Dang Melinda Catcher Analysis Paper Edited Adone

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Holden Caulfield is usually one of those characters that you either hate or love. As Holden begins his narrative about all the “madman stuff,” it’s established that his mental health is deteriorating (Salinger 1). Manic Depressive illness, commonly referred to as bipolar disorder, is a mental disorder that causes abnormal shifts in a person’s mood, energy, and ability to function properly (Bipolar). The three day period of Holden’s on and off depression can be classified as one of the dramatic mood swings that someone suffering from the disorder will experience. The dramatic mood swing creates a feeling of euphoria and changes abruptly to sadness (Bipolar). Holden’s progression from the different episodes of mania and depression is supported by Holden’s narrative in New York. Throughout the novel, Holden constantly does things depending on his mood. Holden’s slight obsession with Jane Gallagher has him always talking about how he’s planning on calling Jane but then decides not to. Holden first brings up calling Jane when he is at Penn Station (Salinger 59). Holden tells the reader: “Then I thought of giving Jane Gallagher’s mother a buzz, and find out when Jane’s vacation started, but I didn’t feel like it. Besides, it was pretty late to call up” (Salinger 59). Holden changes his mind quickly about calling Jane and has an excuse that it was too late to call her anyway. Holden is trying to find something to occupy his thoughts throughout the night, he visits the Lavender Room and thinks of Jane again when he walks out of the door (Salinger 76). Holden says, “All of a sudden, on my way out to the lobby, I got old Jane Gallagher on the brain again. I got her on, and I couldn’t get her off”

(Salinger 76). Holden is still thinking about Jane even though he’s just spent money on drinks and danced away with three girls of whom he’s never met before (Salinger 74). Holden continues to talk about Jane and the relationship he had with her during summer (Salinger 78). Holden also finds himself in a dilemma with a prostitute during the middle of the night and isn’t able to fall asleep (Salinger 102). While Holden is laying in his hotel room, he thinks of Jane again as he says, “I thought of giving old Jane a buzz, to see if she was home yet and all, but I wasn’t in the mood.” Holden continues to think about Jane even though he’s been through a rough night. His thoughts are racing back and forth and he doesn’t stop mentioning Jane until he calls her. Holden decides to call Jane when he tells the audience: “Anyway, I gave old Jane a buzz again, but her phone didn’t answer, so I had to hang up. Then I had to look through my address book to see who the hell might be available for the evening” (Salinger 136). Holden is able to show two things from what he’s telling the reader. Despite the fact that Holden consistently talks about Jane and implies affectionate feelings for her, he calls her once after arguing with himself but then decides to give up since she didn’t answer her phone. Then, Holden seems to forget about Jane immediately as he’s trying to find someone else to spend the evening with. Holden is easily distracted and jumps from one idea to another which shows that he’s going through mood swings and a manic episode (Bipolar). Holden’s thoughts are scattered and other examples from his memoir match him with symptoms of this disorder.

Holden tells the When Maurice, the elevator guy, asks Holden if he’d like him to order him a prostitute, Holden says “Okay,” but then says “It was against my principles and all, but I was feeling so depressed I didn’t even think” (Salinger 91). Holden doesn’t put a lot of thought into his decision and it’s easy to see that this decision was based on his mood. However, Holden himself isn’t the main factor that affects his decision because being affected by bipolar disorder causes Holden to have poor judgment (Bipolar). Holden struggles with his principles when he waits for the prostitute to arrive; Holden waits for the girl when he could’ve backed out of the situation by telling Maurice that he’s changed his mind, or left the building to avoid further conflict. Holden was unable to make a good decision in the moment and was too busy thinking about what would happen next. The whole scene with the prostitute and Holden gives the reader a solid example of how Holden’s mood and thoughts change. Holden has a mixture of a lot of symptoms of depression because he feels feelings of sadness, hopelessness, guilt, and having an empty mood. Holden describes the situation: “I was a little nervous. I was starting to feel pretty sexy and all, but I was a little nervous anyway” (Salinger 91). Holden was nervous a minute ago and regretted not thinking before he made the decision, now Holden tells the reader that he was feeling pretty sexy. Holden goes from feeling unprepared for his first time to anticipating it. It’s obvious that Holden’s mood is unstable because it swung quickly. More evidence is shown when Holden’s mood changes, again, when the prostitute,

