Daily Tribune, Mar. 28, 2019, Missed Time Lost Forever.pdf

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  • Words: 610
  • Pages: 1
Missed time lost forever The economic target becomes less attainable. It's like a balloon. If you put a litUe more weight on it, it won't fly as high


Missed ti me lost forever By Hananeel Bordey


Bill (cAB), the timirg-0f approval 0f lhe rrew budgel'

the lbl

arrcstrfleakol Th.:^,"l.t:^:trl-1i:i: T:]i.|'| Even i{ presidenL tx1g11s economic srow(h Finlnce 'l'"t,;Xt,:Xt'"5'flTlipl'ioii r:e*rr,"c.*rui.tppropriittions




and signature. once enacted




' '

"* "l,ll""d';;i:?

budget to allow the GAB to be sent to Mr. Duterte for his signAture, He said the other contentious items in the budget are now up to

the President's discretion. 'Dven if we giYe our opinions about that, we have no control

*lt's late. The election ban

(takes effect) two days from now.


He added Congress will

accountability," Andaya insisted

accept the Yeto message from the President if ever he has to reject some of the lawmakers'

spending ban, he added.

but also of transparency



impasse, it x'ill ta'ke an additional

The GAB transmitted to the President was constitutional and legal'

S-ecretaty Carlos Ilominguez two weeks before the national ltl said budget will gei rolling to obserue

rhisyerr.will nor

been transmitted to President (Rodrigo) Duterte for his studY

Vicente Sotto for signing of ihe

into law, I assure the taxpaying public ihat the national budget for 2019 will pass not only the test of constitutionality and legality


Andaya Jr,'s statement after the Senate has finally approv€d the national budget on Tuesday. "The enrolled copy ofthe 2019 General Appropdations Bill has

a tslday phase in period for a law

after the required




stimulus or moneY allotted for the

an itemized budget, cittng the Supreme Court's ruling on tho

were not vetted by appropdate government agencies, including other institutional mechanisms. ' "We may have locked horns

Priority Development Assistancc Fund, which was declere d

rather than waste precious time over disagreements. That is


this democratic process will helP improYe oul economic situation and uplift the lives of ordinary Filipinos," he added.

ec on

more weight on it' it won't flY as high," he said. "When time is lost, it's lost," Do$inguez lamented. lNo matter how much You want to catch uP, you never reallY can.n

Entftely tegal the House of Representatives' 'm"eanwhile, guarairteed the GAB ' they transmitted to the President was

uconstitutional and legal.'

this was House APProPriations Committee chairman Rolando

gC ruling as guide Furthermore, he explainod

examined the budget to "expunge' other programs and proiects that

omic target)



anew the House has pushod for

becomes less attainable. It's like a balloon. If You Put a little


matter," he said.

He said the House has

with senators on contentious issues, but both sides chose to work on our commonalities

administration's infrastructure

over these things. It is th€ President that decides on this

democracy at work. We are confident that the product of

It's late. The election ban (tekes effect) two days from now, How can you award the contracts now? Mearwhile in a radio intelview, Andaya thanked Senate President

unconstitutional in


It is the

President that decides on this matter.

"The Supreme Court h08 already issued that it was prohibited. The Supreme Court has advised to itemize and detail

the projects that we want to implement and don't let the intervention happen after the budget was approved'' h€ explained. AndaF said both chambe$ have already come to a corrunon grcund and the new budget wil be ready as soon as the hesident signs ii.

The government is currently

running under a reenacted budget since January.


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