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WILU AM luVERS POP B COIJ)NC L, U. S. ARMY; R ~'1'ml'D 1~ ,;O

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I'" <>1' V"U L' W d IT1 th" ,,",,(lL lllt of ti, "

HO)bert' n"Jl'in. Iwo d"l~.i lire xivcll. I.h.:. 1'i<~"lt 0)( the " "":II lb.~ U,,'C Qf lIol h Ihe G""I/t>rinll .~ltd J lIlbn ~ "lemlar~ . ....iII


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1m ... 3V200 : Virv.1 n;" M~ll;M.Jl'~ uf 111stm')' ,\nll Bium'l'll!!)", .Vol. a, 1', 200. ,WO)IO O: William ,~ Ild ~I"ry M nJm~inc, ~ r, I. VoL 1. )1, lUll,

1(1\\'(2)300: Willimn "nrl 1'.300.


j\lnv."rl"~, S~r.

2, Vol. 10,

21' 10: Tyler'~ Qu~rl"rly II i~torl"lli -1U;'] (~n~;.I(I~k:tl l1:1!;,,: -~ i n~,

Yol. 2, I" ]{I, 1111,;0 : lI enni,,),!"·. Sl'l\utl't at Ik'1" iW, Vol. 11, p.


ij)<2;,U : Lowe" Nor (" lk Ctlunty, Virg-inia, ,\" ti\l"m~.. , V,,!. f" j>. 2!i1l. I CIOO: \ ' irginb Cn"ut~· It~~"rd~. \'oL I. IL 100, CkNC a/ IOO: Coloul:i l :unt St:,IC l'aPi'r~. t:orll, C~I'''lin:l, V,,1. a, I~ 100. SHAP r./ 200: S" uth, .. n1 lJ i~tr"'i~nl A.<",~,i " ti,,)\ l'u hHcai.io,,~, Vol. G, 1', ~(lO, NCl!&C[( ~:,iJU O: )<e,dh CI\1'Qli"" )'ii';[o,-jcnl G"I,e:lI"!I" k ,1 Hp):i,t",·, \,,11. 3 . 1'. 100. , 8C1I&(;)! 11/100: South C:lrolinl\ Hi slo,.j oa1 and Gcn C'I1Uj:_ ic~l M"gn z in~, Vel. :\, Jl. :tOO. 17C&lo{W, .fO(l: 8 c\'WII'('nlh C"ut nry ,111,1 h Ie of Wight Co .. n~y. Vin,


nuih~,·jt l"K 'Ie' ou~l

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12C 1OO: Calen.! ;)!· or Vin; ;,,;n Sbk ral' ~ "'" Vo l. J2, 11. JOO. lJ(20(l : V;.l"J(i nia Hl ntm'lcal Ht':;ht"r, V"l. I, IJ . ~("l.

--:. -


1\111." writ ten

'lUt. In one of Ow b,,,,I : ~ l'x: ' ~';"",l. I {mm, j n 'Iu ot/J!lnn whidl I~ \"'Ill'mh ltul h e," ,,: " It hM h,'r " "1"", ,,,',~1 hr Sir 'J'hom"~ (}"",'!,urr. th:o.t 'lIlc m:m whll ",,~ only thl.' e~e~l!en~e of hi~ ::n.c~tr)' 10 b""~l of. T~1~mble~ Ih~t «I il,le toot. !.he )X>~ "lo. tbe bc$t IK,T! bci n.'{ un



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i,'AM ll.1 ES: j'::{CI,ISll, I·: XUM . CANT, J EF_ J>'\W nJ:o~NC,~, M: I\Om. I.{;CAS. )ldO:\I',-E, NORWOOD , lU CKS, \\'.11, )., IV,\'I'TS, II'AS l lII\G T ON.

r nn·;s,

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}I,'(H" R~" ~m'cJl IJ\'''~'' \I, 1I',,,hil!~.[trm. D. C., 1 ~'j:l 7: 'f)w of POPE ;'1 ~~Id t" haw I"",n "r t~\ti1\ ori!:;" lI11(\ to have or i!rinl!!ly 'M~l\t "[.. the!'," !to i . tiwIlght probable that lh" ""me ... a~ UI~CJl hltu \': 10::1:<,,([ ,,100,,1 the Un1" of th,· ItOnlaIL oCCUp:,t!OIl of \Jrit,dn, [II t he yc.'w ·165 A.lL or 1m_ fore. Ccr lll inly Ih"rc W,II!:I 83"01\ 10WII ~~ ned 1'00>1~II,UI (bome of I 'OI '~:) prior 10.> th ... time of t he Korman ; "v~sion of ElIj(buul in 10l>!;, ll",1 it j~ thought )IT,,I,,,I)I~ l 11 ~t lhir, tllwn r."cin~l it~ n;I1l\C f rom a I"" " ,,,,,,, eo] 1'(l1'~: III :1ll c~rly dak. Fain;!;"" of lh'l 1\:l.1n" of POP!;: we'"e ';,U' ir "!tl, ,,t.(~r 0 :l;n" , by Wh ...111 he hn d i:~. ll ~ '" WilI;", n, \\")11) Wa~ llw faU,,'r M J oh n :l11 ll1'110111:O ", I){ who'" the li)",'1 w:. ~\ thn ".ther of " 'Wl m\med William , \'."ho l\"n~ "l"l",.t~,1 ih· ~t 10:,,,·1 of Down and Iln Tlm 1\( n"lth·\>et. !l"~ta"d. ')'h i. Wllllnm til" ("the.· nf 'l'h'111\lL~ anJ Witlia m. of WhOlll t hp. '~u,\(l had" """ "am~ tl 'I'Jmmml, who ~"""e~d"d to lite r"mil)· e~l at~~ "ftc,· t he dllnl h of hi~ " "de wilhout malc le>oue. bul left" only (""",Ie hei r;' hi\ll8C!r. o r the Suffolk "r",,(h oi t he fl.mily, one !t:Il"h I'ope w:tS living at the h~~:in:ll n~ of the f01uieenlh ( \'ntUl")' ;md ... ~s th e fanl~r "I ~t " 'Il~t, on~ ~on . ~ir William p'-'J)(!. ~ nd probably 1,:.,1 {)th~ ... ;'l clu (iJ!llr th e .John I'0JlC wh .. \\'n~ livl n¥. in Su lrulk in 1:167. r~ ii; not (\,,1"1)((·1.1' lmown (..,,,,, whidl t,f the man." lmtll"hci! of th~ C"mil)· in l',"glll",l tl", '·'Il"b' A m~r;mn cnli St",nL;. of- the nnall) W~t~ de"oendcl1. hut uU of t h ~ I'O I'[,S nrc hcliev~d to hlL'·j! lJCQ" oj l~'mm"'. orll;\" at " ....'nH't;, Jl('riod. 1'lic d..i;t:cndcut~ of t hc~e ,·a rio.1S br:u'chu of !l,e f;.m i1y in ,\ merim h.1\"C ~pn:ml to procl.ir;Ln~· ~\·t'ry S lltt~ of the l\"m~

. I






, U" I.", liu.l I~~ \..., " ,ded,,~ mu~h in l h~ ~J''''''l h of the country :C~

tlwj y ;mc"'~lor~ :tilled in the l'OU nllJU~:

or rhe ,,~\iOIl.

T hey Jmv~ ;,een noted fur thl'il" CIl1Ir,~f\" . energy. :nnb;. I!.m. piety. ind""I,.)" """"Ul·L..,("hl\·~~. lIeT •.,yel':moe. r",-[i_ 11,,1" mlOllcndcnh i)l. WI't'~ r~ G (· I\~:lI()l.d"al Cl e,,,, h ,j;'.' /'1 1::111.;1"1\(1. V,,1. t. J"'!:C '187. ,mel N~ w );:!lgi:Lm\ Histor ic!!1 au(1 G'H\" "I(lgic"l l~~gi ~tCl', Vol•. J&, p,,-,,e ~~: Tk C"nt of AnM I:L':\nk~1 Sir Thomas I'{» I<), Om""!;,,,, ,u,,1 cu"todi,,,, "r l~ ltwlret h. n rt(' l'\\':mh QLII'~I\ gli"" bct h, lu"i the nl ol,t,!, " Milo I. l 'iul," (melwing J\I.tk~ ) "To !!If, and to you." '!'h ~ A n~H nr~: Tw~ "hr \'n"", gul~. a c:0, \'uffl'd (! rj;'cnt. Mlrl inr. In Ih(! h,1I111 "roller a Ila; r of ~c"l~ ur, ~folto; "Milli, '1'!bi." 'r h,- fnel: Ih'lt thj~ oo~t of "rrus Is Ihe !1lme lIS ou r~ oh"ioll~l ... j" di""led ,I eonllcotio u !><.-twr.en th...,.., hr:mch ..;: hut the 1" V<"e of " centurJ' m:lkl'l! i l lWncol~ 10 esl.:liJii..h. Ou" of the 1' 1';\';.' Ummej ] of 1/ cu r,l' V I w:,~ TI"'m'l~ Pope _th~ lI uanli,m or Ih" Prl !lCC~ E lj"'l lJcth. nftcrw'lnl~ Qu""" Eli~:ll~l h, ,lll t inll" 111'" m;nori t~ w,,~ Sir 'nlum,,,, !'upe. He l"Ii.illi~1 wa h h" r al ]]"Ui<'l
w,," " w,,"



~ Q SIIUl i ll;:~.

,\ uCll tur.\' ]"t .' r we find th e Pill\(! l1!1d 'Wr'.htng tlll1 faiil' II!,'~ tl"ntl .~ l'bnt e d in l'i" 'I;";'" nn m"~, ~""i" lly

kw il'g thil "nnw family intimate nmi intC l"ln:u·j·yil1[(.


!"l1n,U,', 111;101, I S(iO, 1m):;: :!7!I : 'I' ll " (!':"( i\.i",,s
lSI\' ( I ) 17,;:


"'~r" mcrc"~"IIi,

....In'l'iillill:i~ -


f>f ohl 1::1l;:1I1h f:lni llie:< __ . c,,~h h.w;nl: 'Imler hi.'~ __ ("{)"lrlll :, ~lU"l of whi le l'Ill"\':l1I11:' )'II]'1 e F:un;t,. 16:101. 1MO. I~~ 27S: ''The Pr>llC -.:lmi\;:· of the '0111 IMlIlilliou' Will''' !IOm~w h~l ~:l rrjtl· n'~11 th(l.~e ill _ }.·cw gn!:l:md," r.i:;t of I~mili'r:tlll~ II> Amcl'I~:I, 16(1)-} ' OO, p~lle_~ ln,


l fJ3. l''' r ~ 1 : ,\ 'n: (~n('a I't>!>~ W(,$ Iiv]"1: In :\]",1.in'~ li nn_ ,] l"1,~I. Vlrr:ln!:.. in 1(;22 , 1)('",1 "~in~,~ ,\pril I"~t," 1(; I" ~b r Ulll')'. IG:!:), . 1,lst or F.mll:l'nnt~ 10 timel'!~il, lUOO·17IX1; P:lrf i, 1':1::0. 12,1 : Ol\~ .10 ( .r ~lm 7)1'<'[1 (" I\!(~, 28 . C"1ll~ ,m,r f\"Om I,,,!,,_ I" n,] in t h,~ "Gr';OltGI~." ~I\illlll: A"lnl ~t 21, 1 r,~ I;i , ~"cl. ANTO ( Alltll nn~' 1) POPE ~I\Hc d In tIle " [" ,\I.,C ON," ,m Decem),"r ~l:';, IG:I~. Imth for Vh·lIl n;!,. Ll at of ]"", I !l L'illlt ~ to "II\ I! L'i~;" 1600-1701"). ],art. 1, p"r~e 177. nnd J>OI'~ I" mull)', .I C~1 - 1 S 00, i,alrU 2, 1): A G,'()rge POP!' ";n~ li d ny- In ,!amc~ ' ~l mHI , Vh'!rinj;c,

-- -;- -



Cr~ck . Wc~t.nwro\"ml

em"'!),. V;,'gin b,

nml wno '''' e<:~tur 0{ (: I)\, ,'ge W:I~h!nlrlon . " ( John W,,,h'tll!"_ tem mnrrJ~d Atme r "plI. 1ia l1 llhle,· or 1\,~lhnni{)l l'ol"'; (h-i tlp. _i n Vir:;;nl:l!n 161;;, TheiJ' slln. l. ~wt~,,~~ W;\~hin!:wlI . W:l..~ : illo f"th~I' of AllR!l~Uno \"'~Nhlnr.t(l ll ,,,,d h~ the bUll!!- Q( -Ceor!,:'! W,,r,hlnglon.) 1'h~ t':lr~nt 31:e of mOl'l~ fir lh.., ~:lrly elll~rnllt.s to A !nN;':" -b ill eon lldct:l1)1e d ..."ht. Srll cin"!l 1(;1'i. "J'(JI~,bly III l.ond61111r I" Ilri,,11I1, V." gLw d. - -:-_ ""tl): r" t ~'llo i'tbryltllu' in l C:~.J nnt! non"w.,;1 1<1 Virgi,,;:. in

------ -' ---






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111·10. ~ctLI;'J!; in W...-"tmorel~ll,1 (;.."m l.\· (C"!"";~I F" miliu Or I\ m"ric~. Vol. 7, I~':l" 277) , 'Inll \\'HJr~ nl Pope uf We~l_ mur~ln",1 :lml l\',mscn",,,,1 Cfl"nl!,'~ wem hrolhe r~ (Walei'll (;~ tl ~nlOf(i""1 r;k,milll;;'. "<>1. I, 1mJ!') ,W:\). " ~Ihe btl"r \\',,~ h l'n in 16:{,1 , thk ,,, "nml 'liull Ilmy I," cm·,·~..,t, nm'''ll);h tll ere would ~ e a dilTcrell"" of '1001'\ ~llI h t~~lI y~,,]',~ in tliei!' fli(,'n, The flld Ih"t lmlh w",.~ from We~ \mor" i:l!ld COllnty (\II' LII (,r ~\1L,t,.nt"'k, thi" ,,".<\OlI\ pl.l olI , :l tV/ .!;;.•,: "The (;01'0"""'" "'''Iul'> t 11ll]Janc\cd "I)()n tll" dc"th of G"" I'1(O' Pope and 1"I, ~ "t ChillI ])')~~mbU' ~xxjth. 102-1," Ch ilrl d""wl\t~1 in a wdl wh!l ~ Ke l\;1\I: ",,,t,',,. ]',,1'. ~n(~ rnme "\"~ r in "]""d"" "' ~l'd' :mt nb:trenls ~:lid ~il(>llt·C ~wo Y~I!I'C~ o!:' I:~ 2 1:! : " \\'!1li:lhl Pope v:,,,, l'rl>bahly the brother of Kalh:m Lo) P"/a~ (",how dm,r,hlcl', )\1\11 0, man'ic(1 ,Iohn Wn .hi ns:trm, the t r cat.{(l'anl"ock , " r(!I.""IIIlI""Il,(""",,logL.I , fo r [he J(l"nllt or 200 ac '~" ;n W~)I · nlo\"obncl Com,\)" Iu Willi"nl !'oj") Mm'ell I I, tli 55), He tWilli"", I'''IIC),,,~ \\',,~ Iho ime"ti" " of Nllllw.uiet I'o:,e, r<:vJ~it~.1 E nglmld in the J 6!l0'~ :




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Sti nl. an,] Wllllam, mdml'(I, ,John ' .,mi,ThOlni>"/'Opo \\'CI'~ \""'thN,~, ""tl lwnjoably t h~ r,o,, ~ of _."' : ", Jlieh:ml I'OI'C, Sr.. ,,'crd~1"t "':iI ' ' nl!ker. of ll rl,t <>1 In " l G~. ::Of -",,,,rI;C, ~hi~ ;~ :1 co"j~1.lu·,, ; n" """" ...1$ tlj~oo\'1m!d u'cl lmlly oonnect them. ,\monl! th" . Il'.~""ndnnh of I\nthani~l uri,) Willh,nl W~ 111)(1 in "hn"'~1 C\'d)" ge",,,,.. Hnll ami in , ", ~ v''''Y h,'lll Ch of t lt e; r r"mili~" Ib,: ,1,,,11(,, of Willia nl, )!"l1ry , ',:Th om"~. Rit'h :w(] "",] .I"hn. " ,"'-:,:': Ai. Will~,m J><)Jl~ w"" ~ ql\"j( ~,', ,'nm<','.-I",t of h'l' ~nmLll' n:eo,~1 10M heen l)rI'~cr "'~t I"" t;'~m. u,,"), or the l~l,dl "g tlt~ Col. JnoeJ,h I: rid~cr, ~I;'-.I . ' I'tl(;ma~ T:ii '~rCl', G<'t>. Ridrnrtl t:cm,~~!, G,Il, Tbomt'~ J;',~hrml, ("',ql. Th(oTl':'s (:/),\~.} win, ct nl., s;'llll'~lhlz"'1 "' il ll tl;,) QU1,I:NI, when th~)' di,l ','':' : '110\ n]) w )uldy h~11l11!r II> them; a\\iI whi)" the qun kcn \\'c)'~ :,:-.: "::', ~oliwli llW .• lill~d (Ol' I1rm_"QI"",.mit )" nm) if,r laih m, In 11<" " ', \ if)·lhe :\\II,1lt)l'it\!'.' of thd l' illkOHh~ tI m ~d illl:_~ :md M~,)m~ .' blil.,;, Ule), !lIul th~l\' uWn mcctill l: li(m~'" :tllt\ Jll'tlc(,lcdh'



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\\'ar. ~





Ill,H-I 800.

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lIot kn(W,1, whleh


f:,,,,lly in Vlr g;IIi:>. but indi', ,' ~"tioli~ ~,r~nx),\' lu.int \" Geor;N 1'1I111l who w,~~ (prolmhly) • '-:.':': ' , t he J'aUwr of N,\thnl1i,~ 1 :lllrl \\'iIIi\llll )'oP", 2,lW(1)15 :!l11127\Y(1 )~3 .(;4 ; '\'h ~ Ih·"t Pore, in I~ dlr~"t '(Illrl j,rov"d lil\(', of whom I haw, ,I !'el:f land in W~lu\ltrc~ I~",I (;o.illl), III 1r.5ii. in N"U"etrmnol e m",!), in Hii',';: mnl , lGl,Z am) in J ~ l c M \\'il:h( Cnunt y ill 1(;£". William 1'01'" ', W:l~


Lhl: t nu mlu of





l '



Im d a I)l'!)!h"!' (jf Nnlh:lllid 1'<>1'" nr \\',~ "~­

','I ::,':'

" ,mo!'ol:lnrl :Connty, whl"'" (\"" J;htur, ,In lle, 1'." " the ri)'eatgrlmd.noU,er tlr G~'O rfr" Wn, liitlUil,n. IIicllmond 1.'\ I,d Grnnl Hook ..J. tm~'l! -31: WilUn'll 1'01"' f!'rntlled 200 aCTeH in W~'!\tmorcl:t.",1 (;(>n nly, \' il'f!inin, aI,,;"'b

ll. lI;r,s, Iui(' or Wlt:ht Cll'e,il Boo k,", t~\ IJ'(' I\!i : Otl- Oct(>ix:l',' ~, IG5'G , William 1'OPI' r~oeived " m'l\lll or l!lO a"i'e~ Ili N'nn~'e. mond Cciunh' (I))' the tnl1wport:itt!in ' M Com' lW\'l\Ol)~,

j, ,, '.



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, I. Ilichm" »<1 L.>II,) Crant Bwl'_ '1. p;,)~e -]06: G,,~crl"'r Morysu!), F."'I •• :;r.mh Wl/Ji:lI'1l l'o]Je !!1lO '''',..,5 of 1'1",1 in KmL.emm,,1 C""" I),. ,\. 1). If.(i)!, ~'t;",d~

'~lc or \l' i"ht G, ... "t Il""k, 5, IJllI~~ II·j: 0" .Ini:; 2r;, 16M•• JlillcH t 1!r:l11ted 1" W ilHnm 1'''1'« r~r pol) aC]"C~ of laml in 1~1~ of Wllr),t COlmiy, n,,:1\' Inrliml SWB1!l11. 2711'(1)61 ami SIlA I' 1>/ 5!lS: WI\1I:uPl' l\lIJ~ and )1aric, hi, wi fe, had the foliowinJ{ chlldl'~n: 't. William,' horn '\"1"1 .'1./1" !ti(:~: ui" d May 28 . 172H. MMl'i " ,j '\!;C,..\, H"il~. "t Ch\\d':'I.\I<'~ . ~iL" ~Cn1'> lld em",!.,.. Vil',:,i,,;;',. 0" Fc!""",,"j' 11, ITI)S. Two', the wi t ne."'""'" to hi~ " mn'i"R" IWI", Henry' I'O!l(~ IUld hi!; wir~ S:luh (SHAT'


(,/·11:1, nos).

In 17M Wi ll iam ""'nl~l ~~IO m'....5 of bud ill :'''''n~w'''nd Count)' (:!!I\,:].12, .!06 :H'" ,14 V;l.; I ) mid 90 ru:T"d In 1~I(o of Wight Coun::"" in 17", (JOV27r.). ~Il ,\ f> 6/,11;;: E" r ly QIl~ lrer 1 :~'("ol' I.~ In Vim; " ia: ··Wm. f 'ol'~ of the COlmty of l\an'l~mond nlld ?obry 1I"i1e of


Coullty nfol"l'sd ,Ii,] I'nh);"), thdr


III ,mr I'ul,..

1i~k m."'I.ing huu;e BerQr~ " lII~d;n!: of men nml Wotlwn l"rJ~,,'I~ 111~'" the ilr~t mo 17Q;

ami C"min!)" ll dum the

on tb ,;, " kavmt th day of the 2 mo .\'iOS," \I'.I\. I'OPI~ 1-IAlty !' OPR

Wi tu,,,,w:<: IIK:\'r,\" 1'01"1.1

I!. Hr",I")" l ' oJlo (sec bo:lnw), I!. ,\ l!e' PO[le, horn in A" :lu~l , 166'7 , Nonli!)g fminer I~

kllrMn of h~r.

rl. J "lIn' PO P", 1)()rJ! A" f( Li.t :(,. ' H170, di ~d eire" 17:17. w,," Ill'ob,,!cd in 17:\7. h i '17(1.) hu Dwn~r\ 2.,0 "en',;

J! i~ wi ll

(:ZnV:H2 , ·IOG and :1-1\%>1) nnd 111 'J7W 18t; ncr." (10\'81)

all ill

! .\~ Q(



.. trld of Wicht u "m 11<>\,k, :li!!li, Sar.lll POPll. ·.~j td o r "" lUI;'!"'! k~f;tC)·: wmia,n Valrc:ltoI h. I~~ of "'"hfhl. Will !JIll Jim""!'),. Ii:??, r~rdtM\ ~'I:I lib ),. In&. conb h", tho r<.>1\"'1'I1\1: lie n!; ~ l !;!va ;!.nll b~" IINlt.h 10 5011'1, 11 1' 0j .... wi;'" at Helll'.I' I'll])". th~ IIr il1o l111; I " I ~ from t ho Coni ~ hc bl'i m:" 1,,1' h~r ' omily't 11 "4l tu IIIQ ;o,lI11~ du rin); lI~ r M Iura] li fe \0 I"",\! t hai Hb<>rty wheliH'tr tile M Il1 ..hali 1I(>~ r,-: P~. ""'~;ve:j

I: rilld."

"om ,\

I Uo: N IlY' 1'01'1':, hr.rn Nm-cmher :10, I c(;.:) I' Sj.' I)!I find 27\\' (J)GI) ; dk d
C Olln! ,\', Ik:" ~

2. I "'!~~ :1. WHI r;~ ('\'II·,! ~,1

2B Oc\ohl'l', I l l .!!. S'!



I'''~lu 1~ ~'. hi"

' e;.'t:!~ 1I(l1 11'~.L!~!I ) .


•• I

! ..."tI.,( Wi,;,t Will I~, ;:, )>:b, John, fIVe ~hlllill!:r, ~n~h ;,ml -"I'Y~ "he 1o:l\'l nu hn(1 h :~ part bero~," ThPJI ,,""(l ion§ !l""ghlo,'I'~, ~b ry n nd J ,,,,C, rili llj:: t hem Olll! ~ow :lnd or.~ C3 ,r, "c:ld, h:,'! ing i't:(d h I' ~rl bef(,ol'l!," A lrill to ~"n, J II1el,h ; !lollll'llt'!r. ~"l~n l:ll:: ~O", 1'If,ma~ IIn!1 ~III1. Satll lllll. he lenve~ laULI r........ell AU (Ow~, c~h'eH nn!! hol'-'::' , ote, H'i \h~" br <J" • .'I~ h ~ OIl! 1'~"l m·. Til" will Wll~ &!;:M.l 2H Io dll)' of :\f,l)', 17:!i1. :m ,1 r()Co}r,lml Ottohel' 28, 17:!S- lI i.\ will b 111.0 TG:onlel! in l ~ltrl HOok. JIlGl_ J7 J!J, J).1!:t' SSG. !iC\'CII:ornU, o.'IIt ut y llnrl 1...10 "r WI(lh l (:o'lII ly, p~'1! 69;;. 1"\1111 (11':•.,1>1, 167.j.17tJ5: Hell l')' I'",,~. Rook S. 1);011" I'iG. 1691. Ui7 lIen.'s: n ook 9, 1" '1,"" I!l-I. I':~), 'i: nc~ for !rnlLhl)(lrt"I !~n or fl('f.'Ont. lI elLfT' PO)'" m"rr "-~! ill !SH .....~ .... h W,tu ot, d,:I,'lt:lI tu ot John W,,\.I;' nnel hi. wj f~, "" ~~, rlmll: l 'l ~ r "f J oh n \o: LI):1f~h (M:lrr! "l:ci~ I, la 01 Wil/hl Cm,nt:.'. I G2~. ' ~+}\), p.~!l" 42). S('I! W" tb " "mll;:. 101! lOG, J IO, ',!.,..: I " !IIry P O]Je own e,l .130 herc~ ,,1 hwl 1n Itl11 01 WI:rhl Cou lll~',

, !


:,1 ".~

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"I " '/j ",;


, •

1. .



.:- :-



:'i:--i ..--



HE NRY nnll Snrah POP!>: had t ha followilllt children : n. WUIinm: di~d 1.1 Janum',·. 17.\0. He own~!llll nd in Ed!:.tomllll County. Non h Carolinll. III 1710 cnd 172!)..32. b, IIcuf)', .liccl :!3 Odnbt>T. 17r.s. c. Hlch:ml; lIied 2·1 5<:l'Ilombel', 1733. \Vife, Sn mh . Will Ilrobntc,l in 1733 in EdgeCOnJhe COu nty, ~o rth Car olinH. ChildrCll: Henry. Uid,~rd . J anl', s" rah.. Rl~hIlrtl e\'idenU}- J(\'ed for :1 l illie in " " StIIlO . t.., nk CO\lll ty, H~ I lind tho [Dllowi ng from :r>,-CI!&G H 1/·IG5: "A t n Cour t held at th a [l ou~e of Richnrd Pop~, P~""l\l'" tnnk P r«intl, the ad Montiay ill July, 1 69~." tI. J ncob. Owned luntl ill Edgl'Com\!e Preci nct 172 ~·32. Married lW~­ noot},. c. Jejm, horn ;nI700; died Apl'! l 0, 17·\';. ~farri~d ltOlll'uiJll\' McKillne--Sc.l later , (. lfnr."; h\l~b:\nd. Wil_ linms. g. Jan e; III,"hm](l . Hra s~a]c. h. J o! cph: die.1 ~ Jauunry. 17.18, L ~!ernlll.t:. Mllrri.d J Meh Pope, her COll.ill. j. Thonlas. Owned I~"d in EdxNomlJe I'cceinct. J 7~~32. k. Snnm.l; dlccl 5 Jnnunry. 1758 ; w! f~. S.lrn h. Childr~n: Eliznbeth, J ohn. S:\ln"ol. :'olney. William. Berlie Count~.. I'or lh Caroilua. lMc<.1 Bo"k n. page 107 : Henry Pope made R d\'\l<1 or InnLI t" John' Popo or B~I·tle COun ty, In 1726 , J "bll' 1'(1"" (I (emy.· William' J \\'lIS \KIm in Isle of Wlt:hl Counly. Virginia. In 1700. Moved to Berti e Count,', Norll! Cncelina, thence t o Edgccoml.>c County and Intur to Hali fax County. lie "':Ill known M "Colonl'\ John (If Edg«omhc nnd H nUf~x" 1",,1 wus n n'nll or Il)ll~h prondnenc~ In hi., community nt tlm t CHI)' dnte. He died ;n F.dgcoomlle Counl y .... pri l !l. 17~;;. CR )l C 1/.J.70: John POll'" b"llght \.\lld from Banm by ) !cKlnll c III 172\ 011 Mellerrin Swamp "where J oll1l PO lle now Ii"f:lh." History of lIn!l fax Co unty, Korth Cnroli nl\. p.llle 10 : iohu nnd Jacob Pope r cc alvcli grnn\s ef Innd I>etW<'Cll 1720 n' ldl 'i50. ___ :__ ._ CR )l C 3/ H7: J ohn Pop~, Jn ~ tie~ of thri Pcnce for Im,l wIthin E dgeeoml>e Preclnct. Cho"'nn County, MRY lb. 1732. e RN C .l/MG: On )Iarc:h 16, 11:>9, J olon Pope \\'fI' nppointed CommiuJoncr or the Peat e with Bnrllab)' ~rcKlllnc. Jo!eph Cotten, Th omn s l(en rnQY. ct aL

NCII&.(:Jt 2/ 303: John Pope ".,,~ n church wll rtleR prior-to l HO, __ _ CRNC 1; 651-2. 723. 72·l; J ohn {'OIIC, nl cmiICr of the General A~.embl,v from Edgecombe, 15 Mtlrch, .17·!2;22 Jul~', 17~3; 2·1 ~'cbr\l:\ry,17u:l~M; 15 No,'embcr, ·17.I4: ~ April. 17.16. . _ " , " ' " ,'" CRXC ~/74": On9April. 17-J-~; 'lIlr; Jiuneii ,Cutlehi\i; u)lOrled 10 Ihe General A~ semblj' mou se 'of nurg-u~c") that John pgp~. one or the mcmbeu from Edglie'omllc. waS (lend. RCllOrt w~ ' nlro mnde b)' \\'U Uarn W!1!On. mcmb~r from )\ewool"!l@,Llmt ) f r, ,Tobn POlle Is (Iern!. The olflce~ held br J(lhn P(l11C aud Ihn nuthoritim;- are nlr.o lU@nl ionroin:!·IW(l ) ..Iii lind 27W(l)GII·G~ , _ CUNC 22/ 24S; John PoP" own(>(! I;\nd ill Edl>crombC - -- -Precinct ill 1727-32, CRI\C 4.i32!)"~O, 44(1..1, 711, 6S&. 626, 63 f : ,Iohn Pope i~ ­ ~ho"·n M applic ant f(lr "'"Hants and )f rall!9ln 1738, 17·1(1,


\,42, ct~. CR)\C 4/7(1~:Johll l'ope on Novembe r 2, 17-J.j,\vn ~ ndm\Ucd ,to ,pro\'c right~ for G wh!t~~ /lm\ 20 blacb for h !m~el!: 'p,lso' rl!lht~ for .Iohn JOl\e~ lint! Jolm L.~ng~ lell, JOhll' Pope marriol! Mournin g- ) !c!(tnne (1721), She wn~ 001'1\ , e!r~1l1700 IIml died eire:. 17GO, She IYM tha dnUlfhlcl' of COlonel ilarn aby MeKinnc /111(1 hiM ,w!f~.)br)' (E~um) IUch, reliet of J'ncob Rick.! who wns the tlnughtcr of .JllligC Jer~miah Exun\ IIIHI !liK wife, ,\u n L;\ ,,·renoe. (Se~ MeKt nn' rcrerenc~5 to her in \'lIrlo"~ rccordw, but diligent re!e:lrth fnn. 10 lind t he rlaw~ or hltr !'i r tll ami jll'4th. So, I hR"C IlPl'I'O"hullt~d th~se two d~teco. Olle ;m thor it r 5tllte~ 'h~1 tlt~ dl~d ~l>elw«n 17·11 anel 11SS": another iml)li ~ 5 tlt ... t alii! WM alive ill 1760; while" Ihlrd l~lI\'cs the year in much do"bl. J ohn' Pope IIml lliH wife, \ITournl~1l'1.{c!{hinoi PCll " llsel !!)( cl,lhlrell '; a. Henry: wife. T"bitha. " Tht~'l!\"ed lIml died




I• ..., :!