Sonny, arrives. As Sonny pulls a dress over her head, Holden says, “I know you’re supposed to feel pretty sexy when somebody gets up and pulls their dress over their head, but I didn’t. Sexy was about the last thing I was feeling. I felt much more depressed than sexy” (Salinger 95). Holden’s whole mood goes from feeling sexy for Sunny, and then to feeling depressed after Sunny arrives. It’s very obvious that Holden’s mood swings are caused by his bipolar disorder (National). Holden can’t explain why he feels the way he does but also can’t control why he’s feeling depressed, Holden is in the depressive episode of bipolar disorder and Holden doesn’t rest while he talks about his experience in New York. His high level of energy lets him create an even more in depth narrative about his three day stay. When Holden first arrives at the hotel, he isn’t able to get any sleep. “It was still pretty early. I’m not sure what time it was, but it wasn’t too late. The one thing I hate to do is go to bed when I’m not even tired” (Salinger 66). Holden isn’t sure about what time it is but assures himself that it isn’t too late. Holden’s thinking is similar to an insomniac because he finds a reason to deprive himself from an adequate amount of sleep (Insomnia). Insomnia can usually be caused by stressful situations in someone’s life; however, suffering from a mood disorder can cause but also become the outcome of insomnia (Carenotes). Holden recently got kicked out of Pency Prep for flunking out of his classes and he’s aware of the consequences that would result once his parents are notified (Salinger 9). Holden avoids the fact that he must see to his parents about Pency

Prep and this evidently causes Holden’s stress level to go up. Holden’s restlessness is a common symptom of bipolar disorder (Carenotes). Being alone in New York contemplating about going back home, Holden’s stress is the reason for his lack of sleep. Despite the fact that Holden doesn’t sleep, he finds ways to pass time in New York by going to clubs around the city. Holden visits the Lavender Room in his hotel and parties with three girls from Seattle. He invites the girls to dance with him. “I danced with them all-the whole three of them—one at a time” (Salinger 73). Notice that Holden is full of energy to dance and jitterbug when he hasn’t been sleeping at all. When Holden leaves the club, he takes the taxi back to the hotel and the cab driver asks, “Why ain’tcha home in bed?” and Holden replies “I’m not tired” (Salinger 81). Even after he’s spent a few hours partying with three girls at the club, Holden is still full of energy and doesn’t think he needs to get any sleep. Limiting how much sleep someone gets is common for those who suffer from insomnia (Insomnia). Insomnia is also a frequent outcome from other disorder such as bipolar disorder (Insomnia). Holden’s inconsistent sleep cycles are effects form his disorder and affects Holden every night he’s in New York. Holden’s other distinct symptom of bipolar disorder is the fact that he gets easily distracted from small things. Holden is extremely irritable and irritability is one of the symptoms of a manic episode. During the beginning of the novel, Holden visits his history teacher, Mr. Spencer. Holden

immediately regretted the visit because once he walked through the door, he described Mr. Spencer to be, “reading the Atlantic Monthly, and there were pills and medicine all over the place, and everything smelled like Vicks Nose Drops. It was pretty depressing” (Salinger 7). Holden was able to feel depressed just by seeing Mr. Spencer’s living room. Holden notices every aspect of the room including the way it smells and the medication on the table. Holden is easily annoyed by these things that would only seem natural to occur in an old man’s house. Someone who isn’t affected by bipolar disorder would know that the things in Mr. Spencer’s living room is common and would be rational enough to let the fact go that the room smells of medication and old men. Just the smell of the room can irritate Holden and this irritation is caused by the disorder. Throughout the conversation, Holden frequently talks about things that irritate him and label those things as “phony.” Holden uses “phoniness” to describe the dishonest ambiguity of the adult world but usually talks of “phonies” of being things with miniscule details that annoy him. Holden is able to recognize what is phony. In fact, it seems to be that almost everything that people would say is common, to Holden, is phony. Anything that is related to adults is phony. If Holden is the only one that can differentiate between phonies and non phonies, it’s showing effects from bipolar disorder. For instance, when Mr. Spencer talks to Holden about his parents he tells Holden that, “They’re grand people.” “Grand. There’s a word I really hate. It’s a phony. I could puke every time I hear it”

