Databases Mergers V2 Aug2007 Gc

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Mergers & Acquisitions INTRODUCTION: this is a guide to Portal databases and web sites that give you access to mergers and acquisitions information. NOTE: Recent research published in Online (Nov/Dec 2005)* suggests that the deal coverage of all products is deficient. To obtain a full list of deals involving a particular company you should search at least two products from this list i.e. SDC Platinum AND Capital IQ. In all databases there are problems associated with the indexing of industries, deal value and acquisition technique.

SECTION A: Portal databases M&A ACTIVITY 1) Thomson Deals The database provides an overview of M&A deals over a defined period. The data is categorised under the following headings Overview:

Announced Completed League tables Volume analysis

Announced/completed M&A volume, by month, over last 12 months Announced target industry and region comparison Top announced/completed over last 12 months Top announced/completed advisers Deals by date, target status, industry, region Deals by date, target status, industry, region Announced/completed by target region or regional/country involvement Announced/completed by time period, industry, region for year-todate, industry or region

2) Acquisitions Monthly

This periodical tables every month of deal data arranged by country and sector. It also includes surveys on topics like MBOs, acquisition finance, trends in particular countries, and institutional issues. The periodical is owned by Thomson, so the quantitative data is similar to that in Thomson Deals. 3) Bloomberg

Bloomberg gives league tables of M&A activity in US and other markets. MA and press [GO] type Option 7 for league tables of M&A activity in US and other markets select Option 8 for statistics of volume, average premium, payment type, select categorised by region and industry

SCREENING FOR DEALS Use these databases to find mergers and acquisitions that meet certain criteria; e.g. specific companies, industries, types of deal, takeover strategies and defence, etc 1) SDC Platinum (Library only) by US and non US targets, date, industry, deal value, deal type, deal search status, stock transactions, ratios etc. Offers standard and customised reports. 2) Thomson Deals by company name, date; target industry, region or status; deal type, quick search status and form; adviser and financial criteria. Provides standard reports by company name, industry, region, deal information, financials, and advanced advisers. Offers standard and customised reports, ranking lists and search league tables 3) Capital IQ choose select enter select enter

Transaction screening page. General details about the transaction company, industry, geography, date, financials, etc. M&A details. M&A specifics like target security types, consideration offered, deal conditions and deal attitude.

4) FAME, AMADEUS, OSIRIS Advanced search choose M&A deals select status, date, value, multiple (based on EBITDA) and deal type. enter 5) Bloomberg type enter

MA and press [GO] region, industry, deal size and deal type

NEWS AND COMMENT ON MERGERS For news, comment and qualitative analysis of mergers, both specific and trends, use the following databases 1) Factiva choose enter enter enter enter

Search builder company name or the industrial sector subject term Acquisitions/Mergers/Takeovers dates, if necessary, to limit the search sources, if required, like RNS (the company news service of the London Stock Exchange).

2) Business Source Complete Index choose Company Entity to find the preferred form of name select a free text search term like merger* enter dates, if necessary, to limit the search enter other companies involves in the transaction to limit the search enter 3) ProQuest Direct choose, advanced search for the preferred form of company name browse a free text term like merger*. enter dates, if necessary, to limit the search enter Alternative search methods for the subject descriptor (Acquisitions and mergers) (1) browse this in a search box with subject selected enter 2330 in a search box with Classification code selected (2) enter 4) FT Intelligence

choose enter enter

advanced search, merger in the keyword box company name in the company field

5) Economist

choose enter enter

advanced search, company name dates to limit search

EVENT STUDIES The following database helps to relate company events with financial changes. . 1. Capital IQ choose enter select enter expand click uncheck check click

Company intelligence company name to select the equity required Charting: annotated stock chart dates to set a time period Series list Edit series list Key developments Transactions Add or Generate chart. There are options to export the graphs and timeline date to Excel

DATA ON DEAD OR DEFUNCT COMPANIES The following databases contain data on companies that have merged, or been acquired in such a way as they no longer trade under the original name. 1) FAME, AMADEUS, OSIRIS Advanced search choose Active/Inactive in left hand menu choose Inactive companies select . 2) Perfect Filings The database has all documents filed with UK Companies House since the 1980’s. Base date varies with the company Company name enter Issue date select Time period enter

3) Datastream (Library only) Company accounts data on Advance and AFO goes back to 1980. DS also retains share price data up to point where shares ceased to be traded. DS Navigator choose Equities select Status field select Dead click

OWNERSHIP STRUCTURE The following databases show lists of subsidiary companies for a given parent. Note that several products are selective in the subsidiaries they list. 1) FAME, AMADEUS, OSIRIS Advanced search choose Company name to select the entity required enter Company report click Subsidiaries. All will be shown. click 2) Bloomberg enter click

Company ticker and the command RELS Option for major subsidiaries

3) Capital IQ choose enter select enter

Company intelligence company name to select the equity required Investments on left hand menu List of major subsidiaries

SECTION B: Web sites Official sites UK: contains Competition Commission and Monopolies and Merger Committee reports back to the 1950s. EU: USA: Merger activity has the following free sets of information for the USA, Europe and Asia: a report on M&A activity from the YTD2007 back to 1963 (Europe and Asia 2004), a report on 49 industries monitored by Mergerstat, and a report on top deals for the YTD. Merger news has a free monthly M&A review has information on US activity. Company names lists companies that have merged, changed name or gone out of business since 1976. *HARTMAN, J. 2005 Looking inside mergers & acquisitions databases. Online 29 (6), pp.33-38.

London Business School Students may use the Library subscribed electronic database for personal educational research purposes only, and must comply at all times with the database copyright holders’ terms and conditions. Use for any other purposes, such as commercial activity, consultancy or resale is strictly prohibited S:\ISD\Library\ResearchSupport\SubjectGuides\SubjectGuide-Mergers_v2_aug2007_GC.doc

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