I • ,



"', '

j I



· -'. "r>. :j: "";""


in Hnlifa x County. Nort h Ca.rolina. His wil~ IC((>n\l wite. nnd he nlemionl< he r In hi ~ wlll " long with hb "cld~., t $Qn," 11m'well, null four y()\l1'.<;~r 5011~, Willi~. JOIIll, Henry -",'gustine ~nd "\I~t l n Wiley, b ..JCrl~ Pope: ",!r~, )lnry. He died in Georgi a in I SIS. ~ . Lewia (Loui~) POlle; wife, Ann. d. \Vini[r~(1 POI ..... : died unmarried in n "llfllx COlmty, North Carolin a. lI er will. ~atcd in 1762, m~nUon' h ~r brothcr~, Jc~gc. LQw!~, IIenr,I'. Wmi~ , 11 COIl_ sIll ; Tnbithn and Anll, dDnb!\N~ the ",h'e s of H enry nnd Lew!", rl"l~ctivcl.1': (md Mournhlg' l'ona, n COU$!n. e. J olm' POJl~-«'U b t.1r, f, ll;

"!I, "



Clrolh~'. lGOO-1760. p:1R<' 144.

The h' [ormat.ion in 1 101~ par:ogr:lph rn:n· be found in S H,\I' 8/ ,s08 am! in 27\\'(1)G I. IIId". y of Eolllcwrnoo Coun ty. North Carolin". )l.IIg..,; 22. ·12: In Ih~ ml':llltime, in 1732. Gantrno. Rurringt oll 111'_ JlOlntCd ... J ohn 1'0J>ins; per mltt etl to IIccep! a sent in tIle ,\ ~ O('mbJy. Same. pnl>e 70: Johl\ AlwlII lIud John Pop~ were "beed 011 Imllorlanl committee." 17·15. 10 ~ulnt e Kr ie\"lItlC
', I, ,



IIWoricll of Pope, Carter
mot r led J olon' Pope (lofW. :156). J olin Bodd i~ ""II~ ' livfni '::' In 1',J2, ns he w~ s menlinned in the will o( F:IiXllbcl h' Jeffries In t hat year (see Jellriu F"II.lly). lIut t he ,d;aelly km"vn. DlIlsrent fCH(';Irch 'llil~ (aUC I! to find tJlC ,bte~ of birth. mardallC to J ohn' Pope, liml o( death of Eliznbeth' Jcffrie •. ' ', Dntu 'wcre not' rec orded In GtllllViIle COllnt)", North Caroillm; \\"h~ fe t hey Uvcd, prior . ..

7 ',': 10 146. _ , .. ':',':':"" ....,', , John ' Pope Wil~ n pinntorwhci Jlve;I ' anli ' dlc!!ln Grlin_ \'!Uo Count)'. North Cnrolinn. I1e move(\ ' i toni 'Edgccombe Coun ty to Grnllvlll c COUlIt )" in 1756. T her!! Ilrc in _ th~ OlTlec o( the Rcgi.ter of Dt)C<]~ in Grnn'l'Hie Cl)1inly mllliy records of lan d trl'.!I~lIetion In I\'h leh ha \t.\H cOliC('rned, ' TIlC$C r«onb nre dn ted from I-iS<:! to ;loout IS00 nnd 'ln- __ ' elude sIx gmll l~ fl"Otn the En l of (; rnn"ilIe. tlte Ulen Lord " " P rotector of the Pro,1" CI! of Korlh CllfoJlnl\. T hey lolal About 6,000 ncrl'S. ' Tlte.!!e bUM we/"(! 10(~led In what lIOW are Gr:tn,·iIJc. "-nm'kJin, Wnke lI ud D\l rbllm COIlHll ....... ', ''' ,__ CRI"C 26/ 3SS-3!I(I: Joli n ,Pope Wllil J\I~ti~ of tha ]>';"-~;' : Edllc<:omhe County, 17·19,1111(\ Sherilr or Ed8t'Comlx! Coimt)~, 175~·GIi, forwhioh h. wn~ p~jd the Mlnf}' of .£2.1. CR!{C 2S/,Jj)7: .10hn Pop e WM:l \·c~tr""'I7llln in St.JoJlll'~ P:lI"bll; -lT~S. . " ", , "", eRNC 25/ 389: .Tohn I'opc relfC"CII 'o f 'II ' ju'dgm entiJy lUI I>'ct the Generni As~ell)bl)', 175S. ", ,', ' " '.":', e RNe 23/ SS9 : John Popc, Cillltn!t\ (if 'n ' oomp'~"r of 120 men hi ,Grllll\"Hic County, 1703. ' eRNe 23oiS~: 101m POIIol'!, ' JlJ.lltite of t.he P MC IIn<1 J ohn,' :ll~ n)l~eM In Ihe Grilu"llIc '

i ,",


,'i' '


IT.,a "

Oollnl>' Tax List5-Le st Trlhca of Nortli Cnrolinn. p. 30·11 i\mong: thc C:lr. ', (( c~t !nn'lilic5 III Grmll'il! e County, North 'Cllroiitm, "'erc • .. I'op~., ; '., Jeffreys (Jeffrk~). And Qn 'pngc 210: These

" incn were: le~d lllll" re~ident3 Inul p romin~nt m~n ..

>< J,


J ohn' Pope and his wife, Eli""'~lh, I~,d the following

~hl ld rlln;

fl. O~bOl·n. who WO~:1n Ill',""rid alill dl~d III :,"orth Cnro_ lilll'. He waa nc,'cr marri ed . bnt WIIN JlC~~(1 of conoid_ (' ruble prol*rt).. I h~\'c a CO)!)' ~! hi~ 'flU d~t"d April S, ISll.llnd recorded nt OxfOl'c1, North Cnrollllll, by which he lett hi:1 jlropertr W hi s brothel', Jo)m ' l'ope, ~Ild tQ hid ~i~. tet·~, Temperance, Jim" u"d Pc"e lloll~~. H~ I"!t hi ' .~lun3 to John' nml hh fir,t wi fe, Ann Whit:lItcr. except one girl who WM willed to hi.~ ~ i3t"r, Jano. b. T ~mpc,.""o". v:lla I'!l:trricd Jl\ml!.~ m,,~kwcH On April ~. 177 2, In Hal;!..:.: COtUlty. Korth CnTo\lna (JSW ( l)2~ ).

nnll 'no\'~d 10 T"'lllessen. 1\0 fu rther r«om. Co " enellopee, who "mrried J',me.! We"thcnI'- and 1";:m:.infd 10 :>ior th Carolin.... They el'l,lcntly weill to TeIl De~_
ne laler,


!~d~mte Arm;', kill~,l .I11m',~r.<' 10, ]562. at the baWe of

Mill Spdng, Kentuck:,-, in the Gtv!l Will". The Nicholson fAlnU}" lh-c,l in :...ram"j" COlUlt)'. T~,\tIc~~ec . c. John' p"pe- 8l"e lale,·. ,101m' POp.) CQtL\'c)'t!d " pu reel o( hind of i53!-iI I\I! ....... ~ 1000Mtd f li nd S.1m,,~1 P DPl', _____ _ J ohu> PO))C (John,' Jclm,' lI unr y,' WIlHam') wri~ !:iOMl : J uly 11.. 1762, in Gmn";llc Count;', North CIU'Cii lm. He died Jnnuary 18, IS2S, mid i. bnrb! "'t I'olle'~ Chllilei. WillbmI
.. '.'

dnugh ter of fticlt:lnl Whilak"f (JU.,t k.: or the Pc;ott, Edt,-c- _to .... be COllnty, ~orth C;\ roliron, October, 1149) and EIWi- :_ --

beth c" ry of the noted C:ln' Fnmi lr or Virgi nia. TIleY b~d tour $Cl ~3 nml Iwo (Inughlen: ~ , Marth.. ; nlHrri ... tl J anu!lrr 12. 178·1, Fendnll Crnmp. -They h!ld one dnughter, Mattie, who IIlArrl!tl J. W. Alc1>1clnl(ono: ,' '.... ll died Ullmar. t! ~ d . , " " .. "" " d. Hlchnrd W., born 1791; dIed :\Inrell 13. '1802. c. J olm il'., born Octo\lcr 1. 1103, wh mnrri«l nm!. had $ix child ren, J olm O. :111<1 il'iIlinm Gttn11lboll hel,,&" two of

.; "

the," .

t. Elir.:tbct.h Pope, bo rn F...bruarr 13. 1'197; marril'd Joh n Andrews. _ __ . 11'. Cary W. Pepe, born Seple"nllJer 1<1. 1781 ; mnrrietl __ ;unl I~,d Sf" cral cliiltlren. -Cnn" W, II"U t he ofdc~t of th c~c ­ child ren. Sonle Popc~ of thi~ brnn~h ot th e famUy nre ~tll\ lh'irig around Ille o"l ll o111c.~ teatl in Willfnm~ou Coun ty, 'l'Cll!le!ll!Ce. J ohn' Pope'. "£eoml wife Wn~ Alln I.u ca~, daughter of IVJlllllm tilt;! . . \1'iIlinm LncM ,,"n.~ n \'ll1\\'l of much prorril_ nence III ~orth Carolill". (See Lllen! Fam lly.) John POlle and Ann Luen5 were !l1:1rr!i>Ci F'clirullry 2i, 17 ~S. T h~ hUer WM horn NO" cmoor lj. 17j·l; di«l No_ vambol' 10, 1S,1G. nnd iR buried ;It l'ope'ft Cb.lll!!!. Our 1 ;11~ or d.~Cll l!~ from thi~ ~eeo n" runrri nj:e. l ohn' Poric ' ,,;.,~ _ n Mcthodiilt ",inihier who dis~ ot hI.~ lund, nlxlIlt 1.500 - --atTl'S. In Cran.inc Coo nl.\'. Nor lh Carolin/\; in 1300 and ",jth hi. a.contl wif" .mll children ot I,JlI ll r~l "i(e IPO''Cd --10 TcnllC3.!lce. They Bettl",1 In Wlllinllt!on Coo'"',-, whe '''he (lh ' ~ incd ~ large unci or Innd_OOu l2.()Oo acrc!--:'ucar - til<) )fnury c."uut)' line. Doc:unlCn1:ln ' "'idcuec !n m)' IJCl~ ac~~ IOIl fi how~ th e \oMtion of thi~ lnud. 'I'h!5 lnnd ' 'wn 'joined on the ilOut h by that of Dani el' Cnr tor. ,t he writo r'~ grellt.lrr~lIt·grandfathcr


th~ mnt~rn'nr 6h!~;

Inl1d o\\7Ic(1 by Benjnmin' Cllrter,




...• ,.

., --


'"ti(thy th6

bi'othar "of ,Dnnfd.




, .


Ptl per$ in Illy pos",e.wion hea r e,' fdcnr c of tnmsfcra of I:md belween the POIIe and C.. r lcr fnm llle! in J82-I, 1S30 II ml 1832, DIIelI, Benj ..",in C.u tH \.(I J ohn Pop e, 300 acl'C:l, 1ti:lrch 9, lSO~ , Book I, p:lgc fi Ol, Rel:'l a te r' ~ Office, WiHh m!\oll CO 'II't)', Tenne , ,;cc, " I ~o in writer'. JXI''' e~"ion f~ :I ,ncmo NUldlllll givin g the IXl LLmlarf e. of the Bellj:l1nin' Cnrtel'l nl!!l gr:Lnt. (See Cnrler "'nmlly,) l'oot. ', Skelche. of Not'!h Cnroll,'u, lIlL II'O30~ : "", Grnll_ "me COIW!" , •• ~ellt forth (to TCIIl!e6deo ) cr owd . of emi_


Itmill. nud n u m""O\L~ uli n i~te!'ll in thei r fr f:ew .Te .... ey lind Penn.)'I'·lu ,;", Johu' Popc \\':L~ one of t he min isten referred 1<1 300\' ... lie went to T",IU"~5N' in 1500. The McFcrrl na were among tho~e "'ho m;l:ral~>d from Virl:in l~. John' Po ~ e I:"\'~ ~ i mc! or IlI n,! in WiUJllmscn Couu ty, 1'~l1ne5"e<.'. Se ptember 4, I S18, fer a mCl)thll1holl ~C which WAS lla m~(1 I'ol'e's C1lBIl CI "for th e u'e of ~ongrell'ntion~ \\'hi~h in,,), ". wmble for th~ worahlIl Qr God ," 1U1\1 "it i~ to hll rurlil "r \\IHlcrslorxllhnt th o llUlll lt til nld ho" . " is to be t ree. lIud ncce""ib]e to ,,11 mlnJ stcr~ of th ~ G0 511 el of II Godly alld mo ml dmmcler of any ~cct 01' lI ellO llJlllntion lhnt may think pr oper to OCCUP)' the ~amc, ~o ,1~ not to iuterfere or n ll~ ,'ou flloio,," wil h cudl ot hcr~' :>l'Jloint mclIt," Thi~ orllljlmi 1'11.1"'" i, in th e "'rlter'a poJ~ulQn, .loh n> Pop" b;' his ""'''' Lld wite, Ann ( I .U~M) rOI~, had ~I:t .buJ!: hter~ a nd 1\"'0 ~ons : a. Winifn-d I.., born NOVl1mber 30, 1798: died J uly 28, 18,'lG. SILo marti ..." T. J , 1'lI rlmm, b. 3fmy Cr~lrord, born Otl~bc r 17, 1500: dj~d )la rch I,!, I S(! S, Rull i. hurie,j :\1 P~pe'~ Cllapel, S he WR ~ not nm t _ dall, C, William ROIlS€,

(See l;it er,) d, ,lnne O,l>orn. born Jnll\lnr,\' 23; :1600, .' 'Die,i April 24, IS33, bllried at POpc'H CllapcI. Not m/ltrlc d,



\ .I


c. 1836.

Cmulifc J clTril'O!, born i\1a)' 1, 1803: tiled Jtmuar:r21: S tM! married de Grntrenrc i(1. Burled nt Pope'l<

Ch:l\IC1. f. "\ mmnrillll l'hreft. born June 2G, 1S10; di ed Mnj- -ii, -IS3,1; burie,l li t Pope'~ Chapel. She nlR rrlcd Willinm n~lIJ:h nml had olle child, Alln, who married Arm.trong, lIud (l!~d J mllmr), .1, InOn, mi,u Co lumbia, Tcx:u , /I. Gustli\'\I" Adoph'l~ I, liorn Dct'cmb~r'· 12, 1'S12; died JlluuRry 13, 183,1, and WM hurled nt Columbu~ , Mi sHi"5 ippi, \\'har~ 110 I1m\ gone' for hiH health, lle wn~ not married. H B »nlm illy Imd cO)I~idernb!c Pl'1lpert)', IU J ~ tter~ in in)' pO~t'~'lon ex:hnnged bU["'e>.'n hln! nnd h;~ brot Mr, William ROUAC, fn~l"entJy mention Ihe 'n.~ki .., of his wi ll. m~ lc-tter4 I ndic.~t e !.bat he w:t8 well educated ftnd pout: ... l'd -of

a One d l'JIO.lilIon. 11. .Ann LIlCaIS, born Mill' 1, I SI G: died hi Tuu, .diit~




on~l Illnee nol known. -She wnB m.~ rrled t1lrec ti mes. -,/i rd to S. }II. Fr(lsh, st'Con~! to Mit c)ltll, lind thlr,\ to Ft1Hing1!i>eo!. S he Il~(l no children. .

WilHnm nouse' I'opc (Jolln.' Jo hil ,l John,' HCllry,' WiI_ Hllm') wa~ born April S, 1803: dle'\ March 1.1, l s.JG, lind is burled at I'ope's Chapel. On June 2n, ISaO, ' llc mnrrled !..c3!)' Jllne Gnnt II'ho IYM Lorn No.'cm\ler .1. lS07:dlcd Dceem~r 31. lSGG, lind i ~ buried nt PoJltl'a eMpel. Thi~ J~ our line or descent. The}' were n,y'lIrnnilpllrcuh.WlI_ Unm Rollse mnde twotriP-'ltD · Texn~, probAlI!y' to _settle t he nrrnll'll o f his .i~tcr, -Ann LuC/U. Till! IIrst trip sbrtlid _--Al,r li ~~, 1 8~ I , And ended -J une H , 1&11 . The ",riter ha.'nn neeount book a ed telLers to hi~ " 'ife descr Ibing the-firior

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trl» but hM no r~ord or th" ~ond trIp. lie wn$ ~~ ; : __ or (Il nsidcrnblll 1:md inter(1ll s In paris e t lVellt Tllllne:M--II~ well M in lIiiddle Tcnn~~,," M i~ e"i'lcneed from i.ct tctll -__ -In my p l)S.;]~ulon. From WilHam R. Pope to Milton Cnrter of MauryCOuu_ ty. 'ronu" sec, 13v.. IItre~ on Cnrter'. Ctae~I!oOkO ,No. 130, ll:lgo 307, Deetl A"!:ust 8, 1&~2. : ncgMor'~ 'Offic e, WllHamson County, Tcnne~~ee.


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Lesy Jllne (Gant) Pope y:,,~ t he thIrd child (of ~~ ...en chird rCllj of William GMt "od Lell h Xc r ... ood (b ol. (See Glint Fllmily.) Witll:,") RO\l\lc' PO})\! lind hl~ wjf~, Lesey J~lle (Gan t) Pope, imd the folloll"illZ chirdren: II. Wi)]illlll' L~olllda", born MIl~'l!2, 1931; dh! KovcmilCT G, 1863. IIml buried nt POI)e'~ Chnl'sJ. He nmrricd Sarah Fnrl~ IIml they had two chUdren: (1) Ett:.: married Ford H;u!1 cy of BrentwOOd, William_ lion QQ unty, 'l'ellnC'l!3cc. Thl. couJlle li nd two chlldrcJI, Elise Im~ S.'rnh. Etta liI'cd fot· m"ny ~'cntil In Nn ~bv illc, Ten_ rlCl;Hre, wIth her daughter, SJt!'1lk E lisa died In Colorndo. where ~he Imll gone for her h<:.1.lt h. (2 ) Willie; Dlufrled J ohn Meek of S~rn wberrf I'mi" s, "nol< County. TeOlll'll5re. T hey hlld !Qvernl drlld r cn. WIIJln m Lcon;,L~Q Pope "nd h r~ wIfe, 5IIm h, went 10 T.... XM In l 852 bu t rmuffled 10 Ten llc~sec " f~ ... ye:lnl later. Hc n'/U ndmiUetl tu the practi ce of !.:II\' In .'>Iaury Collnly, Tcn n~a_, III Dt'C:~mber. 18~1, lind III MlijRisaiIlPI In 1SS1. Sl1or ~l)' IIrter th~ outbreak of the Ch'll W~r lie cnli.ted~tIlY. IS6I-in Compnn..,· A, Ninth Tcu lle.l~co ' Battn\io l) of Ca\·nlr.l', with hi~ brother. Gllsh\\"l!~ ArloIIllIIIS'Pol_ ee lnter-nnd wus c.1ptur~d by the Federnla nt 'For t Donel~on. TCIII) CB!!ce, FebT\lur;· G, 18G2. :Iud !lellt to Cnmp Morton. lmi IAIlA. th ence to Cnmp Ch n. ... Ohio. 0 1\ :-:ovclllh ~r .J.1S53. liD W!13 ~hot by n gUlIrd for nn nllet:~1 hlfrlngement of Ihe ruJ ea 1U1 ~ died llbou~·\;oo a.nL. Nn'·cmber 6. 1853. A lett er in IIU·· po$Se9Sioll e k es t.hi~ in fnr mntlotl, ll. Cl\.&t;l\'\l.S Ad:llphus' (\\'lI1inl1l nou~,' Joh"" John.' _ John,' lItm f}·,' William'). born J anuary 17, IS:H; died l fn)~ , 1923; buried ill Mllplewood Cemetery, Pulaski. Tennl'''o;et.'. 011 Nove mber




22 /ll./or''''' o/I'op<:, Cart er and .licr(l-rbl


d. J.e$C)· ,\ nn. born February 20, l SSfJ: died

J~nUDrl' 2;;,


I~U I . On D KI!lUbe. 8, ISas. ~he mllrried Jo hn D. !tlt~ 1I1 0rt. of ;\Inn.)" Coonty. TClln~$Jt!~. " ~ cy wllh thei r \ , children mOHlI t o Abilene, Tn:"!, where t heir 1I e.eC!ld8nL~ :"', !tilllh·~. ~'h cy hnd the IollowhW chUrlren:


(I) ,\ tki n. Pope ),!cLemorc, born M ~.· 17, 19G~: dic(\ Fcbru :1.ry 11, 1028. Ill' m,~"ricd ,ro~c )lhll\C Croll!, I>Qrn I.'eorunry~ , ISOG, on September 7, 1367. The).' hud the f ollow_ hll: ~h!ldrcn: . '. ' ,,,', (n) FJorille, born Ma.).' 17, 1$00; ml\fr:! ~rl 1110.:0: Bentley. June I, 101 1. Th,,), l,:l\'e th e rollowinR chlldren:A!icc Lou!~t', J~)lhi n . ern!!\" und Darh.",,,. 'I'hcy U\'c li t Al.Iilcne, TCX1l~,

(0) Fr,lll~, born October 6, 18fJ6; !UnTried fl il;bam ~llIll"'ell. AI'ril 19, 1921.

T hey h:l\'c one d ' lId. Vi rgi nia. They li~(I !lt ,\bilcne. Tnn9. Ie) Lucy \' irgini~ , _ botJl Norcmoot IS, 1896; mllrrled J OI'11 Cal"\) R n~ ... II, April 12, .1924. The)" I,R\'c onc _chi1, of Spr ing lIill, Tcnne~~ee. They had t wo ch!ldrcn: ( I ) Orvill e P Ojl!', born April 2tl, 1878'; )\-'!l8 ,m ali-iccl Juue :20, 19()f1, to :\Iyr" 'fj'Olll)I'!O!l, born In 1833. Thc~' lh'~d lIt Spring 11m "nd had two ch!1drcn'l ',',:'":-,:::,,, (II) TJ'ompson POIIC, bom October 3, '19'10,"nlitJ. (ll) :>.ht ry L% nom, born Septemh er" 13." i !Jl3.




ii'cue: as

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(2 ) Lenll, bot u JIII~' 25. 1$S0. " ",I diN unn"" r icd. 11, 1900. C~I"\'u" ..\ 1101'1\11$' ""t>e ( Will i;"" RQu~ ' J okll,' .Iolm,' John. ' lien!"),, ' WIl11:1!n' ) nlld ill)".11 J3~l1e (C nr tcr) l'opeF~brllary


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I .,


th~ )l"re llt~

of lha writer.

Guot.l"'''" A.

l'OllC enlist,'1l w1t11 h !~ brother, Wllli~m LoollidM rOI~, in Mnr, UIG \, in Comflfll'.~ ,\, Nh,lh Tenu""""" B:.[\:.IiOD oJ C:lI':\ln', Conrcdcr~ te Ar my. He \\'1\. ~ent to;'\ ea rn]. ne:!.r J\ RshviUe, ."d in the <,ad)" fall W"~ 'Mlt to I~ort lI enr.\'. 'l'cnll a~o;ee. und er the !loted Conicdcl'ale C~v;'l r)' Lender, GeMr") Kalll"11 llcdford Forrest, lind then to Fort Donel_ Mil , wh~\'e he wn~ captur ed 011 Fc!.lnlary 16, l Sc.z. He WII~ a Jltloon~r (If war (or 'ie"CJI mc nlll~:It Cnmp DI)UJ,:ba, n~"r Chlt;'jfo. In SCI>!on,bcr, 1%2, he wu eKcl\;\lIJI~d nt Vicks!.olll'l:, M if"i~ip!'i , nnd ~cnt 10 t m:. 1'ort " ml" ~n Oep~rtment. lie WII . then conlllll ~loned " ~"ptnlll of Nwah·.,· by Presi_ dent J a l1"e r~oll D,w) , o( the COllfcder ntc St"te&, nlld ~ "rvcd " " ~\lch lInlillh e C1080 of Ih. Wilt. From the Port Hudsoll Dcmlli"tmellt hi~ CCllllmllnd WR5 !lent 10 t he Army of the T~n ll\'~~ al Dalloll, Georgin. And ~cr\"cd lIudar GCllernl Whw ler. Whcel ~r'~ ("1I\"nlr;' Wla ,;ent to the C-arol\lI."I.'. H~ ~nrrc )lder" d wit h hl~ comlllllmi nt Chnl'loite, NOI·th Cnro_ linll, In )111)" IS65, mI(l returned to lib home In Tenne. see III ",,'e what he ~ollid from the wreck l.eft by tha W~r. lie WM 1I0W left with his moth .... :111(1 I' ~i5ter 10 (lire fer a& wdt /11 th ... home plate. He \\'n5 a drujtgi"t I." t! pre>eri p_ ~lolli~t nt Pul~!ki. 'l·en"e~ llC. {Uf 1II:tIlY ~"(>U [S I.>cforc hi ~ r etil'llment from busl!1~'~' For numy yelll"~ prior to hi. Ik:lih, hewn " ,m Elde r in the l'r~",byterilln Church nt 1'lIlu k f. lie wa s I< hb:h oJficial in the Kn ighb 'I'>1ml~!lrtI in Tc "n('tl~c lind II mcnllocr of the loc,,1 Hoard of Edu~,.tion in Pulavkl. IIc died In hi~ nine~il!ih yCRr and II I' to :l few d.W4 pri or 10 hi. dl1":llh \<"i\S in IlXceli ent henlth. ~I)'!'~ Bcll~' (C:. rter) Pope; th e mother of" iiie .writer, wns the cld~~t child of Benjamin Carter IIn(1 Cynll.!:! Hol_ Inml (R ivers) Cnr t~r. ( S c~ Carter }o-ll mil".) Sho died al her homo in Pu~""ld II'h"re "he bitt! H \'~d for 110 mall~' YI'!I.I'II. ;\ col\sj ~tcnt member of the P1.>r.,~k l Ej,iHOOp:i l Ch u ~h in




I ·c. 1


lIi!/oricl of Pop r, (.'ruler !I>lt!

.1loFc'l'ri~ Fn»tilic~

whieh hf'r parent s lind {nken well n prom ine nt p.W!, _~he WlIS grl':l lly i n ter~tell In nU it~ hnm, ,\ 13 bama. Ou t>-o"cmher 19. 1!l02, he married Sada JI,m'klos of TliTtllh'II"JUltll . unll th~y h ~d one c1lild, )~)'rll Bcile Ill, oor n April 2, 190.1, who mllrd ed Wnlt~l" .Kennedy of llir mlng-hnm, Sejltcmbcr 28, l!l2G. GOlllS" to Blr mhlKhnm iu hJ ~ In te leel"', he en)f.lgel! in the (h'ug Imsine.l ~ nn,1 ihM in I h~ N ll1 CJIa.I .. bllAjnC5.'!. in I;o:h oi which he W:Ii SUl""Cl!\13fu l. li e \\"~ 1\ de"l'otl.'d husb:lnd nnd C"l lter ami ~mong hi~ a~i!U~rnc.7 of Pul:ll!ki, T~nne!i3cc, wn~ nllmHtml to th o Bllf, prl'.clio ucl In Nell' York City for n few yen!'", nnd then ~et.tled in 'W~ .h!nl!"ton. D. C., \\'Ilere he prac~lce!1 \luUl hi. dcnth. au Odober 13, In05, h8 'mnrrlcd E\"a. ~Iooro of Pub"li l nnd the~· III"~d M Forc~t Glen:: Mar~'_ L~nl1. They h~ d the rolloldtl!:" chlldre,, ~ -tl) E'·A -~oor~. llor n Ortooor~, 1007:'- _ (2) CIIRtnvu. Adolphu~IV, horn .Aug-~Ii! HI, :10()!j. (3) EClIjnmin 'CJjrt~I', \>Or)l Septembe r 1 i. In!..' ' (4 ) 1>fnrr Ri\"er~ !lorn O~tohc"


(.:I ) Elhel. bo'l1 AlI C"U 5t -17, 1916.


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G1I4lnl'uH A, IV, n w!! eldet direel n:inti.- dlli!~mb nt -of-- hi~ g(lncmtioll I' Dm Cap:' Benjamin Carter. -is-neill' R bel' of thc "So<:i~~y of tlle Cincinnnti." .' ,Cnrle,.'M' ~~;! do\\' nrid children re.ide in Wn ~h!nglon. D. C: , . . : ' ,:,'::,:,,:"', ~. Willinm Ri\"en' {G u... ta\"I~.' WiJif:uri. R~iIW ,' '/ olln.' J ohn,' John.' Ih.'ll ry.' William'), born Il\1llin~ '0;, 1880. eli~-__ -- -' li»:etl in the ReJ:l'lllr },r my in :.Ia,-. lS!l9, :libii \\·rii ~e nt to--




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jhe Philippine !~lal!(b where be P.1,rticilKlled ;a cntlll',dgl1 6 agrd" ,t the In . urgent.· . H~ wns omllln[",IOlled n !~:{)m! lio'itennnt In the Re$lliar Army Im.\ ~ent 10 lb. Sc.cond C:L,o."lr r du."[nl:' th e fir~t \lC ou »;l.tilln or CU\:I\ shortly "fi~ r the end ~r the Sll""l ~ h-A mcric"n \\'''1'. He !crvcd IwCl slIb!eqllcnl l<'Un! of dll\r ill tM l'hlli)l!>inc l ~hll~d3 a mI i" I N15 ·35 ~crl'c(1 In th e l'mlllm" elLn,,) Zo"e. Oll h l~ tr jp ~ to \h~ Phi1il>pin~ Ir;]ahd ~ he \\"aJ ~w ke ~enl \-;n th.l Sun Canlil. He hr.d t)l\I~ sen'cd tJl re~ to u", In th ~ Pl, iiippin cJ nnd one to\'\' in e ll!:n in the !lui \.en yea\"!< III bh ~etv ioe. He K\':ld. u,,:~d from t he Troll!' Oiilecrs COll rs<: ,It tl, ~ C,,,,,, l r~' Scho o! in l n12 . " 'HI In 1 ~ 2 G he f;r~d l':lt ~d II'Cnl tJle A(\v~!lted Con r"" al l he Ca.\"lIlry School, going from ther e to the Commlln d and G(' )j~\·,,1 Staff School from which he gr.1(ltilil ed in 192i. I)u r;u~ World Wnr I he s"..~,.~;l "'i~h tile 8!ltil lmd !l2n(1 lnf:.ntr.\· D ivi~io ll~. <;"j)in g to Fer.nee with t he ll1tter llulL In FI';ll1 Ce he WaS p= Dmo!c:! :.nd ~ePt 10 lhe 2!1til l"f;1ntry D:"j~lon in wllkl! he com n~un,b:l tho 113th r. ~~i. m~n t dllr !llg t hu !.I ~:'~~·A I'S"OIl"i (Jrrop~h·~. AfI~ r the Ar. mistice. h.l W1I1 :tilP(\lm~d n D"I'ut~" 1',.(\"..".: MnN;!I:l!I. Cell' er~,) . All\c"!oan EXl' l d iti on.~ ; ..\· ,;,,""C;I In F r::'llo~ ;ltld pll1~d in eh.,rge of O\'er !I.OOO ~. rnilnrr !'ol~" ~t Ib Amerk an Emblll'knt :OlI Cc nt ~r M l.A! :\Ir.n!. r Ulll OC. lie comm und~d Ihe FOIlJ" tb U. S. (''''\'~lrr III fo'orr li{:l'l!\'!. Soulh D:.kola, for t\\'~ )"~~r~ . 'i'hi ~ .....· n~ ti1 ~ l"~:~i!tl ~nt in whi ch he M"rtm\ Iii. m!U tllr~' f.\: ITiN OYer S'l y~~t.,. bt fOl"e. ,~'b iJe at 'Forl :Jl'~ de. h~ W~S Ill~o in ~k ~!N <'f 35 10 .10 '·:\ nlp.\· of th~ Civlli:1!l Con. _, . r\·ll li on CO l" ~_ !n IS:lG. the l\'"IiOll::.1 Geogrnphio:· Anny ,\ lr CO(""[lS Strllto,.~ th e snrfMe of t he cnnh. COinllll W:lti 11I~~nm.entn' in thi! suece~~ ~r lh" fl ight ml,! """.1 rc wn nl.

/lil/or;c, of /'t)pe, CllrtcY g..,[ Jfcf'crrin

, I

"'g>ll ilic~


lIe 15 n memile! of tbe Washingtou. D. c., Chapter. Son~ of _ the ll e\'ol"l ion. On Octeber 20. 1!lOO. he mnrrJ~d Vlrg inln lH~Ft'rri n.- bot ll AI!ril 17, 1852. who W3 S t he tI~ "ghter of II.,... nn d



lIln. J ollil ,\. :.\lcFenin of the notel! Met ho.!is; IlImi!r of Tcnt1e~5ee. (Sec "'kt'crrin }'nmll,. HI~tory ,l On OotolYlr :n, 1939, CQ10n~1 Pope , nt hI . own rcqlleat :nllr nfter over forty yenr! 5ervic~, Wild retired I rom th e Army. Willinm Rh'crs Pope IIml hi. wIfe, Virgln!n McFerrin Pop e. hnd olle chi ld, n daughter, Vtrs;:lnin "fd'crl'lll, ))()tn nt For~ .h ~loni\>o ille, Montana, }'~bru!lr)' B, 190i, (Sec Inter,) ... , Julia. born D, "'liS mnrri<.O
"I'" ,"




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!pecini hODIII'J from Ihe U ... i~n!lt~· of Cbirn\:o ill 1930, ....... ( I.'i '·in\: the deg, .... of P h.B .. and \\'M; ~ledcd 10 I "~ Soc:e1y of P hi flcinj\:lJll):!. 1... 19,~15i' e r~'('I\'ed Ihe degrt'C of I11.A. On Ihe 29th of Jllne, l !l:m, !he Wft S nmt ried to T.icui. I,con J . LlvinK'ton, QU:lrl~rm"st~r nc~crl'c C"· ( HmO) a CokInel or th Quartcr ma.!l1er Cotps of thol n~'Ilu'll r Army. Colonel nIH) li t ... J.;\'iI1/:'llon hM'" three " hildnn ; (I) Katherlnl!'" Pe lle, born J lllie 2G. 1!l37, Omnha, N.,.. hr,,~ka.

