Datenblatt Lotus Webaccess 7

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Integrate people and business processes with browser-based access to messaging, collaboration and PIM capabilities

IBM Lotus Domino Web Access 7 Deliver Lotus Notes and Lotus Domino

whether they are using their own

capabilities on the Web

workstations, Internet kiosks or PCs

Whether at home, traveling or using

that belong to other users. You can

■ Leverages the latest Web

shared workstations, your employees

provide your mobile workforce with

browser technologies to

require flexible, fast access to corpo-

offline capabilities that expand their

access industry-leading

rate and personal information to make

access to key information and appli-

e-mail, calendar, personal

better decisions and collaborate more

cations, so they can maintain a high

information management (PIM)

effectively — and, ultimately, make

level of productivity.

and collaboration capabilities

your business more responsive while


■ Supports a variety of Web browser options — on Microsoft

Help save time and money with new

saving time and money.

levels of scalability and performance IBM Lotus Domino Web Access 7

Speed response times on your

software provides a feature-rich Web

servers and workstations. The Lotus

client for IBM Lotus Domino server

Domino Web Access 7 mail template

software — IBM’s reliable, enterprise-

has been engineered to increase

ownership and enhance

class messaging and collaboration

server scalability and use fewer

productivity through high

platform — that is built to improve

server resources to help boost perfor-

performance and rapid,

user and administrator productivity

mance on workstations and servers.

no-touch deployment — with

and to help reduce your total cost

a minimal need for training

of ownership.

Windows, on Linux and now on Apple Macintosh systems ■ Helps reduce total cost of



Using NotesBench workloads, performance metrics demonstrate that

■ Provides a security-rich environment to help protect business-critical information

With Lotus Domino Web Access

Lotus Domino 7 server can support

software, you can equip your

up to 50 percent more Lotus Domino Web Access users on the same

employees with capabilities similar to those included in IBM Lotus Notes


server hardware as Version 6.5.x, with

client software, delivered through

up to a 20 percent reduction in CPU

a Web browser. Employees can

usage.1 With client-side performance

send encrypted rich text e-mail,

enhancements in Versions 6.5.4 and

schedule meetings, manage tasks

7, users have reported an improved

and collaborate with colleagues —

response time of up to 40 percent.2

Collaborate with ease, using integrated

Improve usability with an enhanced

few recipients or one of many recipi-

instant messaging

user interface

ents. With limited time to respond to

Allow employees to see who’s avail-

In response to user feedback, IBM

e-mail messages, you can use this

able for real-time collaboration,

has enhanced the user interface in

new feature to rapidly identify which

without having to switch applications.

Lotus Domino Web Access 7 soft-

messages may be more likely to

Lotus Domino Web Access 7 software

ware. Presence awareness icons

require your immediate attention. This

can provide visual indicators that

appear next to colleague names.

can help your employees to be more

show presence awareness —

Menus are available in more places

responsive and your organization to

wherever a contact name appears

on the screen and can be displayed

be more productive.

in the in-box, calendar and address

in cascaded style. And at the top of

book. For example, employees using

the screen, a graphical status bar

Act quickly to increase efficiency and

Lotus Domino Web Access for

displays the percentage of your mail

responsiveness on daily tasks

e-mail can immediately initiate online

quota you have used.

Help employees save time and manage their daily tasks more effi-

conversations by simply clicking on any live name in their in-boxes. Users

With Lotus Domino Web Access 7

ciently with enhanced calendar and

have a similar capability when using

software, you can sort your in-box by

mail capabilities. Features offered

their Web browsers to work with team

subject and use attention indicators

by Lotus Domino Web Access 7

discussion and reference database

to help prioritize your mail messages.

software include:

application templates supplied with

Attention indicators are visual cues

Lotus Domino software.3

that indicate whether you are the only recipient of a message, one of a

• A single-click follow-up function that makes it easy to mark an e-mail message to indicate further action is warranted. • Quick mail rules that allow you to let Lotus Domino Web Access software automatically process e-mail that meets specified criteria — by deleting it, changing its priority or moving it to a folder. Using advanced mail and calendar features delivered through a Web browser, Lotus Domino Web Access 7 software users can: • View mail threads from within a message. • Create personalized stationery to use when composing e-mail.

Lotus Domino Web Access 7 software provides an enhanced user interface to help improve user productivity.

• Easily include attachments in messages.

