Day 9 - Pronouns Exercise

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 476
  • Pages: 3
1) Replace the expressions in bold by pronouns: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Mark is very tall. Our parents told you and I a lie. I love this cake. Jane and Paul saw Lucy, but Lucy didn’t see Jane and Paul. I don’t like my aunt.

2) Second exercise. Numbers 1 to 5 are examples. 1. Tell him not to forget his ticket. She mustn’t forget hers either. 2. They have two of their houses in this street, and the house on the corner is also theirs . 3. Yes, he has lost his pen, perhaps you can lend him yours . 4. Come to our place with some of your friends and let’s have a big party! 5. Rose is very jealous, so you’d better not talk to her boyfriend again. Explicación: Los adjetivos posesivos van seguidos de un nombre: mi casa, tus libros... etc. Son: my, your, his, her, its, our, your, their. Los pronombres posesivos sustituyen a un nombre que se conoce o presupone: los nuestros, la suya… etc. Son mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours, yours, theirs. Now choose the right option. 1 Jody has lost ________ book. mine her hers theirs 2 Junko has eaten her lunch already, but I'm saving ________ until later. hers her my mine 3 This bird has broken ________ wing. it's its' hers

its 4 Was ________ grammar book expensive? your yours your's you 5 My telephone is out of order, but ________ is working. your our his their 6 ________ computer is a Mac, but ________ is a PC. Your, mine Yours, mine Your, my Yours, my 7 We gave them ________ telephone number, and they gave us ________. ours, their our, their ours, theirs our, theirs 8 ________ pencil is broken. Can I borrow ________? Mine, yours Your, mine My, yours Yours, mine 9 These grammar books are different. ________ has 278 pages, but ________ has only 275. Yours, mine Your, my Yours, my Your, mine 10 You can't have any chocolate! It's all ________! your its her ours

3) Numbers 1 to 3 are examples. Note that: He’s a friend of mine. = He’s one of my friends. 1. She wants you to return a book of hers that you borrowed a few months ago. 2. She wants to know if you have seen a book of hers lying about somewhere. 3. You said you would introduce me to that friend of yours who has a house to sell. Now translate into English. 1. Juego al tenis con un amigo mío. 2. Ella es amiga mía y yo soy amiga de ella. 3. Mis padres se fueron de vacaciones con amigos suyos. 4. Éste había sido uno de sus sueños desde pequeña. 5. No es asunto tuyo lo que yo haga en mi tiempo libre. Extra: go to Extra: go to

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