(2) Willinm Pop e," bom JrIllUllr}' 22. HMO , lit Puln8ki, 1"e l1 nc~ ~ec .

(31 llichard )lcFcrrin,'" born Fobru:lr)' 3, 1~13, Pulns. ki, 'femw..c. (Richllrd'~ ~ccQnd nn1l1c lJclur,: that of hi. mr,t ~Tl1:I 1 grnnd morhel"' , fmni ly), LiM of DC~Q!lt: WHliam' Pope mnrric'!l ~r:.ric: Mil lI ~mT' POII<.' 1I1arried S~r3h' Wa!t~: Mil Johll ' Po pe 1I1:1rricd Mour ni ng' ) ieK il1 11c : had J ohll' Pope married "til.4bo!t h' J efTr ll'
, ,i

..:. .'


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," 28 IIWoriu o{ POlle, Co.rter uNd McF'erriN. F antil«:5 Ue)lime JJ : of Militill muster , IS NO\'emher, I r.:!. Vel. 10. p;>gc 99: Simon Pope, 011 CommiUco of S.1f~"t:<,,P itt County. 177;;. ___ _ Si mon Pope, Em,ig n in F Oll ricclll li COm l ~ll1Y or j\fili ll~ : \'0 1. 10, Jmge 187: Henry POl'll \I'M ~p po!nte(1 EI1~jgn cr r frAt Regiment, :/I,'crth C" roHn a CO Il Un~ n\1I1 \roop",-8ep ' telnb ~r I, 1775, , , , ' I'ng a 618: WilIi~ Pope npl>ohitCll "eeon'tl llQ"t~nn !\t from II!llHborollgh District for Battnlion t o 1)C1 1'lIi4C ~,A Jlril16, 1776. P,llre 69B : Jncob POiIC ditl R~tun!ly !.iIka 'up i\rril ~ l\lid b,d {orlh to ",ar, ,... cnptKi n or " wmll:"'r of J~ m"". lIe "".... n FR'C!llol der lind liw,d in B I :Ki~n Cou n ty, to April, 1'776. Vol. 10, ~ 9 41: H~nr~' POIIe alll)oinl~d t allialn, No . I'emoor 29, 1' 'iIi. of the E ighth Rcgi nltnt. (Vol. :!2. poi,ge 909: I'('ru~cd nppoi nl ment.) I'ng/! 971 : J nc:ob Pope, no\\" 0 prillOl1/!r In S\.;lnlolJ-Towit, -_: A"g'U!ln Count )',- Virgin;o.- permitted to" retu r n- to _Edge.. cOIlIbc County, NorlJ) CnrollJl!1, 'tnk ing oa th t o SIIIt';- lind gM IlJl' £l\OO ooml for ('Itu re g()O(l hch ~\;lor, DceemlH1r 16, 177C. 1'hi! wn~ en petition of E ll ~lillctn POlle. Vol. 13, jlllge 511: S"l!\ucl Pope e nli~ tcd 6 May, 177T, for thr ee year,. Sick nl V~lIer F OI'gc, li e lJclangcd to ClI)11.. Jclm Ingles' COrnlilmy, Secon,\ Nor th Carolina Baj;· tnllon, September 9, 1778. ' , ' :', ',,',:, ' P /I!re ~ 1!l: WillinmPojlc, enli ~ l ed SC\ltemlH1r ~ , 1777, [or t nTL'Il yelU1I.Qn ""mnmud in New J er~e>', J.i clltenti iitCol()- _ nel ll:i rnc)"SCo nl tmlw. -SIlColld North C~roHna Balt:.iiQn. P ,' g/! 650: J netlb I?o",, __admiltcd nil cltJun 23 -J:ui liuQ'; : 1719. Kor th Corolina-_M;:"isL"turi!. i>lIg..-.s $,17· (;'18: Jacob Pope, lJ."l.tne nn nntt'. » nge &,·1: J:ltob Pope, Governor concun. (Sce-- Jae;;Jj-_-- - -POIlU Aoo,'e.) ::,:,_, c_::-:_: Vo!. 16. IJa)!'/! 2: Bu!'\\"ell P~pc, Member ,North :clll-eiliil;.-___ Hou~e. 17B 2, W"kc Comity, , V01 . 17, pnge 2:l!l: SnnlUcl PO!l<J reccl\'e~ !l(i6-:1S-10 tor hla armr .e rvice in )< orth Cnrolillii ,L!n n: ,.' '(Se'a 'ilbC,'c;) Pn!{o ~73: Willis Pope Oil J lily ,H , '.l78'i; e~~'mllted from MUl tl n (l ilt)', ' ,"

,, ,




0/ Pope, ern'Ier alld McFcl't'ill Fmnilin


Vol. 22, »ng~ 325: Samuel Pope, Sergeant, Gupt. ThomM Grave! , Com\lI\!)y, Craven Count)". (:.tot Dll! Snmud l'ope IIb\l\'~irrcrent


,I !


Pnge 326: Geor~c I'Qpe, .Jr.• Prh'lIte, MII!! i" LI~t of Crl"'cn Calluly, 1151. Voluml! Iv. IIItRe 113.\: Sa mll cl l'ope, l'r ;v:l\e, Ahl or.son ·~ Com\l;!ny, Fifth Regiment. North Caro!!"." Line or Conti_ nenbl t.roo~, cnliMted 15 )I:l~·. 1771. Pnge 1136: S:ullucl l'ope, Sergenn!. ShCJlh"rd'~ Com_ pany, Tenth Regiment, North Gnroliml Contlnents\ I,i nc. EnUlltcd G lt~'. 1771. P r i..".le, J une, 1778. Dheh;u;:cd 30 June,I77D. Pnge 11:16: Wlliinm POI"'. Sergeant, Shcphnrd' s Com_ \lfIhY. Tenth NIII1 h Cargll" " Continelltnl Li nl!. E nH ~ lcd ~ Mn,,', 1777. Prinltc, June. 1778. \ 'I rgi nlll Soll,\icl':\ of 17i&' Vol. 3 : P"ge 1253: Willlnm POll" nlHl lolUl POPQ m emher~ (pl·i. " nte~ ) oI fir~ t pnr ~!" iln 10lri oll commanded b)" Hril;fUlier. G~ncrnl ,\rmllJld, )Inrqu is de I" Itoucne. Dlleharg(!d N,,· vcmber 15, 17S3. EnUtk'll to 200 nCl"c~ of hmd ench from Virginia . P nge 1272 : Helin ' P OIIt, nu.-mber of comp:U1)" d Cl\rinlt roml \0 "Knlntu~k " 1\11<1 Cllutled to ITran t of land [ro m Vir· ginia.


ENGLISH FAMILY Sel'wlCCll lh Ccntury alill Isle of Wig ht Conllty, " irll inia. \lUgt', 102 : Capt, hhn EIlIj'Ii~h, Mem lK'r of the Hou se of Bnl"ge,sQ~, VJr~inin, 1659. SDIIIC, p~gc 112S: Cupt • .Joh" En\:Uah. Member of the I[OU5(l of BUrI:~~~~, 165S· oi!l. Islo of Wight Cou nt.I·, Virgin;n, Book I GOI·1716: TIll' will of John EngltF.h wnH nuule )" h ill 01 Wig ht Count!', Virr,llIln, 13th Augu st, 16'i8, nnd wn ~ ' j)rowtl III tho Com·t held fOf the 1.le of Wight CoUl]t ~· th e Olh ~ a.r of Oet~ber, 1&; 8. In 1018 \~m he will...to mr l o~i" !I' ~rm·hi·lftw, John Watt ft , 1111 nil{ wcarI ng Apparel, ' both Ihwn nn!! woolen." An~, "will nlld ~C'lUMtb to nl)' dAughtor, Allee W8 tt~, !lill )':I.nl~ of serjte," Alw, " i t i. nil' will nlld de'\N! thnt my










,i ,I "

' I! ...




m . tori"" of 1'0/'(" Ca.,1cr

~ 'Id


Fa ",iJi~,t

dnl1ghtu, }'mllc~~ lliil, :lIlt! 111;' ~Qn_in_IHw, John WnU~, to be the O\'er~eers of Ihl. lilY w!1l j",rforw od, " He I1\Cl1tion~ olllcr chiltl rcn and /: rmulcl!il dNn, bllt lo i~ wife i. ll~t men_ tioned. 7W{I):!,IO; wm of .Johu English , Isle of Wil/ ht COllnty, Virginl", R!X:ords: "'to 10,'lnl: dnft cr, Fm l1~ e~ IU~, nil my l,ictll l'ilS: 10 .h. to ,Ia(wr, BUi:


l,I tt~.)

EXU)I FAMILY Norfolk COllllty, Virginin , JJook n, pngo 24 ; In Norfolk COUllty we find in a court rceor(l, 30th JIln u:,.", IG,IS" thnt "J ohn Nause1 came itl lo w is ~'Ounlry wl ~1i RichD.rd f.lQlm for l line )'ur;;," . ... . .' . . . St~tc Lmld Offi ce, IIichmond, Virginia, ,"01.2; pn{:e' 244; wo liml tllnt Sil" Willinm Berkeley .did gr3ntimto Richn rd A;<;um "I'" 'fhomlUl Cod",;n 1>50 Reres ~I t.unttdo" Rnpll1l· h.~n"ock Rlwr .. , tor t he 1 1'lI n.~port.~l ion of 11 ~nons. This W ~A on May 22. 1050. , 'r bl~ glllni 1lJ"Il lllllk.':'Ir~ in Molher patcnt. It will he notelli hut in the 550 n~rc )latent mentioll III mnde of ",hum'. Book," c1enrl)· 6howlng the t\xumz or Exlltw! Wl'n! s.!ttJtd here prior to UK' dole of lIresc II rnnb • . Thl. lellglh,' unrrllti ....' .,,~.~ thnt !lIe ,E xum s we re in Virl/iuin "$ ~ .. rly n~ l G40. [n tho eArl}' reeorck.the· 'n'nme ill 3pel\cd \'ar[ollsly. :u E~lIm; Exom, El<,d n, Ilnl! :E5u m-in one plnt e «pi ..d as E wen,· . (I n enrJj;'~lIlYI \Jlli. ~/ltlla h::lm~







"" "" ,, """"




," ' ",, ' - -'"' - " '"





F,' ~, i.

f,>' •l I •


,•. r


F., ••





E::,;mn wit h wife, J>Ill<', "'''" II!" li,.~t to ~nl;;:r:.le 11<.) I~"\d /I ),ruther, m"hard, wI", limIt"''' ~ons. ;",,1 'j'ho))w • . ;-<" rc~u ... l ~ h"wing whell 'l'h'>1IIlI.<



f n"'u III .o\ ll1e ri..." , bul he ",us hnr,' it, l"roO . In rt")lj", b,ulilOCk r<"m'd" at St 'lt" Lib rnrj\ llichm(>I\, t. Vol. I. l",gcs l aG-I;;1, wa filld: that "Th<mu,~ r~" um (F. .x, win7) all!! wirQ, Jllll ~ , " W<' I'~ mcnti o,,",l on J ;lll uary I, IIlGO. S""enlwnU, Ce nl""y lm,j Is!~ of Wight COU llt y, Vir_ "i )Ji ll, I'nlj"U ,150 : Willimn J"~lUll , tir~ t of Ole rmnily in "h"·

g;n;". c... m~ o\'\:r with

h (~

wife, .!;lI1\), «IU!

Jl h', : \"~COl'd [

:n, 167 1,

r. ~!\,

P'·"nd "

wJlen]'" w;tnea.,,,,j

"POW'll' of llt tor lt ... y. On ,''' JI
\ f.:-


\I'iL< HJ)~ llcd In ,1iIr~ L'('n l "'"ys-(lu,,, 11Cd,,'l'" til 1.1:11.1 h:ltlll_

.... rit;" I: or


i ..•


. 1 (

or tho .hwt!cc"

of lhti l'ca~c of th~ 19lc of Wight "nd die,1 ;>1 1'<20. Hi.. ,,'111 w,t< dntod " lnr"1I 2H. 1720, n",! h;~ wifc'~ will W'l ~ d"tc.l 11"'·ch 2:1. \Va"




1(;:J;! " G:l~

1127. 7W(1):l~ !I : ,!~,,"l!Ibh



~ >'l!I-' bl

Qr '1'!lOm.1_ Cullen , Octoll
hi t CS(l.

al'l'ral ~ i"lI


'fhom "~ C" lI ~"

III ,d!o !l\Cll{iOllCU in ;, .ke'.! lJy ,1~"~rn;,d, l':~lIn1 ,~nd A"f(, hi.~ wife, In ~ueh " w~y n~ to ~"~f'j;t ,\ r<'!ati(l'~~h ; " to him nil" tu 1111) l~IWr"" CC FllIlllly. (;.o.I CH&m : I / n·i .) -,\n :lllll.~io" to 11,~ will of .I\)hn I ~'\\\'rtln~c 1~ mad" in tilt) lsle (If Wight CLlun tr, "1l·1'(;"I". Dl'<"! nOl,l;, 170.\ . 171 r" ]l:I"~ 1'1:>' ThiK !"Coord shUll'!! th:l.t J ohn 1~IWf"'U"" I~n ~,

wi\! (h' I <'II

J:I!lIl Hry

Hl%j7 In !\'llI,"mnnnd e()lIui ," , Virgililn. "I'll,' I' ccards of

-,.,:~". , -:.:, ,






Cooml)' H e




1 ~'\"'·I'ellC~

of John Lawn 'le,' who

til e

~O ll


J~," mij\h ]';"lllH (m,1 hi~ wife. ,\ 'UI, dirl1 b~r"r~ h;,l )l~rc-nt ~ lmt ,m! lILlfo)l'" h'l 1md a tt:\lm lllHh;(\ ~ Ia n;!', !!~tnte in Vlrgin ;,\ ~ l>o.I Nort h Caroli n:!. II '! umr.:wdcd (\lid hi' ,~~t"t., W'''' I"h",.jl~d

hy his




h(l ~b:t"d ~ ~1:r"f!<1 ,,"i ~h

In the li)I/'] .eti']('IMIlt ,,,,d :.h \" WI' know


whom th(,y

then! W~O"(,

Sl l ,\ I' 6/ ·109, ? / 209.2 10: It;$ o
hlu wife, Ant<, '.j '"

. ,.. ,'





': -:! ;',:::


.. ,... " ' 'I

, :: ' ',:'.:' :



': ",r

'," :i'i-;



.,:." , "

- ;,




IWIllC'h I\l' ~ lll<'l\ti on" ,l (l'C<j" entJ)" in t.h" (l\\,.1,,,]' neof[ls, 7W( I )~;,:I ,,,,d 121" of Wll:hl ll<"!td ilouk IG61.1119. p:u:e ,1~G: Wlllln m )';>:lIm ",~I: ~~; n [~ ",llJ :lr,1 ~n)' of f)~tclllb~ r, .J 700 . ( ~l ll "I Wi ,·:'ht Cok I, Jl":~" n : '11,;" !ll ~ )' certi fy thnl lliC!l'e 16 Ihl" Willl:!m I~ xtlln ,IGO ncl'~" 0; l:lml fo r I.r;lll"l"u'· tnt i"" of WiIl im.\ J,:"'"U!, ''''Il~, hia wi f". Francis, hiH I'On . . . Ilt h, I G!):!.

;-.J C11&Gen. 11(1);. neelmi., 1· 1.~'1 . Ho ok "W":, J (;re mlah g xuUl and ""f", ,\ lin, 1l!le Of Wigh t COml!)" (mll.fonml 1:1:\ ncr.,. ot i:m'\ to Fl"llnci,j IImllch on Se]J!~nlb"" 22, 1,07. SI\,\[> G '~1l 11 7, r~::e, ·10~·2n9 , ~lO l J~r ellililh E xum "nd hj~ wife WU l' Qu,,! 7i :lO!l : I~M1C of th" m:'lrriage of" j ~I'''_ll1bh E.xum !lnd ,I nn (f~lWr~nfc) F.:xnm wcre: H. {"'~~I'!. I:;cn ::rd E xum, 1\I~ ,l lmmnr ric lt; ]'\'
. ;, ',; -- ,, ; ': "


:';" : "


Note: l'r:lclic:llly "n Ihe "ho"e Ill"), 00 flHmd in

~7 IV ( I )-

57 ",( sell. 1 ~lc

of Wi ght Gr~:'t Book. I'alle 2 \: 'I' he wHl of J er emiah wllS r«ord cd M:l T\:h ~8, I7:!O. 1, 1" uf Wi g ht, Virl{ iui n. Will Book, No. :1, l"'I(C J!I: 'I'he will of All n ~:~lI m. wife of Jertminh Ex " m. wM ,.""or, l"d ill a,." h :n. 1727 . 1~1" c.t Wi,:h! eonnt)', I~~ I!"" .187 : .l crerninh Ex " ," oWlled Jand ill Nan 6em"",1 Count y l>ctwe~" IGSa 170r;. S:ll)lC, I'll"'" .1 9:1: On Ko'""",!)"r 22. 170·1.• Icremln" E~lIm :md hi . wife. Ann. wi t h o the rll, Hell 1.11,,1 know !! liS "nlHck ll ~ck " ill North C"roli"B, Some of tile "th~ rs we re J ohn L~w ren!:


,,1.10"';: 1,ln i"I )'

im ply til,,!

Jer~ mi,,11 w,, ~

t.lI O ~Oll of


Wehnrd [':XlIIII /Iud hi s wiie. J"",,. AJoo that A"n EXlInl I\'~~ ~ I~,\\' ..., n(o iJ<: for" her nm rria)!c \0 Jcr.;:nol"h [·:xmn.







I!ollds of Isle of Wi,:h! eo""t)·. Virginin. 1623.

1800; I'ng" lOG: Ma ry Ex um, ,Im.!;!!tcr r.of Jer~minh I':xlltn of 1 ~lc of Wit:ht Colln\t. mnrr ied .1;,coh IUcke.,I • . "0" of 1 1!n" ~ n; cke.,;~ . ' ·1 Q.:toiJ<:,., 16~~1. (['nile l:lIi, Minute Hook. l.ower Norfolk 1>I eetillg, 167::.1,09. Qu:,ker lteeord • . ) ;; umc. pa ge _ ! An " Ic xmn . " :"' Il hl e" of ,Ie rc mf:'h E~"IIl, .m,nied Gl'Orge Green. 170:'. (W&I> Book 2, I"'ge ·I7~,)

Sc\"e"Ieen th Cenln r), nn, l Ir.le of Wight CmUlt)': 1';1)((: lG~: In ncr.!. the u\,,~i "l r;l lr~ ;llld miI iti" of 1"le of Wight COllIII), 1'1'0l':o.e.1 "" n.l,lreu of 10)"l\l ly 10 QII""n ,\"ne. 8illne,I loy Ihe (ollow; n!: olTi"",r~ or militia:. ,. C"I)L IIi ch;mi I·:xmn .... ~larr i:LII~:s, bl" or Wi\: hl COll nt )' : I'n!:a ,\6: II' iIl;;,", Scott "!ld MO\lruiug l·:xum. dnug hter or Jereminh E~um. 1;19. ( I)]'; 2. p:oge 29 1: WII :1. II:l.p,'e 1!l.l

I NC II &GIl I J ~!O : ,\ w l.a"t ,,( C"",'cyaucM, Chow:," Co:>II11ty, Book W: Ilicl,,,rd E x"", mul Il:ober l I ~'"'r''nl''' to Col. T homns I'ullock. !toben Lnw r" "ce•. Ir .. or 191e of \\' il:h~ Con nt y, Vi rgi nln , by puwer or :lUorncy made 1,;Hobert Lnw rcncc, Sr.. and wife, Jane. "',,[ J eremiah 1';xlI1n i",,1 wife. Ann ( I~Lwre ncc ). to "e ll Black HocK. :100 ncr" •. 22nd ,.by of __,


1~'l:e !).[ ;


.kr",ui"h E xUI" lind wi fe, ,\,,11. or i.lle

of Willht C01U1ty, Vi rl:inh, con\,c)' 13& nu"" in N(lrlh Cnrolirm, ~3 Ma:\". IG87. lI'ill d :1m] Alimln iri t,-atiull". 1"le of Wight COlllIll)" Vi,..

Ifin;", Hook 2, 1"\j!c:I : .I".c mi"h E .~um, tln llgh lcr:l, !·:li7.1. oolh. Mou rn;n!:. Clo rl$\I"n , Sa r"h. "'Jr.r.•-, Jato". ')icd Sel'tembe r 3, l"i20.

I:e<:ordetl ;l.b rcl. 2f1. 1720.

(Not e : There

aN! Inllll)' c"i,l"n' c rror~ in 'hle~ in tho.,e e:lr1;-' d:l)'u. T hi" i8 ,in c 1(> th e fact Ih "t they 1I:, ed hutl! the Juli"" and Gre);()rjull cal~lHlar.<.)

\.o.'j\ Trihe.~ of N01'lh (;:lroli1)" L>y WOl"th S. Un),. Imr.e 61 ;1: A nil I _~w,",,"ce, ,1:tu!:lIlcr of HoiM!rL "nd Eli7.~\.o(>l h I_~ w· rC'I~C, nmrried .Tertmi"h K~,,,,,. ( 1"ole : Other aUl hori t ies ~")" Ih"t the Ann 1~1W" Ctlec w:ts the """ght er of Joh.1 I "~w. r~"c~ who m",i a hi. wm ill IG %. J hC\ic\'c that the \:!Ucr

is erH"(Ccl.)

Li nc of


me h"" I' ),!xum m"rried J 'HlC ml,l


Jcrtmi" h' Esum who '''''Tried An n' I _",w",ncc "",I I,,,d Mary ' Exu", who m:\ r ricd 11IIr.lah)" ~k l (jnnc 11",1 hml Mourning' )lc\,illi le who nm l"ricd ,Jolin ' I'opc. (See 1'0llc I,inc.)

GAN'!' F'AMIl.Y (; I:I\C ,J/ G:!{;: Cou nci l hchl:<1 Edenton. l'orlll C"rolinlt, If. )!urd,. ]7-13. Johtt Gu nt I'clition" for 1,.0 ncre~ in Edge. comb e Co"nt)". CIU": C [(\/ 252. :~71. "lid 22/ :170: Willi"", Gaut w,," " ",cmoor. with \I'im"", Gant, J r .. John <:11111 "",[ ', '>:om Galli . o! Sug~n J onc~' ~mp"nr. Grnm'il1c COllnly. 1\orlll C:lro1in~ ItI'c imenl. Octobe r S, 17r;,1.


I ,


A Will;a"1 Gant "'''5 :I 'n cml>cr of the l:owa n County, North Gurul;!,,,, COUlmittl'C of Sl,fe!y. S~p\ (' IIlI"'r :.!O, 1775. EdwaTil C"nl ,,1\<1 h i~ wife , EIi1.abeth. )",,1 th~ following children : n, .1 elm (wife, ,\ "") ; b. 'l'homaN: C, en r.": ,i. S"ry. A".. trnet of Wills, North Cnr(l1in", 17(;(I- ]~OO. I'~;;e 21 8 : WiI! of Ed",,,r.! Cnlll w,,~ r~or'led in O"'''I;c Cou n ty. 1783. (It is ~lim'cd tft"t ht ,lied in 178 1.) The w ill mentions, besi,l ..s h ~ wif" lItll' "hilll ren. """" e. J"IIt" n brother. W.... this J ohn the O"e who pe t ition ....! for \,,0 "ereJ in Edg<.'<:omL County i ll ".I~ ? John G,,,, t n.,d hi H wifc, ,\"". ),ml th e fol\ow illl: ch ilo ,lr;;H: n. Willimn (horn July 17, Jji:!; (lie,) D.ccmiJe r 2. ISIG): marri ed l ~n h NorwMd _ (.' ('" No rwood 1"'111_ ily); h ..John. married Nml cy .l udlrC 011 l\prU :.!S. [7!'1t; c. J"'nc~ ; ,1. l~ha1ll; c. II :Llll1nh Ilois!: f. Z "Ch:l ri~h; Ill"l"ried S,m,h ~kCracken, 180·1; g. l,;.,..,ia : h. Sa,.,. h: i. ~ I "ry Rig IIOR '!.


J ohn (;m,r~ will W:lS I"t!l"Or,le,1 in OrM'I;c Counl)', "onlt CMo1illa, in l SOO all,l memiQtl3 his wif" l,lItl chil,I...,,, aoo"c. WiUi:> m G nnl and l.e«!! Norwoo<1 wt rc married Ju n e 16. ISO·I, e ither ;I1 I .() II i~bnrl! . Fr,,,,kHII COlu,I;-, or Ilt J!i1I "ooro, Onlilge Conul ;-. N..,l"lh Caroli" a. I1mhahl;- til e form er plac e. They had "-CH II ~hihl ren: the third WIIS [,CAC)' ,rane Gant (horn November .1, 1807 ; olied P


[ 'OfM!

!.inc. )

,JEFI<'IHES Vt\i\lII"Y Will i! ant! Admini .• tratiOIlH . Islc of \\,ilrht Cou nty , Vir· I-:; ni". Bool! ), P"IIC 8: Hichard .J eff,· il·~· C~I Olt c Oll'prni,,,1 Qrlay C"u r l. 1/-13. Thi s "'M " ,,"nC"I~,th'~ will Ifro"c'l before J ohn [)"w~" by O"I"'m~ .Iclf...,y~ l:ach,, ~1 Ilollen . "".1 bcque"lh" "II Jlr(>l~rl )' to daughter . 1,: li~aheth Hoddie. Ab .• traGI oj' W ittri, No,·th Curolill:l . I O~O.1700, P"KC 18·1: On Jun e ~O, 17·t:~. ~h~ lllmle her will (""0th~I') ill N()r!ha1l11" IOn (;Qullly . North C:oroli,ln. lInd ~h~ mcnU"" . Hons, .Iohn Hillinrd, O"lIol'uo .\ cffr eY8, I\o!.ocrt !lilli:ml, Willbm Hil· lilml. ",H' .I:l"r:htcr, Eli~nbelh. wi{c of Joh n Bod, lie. Isle of Willht Co"nl)·. \' ;I1;in;". ["I:I/:" ;1(;:;: C~ ['l. S;mo" Jeff ril'"J die,1 ci rca 17:\·1, "ml on Dc<:Clnlo.er 7, 17:\01 . .1 meeting w,, ~ hel,1 " I Ihe hounc " r Eli7",l.>eth J clTrlN . w;,low. 10 COmI>!et~ the ,Ii"i~ioll or C"pl. Simon JtlTr ie~' ~~ t"lc IJUtw,""n th u widow "nd the lwo childrcn. O.~bor)\e IIIId Betty 0-:1;". lloo!h). S,lIn". ]lIlK~~ :!r.~ . ;\77: .I olm Boddi~ "r Sout h Cn"oli "" ,,,,,I 1·;li1.noo! h Jtt!"r ied werc mlirric(1 on n cc~l!llJc r 7. I n·!' CU:-


i ':

, I I


l ,"





NC II kG II ;1/ ·110 : Cnl'llli n . .. J elT re)'8 Mul )[r~, J o.~"n"h Tnr!or we ro ",:!rri<) :l11(! to:lj~nWl h .letrri e.l !i()(lol ie h,,01 Ih'c chil_ d rcn. the tinh hei llC .Iohn' 1'011", who W:I-' born July II. t 7&2. :-':ow. si llte wio.lo"·s nt. o married not!o 10111: "ncr t h~ d ~a lh s of l1wl r ( I rea,! of Ollil i""t:tllee ill which "wi,low !!1 a ... b! th e .' ecoml lime withilill fel\' weck~' or the dC:'lh of h~,· fir"t )m~h:lnll). find "illc~ JO! IK' 1'011"'" the Mlh of the ~hihjr~ n of ~ <)h n' I'<)fl" :1",1 Eli."l>llth I\':l S horn J uly 11. JIG:!. it ~"""M re"!tOn"J..le to pul. lhe Lime (){ Iheir mnrria);e e ire:, 17,]·]-45. ,\ " 10 th e .) "1,,, H()d,lit whn m"rri~d 1-:1;;·."IJ cL1I' Jclrri o..'. ;11 17:1 ·1. ~ee I h ~ "l"ho"\:15 l-'mnily. which ~)WW" tlml he the .m, "f J oh n Hoddi c :lUd 1~li""lJeth 'j'hom:w, ~ J~ler o f UlIr""!,,. 1" ho",1I1!, who run.I" his will (\\, ill~ ""d A.lllli"i, (mlions, 1"le of Willll~ COllnIY . Virltill;". IGt 7_1!100. !look ~ . patte .1). :--pro"c,l ~t the Court of ll~emW r 1], 1735. I ma de no d fort to ;, ~c"l"t "i n '''I.\·th i1l1: "!JOIlt t he " l!i!:ht J[ onor"bl ~ J[ cd~rt J drric~ .. :. mention,,!1 ,.wvc. lI e;~



I I I.

menti,;med il> Ibe ~~ me ~ " thorily, 1'~lIe 1(;;';, ~s "Gonrnor J effreys" or \'; rg;n i". Jul~' 1.1, 1(;77, n(>lhi llll (urlhu r 1)1,0111 1 1o~ Itid",rd J effr ies I cOll lIi Itlcnlion ",1 in Ih e r'nll !lara!;"'I,h ,,\J.o,'c il lth oug h it could he llOsH ihle thilt C:q'\. Sim on J cfrrie:< Wno! Ihu Mn of Hidl ard


].inc of Descent: I:>i moll' J clfri c" mal'l'icd 1·: ti."hct ), I'ottlu RIUI ),,,,1 1·:H.:lhcth' Jcffl'ics. wlm marri e,I.loh '" 1'ope. ( See Po re Lill e.)



,,,,,I ,\lice .

