Daughters Of The Sun

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Daughters of The Sun/Son As received by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

Mary Magdalene speaks Daughters of the Light, daughters of the Heart, my daughters of the Grail you have opened me up to see parts of myself that live within Deep within you, Parts of myself that I too still need to heal. For even in the light of Light so much continues to evolve. I thank you for mirroring to me my heart as you go through your own personal openings. You are daughters of the Sun/Son. You are daughters of the Holy Encodings. you hold within you, a message that is meant for earth to hear.. A message that is encoded by holy letters in the inner workings of your humanness. A message that you can only read from the inside out. I ask you now beautiful daughters of the Grail, to imagine yourself standing in the center of a temple when you once were part of the Order of the Magdalene. The Magdalene was an Order of the sacred feminine. Imagine now that you are standing as the beautiful, youthful divine goddess that you are. Your physical body is as a luminous temple. Stand in the center and look at the walls of your inner temple. There are glyphs and sacred writings, hidden within alcoves and inserts of earth. Imagine reaching for a place within yourself that holds the sacred encoded text. In your mind and thoughts Place your hands and your third eye upon the sacred text that lives on the walls. Now move your heart to it, let your heart beat with it. It is your heartbeat that will awaken the truths inherent within. Just like the sacred temples around your world, there is documentation of who and what came before, of those that came from the stars and other spaces in time. In your Biblical text, your body is referred to as a temple. you have forgotten that your body is a room of light made physical, a room that holds sacred memories, a place that you keep the treasures of truth. Whenever you had to hide and secret something that was ancient you placed it on your flesh. You physically integrated the sacred encodings on some level. Some of you

placed the ashes of the sacred scrolls into oil and rubbed them upon your energy points. Even the scent of that time found in some essential oils brings forth memories to this day. You have this order of Magdalene encoded within you. In this incarnation you chose DNA remembrance from your parents, places where you have walked, places where you have visited, texts you have read etc; in order to accumulate and activate this ancient knowledge. Take a deep breath now breathe in what is Magdalene to you. Breathe in your belief in me. Breathe in the deep love that you once had for one another. Breathe in the ancient truths that we recited together. All of it is available to you daughters of the Grail, daughters of the Light. In the next few years sacred encoding will be experienced by you. It may come in a dream, through a book, it may come through a tattoo, but it seeks you as much as you seek it. It has never forgotten what you smell like. It has never forgotten what you look like. It has never forgotten the sound of your voice. For the one thing that has stayed the same incarnation after incarnation has been the vibration within your voice. That is the reason that sometimes people are repelled by your voice and sometimes others are hypnotized by your voice for it has always been your calling card, your energy signature, and your activation sound. Do not let anything stop you as your heart moves towards remembering from the inside out. Each day go into that internal light temple and sit and look. When you visit those lands of ancient thought, I will be there in one form or another.

You Have Never Been Separated From What You Are And What You Are Destined To Do as received by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan I am she who comes upon the wings of angels. I am she who beats in the heart of a mother that worries deeply about her child. I am she who picks up the wounded from their life and lifts them until their wings can spread into fullness as they fly into peace. I am known as Mary of Magdalena.

In the days of old, many of you were in the Sacred Order of Magdalena. It was not a last name. It was a title. It was a crown. It was a knowing. It was held sacred in the Essene community when Joshua/Christ walked among men. I gather with you in heart and intent. In my time of living I endured much hate that was placed upon my being because of my position and training. I endured arrows of poisons that came from the eyes of others. I endured angry words. I stood high in my Light and the sacred teachings of my order. I did not trip upon my path but kept a strong heart of love. I did not beg for mercy for I knew that I stood in a light so grand and so beautiful that nothing could cause distress or cracks in my world, in my heart, in my knowing. I saw my light as solid, not as filaments that waft and weave in every breeze, in every situation, in every confrontation, but solid as a mantle. Each day as you awaken to the grace of God/Goddess, in the first breath as you spring forth from the realms of sleep, solidify the light that you are. you penetrate Earth and Heaven with a column of light. You anchor and seal it with every prayer. It is this grand light that you must daily solidify with your words and intent. Solidify the light from the very heart of the Mother Earth up through your feet, through your body, into the very first source of love. Your everydayness strips you naked of your divinity. It pecks upon your body as vultures that cannot wait for the kill. You allow all of life to delete you.... Demanding, screaming as a child that wants to be breast-fed and the milk has dried up. When you allow life to suckle upon you, when you allow it to take your very breath, to take your very heart beat and your peace, you do all that is holy an injustice. All of life depends upon you holding the realm of the sacred. Whether you embark into the realm of magical or camp in the place of holy – it matters not for without you, it is just a planet that intends to destroy itself. Women of the Light walk forward as a solidified Light, a Holy Entourage, of what cannot be dissolved, of what cannot be taken away, of what cannot be killed, or obstructed. Your Mother Earth depends upon you -- for the heart does not beat pure in many that hold power in their hands. You must see yourself anchored, solidified, locked, and sealed from the center of the heart of Earth through your own heart up to the heart of the Creator. Remember this light cannot be dissolved by anything or anybody. Not, by fear, by anger, or injustice. Women of Earth -- no matter what color, creed, size or age or country -- stand up and solidify your light. Do not bend and cry and pray. For you are all that you seek, and it can be no other

