Data Summary Review Checklist

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  • May 2020
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  • Words: 657
  • Pages: 3
Data Summary Review Checklist Client: _______________________________________________________________ The purpose of completing this checklist is to ensure (1) the information & materials provided by the client have been accurately summarized into the formats we are familiar with, (2) any further data needed to address the scope of our engagement has been identified, and (3) any issues which occurred to us during the data summarization process have been listed for evaluation.





Procedure CSF-49-A Data Summary Review: Engagement Scope. Review the engagement planning memo, workplan, client service agreement, confidential questionnaire, and G/A meeting notes to establish a high-level familiarity with the client situation and the purpose of scope of our engagement. CSF-49-B Data Summary Review: Preparer Issues. Review the client’s Junxure record as well as the following forms: a) “Answers & Docs Needed from Client”, b) “Open Items & Issues” and c) “Notes to Reviewer” to get up to speed on issues the preparers have identified. CSF-49-C Data Summary Review: Key Ages Worksheet. Agree the dates of birth input in the worksheet to those listed on the confidential questionnaire. CSF-49-D Data Summary Review: Net Worth Statement. Agree each element of the net worth statement to the underlying document(s). Pay particular attention to account type, titling, value, and valuation date. As a final check, compare the net worth statement to the items listed or mentioned on the confidential questionnaire, the GA meeting summary and yellow pad notes, and/or any PBC schedules of assets & liabilities.

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Procedure 5. CSF-49-E Data Summary Review: Cash Flow Master. Review the cash flow master for inclusion of all previously-identified income sources, reasonableness of cash outflows, and overall logic. Compare to alternative sources where possible (e.g., federal tax withholding to Form 1040). Confirm that our summary reconciles to any PBC schedule provided. Consider the need to ask the client for additional information. 6. CSF-49-F Data Summary Review: Insurance Summary. Review the insurance summary for completeness based on the understanding previously developed; note specific issues to be addressed. Consider the need to ask the client to complete additional risk management questionnaires. 7. CSF-49-G Data Summary Review: Income Taxes. Review the Key Tax Return line Items form, referring to the underlying 1040 as needed; note questions or planning possibilities generated. 8. CSF-49-H Data Summary Review: Social Security. Agree the Social Security Statement values to the Social Security benefit calculation inputs for each client. Review the assumptions used in the Social Security Statement for appropriateness. Consider whether benefit projections should be based on the spouse’s earnings record. 9. CSF-49-I Data Summary Review: Risk Tolerance Assessments. Review the risk tolerance assessments and note any unusual patterns or preferences that should be explored with the client. 10. CSF-49-J Data Summary Review: Genogram. Review the draft genogram for consistency with information already obtained about the family structure and relationships. Note questions to be discussed with the client.

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Procedure 11. CSF-49-K Data Summary Review: Estate & Contingency Management. Note the recency of the client’s planning in this area and any specific questions. Consider the need to ask the client to complete additional questionnaires or exercises. 12. CSF-49-L Data Summary Review: Additional Information Required. Considering the scope of the engagement, identify additional questionnaires or exercises to be requested from the client in order to have the qualitative information needed to complete our planning. 13. CSF-49-Z Data Summary Review: Work Program Finalization. Having reviewed the summarized data, review the engagement scope once again and launch required work program action sequences. Modify work plan steps, assignments, budgets as appropriate.

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