LAWRENCP. PAMII '" Sc\·cnte.. nth Cenill ry lIinla :


O)f Wil:iLl CUll nl)" Vi,·,

I '~gc~ .1 8!1 ~I !l{IwI91'·I 92: T h", linC"IfC (){ J o'nI l """rr llce, ral lier of An n E ~ u m, t he wife of .Jererniah F.~ " m , is as follow5: 'rhomaH L.~wrc"cc of Chcl~" , .\I;ddlclc~, ";"I:laml , lrol,l, mil ll. m:lrficd .\ ;:l rlh" . ,I:1)'lI hl cr of ,\ nllmny Cage Qf 1.01111011. lie reech'ed " grlO nt of llr "' ~ in t r,!):l. They were. "Arg ent. a Cros~ Ibt uty (;"Iil • ." TI1<)I",, " ~ licd Octnlwr 28. H;~:I. al:cd M, ,,,,d ",a" h urted in Ch C I"~ll. lli ~ c hil tlr~ n "'~rc : ... Sir Jolm ' L~w,·e!lce , .. Il<1ro" ol "",{ merc)l:Int of Lontlo n a",{ W ,"" " s""c i"tcd wil h t.ho IImHl "it " (n promi _ " ent falllUy) of Lo ndon in lratli!l 1J' with !1 m 1"le of Wight. 1! ~ w ~a crCHt ed n h:, rone[ by J "me~ I. He m ~ rric'! Gri Hscl. dllus; ht er i, ml co·hei,' M C er "a~~ (:i!.\lOnH of Bc ncdcn in ICe nt. li e m~ ~e hi . will Ill" I ~ t nf Octeh" f. 1{i!18, and it WM l'rol,;,le<.1 2 1 JU!lc. 1{i;tS,;l!l. (1\'ole : l'he (ellewing is Qf cQII;d ernl i nte~~t on ly as nu r lil,e j~ descended f rom Robert ' 1 ~,"' ronC(!, who wn~ hor n iu 1{i3!1-<>f ",helll b ier : S ir J ot"" I ~,w re "e.., 80" of Sir J ohn ' L.~ w rc nC(!. I.:,w rent e. lI"ronCl. who IIt o:on. pa n;cd Li onel Coplcy 10 i\l:\ryland li nd was Secrel.,,), of the Coleny. On Mll )' 1. IG:t8. Sir Thom" . ' [ ~' \\'r~nc c. llA I' rc~ idc"l of the Council. bCCIIUl " i,eUU !! Go\'crnor of MILrylmld anti ."n·e.1 ""Ill Governor Ni chol soll arrh·cd. li e ,Ii",1 in England n",1 w:\ ~ btll';ed lit Chcl"CH, April. 11 1'1. Ihu titl ~ l,"co",i))1: e:<. liII Ct.)





r.c'·~rlitlg 10

Sir .Iohn' L:,"' ....."ce. he "'cntion~ in I'i .•

•dll his "YOII lIg<-," ~h ild r~" : Ami, Itto1)erl, F r:,nti~. Cri~"cl nlld lI eu rr . He 1e:m~~ th em r.JOO "nl';"'*:' I:ooor(' La wrence's mig rnl io n 10 \'irginin toilldd,,~ c1oocl.,· wil h Ihe ,blc of his r" ~hc r',, death in 1&38 . li e pro1.>:,l>ly cnme oWr t hre" or fOllr ytll rn llri or to IG '12. when he received two gralll.i of hwd 011 the "nm e day, M gl'ants werc iSll ll cd '," 'Ially ~c\' c ra l r~"r~ nft e,- :II'rh'", of the I~rn"t cc~ . He Wa ~ " I'Ll ritnll alii! , 1:,lel'. t,"' ned QW'): cr. Hobe rt> l.:m.,.e,,~c W"g " In. tiee of t he 1',,"ce ill N""scm01111 CUlm Ly. V[rg ill;", in 1659·60. !! i~ wifo' H !lm"" WaH Eli,,,. hetll ""d Ihe)' h",l : Hober t. born IG39: G~'

S"IlIC, ]Jage ISo!: Ala Conrt held N'Q"~'nh c r Ii, 1722. ... ,l ohn Lawre nce. Captaill or .\ lil itin , , ," S: rrIlC, )Jage ,Ifll : Hollert I.:!wrcncc, ,IIl "lice of til e Peace. N nll ~emQlI

Snme. pnge 49 2 : Hollert J ~lwr"n ce. J r .. born 1 fi3~ . wife. Jane-will 17Z0. Child ren : ltobc!'!.: d:",ghtm·. married ll ent,\' Ga), : d:"'l:ht"I'. ",arried .J oh n Ga,\'. S:une. 1I"l:e ·M 4: .I ohn ].aw )'ell~e made his will in N:m<e_ ",ond. 2 .1:Ul u",..... . l(;UG . Wife's " '''n ~. ·M ary. Af! e,. 1,00 . .' h ~ signed a~ "~lnry J A~wre n"e, widow ." Same. Jl."~e -In: Ann Lll wren"e "",rd ed J eremi~h Exnm . This Ann wn s da ug hter of John L:,wrence who mad e hi ~ "'ill ill l WG. Li ne of De"cent : Thomas' Law"cnce mHl'rie,1 ~1:t n)", e " gc and Iwd Si,. .T ohn ' 1 ~'1n~n~~ who nl;' rri ~~ Gri~~c1 Gib\)(m~ nm\ 10,,,) Hollert ' L,m"'once who m:m' ied El izabet h and ha,] .1 0hll' L,l\uencc who marri ed ~I"ry and hne) ,\ nn' Lawrence who mar ri ed J eremiah ' E,mm nnd iwd :ilal')" Ex",n who m:lrric(1 Banm b),' "'lel,i n ne a",1 had ~ I on rning ' ~lcl,i"nu who m,,,·,.ied .I ohn' Pope. ( See 1'000e Linc.) LI~NOIH



I I,

1"A"II I..),

lJio)(flIpb ic: Ll lI i"tory of Nort h C"roli na, Vol. 2. page u"d " ll app)"Vn lley " by Tholll" " Fdix l\i"kcr~on. paFe IW: T hu Lenoir Fmnil)' were of l{n f:UCnotic p:IICrCll. The firdt of t he name W:I " Thom a. Lenoir (tlied I'1G5), who married Mour ning Crawlcy (horn 1707 ) . The)" lived for ye"n in BflUl.• wick Couuty but in I,Wj (;O mnigrn ted to EdGecombe Cou nt)'. Nor th Carolina, where Thoma, d i~d in l 'IUr,. They bud te n children . th~ fourth LE,\ I!. bOl"!! 17:);. dier) 1S3 ], mild to have first marrie d ~h'. \I'hi t"ker. ",,,I. "~conrt . John 11',tl l Norwood. (See Norwood Fmni ly.) I.e:.!, w,," t he "i~ter of Genen


,l I', Ir

I 'r h... ",,,s' LClloi r m"rried MOllrninn ern",lc)" "'" . " "d I...."h' I""no;r wlm "mr';",1 Johu Wnll' /'IO;>T"'ood :md h:.. l I.~" b· NorwooJ who "mrricd WiIIi"'II' CrUlL anti had [.".<')' J"nc' G~nt \\'ho mnrrled William lI (m.~e· " 01)1'. (Sec 1'01'" Lin". )



LUC AS F A:"IIIl.Y The,'c ",'e "'''"Y L uca~c.; m~"tio,,"d in \'i rginb Ili~t o,.,· llL1 t on l)' th ose whic h mi!:hl hr"'~ " hearing (11\ uliT line aru reoorlleri. ! 11:<"" not hren "bl e to dellni~I~' connect ""y of lli('m witli the Willinm l.uca s or ~orth Cnro1illll who mn,",

r kd Anll Burbrillgc nnd who, doul,tlc:\.'l. were 100 Il.'rI'~I I Jun", ].19·1. ~1 1I""l h~ 10 !lober t I.IICM " m}, best

or An" i.uc:ls who m" r r ied J ohn' It(>w."' ; 10 Will i"",

I .uc,,~.

"my ,c;.:"lId


go",,,"; 10 Mmu]

I.,,,,,,,,, ~ " mIll":' 1:I'rolh",'; 10 II'"Iter L"c,,~, theh' I, rother, u\' n.l, n~ ; Hokrl loU""K a",1 HVI:~r Cu ca .• cnme to Vi,·gi " in circa \11:10·3 1. t, I'~ I .1: Hohcrl l.uta ~. ]50 nCO-d. CI",1"1"" Hiver GOll llt"..

V;l'gin;". Apri l, W:JG. fo ,' t .... nsparlu ticll of three pc,.~on~. S\'il: Court "",I Coullci l l: c~o ..I, . Vh'ld"I". A"I: II5\ IG, 161.1. "l"'ovi~ ;on for 1\'iIl;"m L llc"~ ut,,1 fa",i l)". he Imv;!!g IWO olhm' men ",il]o him." ~ N I:I : "AI n Co~rl Jl aMell "]Ion ~"'~'Ih of April. 11.47, , .• I\'illi",,, t " ca.•. .. w,u " olt,i" "I(' "" .1 ck'Cl ,.,,,,1 :l1 '11O~'n'~ to) !,l-e C h " " hw:l rd"n s for I~'riah of I.Yllh,,,'''" lInd 0.1th ". Inl. forl hwit h u"lo them," ].1\\'0)60; 11,,, 'I'm or M r~. 1I,,"r)" Wyche, Brunswick (;oll"lIy, l'irg;IIia. llro\'td in IG,17 :1".1 n"",,.,.' daug hler~, I:et>ecc:' I."CII$ ,md Eliz:,oolh lo "caM: l:rn n. khi)(lrcn af Wil . lia", l. 'IC;1 5 (tian of Samud ""d l:cbccrn Luc,.,a) ; "an.in. In\\'. WiIIi,llll Lucns. ti er child re n: I:!. !icbe<:cJI. m"rric


,1 2

/l i.!!orics ol l 'ope, Cll rt cr

,,,.d MC~'Cl'ri" } ""lIi/it.

,1\1' ( 1)168 : William, 10(111 of W"llcr I.UC:lH, baptized 2(; MIL),. 1600, )rnrlill~ Umu,I"" I'ari ~ ", Clmrle. City Cou nt)', VirJ,:in i:l , I I W( l)S6: Willinm i.Uf;l s, Vool )Hlili:" Surry eo""ty, Vjl):inin, Xbcr 1'J, 1681, 2nV2:J : II'imam L"C3~ ~how" in Qll il H ~1\t [loli . , Su rry COlmty, 170·1, :Jl G neru, Wills nrul ,\dmlniHt rnlion" Me of Wig hl Count)', Vi r · Ifinin , Hook ~ , P"I!C G~: wm, ~b f)' I.\!C"~, ICIln l !IOU ,lohn, ",,,, Willimn, E xeculo.', l)i ~,1 j)"< ~ mll<Jr :; I, I 72~, llceordcd illtty 2;, 17:1.1. ~O\,2{I:: ; I··mllte, LII("~ :nul Wi\1imn Spr l!!!,gins married 20 J ul)" 1 7G~, 1l ,di(lIx Cuu nl,'" :'II o,'lh Caronnn, COU"Cllt of Janl"" 1."C:I~. father of I,' r,,"ces. II'jtIlC~~ : Wi1\i:lm I.ue:.... . Pl l'r ri:,!:

nrn)\'e, c n r-;CG/~ S : Leu er of ,lcput:l'ion from the Au dilor 10 "Wi1Hmn Luons o( t he Temple. [0;.0 '1 , " 20 ,[,,"c, 17m. AI" [,roved Octohi.'r 2(;, 1700. CJ:l\'C 6/ GOO: Wil1i~m 1.""'LQ. SCI'te'llhcr, 17&7, ntlJl Wer~ " compl:\hlt n!raill3t him by Covcr llo,' Dohh~ . CIINC G/ 22. ,\1.·\S. :l2 1. (;oO,GO:;. G2S: WilJinm I _:

F. ,

CHNG (i/2~O: Aoo\'c rec"'Il\ I11 ~"'!ntion t!cclin~, 1 hi" Go\'. e,n (l" i)(>bl.-.r.. No ,I:'(e givcn, CI!J\C 8/ 80: William !.Il{,M sign, IlClil;,,,, ~) Odo\.(:r. 11tin. "i'eli tion of ltcll"'" slrance from All ~on C01,nty whi ch "~'ln{,sl" that Iknjnmin I" ranldi" o,)r ~om'" ol her pa triot 1)" appoin\",1 to rt'1 •...,oe,,1 t he u lI l~'I>I '~' ~l,, 'e of l";~ I'rov;ne'" to IIi. )[ "j':~!r :' NC1!&G It 1/ 108 : ,Ioh" L,,,,,,". [,; ~ e" "t11",. L"{,:I~ ill :-l'or lll Cnrolilm,



GH :"l"C ~~/ 'i'l : William Lllrll~'. ltevnlutiOllnry War from North C~rol i"a .

I ,~n_


1,1I'( 1)z:!S: ~ !cchlc" b"rr. COllnly. North Cn"olin:!, wi!! of William ,I ,,,,,, 23. 1778 . !" "ul'ed Sept emh er 1·1, 17.8. \\'i k ,\nn: "Mg;", Willi:lm I.neM. J dOllbt if thj~ Wil1,~", I. u~:ts who 111",1" hiH win is th.., on.., with whum w~ nrc cUtI~"r " ...~I _I'\)~ ij;bl)" hl ~ COli "''', "bo"c-,, ~ I h:l\'o Idte r r ef~rri nl: to th e .d1.1crncnt of th ~ e~t"tc oj( William T.lI< ~s ill ",,,rth ea run " ". ciH" 1"09:,. CI: NC 8, :1 13: WllIi mn Lllc:u (:~em r)t from r~~}" II !: wx,,~, n~ce mhcr 11. ]770. Front tho nb{l"e we "my "~C that William 1 ,lIca~ W:IS II nUln (I i much ]>r{llninCIIC(' in 1\urlh C:lI"i,Una . As ' "'I(r:tlion ill Lh~ coloniea wa . fro m e., "t lu we.~1. It 6CCI"" llroLmhlc t lmt the t.\lC"'~' mo.'cd from Suny COlm l)', Vil"J:illl:i, to SU8!1<'X 01",1 011 10 I:rull swi~k. 'n 1';01 SUrr)' COllllt ~·, Vin:;"ia, included !iu..,ex ,,"d L~lrt of II r lllls\\"itk tu th~ WU t. Hrlln~wi"k COIl"t.V. \'irl: h';lI. i ~ "djnccnl 10 LL alifax 'Hul W"rrell Coulltic~ . North Car{llina. ,,,HI it ;.• l,ro},:ll,lc thnt the 1 .1I~"!~" mO" ~d frol" the Vi rgi nb cou nli~~ intu Ihe Nort h Carol hi" COlilltie;o. W: " le I <10 not "tat c ,," It racl. it i ~ my he li e( thnt th e .Inlllu LlI< ~~ who I::LVQ hi~ con~cnt to the m:t"ri:Ll1~ of hi ~ .lnlll: hter,l"rml~'t"d. 10 \\'illiam SI'f:tgKiI11 in lI :tlif"x Couuty. North Cltro!i"a, 17G9. W:l3 Ihe (ather of Willi nm L\l r:l~ who wa " a wit.ness to th e mnrl"ialle m](\ th"t William W,, " l' brother (If Frall({'.< !.ucas.



, I






:1IIt! his wif~. ,\n" Unrbri,llI" r 10. 18:16) , who mnrr; ...1 J oh n' Pope o:.n Fd"' .. :Ir)' 2 1. Ij~)ij. ( 500 1'01'" I·'"mily.) Lin ~ or Deij tcn t : William' t.nc:\S ma rried ,\nn Un r hr i,ige ,,,,,I hnd An n' l.ncllH who rnnrr bl J oh n' l'OIK'. ( ~POII. l. ine. ) Willi",,,


:1 dnul

l-'A)II LY

27W ( 1)61 : ,II id", ~1 !oLd, inne ( Maek'luinney ) ia I he li r.'l Qf hiH n'''''e In Americn of whum we know. Hi" wife w,,~ Elizal>cth whum he """Tied in I GG~. I -%~ Tri i.lc., (If Korth Q! rolin~ by \\'orlh S. Hny, lI~ge

GIf.: )Udme] ~!cKinn •• ame tu I'in!i!);" prior tu ])c""11\h~r 14. W .1G. Mich:wl ,,,,,I hi" wife. I':lizlll>eH of l\'orth Cllr"lina. P"lIe G] !): Mic1,,,cl 11e· I\i,,,,c'~ 1,\I,~ ~Ol1 S we"' : I. J oh " _,,othing f",·ther fom"l nbOll L him. 2. n., r nal>y; married ;n ],00 tloc wid",,", uf Wil. limu M" r phy who wn~ ~br)' E~um . •bughl pr o[ .Icrcmbh ,md Ann Lawrence Elwrn . (~b r)' I': x\un did no t "':lrry WiIli"n' MUr phy, but her dau,:hte,', ,\m" m" r ricd William Mu rt .h)·. :!7W( I) GI, S I1,\ I' 7,13(V,1 ",,,I Will of :\nl1 l·:xum. l'?le of Wight Will Boo1,. ;': 0. :1. I'''M~ In. all ~ay tlmt .~l a r)' I::xum f, rst I1mrri.;'] J"<:ob Hkkl!.J T hey mOI'ed to Hcrt ie






Couilly. th eu !':dl(~'Colllbe Connty ~nd later \0 1I~1if:lx Count y. Norlh CnTV1in~. where he bccnmc ,'cry wcullhy mnl I'rOm;nenl. "hci r children werc : n. 1I:lrn"b;l". J,'.: diilll 17:1(; : h, \l' iIli",n: rlied 17:19:~, .lohn: <1i ed lj r,:\: d. Hich· nnl; died 1755 ; e, J:orn,rl; di e,) 11(;,,: r, Anne: m"rried WiIIi"m /tI urph)'. J r.: g . .\Iou r nill/:; "m rri~d ,10h n ' \'01"'; h, {'"lienee ; lIl""ri etl ,r o..,ph !~"''' : i. S.w:!h : nla,' ril),l l ~""c l : i"1<~: j , ClI rt, I;",,: """"'icd William II ur"t : k, ~lnry: mar· ried John IIro\\' ne. J>:C Il &Gl: 1/ <170: Il ntflioC"r$ th:ell of ;>;'orth C:,roli"". ""III' Gt ,, : WiIlil"" S\:otl mlirric(1 MOIIl'" i,,!: 1';xllln. d:H, !d,l e r of ,kremi"h I':xll m ,,,,,I hi ~ wife. AIlIl [~\w,'e"cc. I""rem~ of th" \\'ir~ "f H~rIl:o hy MeI" une. S II ,\!' G/ 50S :\1,,1 ~7W(\)Gl: Barnnb)' HI"! ~lnry E~lIm ~rd,innu 11:<,1: 'I. /l"rn:ob),: dl ~d 17:Hi: h. II' illi,,,,,: ,lied 17:1!l ; c. ,Iohn; died lor.:!; d. l(i d",,,I; di C'l L 17M: c, [(ober t; ,\ic'[ 17!;;; ; r. All "; "", r r ied Willi"", Mll q ,hy ; g. M o",." i ll ~, ",arried ,J olm 1'ope. ( Follr d,ildrCII H e left Ollt of Ihi ~ " " Ihority, hilt th e ,)"1" 0" th e othc r~ :'I(reo in hoth in· " t n ,,~~~ .)


ralle,l Coloncl. wn " hOTIl in t he IslC of \'."igM COUIlI)". Vir"i";,,, "nd ,tied in H:,tif"x Couni)", North C"ro. li((:., in 17010. Hi. wiiu ",n" Mary Ex((m (110 r "conl of her birth ,ullI dc:oll». ,J:Illg ht er of J u,l):;c Jerem;!lh "nd ,\ "" \';"' (("'. (Sec Ex,,", 1··:un;I)·,) An" Jo;x "tn W!lS Ihe ,[",,):;I. lln'·"II1.>y. who "'''rried Mnry. da,,): lIter of Jerern;"h :u,,1 Alln j';xmn \\'ho h:,0.1 r.r.ll married .beob Hick<, Vir!;i!!;" Cou nt)" I\ ccnr.ts, \'01. 7, P"I:U 7li: Land t:rnnj ~ in Isle of Wi!; h\ Co"a t)'. VirKillin: lI~r"nl,oy ~Ic\, In ne, 171 .1.






JUsl(m'c~ of {'o po. e""l er

,!lid Mcf'cn''''' f'u"'ilie.~


nc res ; 17J.1.t.70 "ercH. l'''ge 7(l ; 171.1, 515ncres ; 17 1!!, Hcres, 2jVsn: "I),u'nahy McKinn c. t:"e "t.i m",, ". H"t! ~lm'J'. his wif~. " execu ted 55 dc",ls of Inn!! in Vir!!i!!i" ami mO\'c



( "

Sc~"" IC<'nl h Cent ury :md Isle o( Wir, ht County, V irg i ni~. l>:I lfe 2,13 ; n:lrlll, by .\IcKinllc was lhe 11<>11 of 1>Iich.~d 1>I e_ I( inlle. who IIWlim'. )):!J:c es : !lar /.l ac,!" inne),. Il cprC"C llt al ive in ,\., ~mhly from Edge_ comoo. In 'l. Cit NC '!./ I LIj: Barnllby Mel, i1\nc. mcml.c,· or the Cene rn 1 A~!embly from EdJ,:cC0111\)c Count)'. 17:m. :IVI6(.: I'"!ic,,,:e ~lcI\ illnc. " "" !l hter or 1I:lTImuy ~Ic­ I\ iulle nnd IIb rl' Exum. his wire. loom noon' 171:>_ II cr e~I"te. from her (" Iher who , Iil'(\ In 115!! (1\01 1m d ied in 11,1 0). WM gi" e n her :-;o~emhe r I S. 11ev_ CI::'h La ne or ij(1!l lh Carolin", Pd ition ;L~\:Ct! 1hILt 1" ",1 he divi ,lcd bctwttn Paticnce nllt! Mou rning 1'0]"'. Same. 6/ ·18 1: HC]lC"ts the abo,·c lml ..:il'es Ihc ,Inte " s NO"ember IS. liC.O, ;11101 C IU'; C :!.iJ·t~;; ,: h'c~ e'l.'enee of nho"C hut "'W8 that l"'I;lioll~ r W".' r.r,ulrlson of U:ornnur' t.kKi nlle. It will be noled Ilml Ihen! "rc ~rrorll ;1\ IhiH I~uag rallh. n"rn"lw )Id ";nne. Sr_• .....n..~ f"lher of Pnlitllre IH111C 'lnd no l h l~ ~o". Joh".


:lT l tm : l' aLiellC<:', daughter or I:"rllah)' )Id' ill ll". "'''s born 1715. ~

m:lrrie~ 1730. Halifax .

North Car oli na.

I\\'( I ) ,Iii : ,\ deed date,1 Februllry !!2. ] 77[i.

r~ror d ed in BOllk No. ] ~ . page 2,]7. H"Ii(ux COtt" ty. N"rth Cnro1itia. ):i\'"~ thu (o11owi ng : Col. B"r nahy ~I cl\i ll"e. lut e of E d/:'e_ combe Cou nty. l' l'Ovince o( Norlh Cm'oli"". dt'<:ca"ed. di eLI ~ci'ctl of certain lnntl3 in H"lifu x County. formerly [';d gc-



comhe County. Hi s will,i;lted AU l(u~t ~O , 1777, gave thi" [;l1ul to hi~ (l:t"Hht cr, ~lollrnillg, ill f~~ Inil, 1li.~ ,lnugltter int~ rmarl'i cd witl! ,Iohn I'ol'~ fI!\d hud I~a\lc, lI om'y. (Ie!ld, ~flid 1:111<1 (lc~c" lIll cd to lIurwdll'opil in fee I!lit. (,\ fool not e to the flho\'~ ~Ilj'a Ihnt Ihu ""te3 nr~ e"ideIlU)' n mi31"kc.) 1\orlh m,,[ SOll th C;lrolit,,, Abrringe Bonlb I.)' Clemon~. page "ii: J OICl''' I':'"e omrried, ]; ;10, P"l ie n~c. dnllg htel' of IInrn,,!,)' Mel' illlle. Sr. ,\ 1Jslrncl of Wills, North Cnrolilla, I 6!)o· 1760, I \~!:e :"'{I7 : Will of J ose l,h 1-1111", Edl(o!t:lII"be COllllty, Nurl" Cnrolinn , llcecml.ler G, 17 ~7. NDYcml"' r COllrt. l7,,~, AmonK I cg:llc~~ wcr~ Win ifreil !'up~ . S,unc. I'",[C ~;l:t: lI'ili. 1~'"·"'lh.l' ~lcl';:i"II C, I::d ,rccomhe ClIIm!y, Oclol", ,. 1:1, ]7:16• .'Io,·cm\J(,r Court. 17aG . 1),l1IgII· leI's, l':I1ictl~c Mill !>1 M),. Olher le,"11"'!8 : Bartl"!.)' , HOll of Jo."""h 1.:... e; J by Court, 115:1. SOli, TlnTn~' by. Dnllghtel";!, Mllry, ~r~ rtl"" I'Miell~. A""dim, l' orish. lI'ife nnd ";x CCI1\r[x, Mm')" Same, l'a!:~ 2~.1: M:< ry Mcl\illlle, Cktolll' r \:1, 17.; _1, No· "embe r Court, 17'11. E~CClltO I', En ",,,,\,)' t'olle, S()n~ : John IIml Uarll:thy, U 'lIIl(h(cr~: Allnjele" 'I)" l'Op~ , )1 ... )" I'll· li~ lI"e. ~lllr!h n . (f;"id ~ ntl)" widow of .folm ~!C!'illne. ju,1"bo':"') I "!I"" ["",II II II:lbl" to rom! lilly ....,,,,,,,1 [d,lnn~ mnrri",! Eliza heth n",1 h:l'[



Bnrnnll)" ~ !cI(i l1nc who nH,rri e'll ~ [ BTY' £ xum null ha,1 Mon r n;ul/' ~l d,;"n" who ma r ried .I oh n' I'o!"'. (See 1'01''' I,ine.) NO [~ WO OD

[;'AM J[,Y

"""PN' V~ll"y" h)' P rof. Thom,,~ "',,1I~ ll iekn, p.~I/" ~ ;'.I,&!"t : The nnme N' orwood i ~ 11 cri\'{.'(\ f!'(lm a n nnciel1t mnn Qr "" li ed Nori",,,,,d ( "ar iou, l... wT iUe l< /l:or lllwo,l" " ml Nor. wolle in 0101 documen ts ). J ohn Norw~1 o f " cn t "1'IIe:lrs to h:l"c IICeIl t he li T.,t emil/T"" l of the li nll f rom BIIl/lm" l \ 0 Vin: inia. comil1l( "hout ICo2 1 ;,~ hcallri):il t or il l/meslcn,!cr (or SII' F rn n ci ~ \\'yllli ( 11)7&.1 1:.12). (;o"crnor of Virginia .llIri ng the I/C' rio,15 ICo21. 2G mnl 1(;3(\··12 . !"tWO) ·I!) : John Norw(J{ld llll l>oinlell S hcrUT of Vi rg inin, l{i50. Ill' Go"er nor Wy"lt . SC",,"I<'I!I1t h Centn ry mul 1~le of Wicht CO" nt}·. Vir · [ri lli", 1'1I):e 79, "",I r;IV (I »I!I: J oh n N'Drwood , Sher iff 0( ,In"" ,l r,,,,,lcl Con nty . Ma ry iul1y till! lliJ:h S herifr us s.,..litio,,~ S....,t"',· ri~s rDr nOI rel~'ir; nK to thei r I"'r;~h Ch urch II " d ror rllru ~ ing to he"rc Commo n pfl'y~ r. etc." T hi~ rupr at c : Collrl held 1 Cktohcr. IG'I!I•••. Jobu I\or",oo
"\1" 1'1'," Va\1e)· ... (;Ic.: A ("mil)' con nection be tween the Wyntts :w.1 Ihe ~Drwood5 oc:c nrre, l when ,\,l,1 m W.,·,~t t. ,'C1i1U1C " ncC.' lor of Si r !'r:n1cl ~ Wyat t, mnrr icd the dau ghter o f Wiggi n ,Iu Norwood ( Bce :\ VISIl ) .



T), u a ror c~ai,1 J ohu Nor wood waS I,rol.oal.ol)· t he ful her of lI' illimn nnd Thom ~ 3 I\orwood of Su rry Counly, V irl:;ni~, who were I::roWll men in IG5fi. T his W illi~m 1\orwood l11 ~r_ ried l ,y,HIl ( proh~h ly Lydl n .I o rd.~ n). In Willia m's will he mentio,, " auve" ehlldrcn. onc of whom wns c. eorge. In 1728, Gcorxc Norwood dc~df1t1 b nd dt'1ICr il>i " g him~~If lUI o( Soo thwil rk I'a ri ~h. Su rr}' Coum J", Virginia. In !73 1 /~:! he mn,l c deed" in Sur ry Co.mty . d eaerll.oi ng hitn "~ l f ~s from Sur ry Conn ty. V; rlrin in. ,,,,d from Be rtie I' r""inct. Colony of Norlh Gn rolin a. li e d ied in " orl hmnl.ton COll n t)'. "or lh Carolin " . origi n.~lIy pnrt of Her lie. In his will . 17·19 (G rim e.'! Ai>, \ract of 1I'1II ~ . lGno· 17aO. Nor! h Caroli" ", page 27 1) . George m~lltion~ hi~ lIOns: Wi lli " m. I\allmniel, 5.11,,u('l :md ThomM. li e left l liO :!c rca of b ud to hi" g r:"HI.,on. J obn. lIO n of Wil lil Cnr oli,, " . [)~~m bc r 2G. 1757. Mar ch 2·1. 17GB. ~ n . II'iHimn. I shilli1tJr : \\, ife. Fra uci • . !, xcc ul ri x nml Hole leg_ ntce. " lInl'I')' V"lle}·... etc.: Willia m Nor wood. horn a hout 1700. lIOn of C. conlc Norwl)o


,, •


NCH&GH 1/ ,M7: Und cr M; Mccllan<.'ou,~ itCl1l5 of Cho\\,:111 Coun ly, North Cm'olin:!, WiJljnm Norwood, :JOO ncres or ]"",! in Cr:, sl a\'C~. II() wu nppoi nted !a~' re~der 1/)' th e lli Hhol' of Lond ~n n",1 oll'lcillled in thrM chllrche~ ; wn s .~~ rCl nry of the /irst Dioccs,m Convention Ih~t mel ill North Cnrolinn :lftCI' th e I(e"o lut lonn ry W:lr; W:l":HI ~rd~ nt patriot, :0",1 both he ami hi ~ wife contributed ill o"e r." way to th e ""I'Port lind welf:lre of th e "oldiers ; ~n" he SCT\'~d n~" IIwmllcr of the Commi!trco f Sufely for Ilnl;falC Coun t.". J ohn Wall Norwood (1127. 1802) ma r.i.,.t, flr:ll. in ntis, II witio\\", Mr~. L,",Ij " l.ctlllctier (l0:l2. 116 '1). ",,,I ~erond, ill 1765, Mr~. I.ca h t enoi r Whitnke r (11:17. 11].31 ). Children of thi " >or n circa I 7GS ; d;e~ ullman; ",I ), T-:i il.It\}e1h, Leah , \\'ill;fr~d, \\'a sh!nll lon, ~I nr)' ,.John (bo rll circlI t78 1), LCHh was borll ill 177~ :lI"lmarried , flTst. Willinm Gli nt (born 17 ,hl!Y. 1773 : (lied ~ Decemher, 1816), nnd "ft cr tho dC:lth of her h" soond mnrrie.! , Hccond , n ~Ir. Wcu.~ lcr, Th e wri ler hi';' :l lclter from ~lr~. Webster to he r dmll; hle r, Li'sey J:lIIC (C,:mt) I'ope. (&e (::1111 F:l mi1r.l Willimu Cn"\ nn.1 u.,.b Lenok wcre married 16 J une, 180 I.


I', !:



Ih,lltriu of I'opc , Co..r er will Mef'crri"


J.~Her Jan~ I~ r


(;""t (oorn Novm"oor ,1,1807; died DCC~!T\­ al. 18GG) nmrri ed Willimn HOll"" I'ol~. (Sec Pope

Fmnily.) .Jolon Wall Norwo(>d re ndered di "l i" lfuished JluLlic "en·· ie u 10 hi s country ""d "ome of th em "re li sted Ionrcwil h: Cltl,C ~21 z. :171 : Member. Gr:llldlle Co'" nt.... Hegi mcnl. 1754. CltKC ~' 1/22S. 2~n: 0'1 Cm,uni "Bion to divide Bille County. CI:NC 10/ 215; Member, Safety Committ ee , lI ~lifnx Count,', Nor1h C",.olina, 1775. CllKC IG/ 112G :uHI l 'j/Z~;, : J\l emocr, Tcnth R c!:il!l~ ut, Nor th Carol;'", lin", 1778, find member Li cu te",mt Colonel ll:!"i,I Hon'H ~om)l:"')", 1779. Cl:KC 13/ nl:l nnd 19/ :lf!5 : Hel'r~senlati"~ from 1,'raTlk· lin County iTI Norlh Carolina rlou oc of COnTmOn H, 1779·80. CHNC 1~1/5S8 : Ju~ticu of the Peace. Franklin County, North Carolina. 178·1. CI!NC ~2 /2, fl, 2 •• , 28, :~O, 3 1: J\I .:mber, North Cnrolinll COJlYClltioJl (I"Om Fr:",klin Count)" "t lI ill, boro. 1788. Line of [)e"c~llt: John' l\"orwoo
rUCKS FAMI LY lHle of Wig ht CO



S II AI' iJ:t~.:l I O; J ucl)lI ll;ckl'll;~. JlI)!! I)f I~a:u: lI;tk~si ... ,,,,d ~I "r)" Exum . d"u~h'cr of J.::r"mbh E x"" ,. hOlh I)f !~1~ of Wight Co uII I)'. Vi r!:i uln. m.~1"I'ic,1 in Chuckn tlld~. " 1'1 dny I)f 10 m(l. W!l9:' SIlmc of Ihe wjt",,-.!IC~ were bune I ~;ckc· ais. JI)I", mCkClr~. ,\hmh"m mckc~'" J:ich,trtl l~xum . Mary I "~wrcncc. JOlt"" I.awrcllce. 1':li ~llheth I ~'wr'mc". r~lc (If Wig ht C(lul1tY. l'age ~I:!: b;mc' IlICkd d,cd J ,,"U' lIr}" ~. 1"i2:!. ill hi~ eighty·Hlh )'enr, 1Ii~ w' fe. f(ntl'~ri!C'" oo,'u l G:l ~. dic.1 Octowt'. 17 17, I~nne' Hick s 001'11 Ii ,hm". 16G9, IIi "!! '" 1': II [:,l"'o",oo COII"ty. !.;or th ClIrl)li!"" '" l i .IB. where he mnde his "'ill, li e ,"" r rlc.1 SlIl'fIh • •1:"'rrhler of U:lTU"l,)' -'!eK iUII;: 111111 h i~ wife. Milry . Ibllllhl~r M .1er mniHh Io: XlI1ll.

SII,\I '


limll l :ickesi~.l\(lu

E"rly QU:lk"r

lt ~rdJl

in Virll'i"i,,: WI1.

