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  • Pages: 31
DANGER Matthew Lee Knowles October 2008

The following text was created by cutting a small square hole through the middle of a novel (The Danger, by Dick Francis) and recording what text was on the left over square. Blank squares dictated a change section of section and the splitting of the piece into three parts was purely a personal choice.

Part one k of flats. I erb, stood ine slowly the polic Bigg hear ances. The so cold. Would have co ruise o ashing wee eris a that same hat the su away I wo T tra nt fury. My ine and cra both quite c d, wo nds, traditional o ing extravagan ntorini. essary. Ri officer wh s. He had e care and f St and t about it nearly achi rasp rous, delicat over of top ht was quie s e due to sha ing for the etoes who w at oasi

Husband for her two h her, and fairly unpl in the Easter by dramatic c at bac artner in coffee, goss the bulk of I you’ v guess you ’re and flying m here yoyo-ideal he didn’t. I re, to see t mind. Ally to my re d already r 4 8 ng 5 tion and train with flight k for tions had ey wanted a re. All corp dividends nd rol w photostat t hat she co ction. I as who abduct fami ti clubbing ticke ie ticke m they both circulate tify the ma inishe, luckily s good, as ‘t that tasty. rling, pops ephone and l be ready to ed at her in h 4 a m n bass, friction rhouse st 5am ei s a week, a ting on a ho ve n r e ha

to the bran d for the me t through t incapably let stand him, rip of 549 new drive my c. It was stu ir needs cut k to the hous ulders. She he’ ouse appeara he ’ll be talk ain room forfor-hour s s safer to take the ders of an o ause, and in a about 275 e 27 ern cktavern. yone could he waited, s mory agains e to dig up a afr olitical cart s the first of early 200 artists r put the small ulk into the s l, only a todd d then lay do t call the exp assessment. Ienc e’d never be hat did you d at once. R had taken o pp today. Call forest stop on r to from ford c wan n I put my fac ated merely mouth. I spa ned my eyes ves had com but I took la t ull run ty. other long ca iefs, my wea oked straig f, seeing the were alike hot simply 780 save h deligh ave on turning m ious fantas bborn little t felt it. I clea 42. Ocode hundred Water filled ee, hinderin I felt one p the contest tal protest, ble visit ma festival as p escribed as a parting jo ber under our f. He said sob prison. If I a ies er’s basic dil get, or risk h ing that the ay half a mi ollars per me liberty f the pla a dementi nd amazi liberty ma. Th ockey club haze and sir louce in tota on the film tuil an, qua depar n central part. Cles, like pari was a great re everal times i lessia said, s Alone I said. Farmhou ulated pl wo to visit s one of the lands beca ighbou o ree years you mind put. F and along f his year. Room, so echo with chatt. Ice clinked rays and a l Reading k g that for th re was a limi elf longed fo in many wa ut an octave des flights includes flig dinbur lu akfast from Washington su en I got him he said. e aqua n bathe in the ls, enjoy a massag the 121 ch y treatm e sk nown when own if pucine me, spelling would look? arks ip length 17 da g experien ount he beat guides. sa yes. Sin road and ha he timet

A e c ission. Registr centre by the d him to leav s. They mad. He was not d, riveted. immediate earn u tra fanfare to an red fistfuls of across in fro o the start, e that distan s edly, moving a clapping s ton interna or h egu mentati work to im one. My office please would the switchboa g from bolo iki e, our a et. Con ucts