way! Visualize the light solidified, peace solidified love solidified! See the weaving that the weavers of light create. See it as the very fabric of all that was once holy and has been forgotten. You have forgotten that you are the core of heaven on earth. You have forgotten to solidify the love that you are the beauty that you are the peace that you are the light and hope that you are. You have let everything enter your womb because you thought you were to take it in, ingest it, and heal it. I am Mary Magdalena as you are each of the Order of Magdalena, Secret Priestesses that know the elements, that know the land, that know man, that know woman, that know animal, that know God. Your connection has never ended nor can it. You have never been separated from what you are and what you are destined to do. You have just forgotten that all tools for this re-creation of Heaven on Earth are already housed within you. Believe it and it is so.

SWEEP IN FRONT OF YOUR OWN PORCH FIRST As received by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan Within the realm of all probabilities is where you breathe, where you think, where you believe. Within the realm of all possibilities is where you sit, where you weave, where you sculpt, where you predesign, and re-design. You hold the key to every doorway within all existences. You hold the key to all the gifts that the Gods yearn to bring to you. You hold the key to all the distress that you yearn to receive. You hold the keys to the hard learning’s, the easy learning’s, the ups, the downs, and the in-betweens of the staircase of self. It is you dear ones that procreate, recreate, un-create, and create for yourself on all levels of time, of thought, and of experience. You are the grand design that you yearn for, you are the prosperity that you seek, and you are the love in your life that you pray for. Only then will you come into the fulfillment of a promise to all levels of self, probable, dimensional, past, present, and future. Underlining all of the design that you have sculpted for yourself are reasons. Reasons that you create chaotic relationships. Reasons that you limit your receiving, and your spending. Until you understand the reasons for what you do to yourself you will continue in the cycles of destruction and disruption. Understand that your design is holy and hope-fully created. You are not designed on the whim of a Creator that knows not what they are sketching weaving or sewing together as a Raggedy Ann or a Raggedy Andy. You are designed creatively and create-fully on

purpose, with purpose, in purpose. There is nothing about you that is haphazard. You sat with the Creator of All That Is and you designed this life, this body, this hair color, this face, these organs, this illness, this desire, this love, and this sadness. As you stepped into the physical body, birthed through the tunnel of Love within your Mother, you stood wide-eyed at this conjunction of time and space looking at everything with delight, not censoring your experience until you were told “NO” over and over again. Believing in the magic of life until you were told that you could not fly, you could not swim as a dolphin. Until you were told you were not invisible, that you could be seen. Until you were told love hurts, life disappoints. Then you looked at this beautiful world with tears in your eyes and you cried. In sadness you then turned away from the harsh world of reality and sculpted your truths in silence. You sculpted your imagination; you sculpted time, you swam in and out of daydreams, and fanciful thoughts. You told no one about the visions, the visitations, the fairies, the angels. Some of you gave in to the world and lost hope, telling your little brother or sister, “Santa does not exist. Christmas is a lie. Fairies are not real” Popping the bubble of everyone that still believed. As you spoke these things you felt a pain in your heart that went deep into your soul. As an adult you allow the corporations and the conglomerations of your world to pop your bubbles. You allow declarations of government and people that are supposedly in charge to pop your bubbles. Deep inside your heart you still believe in the magic of life. Do not believe in what is external for it is fleeting, and momentarily will be gone. One day your news announces this and the next day it becomes invisible to be found no where in paper or print. Where has it gone? Did it un-create itself in the night? You are a being of such vast power beyond your ability to remember. Each thought that you have represents a nuclear explosion of self. Seventeen (17) seconds of that thought gives to you a new creation that you are designing specifically for yourself. Do not worry if no one chooses to create a place of harmony and love and opulence. They will when their eyes are opened from the long sleep of denial. They will when they are ready to change their world of hate into a world of love. In the meantime keep sweeping in front of your own porch before you worry about others. Keep designing and sculpting a world that you believe in, a world that is full of love, a world that is full of medical miracles, a world where all people tell the truth even if it is not comfortable. A world that is filled with possibilities and probabilities that goes beyond your imagination. That world begins with your thoughts and your belief. When you believe there is a cure for cancer, there is. When you believe there is world peace, there is. It does not matter if you