(If 11'l';I<; mc"e~i ~. died the 22",1 ,Iny . • ixlh

mont h. l ~Q·! . he heinl/ ~. I year" of ~Il'~. "J acoh Ilickc"i", 1I.", ...r I~,,:\c "ruIK:tthcrcII. his ",ife. tI~I,,'rted thi ~ life U1IOn t he _dny or th~ I1fth mIl :Ioo"t\h~ tir.'\ h(lllr ill Ihe ,\fter. 110011, Th e -"",,r i~ 1\01 I: i" cn hu t Ih" cn lr,\' imonedj llt~ l,\' "h"y" Ihl~ 0"" IIIve5 ""(jth er dt"lh in 171)1), Si nce g:< r ,,,,hy Mel';lIlIe, Sr,. "n" ~In r)' E:" ,,,,. ",hI) (, rst m:lnlet! J ncol. Uick~, wcrc mar ried ;11 1703. it j ~ logical 10 :<~~'Ull" Ih~l Jncoh Ilie ks ,1i~d eil'ell 1700. SIl,\ ]' 6/ .113: "~;:l r ly Qu"ker Il ccl)nls in Vir[:'in i"": bn"c l:ielts nrlll I\mhf\111 I!iek~ "'ere nloo \\'iln~""~ to Ihe mnrrinlle of Wl1limll ' Po pe a nd hl n r,\' Hnil e, II Fehrllary. 1708, (So.'C 1'( 1)U I""mily,) S II t\ \' 6J.114 : Jel'\'ml"h i-: xUtII, l",~"c l:ick~. I~ (lherl I ~..,,·. rence. I';liz"bc~h r~'wr,,!,c~. ,\ nne E.~U!TI were ",itneS"C3 tt) n mnrria!!e I;' :O:o"cmhcr. 1707. Thc~e enlrir_ leml 10 L';Jn tirru the C\O:;es. At le3~t Willimn' POIN! ...,,1 his chlltlrcn wcre. (Sec lI'illin",' PoP/) ubo"c,) The ltich I.':nnily were no 1>100,1 rel:!tionsh i!) 10 thc POIMI hul Ihi~ l"'l~e is ..-rillen 10 5uWilnn ti:ltc Ihl) r,;,lnlion· Hhi p Lcl\\'CCn the Hi c" ~. the E." Illl" "",I tha Mc1 :inll e~,

WALL f AM I L.Y 33\' 1113 : J oael'h W:lll ow nl..J 1i.i0 ncre~ or lnn,J in Surry County, Virg in " " in 1',0·1. Jlis will pro'·....1 ill t hat cou " ly 19 '\ I'ril, 1721, l"i:nl"l'~ : Wife ( nnm" nol r,;""n) : Son._ • .Ja m,,', J ohn, J oseph , Hiehnr '] nnd Hooon : I)n" l:hl"r . l':lit;,. ooth. Son, John. Execulor.


\(ecorrl ~

of 1Ir!In~w ick CO,," ' )', Virr,inir, : J"h" \\'n ll, ( of hi " e~tate ) NO" ol rnoor 28. 1 7:j ~ . He "I:
a:W I7,; IUIII Virginia Conn ci l J O \lrn:d ~. 172G. 17[,:·I : At. a Counci l hdd Yil l he 13th o f J 11 1I C, 1728, .10hn Wall o f Br u"swick Cmmlj', Virgin;:l. W;I~ ngll in st II p" lelit 10 Th omas Tomlinson
7·27.1 727. :l:l \,l a ~ nnd ·l1n 3~ : J ohn Willi W~ " n memiJ er of the ll ou oc of 1111 rllc"~e. f rom tlr"n ~w ick Coun ty, ,\ IIJruat. 17:16 : l\o'·cmlie r. 1738 ; illar. 17.10: ~lny. 1742 : Septe mber. 17·1'1: Fehr m" r , 17·15; July. 17.1 6 : M~ rch . 17.n. See .Ioll .nnt. lionse of lI un:cJ~. Vol. 1127,.10. 1~,ge" IX. :!S4. 294. :13&. :1'12.357. 376. "n<1 Vol. 17'12· 17'1 9. pages ,·lI, 5. 00. SO. 11 2. 12!l . 1(;7 . 1 ~,1. 1 ~ ~. 201. Li ne of !) e~c c nl : J OIlc ph' lI' " n hn d J oh n' Wnn who ma rr ied illn rr utnl had Ai nr)" ' Wn ll who nm rricli \\';n b m' Norwuod :IIld had John' \\'''11 :';or wood wl,o n,nrr;~d Leah ' l .enoir nnrl had J.,cnh' Norwoo d who mn r rlCtI William' Gnnt nn(1 h~ll l,c~oy .\i", e' Clint wh o mn.rled Wil\i nm House' Pope. (S ec I'0lle I,ill e.)

l l


f r f


I i


lIisloria of I'ope, Curler " ml .lfcf'crrill f"o",ilier


WA TTS FAMI L Y Se"e nte<>nlh Cenl ur.\· amI 'sle of \l'igM Co"nt y, Virgini'" ]lnge 671: Il cnr)' Wntt ~ grnnted !('i7 ncr~~ in [sIc (If Wight Count)" O<:tol>er I S, 16-1:1. Mar ringc~, b it! of Wight Count y, Vi r).!in in, 1628·1800, j>lllle 5:1: John Wntt ~ ,,,,,I Alice [';"1:[;8)1, ,l aug ht er of J ohn Engli.h, 1678, W& [) I:ook t. !!age ICG. Is le of WigM COUIII)·. Vi r s:i n;" . r.larrillge IJ,IlI,,1., ]lll).!!! 5:1 : Johu Watt ~ " ",I ,\ lica E Ul:li ~h. dnll!: htCI' of .f ohn l<:uK' li sh. IG78. 11'&1> Book ~. P.~!:t! 100. CltNC 1/ i'i2:1 : April. ICC'l, l 'erI ). Exec lllor~, Son, J oh n. nmi80l1 ·in,b w, II cnry PoJlt'. Died J:t nllary 20, 16!l1, !IS. l!('Cor de,1 F~brunr}' 'l, I G!!'i·!)8.





ble o( Wil:h l Book, IGIII. 171!', I~'I:'-' 33G: J ohn W;\It~ made his will 20lh o( J,,,,u~rr. IG91.98, ,,,,,I it waS proved in Ol",n <:
I.ine, )


I' I'

I f




!listories of Popv, Curtcr und

.1l cF~n·i,~



CAR'l'gn AND ALi>um FAi\llLJ8S



AS, \\'A 'I'I([KS, WILLIAMSO:-< .

'l' HI~


C AR'l'~R

Medb I t r~ea n:h 1)lIr..:III, Wash ington, I), Co ; T hc ~ .. r · C,\!lTt,:l\ l~ da8.'lifL~d Lr cly m"logi"I ' U ~ II na me dc rh'cd (rom occupaUon , rather !h'Lll (lUC of j)IJL c~ , dmrllct cr· [.,Iie~ or III e"d;" it ;5 (o""d C,\lI\TE Alt, tlIC!lu;ng tollris t o r 5Ojourn~r. In E Ugl,uul it iM SUI'loo5C(1 to I,,\\,c Lee ll de r l\'~d from t he tnule c( a enr l dd" e"~' tli "t of nil :L l:"eut tr,weling I.>y earL 'l"I,e Ang lo.g""QL' 1I" 0"d CI:A E1' descr ibed" 11"111" or .;Im r iol, "" d fllr ba"t. in Itom"n time., Ihe I~'ti " ,,",.,.,1 C:o r r u.'J ~IOOII for d.ariot or Pro)'"hly Ihe r"rlicot wdltcn :lPI,~ar"nce of Ihe n~n lC in it.. I'rc~e Ll t form in (uun'! in Ihe fnn1!HI ~ HllJlilr~d Roll.', in IItIC :'S l't",n t." ,'«<)rtls from the th, .lccul h 10 the tiCll!l!nl h cen tur iCH. The name Nlchole. ti e Ca r ler is Ihe re u co.,led In :l Icgnl enpHdty, It ;~ know n thai ~"<::< r ly '" Ihe fourteenth ccnlUl'j' in t;"Kbml Ihe "anh! CHt~r n " """r~ nmon s: the oom,lry II"'" try, F,unily hi "lo ri,UI~ n"d ,, "i,lelLcc in'!i catirlg t hat two HCI"H"l e ClLrt er r",,, jH ~d w~rc {OLu"l cd a ",! de"elop...... l in <.\ itTerN,t I~~ rt" o ( the counlry. Th" (",,,, Iy lQc:ltcd norl h of I...,ndon "'ns orill;"" lly \0 he Con",1 i" lied (0.,1 ~ ,,,I II ert fortl. "hi r e. 'I'he othe r (",,,;Iy Jrroup. 10calo,,~ of t he (:"nily • • UUlih Lout Ih" I"rgc ,' c!ti c" in whfeh 10 ~"llLh. lis b nnd c" rry o n merc,"' lilc ~nt cr l)ri~ca ~nd cnllnge ill Ihe profes, ion." Earl y in t he h is\o Q' of the Colonie~, C~rt cra emill l"" lcd to WIll r.Ja!lS"d,u ~ctl.3 IL n(1 Virg;"!,,, ]" Virgi nia th cl'~ "'Cl"(' Ih'e outsl~ nding ben r~rs of the u:uuo! from ... hom I" nny ,1 ; "tl "lr" i ~h col tiesccudnnl' h",'~ s prUIOl:. One




f >



Colonel J ohn CIII'\(!I', II d isti ngu ished English lto),:l1ist. whose nn«st r:tl home "":IS beliC\'~d to h,l\'c been in Iluck. inJlhnDlsh i..... !':llll1mnl, MOlll; h\ ref"l>" in Virroin,n :lhont [G·ln. SillCC the bel>illllinJ; of th e A"H~ ri ca l1 GOl'e ,'nnmnl under the (;Q1I"litution. nin c Cnrlc ," iI ,,,·c ~c ryc(1 lid mcmhc r3 of Cour, ...._ . ! : h! in tIll! 11 01111(: of l: Cl>rC"""t "lil'~'II nml one in bol h t he lIo u ~c nnd the Sc,,~tc. Chri~lia n '''' '''C~ cOII.monly u~cd II)' the Cnrter~ lh roul(b. out th oi ,' hi~tory lira: Tholl"" . Elizabeth. llanll:Lh, "'''''''• • Sara h. Hobert Hlul II'iIli:iln (In:17). I tlT~:;7-23!l '''ltl III ~ t;t"t e of ,\m"rienn Gcn e")",,,)". Vol. 2,";3. r~,gc 236: " T he re n rc \':lrIOll~ IlCOllle of the Ullmc 'If Ct\l IT EIt. "")' Cily (lin-dory will furnish an " !lillie li~t. The mime has inccll\ioll in the ~C"I).~llo" of " 'cuter: The re arc two sCl'amte and diBl ilid ,·a ce.~ of Cnrlc r in Vir· ,(h,;" tbn! 1>1'1::'" ill old l.anca"l~r COlm!.'". Both h:\\"1: r"r· n l~h~,1 Colon',,1 olTiei:d ~ an,l cad, Ims reml ere,1 ,li 'I;II. 1111 'she,1 "'ilit"T)" ~en·jce la nil a u r w~ra: ' ·'De.«:",,\a in 'l'ho ma5 CHlcr of 'Bnrford: \'lrl:;uia. indic"l c U"'I both hciollr,cd to t he CU "l erR north of 1.0, ,,10,,, thm' lrlo ,\ot of th e



, I

"'U',e f:!!lIil),.


"The c; re"nL'~nllli,,1 e\'i,I~"c~ from Ihe cre~ ~ (0( the >!Cn l, tl>e name of h is " 0:0"1<1. ·I l.u fo(,i,' nud the ~t rik i ng 6;rniln r ity of the m'l'li "",,,1 ""mt~ of hi s t hil,lrcn nnd Iheir descend"n l3 tl1ake~ it " pp Mr AI'·oll l(l ... proh:".>le th~t he wn~ more or le.'\ll clo~~ly con nected with tl, e nnciwt C"rler ramily of ·K nlt'· :;ON' of llc<1forllshir~ . I,m, of th e opinion (Miller) that he ""n 9 the oon fit flnc fir th e ~o,,~ of \\'ill;:I1\1 Cnr ter, Cent., of ' l':im1)!On: rk..Jtor


" «

of ThollW 3 A II~..,n, 1·:r.'I .. "f n"rfo«1 In COllnl)' U~<1for(1. Ther lond &e,'Cli ""n~ nml lell (b.ull h l~r.!-- thc l"'clrlh d.ihl lorillg Aneell Cn rl~r. "Tho"gh Ihe :","~.~ hT of C"Pi:I'nr Ihol'olll:lo il\\'e~ti [j' n\i~1I bc for ~ 1""," 1)' allu wc!nill Cnrlel' who "';>': " Bllrl(~~~ in [GG7 :",,1 " ", emb",. of oti c of t he conll"ilt cc~, ,\t lh al lime, Iher~ ""~m to h",'(' be,," 110 olher C,u·tct~ of "II)' l'romincllce ill \l in:iro ;", oUl~i'lo of Ihose in 1..1nC(L'tc'· COllnly. II c WlIn 111'<J)'''''' r II1no" lI Ihe """,lr.l·m"n nnrl Ch" rd, Wll rdc,, ~ or CIU'i~1 Ch" rch. " hc old Vc~lry book b<,g i,(])i"" in 17:19 ror th~ ""mhined I" .. i~hc~ of Chri.l Chln'd, ,,,,,I 51.. .\I,u·)" H While C hnpet !~ h'c~ t he narrlP,' of t W(I !\(In< o f C"lll ~i" C;"rtCl' s lu'vivi"" lit Ih;lt tim." l,nd lw() o f hi.• 1;(;,,"I ,wII5 i, mOIiIl Ihe Ve5tr,"lnell and Cln...:h \\",,-. dell e, And n graml.1<1n nlnl :t great..grnneVuli wcl'\! d~rk~ " r the Veslry for" II!lInber of ye~'r:l, " J OIITII:d, lI ou "" or Ilurge"",," , "ir!~ ll\i", lc r,9· \iO·1G!):l, JI"ltC ,1'1: " Colonel Edll'''l'(1 ClIrler IITe",l "t at "..,~" ;on of Sop. tem\"",- ~G, ICC7 ," lind l'''!re ·In : "Cup!"; ,, ClI,.\"r I'r<, "~ " t al the $C ....' ;()n of OClOlx:,' 2. lGC7." 18T:!.1 8: Lbts oJI'icc~ hc1<1 by Q.pt. T hOl"n ~ CHlcr bill g;I'cs no dnll.'il, 17C& lof\I'C..,. 1"'1((' :157 : The C:'rt~l'~ llln,kd In )he No,'t lll~ rll l\'cck or Vi",r in;" ill lU r,O, 'I'1'i ~ could cn,.i1.\'-~ lld probabl y .lid-iuchille Cup\. 'I 'h ..",,, ,, C'lrk!' who WlW horn in IG30/ :t1 And who prob.1lolr lall([ cd In Ihe /\o"lhal'll Ned; ~~ "bout t he ~I:e o f \I~~"ly )'en r~ ",,,I settled 1_~n~lI,t cr Coun l)' where he iJC{:A"'e ~() prom;nc"t,


I S1'2:17·23~: 'J'loi~ authori!;' gim< " chart ~igllcd by Th omas' Cark ,· who married I(athcrinc UBlc. '\'1,;3 chart ""Yd he WIl . the cl, I ~.~t "0" of \\'illinl11 e'II,tC)- ;1' B,wfo rd

(il! Engiaml) who lI1:onicd ,111ll. d:llIr,hl cl' of 'l'honH'~ 1':1111':~r_~lc;' ill eo ll"l), illll'f(lrri. ami who WilS til", Mlil (If 'l'ho",,," C:lrl.;:r of l, ell ll"'I'" i" County lI"rford. ",h" W:IS Ii"'''!: in IG:N :md who l1Iarri~d J"nc. Ihinl ,I,,,,,,ht er J ohn Bd1:o~·. Doctor (If Ch'U l~~\\' ''',,' Clmncetlor o f the 1);0<:1.-'" lOf 1"'11001". Ile \\':,~ lhe IW" of Winiam C:lrte r, G~ IIt.. or Kempso" ill Cull"t)' B~l'fl)rrl (,\(> :!7, Eli."hc lh). 11'1,,, m"Tl'icd ~Inr.l", ,lall l( htC I' uf Thomas ,\1Ieen of Barronl. r': ~'I. Thi" Willi"", Cm't~l' WM th e "on of \\'ilIi'1I11 C"rl ~r I(cIIlp:,on in Connl )' Harford who "':Lrried ElI,",hd h, "i"II:" nlHl Mlc huir of Wil ]i:"n Cr~JJfci ] d of County ll:!r C<wd (,\(') 1:1, 1,:];,.,1,,,(11), Willinm C mnfcil~, Sr, (Ao 1:l,llS) whn mnde hi" will (A.) 27 , 1I ~) "'lI" ma'Tie,( h:alherine ( '\0 lI ell, 8), (1'\ole: 1'hi ~ Ihell goes Imck (ou,' l:cllc rntlulI ~ beyotul Cupt. 1'hom~~ e nrlcr,) C~p!. Tho",,, )' C;"rlcr, wll""" lIaOle i... on lhi~ dlnrl, ",ad H eaplaill of ",illll:<, Mem""' ,' of the lI',IIIac " r llur/t,eMe~, COUllty ,JII~ti<", Ve>l lrYlllnll, etc" ill I. allcat.le,' COllllt y , Vir_ 1:"'''', He tI "",~'1 his ~c"t "11",.(orr"ry uf Cc.1o",,1 J!l1", C~rler. f"lht" (If [((lbert ( 1\: illg) C"rlcr, II ~ "'~S a Ju"ti~c of I II.~ I'e,,~~ jll 166:1, ""d, it i5 "n i,l, In " d,~cd 'l"t l~ 1 D'~cmllC" G, 1('.7,1 , t ha l he ",a,..iCfI l,,,therinc ])"lc. .t:"'f:hler ,,( M"jOl' !':<1I1':",,1 I)ale (cle ,'k "f (he COllnty in IGnu "",I jnstice of t he pe,," ~ in IG7f1) "",10( !Jia"" (Sk ipII'U h) h i~ wifc. Th e will flf ']'hm"n ,' C:,rler, St'" )!ro,'~d Nu\'cmbcr H,

merr of ,\Id f id!!",!:!,. mal




• "


t I, i/' , I


17011. ,,:.mcd ~o " . : Th"t";o~, E,lwar
rcco"1 ;H fou nd ;s CII I'!. '1'10"'''''$ <': arler of "lla rf.:rl'tl." Christ Church I'nri "h. L:menstcr Ccmn! y. V;rlC in i" , The Ir:\(l il;o" r'rf~er" o\1 by " branch 01 Ihe f"",il), in 1~1 "c,, ~I~r Count )· Blal rcc" .. Ie.! in 18::;8 "a)' ~ thaI he w,,~ Ihu M" of " Londou mu ch:ml of I:"oad fnmilY. He ""'Y \0",." h ~c n tho )'ollll gco l w n o( Ancell Cnrter. horn Oclooer 2S. 15!1 1. ton of Will ia". lillil M ilT) ' Cnrler of l(inl1>r,0 1l who welt l"d ;n IA ndon. /\nf cll Cn rler. C roctr. of 1,o",lon. had ~; ~ ;In.1 T \oo nulS ia mentioned ll ~ the YO\UlI:C~\.. He \\, ,,~ W "n ;1\ 1&30/ ;11 . Thoma~ Ca rler OrSI a llll{!:"'~ in Nlmsemo ,u l C,,, rnl )' ntltl Int er ill LI1~)'. IG70. 'l'hey Imd len OOn' ,,,,d Ihr.,., ,Inuchlcr ... The ~econ<1 ROU . 'I'hom:l~ C:trlc,·. J,'.. wn ~ 1,01'11 Ju ne ' 1. 167:!. Cal'1. T1,omnft CHt.;r. Sr.. died Od o1,,·,' :!2. 1700 ("~,,,I nl)(l llt 70 yc~ra ). K~ t hcri "c 1),,10 C"rlc.·. hiH wi fe. dbl ~1 1l)" til . 170;:. in her fifty· fir"1 )·enr . 'rholll:LS Cllr t" • . Jr .. pruhnle'1 No· "emloer ),1. 1700. ( T his is olso in 17W(:!)2'17.) 17W{:!) 27C: C:Ll' l. 'J'h o",:r ~ C:,rlcr p"" ch,,~ d hi " I1rKt !~ nd in L.'ncn81~r C(luuly fro." Colonel J ulm Cnrlcr ,,~ u f J\\n e 1. lG~'1. 1711'(2)21'i: Oclube,· 21. IGIl;!: "/h ,\:on li"fi( to onler Ihe oath of a Comrn;"s\""er w,, ~ thia


[ 11\\'(2)271: "A~ t ile ""'I"es~ of Mr. E,lwPTd 0:.1", il.l r. Tho. euler is l)ellUled Clcrk~ fvr $~;d 1):.lc." For forl.'- rC~r:I he "1 ' pM,;. (re(llI~nl1}' :I~ jurrmall, appraise r, etc. Cnl)l~in en.lcr nm r r;ed I,nl hcr ;nc Dale, ,Imwiotc r of M" jor I':,lw:mi I>:' I~ (lml lJ i:llm Skipwith lJ al~,

prior 10 1670 u. t he il' "on ,

lI ~m·.'·.

waH I.>orn ill 167.1

nnd lie w,,~ :It tcn5t t he thir d und l'l'olm\Jly the (onrth of their childre n, Thei r child re n : 2.1':,1\,",,,",1; :1. Thoma •• ·1. Jot",: l) It elll.,.. bo rll IGH; G. J n nl cs: 7. 1':1;1... ['0I h: S. P ete r: n. l(nthe ri nc ; 10. J oscph. Jonrl ml. Holt"" of B lI rllcs~e~ ( ViI'l!illln) , I(j:;~/60_ I G93 . I"'r." ·17: Colonel Edwn.,l c.~rtcr l'rc!!(!ni ,,\ ~..,ion of SCll. kmbl'r 26. IGG;. l':,ga ·11: Cn]ll:lill ClIrle,- prNenl nt ~C!l­ Aioll or Octobe r :!. IGG7. 1I(ll h wer.: from I~~nc" stcr Conn ty. "homas' C:lrler, J r., I.coonll MIn of C:lpt:li n 1'holn:ls' Carter "n,I /,,,t berino J):\le Cn r ler, ""a ~ bono J Ulie ,I. 1672, Itlul ,lic,1 iu SelltemiJ.er, 1728. Aftcr h;~ mother's .lc:lt n h" irlhcri l (.~J "Harfonl," th~ Cnrl ~r home Oil Ihe Corotomon !liver where he ,[jell . lie "":IS ClIl(a!le.1 ill 1>ll~ine.l!I for nwny )"t:lr" with Ho~rt (" '[( illll" ) C:lrtcr of Corotoman, and the IlLl\ cr ~l'e:L k . v~ry hi!,hl)' of hi m i n hi" will. 1 7 \\'(~ ) ~70 : Ca pt. T homas eilL"ler, .Ir .. li ke hia (:!t her , WII ~ n cu pt:,i!> in t he L:I !l ""~t~r Milttin, "'LII from Decem, l",r I:!. 170&, to ~ I ay 1·1. 1700, he \I'M CO!\IlI I\lOIl ~ ly IL mem1J er of Ihe COll ll ly COll r t. " De!Cc lulnuts of Capt. Tho"ms C"rtrr " nL)l1 IS \I' ( 1) 23&: '\'h<>m: •• Cnr t",·. J r .. ami Arahell" \\'iII;:lmoon. dallghter of Wi11ia," Wi1Iiallu;o n, "" II of ,' ame.< WIl1im" w" of Rap/"" hn nnoc:k COll nty, V;rgin;o, Were mnrri~d AU~ "5t 22. 1695. "'''.rn''~ Cnrter, J r:" will mentions eight Mln~ Imt 110 mention jl< n",de of da"lfhter~, III, wi ll \\"".~ l.rolla!e<1 Oe, tober 10, 17:\3. 17 \\' (:!)280: "l'homn ~ C.~ rler of the Connty of L.~ nc" .... ler. Gent.. " mnde hi ~ "'ill w h ich WliH l'r()I~~IL~1 October 10. In:\. li e left hi.~ cuti ,'" c~tolc II> hiH wife. Arobelt:., during her wi,\owhood . "D c.~ccu"n ll l ~ of enpt. Thonms Cader" : Daniel' en rl cl", Ihi . !! 010 11 of C"pt. Thom" . C"'"t~ I', J r .. "nd hi. wi fe, Arabella Wi\1 i:un~01I . wn~ horn ill 1700 mH I dic,l hi 1.5n in hi ~ nnti,'c




county. iii, pCf"S(mal ...,[" te m"oll ll!cd \0 .(;H:I. :!~. 4<1 ~nd itlCludcd ~iJ:ht neJ:r, when he ",a" "llomey for hi " friend. Il om. rt lid, coo. a\ cOllrt; sere",1 . in hi~ (a l her'" will i n 1726. wlocn he rl'Cil lw~n hiB wife nn.\ He" "" o f hi~ njnc ~hi ld .... n. T he \!Ides! SOli i~ ~ U lllOOOCtI 10 h ave 1,,"\ hi s portiun prel'ioll "ly (" his rat her's dealh . "0 he did IIOIIlI'II1':lr in the . Ii\"ioion. One ItOII had " dis ngr""mcnl wil h hi9 fal her. left )10111e "lid ",n, lrul H;jdlt of l.e/orc Dnl1;e l C:lrl",. l!lue : IL, lI'illinUl Pun· IIi) e"rl~r; di e.1 in r rinc e WiI! in", Conn\ )' in Seplemher. 1'1, ,1; h, J..,lI n Cnter. RU1'llOlIet! to hal'e been kille.) b)' In· ,liulls illi he we.lern part of t.he Htnt,,: 0, Joscph C",.\c r, . :,id 10 hu"" ""U le.1 in on(: of tim Curolinns: d. T horn:lll ClIrler , ...1iber I, )'19·1. Elit.allCt h !' nrl1ln, wifc of iJ:UI; cl Cn rl er, $ ,' .. was the dnu)(hler of Wil1inm r nnnil ami "i ~ wife, ~'rnncc~, who w"s the daug htcr of ElizallClh Mill... 1::li:<.:.lIClh waa t he dau/fh· IeI' of William ~li1T" , who li" cd in Hnpp"h:ll11tock Cou"ty, Vl rl:i"I. , El;z~beth ~ I i n~' "uaba ud'H HlImo ;~ nol kllO"'tI, (See I'anni! F nmily,) HollCrl' Cnrlcr (])aniel. ' C~ptnin T hom,, ~.' c.we:';n T honlnl. Sr.'). horn Auy- ust 12, 17:l:!·:u.; (other nmhoritiu


Bre ,tuuMf,,! ,, ~ to jh~ y""r of hi s birth. oll e IoH)';nl: I;~l. which ;0 hurdly l"'ob"hl~ M he Wfl. (he MIll chi ld. whil ~ IIlwlller "" yo Ih,,! he """,Lbo n, u ctwe~ " I7 ~r, "lid 17:18), divd in Sou lh Caroli 'H' I" 17n. He h.,d " L1i ~ "ltrCcll1~"t with

hiJ r:.lher ,,\wul 17r.~ 3ml cmil;rnk~1 lu S","l e,- Cu"n:r, Cn!!"l,,!) ll i. tri"l. South enroli!!: .. IS\\' (I ) 2·1:!: J:olJ.c ,'\ Cnrkr WII.5 " u>cmt.c r ur the 1" '0\';' sim,,, l CuugreEll ,,\ C1~ulc5Io" in 1'17;', li e nULTried 1,llIrH~rct, daUl/hter of W m i~", Brul)'-'<)ll. , n 17:; I. (&..., Brllu mn Fnll1 ily.) "Dcscel\d"n l~ uf Cnl'(' 'rhamas C"I"I\lI''': "Hohe"! Cartel' hnd n '1IInr!' el with hi, fal her :\JId left hOIl1 ~ lJdorc gr nnd. (ath er died a li" relcol with h i~ {"I1u;r ""d l ~fI ."""~ Ix:Co rc hi~ r"lher IlicJ, on,,}' h","c bcty of \l,e Cinciunnti. Willium m:'rri~~t ~1\.lldl :l .on. Joh", who ~ltnlned 80mc ,Ii~tine :i(ill ,,~ a [:'Iw),cr al Ca nule n :on,1 bIt er at Charle~ton (lint ,,"as n Memhcr of Conl;,..,..... from South Cn ron"".

r ~ I




I "lJ e~cc ml:Ll1t ~


of CIII'I.


Ca,·tc r": Hobert

Cnrte r'~


tlalC'1 1)eccmheT 28. Ii!! t . Innt he mcuU(llied hi3 ch ilolrcIl, "" follQw~ : n. J :ol"'-"I , bO"n d r( B 1755; "''' Tried " not left two ,t!lllj: hl cT.• : nll ", e of wife ''''known. Nv fnrth ur d",,,, b.lIcnjmn ln . boTn d ",,, 17.;1 ; died J"'IUIlT)" ::0, 1 ~ :lO. LI "e.t ill Cmwicll [)i ~ l r l d . i>onlh G",..,Il " " . Sen·c,1 in Ihe 11~I'ol uUon"ry ,\ r my "a Fir.~t Lientenant . I'"''''rl h Nur !h Gn ,', ,)Ii ,);! Itcgi menl. fTQm :-Sol'c mher 22. 1i7t;, " lid B~ C"p!IIin 1" '01" J:llno:,".\· I t. !i7 ~ . un l il t he eI')$\l of Ihe \I' ll!". ,I fte r Ihe W"r he r<-~eiwd :I 1;,·" ,,1 of r.,OOO ncrc~ in \\'iUbm KOIl Counly , Tcn l\c"js<'~. !Ie ,,"n M " m~mt..c r of t he Society or Ihu Cincinnati . He \\"II ~ lI el'er ",,,rrl ed. c. Wilti,ll n Car te ". hOTIl cir(~ li S!!. ill:t rrl<-~1 h nt ua"'~ " f wir~ IIltlmowli. lie left oue !lOll ..Iohn. an,t 'ille .IIIu):hter. J ohll ""n.' t~llIt"tc.1 hr hi~ h"d,cl"T ,,,,de, Bellj:",,; n. "",I 1li:rI'c,1 in C""lI rc~", lind 'lied wit hout i,,"~"~ so (llr "s k""", ,,. li e ""'rr ic~1 12 Fd,ru :,,")", I S ~!l , 1;~llc" ~t"rh ll r.l" . rln ll !Iit lc" of C:LPt. lI'illi,, ", ~1 "rlm r.l',






( 10'1"\" " Ihil Cilmden. S""th C,,,·,,H n:l. llCW~l'llllC "

lil<'~. I ~" ,

J I •

i'bliC Q( :~! Fehr"",)". 1S2~: " The 11 ntlornble ,h.l", C"" re pr ~~c l\l:ltil'~ ill Cm\g re.'s 1'1'0111 Ih ;" DI:;tricl. wn.' ", ,, r ,

ritd in W:lshinl!t"n, the 12th illst:lIIt. 10 ~I ; ~.' ElIc., ) Inrb ury d . Onniel' CnTler. (Sec Inter.) ~. ~! "" J~:lr~L Ale",,,,,I"r. r. S,,",Ul St",")·. " hc child...,n or ltooor l' Cart~r, :.r,o'·c,:lO"(: ,,,,n'e,\ hy Or . !l~"j:ln,in' Gnrl er. ""n , the 0101 lt e'·"lutio", ...~ hero of wllom n f ull "ketch will be ro,w ,1 at t he m,,1 (I( o r (;eorgelown. D. C," )


't, , J'


1, l

{ ,

Chnt,lt. V II Ih,,\ h.;: "cllu iT",l w,·"l tI. in Ihe t.u"i neg,.~ u ( \ll,, " i lll( I'rod"~I ~. nne l~:" her ~ ",I Immx;:o. lIi~ "AI~ "'ere n~"r ,I'e creek ~wmnp " t th e t crlllinll ~ of Yo ,'k Str~ct ." SMile hoo~. l'n!;" I!lG: "C.~ IJt. Jlenjm"in O u-le T ( born L7r.u) for rifty rc~r~ :, re~i,Lcnl Q( Canutell. a ga lla lit 5OI
of the

wM lit the I",tlle of e "'I1<\e n. li e had IIr:"" I)'wilic. Ccn " m,t own " ",I Vnl!.>;- l'oQ:e. J\

I(~ '·oh, t;,,,,.

b.!~n III

IIn\ ;,'e (If Salem_ S" mler lJ i~ lricl. he w,,_~ n ~1", lc"t 11 \ C bn • • tolle, NtW lh Caro n"" , ill 177G " nd enl i~lcd fo'- Ihe 11'11. J:"mHrr 20, IBaO.;lt th ~ :1!1" 0( t lmre. li e Ilied ill 1.1. Cum",n",\"d his coml~'"Y on Ihe c~tr...,me left Qf Gac,,'s lillc. Bu r ied ill tim Q""kc r Cel""lcry. eMlld",,:' Dani el' C,"'\(:' (l:Ob cl'I, ' D:lI'id. ' (;11 1' \:< ;11 Th oma". J r ••'



, .,

Cap\"i" 'L'I](IU"'~' S ,·. ' ) WI'" 1"... ~"lIh· ,, :u,,~d I)aniel lIy his f,,\he r , 1I0beri (;IIrkr ill honor .:,{ Ih. IaIL~r'~ ralher. 1),111, iel .' II"d pruha hly :.(t cr hC" "i,, ~ u( t he l "ttcr'~ dealh ill Virgi nin in 17r;!l. Til L, j):",ic]' WM h... ..,\ NO,""",lIer ~7, 1761. "",] di.:d July:!:!. 18H. in Te,"'c'!!>".. H(, "mrr;~'ll i;.wah Cony" ". (""'" (;OIlY" ,." 1'",,,il)") in Soul h (;:"olil1" "" .luI), :!. 1 78~ . They UH"',·,) 10 'I"C IIIl".< ~CC "",I Ildll,·d "" I~' rl of Ih.., klll,1 l: r,,,,te,1 to his t.rother , U"ujnmi n. 1)'111;,,1 ~"r\'c,1 ~;.~ .nli~ltuc uld or t hree months "',eh ill ,h ... Itc""I". ti o"""l' fO" Cd of South Cu r"n"u , the r"~t "eing in No v" m. ber, I17S, whell hu w,,~ ,;e"~"ICC " .'"c"u


Il\ W(!):!.12: l),,,,ld Gllrler , l!(l l'" J7G!.

in I M.I, W""

" lie ute":I"l of Ca,'n h'y in the Ite"ohd iOIl:lr)' Wnr. II .. Imr. c h:lI


or 1),000 "erc~."