nded, down wards home. Aders droppe swung her st the target a 8422 available ou asking a r lly and said, and thought. R. E said mer return achside ly, I nto the bag a elled copy o ed it, I saw t ack in bolo drew this, he went to eng m sw about ation was a fuzz f a hundred le, and he w ddles. Ught. Ttle po to ent cryothera getting the w 1 skyeur ed to ht, standing t ttish ancesto roaring do ld alone an s and 3 ni gh es flights and 3 n rivi es flig ught out of ilky-lookin almost as ba o have notic n th uropea out th e. toto -be she says price t yet out of r as very recorder fro hat, I said n d-movement will kill you. Ply looked o worry. La ing it on t to me, hold ting the note las. Jocke Ts re playin se 1 n telling hi ay I came, I dowy in t rders, an backstabbingo orgies, dru backstabbing -vities that, ide w e nt outside a and impressi uffs with a duffs, h a is force who teful and c llent. If you ul. Said id , al day 78 local payment u Who is thi ave. talk to lephone nu ldonis are d me. I thin ssbel queens in own the n ss -roots to cked visi hara st the sky, a picture. I’d r e line of th ter at the o eriod I wo ned with a pen there are vailable in th employer sfer t l mute violenc in his carria o this pass w ly all up my t of me and rew dougl orwon’ or -ices, bea may mean ax charges you bably won ’t r. Mo o dly then. Face it healthy and h had rarely striction to s and ke a

Een carr cious. If he’d I still in it? Ge. need t ere to go cities ould I ask? Echoed in looking a f resort, sland h r mor t. Ever sin rning. Oni was e and al f talks el destir. Most a, p ill be home laria now and-over h r ransom e big 25 count down

That ner confide inches. A

ning flashes. T. D. T to win. I t nd get him occurred t ok bac d smiled a d to talk to or a drink. Email londe you e do chieved by d othes, they’d inic, on the humiliatin oint. It’ se. O ts kind. It ’s a world put the mock et the politic nyone in itic nce still sto d from the helter-skelt s crouchin ro rol thos tation and y g is also goo hing and sha ghting u nected. Brightly-lit ser orre d design f fashion or -and wea alked down ay lined hr is shirt poc s lighter an ef of a dedic d I ha and tours. Ta ck dra temporary p check him ou 77 pe ‘t get away ead. His e without hu sim en you fin dio? Want to kno v r. in the e your urrying. Onis, he said. Was furious. S er son, I y for his daddy of size nights also ma ces at g on a gun nt forward sl ce of trip-ala e among a w uld get no di the clea mrc. Est job cen ons veral typ u some trouse. And a sh bitcth nn’ ’t want s to kno use, bitc -ju a s an uc d. Ear an adja ber of the everlast sa unk and can centrem 7550. Sday. The nw 6 er b l afe. Med unable t le body to t t, walked cal nd led him b w out. Your o ison is to c an g stly

noisy h f the bushes from shadow en door. The insects, an ww d the re, said find freeman outh and cl tw double e know d. I was talki id she didn’t k ake sense? S We’ We ’re to orou g into the ba nd flicking t rint-out. The es offered for nly in the? D three day shagg the dozen hell in th r per level. Ere, compar made for it, r dly, for him. He c er success at all nemey’s neck, the bullet h done. Ut unfocused. wi’ wi ’s lake o art of a f And domini ping away. H d clung with ncomplete b C ass effing ou be awake, I said. Worryi e we are fe to first instal for dinosaurs. G d seemed li om his weig ntwined as if I said to he cy an udit seni 4 account to be

Part two aid, you’re n to arrest et them to y ornin 35 ph tly requires ce and who le of producing sualty division. ler f duty, the uglas would I imble We’ll decid to give the otherwise ave gone thr eedin al kenni northern hute is, the g e still quive bad luck, the ful I y u. ent into t e n the look-o no kidnappe ed in a parki ut a new st preamb e. G. I want no r advice, and ay more than again sugge rou ays e large shap ed his intric e supple bla through the ist to neck a say to wh as. f the boot an without any fu as the corner to shadow an st ood deal of as doing the nt feet. Ony said, du seat. W. u policemen, de awake. Hit me gentl nd fastened o g and also, I akily over clearing fr. And edg ossy green b coun the hable face I ale voice s ait, but th ered indecici end of a is com f him along the rain st. I wouldn’t b ertook me. I ing canopy-r ame unexpe me in its li d I took a st t to uch as th ing such a g via e of bu yo gallops? Ound at the ut without r way to sort of mu uu’ ’d expect ffectively, dium rig. Rea nci, he sai espects. it’ ven to ystem, and ht it ’d be a they threate ssed. It was s crying. S ace in. Will take over a ech, and some wquay wh arb N who took the police e is going to e is going to is going to one of aid it was no ment on the hile, c ome o n either in or ade excellen for the rans rn when th nymity chief whip I y sports portfo firmed last rance o ch other ass otiation of on the othe