(Salinger 9). Holden becomes distracted from one single word. Once Mr. Spencer uses the word “grand”, Holden is unable to really think about anything else he says. A simple word can annoy the hell out of Holden. If Holden wasn’t affected by his disorder, someone’s choice in words shouldn’t be enough to piss him off. Holden is extremely irritable and the fact that Holden might puke when he hears one word shows how irritable he is. Similarly, a small incident at Ernie’s club also annoys Holden. When Holden emphasizes on the fact that he is annoyed by all the phonies in the club, he narrates and says, “People always clap for the wrong things. If I were a piano player, I’d play it in the goddam closet” (Salinger 84). Holden says this after the audience starts clapping at Ernie’s piano performance. Someone who wasn’t affected like Holden would probably see the applause from the audience as a sign of respect and appreciation for Ernie’s entertainment, however, Holden sees this as a very “phony” meaning annoying gesture people make. Holden feels as if these people don’t see the meaning of their clap at all and praise simple tasks too easily. The atmosphere of the club irritates Holden and he leaves the club to try to rid his head of “phony” thoughts. Holden is able to get mad, again, because of a small act like applause from the audience. Holden isn’t thinking. Holden is bipolar so he gets annoyed with anything. Holden is extremely irritable if he could be annoyed with the smell of a room or an audience’s applause; For someone who wasn’t bipolar, it would be unreasonable to be annoyed with these things. Holden gets side tracked in a

“phony” world and this causes his high level of irritability. Other situations in the book also support Holden’s diagnosis of bipolar disorder. Apart from the basic symptoms of mania that Holden matches, most people suffering in the manic episodes of bipolar disorder tend to think more about sex than usual (Bipolar). Holden says, “If you want to know the truth, I’m a virgin. I really am. I’ve had quite a few opportunities to lose my virginity and all, but I’ve never got around to it yet” (Salinger 92). This shows that sex and losing ones virginity is something Holden has thought about frequently and something that is important for him. Holden’s whole idea is unusual when compared to other teenagers. Most teenagers think of sex as a enjoyable experience when it’s you’re your partner, regardless of whether you’re a virgin or whether or not you love them. With Holden, he seems to think that sex is always going to be an act of lust because if you loved someone, you wouldn’t take their innocence away, which is what sex does, essentially. Holden considers sex to be an act that should be considered seriously. Holden explains that while he spent the summer with Jane, “I really got to know her quite intimately. I don’t mean it was anything physical or anything- it wasn’t- but we saw each other all the time. You don’t always have to get too sexy to get to know a girl” (Salinger 76). Notice how Holden clarifies the fact that he didn’t have anything to do with her physically. Holden believes in innocence and is determined to protect it throughout the book. His goal to protect is the reason why he thinks about sex often but isn’t mentally able to do it. Still, Holden thinks about sex whenever anyone

mentions it around him. Holden is also more sensitive when he hears guys talking about giving girls “the time.” When Stradlater comes back from his date with Jane, Holden starts to question him about his date with Jane. “What’d you do?” I said. “Give her the time in Ed Banky’s goddam car?” My voice was shaking something awful. “What a thing to say. Want me to wash your mouth out with soap?” “Did you?” “That’s a professional secret, buddy” (Salinger 43). Later on, Holden gets beat up by Stradlater because he ends up calling him a moron. Holden is furious that Stralater might’ve given Jane the time. Holden was constantly thinking about whether or not the two had sex and had particular interest in asking Stradlater that when he got back. Knowing that Holden suffers from bipolar disorder, his increased interest in sex is something he can’t control. Holden is curious about sexual acts but at the same time, despises those who do it with girls that they barely even know. When Holden decides to set up a date with Sally Hayes a series of things Holden does are symptoms of bipolar disorder. People suffering from bipolar disorder have a tendency to talk abnormally (National). When Holden is talking to Sally about the Lunts, Holden starts raising his voice at her. “’Don’t shout, please,’ old Sally said. Which was very funny, because I wasn’t even shouting” (Salinger 131).