FWl n (hia l)OiI" on I l;oke "xtr:,ct. ('""'" \Iou ,,".l:lt~L mBn nscript lii3tory or lha C:I" tc r [';lIl1ily writt~n by I),", Ik'Ijll1!li n' C il r l~r, WJll of D,,,,ici ' e m'l el', ill the tk,j part of th~ Nin>!! .,..,ul h Ce ntury mill oolitinu ~"" I"""" h~ck their I\IICC.~lOr~ 10 mo,·" 110:", the "c~",!(1 or third ,,,,"e~l "ry . ,\nd I m.\"$df 'lin ,, ~t "!.ole to lell )"011 ""I'l h;"1I rdat i\"c t" my Grc"t -G r.~ndf:\ther or ~Iol her. ,\S f~ r b.1el: A... I {':1I1 !:o j " 10 make )"011 slig ht l)" '\~'l l",i nte< 1 wl1h n,)" Cram!!alh',,"" ,,,,,I MolhN·", nut! 1 .10 hOl'e thaL ~"mu of 111.1" child,.,·n will con !inn ~ IlI i.., i",p "l"ic-.:t lI btury wh ich I h.we cmn,"cnce,I, ",,,I nUl I~,we their olis l'rint.: in I\'e fame &1~l e o( iJl:"Jlorancc reb!i,.., 10 the ir "n· ccntom wh id] We 11",1 o, ,,"el\·c,,. "" My C;,.""d fat lll"l" '.< 11.11110 "" m )· rather'" 3ide Wa " Hober, C:,rl cr ~,,(1 nl)· Grmuhnother M~'gBrcl IJ''''''IOII. )ly GrmnUnlhcr 0" III)" ~Tot hcr'ri ~i'h: w,,~ lltuned W. Conyerd (hi n n:Lln e w,," adua lly .Jame" Co n)·" "~-l!" C CO" .'·"'·" I'llm _ ily) nlIlI G ,·~r"hn"tlo~l··" ulIInc ".,,, ~!d" l ,,"lo. './.1y Gn,,,M,,lhcr !:ooerl CIl!"ler ",o\"(~1 (ro m Ih., St"l" of V;rr:; " i" tu S""t h CamH,,,, l',·~,·ioll~ II> the Hm·oll1 l ;OIl.1 ry War . 1\.;3 ~,dr l th"t h ~ had no b l"olh er~, !
1 .};

I• ~'

f, •

I, ·1 k




I 'I

I " M)' C r"",lf"th cr !: nhcrt Cnr! e r h",1 fOlur lWM, Jnm c.". Benj",,,;,,, Dnni cl an
J :" ne5 left


son... but he h:><1 lWI)

(l ~ ul: h h'l1I.

"B ctljnm in WIm neVel' IIH.r r ied , but wa~ n






, !

' he

,,1,,1 ,. cc~ i\'c(1 n sii)l iJ t wound Itt th o P, i\ ttl ~ He d i (.~l nl " II ,,, I,':u'ccd a:-,c a li t! left a h~ ", bome eSI:I.\e \0 he ,H"id e..! muong- hi .• I.>roLhc r~ ""d si:_ t et~' child ren , le:,,';u,: " Im"t 'lI1e· h~ l r \0) h '3 nCI,hew, John C,(rt et . t he only ~O " of lI'i llin m Cnd.!,', whom lo u hml ed u_ catc,1 " ",I who W~~ II me mbe r \0 CO Ilr,rc",' f rQm Ker .• hnw Di~t rid. ~Iy U"d" Iknj""';"'5 r~. idc,,~c wn. Camden. Sollth C;, r()l;tl~. IV illiam Ca r ter I", d Q"" 1'<>" :"H\ Q"I! ,bugh. t el'. ·Mnr garet Al~~ ,, "d(' r 11" <1 ,, lar~~ (" mily . Sn~ n" Slnf)" )",,1 'W d ,;1drc" . M;' F"tI' t r . n "";e1 Cur tco·. ",,,,.,.ied Snrnh COU}'erA :! Jul,". 1782, ""d ,",,,I a ],or,:1: f"mil)' of chi h!r~n . " ;1. : .I",n..,.. II. C~rler. MurllaTel. t:I)!J~n Witti""" 1)",,;.,1. 1! "riot~. Belljmn;" .. h.lIn C~,,;-er", I",,,,e, Ale~"""" r, ~!ilIon , ~1 n\'Y r·: ti~n . Air " "" CH oli"" 11",1 SU", I1" " ,h Ametl " (tw ill ') • Anderson_ "Alr Grn ll,unther Cl)nYl'l's hn ,t th ree """" ,,,,,I tJ,~~ (hu( ,:htcr", .ran' e~. [):on;e] "",[ Slr~" , my l.\ nt hcr . S:m,h, ~lrg, (1': liz"lH:lh) ,\ml", .. ·,,,,, who h",\ " I"r!! " nll<1 r~' I>ec l . nble fa m il)·. 'rIll) Ol h~(' .bllv, htc.· (~1 nTY, II" ho manied ll ug-h (;",,,IJlc-will of C" " rc r.< of Ihe lligh 11I !1 ~ :lnd 51. P"r;.,]', Sou th C:oroJi"" . 1 'j S.~) 11",<, ,m,..I,·re,1 10:: fI",' of t he. ,· ~]",."" w'lh "";'c,.,,1 o( he-,' d, lI"r"". " M)" G,.m"lf"t ))",. Corlfr "",1 all hi " ~On " Wtl"Q " cli \'e \\'Io i'lll du r ing I II(! 1l"'·l)luIi01Utr." I\·nr. ~Il' 1" ~ I1I",· ""'", ~ li,,"tcll~lIl ill Ih" Cn'·31rr. " M ;' G"ml Ih e 11'",.. 1", ( hi~ ~o ,, ~ • .i:t mc.• "nd Dan;,']. wer e ill Iho ~en';ce :u oITicer... J "l1W' wn. "I (h" (,III of S,w~nnnh nn(' ,llc,1 ;n t he oo:r'·;c"i.' shortlr nfler,~:.... I3. li e left two oo,,~ wit h wll om th e nnlne u( Cm,)"er" "'ml~j ll . Unll'el .lled lca;'i ll f: """CI':lI chi\.0 11 (li L~1 ill"ane witha"t "",rr.I""!:. 'rhe tlnug],ler h",1 " roll~idel"nhl" {",,,il.,·. .\Iy Grm"l(nlh cl' COli' rer" ,,!though cu"rll w.<1 to h; ~ r001ll ""ri lll: Ihe 11'''''. ~n · H~!l u l U1' , \ 1')1)),

Olf l:rmHlyw;nc.

ell,.l.,;" in


'I il



I i,

r M" ~d


hiK co m, try impurt a n t ~~"";" c hy co,,,,ey in g- j"rol'nm . tion to C:en~r:,l ~b r i(lll nil'] jurni5hi llj; ,,,,un,, ni tion. (0'which h ~ \Va " paid loy tile clle",)' 1,y bllrning his ,Iwdl ing, "MryillH otT hi.• ~!:\\'~~ ",ul d~"t ro)'h' ll hl ~ stock. "M y I'"lh~r'~ f~llli '.'· W",.., lonK- life IlC.'r"""~. 1",[ On nl)' M ot.hcr·~ ~i l1 e they wer e short li\' e,]. She li H



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I "John CO ll rc!'~ Car ter. bol'l\ Deccmh Cl' 10. 17n: die,) '\I.ril 21. 1828. "[",,,,e Cllrtcr, horll July];;. 179ti; ,Iicd Ser.1cmJu.>r 2(1, 1I;:? ~.

"A lcx "",I ~,.


! .,

I i

j I



C"rl,1I", 001"11


Odohc", 17%: ,li ed 2 F eh.

"""'," , ISG:L. "~IiHo" Carte,', 1.001"11 J une 11. 1798: d ied G JUlie, 18(02. " ~1 "l".r le)i r.a. bom \ ·1 F~I>Tl' ''l'Y. IS!) l: ,lied ~ h'TC h ~~ . 18 7.1.

" Aglles Ca roline. hOTn 20 J il ly. ISO:I ; dil~1 8 J une. 18!I!l. "S"""",,,,h ,\mclin.OOr n 20 .l uly. ' 80:1; d ied in ;II ("I'C.'". ",\,"\erl\OJl1 C"rler, W I'" ;1\) ,\pril . 1806: ,ti ed 1:J ;'.1" rclL , l SI; ]." T he "hOI"!! ~",I~ the tnanU.iCr il ,1 hi.,lory "'riLlell by Hr. Ilcnjmnin Cn r ler. T h,> foll owing is ~~ ll'"cl~ d (1'0111 t he cont inuation of thlLt h;~tory wr itten hr Jlcllja mill J1 rall klin e:I ,.lcr in 190·\; " The r()f,,):oillg WlOd ,n ill en by my (alh.:r, Of , Il~ nj". mi n Cnr!er (8011 or Hn ll ie! :In'! S"rah Cnn}'er~ Cn r ter), "wi co ntin ue d by hi~ 0111.1' Rn ll, l]e llj mnin I" r" "klin Curl e", iro l he l\(j\·~n ly·~ixth ye'l" of hi! 01:0 in l!lO J. )lr Crandfather ]);111;..-1 Cnrlcr r.:",(wed from Sou th C"rolin" with " 1)~ rL of h i. ("mily ""d !ll!ttlcreme Coun (If Tetulcs,1t'e) . who;> loo.·"I .... 1 " "i miln!" grnn~ nJj"iuin!: Ihe e"rtel" cnLry . " 1V"el' Iny Cr,."M"t hcr mOl"ed to Tcnn cSllcc t he menn5 (0" Cd"C;llioll were \"crr lim ited . lJut lllj' fn ther ntlcmhl " .w:hool "L Fr""kl,n l''''llht lJ.'" n "ol~~1 <: r "am~~l Ubck. mnll or m"ekl)()1"ll . At t he ""IIlC time J :u"c~ Ie. Polk (nCter. W" I" len"i ng the achool nt ~'r:'nklill my fat her ren,l m.... lici nc m"l ,,\tended medicnl lect ur es ~t n,IItimorc WhN'C h. '"w3)·. wenL hy hor.icl~~ck. When hc cvmmenoc,] 10 )H"a clic" his lH"ofe""ioll h e HeW ed



:I( [m't~"

ill GiI ,'~ COUllty , T~"I1~ . ... e, "t jml'orL1nt I'ILrl of ~ ai'l coun ty. ··~iy (;rantlf~lhl'~






ftw It ~,·olu. t io",,,")" " vl ,H ~ ,'" I "WI' k new. J ,,,~\·c,. f nW my ( ;,.,Jlld:tl01\J ,· ,· C,,,"t,,,", ",hu (lj~o113.h"l.l "Ir"irs Were:: l,ronJlnen ' fenlu,'PJ of hcr ch nt . "cll' \', htl!, nLove ni l. he1' Chri "II:Ul c.<:o mple :tnt! pr<:<:cl,l -. lire IreMIII'coI h.,< h~r child.·c" ,," "- ""c....,<1 inhr il'''ic'' . "The (llmity of my l:rmu ll'nrenl , n n uicl nm\ S~\'" h ( C~'I)'CI' ") e"1'le ,· " 1' 0 unm"~ ()l\ pn!:c _ wilh ,tntc. of ]';1'\11 lind ,1<':' lh. l'heir Hn;l ,:,on, J"",,,,, l: \lihe rford Cm-Ier. ~Inrr:"rct. dllHg hlcr of - - '\1\<1 - - , of SO\lII\ f'nr'l\in", e "rkr



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"'" rr;.,,\ __ ,

Th~' l;~cd

l ion in )Im-;n!;,o Co"n\ ),.



,,,,.1 'lied on Ihci r


r>!~"I ~ .

Th~ir ch;ld r~ ,,: S:nllu~l

Dwrer. 110m Janna,',\' 17. ISOG; IJ o'll er Amelia, ]l<)rn !·'O!J· ,..,nry l. I ~O:l : .Ianlc s C .. hom _ , "",r,'; ",1 (:D1lrt " e)" L"".. , dnlll/ hte r <.>f _ _ (jf (; iles eo,,"i),. 'l'cnn~"'-.cc. t.hcu ,1""cn"~L!. Th" In,.1 .l nones C. (.111'" h) I'uh, ~k i in ''''rly III"nll"",1. clerke,] In tho g e"~ I',,1 ",cn;h;""li~ e ~Io,.e of C:I,"ler :u,,\ "J'c. tli ,," ror ~1"rt il' " n,1 Cm'lel' wi th ,,-Ium , h~ "fl crwnn'" held :111 inlere,l , 1111<\ b~tl)' 1\',, < iu,,;()!' mcm\' ~ I' of th e linn o( II. IlIlt[ J . C. Cnrt~I" ,\ few >'c, ,,"., ufle," ""lil"illl/ fro,,' IJUginc~~ he 1000rchn!;cd " rill'''' tl C,,1" OJ:'1\ona. ~n .... i~silllll. wheri! he :Iud his wife di ed sun'i"c,1 tor Ihe (olll"..-ing chil·

,h'cn: O:m;,,! C. C:l.\'t ~l'. Will inm A, Cit l' \~ I', "l"i,'. l dn"ghl;,:!': MBl'&:U'ct ClLr\c,'_nOlhin)( f,"'th e", "Seco"d !on; Hol>cr l. William C" rlcr, hoi'll J nnn :!>! , I'S7, "110.1 " '"rric(IIO __ ; h" ,\ " tin nchlcr ""mcd :;nrnll U. n,,,( ,, ~on nnmcd Fr:"'ci~ U, (cnlleol F.""k ) , 'T he d",'!:ht~r n,,,r·



,'i ~(l

DII"c:m W,

~1"I'I'II ~y

a",1 Imd t!u'ce elltl dl'el\,

Dr, 1""",,1: Cal't il " ""lnied __ ,mel liYNI II Car )'10,

The ,a I<, H: :,I~I' In

Cl: werc I>o,.", ,,~ (011",.,." (I>mi ll ed) . "I"Olll'tli ~O'" r;~nj:"" in Cnrler in cnrl)' In"'l 1000,1 c"l i4k~t lVilh t ho 'I'cllU C,"e<: \'oluntccrn ,'" ,\djulant S' ,,'~cnn in lhe Creel: \\',<1' under comman d of G ~ IIl' r:" ,1,,"k.'Oll, 1Jl1 t after !L h:!j', hi .• nenUh b~": ~hj, G ~ ", J nm cs WII . kin sGu, ill «Im"'''11!l or Ih" U, S. Arm)" to ,It,,lgc Roberl l.i";nR~tOIl of Ih~ U , So lJi~t ,'ict COllrt, "ftcrw,~nl M ;n ;~l e r 1I> F ra u"" anti . Inler, " member or l' rC5i(1en l ,1r.ck"()ll's ~;. l>. ind, ~1)' ("Iher, ho"'""e t" w:... l><) rr. '1R,lcd 10 (:~tt Ie I\t Elkl"n "",I h i. let\erl: , liI, o o\h cr~ 0; th e "mn" tenor, wc,.~ li e"" !'

J"·~""H\ cd and ,,,·c II(>W in Ill,· JIIIIl"e". iO!I. ( I now hal"c j h~m _ II'. H. I'.) Aft er ,,",," llr;'1)I " I:o<>d 1",1 \aho";Q 'I. practi ce "t 1': lklo". he "mrr;~d EL iz:t\)cl h ],inchc n !.ill')' ''}· ( ho .... Odo'*r 11. 1800: ' lied Mn. ch 8. 11\7:1) on June I:J, 1822. ··,\Iy c1d e~1 ~IMlcr. Sa'·n ll Eli~",lhe ll, Cartc'·. WM toor ll ill Elll\o ll ,\pri l 18, 1823. "n,1 .'""on,1 Hi"!"r, C" ~t ",.,, Cur. te r, WII" bOrl' t huN ill 1 8~-. ~I )" (hir, ) s i5kr, I.b ry I,l:!r· J:" I"(:~ c.;.orl" r. ",,,I I ( lkuj:Ulli " ~'r,,,,kl i II C~rtcr) in 1'lIl:o., 1828. My ]lnr~Ubl mu\""" to 1'1Ih,~ I:i ~ct\\""" " I II. l.oil"lh3 vf m)· Sl'c vnol n u,\ thi .. d ~i gl~r" w h,," m.,· ["th e,· f(mll" d a 1'nrlll,,",hil' w ith 11r. Wil. Limn C, T9J ' j> ill Ihe I'.."elk., o[ mc,lidne. Afler rdi rilljf from :lc! i,·" l'r:.cticc "h.JIII Il!:l_ It. _ _ he u.,1I"~1I hi s mcr· canlil n ""reCr " " me nti ont ,Jj ""!I-'''llL .l etre'·'l\I' Ll:i Ii:i!cl.~ ,,,,,) Ihe ,·" Ii \"~ol Ih e ,.~. l""i'utcr of hi " li fe. Thi~ lo"ihling "'''R 'lc~\I"o)"ed 10:. " 1m·· 11",1" Oil 111(: nii: hl o[ tk..,,, mt.e,. :!G. 1865. lit Ihe 0;,1 m" time Ihal ~"'·cr:" ()11I" r tou ildinll r. wer(: o1c moligl",d IIII' ! i llju '·~1 i" tI,~ we~te1"n )\",·l of th e 10W il n lill w hen 5c," ~,.,,1 1"'''"0 '' " were kilk~l. AIt,,,~h~l () t he I·C,,,· of III,. f"llI~ r '~ re~;,l olle~ w,u " Olle~~lory (. nmc hllild;III; "()~ ~"ri ..... ~lr Ilnl~"il·ctl l,y Ihe ~l or m ],ul. IlI)illl: '·"C,,"t ,,".1 i~()I"tc~ l. il ,,",,~ ch~e" by th u m)"~ t ~rioll " ·1," l\ln ~ I\la"·,,",, ..,,, ilahle l'lac u 10 01"1:"". i,c a lHlltold il ~ mL'C(inll". Thi s hi ~ l()ri~ r oom ~lil l ( l ~O ·I) ~I" ". I~ II Cll . il~ (ir~1 ioc:lUo". ··The KII I\III .~ wus coucch·cd in n ~l'iril of Im·; t)" hy" few YO""fI ", e" o[ I'"ho .,k i in 11!J>7, havillg 110 "Itc"; o,· 1"'1"1'0",", 110m' to 1,la,. "11011 th e cI"c,llllily (If n ~nJle r ..,titio " ~, ,lcmm" lizcd "nd l"wlc!;.i "Ie rnc'" ill (hc c()IlI m,,,, il)", "i(led and " bell ed by morc "',," leu ali"n~ \0 the Sout h kno"",, :IS



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Cal'J",t\Jalm,:n<, ~hnnl1r """"~! \lnl ~n We,", " I"",(\il)" 0'"· ~:'LJ\b:',1 in all \11 " Sm ,th".'n AM", ",HI 11:,,\ :. 1~" h'J)t jn~ueJl<:,' in ,'dtlil'l! ti, u ,\i ritul'b,,,1 condition uf UlLi ""nlll ".\'. "Fi flh ,"" " (uf I):lllid am\ Sm""h Cil)'I~L' ): .)"Im CO\lY" "! Cm'k" WUh ;. Y" 1Il1111"",::,-,- of C""l(\c n. SQ lllh C:!I'(lH"". ;" II!! :I ,,,,d ""w . J"l n!! " W,')I."" I"""CI.;':<, hi ' ~21 w;"'" he ~""". [""'1,1,,\.0.:'[ InUJU: l~nlO1",,<1,,," C" t'\(~I". II. npI ":'"'"' l:kll. ;'" \'.. ,," Ii"jlll( in Ill" ]'!i" ';rid. ,,1' ].0["""1'1<:'". :-; " 11111 C"_I' O];II" ill l~:ll awl ", ,,,"cd ~,) ;,J,))III([""'''·.\· ern",,.,· ...\1;.;"""", ".-h e,"" \", (" ... ,,~d " I:,,"U" IJl:illblio" "~" r ) 1"111\\ M,,!:!:".; . llu ";"d El;mhOlh __ . "",I 11,.,1 - _ '; " "~ :",,1 _~ __ d,·.u;..:lIk,·" "~i~h tl, "U)I: .llill.-,n Carter :11,,1 :-;' I:~l rI I:~ld",~", m;lr· ril~1 _ :111.1 11\'~!1 " " C:u11;"'~ t:)'~~k In j\.J " ury C'-'lln~:: wb~)'" flu ,Ikll :11111 l",ril~1 ;11 ~he ... 111 ccmd"r.,' uj lll" 'F",,~ Will 1::'pL;." f'hnrch: Th,·.\" ,,),,1 '\fJ»)~ ,,( n"'ir ,h:l. ,Ir~" \\-"r" mcmb" rr. ,;i t",,;; ,1"" "r,-';l lal i"ll, ,\ft",· hi.' .I.."d h " I""" ,,{ lohl (" "Iii,' "",,,,,,] to L"w\""":,, C",I"ty. ']\,,,,,,'''''''''', wh",'" I,he)' n:III:,ili"d hllt a "Ii(I\', I;'m: b"f


tt,,~: I'>:;llhr~e ~tII ~ 1I child l"'ll ,,';thi1\ a {~\\' (b::~ fl'llllL ~~"l··

\0 \~ik~ 1.:" ,,"1 ... with ,It,,; .. lidi:. "",I John CQ,).'ct'", !I",i wilu" 1"t bl'I1"Y,I' 17. ]:';':;7. ,Hl ~" Ih" r""'ilr b",1 1:,,,,.1, e"",·): rnl' " f",," )" ,''''-'; wil~ l'e )11', wim;"H ""\<Jl'. my (:.0",,', ;''''''I,;h\ ful' th" wi,]"w 11]"\ ,«1 1'" " larg l,'" ,,\\1\ 1ll0" '~ ,], ~" j\"""\ i' fal'''' t}u'o" "'ih'" f""in I'u\:w ),; "n 11,,· l.awl.,'II<' ch ,,,·g f(m,\. .Io}", 1\'. ~ , ,,ith hum l1..lt"iJ~, ' ~. ! 7:11\, hl ~ wlfe nn 1",·lm",,·." 1-1, l~) L ,,,ul 'WI'~ ",,"'l'led [-"ebe"""), :::U. 1i!2:1. Ct'h"I'" i" ,.... II~;,I. ·r";'j." III""" ,,\o,,"l thj~ f;t,,,i,.v iI l~ om,j(,,,t) ·· I,'on]"l h ,bll~hl"r: ,\gn.,~ G"]"Qlb,~ C,1 rt" 1' ;""II ~~,.,'nrtl lor. J:urcil \\"~r~ lI1"rr;L~1 _ _ • I S_, :)1", .Iied Hr ";,nlf-r:1 Id

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lWIJ ym"'J~ ;~""'. .lIlr. Sh, ltlt ,lied lil·.,,'i ,,)) 1';::",,1\ .':llnith dip,\' hI..

II",~- mll\"~d

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s. lila:;. ~llr"iwII;'y he,. hn~lm ",1 "0,1 uno:' ch ild n""'~~\ 1l,,·."i,1 Will i"m (ful"iile,' 1I,·t" ib nnl ill.:d j. ··t'ifn, """ll"hleJ'; SU"'"l1mh I\nlo:'lin t.:arkr WM " nvin f.;';!c,' III 1\11"<,":: C,~,.olj"ti 'UI,I "I~,I in l ..r~n~!... '"),:I",hl)) "n,, : ,\",10,,,,,,, C:l\' h~l" ,l kd In ,\Ialxln~,." 'l'hi. """,pldt·" OJ<' ''".'h·''cb C 'H\" cl'''i''!~ tI", "h i],l,' ('" " I j)"l1id ,,,,d ,~"r"b C"",·,·,." C;lrl ';r. )o:"xt wll\ 1J " [,,];(on UiJ t h, ~ ~hild,· ..", ,d Dr. Ik n;:Cllli" C"d r,,·. '·" ll:·,!L ~'." " "r P auiei "'hi ,'!and, 0"'."0'"' Carte ,·. ~'1"il!ll 0", ",,,,,"."cript by 1l~11.;a'rdLl ]11·:",1,,10, ' C"r h·,· , "!~''';~ rtin~: I" In)' i",,·,,'tI.,· """"'I"I;'~ mltl thei,' "lIj hh·~". 1.11' "i,It~r. S",."h I': liulh..tn . " tI'l l~f,hN'1 1:<)<1,": {ll prmn;lI'~II~ ("rim'" .. t" (;il;'h C"unly) """'" (k l"~~l" :W, IS !I), :111,1 10,,,1 "hi!llt'~n ,,~ ioHuw~ : 11I(f(, C.\"nli, I!O. 'ryrC<', [0',.",,1: t;.~rl~~. "I:,.,·, 1:"1;,,l'l. I;',,,, Unl1;" ,,1 ~'hl S"llie. In ....;. nlarri~d J: u,', f ;~n"I:" lI:m:.•,,' 1~~'i·"tJl",J ,.J"r!o·n,~" ~nll rtJ:nt,j~r III Ih,' Chn r~h "r Ih~ )T".·~i;lh In 1',,1;,-1;;. ~Ir. IlIml W:l.' '>01'" I" N'~!l"'nk o" - - "lIIl}"" wlr~ t ",·1.r''',ry I, IH~:!. ( II",.., f"II,)w~ ,1~I "jh "[,,...,t l h"j,. d,n:h..." "'hkh " '"" "mnk,i. ) )101",)"\ 1~",1o·'" Sr., hom .I"n~ ~.1. lH I'J. "',,,, ~ ><J" "I T:..,·"" l1"d"", " "",,,mi:l:.,il>w· ,· Willl 1):-. J.;\\rJ"' ~" (1) :lll,1 !:"II'1o (;ml",," I" ""bhlbh ,he h",,,,,I:l I·.'· IInri IIW lill" I ll,.' ,.h·"d.' of 1'"I'IHld. tii" molh,·'" 1I",;,h,,, 11:\111" 1<":,,, C.\"l: thi:o I! "lb,ul. d:,,'~:h(.>j" oj{ .1 "'0'.".< U"il""d, " 11\",,,1" '1' "I C""I:'" ';.' \ " lil ll KIlr l.l, (;",."li t1:1. T.",", ," ,, I" "II~':, ·,n,~ C;,·r.li: ia )!'J!h,d w~r~ n1:orrbl A pri l 1::1'1, II"~,'" til ,' l." ·I1~, . ", il("·" o! the nu:16. ",u\,;,',!I! h.l· lIb ,,'hto,," ~nd thr"" r.hillln:n . ""mel\ "1lI1 lUll'" "" J'"a,>\,·~: lI'iIIlmn ,[";1"",, on lh.. 1!Jlh '" J un,·. l:;.:n; Crnll::" JI "lI~,,,,I, )r,lh 0,,111],0", !!l:l ~ : 11)1<1 )1:or.'" l-!li:dd.h <)" V,·I""':,r.'· $. l~~\l;. M"~. l3. )1. Hi,'"'''' ,..."" ;)O)"n Oct()!,e,· l ~ . 1 ~ \1.. (fl,·" I: ,,, ..., ,. 11"\):,,,<1 and I:j ,"",,, ~ j·'nr"jJ ;h;. l 10M:: ,.,,",.,,,,] ";,,t c"'·. C(JJ'J\(~ li" U,wl"1":' (:"1"'."'. " ",1 iJJ" . .1:lc(Jh 1'. Epllc "",llt , (",.,,,,,1"1;,\bl"'I:\" , '.'.'"r;, Ina ,.,.,,,,\



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"")\'Clnb ~l'

I!), IM·i. 'I' b"; r

~ hil,l,.~ " w,·~u

nUIll,"\ Iknjam iJl

('"rl"'I' "11<1 EII~:lbdh ].i",hw. A" (' tlwl' ,bILl/M er rk
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rL :",<1 C,'rl1..tiu. ~Cll C. ~;111J""·':o.'" too c"n~' \J. oorn lS-~:>' IIk..1 in ?oIUleil!:''''i1!,', G~or~l~ , P~lJJ',,:,r.l' _ . 1!I0:1, ~ ..1,. "" '1"~nllo) hl~ ",ire ",1:0 rlh~l _~ ~:';~~Ihd h I•• l>;I'I"'l"WU m1!I.)""i"h l.. I"';"'cy , ,I).,."",im-n\ ,1r"C~:I~1 (.r l"l1l,,~k; , w"r" ",,,..rie,l Il O..~ul" ,,·, 1.'W~). 11,· w,, ~ l;r,rn _ •. _ "",1 hj~ ",if" ,," Mny ~i,. l~~, :l. 'i'h";I' ,'hildn'" w"n: '\IIl" . . ,I: \'"" ,m;,\ .I". ,:eph. CrJ1'l"llin. !;;li~"l>dh, ',\I
(,'' ' '',''''1'>1"

hy 1,,'10.·,'1, '1'" .,'1" 1" ~,,,l ,.:,." ,,1,,<, (;"« c'lI l ta Cui ,."" Sm, lh Anlcl"iI'a. m:d'."l" [' re,;i
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Lin(]'H,'-, Ap";! H;, 1H;,n; 1l,' nj;Lmin, 0,:\ ,,\1,,1' ~. l K\; I ; Frank. l ' "hl'll;L ry ~, 1Sfi .! : C)' IItlii" )li",·n,. ~kp l"nl\".r 1. I SCI;: )bl'Y M"I'~;" l'd. April ,'i, I~l;l). Thei l- obild r<JU I\'(~\'~ ,,,,ml;<\ i u lo"p~i"",


(". ~l ,(ln)I." T it" chlldreu IJ( l~'uj""' i n Fmllk!i " ;uu1 CynLhi" !!i"""~ I':aru,r ,,-,,L' l ir~ t (" ,,(] .",10') <'hilol, MyrJ< lM1!) HI, ho ,." '\ l ,d' ~. I ~~'L [o',."ul< C.:,.I"r Pop" w,,~ 1"'r<1 '\ I'd ] 27. 187S, " WilI i.:om I :i\'l:r~ 1'''1''' ,,~'s born .I,,,,,wry 'i. 18S0, ,,11,1 m: "Tj~,1 "irl!iub ( daur:lot~r "r J oh" ,\. lk F.·~~;". ~ .\Jelh " ,ll'" c1,·r!!.,'m:m ) ... 01 Oe].,oor ~'(I, ]~O:l. Sh" w:'" 1>orn '\l'ri] I'i . T.~~:!, \\'. It. 1'. ))", cn)hle,] in Ih" ll . S. Arm)' on )Ja,. ~\ , l ~iliJ. :Ll1d W:<.' m',I~r!'ol Lll i h,' [;'''t, l'lh C,wu il' Y 1t,_~~i """n t al ~\I,,"ila. l'hil ipl'im', If,la n,I". II"h.., .. .., Itn \\':11' l"'.lr :!Il, l !lO:{. "Juli:, " 01": w~~ h"rH Ik""""l,,,,· .1, 1"11\. M"rr I.""ey l'OIX' w~~ \,orn .Iul.,· l!l. 18sr,. M.l'r" 'ldl~ I'''fl<'' II ".,,,, ~~" " .Tun,> :!·l , I ~'J, :nul ,li",1 .!!,'p(~mh':«I.-;. !~ d"ruil'~; to T,'\\"~"~: •• h~ \,,~S ~"c"<~",~l\,.\ly .. I, d~d Cit)· ';"~'"''S'l' fIr Illrn,inl:lmlll, ,\ ]"h"ru". whe r.., he hn~ oUuce li n '\! I'I""clld uli h;~ I'rof~,,"


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"El i:.;,1>..,lh

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1'. 'I'll"l"h", o[

c.;ll:~\ tUI\t;I'lla.

