Tke Eea.l.taBhE Book of Ca.tifonNia sri*ia-
cltitotuia RedI Dstdte Ascociatiotu
TheRealtaBlue Book al Cal,ilotnia
r924-The Dag of the Realtor ln Appreciation Bgr HENRYP. BARBoUR HE average Califomian looks back to the ],ear 1?69 as on€ of the mosl impodani dlres of the eighreenrhcentury. h marked not onll the coming o{ the firsr rpaltor i,t rhe personol a Franriscan monk in_th€_pcrson oJ Fat"herJuniper.oSerl.a.btr sigraljzedlhe begin_ nrng 01 ( alrtornla. to thc rcallor 1924is almolt as imporlarr, for it marks the culmination of etrort on the part of sptendid presidi:nts of the Caljfornia Real Estste Association to lift a great f"iirress io lfre Ievel of a profession. Nineteen hundred and tiventy-four is a yeai when the spidt of the realtor js abroad. and the work done in the'nail sixteenJ cars js taking effecras a rcsulr oi I he accomDlishments oi mv emi'1pnl predpcpssors. Pasr Srarp Prcsident Francis Ferri.r. J. d. I.'i\her,JosephR. Ho$ell. Daniet W. Carmichael,Frank X. Molt. C. C. Juster.GcorgeJ. Wrpn. ceorgF A. Black W. W. Mines,W. L. Atkinson. Mabr\ McMahan, Dewill H. cray. Fred E. Recd,r-. c. C. Talum end
Frazi€r O. Reed, with the efficient c operation of our managing djrector and secretary,Gienn D. \ryilanlar. The subjects covered and the fine a*icles that aDDearin the pagesof this volumeaIe vlillen by prominenlrealtors,rpsidpninor only in Califor-nia,but in other states. They show that the spirit of the realtor aboundsthroughout the length and breadth of America, and thetefore I considerthe issuanceof this book most timelv and wril be hplpluland usetulro tl"emenendwom"nof this new-borngiant profession-that of realtor. Retwning, as the writer has from s recenttriD, uD and down the state.sitting wirh and speakinglo somesixty reairy6oards,hcaring on every hand praises for the work of the local realty boards in th; settlem€ntof grievances,the personalapplicationby membersof the GoldenRule of the Squale Deal, the new security to the public, the feelingon the part of the widow and fhe orphan that thev had a new protector,the many commentsof praise fol the work of the State Real Estate Depadment and CommissionerEdwin T. Keiser,has l€d me to feel most str-orgly the impulseof this newbom movement.and perhapsbetter than any other man in Califomia I am in a positionto say thst the m€n and wotnenin our caliing are taking the realtor in e-amestin thesedays ol 1924. I, thvrefore, as pres:dentof the great Cslifomia Real Estate Association,wish to complimentthe publ;hers of this book reorr thejr' appreciation of the strength of this great moveme_nt an-dtheir desireto help it along. A study of thesefages now and a relerenceto them later will be of great aid to every reaftor in the state, both from an educatioDaland inspirational viewpoinl I therefore,congretulatethe editor and publishe;sof the Realty Blue Book trpona most worthy and usefulproductioD.