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Tuesdav. 26 March 2019 Daily Tribure

More talks as deadlock stays By

tlado J, Mallari Senators and congressmen


empty-handed after a meeting yesterday, but they promised to assemble again

todayfor another attempt to end the economy
on the P3.?57-trilllon pr\Posed national budget. Rep, Edcel Lagman, who was part of the three-man panel from the House of Representatives,

desoibed the meeting at th€

Senate as a very positive development.

Apart from Lagman, the House panel also included Appropriations C o mmitte e chairnian Rep, Rolando Andaya Jr. and San Juan Rep. Ronaldo "Ronnie'Zamora. 0n the other hand, the Senate

contingent was composed of Senate Finance Committee



chairman Sen. Loren Legarda and Senators Panfilo Lacson and

Gregodo I{onasan.

A representative from the Department of Budget and Management (DBM) als o


attended the meeting. The meeting was held at the

conference room at the 0ffice

of Senate President Vicente Sotto III.

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More talks as deadlock stays Assistance Flrnd (PDAI) as ilegal

As long as we are talking, then there's light at the end of the

lawmakers to put a hand in the implementation ofthe budget aft€r the President has signed it into law.

tunnel hott Fgc

PDAF is a lumpsum discrcfionary


fund made available for the lawmakers in both chambers of

Lagman said they agreed to meet again fdilay to cement an ageement. 'Eopefir.lly, by tomorrow night,

we could resolve the impasse. As long as we are talking, then there's light at the end of the tunnel," Lagman said. MacapagalArryo . said the House carmot pressue the Senate to art quicHy on the budget Speaker Gloria

as they axe sepaxate chambeB. 'It ta.kes two to tango. How


we have a time limit? We want it as soon as possible. It's what we Iike, trut we cannot put a deadline


2009 named several


that included senators and


govenment busfed the PDAF scam s''ndicate of businesswoman Janet

Lirn Napoles that pinned then

of the term of foimer hesident Benigno Aquino.


To date, the PDAF scam has not been fnlly resolved as many of the legislators tagged by the CoA special report have not treen

approving the budget. Howev€f,, Sotto has refused

alowingl€gjslatorpafticipationbq,ilrd orersigh is bercft of arry mnffi.rtional

to sign the yersion after the House itemized the lump sum appropriations. When asked what would happen

if the

basis and hence, tantamount to impermissible interference and/or assumption of bccutive tmctibns. fury post€nactment congessional

Senate will not cooperate, Anoyo said that she doesn,t want to pass judgment on the body.

neasure shonld be limited t0 scrutiny

Lump sum unconstitutional She emphasized the House maintains its stand that it will


lump sum allocations as it will be deemed unconstitutional. "We will insist on no lump sum, because that is what is unconstitutional. That,s what we will insist, no lump sum. Now, as io the details, that's the one that we'll see," she stressed. The Supreme Court has ruled


not pass a budget containing

the Priority Development

adhrcSigatio4'the ffie$lhbunal nned.

takes two to tango, how

ca,n we have a

tirne lirnit?

Arroyo has high hopes that

will pass the budget after Mr. Duterte met with

legislators to urge the approval of ihe General Appropriations Bill.

"If we don't come to an agreement and then Tito Sotio

does not sign the bill, then there's no bill to send to the President. So, I do not know if we will, but I would wish we

wanted a new budget," he

Work in progress Lacson, for his part, echoed Lagman's optimism, saying 'some progress. We're still working on

it. We'll meet again

tomorrow. Hopefully we can follow through and finalize tomonow.' Both panels will be reporting

principals what wai taken up during the meeting that lasted for about twoand-a-halJ

iours. Hopefully, by tomorrow nig;ht we could resolve the impasse,

Senators Jinggoy Estrada and Bong

Revilla. The two legslators were prosecuted and detained for most



Based on the report, the

prosecuted. 'Any post+nactment measue



(CoA) to to their

A.Commission on Audit special report covering 2007

on the Senate,'Arroyo said in an interview after a speakin! engagemeni in Bacolod City. The Speaker earlier said she has already done her part in


would,' she ended.

and unconstitutional, pohibiting

Andaya said both sides agreed

to haye the budget passed by 29 March and submit it to Mr. Duterte for signature.


think we.came to


agreement that we will take care of our own. We will take' {are qf ryhateYer the concerns of our members, while the Senate

will also take care of their own selves," he explained.

Asked if the contentious issues were addressed during

Andaya blames miscommunication Anda,a said miscommunicaJion among peels was what led to the impasse.

He stressed there


miscommunication on the part of both chambers. "Yes, it was


That's why we want to sit down and talk firsi and discuss what really happened,' he explained prior to the meeting between the Senate and the House of Representatives members on the budgei. He said they wanted first to have an understanding that there will be a new budget before the end of the month, adding that there have been feelers before the Monday meeting to identii/ areas that need clarification. Asked ifthe House will be flexible alrd adjust, he shrssed he wanted to heax firsthard the concems of

the Senate because he only got to. Iordw about

-them through the

media and insisted that nothing done by the House was outside, the agreements made during the

the meeting, he replied, ,,yes, we just needed a place to explain to each other." Bicameral Conference Committee "They have iheir meetings EnErl{,illa d points, we also :sisi$li\q;i,,:,r. have ours and




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