!l, 1H7H. 'l'l,,'y " "~Id" d I . 1~ 8(i. Ih"lid c" I",,. !ndl:l\\I\ d,~ idt lwo ""'IL I\ tla\'!rhl,·'·... "a",,~d J.m';~~ 1:i,,",",'. INri! S" ;''''''' ''''''- :W. I ~liO. "1Il1 X~"~.r ! k Hc. hlll'U AUl:,,~t 1:.1. Ii\..~:l. T llt> child r<:11 11"'Tt ItlQ Y<>'llIJ: 10 r",.lIu, I.he,ll· 'U"~ in Ihdr mollwr'" dt·"lh. I,Ul l heir aU llt, :\[;H~ .\I"me l'h;,ld"·r. II"d fu<'1en~1 ",,,I,·,, ... -d (,,,.th,,,m will. "n ;"' 1 :I m"lh,·\··k rn:lld,. I<'~" I"·,,,. M ,·~. 1'h,"~h~]' '''''~ hnri,"! iu 'he Ci ly Cemele1"), ,-,I" Ch"U"H,-,'W." nnl l~]' IIw "h~,h)\'.. "i t 'lolwul .\fmm l"iJ). "n""j",.., i," (:Ilrl~l" I II ((mld h 1:1] \ld :uHI ""~,)Jl,l ~'m, ' ''~)I(''

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",,11,,<1 H"j, ,,'I hi" lI !'nl1dl"l\t.h~l· \\":L~, ) \\%\ chi ~ ilr l' lI U~i tl l'll at Gi]'>" C" l kg~ i/l Pllb~l; i . 1" ,, "mh ,\("\ hi, "Tlif'llf"(\ ill jO IOl" ""I;~I>'


Bi\'llIi]I~ Jmm, ' \',,\)ltll\; ' . \\·hc,.,~

:hn I,r"die"



S\\h",qu~u! l;.'

lie' :ol ~<) ",>mn",,,"",l 11<: wns " I'!~ ,i " k
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J'r""i,\~ .. L t:lc~,'lll lld ",,,,i.c~ rctt",j "~r\ in WH~hhll"lu" City, I). C., i" "clh'" I)TII,'tioo (.r hj~ lU·of,.,w,,". ( II .. ,1l~'tl "I 1>"1:<~\'; . 'j'enJ)~~""',. J:UlI,I"'Y I. I ~):m, ,n"l h 111'~ktllh"re.) "Fr.m\;' (,;,,0'1 ,, " (l\Ilh "IIi],1 :m.1 1\1 1\",\ ~I\n) . I;~.\ ,\ pd l



J)c~'."l rtl'''' I·

nnrl I],i.ol

·j·cnlWcH"'. in Chalt,,-



1 ~1'..i, .! 'JI. ~

111<1I\t.)'" ~l
'·C;"n tlL ;:'· WW.'l'" ('.'i ~lh "hil d and ~hil"(1 ,ln u_~i]t(· ,·). "" ",,,,1 f'" h (.'1" muth ~l". Ii:", (" HMui!)' 111·<",1<1",1 i.lw [" mi l" IW""',*,~d .Ii u"" 10<'1' "WI ;'l""_~ ,kalil, ",ul to h,,,· ",,<\,tI"u~ I:d,,,r~ ,.h(! :1.:),1:< " c.)u ,r,. Ul watel, ,.,'''''' h.'r ;nth"r'~ Il<'alth . COIlfi\,OWlltl)' r"ith ful to he,' ,·hl ...., h. ,'h~ al~o " ulli,·"I~s" high (>¥tlcr of mu.<;,·,,\ln!el1l. "1L'\' ",lIh,II. he,' ,'J) . ""l'Y ,m,1 lud\ll'l r.l'-lo " '·:luli - "..., 100 mud, n lax un 1'''t '~nl "n.hu·,u'~,~, (SI", W,"" b1" 'lIl '''( ..,. "" I.h I)'·c",,,h,;!' 28. I H8~ , (nn" ,," ili "''''" ""J'\'·I,,: \(· ,,1\ dw k".:",· h"r. 111111 Irihutlol;c~1I from I, ull';\;\ uf her dlln ",h !tll1[ other Chri.!;,," 'k" ',lni II" t IOil~.



, ··~\rrJ. (:~,.t";'" !:i,'~ '" C"l"t~r di,~' J UII~ .i .• :loUt,



Io.:r ....·r<"1\...~1 r"mll.,· :llId IIUt"<·'~~ (.;';n,l~ 1\ n<>led "". ,,,,:.~: M r. Chri4bn wife :In,l lII,oIher. Sh~ Willi fUlllinll'-'t1 !" II". ro!,;·;.,,:,:>.1 Cil,,~h whell :0. Y'IIIl'lf 1,1I1y Io~' Bi~h"" .I"",~,, O~t)· awl "fI~,. h u ' ",;wrblo'~ \\'n~ 'UIU ,,( 1i1e lir.;~ I""ml ... ,·~ ,or h".\' ei,,,,'d, [;, 1'"Ia.I,1 HI"II~,1 iut!> i ! ~ folo! h" .. i.,,,,i l)· ar.,1 "lb.·....·•. , ,,I lL,,,' hi" h,,,' u"\I'I1I ,,;: IlIl\II 11<.:'"«\1"";nl1. Ch" l"ill" .!c' «,"I lil' •.".,.: 11 I." "n ('!" 'i.;li:1II ~\'I:I:(I ,' . ~ l", 'Ul'~,C'\

wl lh 111" ill re·,-",,,,,,,,·, lOll' til l! ('hu,.d, "r nly (:\Ih,,"',,: hnt "'lIl'II I li,d,,, (.",,!! ,,( )"',. <:]"'1'<,10 ,,1111,' I" I", ,·""~i!'" ,,,d. ioN ;'W)":I' U1 .\"".,':. Ie-::.< ""<"'<:i'd, 1' h.~ ~!'"'' "ill" ""tlTie,1 I!f~ "'r.~ ·1(.m,·lhi"g h'~-' ih"" firt)· .,..",t... nIl I \'~r; ly klien:.


,,, u,,1.ot: WiLli ,,;:. cl,:c.~:"..-.J ,·hllolr~1I in 1';,I';"li....,. :J:e ,,,.~~ "r (ull," <"":,,,1 ~ rl,,, ""dJ<;..o r"unl"" r>r 0111' f~m~i)' d,."k." Ikl1j:uuin 1"r~III;Ii" <:"fkr·.· ",~r· r.. li n:~" r:or"~ r..r~I.C! ~" hi.! il':1m ~rbl~ :"~"'H.i. :'O"I~....~ '1IIc.:1 POI::,." ".-ill h;<.\"t· <"'.lilJ'"~'1 n-r:·.".k~ ~ ~ \" ilk. r:lmily. H"w<:nlr. 1",,,\.., r.re many 1~,,,,I;lI:<'~ in hia "Dr!":,1 iv" ~""'t·e.., · ;11:1 '"I.:~alc,j r:o",ili<·~ which will roll,,\\, • .. lt~v~rtj,:~ t" Ih~ P.l':e.·" l""mily. ;.h·~. ~,or;,h :'lIYI"l1 I:h'rr.l . h~"n 11'\ Oo: ,,,lJ~'·. lH t ~~. mard,.,l Ih~ 'W~"l1<1 Hnw .1 \"'1'1'" '1'1',,1: ':1' p""',, 1 '):"'\"'1'.". l'i!' ~ , ,\;1\1_. __ " "",] I"~ 1", (;-": i.t 1>,:'11101';:1. ·I·""" "" .'~ ,.), ,\ w l 1m,) \);11 ("'~ ; nn. ;'1il :\.<, ~l\ .,~~a :"Fh 'w,1 )"{Oun~ mml \\'h ~ .1i,~1 in lli" J,,,,~i,,,, " n,1 "ltd k.:..;",r "t· (;"h'l!,l1i". "J''''''h· .\''''~ 'l',,.. Inr~.· ,,,ui h~""'~""1C ·J·,.o:;h'~ rKirlcnee ~ullilt .. ( 1;..111:111.01:> with it.-: rlirr.I:l1n~ ~ml ~1I i:~ ou1l.nLn~lnl:J \\',,~ Iournt'tl hr unlo,r .. r Ihe ~·<.'I"--r.,ll:'·I1.r.': 'r;~.m'~~ \\'0011 ntl tho: 11;~:t.~ ..; ;':01"\"" _ :..·r::G. I ;"I(~I_ re-rlii:~t" ~t ,,"~kh w'*' ~l" ll II> my ,,'ife 10,' h~ ...,I,! t;('Uo,·"",l ( Thl-. «'rliJk~l~ i_ I,.,.." hi tI'-.\' ~........-.;,.i~" _ W. It. P.) ·J.r.;eI';I1'rQ;t~r ,1l",1 "11 h i.~ :,!nnt:lt;rm 'n )H ... ~i."I!'l'i J\I "~ S. 1~6:!, aft" .. which hl~ I .... hlon~"{! th..".e. large ~1,,1 v:.lm!i,l;, !lOll hon"~ \\"ilh "n 1"0111(",1) 'I"~rj bu rne'\ b~' t.r,I,·!, nf F~(I" r~J Ann." ,,,, III,,I1:i," M 1I,·klln. ,\rlmn"n~. i,.i:,,·,,\)" "II 1;w,.I"d; :>11,1 I'la"taliol" ,"'[l!Jli ('~ 1)11 li,'~ l'b'."e



, ....

Th~ ~,~,..~ ""::I;';C~~"-.



\1" ,:". , 1'1 \(':11. In ,J:lllIl"" Y, t~~IIr.. MJ'I'" TI' Vtl('I' \,','ml: In " ;,;~ i l' l'i 1(1 h,:\ '1((-;''''' ]"."1' 1111 (' 1" :'\\ :01,,1 ,li.; 01 lit, 1)('10:1,:1 , Al'-











k~":mf, I:~ ~I,"·d,. J::;~;;, 'r;,C F~,le]"nl l:,)\"~ r"/l1('ut h;\~ ill Ull W:,)" l"1l:'l/"'IIJ';I~d th~ h,'i]"~ ,,~ Mr. :011,1 ....h~.,. 1'ro~ter:' ··J(.\:n C:,n.·,', ,"'" of W i'1i~::!1 (.',,,k;·. w,' ~ lhe ,ry:,,"ntm' .)f hl'l Ul1r b C'pt. t,,"nj,,,,,'n (';"1",' (,,,.,, "nl" 1 111,,1 l"CI! ' 1/(,(,,,1 ~" lo»), ia! h~)' " l':"·t ;,,l ":·,hil"1 of Inc 'f ~" tn:ur"

,,·n.l l! III)'! )1I)1I11d a""d". ill Ih,;, "li:: " "i;II L~ II b l'!l,~ :., ,,,""n'.. 0 ': Ll ":l1; i" II'Y p,.)" ",·,,,,jo', ilHl j.;:. t·.. Lhal lilt! t'.I"L I ""1'",, "f 11", ,,:,,1.\1,) rll' C": ;,, n"nj"lllill I:",. ",,· " I Ill',' l ilTH) '.,i hi;, (),·" tl, in l l'-!\ I) 1\'"" al'r·,,...,:;j,U,(,.'I:: *,1 :~:',(j l' lJ.fin.) 1\1, Il, :\ ~ "' '''''' (1 ~:1\I ((' Lt\;;',) :,,', <>" I'i'''':'#ci,'''",'<'''] ,·,(.,.i"i:';"':;· in Ib" li),,,,,,,,,,1 ~ol\,I : \ :111\ u( t,t", "~"H ~ I -y b," " ""p:c"l n~ L I')' I".". ~" \II, )' <'i t;,-",,,

n'hl b"I:I;: e",n"lll'r~i"'( 10,,,,,,,,_,_ 101, In c r,,~t:\:u of ('""bi,' ('''rk,' "'~, ~ ""';""','" ,,,,,,,,:,w:. Hoe Idi " 1:'~;:" I:l(,;\ ",hi.<, ia ~o,'L h C;In,li,;" ;L' "-,·~1 ,,5 ;" 'i"':Ine~"~~ ~", d (lW".·,\ r,,,,,,~' "~;.:tn~. 1 ~")) l...,,,,,'nd~'r. ~hn,,:d, a .",!;,II i~1)" chi'll, Ih"t ,,\><>u: l~;:'l Ill:" r"th~r ,.,,~))r::~,! fl'''"' 5uuLh 1~~,· .. lin:·. \dlJ, :c.!v~,·nll"ll!l'Oe~ of

,,,,i,1 "dd~, ,,,,'I;l "';<.1 n ~""Tt<) of

".'H'·c~h<J(': t\rri"~n,;

mc,,1 I"

T~m"'t""~ ,Ia)'\,j,,~.



"'~I.I" 1,:Tha :oh''''':-"'; .... "c. ;\ hnn'''~l'' mlt!"'I' ",',,1 clI)'l"lnl or hi" ~" J'\' "n(l" ,Hi:";,,'''' ,'t,,, ,,., 'Jf \\"Ill'''' "".'1' 11 l"ailhfnl "Will·

II','r,! 0)( 111,1 (:) ,,1]'d,. "AI"IL:1' liI'::"",i".': """,,,,,11'1' ," "' ''\\"'~ ' .]"11 ,, C".)'/.l>,· ,1-). <:1 ;]\,:11:, IIIinl":,,,:';> n t" C,,,,~.,.·,, ,,, . I h"",·, Il'I dal" II) " iI,·,w (Ii,,! IILI \1'1 "\ """I ' ""d 'i~, ; ""'.' ..'I'! :L kl.t\·r I"" IH (:" "1'1."" (" "l.Y rHlh"I' i" l:f;::! ,;h )\'.. ;" " 1,;" ;"'('."l,,," 11m') Qf (;c",.::::~r,)l":". D. (!: . r h:.'·., no .~~l>nl ~r ,'hi!,lr~1I by

I:. P.) t,... 1.)('''.;,< ,.";,, Fr" ,,1
thl~ lnLln·;.m~. ~··\;' ,

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    knll Ami)", h,,'1


    11;0,,,1 "I !\m\"hnrtrh ,m the lImlson ni" cr nml W,," m"ne<1 in JWllOf n[ (h~ nm(l \\'n~.,J 1l00mll1 w ho len h !~ pIn\',' 10 ~t'rv" ili.; " "Llntr,' " " m:ll\)' ~(,l<\;()I' S of Ih~ ' \"1\:l'k:L1I ,\]')".\' hml dOLL e, It wan d,~"h~IW'1 to he " sc",jet", of fl';Cl\,b, lu "",inn, "" 1""1: "" lh,. ... c 'Hllln,d or a ",' or the;I' mt\l ~ ]) o"t",.il.y, ",,,I in [u il""" tIoN'<'(lf. 1.1\1' ~(,\l"lt'r"l hran"hc" j\\lII!~'<1 wurthy <)! ",<,,,,1,\\1',10;1>, [l wn, fou .,<1",1 (In c~rt"[ll In1ll1,,!:1.hl,' I'ri"d [.k.", to !" ....,."T\'(,' 11I",ol;, \ u the ri~:h:~ ;,,:d m'~rli~~ oocm"ed by tb" W"r, to pru,"ul ~ " alit>ll;1i 110"0" h ..,t l':il' !':tllli!i~,' n~ mi ((ht la, in 110,'<1 , The S,,,,i ..t:. W:,,~ '.\h'''l~ ,l inlo til il'll'I!l1 Still " :':pdl!ti(" , .'\ 11 <.>mn']' ~ or Ih. i\!]Wri,;(ll A rlll~' " Oel' thl'''L' ,''' :\ ]'., ~~\" ' kl', or who ""minue,i tL) IhLi nml or (hI< War, "'~r" m)t;t.k,l t.)IoL>(' '' nl O: pal'li l'." t() l11\1 In~\iml i,)(\, Lin .,,,I,,,,,ri l.ill!: fI!"l IIlo"l h ,' 1'"Y''' "The Norl h Cllrr,liU:l &leidy m,,, ,,~t:'\U;l~.1 "I H ill,;.. h,,,''',,gh 0 1'1" 1,,,1' :!>l. 1 1~, ,,,,,I ,\1 Ibl"'!l"h AI.d! ..I, 18%, of whlt~h my Il "~'I·ll Ud,,- C:tpl,,; U BtIlJ;, ,,,;n Cart"r "r Sc~"",l l~~lIjn\e'll, N' lrlh ('.~)"fJIi "" , Cvnlilll'n!,,1 . " r:",t,,' , Wa r, "11 m,;,:"",1 »>1: 01;',,,,, ",,,I h~: drtl!" or lhe CI>J",l it "litlll tlH.'rc(l{ ll~'('"m " hi" 11m'" "",,,)" F,',hrLl:!fY ~2. t ~!I ~ , "ThL, di;p"' ""j,,''' i,. Il'.' r\~ 1ll,,,I,, rOl' ",10011"'\',,<\, it 01"," h,."" '"



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    nft cI' cone"I' II,"

    r;,,,,(,,,,.. " ,\, l' ... l' ~ IV, " """ ",. r"!'ll"J,: CIII'\(o1' l'''r~' ;o n,! !:"~"'t -r! r"t"I"" I\ :r. IX',,(]inl! in W;",h ;",;tH", n , C •• ie, :1 t .. e",ll~r of tiM Su"';,,!)'. For the h""eM of ,,"y' m6 '1~~iri"Jt to U~~ I I,~ tnH ,,"~c~ipt UI"I1 Ii.-,noo nOO"" , ;, l)h"to.olnt ~OJl)" will he ~~nl 1.-, th" S",w I.ihmr), ~I NM!O\'III~, 'r~n"~",,ee. ~m~ of \h~ tl,n»~~ "",i l -


    ~f:\l ':'~' ,

    ~ho\'H ")' ~ ; ;~,,\\'c)'~,

    I'",~hn ll,

    Bnr"rd, !I ()l'l'i",~, J r,h""""" ],;'''':, OWl' '', 1"111"11, llmk,;, 1:",:;,1' ''' l(r,lmH!. ll"r.lm,d< ,

    Hmcwll, S"" t l,

    ~ 1I\[[h,





    ill"" "mit t ..,1 or DiL TlI,jl' ClOth;", In orde r to} ,:<mlllldv th~ Cal'l" ,' I"iLTlt[]," IfI "w ,','" ,;1,,,'1-;\\\;, ,,~ tit" em\ or Ih~ nmllll.'),'"i!'t I.), !lenjUIl1[U F. Carter , Ill!' r"II""" 1I11 ; ~ r~l(n.cd: T h" "cc'Cr, ,"~r1 ." , I'd.ru"ry 10, 1!l 10. "nd i~ bur ier! Ill' n .c :,Idc {Or hi~ w if" WaUd,,,,, );' lo,u'!\
    "I'<' ,,,me c() lh h'l'tll


    , ." ""':( ,J,: , :~:,,' ~ , ,






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    ~ nl l "',Ill In ll"!>h:,,voo\ t~h...,t.,r)";lt I'Lll~.IIi. 1'cm",,,"e~. It" ""IIH trul)l .. Soilllb,'rn I:ct,tl ~m:,n "r th e <>1,1 r,chool, courWOU$

    ,n "",\

    h •. l~kI\"'" 10)' hl~ CtlU", c"ummllit).. ~. \If the tol' .:I ..~uto!:
    1:",I,j,,,,,jll F.

    (~I.rl,·r .",li~t(!d

    jll Oewl>.·r. I~r.:? ~ ~;I \,,';,,>11...

    In Ihe

    C<Jn fed~r:lw


    II., w,,~ "1'1,,,1,,,-,",1 C:lplain


    nil the Srail u( l:"i!:" dicl" (:.~""rnl Juh" C. Brown :.... d. on '\llr;l ] I. 1:;r.;I, ".:t.~ 1•• ",,,,,1,,rl lo j\l IIjo.or .m Ccncr.,l ll row"'~

    , ,


    , .'

    Lh" tall',. hu\'illJ! 11",,, II\.'Cn pn onlotlld to lh~ m nk of 111: ~~rv,·d ;n 1h;1~ ellp:l<:it )' unt il tl", dose "f Ill<' Ch"! Ir"r. ~1I11 WM ,,,, ...le,] ;\11\1 ~ . 1!;65. at Gn"''1)~ )I:tj.,.. f ;"'~I"l.

    I........ Knrll!

    Cnf'~h~,. ",h,'"~,,,

    )", MIII'/wl I" hi" bolt\.
    \' "I.:I,l;.i. T~JI"'''''''*'

    T" cnl11pl~'" the hi.dlu'r ui 1110) C:llrleL' d,ild..,,, 'rim ~n._ li"",1 'h" .1<T,I~,I : I. ~'yr:, I.:~U" C:o'\<"1" 1'''1''' "' i,',I II.:I',h~1" 12. 1 ~2!j. (8"" PUll': I;n"'il.,·.,

    i. ,.i .

    ,f .'

    ,, ,,

    ( .'

    :.l.. J" hn 1:I\"~1'~ CIl r lc' WJl ~ lOOl! I,m,~I~ r III niy",inl:I"",\, Alal>",,,,,. (\'om l iI '.\:) I" n "",nn l),' " :l l, 1~1I1~, (i'lrinf( ilw ,,,h,,ln],)t"Jdi(1 11 nf 1','I"'iI'r rr.ftflcr ) '1'h~t1:bl'r left two


    .'...."'1: ...' IIr. hlt ..... 1,()tI\", " ,~I




    30, ISSEI,

    :-1,,"C.'· r.dlc. h"n, '\"ltU,oi. 1:1, l ~~. I.,,"i,~. Itit'f"~ ",:trlied O~I:' ....1 H""'\'[I (horn 1817) of

    \V'L,h"":I"". I). C .. "" Jun., 2'J. 1~(l5. 'rh~~' "r~ .. Ow li,·j ..;: .. I niwrli,I~. Illi " n:f. MI". !lo.....·n i~ 1I 1~'\tcn L allorn"y. 'I'll'!}' I.,w..: th" r"lh '''''tlU ..t,jJ,II"('''; ~L'rf [':l1:.::,1),:lh. 1>01"11 ''''''''mIMI :!ii. 1006.


    , ,

    , J"l", Thatch"l". h"I'u


    :! l,

    1" "

    L ~ l\S.


    Ilioh" l'li C",'II"', I",.." OdolX',' ~l, 1!'H I . .I"]i",, 0"" , I I. bll"" Sllpleml,..,,· 1;., 1 ~11: 1 . l\"ancr l:"lle IOHlI'l"!"d 1';\lJ;l"'" l\·"".~il'k lIud "oW lin.,

    in 1>ll)' OI1I1<', m" ... ja~,,.1.

    I\~w .l<'l'~.\'.

    I.:l,,,j~JI)j,, Cll rl~ r




    chi ld ren by thi:;

    II I l'r,.l1i....~ 1 L,,,' iu Wu>d,ing ton.



    :: ;:


    " ' '


    I). C., ulI\il ~IO"CI"bcl" I ~. :md be;,,!! t hen ' "Crl' ill, relm"l":!! If> hi~ "tI«~Il':l 1 hnnlc in I'"".~k l. 't·cIl I1U"a~. wlwTC 10"

    C~I'1. T hmm,~' (;.~rl el·

    1>l:lI'rIL"tI K:lllh'I'jU':'



    Thom:~1' C:trter mlm·i<-..I A Totltl'll:.· W1l\il""..,n. U~"id " (;"rl-'l" marr;",] !~I i~ahdh ' ! ';"ul l ~ lL~d



    H"I ~'!"t' (,'\'\(Ir nmnl"d Mar!f'. rct' Il rL1I1~,m . ":cd Daniel' ( ~',r!vl' ll':.n" ir,,\ f>m""h' C"ny':" "~' )11\\1 t;enj:lmli," C: UI" t,~," " ':C!'l"ic
    ha d R ~)\j"mi" 1'1':",Ii)i,,' C:l r ler ",:o n';",! C.I·nthl" ni'·"r." (So<: Cm-I"r IIm\ T.lne>l. )


    ALSTON F'iUllI,Y 'T'h~ AI~t"u~ ;1m! ,\ I\);tOll'; of :"(orth ,It,,\ Sonth C~rolill:l by G.. U\'~-:,. t~,~ t: 1'1", AI"to" ti,lIuily i" on" of [p.,." t. "TlI III" i!)', be illg ,I,,· 'C l'llrl~{\ in " cl irl't" l li",- fWnI Ai(n~,1 tli" Gr ~nt. King- ~r /Gng b!!!i, ~ 71·~IOI. 11,\\1 th~ ill"":",,.:,] ljn,~ or Ille ]'11 1:,,," 1«"'" hn~k to JIAIW!W!c:J{, th" {j "~l_ Saxon t\ l\\;t-:1I I:~))~r'<­ lin!l9 hr~'nll,l ,\Jfri'r\l !.v Grnil !o 1l.G. ~ ~ , (I h:,Y,~ Ihi~ l;n~ " " ,.""orr '.) Jo\", ,\Islnl! , Ib~ cmi:,......lIn. WIIS I h~ a,," o' J ohn Al~I,,1I ,,,,d !Ii.! wirl'!, :\"111' W"I1i~. or P:orn ..,h:un. ]·:"'I"bnd. li e

    ': ,; "


    '".:>~ 1J,~I)( iud .~{ F'dlllcrli1l:"lI. u..~Il.",I~h l"" Jk~I\Jgr,


    ~;'~..:~~(t". Ii


    J~hn Milton, th" lir~1 the (nmi ly In ;>l,.rth r;"ru]iu:t. lIwd 10 I.w! ,-.:of)' ...:Id. Tr1Idil!<m j~ "cr)' d"~r "nil "llll'h,,\;c In 1:;'-'01: ODELL C:t."llc n.~ Ih" m:mO)rlnll<\.~,t or r),.>("'n jl~' III ~:IlI;I;"Ilt. John ,\i , t.)U ]1roha1».I' <:(n!\l l(, til e !\,lrlh \;aroll na GI)\""" with (;"""1'11<11' Arc hel"l" i rl I~ () 'l. III" ~'JI\ . ln. " Ir'" .1"lm AI_1m!, ll]o(llit "i!~h\. )"'''1''; "Id,,,·, "'1 1')<, w ilh hi", al II , :;~ ll:eLl h, liom h C: , !' ~U n". '1'11,,(. \/r"ud, ".1.11'<1 " I" It, (I,;",. IlPIIM. ~Iwll i lij( it A LU:i1'O:-i.


    J r.l", ,\lsioll .,r Nol1h C,I,."liu:, oJ;,·,\ ,.[rr.~ l'jr~;. Th.." tI,·......."j'mh of " b",h,d Iwul r y ill $1llr"lk "nil 1l,~lr"nl. I::lIcl:m.\. l&!c ).1"):>11;1110' "r ,'mU,.k~1I t;."'....,,Io~y. 1"' ·,\ )10. '\'!K,.., t·Dorember . 1!l:?!J. 1'~ .' 1.) l'"lCc ilL: The 1; r.;t "'.."tirotl ,,( I"\._~d "" .1 .0/111 .\ L~t"fl i" Nnrtlt en"'i"" i~:I g''''IIt or 2il) ncn.... of hlld oll l h .",r l h......rt ~ltlc n( l :""nclt's Cr"" k in 111 I . C1'h i~ I'llII'! Ir. """,L,~l "J ohn ,\J~(",,:' 1 61:J-1 7ii~} A 111)11, ~;IY~: .1••lm ,\l.~lom tl r,'! "I 'IN!:,rn in Chllwnl1 CIl:nl. t)', NnrL!! C't r o] ;"". in n t,1. lf ~ ~" I)l".hl,,' ~"'n~ with h'" ",ira 1,'",11 ~n!'l',\' Count)'. Vh'~ ini:t , Ili ~ nUll, ~ "i('1I1 'm , \'.'il" 1,( "1:" ill li?7, D1ll1j(hl~", Sa l'"h, !Ji"lTiL1Ll l.' hiiil' K,-I11''',,-,, , lV~rc till


    !)mll: lt lul', Ch arit,\', matTie<1 ,loll!! !)awIKII I, lI'il\'. ~bl',\' , wn, ll:t r)' CI"r k "dOl'!: hc,' IlInt'"I"!:,,,, ( Tit l" F~l\':.;: ..allit in t" k",11 Il'<'n, :-IC lIkGR 1/ 16;1. The ,.e.-.:.ur.1 i~ In e,'r"r in ~"J";"; Ihat &I11,h m;rrric,\ I'ldli,. I(OlIrn~y; ~It,. Inn rri~" Lonl Th"'''''R I'e... rnl.-:-·. lit" rn:h~r l'It=l i", ) " bltOll~ Itn.l "!btl ..",,, "I ~M ))(.):01 d9 1 : II j,. fl<)f Jr.""..," wlten TI,omu t("',me.Y S:t r~1I All.I:n" ""I'ro Inuri~-d. "lt hllU,: 1t it "'"Il~ "" os\. l"""~,bly ""I llll.'r tlt~ u J7::P..;l:!. Jllll u ,\ I~!<»1. the en,i......",! . $tW~'tI "~~ r (:at,N .. i\J",. in C"t e" COllnt)'. 11t,'n" !l~rt. nt (:h"wil n Cu" " 1)" :-.r" r lh C ,'I'II, Ihm , lI u \\''' ~ u nwm h~,. of I.h.. ,\ """mhiy (Clt :-J (: !}/,;t\~) , ,\ I,out. 17(1(1 he m~lTk;1 hl"r," !b'lI'I' IIh,,,,1 t~~7, .lie..! ";,,.1' I'IMI). II ,11I\ll:hll". "C ,Jol", 1.:1111'k, \l'h" 1""l'ri ~d t,t a ",I' Pal'lJ or l'n ~'lu olllilk. X"l'lh C"l'r>li ":, , (SIll' (;'1" "1( :m d P,liin




    .c· '

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    , _ , IN '""I.

    .<>"" ,,_ ,".,,,,",, .4do


    I'nmil;,>:;.) Tho')" h:III; S"rah , who nl"rri~d eil"t"l' 11:::0.::2: J/.Ir
    6 \\'(2 )::.\"; : J uhu

    ,, ,

    ",,' ,",


    1\ 1: ~ o " w,,~

    Junw. l'nf; ;

    (:,.",,<1 .Inr",·,


    172 1_2./ ; J "ril iL~' of th" 1"~le., ,,,,,I "~"""j,,l~ Jn~1ie", Cou rt of Os" r all (1 T,·rmin ~r. 1727 -t~) ; (;"1'1,,;)] u" til !"I:!:;, ~J" j"r llntil I n!l, :,,"\ C"lomd ill th" ,sl.:! [" ".Ii ili!.;,,: "",< \\',\' ''1''' '. St.

    1'""1',, I'm'!.)I ; .' wille S" p,·rj",· C
    n,, \'('''" ~

    Colk-.,Iot for til" King_ eRN e 1/ .1:;::, ·/ r>S: SlIm"Hr, ChQW'Ul C"""I )', l7·j,,·,\Jj, CliNe 1/'.1·1'1 : ~I:t ~ i.,t mk. (;h ')\\'an emir'.," , )"io!:L


    CltN (: Ij J,;2 : ,\,lmi l,i , lmIOl", CltNC -l/ :l-lti ; .l uAie~ ror tine l>,",~", ell"·..,"",, C,,,,,.I.I". 1.1=-], Ii, 17:::', Th~ " ,pm ;">1('<1 ;11 ..-" ·,, "l." I' ~ ,:iv,-" ;n AI


    -"-}:-" :,: ,

    AI]'' JIII·"L'. I'JJ 5; Gl':""] ,Ill . ru", 172 1 ,~.I : .rLdic~ "I' IlL., ;'''"O",a1
    l'C''''''' ",,,\

    In" Cou rt ,,( Oyel' e.u,1 T~ rm i ,"'r, 1 ;!.'7.2~"; h~ w:,~ "" Iletl (;:,1""'" nnW 17'2.•• 11, <1 ,· )lilIll;,; Slw,.,lr ,.f Ch"w~)) Cm,"l), in I·i.ll' alltl ]1l'.}lmb ly rm' ''1'lIldiml) 1'1'\/)\' to th,,1.. \11\\11: '\""11'.'" man. SL Pm,r,·, i"'Ll·;"h. 1 7:~:;,'[ 7: .1 1"1,~,, d th,! :'\ lll"'I';;. S ... ns : SuI"))),,.,. \\'illb m. J'hillp : [)!L "I~hl,'l'''' $ :Ll'"'' J{"'''''''~r nnd (':h"I'il :: ))"'''''''11. \1'i]",,, ~llll'Y,

    AI",l r".:t "r lI' ills, ;./(ll'lh C" .... ,liH~. !G!l(l..I'l&l). 1~,g"" Ii. Ito!:; Will " I .It'hn ,\l!\trlll . ~'clJl'1mI'Y 20. 1 7r.::i- 1 "li:~mh,"J· 2. 17r.s, ~"'n1i"'l:; daUlt h!i,,''; Sar~ b !(~"Yl1l'Y "",t (:jmtil ~'

    t:1 '''v '" II.

