Datenblatt Lotus Domino 7

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Boost user and IT efficiency with collaborative applications deployed on a security-rich, high-performance platform

IBM Lotus Domino 7 Increase efficiency with a feature-rich

Version 7 of Lotus Domino software

messaging and collaboration platform

simplifies administration and expands

When you’re faced with shrinking bud-

support for industry standards, so you

gets, smaller staffs and rapid changes

can implement and administer collab-

on your choice of a variety

in your business environment, you must

orative applications more efficiently.

of hardware platforms and

find ways to leverage existing applica-

Enhanced performance and improved

operating systems

tion and IT assets to help reduce costs.

server scalability mean you can deploy

And to help increase responsiveness

messaging and collaboration solutions

and productivity, you need to facilitate

using fewer resources. And advanced

collaboration among employees,

security and mail management features

customers, partners and suppliers.

can help you control information access


■ Provides flexibility — deploy

■ Makes it possible to improve server performance by supporting more users with fewer resources ■ Helps reduce time and cost to

and limit unwanted mail. Take your collaboration capabilities

deploy and manage software

far beyond messaging. IBM Lotus®

Extend the reach of applications

by providing advanced

Domino® server software includes

Continue to leverage your invest-

administration features

integrated messaging and directory

ments in infrastructure and skills,

services that provide world-class

while extending your collaboration

e-mail, calendar and scheduling

solutions. Lotus Domino software is

capabilities, discussion databases

known for backward compatibility

and address books in a unified, easy-

and smooth upgrades. Greater sup-

to-manage architecture. With Lotus

port for open standards and Web

Domino software you can build and

services in Version 7 lets you reuse

run collaborative solutions — such as

Lotus Domino application investments

project management tracking and

over a much broader domain. You

DB2 Universal Database

customer support processes — that

can extend existing Lotus Domino

software as a data store to

can help your organization be more

applications to include Java™ Platform,

consolidate Lotus Domino

responsive and productive.

Enterprise Edition (Java EE) frameworks

■ Leverages Web services and open standards to extend existing IBM Lotus Domino applications to RSS feeds and to Java EE and Microsoft .NET environments ■ Offers the option to use IBM

enterprise data


and Microsoft® .NET environments.

With Lotus Domino 7.0.2 software, you can make information in a Lotus Domino database accessible through Really Simple Syndication (RSS) services. You’ll be able to more efficiently publish frequently revised material, such as announcements, press releases, policy updates and alerts. Other new capabilities in Version 7.0.2 allow you to use Lotus Domino software as a corporate server for Web logs (blogs) — online journals that allow users to actively collaborate with colleagues, customers and suppliers about projects, proposals or new products. You can customize the look and feel of your blog — without technical expertise or application development software — and post blog entries and

By simply filling out a form, a Lotus Domino 7.0.2 software administrator can make Lotus Domino databases accessible via RSS readers and news aggregators.

comments using Lotus Notes® soft-

Make the most of your IT infrastructure

and without becoming dependent on

ware or a Web browser.

Use the infrastructure you already have.

specific hardware or software. You

With Lotus Domino software, you have

also can choose the client access that

a choice of hardware platforms and

is right for your infrastructure environ-

operating systems, including a number

ment and needs. In addition to the

of 64-bit options. This gives you the

Lotus Notes client, you can use a Web

flexibility to deploy your messaging

browser client, an Internet client or a

and collaboration infrastructure without

supported mobile device. And you

overhauling your entire environment

can even opt to use Microsoft, Linux® or Apple Macintosh workstations.

Support more users with improved

Facilitate administration and minimize

performance and scalability

software deployment costs

Typically with Lotus Domino 7 software,

Server downtime costs money and

you can support more users with fewer

hinders productivity. You need a solid

server and network resources. A Lotus

server infrastructure that enables reli-

Domino 7 server can use up to 25 per-

able access to the applications and

cent fewer CPU resources than a Lotus

information your employees need to

Domino 6.5 server, and Lotus Domino 7

do their jobs effectively. Version 7

software can support up to 80 percent

offers new diagnostic tools and auto-

more NotesBench mail users on the

nomic capabilities to complement

same server hardware — as indicated

high-availability features such as

by performance metrics from the IBM

advanced clustering.


development lab. If you can consolidate

IBM Lotus Domino server software options • Version 7 runs on IBM AIX ®, IBM i5/OS ®, IBM z/OS ®, select Linux options, Microsoft Windows® 2000, Windows 2003 and Sun Solaris platforms. • Version 7.0.2 adds support for Windows 2003 Server R2 Standard x64 Edition and Enterprise x64 Edition, and both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Novell SUSE Enterprise Linux 10 software.

more users onto the same hardware,

Lotus Domino software includes

you can often reduce your total cost

powerful tools to manage your infra-

of ownership in both hardware costs

structure from a central location. By

per user and administration costs. You

automating repetitive administration

can also get a performance boost

tasks, simplifying user management

from enhanced support of Lightweight

and improving client deployment

IBM Lotus Domino software client access options

Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) in

and configuration, you can save valu-

• IBM Lotus Notes client software

Lotus Domino 7 software.

able time and focus on more critical

on Microsoft Windows, Macintosh

tasks. Version 7 offers some notable

or Linux desktops

Save costs by efficiently managing

enhancements, including those

network bandwidth utilization and

described here.

