Wednesday, 3 April 2019 Daily Tdbune l Diolcro, of adding to the budget P?5 billion to the DPWH'
A pox on both houses (( Uetoing
certain provisos in the brid,get bA the Presi.dent is likel,y, ghsen that the Palace has timc and. aga,in...
kept on stating that tke Preaident wi.ll veto whoteaer ia needed to be Detoed.
Reo. Rolando endaya Jr. got what he and Speafter
-&:4 ffim
Gloria iw'
i;i'"? ffi'un.onrtitutionutrv #:f,""'."'oi'
insistinp'u ,t", ,n*1
senators n ilar.eratly decided on the
meant as additional fimd for Duterte's "Build, Build, Build" Projects?
budget . to other proiects.
bringing t6 a
;ifi?si#fli'ilffi: | ll!:ffi'i:"i{
Buaget proponenir, $ sudden $ c-hief ' be
allocationi-wis., SWi.WXEg-
arrer coneressron", 5...R yer rhe Lnc roo aiiocauon, ye! arrocalrlrn, uuo rlllr|| FROllTLlllE I LlltE
b insertions byi $ ihe.
based on the
Ninez Cacho-Olivares may find itself liabte accusations of
budget-making process, which made it constitutional, unlike the insertions in a ratified congressional budget of Andaya and his cohorts and allegedly by some senators as l,vell.
Chances are high that Duterte wiU be vetoing a lot of line items proposed and Passed bY the House,
-- for their pork barrel? get the tund i6 seveml. provisions nlq$tgf sabotage inthe 2019 GbneralAppropriations wants to keep alive the Bill' feud he has with the.senate. when it decided, unitaterally, iol which the senaioN have cut down' es r" nour" was accused ly cut aol"t tn" ,rio"ution rot' ru Ihe items cut' accordingto repoft€' in budgei President's 'Build, Build, Build' tl,e senal" or had P6 bilion for Row projects' P11'03 "ngaing priority projects,' I program and other insertions after the fact, Andaya and '- -'t billion for Department of Public works his House cohorts, who all claimed ;;;;;hc;; ii;;;.'i""d.'.rl P25 billion for 10 lunwarc' Row a'nd projects' in the two mediation meetings they 'up to now, the senate has yet to I DPWH forcign-assisted a"t"lted report on thd i had with the senate panel to thresh " propoi"nm who recommended l,hd our the squabble of rhe long-delayed ^"t"^putti" -l:fT|1$".'-\: 4SqvernmentMthtunds llbudget xdth insertions, aamittea ttrat individuat realignments,' they added. for rght-of-]ryay and It it was all a misunderstanding. wtrat it reallj' tooti tit<e is"that ttre other infrastructure appears to At the end of the "congessional House leaders, especially Andaya, may hary pork peace talls,"the two chambeN smoked be worried thattheir irsertert line I ll:l-.":]j-^y].t] leen' surely hamper the and still ihe porlg peace pipe amicably. The allocations ftr the select allies ofthe imp-lementation i8' a titlor senate blinked, the House got its speaker and Anda a would be vetoed tat olfeLse porkba.rrel President Duterte. billions in their and senate by 9j Lhi -Pr-e:id-e{'l: 'Build' Build' Bttild' 1p26 It appears to have been, and I President vicente "Tito' Sotto III wogrem'"-,--And,a|a signed the budget bi[, saying he did still is, a tit for tat offense move ^,. ^so with "st,rong resen€tions." Andaya and House leaders practice, :!,:T-it-y,t-t-91 and flouse one thoutht that was the enil despite already getting what they 9l',p119lt'v \o)lc!; leaders mc]u9S-TT.TTlt prarltce, of the spauing between the Senate want - their inserted line allocations anl,ra',way ry:i:Sl and llouse leaders and a friendlier signed and passed. But at the same ;esrrte atmosphere between rhe two tiire, they can'l stop their custom of Y":ll. lf . Io,,"^t--t^l otrioaa chambers would develop really soon. hitting out at the Senate, accusing |t":t:"i .1T,t:T" oe1ins what p1TJll olt;, " itsleadersto have also inserted their wrong. irt"u '"ul"lt There went Andaya again, wil,h his own porktorhe point of placing in .-j--"-: 1,^-{- ll^: ,oit-th"i, and the House leaders' accusations jeopardy the "Build, Build, Build" #lfrl'";',i:.'i:"#: iierted Ene ioj:; ffi; ffi ;;; y-*' fr;"l9'(H.';i ili:ff Tiffi ;f ,'l:,i:1"Ti""il: " "l'#J'.".il'#'ilfi Bicamerd Conference committee, tirese'inlristru"ture p-rolects ;*T'rl;J";;"bH ;{:::r:* tiresome Andaya
--it ru rs tire ults ocrleiu€ oenate Lrlal
the way, slill formed Part of the
have been diverted
*w ;fi; ?l'";'"i'lt:;i * #i"fif requests:of
WS$.#SW inserting, tinir *S\ilIl}r
Besides. Diokno's addition,
the funds for these
which is probably the reason Andaya is bitching again on the senalors' similar insertion of eYen bigger pork' even a.fter ratilication ofthe budget.
Vetoing certain Provisos in the budget by the President is likelY, given that the Palace has time and again, at lea$ during the budget squabble between the Senal,e and
House, kept on .stating that the
will veto whatever is needed to be vetoed, as Duterte has studied what is wrong or right in the matter of the uoposed P3.767-['rillior budget for 2019, making certain that President
ihe iurlget is conpliant with the Constitution.
"The President, I'm sure, will
factor in all the statements made by both chambers in going over the budget and then decide for himself'' Fesidential spokesman Sal Panelo said. The House expressed confidence that the office of the President will consider its anendments for review and look fot ways to restore these
through the Eesidential Yeto. A lot of FiliPinos hope Duterte , would veto all pork banel allocations that even some senators allegedly inserted after the ratification. A pox on both houses is ProbablY an apt statement a[ lhis time.