Lotus Domino Web Access software

Deploy and manage Lotus Domino Web

can help protect your enterprise

Access software with ease

security standards from being com-

Deliver collaborative services to

promised, even when your employees

your employees with rapid, no-touch

use public or shared devices. Even if

deployment. With an intuitive Web-

support Messaging Application

the user forgets to press the logoff

based interface, Lotus Domino Web

Programming Interface (MAPI), such

button, the system can be set up

Access software can help you reduce

as Microsoft ® Office software.

to run the security-related functions

or avoid training costs typically asso-

of a logoff when the last browser

ciated with deploying dedicated Lotus

window is closed. The standard logoff

Domino workstations. Plus, enhanced

button in Lotus Domino Web Access

capabilities in Version 7 help make

software can clear the browser cache

administration and management

• Forward non-mail objects such as calendar entries and contacts. • Delete a message and continue to the next item in the in-box. • Send mail from applications that

• Save in-process meeting invitations as drafts. • Import country-specific corporate holidays.

and the system’s temporary files

even easier. For example, administra-

Plus, administrators can control

directory so that user data is not

tors can easily track usage of Lotus

user access to attachments, rooms,

left behind.

Domino Web Access clients on their

resources and online meetings.4 Protect your enterprise with leadingedge security features

Lotus Domino servers. Choose the operating system that’s right for your business

Empower teams with Web-based access

Provide employees with access to

When you run software on a Web

to information, while addressing costs

rich messaging and collaborative

To become more productive, employ-

browser, security features matter.

functionality from an even wider

ees require fast, intuitive access to

Lotus Domino Web Access software

variety of Web browsers. Lotus

the right information — combined with

supports a variety of authentication

Domino Web Access 7.0.2 software

effective collaboration and communi-

options as well as encryption and

supports the Firefox 1.0.x and 1.5

cation capabilities. IBM Lotus Domino

digital signatures. And it provides

Web browsers from the Mozilla

an active content filter to help protect

Corporation (on Microsoft Windows ,

flexible, function-rich, browser-based

against potentially malicious content

Linux and Apple Macintosh systems),

messaging and collaboration client

embedded an an e-mail message.

in addition to the Mozilla 1.7.x browser

solution your employees need to

for Linux systems and the Microsoft

efficiently manage business-critical

Internet Explorer browser for

information, online or offline. And it

Windows systems.

provides no-touch deployment to

Lotus Domino Web Access software supports reading, creating, digitally signing and verifying signatures

Web Access 7 software delivers the ®



help lower training, administration and

of Lotus Notes software-based

For supported Linux technology-

encrypted mail messages. Ver-

based Web browsers, Lotus Domino

sion 7 includes additional security

Web Access 7 software provides new

options and enhanced support for

For more information

features such as drag-and-drop con-

To learn more about IBM Lotus

Internet standards such as Secure

venience, an enhanced user interface

Domino Web Access 7 software, visit:

Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions

for attachments and offline scheduled

(S/MIME). Users can read, encrypt,

synchronization. Plus, for the first time

sign and verify signatures using

with Lotus Domino Web Access 7.0.2

Internet (X.509) certificates.

software, Macintosh users can access rich messaging and collaborative functionality right from their desktops.

deployment costs.

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2006


1 The tests were performed using the NotesBench R6iNotes workload, defined by the table below. For more information, please visit www.notes Actions every 90 minutes

R6iNotes workload

Open in-box


Read message


Delete message


Add message to in-box

2 (100KB average)

Send message to three recipients

2 (100KB average)

Send invitation to three recipients




Close in-box


Lotus Software IBM Software Group One Rogers Street Cambridge, MA 02142 U.S.A. Produced in the United States of America 09-06 All Rights Reserved

2 For more details, please read the IBM developerWorks article, Lotus Domino Web Access client performance improvements, at ®

3 A Lotus Domino Web Access software license entitles the user to access these discussion and document library application templates. These are distinct application templates with their own Web user interface, independent of the Lotus Domino Web Access 7 template. 4 Use of integrated Web conferencing features requires a separate license of IBM Lotus Sametime® or IBM Lotus Web Conferencing software. 5 Integrated instant messaging, offline support and local archiving features are not supported on the Apple Macintosh platform. Instant messaging capabilities are available to Macintosh users with separately licensed IBM Lotus Sametime software.

IBM, the IBM logo, developerWorks, Domino, Lotus, Lotus Notes, Notes and Sametime are trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation in the United States, other countries or both. Microsoft and Windows are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States, other countries or both. Linux is a trademark of Linus Torvalds in the United States, other countries or both. Other company, product and service names may be trademarks or service marks of others. The information contained in this documentation is provided for informational purposes only. While efforts were made to verify the completeness and accuracy of the information contained in this documentation, it is provided “as is” without warranty of any kind, express or implied. In addition, this information is based on IBM’s current product plans and strategy, which are subject to change by IBM without notice. IBM shall not be responsible for any damages arising out of the use of, or otherwise related to, this documentation or any other documentation. Nothing contained in this documentation is intended to, nor shall have the effect of, creating any warranties or representations from IBM (or its suppliers or licensors), or altering the terms and conditions of the applicable license agreement governing the use of IBM software.


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