Daily Tribune, Apr. 4, 2019, Congress Cop-out.pdf

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  • Words: 351
  • Pages: 1
Thursday, 4 April 2019 Daily Tribune



Congress' cop-out



When Senate presidenl


over clearly identiri€

:."1;i!1{:9'!#c";essmen rrom unconstitutionauf

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L.""Llu1",f;IL"r::'*:* used the Bensuet *jf:s;91t''Fiill";111#ffiT andixegaliry,u"ir,"ir,q",i"ln"u; ;#;; d:il#;;i: then it affued signarure i;irr,"jr,'.".i",ii; BysTAllIlER t"T1?::r*""offlo:xt" ro


and consciousty

behooaes to



a dangerous precedenl lhat u,r.ii,r, ,*r""a", legslation. dereli-ction. ""d

compromises all future



ueglff,lo ratnom ttre

supre"'E ff ,ffi;;ffiiiJ:iTffi W#"#'J:*ffi,:lffi lfr,;i'$rffi'rffi court" * an; ;;;"i. to the Presidenl he was.insistent o."r"t"a 6v'tir. i"preme 'i"i#J'irr"

that he had done so grudgingrv with greal ureservations

" wtt"n



ootti.g "i,, o, ^couft_(sc) so,t6 .i".ffi;;:;-1q*"ct or recailins -a .cea rignlJ .ont"iir"iiisened port ,r,* ir,", i.""na"ing passea litt as oupining,t up to


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or isnored, these are not r"ne"tea n





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tut o,rr-ri n".i"ii ;;-i,,,;i;;;;;,iilJ ."-1g1_

i,_".1,1, lr",U'J:'rffi;: blamed on the l.e"l]ry *igil 'administration Leaislature and u;fortunatelv. rhe ."'^"''"f;;r"; iirie



arowins ili ryffW ito^"a oo tn" its piracv tv itre iiouse,inand then iegisran"e i" ,'"ii"i i"'.i"g # illegality and " t'r'"'o*a."iij ;;ii.; ffi;'.',"il.;il1i,,;"by sisnins the i.,'I.,:;I:J*"$f:;:HJ.lf.3x *"#;Tilft'..gj: did "*fi"i'lll'f


the task assigned 6o


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predicament. tte




parochiality with a larger, wider rpp".iii.r'r"rJ""ting for every five most pow€rful. perhaps deeper persryctj_v:: If indeed sott' berieves that now be dropped at the doorstep.of "i-p".i"rliy uatini.Lulilrn" the process thai produced the Rodrigo Duterte. He was.Lushine ore "ni'undermine. .'.oi;it6. ir,e opposition, president to exercise ionar, then ir veto powers porhaps;y und ;;il00"., iini,il,ilrronr y ,"r,. resislare wh;re ii"pri,'ti""'n..-"i, i. p",tv't"ir,*" rrom there "


ii'l^u"rr".. Lu its ffi#iy Ah;;.,;;;;ir,i "i"i;;i*hirB ffi'il;#il.t#nd

rr'" l:fjjtffl:T]r . nomirraipe*pective,he'ssh'wn ."1^ii1T1, rroject trre r,".t"^ ea:.*gg;*";*l':j,:'k"l,lii in*edible weakness' rat dre aeci'sioir- not conrest it it *", l"ivi" prot".t an rrn"g" .to **" ,u uo.e was r0 gioss g'j*,lx*:.xrii;*:*:i* "nj,"il,,lJ"#u"uli'"'Tri."1,,"',1 w8s couegial and upon consultation ii]i{;'iliii,i,illignsca,izerir plr"t"-pigil,* .". ""a"nt u69..!*.""

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