Day Of Judgement

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  • May 2020
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  • Words: 902
  • Pages: 4
IN THE NAME OF ALLAH, MOST GRACIOUS, MOST MERCIFUL. 1. When the earth is shaken to convulsion, 2. And the earth throws up her burden (from within) 3. And man will cry: “What is the matter with her?” 4. On that day will she declare her tidings. 5. For that thy Lord will have given her inspiration. 6. On that day will men proceed in companies sorted out , to be shown the deeds that they(had done). 7. Then shall anyone who has done an atom’s weight of good, see it. 8. Then shall anyone who has done an atom’s weight of evil, see it. 1. It’s mentioned in the Qur’an Surah Baqarah, Chapter 2, Verse 28 “How can ye reject the faith in Allah? Seeing that ye were without life, And He gave you life; Then will He cause you to die, And will again bring you to life; And again to Him Will ye return”. In Islam a human being comes into this world only once and after he dies, he is again resurrected on the day of judgement and depending upon the deeds he has done he will either dwell in heaven i.e. Paradise or in hell. 2. This life is the test for the here after It’s mentioned in the Qur’an Surah Al Mulk, Chapter 67, Verse 2 “He who created Death and Life, that He May try which of you is best in deed; and He is the exalted in Might, oft forgiving. This life that we lead in this world is a test for the here after. If we follow the commandment of the creator Almighty Allah and we pass the test, We shall enter Paradise i.e. Eternal Bliss. If you do not follow the commandments of our creator and fail the test then we shall be put into Hell. 1.Full Recompense on the Day of Judgement It’s mentioned in the Qur’an Surah Ali Imran, Chapter 3, Verse 185

“Every soul shall have a taste of death And only on the Day of Judgement shall you be paid your full recompense. Only he who is saved far from the fire and admitted to the Garden will have attained the object (of life). For the life of this world is but goods and chattels of deception”. 2.Paradise – Al-Jannah Al-Jannah i.e. Paradise is a place of Perpetual bliss, in Arabic it literally means the Garden. The Qur’an describes the Jannah in great detail, such as Paradise, underneath which rivers run. It contains rivers of milk unchanging in flavor and rivers of honey purified. In it is fruit of every kind. No fatigue shall be fell neither shall they hear idle talk. There shall be no cause of sin except Peace and Peace. 3.Hell – Jahannam Hell is a place of torment where the people undergo suffering most often described as fire, a fire whose fuel is men and stones. 4.Purnjanam is not cycle of Rebirth but life after death. The common word used for the Doctrine of Rebirth is ‘Punarjanam’. In Sanskrit Punar or Puna means ‘next time’ or ‘again’ and Janam means ‘life’. Therefore Punarjanam means next life or the life here after. It does not mean coming to life again and again. Most of the reference for Punarjanam in the other Hindu Scriptures besides the Vedas if read keeping life hereafter in mind including the quotation of Bhagavad Gita and Upanishad it give us a concept of next life or life again but not life again and again. This concept of Rebirth again and again was developed later on after the vedic period to rationalize the indifferences found in different individuals at birth and different surrounding in which people live. Since the creator Almighty can not be unjust. Islam has a rational answer to this which we shall discuss later Insha Allah. 5.Life after death in the Vedas a. It is mentioned in Atharvaveda, Book 6, Hymn 122, Verse 3.

“O both of you, start to accomplish it; make determined effort to accomplish it. Those having unflinching faith attain this abode of happiness. Whatever ripe offerings you have made in fire of sacrifice may both, the husband and wife, stand united to guard them with care”. 6.Hell-Nark in the vedas Nark or Hell is also described in the Vedas and the Sanskrit word used is ‘Narakasthanam’. It is mentioned in Rigveda, Book 4, Hymn 5, Verse 4 “May the bounteous fire-divine, consume them with his fiercely glowing sharp jaws like flames, who disregard the commandments and steadfast laws of most venerable (profoundly honored) and sagacious (knowledgeable) lord”.

Qur’an Surah Ale Imran Ch. 3 V. 185 “ Every soul shall have a taste of death. And only on the Day of Judgement shall you be paid your full recompense. Only he who is saved far from the fire and admitted to the Garden will have attained the object (of life) : for the life of this world is but goods and chattels of deception.” Bible Gospel of John Ch.5 V. 20 to 29 The Hour Verily Verily I say unto you the Hour is coming. Also about the Resurrection of life. “Marvel not at this for The Hour is coming in which all that are in the grace shall hear His voice and shall come forth, They shall have done good unto the Resurrection of

life and they have done evil unto the Resurrection of examination”

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