Dbis Science Fair 2009

  • May 2020
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Important Dates Science Fair Question completed by – Science Fair Plan completed by – Science Fair Class Judging Science Fair Evening –

The Display Board 1. Name 2. Question 3. Hypothesis 4. Materials 5. Procedure 6. Observations/Data 7. Conclusion Visual evidence of your experiment must be exhibited. You will need photographs, possibly video, and you will also need a model of your experiment. This could be a re-creation of your experiment, or at least a demonstration of the parts that you’re able to show on the day.

Science Investigative Format Question: Write a question or pose a problem that can be tested with an experiment.

Hypothesis: Make an educated guess about what might happen in the experiment. The prediction should be backed up by thought, information gathering, and possible effects of variables. Be sure to include the word “because.”

Materials: Bullets or not, but no numbers on this list of items needed.

Procedure: Explain the step by step process to be used to test your hypothesis.

 numbered list  begin each sentence with a verb  second to last step: record data/observations/results  last step: repeat three times

Observation/Data: Charts, tables, graphs, photos, labeled diagrams, etc.

Conclusion: Must refer back to the question and answer it. The purpose of this experiment was to_________. Clearly state that the prediction was correct OR give a correct answer to the investigative question. Your paragraph should include how changing the variable effected what was being measured and uses data and observations from doing the experiment to support the conclusion reached. Analyze the data and include a reasonable explanation using evidence gathered in the investigation. Include the start and finish data points for the lowest condition and highest conditions.

Reminders 1. Ensure your test is fair 2. Ensure your test is accurate 3. Include all the necessary elements of the scientific method have been included.

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