see it broadcast on your televisions. All cameras point to a single event and capture that moment, but what about all the rest of that minute, all the good that is happening that is not caught on tape? It is up to you to believe that each time you see a dramatic event on your media that something wonderful is happening around the corner around the bend behind the cameraman. Human nature is inherently good and kind do not let anything take that thought away from you. You need to keep believing that peace comes one person at a time, that light is birthed one thought at a time, that the heart heals one love at a time. LOVE just for the heck it. LOVE just because you can. Dissolve all the chaotic patterns and violence of what has been shown to you by every picture on every TV screen as world upheaval. You have the ability to shift the future and focus on the good in the world instead of the media captured darkness. Release all that does not serve Love. Release all that does not fit into the future that you seek from the bottom, the top, and the center of your heart for you must believe for it to be birthed. Start this belief within yourself and your patterns of thinking and then as an ocean that knows no beach, it will loose it boundaries, it will loose its shores and it will become more. We are a Council of Light that lives deep within the spaciousness of the Milky Way Galaxy. We live on the other side of the super galactic center within a Black Hole. We move through these black holes and use them as mouth pieces to amplify what we know to be truth. We broadcast this truth throughout your Milky Way into the cells and the solar sun and beyond the Event Horizon. Words do not describe what our Event is for we are an event that believes in itself as you are destined to be an Event that believes in yourself. We leave you at this point and intersection of time and space and thought.


I am Pleiadian of origin. I am feminine of nature and I am love as are you. My energy, my light and my truth is needed at this time and at this place. You will feel my presence as I touch you for you all are contained within my heart as we speak light to light, heart to heart, and truth to truth.

It is important for you as humans to see the beauty in your life, in your day, and in your physical being. You spill so much life force being angry at the way you look the way your life has been, and the cards that you have been dealt. You look at each other with pointed thoughts and sharp words. Your eyes go green and your heart grows cold as you view another who has obtained a little more light, a little more beauty, and a little more prosperity – not because they were born with it, but because they have the gift and ability to see those beautiful qualities in others. The only way to claim your beauty, your wealth, your health, and your love is to see it in others. For the world mirrors your own reflection. If you do not feel worthy and prosperous, you see that in your own reflection. It is important to address and see the magic of someone winning your lottery games. Congratulate them energetically and send them love as they have energetically earned this monetary gift. See your stockmarket balancing itself rising in value. See the true energetic value of your home and your car. Do not focus on depreciation but instead focus on appreciation. Allow what you have ownership of to gain value through you. You receive value when you see the value of others. You gain your beauty when you see the beauty of others. You gain wealth when you rejoice in the good fortune of others. For their good fortune means that your good fortune is right around the next corner, the next thought. Every minute of every day you too shall be blessed if you quietly bless others. When you see others around you falling deeply in love you too have the opportunity to fall in love or gain love in a marriage that has been sinking in despair. The world reflects your every thought. If you are attracting those who are down in the dumps, sad and desperate, look at your own vibration and make some corrections. Change the way you see the world and you will change yourself. Compliment others on their beauty. The inhabitants of Earth have stopped complimenting each other, honoring each other and it shows in earth's aura. Gain entrance to the kingdom of light through valuing everything on earth. Value your light and your life and the monumental creation that you are. You are a singular creation of the house of light. The Creator has never created another species like you. That is why you are given charge over the angels, because you are grand in preparation. You are grand in thought and the heart’s desires of the Creator are placed within your body mind and spirit. Everything the earth experiences you experience as well. You often feel so small and paralyzed, with fear. You feel like ants and the cosmic aardvark is out to get you. Look at the great quest that the ants are upon. They keep

many of you running around pulling your hair out as you battle them day after day season after season. They outwit you time after time. Do you see how Something so small in mass can make a difference if they join together in one thought and intent. Your destiny is greater than any other creation upon earth. It is time to prepare your heart to receive more love. A love that is so deep and so big that the sky is jealous for it has never seen such vastness. The palpitations within your heart are the breaking down the walls as the light proclaims "Set my people free. Set my love free. Let my light shine. It is time to Take down all walls and all separations, and let your light shine." On this eve I have gathered you into my heart and now we are one again