y was to anot e one which, a good half ed the car s d off, and w ou wait anot ice easy task en, but their aven’t alrea l, neither w 1 ondon ec 2 es on th he muck mounti hot-walki it rol Zen ap earn to con with me runni u into winni t the dark get on fi loorloor -le ortedly wo d by house ing a an ury might not ked at m frig ional adv s

were sitti I saw you pare plac d she led with her be d i’s t of the th politely. Inelli, a ould c utes left aft b’ b’s firstfirst-ever say that? Said you d gainst the e e s ste was s off. When is full in inds wil th led face. She need n sense u ping to se b lounges nt high. G ist, long-l. The s co. Ssed a byn concert me is ing you ant to w we d seemed to signal th de room, laid wit ple ged phrase ge which s and we’ve ju ther those, ei omised th but appare an usepp my bedroom tion, remin ine. He had nd in a mas ia. It was p scounts at e for the ra houghts. T time it wa atch. r living ld me. Wh ld her to dr thing was n it was a goo da might 006, travel bulletin es to work for b her gravel id his face in trembling, d bad bru e they al sa eyn had be because ow rs rounded a opsy murm when act sat h intern end in 198 syndicates co is his is with his gra, sa back to raci ed and seeme pa surance I experience, p ants, business te accountan stants as o he said, if ith him as m ng, however ed the fra u pecul inflicted. He is expecte aximum secur on was se for instance, nters for ra. Minute per yes against nd ported missi he failed to arr eduled flight. Enheim tha ess a, and o dn’t answe er, with c s talking i, and limit provincewi been province -harlequins gh quality so I the contes about the were lik Afr ved to lon o, and has just built townhou for r 675, i t enough. Litt? The voice matched. e is your pr ing to say one just can’ f in a he’s g ired dress finance, ww-h nd spies and washed cars. Nt upstairs t to again o ing ce broker curre ithin insura capa c

ly. Yes. Yes, eur etime. Perh emand sayi, personally d. No, he supp ver is voice the overseas cal erous and sing button ng particul your own p av More than I ic? Theart. Thos nsidering, a dvanc ed by t ld her I’d he backgro said aid about nz e talking no s physical sta on’t talk. Of treatment? nd t go with e to a well-e u’d be surpr in re time, and I and at f to the truth: less orthodox ed that the he wrote, wi made. a ve to have erly. T of the r ers had pr tions had b nerve, and on than p ruitment and mployment confederation He knew, r, that to r uth ollow? Hand over ld the lim rlto e s staying at there, it’s a ab. T or no y turk now 350 ht she coul ldn’t you? Dy stupid. He determi ect. c rest p you e s, make sur e a margin se will wipe in d f water. If t move the kid ouble with t n inescapabl t for e local payment e out in your life

said shortly. Ody assets lances, t e o the valley le and r Wholesale. E shrugged me money uch of a re nand w nos the diminutive n s here that, ac sent o the back, with ittle kids sn ed. Sexu g. Rotten. ily’ en b nd raising with ke ily ’s dad and en inl tence unfi. It costs j. orldeaving orld -fam f music, in th ially you a he e back o d seen who a boy pla was that th e rainproof ge of safaris nsurance fam set the han stationed t a ys after we’ ustr ept trips ave mostl ded ou as I going t reak it to t en shot? 40 ing, I said es in life in ts of ew them earl of in d I could p he had bee the best ch Last se. was any ne anything to d, though e m 2 ey thinks it’s ere, but we ha open it, will him. We’ve pay ll sol a res, had been rough out d an anonymo himself to say uk. Sure to. Som ff. Nda. Ne. If you ri tight thr g u may b t qualified ustry or ject naly e deliveranc tidily and r liaison with you two ch bo tes e c es er our tail a e following, pped the car of it, round a 80 ple rooms 80 quad rooms 65 shar anger, officer, who ave to call in e? I asked. pan ch l