• Web browsers running on Microsoft Windows, Linux or Macintosh sys-

storage requirements. The network compression and streaming replication

Lotus Domino domain monitoring

capabilities of Lotus Domino software

Simplify administration and reduce

can help reduce the amount of data

monitoring and troubleshooting costs.

transmitted over your network. Native

Lotus Domino 7 software offers a new

attachment compression and shared

feature called Lotus Domino domain

design elements can help reduce

monitoring. This customizable tool

redundant storage requirements.

automates problem determination and analysis to help administrators assess the overall health of Lotus Domino servers in the enterprise and to locate problems that may need attention.

tems (using IBM Lotus Domino Web Access software) • Microsoft Outlook software (using IBM Lotus Domino Access for Microsoft Outlook software) • Internet clients based on Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) or Post Office Protocol (POP3) with an IBM Lotus Domino WebMail client access license • Supported mobile devices 3

When a problem is reported, the Lotus Domino domain monitoring feature suggests probable causes and provides possible solutions. It also displays any correlated events, letting administrators see whether the same problem has been reported on other servers. Using this tool, administrators can quickly resolve issues before they cause trouble, potentially saving time and money.

Lotus Domino activity trends Understand server health and predict future software and hardware needs. Lotus Domino 7 software incorporates an activity trends feature that was formerly delivered as a separate product, IBM Tivoli® Analyzer for

The Lotus Domino domain monitoring feature automates server monitoring and problem determination, giving administrators the opportunity to quickly identify and rectify issues before they can cause harm.

Lotus Domino software. This software technology provides data and statistics about user activity — vital information for administrators. And workload balancing and change management tools help keep your infrastructure running optimally.

With its robust and predictive analysis tools, the Lotus Domino activity trends feature provides administrators with valuable data and statistics about user activity.

Policy-based administration

A utility provided with Lotus Notes

IBM Lotus Notes and Lotus Domino 7

Easily set standards and enforce IT

and Domino 7.0.2 software allows

software also offers native support

policies across your organization with

administrators to prepare client

for Web services, including a Web ser-

Lotus Domino policy-based adminis-

installation kits that prepackage a

vices hosting environment based on

tration. Lotus Domino 7 software

Microsoft Windows account with

Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP).

includes the following improvements:

administrator privileges. Using this

The IBM Lotus Domino Designer® 7

utility, the Lotus Notes Smart Upgrade

development tool provides comple-

• Administrators have the option to

feature will be able to complete an

mentary enhancements such as a Web

lock down Lotus Notes desktop

upgrade even if the user desktop is

services design element and built-in

settings. Some companies choose

locked down to prevent the installation

support for Web Services Description

to prevent users from changing

of additional software.

Language (WSDL). Additional applica-

desktop settings in order to limit

tion development enhancements in

costs and time associated with

Extend Lotus Domino applications with

service support calls.

Web services and open standards

• Policies can be extended to include

Lotus Domino software supports a

Version 7.0.2 include: • Lotus Domino Extensible Markup

mail and calendar settings stored in

wide range of open standards, enabl-

Language (DXL) — support for

user mail files.

ing you to leverage the skills of your

outlines, shared columns, shared

development teams, extend the value

files and style sheets.

IBM Lotus Notes Smart Upgrade feature

of your existing applications and

Centrally manage the installation,

ment of new solutions:

facilitate the development and deploy-

configuration and status of a user’s • JavaServer Page (JSP) tags

using the IBM Lotus Notes Smart

• Java application programming interfaces (APIs) • JavaScript language

whether the Lotus Notes software

• Extensible Markup

ful, delayed or unsuccessful.

• HTML API — to convert Lotus ments to HTML. • MIME API — to directly manipulate data based on Multipurpose

notified through a mail-in database installation or upgrade was success-

Kit (JDK) 1.4.2 SR4. Notes forms, views and docu-

machine, without visiting the desktop, Upgrade feature. Administrators are

• Support for Java Development

Language (XML) • Microsoft Component Object Model (COM)

Internet Mail Extensions (MIME). The combination of these capabilities can help you easily extend and integrate your applications with other

Enhancements in Lotus Domino 7

systems — often with less time and

software include server cluster fail-

effort, and with existing skills.

over to switch the upgrade function to another server if the first is unavailable; a governor feature to limit the number of upgrades per hour; and reporting capabilities to identify which users have upgraded to which versions.