COSMIC COAGULATION received by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan I am the essence, the Blessing, the music of SHEKINAH. That which dwells in the house of Light. I come on the winds of time to allow you entrance into knowledge that goes beyond self and memory. Within what is known and unknown as the Holy Spirit, there are many dimensional descriptions. There are many doorways, and interdimensional truths. Humanity believes that the Holy Spirit is but one being. There is a great-pronounced diversification that lives within the house and dwelling of Holy Spirit. Each of you holds within you the personal breath of God. I come on this day to breathe that memory back into you. You each live within the out-breath of God. God breathed you into existence and the flesh that you are now. With The first breath that a baby takes, the Holy Spirit enters the child in fullness. The Holy Spirit does not dwell within the fetus during gestation. The Holy Spirit energy is an imprint, an encoding that is held by each individual on their journey through life. On the death of the individual, the last breath, the Holy Spirit is released back to Source. It is a separate and different being than the spirit of the individual, but often when death occurs they leave as a two-fold light. God inhales you back onto and into original light. You all ride the inhale, the wave of contraction back into a point of explosive expansion. As the universe inhales you each and every day a little more and a little more, you are being released of toxins, negativity's, angers, blocks and memories that no longer serve your soul’s evolution and soul’s purpose. When you sleep your spirit exits the body and the physical biological unit is left to fend for itself with the help of a few large angelic beings. The spirit is connected by a chord of light and can always come back during any emergency.

When you leave in spirit, when you slumber, no matter what time of day you move eloquently and easily and effortlessly onto the higher realms where you exist simultaneously. Even during the day you tarry off to the higher realms via the vehicle of day dreaming. At the time of Easter the Creator will take a very deep breath. Releasing within you several levels of psychic, mental, and physical debris. The universe is cleansing many layers of your being, loosening and redistributing blocks so that can easily be dismissed on the next inhale of the Creator. In other words, all that is solid and dank and dark within you is breathed loving and exquisitely by the prime creator back into itself. The angers that have been keeping you down and stagnant will be lifted. The reason for the heaviness of self as of late has to do with the many portions of you that have gathered as a depository. They migrate to a magnetic point in your physical body. From this magnetic point, they will exit and be sent to Prime Creator. Not only will this be experienced within the physical body, but it will also be experienced within the planetary body, the planetary emotional body, and the planetary memory body. For Earth herself will be lifted out of the ever clinging memory of the tar pit of death and annihilation that has happened throughout time. The Prime Creator, the Universe will escort this back into original source to be purified recycled and used again. The Creator is taking the thickness of the energies and birthing new universes. The atomic structure of light shifts in nature the universe is taking from the quantum debris of man, the thickest and darkest of stuff and bringing it home to the light allow it to form into a pure element that is beyond your measure of beauty. With this knowing allow this cosmic coagulation to happen within your body. You may have pains that come and go in the body, in the heart memories, in the heaviness of all emotion, but it gathers to be birthed anew into a new universe. So the very fabric of your being and all that you have been through time after time as well as all Mother Earth has endured, will be birthed into beautiful cellular structures of baby light and beginning life in another part of God, and you will be part of that. It takes more molecules to create anger, than it does a joy. It takes more molecules to hold disease within a body than it does to hold love. All that is holy is very light and non-fattening. I ask you to allow the Creator to breathe you in deeply. Feel yourself being lifted by this holy breath. Allow the out breath to bring you into the expansion that you so seek. As all of this is happening you may find a lightness of head and vertigo of nature. You may find emotional surges come forth to you in great tears and fears. You will feel the presence of the holy ones as they stand by your side. You will be

alleviated of what has stuck to your soul as tar and feathers for so many existences. I am SHEKINAH, I leave on the winds of light

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