................................................................................... .................... 3-Which subject does he like best? ....................................................................................................................................... .................... 4-Does he learn about books and write essays in Literature? ....................................................................................................................................... ................... 5-What does he think? ....................................................................................................................................... ................... PhÇn c: writing: ViÕt kho¶ng 5 – 6 c©u vÒ b¶n th©n em dïng c¸c gîi ý díi ®©y (2,5 ®iÓm): - name - job - class - to be good at..... - favorite subject ........................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................ ................ §¸p ¸n vµ híng dÉn chÊm ®Ò kiÓm tra mét tiÕt tiÕng anh 7 sè 2 häc kú I: PhÇn a: Language focus: I.(3®)Mçi c©u chän ®óng ®îc 0,5 ®iÓm: 1.C 2.B 3.A 4.D 5.A 6.C II.(2®)Mçi c©u chia ®óng ®îc 0,5 ®iÓm 1. will visit/is going to visit 2. is doing 4. do you like – like (mçi phÇn chia ®óng ®îc 0,25®)

PhÇn B: Reading: (2,5®)Mçi c©u tr¶ lêi ®óng ®îc 0,5 ®iÓm 1-By bike./He goes to school by bike. 2- He is in class 7A. 3- He likes History best. 4- Yes, he does. 5- He thinks Geography is difficult but fun. PhÇn C: Writing (2,5®): Mçi c©u viÕt ®óng ®îc 0,5 ®iÓm My name is [Nga]/I am [Nga]. I am [13] years old. I am a student. I am in class 7[A/B/C]. I am good at [Math/ English.....]. My favorite subject is [Math/ English.....].

Gi¸o viªn ra ®Ò vµ ®¸p ¸n: NguyÔn ThÞ ThuËn §¬n vÞ: Trêng THCS Phóc Hoµ - T©n Yªn – B¾c Giang. §Ò thi chÊt lîng häc kú I M«n thi: TiÕng Anh 7 Thêi gian: 45 phót PhÇn A. Language focus:

I.Chän mét ®¸p ¸n thÝch hîp trong sè A, B, C, hay D ®Ó hoµn thµnh c¸c c©u sau, khoanh trßn ®¸p ¸n chän (2 ®iÓm) : 1-What................ easy question! A. an B. some C. a D. any 2-She is ........... rope with her friends at the moment. A. doing B. playing C. skipping D. skip 3- ...............does the school library open ?- At 7.30 a.m. A. How long B. What subject C. Which class D. What time 4-............... is it from Cao Thuong to Bac Giang? - It is about 5 kilometers. A. How long B. How far C. How often D. How II-Chia ®éng tõ trong ngoÆc cho thÝch hîp (2 ®iÓm): 1-They (see) a movie tomorrow. 1............................................................................. 2-Binh (listen) to music now. 2............................................................................. 3-Thao often (play) tennis in the afternoon. 3............................................................................. 4-What time .......... your parents (go) to work everyday? 4............................................................................ - They (go) to work at 7 o’clock. .......................................................................... III-S¾p xÕp c¸c tõ, côm tõ x¸o trén sau thµnh c©u hoµn chØnh (2 ®iÓm): 1-is/the/ intelligent/ in our class/ Loan/ most/ student. =>................................................................................................................................... ................................. 2-soccer/ play/Let’s. =>................................................................................................................................... 3-subject/do/ like best/ Which/you? =>............................................................................................................ - like/ Literature/best/I. =>............................................................................................................ PhÇn b. reading:T×m mét tõ thÝch hîp trong khung ®Ó ®iÒn vµo mçi chç chèng trong ®o¹n v¨n sau (2,5 ®iÓm): likes subjects by difficult In Mai goes to Nguyen Khuyen school everyday(1) ............. bike. She is a student in class 7C. She enjoys school very much. Her favorite (2)................ are Literature, History and Geography but she (3)............... History best. In History, she studies past and prevent events in Viet Nam and around the world. (4)............... Literature, she learns about books and writes essays. In her Geography class, she studies maps and learns about different countries. Mai thinks Geography is (5).................. but fun. Answers:1-.......................................................... 4-..................................................................................... 2-.......................................................... 5-.................................................................................. 3-.......................................................... PhÇn c: writing: ViÕt kho¶ng 5 c©u vÒ b¹n Hïng dùa vµo c¸c gîi ý díi ®©y (2,5 ®iÓm): - Age: 13 - Class: 7A - Distance: 2 kilometers (from his house to school) Favorite subject: Phyics