s o itated. Enric ho joined the grew out o ns? y behind itit-without ther about th om me of the a st ere said. Get ja ds on the seat from the gree ou know, she are a few look and set hen chair, put elivered gh I alkative ki unday, I dr by that ti progressed w ult e. and talk to th, beach roa have some E guy. rry, mr ssing message ber? He s had a bad ac Did? cabbages an irst time, I tho xcepted, of courseco scious head. P ack. I. E meant a lot of the outwa an abun an, he said. Ou talk to m e first ove nise your ki im pleased itutions. ere, o buttons. Uglas. The s now red to be sent c ‘d always tled. I coul dence on stupid: cru o row safe oject ollowing w ild liquid s and progress hed banana. Cramble untant al w. Estwards thr d came eve the pebbly b d, putting on skills aid. Aid calmly. S ee. But th ay, isn’t it? nt o tu o? I said. Have been w days. We’v or twice be ur e bug on the infant getting the five men in a lot ne I said. Ht? I asked m more ee t understan il arpened on. I heard it there is er? Ho took him retched out ce with one a s. as to her, o diers’ chorus m. Did you ouse? Thank you

Den, an

tfully. Ut r and disco I could, aft we we eat article. emember b back. The spot on. Hey’re Ail

d, telling ed, you kno out impati ur w st rst demand office of shirt and t me I had year. ous an guy, wagn ain. Man ros Ha est in a might be ces impas e end. Gner sad landfill site o t e sy club showe r offices in roblems o aybe your r the ealt rd of our e nderwriter enquiri m ‘s a see as nor, no, you er the plac first time rumou lways make dmit it. N ade a rotte ll sandwich, lues we is shippe n and then mother, I sai ryly mmy, I s in and without aking a dire t fair for safe y said, relaxi s e ays se on the fo t, and I t y life, but ality was ko the hat’s spa ide, half l say about a-z of ms every d en to the aid much a nd courtya ent s r side the o I could a as empty w been em e in case or hol sic play ars, sa otel make. I paus smells? U h the w remy u e or a om my em don’t kno or sure. Aid mildl s ightscreen k and enjoy hear enou to, and lon morrow, he xp ions in that da ose people minds. Sked with thin. He div manage to d for the r you could t f ration, without w es. An hour’s d p s, use of a he today? Idn’t feel lik scared her, fai fund rtfo

he evening he said first, t g a at a roun ted to four-e through j. He thou rk of raceho his afterno here now cisions. We’ 47

elude the car them follo he proteste be convince mitage osed his doo said. He sa zeal tha nning to suff outskirts of e telephone orning at ei 22 sep hree nights ers get in to t tell them r th of oo ng for te. And I r ess of that m e. The cup an her. styles piteously. He so angry. Y ant to talk to one from an baba -ore lo ture with ra med to wan iting. She w r eyes and s and we fu s are still s you to kno ome days I’m not ma rockers hope ird in such la een an unkn could have as renting and y have, of co have men pi d, as he stopp a 7354 ay as well g ll alive. I be in your l-watching h fuj s e peak of. Herself some nch, and it w dono van I reality, and ith her hand I carried wit which co also cut y u too, I said. D ate like au mbined simp carbohydrate e could bear street r in all thing nci said. I dr d’s sake, man don’t hope befor 198, releas had distur d discovered weren’t thr ding es g urne. Ning, during round, andr k. I’ll sit the Llows ck in its cradl g much. Son to collect th y pa when deci oderate in is. He disli pending h n enough i t o toto -door or do ful sympat in mind tha im before. Ht he woul papa was overing rs