Lotus Domino 7.0.2 software extends the interoperability of mail as well as applications. When a Microsoft Exchange server sends a rich text message, Lotus Domino 7.0.2 software converts the Microsoft format called Transport Neutral Encapsulation Format (TNEF) into readable form. A Lotus Notes user can then read a rich text message from a Microsoft Outlook user. Use IBM DB2 Universal Database software as an optional data store With Lotus Domino 7 software, you can use IBM DB2 Universal Database™ software as an alternative data store to Lotus Notes storage facility (NSF) on a per-database basis on Microsoft Windows and IBM AIX operating systems.4 IBM DB2® software integration capabilities enable developers to build applications that blend collaborative services with structured query language (SQL)-based relational data stored in DB2 databases. Your company can consolidate its data within a common DB2 store and then integrate it with other applications, including

The Linux technology-based Web administration client extends the capabilities of your organization’s Linux environment by allowing administrators to deploy Lotus Domino software capabilities from a Mozilla Firefox or Mozilla browser on a Linux system.

Java EE applications. Using DB2

Leverage your Linux operating

software as an alternative data store

system environment

means you gain the following:

If your company runs a Linux operating system environment, you can

• DB2 access view — the ability to

take advantage of the enhanced Web

expose Lotus Domino data in a

administration client in Lotus Domino

relational format in a DB2 database

7 server software. The Web adminis-

and to work with that data from a

tration client now provides support

DB2 interface using SQL.

for select Linux systems while main-

• Query view — a new type of view that uses an SQL statement to define its selection criteria. The view can include data from DB2 software-enabled Lotus Notes databases or DB2 databases.5

taining the robust features found in previous releases.

Lotus Domino 7 software eliminates the

With Lotus Domino 7 software, you

For more information

need for a Microsoft Windows adminis-

can archive mail by date for stream-

To learn more about IBM Lotus

tration client in an infrastructure that has

lined mail management. Powerful

Domino 7 server software, visit:

Lotus Domino server software and

antispam features can help you man-

Lotus Domino Web Access clients all

age mass volumes of unwanted mail.

running on Linux technology. You can

And you can use private blacklists

also run Lotus Notes 7.0.1 software

and private and public whitelists. With

natively on a Linux workstation—without

message disclaimers, you can add

using virtualization software — for a

standard text at the end or beginning

complete messaging and collaboration

of every message that is sent through

environment on the Linux platform.

the Lotus Domino mail gateway.

Protect and manage your messaging

Extend collaboration capabilities and


protect your investments

You must control and protect your

IBM Lotus Domino 7 software can

messaging infrastructure if you seek

help your organization expand its

to provide your employees with an

collaboration capabilities while lever-

efficient, safe and robust collaboration

aging existing IT assets. With new and

platform. Lotus Domino 7 server soft-

advanced administrative, performance

ware offers enhanced security features,

and security features, Lotus Domino 7

including advanced security APIs and

software can help increase productiv-

the option to use stronger encryption

ity and lower total cost of ownership.

keys. Lotus Domino 7 software also

And native support for Web services,

improves Lotus Notes ID management.

integration with IBM DB2 Universal Database software and enhanced support for industry standards can help extend the reach of rapid application development and deployment.

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2006 Endnotes 1 Lotus Domino server software provides the foundation for application development (for example, Lotus connectors, objects and tags for Java programming and APIs). Use of an interactive application development environment requires the IBM Lotus Domino Designer development tool, licensed separately. 2 The tests were performed using the NotesBench R6Mail workload, defined by the table below. For more information, please visit Actions every 90 minutes

R6Mail workload

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3 Mobile access requires separately acquired software from IBM or IBM Business Partners. 4 Support for the option to use IBM DB2 Universal Database software as an alternative data store for Lotus Domino data is currently offered solely through a limited availability program. For more information, please visit 5 The creation of DB2 database access views and query views requires the IBM Lotus Domino Designer 7 development tool.

Lotus Software IBM Software Group One Rogers Street Cambridge, MA 02142 U.S.A. Produced in the United States of America 09-06 All Rights Reserved IBM, the IBM logo, AIX, DB2, DB2 Universal Database, Domino, Domino Designer, i5/OS, Lotus, Lotus Notes, Notes, Tivoli and z/OS are trademarks or registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation in the United States, other countries or both. Microsoft and Windows are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States, other countries or both. Java and all Java-based trademarks are trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the United States, other countries or both. Linux is a trademark of Linus Torvalds in the United States, other countries or both. Other company, product and service names may be trademarks or service marks of others. The information contained in this publication is provided for informational purposes only. While efforts were made to verify the completeness and accuracy of the information contained in this publication, it is provided AS IS without warranty of any kind, express or implied. In addition, this information is based on IBM’s current product plans and strategy, which are subject to change by IBM without notice. IBM shall not be responsible for any damages arising out of the use of, or otherwise related to, this publication or any other materials. Nothing contained in this publication is intended to, nor shall have the effect of, creating any warranties or representations from IBM or its suppliers or licensors, or altering the terms and conditions of the applicable license agreement governing the use of IBM software. References in these materials to IBM products, programs, or services do not imply that they will be available in all countries in which IBM operates. Product release dates and/or capabilities referenced in these materials may change at any time at IBM’s sole discretion based on market opportunities or other factors, and are not intended to be a commitment to future product or feature availability in any way.


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