Physics: Monday, Wednesday ........................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................ ..................................................... The end Good luck to all of you! §¸p ¸n vµ híng dÉn chÊm ®Ò thi chÊt lîng häc kú I M«n thi: tiÕng anh 7 Thêi gian: 45 phót (Tæng sè ®iÓm toµn bµi lµ 10 ®iÓm) PhÇn a: Language focus: I.(1®)Mçi c©u chän ®óng ®îc 0,25 ®iÓm: 1.A 2.C 3.D 4.B II.(2®)Mçi c©u chia ®óng ®îc 0,5 ®iÓm 1. will see/is going to see 2. is listening 3. plays 4- do your parents go/ do ... go - go III.(2®) Mçi c©u s¾p xÕp ®óng ®îc 0,5 ®iÓm. 1-Loan is the most intelligent student in our class. 2-Let’s play soccer. 3-Which subject do you like best? - I like Literature best. PhÇn B: Reading: (2,5®)Mçi c©u tr¶ lêi ®óng ®îc 0,5 ®iÓm 1-by 2- subjects 3- likes 4- In 5- difficult PhÇn C: Writing (2,5®): Mçi c©u viÕt ®óng ®îc 0,5 ®iÓm 1.Hïng is 13 (years old). 2.He is in class 7A. 3.It is (about) 2 kilometers from his house to school. 4.His favorite subject is Physics. 5.He has Physics on Monday and Wednesday.

Gi¸o viªn ra ®Ò vµ ®¸p ¸n: NguyÔn ThÞ ThuËn §¬n vÞ: Trêng THCS Phóc Hoµ - T©n Yªn – B¾c Giang. §Ò thi kh¶o s¸t gi÷a häc kú I M«n thi: TiÕng Anh 7 Thêi gian: 45 phót PhÇn A. Language focus: I.Chän mét ®¸p ¸n thÝch hîp trong sè A, B, C, hay D ®Ó hoµn thµnh c¸c c©u sau, khoanh trßn ®¸p ¸n chän (3 ®iÓm) : 1-What................ noisy class! A. an B. some C. a D. any 2-Mr. Hoan works .................. a hospital. He takes care ............... sick people. A. in – for B. in – of C. at – for D. for – of 3-What does your mother do?- .............. A. She is a nurse. B. She is nurse. C. She does as a nurse. D. She is an nurse. 4-Her new house is ...............her old house. A. biger than B. as bigger than C. as big than D. bigger than 5-............... is it from Phuc Hoa to Cao Thuong? - It is about 5 kilometers. A. How far B. How long C. How often D. Where 6- ............... do you get up? - I get up at 5.30. A.What B.How C.What time D.Which II-Chia ®éng tõ trong ngoÆc cho thÝch hîp (2 ®iÓm): 1-Nam (visit) Da Lat tomorrow. 1............................................................................. 2-My sister (do) her homework now. 2............................................................................. 3-They (watch) TV everyday. 3............................................................................. 4-Which subject (like) best? 4............................................................................. - I (like) English best. -............................................................................ PhÇn b. reading: §äc kü ®o¹n v¨n sau vµ tr¶ lêi c©u hái bªn díi (2,5 ®iÓm): Hai goes to Phuc Hoa school everyday by bike. He is a student in class 7A. He enjoys school very much. His favorite subjects are Literature, History and Geography but he likes History best. In History, he studies past and prevent events in Viet Nam and around the world. In Literature, he learns about books and writes essays. In his Geography class, he studies maps and learns about different countries. Hai thinks Geography is difficult but fun. Questions: 1-How does Hai go to school everyday?

....................................................................................................................................... .................... 2-Which class is he in? ....................................................................................................................................... .................... 3-Which subject does he like best? ....................................................................................................................................... .................... 4-Does he learn about books and write essays in Literature? ....................................................................................................................................... ................... 5-What does he think? ....................................................................................................................................... ................... PhÇn c: writing: ViÕt kho¶ng 5 – 6 c©u vÒ b¶n th©n em dïng c¸c gîi ý díi ®©y (2,5 ®iÓm): - name - job - class - to be good at..... - favorite subject ........................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................ ................ §¸p ¸n vµ híng dÉn chÊm ®Ò thi kh¶o s¸t gi÷a häc kú I: PhÇn a: Language focus: I.Mçi c©u chän ®óng ®îc 0,5 ®iÓm: 1.C 2.B 3.A 4.D 5.A 6.C II.(2®)Mçi c©u chia ®óng ®îc 0,5 ®iÓm 1. will visit/is going to visit 2. is doing 4. do you like – like (mçi phÇn chia ®óng ®îc 0,25®) PhÇn B: Reading: Mçi c©u tr¶ lêi ®óng ®îc 0,5 ®iÓm 1-By bike./He goes to school by bike. 2- He is in class 7A. 3- He likes History best. 4- Yes, he does. 5- He thinks Geography is difficult but fun. PhÇn C: Writing (2,5®): Mçi c©u viÕt ®óng ®îc 0,5 ®iÓm My name is [Nga]/I am [Nga]. I am [13] years old. I am a student. I am in class 7[A/B/C]. I am good at [Math/ English.....]. My favorite subject is [Math/ English.....].

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