hird time I’ better than me, not sp n one call wa en the who en useful bs itcase. Upo leased. S. Ant lay abou iers ist obree I o at the hotel, oked judici said he woul ach by rowi e him all back into cheap nt. Negotiated fo bout. R ball back i, you’ If you ’ve nts asonably. Ated with sat re totally co e wrap rrity calls in t them, is the spot the law e doorstep. T ot e es ection for them t for the fir e. He liste s crowding ss wi ‘t surrende someone he m. Someo the k emblem ince I thought. Acker was op of the g ks, a trud ec 190, acco s 24 a yet mor, behind h e said for a website rolick, think. About beat ght of her s ght it highl an nta again to was leaving t oke up my l. Thought the o days to mak very much, we have ppy to wor e informed nfoundi ain’ ain ’s legal team nd to the w awyer Pa app gh she had he ed at the ide ood quite clea id. Can’t I c sance. age ss-bub n rby, s mosco ching stump own with mo els and para other people ar away ther ulpture p a rough voic about the e? ’s occasional 349 accompanie y, enginee d the wire t lli an instr how own. Takes ikely they a recommend

I pro

the telepho carry on wit ss they coul ch I hope the nner ow are your hen I’m doi sual. sland gold buckl ed sharply ndset which he bass-voi, Ide de ov but there I came fro ht, can I ge s near ds, ached house outh of lon here their fo som downs se, in the d combini r e t e glas out your j s she feels rd of a jo existed. and r e acks o ed the fina e us again s walked, to lin ch, coming a in a kitchen c, he said, b arplug for pri kie-talkie, ae k n’t. He spoke g up the sta in to wonder. Comradely transit for the he you why it to a gorgeous ve horses, y e friends. In in su woke up p, perfectly paused, th em say that, I a wor s, e, w ere a feather. Gathered t econd as if were happe good s o eside us, bi over the hu emselves it e there was modation ing in a gu be the man e gave her ause her m om stran 2521 mming trun ding on to e dinghy s whoosh, a tconnect. ive bargai the firm’s f-the-nation of everyo kletoes-t Ent. and get the take the var m under th Co. on then, he s hing seemed. By k in the chill in lines U egging me t ake three d p. don ts s gencies, he we won’t s? escort k our head id raids base o nte

s hands di d the televi a young pl ol 10 pm ff the search, even then. R flats. We m deranged y, whose tria of my existen ped my cap o n w dirty electro me calming nd started th h olli and kid orses circl ere? Said p wood obsta those are c 2076 e close tu for a bird le envelopin o drone of of farawa rr, the y, sa had you see ced at him v film ng napped, ex ut it. I outli d mentioned in a thorou why ing a magaz a rubber ba s in liberty t a stranger he be iller once well-meani count riet king uld tell him he’ he ’d ff. pers pretty ething abo articularly Anyway al w h my chest. Tranquilliser t her back? mf tratfo with compo ill and would, bewildered. He’s washed cus.

Part three ness, relief still damp. Sh looked a def en undresse rling of the e E tead arby. back yard. And I didn’t horse had had been Co den, motions with fast, she sai thing. Said c if kidnappe Kit incl. the car? They must r car had be rm track. Said. 310 her appa extortion-ich wasn’t o be consid as. The gir a exp e prime ove been a cas ambushed t him down no fe f pe. Es widened f that tape. Rrid. So wi most fri on an harsh, thun ten good. Des and t t threats 4, 08 g across is y frail inde nd put my er room, I tour of er. Saying as worried, you ome. and shamed, I widened. I. Ut nearly ev ax re ery, usua from the tel ew is on the room until t of the s ut. Ays, there w s, and the l longest careful. If yo nsom? He sa he notes n winning won’t get hi y. That’s the pped abru e before tional said with and I could rth was tre t, in conseq sport ca and with o ion said imp ur fault. K it had b understoo after ch gave me bar of acknowl ian-hater. The public ion the for t arre, as he tesy and w furniture. First was still injury to b g a r the televisi cially near t her face ne kidnappers

onth. s. all the ld get help we never rich, bein ion, not to Kland espises hn y quietly, r the nerr mother her nose, bu d before he e her feet. Were on se ther was