Sally notices that Holden is raising his voice and tries to tell him politely to speak softer. However, Holden is oblivious of the fact that he’s talking loudly and this shows that he isn’t trying to shout at Sally intentionally. Holden can’t control his volume like how he can’t control his temper. Holden ends up asking Sally to run away with him and get married. Sally tries to reason with Holden and explain to him that you “can’t just do something like that.” Holden is still unable to contain himself, “’Stop screaming at me, please,‘ she said. Which was crap, because I wasn’t even screaming at her” (Salinger 132). Like the conversation earlier, Holden isn’t aware that he’s screaming at someone in public and talks too loudly. But Holden starts to get depressed as he stops fantasizing about him and Sally running away and Sally isn’t able to hear him. “’What?’ she said. ‘I can’t hear you. One minute you scream at me, and the next you-‘” (Salinger 133). Holden has involuntary drops in the tone of his voice and he’s confused that Sally thinks he’s talking strangely at all. Holden doesn’t connect when he speaks to Sally and acts a little mad while they’re on their date, having irregular changes in his tone is one of the clearest symptoms that Holden has from bipolar disorder. The depressive stages of bipolar disorder also takes effects on Holden’s daily activities. The disorder’s influence on Holden also makes him drink compulsively and have random spending sprees (Bipolar). When Holden is with the three girls in the bar, he pays for all their drinks and helps them have a good time because he dances with them and shows off how he’s pretty loaded. When the girls leave

their bill to Holden, he’s a little irritated that they didn’t even offer to pay. “With cigarettes and all, the check came to about thirteen bucks. I think they should’ve at least offered to pay for the drinks they had before I joined them – I wouldn’t’ve let them, naturally, but they shoud’ve at least offered. I didn’t care much tough” (Salinger 75). So Holden knows that he’s got enough money or is willing to spend enough money to pay for these girls drinks. He approached the girls in the club knowing that he’d offer to pay for their drinks. Holden says that he didn’t care too much about paying for their drinks as if he’d get some sort of satisfaction from being the gentlemen. Excessive spending is one of the symptoms of bipolar disorder (Bipolar). Holden is spending excessively because he wasn’t obligated to talk to the girls nor buy drinks for them. Holden doesn’t realize how much money he’s spending. When Holden decides to go to Ernie’s club, he says that he has a “terrific capacity” for drinking: “I can drink all night and not even show it, if I’m in the mood” (Salinger 90). Holden is able to drink a lot and probably would drink a lot of he still had some more cash. Since he spent most of his savings Holden wasn’t able to buy the drinks that he wanted. Holden drinks constantly to dull his mind from the “phoniness” he sees and he has peculiar drinking habits since he is bipolar. This paragraph needs work. Holden’s different habits and different wants and needs have a steady pattern according to his mood while he’s staying in New York. Holden swings from different episodes of mania and depression from his bipolar disorder. Holden’s activities and extensive narration can be used to prove the existence

of this disorder. Being diagnosed with bipolar disorder, the symptoms of the disorder shows itself to be the cause of the preservation of innocence that Holden Caulfield longs for.

Sources "Bipolar Disorder." National Institute of Mental Health. 15 Mar. 2008 . "Bipolar disorder." Paula Ford-Martin. and Teresa G. Odle. The Gale Encyclopedia of Alternative Medicine. Ed. Jacqueline L. Longe. 2nd ed. Detroit: Gale, 2005. 4 vols. Updated July 1, 2006. Burt, Daniel S. "The Catcher in the Rye." The Novel 100: A Ranking of the Greatest Novels of All Time. New York: Facts On File, Inc., 2004. Bloom's Literary Reference Online. Facts On File, Inc. March 26, 2008 . Rollyson, Carl. "The Catcher in the Rye." Encyclopedia of American Literature: The Modern and

Postmodern Period from 1915, Volume 3. New York: Facts On File, Inc., 2002. Bloom's Literary Reference Online. Facts On File, Inc. March 26, 2008 . Carenotes. "Bipolar Disorder (Disease/Disease Overview)." CareNotes. Chicago: A Thomas Healthcare Company, 2008. Heath and Wellness Resource Center. King County Library, Kent. 24 Mar. 2008. Keyword: Bipolar Disorder. Salinger, J D. The Catcher in the Rye. Boston: Little Brown and Company, 1951. 1214.

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