Daily News 9 6 08 P13

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  • December 2019
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  • Words: 807
  • Pages: 2
Fonner dispatcher saw pals die, says he's next CO..._ KIJITlI[TT _ \!IIl1OflH willi two 'dIowttanslt --., _ IS run U I ~ Il.I1w 1001II SI. dtpot In ~

T~1IIt1Jlo_lIIOwnt_II.mnUlloft... ~ tho pcIution, bA ...... boIhtI'ed to COI'I'4IIUIlor !Nt


Iuuo -.tel fd ... 1INt Nt1--,WU "'lily ClIbOOO'ClIlIht IImt btaIM I'IObool'rwu $ldtat tho tm.: salIIlht 7hUr-$!....- Village. QuHrts. ~~_wu~wlthll.llliltuaflulyur.HfWU

IIw lut of tho tlwftlrltnols 10 lit d', ooitd wI\I'Ilht ~ue.. ar. of IIItm. formtrll'ltdwolc ........ DInttn. 1Iic'CI1... llIo _ ...,1M dIMr SUn C&1f)'. held out • _ b:>\Itt. lit dIfd _ __

,.on __


." ~ ~ Iffi bad btuIrw Ihne ouys Vl!,ont lIrudy &lid nn S1lll at'OI.W'OI," WeI ft>rtncIL 'Mel my doqiut ~~ 1.00.-

Suit sez fumes hurt many TA workers DY.IOTH4M SEDDtS ! ROM


TIlfYTOIUD for)"Ul"I WId". !>au of diesel " ' _ III ..... d<potI IICf'OSI Ibc dty. I>C\'W thlnl


N_', """'" t!wl • dozen IDmICl" Inntmp~ - and pouIbly many ........ I • ......., _ .........' " diad enPne makm and bu.I lIWIufOCCu",,,, tl\q' daIm c:xposed them 10 1~ 1\In:oes. "'Jbqe J>C"DI'le knew oboul this )=nI "",Mel .-ernolilltd OJIybody,' tald <etit«! Ooooklyn bUI dm... ~ ~oro, 74. who ..... ~ will!. IaI)'1\l"Clneel' All •• 27 )""'" on the job. 2J1J the llme. ..." ~td II .. an occup:ulonol



Tho lUI!. filed luI month In M~·

..•• \..:-"


Ion. Brooklyn and Bm"" Sup",mc



COlIn., 11\:>1 hug. COlllpul ... IUch .. CalerpUI., Ind GencnJ MOl.".

knowtll3ly exposed lhtm 10 dl_l run'lef cle
11'0'''' fimlaWlUl1 or Lu kind 1ft 1M count!')', d.IIllMd b" ;y~r JoIu> Ourit; who sald • d.oa-aetlon IUlt could. rtIUlt If rnoreTAmlplo)"ftI oIpIon ID thec_


"Enryone - ~ bI;J <>pC",. t .... and "'Itt ..... ["""...,..,ofbuseJ,,"thln the depot1 - .. ho ... In C\'ef)' ~


ID the city of New 'tori< "....., In way exp ed to tbeoe ~ u.hat 1\1..-" Dearie aid.. In 200'2. the fedmol Environ~ _ _

I'nltmionA&rnCY_oduded tluot '1o



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DURIHIi mEn.,.an tII>I ....... rttiml bus 0:Mr r..cl ~

CelIe IIICI Pwty _ - "


\k1IOt~ I_ IO'"

... u.L*ltr-hrk

cIr!* In 8&tII8NdI, .., ....., .... C

on tho

BtOIIa"lftt l .... - .

'1)om 'ke ""'*- so I 1MWion. .bfoo .... ," $aiel Son~ H.IIIs'" _f'CIU\III


"oMl..IiIorYd.~ '~"'" 1IIIt. E'K>,..1t t/IDI9'II I WUIho ~I

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WIConI U"II Hal 01g


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so tII>I t/Ity _

>'bible to .... ,wnUg/ot

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Anti' ~ fltlmaltd suoo

......, cI _ _ _ to Ihe II.mc:s. ~ W\U

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luyn(unoer In l'OOJ. ~ Glstl$C thot _ooIlIotUn to IUI>It

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Ills Ifiroal ~

A IJet or '~!I"" II the dtJ. many oIlhcm tom"U1 td t:lifN,ge '-":s and trolley (AI' ~ CO/\IribuItd to the IIOlIIouJ --..., 01 fumes I~ mired "~IWI_drl>.,. Emldlo DeSrd""" InIu!od t.oeb
lhIIlutlbo ""~. tuno WU_\'Ul1111
'. cough Up all kinds 01 ~rbage' I>T TH£

1JG1t1 $T.~"'~

\lui drhotr ~ DtSUfano ItIied lor most 01 hi!. lO-

rurWftr.allidlloVol w.....tlu'nHwulho


ItIt VonI:cn man

Dou:ns of !>wet: ",wId be len 10 lcIIe

I'IId to WlDrtho.ltnoUIoI tht



problem IlLlI ...·w ld the onllre nee\.


$IcItcIoGt Itotrt wid 00SId ...... 11. ""'" WaJ :!II G iCl$tdwlth-..-ol U\t

Ihe tII!Ire I'IHt. ~_ ~ kept the tn;Int$ """*'II'" nI9ht WI ~&/Iy lilt momIn;. ." 4l1l>I1 If $OlcI. "1t you - . . ~ I bill _)'OVwaJI.toI '-Wd IPIe Itont, I/Ie fI.mc:s



,.,., ~ fftn Ht

IItct oIl'1W11' IO/Ildlino ~ IlcaIM oI_1IIlt .... sultd bus-*llo!ilo>m

''''''''gh .he nJibt '" til.
were ... bad thol _ _

wu lItIIOtIiI70t.."*,,,tJ """ _1IIDc:k-Ion!I1;I&I19<- aIoI>!Il

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up" _



behind. bw _

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HId DtStdono....n:.




...~ked 'ho ,he fumes .....,., so bid tha, sott>
II", '1 SIll COUCIII up bIu:Ic._1




tIW lie wu ~ to 6,500

...~ ... IwI."

......... __ COUCIII &I r»oht and

!y. ,'..hid! II no! named In ,he II...~ deelIDed 'D common,. u
""'"....nIl of ,,",," __ Ills theMrt~It~s

A ""Oknm . n for ,he n.nsIt AuIho>rl.

.. _

, .... JplI" ... """""





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