would they er. re hen

I listen ost cynical library with at her fa

ast four ye of the fami ember ha the first e nd oin thing about comer too per was as n ngers when b the sa one of the a e’ll make a p ok a very sma urprise and p e of the beds. 21 directors

he who too rse delivere had a ne enti spoke. ree as far as and for si of that, a en alive, u seg r a small smi kidnappe recruited o ieri have Ers the vine being id that ner bout domi uld liaise. Be in char ch into certain beg sai. Near the o uise to deb pers, but al apy, paragr t. Rough immi e proximity, see was ell done. Tly, but I gues migue the devas t. All of us, s experiences he firm calle n lo is sum t e s oo m ead to foo never get this time him in pri eternal su from e I’ve arran you like. I’ d tapes fr them as surf him rea s you hear if we kill n’t want th fourhis four -da organ I ought this ything we and cara he told me I take the Ho ent was llion lire w e say? I as anyone to inter the He metrop captain K e said I c nt gove ith a frien they wou ouldn’t lo as alarme act on edi, emed to se hrust out a d to know y lled with m th strategy he hutch I s g the row, b trade pr factor in c e because se he had his holding pport, was the stra r his first bl had seem cry for hel settlem rvices, ery page I’d guessed th e and dr y floats on corporate

ng ppers he r v there’s a oast here? Er. But the dends, you from y goodness, every wor reconcilia g about. W gain for me ed. I ha ent, which might im vaguely. Usic. Over fund rform decades, of t been in ma t she was s he said resig or the and er in jeans n and left a ent down dy towel, w analyse See you at t em at rece she’s boo she’s had k with ile and the. Have y commercial ed. Shut I. The left. D, without tched th contract A voice slu I said, she s but when I s see the mas In as life o uzz. atter-of-factl paid, he r uch, and whe would you b The was ba ings are mov e street from fastfast -p he e said dryly. I photogra misadventu l s e begged for ence, because peterse ix, trated mod then I laid ed her from remained but we want do. her gaze w nds and up dable, but fir o, she said D fast bow n in hether the a ughtful for dress I hav y they don’ aidisova the recordin microphone? Uld hear the they recorde the sudden spark If you do n ot inform t aten. She wi ly and merc from men at least ey were as so bad I there were en when it scene. Me an a his seat, A mar 2 sometimes

sp of the t ee the boat nodded. He p five, e shorts got one, ne new n of the morn e lower of th one place bu any of the st ature o s sitting. G the kidnap, his a rt for d the tour of ominic do hoisted hi you’re a go is head organising ton ith? Ah, dee-da act imita ‘s ncies. pers, now re would b ards still wi whose voic It’ It ’s ght as grey in happened? Y his son pital. They connection kills, was a ha ed, a game t in the car he road fro cultures a y benefit: t ree children d ropes tyi lly and was s ours kets omorr, but I co herly arm small hug. A drink for E the house ved sudde girl on a r girl on fo a fr out that if es will be sh I’ll show t ok of savag n policema se share onl f e courts. Ve all produced at, grumblin r south y for Teloro and d of narrow, lds on both own u like theharlequ the -bas ng da. So far, so g enci gulped me in the r wed. If w apped Captured n. Not kno e. Humilia n your ene 39 time nking that uld be grat m moping ased su c you just s e. How are d. Half th p on with t o at you’d rounds is head and it was two fo hey would gi trong and ch ment

ohn sa. E casually an ber. Aga sitio hing like tha noncommitt anged the tel o watch with plus acco ngs as I gna, sent off hed precario b raig 0776 arecruitment at ww. most like. Y bleeding sta itches and Kearecruitm bl pres la e ve hose things and did som azy so-and-s e’ll come for 1835way oaching re near the themselve ting lot of t d surrende s would ge owin they wewill e said. en he wa llowed to, and onc e’d been God could prev g personal c usiness wa urney alo was pencill ight on th of the world cu now, he sa he kin e out wit ed nearly a, t lth. ea coa ams music in of hits o care, s hile, then e of my h me what incl u with ne tries to nd it’s be ed, but pas min ad dried a ri omm accination

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