    Ot)) "r 'lI,ll",,'i ti~ " 'J " T,I, ~ Ah;(m, 1'" ,nll)' r.,· or l':, l !,~ ...)mlk' CI)1 ,,,I)'. I\'ol'l lo \';,rolilm. l"Q.'l'" ?~ . 2;;, :17. HL<\())')o' "1 I': ,I~~"L" ' '''I H) C" "l11:,·. N"rll, C" ,·"I;":I. ,.1"1;" 'ill: 1"()ul nJ)t(~ : J uhn ,\btni ' h",! 1\) "1:L"'.~, !'/:Hi,


    __ :c_

    ;)-;'.': '. ' ,


    I ",,

    S:UlI<', pag'(' 'ill: I"oolnote: ,lnhn Ah'VJJI w,,,, ~I",,'i!r of dul'ill)f tlw ("'.<1. ,']""tion of ])It'ml,,, .. ,, "r 11,,' Ae.""mtJI)' fro", l':u!:e""mbc, 17,11;, Lin,., ,,( 1)e'W(,llt: ,1"1,,,' ..\],;(on In;u'l'i,,rI )br.l" elm'); and had ~;"""h" AV"'" who "",,''';od L.,,,,I 'l'lwm"'" J(''''''n''y " 'HI 11,[(. Philip" K ,,,""'" ," wh" """'1';,.<\ 1':li,."hdh' l{ind",,, " 1LI1 had Saml,- ]("",.Ul'.1' wh" married R,,\' , .John' Lin,),'"y a",1 l;:,I!.~""l)mh~


    1;:li""I",lh' LjllM",v wl>o """'ri",1 Dr. een,iarniw C;"'l,'l', (:,,,,. CarleI' and P
    B1WWN FA:'ULY ;I"","'i("", Hi,I"]'j,,:\! Maga?in,', '.1:':),1: I."",i_" Ill'own li""d "" H""" ere"I: (\1' Me;,"!',';n Hiv,'r, B,.""",>,id, CLlun\y, \'iJ'!.~illia, Pa~.:" ,IO:]-]b 1i)','1 wif" W'1'; ,\)01\ l,.""d.t.lml. dnle rot' n"'r,.i,,<,:~ not gi,','n, !,,,~~,, ;m: 'J'h",' h,ul " c;,-,n, ;\""0)\ Ill'''',"'i, wl", \'m' born Zd Fdll'''''i'Y, 1:1,,7, 11\\,(1.)2'111: i.em'i,; llrowli. Sl' .. w:", l\l'U']'ill

    1','li::, ""

    l'''''''''' :~


    died 11 M:m'.h, J.~:):I, ill

    mOIlI.I]" and 1 day,"


    ""J{,'d 7(1

    I.,' wi., H]'"wn, Jr .. monci to

    Gik' (\'Ll"I,'", T",,,,,,,,",,,,. ill 1;110 ,,,,,1 ,'.('.l.tle;t di",1 ""d i"

    !Jur;e" a)wu\, 1""'1' lnih,,'\ 1><;I"w l'ub"ki, '!'"nl\""~." ' '', 0'1 ltkllland (,.,.",,1-:. ,\I\)("'i""1) lIi"u"T "J:"f~,,!.jn<.', ·~i"li.I: L"".'i, Brnw", ,Jr", 111:n,\\'", Sr .. ~"rt.iI;"d a[ n COllrl belel f",. B,-utl.,wiek COllnt.,., Vil'g-iuia, TLl~;'(la)', 2f; Fcbnw,.,,", 17::2, "'1 'Lll"'"!~ "1""""0"'; g;\'iW: ,d,ll" til{' A])le,.i~"n Itevulut.Ln[l," D, A. I" M:!).1a;:in", \'8/:~·t,1: Lewis B]'{)Y,-", Jlrnll,'wic!, CIl)mt,I", VilXillia, li,;h:d a,< l'!~I"I"ri,,!: <mTic"" to 0]" COllti-



    ,,,,,,[,,1 ,\l"my, "[','r"l'1l.1,,,,I,)', "I n),',~' t)lLlrj<;~: "r.~ ~,1l!: ih1', :n nWlI\jl,~,""hil' i" tiN D. i\. II." :!~\' ;',t: I."d,' 1:,'...·..: 11 •.'-:1":", Will. I:N ~I, 1)\"<11" \\,;0:' C"un~',

    ,'i l'cini" (W lil 11<;0::

    'j . l~'e-"

    :;72; .



    :': '


    1\\' 0):1:". : ,\:1 1'''') e,·."·.. ,, \'''''~ ~" "'ric,l ~,,"l~c. lir~t 1i:li/:\br,lh l! anl·,.'lI . III [';,'\ll\:,wkk Cmm l,l" \'il")+i";:L , lln III lJ;'c""",I " ",. 17'I S, j":Lle,; "r )"~1' bi,.,), "I ,d d""th IHI!, ""w kuow". t"'lt" 40: tt ~ nl"l"rk,l, ~~cond. t':liz:lhcth ~t~I:;", ( hom 1:1 .\l:! r . 1'1.;7 : ,re.1;' .\11:~';5t. l!; l ~) or ."'I'Jnh~m!"n" (; """l )".1\" l' th C,, 'mli,w . ))"I ~ ,)/ ma •.,.i";:,, nnW luw" ',- n, It 11";1111,' ,,()I ~d I i,::,. '" ,til wiv,-'" <,d' A,\L',,,,, g\" J\\'ll ',\',,"'," ""m",; Elil:(i",th. /; ) '>Il~ "I' the",," i;" !.·((1:, oi:"II:h \c~. 1-:1;,·_ · "hd h. ",11" l1:~n·i, ':1 W;l1::l1n J:i\'l'r,' (,\.IIlH'~:H1 ili~tQr.'"


    ~bl:"lil\(', ,1,-- ;).- 1) .

    p::." .'

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    f" " "

    ZT 2Ii{J: '\'\1'1)]) Un' WIJ 1',""'; ~"'; ",LJril.'.'



    II1" "J'I'lf.' " Q;

    "lid n,,:-,<-,· Jack.',-"". 2-7 J ill>'. l 'iiIQ. (;"",,,,, . \'h·g;llin .


    "j~:e C"''''~r.

    .-, q:l:l: Wn rr"III"

    ;''''''''11 loy :\"<111,,,-, J nJ'"

    I;. IIf':!,

    .i::J ,'I:, pi;, ! .; J h;~!! 0" N.w>'!nl.'u· 2~. !7%. '\" " .n Bmw",

    ".-\,,\'1.'" t,: ""'·,,.-n & m:Ul, ":il h

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    "t.h, r~ " ,;,,,,in (.(:<1

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    em}" J :,," .~wk~ C"',n1:~·. \';1':r:1I'~ .

    '\' '''l1l1 ,13 ,',:;·x J\ :',\(',l11lh' L' ,.r ",1;0 nd i ,<~ Cnn,,-,)itk,>, :l:\ .J'tJ l": ~ ")"' \:"01.'1, r: " L tl,:,:,,'i l' ~ 1';',1\111': . !.IC27~t: A~l'('" ):r,'''''', ":~~ r.;I<',. ,,1' th~ (\'''''1 ,,( O)· ,'r ,,,ul T,"'m;n~l" 11i"dll"u",':,' , 130):, !:""","'i"l< C,,;"'~~.. \·;r~ini". ~htdl"" :, "r \: '.'I\r.h a"d t';,,,·, T·,'n:"",,,,,", 1"'t:" JH:I: ,\ :».•", Ihw"' ,, ~ I1 Ji " I",1 II, .!'""" till: ":H M :)1.l Y'''i,'I' :l11') ''''''\'(,",<\ w;'11 ~) C7'1, ~::; :




    I:",\·,'(uti,-,::"r.,' \·:"r.


    Order g,,:>!, :-1 0. 1~, P";'~ :J L''''T'·l1~~uilll'. Viqdl1b : .. b~'", 11",WH ,.:",' .r ","'1 :,"', "r t II<' ) '"" ~,, (, ,. Il"",,:;\',"i<'l: C,"''':y, Yi\'u llL i: c, Z:; ,h, I,\', P(""', 7 \\-' ( I j ;:,';, <,',-" ,1n,.(,, : ",u"'" E,',,',,'" ',"',~ " dUX,I'" :"ll '.\'1\" " 'rici::k') ;It m~nJ' I>",,.t·;',,;(·, (;f P<'i),')c ",,,,,tl,,:;~,J. 177(,· I 'j"~)().

    ~1\'I'( 1) 1.;1;

    L,,,:h r:\' 11 ·.... ", \,:i~I1L": ,, to" """,,·;'\t:t\ ~ ~ 1 "'c " (J \I,~',', l'i ·":~. 1':\"[I"oll"i,·I, '.:nHnt.,-". Vh' ~ i"in. :\,,,·t'll r.: ....,"" 1""1,, > 1l1>(1._1,..,-) ;n 11);"1, Ih" !,n'f~ ".~ <"r a I h~l hi ·_ ","1

    :! Jt'.'.'(I)l:I~':

    uo •


    tlllll.~l· ~ nli"~,,,1 ",h:;", a IIl",,,r 1'",. :11>'<'>: ~-~"rs in Ih" Cm:t'nr n1;,\ ,\rm.". :«",,, ;","l. I;: I':" l"\' ln·"l :ll1'1111!;"h ~ h" ,"·r.'_,'~·~, w:,! 1:1. til" halH" !)f 'r,un"", ~n\l 'n", "r ~I:~ "1Irfer",·:; ,,' \,0:\1'-;0' l:'t!r~," A( 110., " "rl ',f It ;., '·ll)l.:!"' ~nt. h~ r,'1.t"'n~,ll0 J)I'::n. \\': I<"l: (:,." ,,1,>' wk ,',· 100 l" _'li,),:oI f.", 11"""1:.- r" r tr r'''''-'',I ,,\ j ll~ " I ,. r of 1],,, "''.'1"",.): ,<\. 1" ,"'""" ,, 10'11 . •m "1 )l' ,;: TLI, ,·i..-iT 'tl'lU I::, I l"x l " , n ll
    )n,,,,,·,, ",I I.",'.


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    "':1.' lnx,d tm, o( ~('~,



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    (:,~" ,tI",\", :md 1:":,·,.,, F" ,..,;;.,·.) F''',r: II\.) C"r[;,,. ",~":";'Til 'l Hi~It:r.'·

    lOr :hu ('"rl ~r ~""n·

    I:,·,*,,"in F , C",.tc,. i" r,, ·,.'·~i"" ~; Ihe wl·iI~ .., ;1;0 ; "j-:: ·\· ,'rH,,~! I" 'flY """,-,'., r"j",n· . .l nhn 1I. l:i~~,'. "



    \',';11:,,,,, 1:;\' .


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    A:l\'",,' nl'''',·I.' '\ J-:ll~nhl·l.h II nrw"n m1JI I!,,~ EI;, II:"'I),' ;;,.,-r-" n ,dF' " ""·.r ie' : '\"i1li~ m ' J :;'''('''~ ~",l ;1 ~,1 ,luJ" ,· 11''''I'".' r .E i '.' ''''' wi", "" :"'1' \"' \ ,<;a L' :\h M:,ra ' leu ,h'

    '-Il1<1 r.r,,1 C,I'lI i.lii:\." ll"lbl:i I: ... ' " '; wh'J 1'1"1'1'1.,,1 l.h.'ll,illmln 1".r " I"I,\ :I', (:" ." C:n'Lc" ".'HI )'n"", Lin ".•. )



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    lheir _ . I'd"r, 1),""""_00;" ~):. I n ·I, ill Onlll!:" Jnlllo.'l' "Iod EI~~:lb~th I;,-.on-"n. ~1"'ntI(or'"




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    l:"'In'!(m I,o.:'l'tizl'd C""~I,. .

    :"m,e. 2/ 2;;'; ; \ViIli:nn I:ruu oo" 101 (;"1.1. M"lth" ... Sin. or,',,,,,) "r J,il~hl. II nr,,,', l~ SI'1JI\·mh"r. 177r., In ~ ~ " llh~!\I\w", 1'1'."'"


    ~ , :!o :


    r;l'('''~''''' .

    "'Nnt".. (:"1'\, .1"",,,.'

    Mill!!,. (!"lIlr~U\.v. :!Ii S"I.tUh,I"'i'. 177;;. S:1111~. 2Iin,.-I:1 : \\'1I1i:lIu HI'III1"'II1. :;r •• lI1"miwr " r (~~ I't"i " 1',,\lwI>
    Jor" ",'


    :i"nw. :!./I:H; 1),,\,;" !lrullolYIi. 1,,·I\'nh '.;) 1 j'f':U'N ohl, i ll I "'1" ,,1 n Ed"",,r.1 - - W"'I>:111)', ( ' " loHl') 'rh,m" .. n·~ U~;,i.

    ""-'''' or 1:""I:"r,', ;!.; J"'m~r)', 111r>,

    I :ru"",,1\, ~Ii r",.r~ <11<1. :11111 ,l.N"h ukl. j" t':"I"~l n f;,I ...r.rt1 _ c'mll~~n.... C"I"nel 'rh"m,''''''·'~ 11'1:;,"<:"" :!5 ,I:mu:u'y. 1'I'7r., "m)1~, :;: I\'I, r.~: 11,,,,;,1 " nm" ',,,. b ,,:oc Ij rlln~'m ,,,,,1 .,,,. ~ J .. h l:ruum", ! ~"I'I .. ml"",. 1773. ttt ~'(t Od.,bo.:r. 177". in \,'1 nit Cnm],,,,,) , I:,,,'lf"" " ":01, Willi: .." ·11."''''.... ,,11. I~,;qr. ~: , m~. r,.I1 ;;.] : J:""h );''' ",I'h·:lU:. C"I'1. F i~M Far. ,.a'" C"1nl""';'. ",, !~n~l , S",ph-1nl'cr, " ud Oc(ulJllr. l'i',!I, ));1111:>. :!.. 1I,'um. ",. 2,;

    l ~':!: IA~~" y;~>1'~

    ~ LI1l' '. 'i , ~I ~'. : .1 :\("'\1, ll"LLIII" 'll J~ I" l l\t L· d

    ),uunl )" ii' Conti·


    110'111:<\ (l1.- " .,lul ,;...,m,'.") "" I(Ii,'(-_ (1 ' ''1:<' :l l ~,. 1,'out'lll t.·~r 1I"uIII)" I, t >:.u1.'. S... " l;l ,;" ... ,1;"", 1111';,'.,. l;t'(r~t;n"r ... r 5l:t1.rri:o~'· 1;"'" ,,;. ,t ... ~'" I'~J";r,,, 1 In s""th ('." " .1;,,... Utili] l!llt. I.." ...., II"·....• h:,~ Joti'll c",,,i,krabl., dim,,,,tl)· i" ~·,'I"hll~h J "1!" fl:.r l'~ .,,' !.i~~h~. nUIL"ri,,~c~ ~n" ,I~"th~. Man;;',:" ...,nl.r"c\K, W hen 1.11<: hri,lu tI,,"n,~1 ,·r:.l ~sl" '''_ .I. c ,'(! ~ n ", ,, ti ,' It ,,''' ~r In " tl'll>:h~·. alll\ ''';ITr,n.,· Il~t 1;;",," "':m . l ... l",ld her eM',t" "" IlI"li! "'''\11<\ not lie 1II\1,lc jor th,~ ,Irhlt. " I' h,'r In".l ~","nd,


    f.j"<>w'k,,·~ N,'I~~ on lInlw,,~O)l·Brun..<,"' ; J ...h" llrown· - ..>n, .'on ,,~ l:khm"I. Jr., \he lh·~t \0 L~'01c lnt .. SmUll c..mli"'l, i'. C.•I,'nj,,) wi\! ~b:ne(1 II J,m",,".". 1711. w,r" i .•





    lb ''''"h . . . L~"tc I:I'(,I' ,H'" I"",, ) ""'] 1':x,"",,\,H'.

    "m.I' l,,'lIL, itl ;';"<11" Ca " vlin ;, ""d tw o.\' ,'III1.'''lm ~"m" ( .... In K",... Ehl!111111\ with tiM <"Vml~"'r of ';"":·I·~:;"ti"nn1i~I~ " "{1m [)..tI·~hl·d"r. M".~ .• HIUI "'!tlbl ill

    ill" 1,">1.1",,", 1I ""II:,h B'"lIn"",."



    ,,1,1 r.'''l'd,,·d,·.,. in SO lllh Celr,,! ;JI:' ",,,I ;" (11" P,,!'ld, LOf m. G" 'I1 W'" ','.Illl'h <1:' \;1 ~an I,,· (" "I,d in tll" n,,:onl~ "r Old ~ I idw ;Lr (' o:W",,;:: ,1in",,1 Ch nl'ch I" I,l l",!,!" e""'II ,1 ', G">r;;h, wh ~n, u",n.,· uf :10" nr~t f,HIi~r.l "j St. (;,·"r!:,'. lI",,\,h''''I~I' ,..,11 III I·I!'!.


    ~ "hn fl ro,,"n~"tt ,'"",,, t" wh a t. ;" [o',,,·minl!l(ln. (',,", nedkl(t. in lr.::~I. ·I·h.! " artl,. of T.\,,~ wif" i,. 'Ull Ij"kd. 1\,. di",1 in )(,1;(\ a ,, (! hi;, ,·"i l,h·"" s m,m"" ",." rr" ", hi ~ l·:" ta t . ·

    'J\·! tk"", n[ ,m el f""II' Ch urch I'''~'''',h; :

    .Iot "h Br"\".",,,~m, h.,,.,. 1t>.J(I. ·I<)hn I:ruwn c"", b""n 16·1:). (,":" e Ilrown~"", I.'IOW 16·m, ,\III""I,,, {,) !.:""w"~"'" l U.lj. Mm·y . wi l",.• ",' .h,l,., \\'.I'nl t , I,l ' n',·"';. wi fe' " f SIr,)"",n ll '" ,ki u", .!!al'nh . wif" ,,1 .I "htl I\i])',,,, .... [), . E. ll. nNWn,,,U. lIf:t~-'·Hlc. :1"",:, \I.ci!" rhi ld ,."" w"A: Il :lnnah Sc"tt wit" Tn",... i,,,[ .f"lI" B,""'_

    :,-:,:'., " ··C.·



    -'- -

    "'111 .

    Ill'. B"uwn,;') J\,;ll'<"; this ,I; n,,: Li\\,'''!:'' .)"hn ' Ill'''''"''''''''' l:ich:",,1' r:rnWtl " tt1; J "hn l.:rowJl ~,' n . "-Oil ,,/ Ukhnnl IImwn. ~"Jl. Jr.• I:oor" J(H~;. b"ld i~,,n :ro Fehruary. IG:>!', 1.'"rrr.i!lg.


    Cnlt"""ti~,,, . <.li~d


    I(;SO. South O u"'O\I"" , ( If



    I'e:", 1"0 ~!""'; ",he, " [ ~.:" c ,l (h(, w l\l ''1(''11;01''''\ ~)lLn'" i,e :""1\" Jid(J, t!toHl\ed i~n ! . Tlwr ~,.e ; Jol,", J,.., born ~'l; .... lll:U~t. ll;!;r•• ))'''')". born Iii S('I >l ell1h.,r, [I;ml,

    :,1.""',: ;" I'i l..l.



    _ " c · _. _


    gnu h. born 2~ A"I(~sl. lG7!. l1",rr i~d !),,,,icl M~Grc!:or. I ~"nc . iJom IG'I1 / 1G72. ,,,,d ,lied 20 t.by. In~ . in Cra,'e" Counly. Sunlh Cnrolim" ('I'hiH d"te dlll'~ 'lOt tally with (hat 1:;\"(] 11 by bi ~ widow. M" . ,\1arllnrp.lll"II'''!O u. See la te'-, The ,inte "'~r h",·" I>o.~' tl '\Ia)" ~O. \732.) l:dcre"c,,_~ ! Slil,,~. lI'indow" nerork lill_llI S, IlIlg".l :::1-:\.1: F ,w rll i llj(10 1l I~~II'I 1; ~,<: ...... IH. Vol. G, I'''I:C 206; l\~w II,,,·~,, (;en ~,doJ:ic:l 1 ~laJ:alj ll ". Vol. 2, pngc~ lIt_H 2. John llro\\, " .,,,,, \llrl "' ~')1l) had n " W.... I"I. Ollt yc Sec' lye, olfiec ,1"1 ,,,1 )'C 2S ll"y or O,·t"he r . l G~ .j . _i)l; lIcd hy )'C !lono'ul" Job" ,\"chd"k , F..;cl'-" G(w. ri) r (wo h")l(ireli nc re" of la nd " pOll r~ '\CL"{J\1I1( of " .. i,,,U dl( hh who'" ,mme i" r~ord~d ill yc Scc 'tyCll olfk". .. (·:tc:· (1.:o"d g"!lll lc' from Ihe l.ord~ I· rol .rie lo r~. ) John llToWIli



    I [~:o:\e BTUn .... " & Ex _ , _ )ly I:",ds in Soulh C"roli"" ,,,,d ti e"· dwel1iu): ,,[ Ihe .1,,"lh "f IIi~ rn(H h~r. 11"",,,,10 Brun~("'. S"ruh, tho wif" of I)n"icl )!"~j(l'''r.o.')' , ' , I will til" ~hl\'~. l'em;Y. the 1"<1i" ,, I(irl. "t Ihe ,1""lh of he" l1Ioth ",', lI ~llll" h IIru"lKIll, Grace (no ~ m'""'"" fo" h",' ) , my <1""I:hl o1', with lily ,tall'lht cr, S,"",)" will hei ,' all my llCroo llal esl"t e and Ih e N.'~i,III C.


    etc .. r""orded in Will Ilook 171 1.17 1R, p"lIe

    :J,I. ('rh i~ g~nenlt("tI ~I'eU~

    the nllme W:UNSO N,) 2"2 ,\In ,'" Ij:l!\, ,,,,,I I',,\. G, 1~~g\! 207, 1_~1l,1 l:~"'ordJ or CO llllcclicll l, , , , 1'" bl ' . I,,·,1 ill th e New It",'en G" ll""logklL! ~b!;"li "e. _ _ I',.rn,ill,:hm 1",",1 I:e<.:",',t s a,'e the foll"w·

    t I



    j ill!' :

    .Ilm'j:"l'ct ))""II, on, ",hIlt\\, or baa" IJrmt"'" (hoth 11...,lIcl'Ih 1),,\,.-.1,,: l ",,~c Hrunso", WiIlinQl Brull!\Oll. I)n<-id Il ru nson. Jmncs Ilr lln. !lQ Il, ,, 11 of C",,'cn Co,mly, SoHlh Camliu", Rnd " On" of John BroW":.., ll, Sr.. d~",e".col, whic ll "'''" forlllcrly i! lh"h il""t "r \1'"lloc r5Iid. l. Co"n~l ;c" l. do her..,!"" COn" C}' 10 J oh n IJroWlldlt" of Cr""cll Co""ly, So"III C"rolinn. :<11 rights In )"urmi!l)flo ll ,,,,,I WdhcI' , f,cld , COllnec1kll t. , ' , 20 I.lay, 173!t. I ~,,"\ Gm,,!.' from tll

    J, .


    • ,\mong t he "I,,,\'C WM 100 acr~.' ..." ".~hl ...y 11"'cr in !lerkel"y (;0",, 1),. 1" So:I':~"'l>I'l" ljOe.. 1<:> ]",,,,,,. Jr.• "",\ 011 ·I I)L""c ll1l.>~r . 173[;. 100 "" .... 5 in Cr''''~'' C9ullly to Mrs. ~I"r_

    I:" rcl lJrunooll ("t \hi~ tim ... ~hc w"~,, w;,10w ). (,\ ",Ire,,: " Vor ""me ,"ca =
    l ~ ",,~

    Il,'u" w " " i(:I! ed hj ~ will :!U Fd""lIl1",'" 17:)~ ( Hee

    ",,,1m" ~1arj:"rct Bn1!l ~on below), it w,, ~ :;Iated by hi " wife. r,hn~:II·d. II'" do not ii"d Ihi.1 wil l hut know now Ihnl hi. r,,·c 1101101 were: William, !" ,'!le, Sr" .I:ulle". George. "",1 VI",j,1 .. d~ 1',ul.ri"wr.<, t he rolh F"t.r u:l ry. 1701.1:r:llIll'd 10;0 lViI_ lin", WIlY. ~ r .. Ih" II " na,,~ ,,,,,I Z2 rod~ O)f l a"'l l'~rtly [n Ih" I'nri., h "r SI. .1:1111"1 Gu()ol" Cr~ k :11111 l'~rl1)" in th e l""'ish "f ~1. Genrg!', Onrch,,"kr, it h" illil l'~rt nr :I larg er I\rn ll l IIlul i ~ now oou lldet! hy th~ 1:l1.. 1 ~ or l{alhallid SU III . IIle ,·,' .. r ,,~ph SlImlll"I"S and ~!'·:I . ~1""I[" l"eL !Jrll "",, n nnd \\' h~ ,'""~ ~I""e 11'11)", 8 ,· .. IIIlId e Ol'c" .~,d,1 h'n~t I'.'" deed ,btl I'll 17 .hm",,·.,·. I 70Sj Ofl I" ! ,,"'e I :I I~ 1'1:<1'1"r of Son l I< Caruiina H,,,1 who by hi , will dnted ;:0 l-'dmlnl·.'-. 17:!:l. be_ q ueat hed ~"i,II"acl of landt,. hi ~ wife. ~l nFil"r"I, wlrll_ no·y. 170.1/ 0;;. "",I confirmro "" i,l b",,1 10 l ' I1,;,,,,,,s Wa.'" ill SI. C ~-urt:c l'ari~b. it bci"Il" I~lrt





    He,'ol.,tion; .\nhj"r.' r.( :;"uth C;"",,li,,~. c<>"lin",,_,,1 ~e. dc" in \\"hhinll to" . j ), V.: W;n i;\ 1I1 Hn,n.oll li " t~, 1 ,oJ ~er\'i n ~ j" COJlti1'~ntnl J~";:imelLt " , No::. 21; "uo 'Jr.. ,\I-'u li , t e,1 ,,1'1': Al e,l["ml ~r.

    l':\\-id. (;""1"1,,' ~!l~ .llI ooh ):rU'''.JIl.

    SC I1&GM 2 :!@. I I!>:> m,,1 2. 2';'1: Willi",,, [:'" '''' 30''' Jr., III Cupt:,;!) ~i"r.ld",,'n Tro..ol' ()( Litrht !lor""'. 13 SCI'' <'1111,(-,,,, ['l7G 10 22 S~pl(·mh",.. 177:;. A1.,o "I'll"' '''';'''' ill ti,e f.~m~ '''-I:''.. ;ZIII:OII ,",e,"1' \ \'illi mn (rn ... 'l ],'1\"1' lK'('n S O". ). Clm l"l~.,. J "" I~$. (;cort:,· ;1",1 /IInUhew Bn",'"". ll~\'vlulit>ll: Willi ,,'lL I;rulu,l" S ,".. ;1, G:q,laill li "llwo"d'" Cum",II')" (,f Vol\lnl~'"'·.I, 2(1 Sqlt ~m hd·. 171fo. On 23 S~J'" 1"",1""" I'i,:;' U,crc ""., n Wi lli~'n I~n "'~!)n in Ihe COI1l I" "')" or C~'I)L .I nl\l~" hm·',. ("u"ldl", Ihe ~" ",.. m;m '''I ~"l i"t­ ", eHI II at Ihal \j" w wore "hor[. ""~ ',.) 1(":",,1,,1,<,,;: Willi"", 1;1'(11'·"'u. S,·•... Iwo d.,h,,~ ... fir.'1 (.or ~ul'l '1i.·, {" l"lli,. " . ,I II. lilt ( 'OI ~ l i "" "I,>I -rr""I' amI albc ll ~'l w~ru Iwo r~c";pt.l , ;':11"',1 2:; l"d,I'''lIry. 11S0, :1lld ~ /d" .I-' 1',,,1 . I.y Th"n"". \\':~k. I'om. I:, . . . "l'u r',r r.. ·r l i~"() of W illilll11 ro, '''I, '1,. S,'" ,,,' '·~n~.·'1111 "",I h"lll~ll:trll ... I h~ two ebim.· we .\, 4"'"'" Ln Iw(",.,. \\',n;tl m M,,~loll. J. 1' . 1<" C~H"lcll [)btdct, S .1111.\' amI ::1 .Iu t::. 17:\,1 . . . ordd' ,llth·,1 2~ .lllly. 17~~, "P1M~e to p:,)' II' t.h-. .1<)1", Hoh_ ill .(r,' "'.'. dlO;!'" r·,,· I"r ~" ...,jc~ C"I'I••h"I~' Me' em'lo)' ill 1,;'< I;'''HI'''II.'· lor Milill" Li;:h t !lor~c ''111(1 for the II(.~·' w11ich I rUI'"bh~I1!")


    ~!o.,,·.' D ..."von.

    ,\"'],·C:! : In Iwth lil ,· ];,'nll '(H' ",ul C"")' ~r" \\,01'1,1 1\I\\'e ,1"11" (" r V lt. " "I'e t hM'~ (""",]Ihc ,,1<1 C"lI1'l<'r )I~ cllUrclr :'~c"nt1c . .. "m l I h '1;"1'" ! h~ r "rCc r 1.1:') cor "",t when it ~t nt~(1 . . ' !,!n rj'.1ro\' wi,,, oJ ItoLc· tt (' :t\"l," ', II"fi" I< oll



    \ I


    lJul't:nrd i.!r ""rotl "", rr;",' It.lI,,'rl C/l r tCI' in l1r.1. Dr. K Il. Crown>!;)". !.iuY" ille, No. IJ",:., wrll<-~ ; " Il r,ccnm 10 nW l Iillt )"011 ha"c "',,,,,, the 1""1>,>(',- d~h'dlon~ :,!\ to Ml< rl("rct 1:1'''".'''11 :II it li.a ;"1,, nil ",,::I\'.~ or H,.' fnrnUy hl"lol".I" 1m

    r,", ,,,: we

    ,'' <>'' .''

    1\ .e~m,; 1~!;ic"l t .. "',,"m~ 11",\ tll;'1 ,\ial"!:a,·cl. "a,,!:h!c" of Willim" r:l'nn".l11, Wila 'inll'l'" ror h~,. "",te,"I") $:":,,\d.



    ,n..,U'CI', 'I 'he n:Lln ~ or M:L rCIJl'('~'~ L iu o (.f D('"cellt : llidl:u',!' r:l'1'WII,Oll hnd

    IMt h" r j"

    11 01 now known _

    ,k.ll1l I!ro\\l1,.m who mn''1'i~,ll1n'''l" h S~olt nlul 111,,1 l.~lne' Ur" " wll ,..h" manic,' Alm'lIm-ot Hlh' ha,1 Willi am' \:, .. 10.<0" w i,,, "'n r"'~(1 __ "".1 10:,,'

    M"rg"rd' lin",,,,,, whc. <':lrkr mn' 1''lIOI: Li lll-.'. 1",,1" " nUl(: In thi rd gt'l1~ rn li"lI.


    eh~ "I!""



    in w"Y C.r ",,,,mill: the






    tL ~C'I.: The BIIOi",,( f:tUu ly (rom which the del'h'ed iill u"me (,'om th~ ],llIu",' M Clch'Ii'uc, 0" Glihoo']\c. In W~~tmol'(·lr"lll. II C,,"' th ~ !th'''''' 1,:,1"", Th e 1\lalior i" ",,,n,,(] in tla' I)OD1)"'~:IY llook (10~r. . II.U.) "",I t hu fmnil.l' W,, :: (",. """1,\' !:~IICl'"ti" ,lU I,or''' " or Ihi~ j,I",'C " tid (Jf 11"'11,,1 011, (;"nol,<1,' :11111 I(YII ['. Coiuui:ol ,,,,d rtC\·Ollltioll:!r.\' [,in cl'I:'" uf 11", ~dc" . Vc.I, .i, P. c..]: 'I'loe :",~e5t",,; ,,( Coil,ud (11'Jlli"",) (;I";IJ",.",, "c,·~: l.lllrd.-oI(, 1.<>...1 "r n""e,""wQri h .",,1 utl'~r m",\(Jn~ Hf n"l Sh ire (M.P.) fur 1I',,~lml>re· 1:",,1, l:J~'I. who l>" 'l'ric'! A.1:u·W,rC\ de C" .. '!"lu :m,l hnd: ~. ,1"1111 t1~ C lyiJ()l'UC (A.D . 1,",81) rllther (1(; 7, llowland CI,'I",l'ltC (A.n, 1:180) f,,\ltC,· of: iI. ,1"lIn ,I(' Clc\Hll'llc wh" ''''''' '';o d El i ~."hl·th. d"ullhtc)' of 'j'loMt" " (;t\l'\'~ ", (or Wndh· i11101011 I\an. CUlll l..,l·lmvl (Ii ,il'scm"I",,( or M ,d ~" I n\ It, King J'"l~''t.'''


    of :Okolb"dl died ,\ur.I,,,1 ,1, 1 ' 1 8~ '''I d lefL : :I. 1'1'''!lt:\~ Cleburne ( ,\.I), I·I:! I ) .11«[ 1",<1: 10. N ichola~ "nd 10. 11 ob~,·t (AD. 15:': 1) who nmrried I~l(':mor. 'I:l ulrht~r ,n,,1 rf>·hein"~ or G~org" 1,11'k ),rj ,]c ,,,,, I had : II. I""'",,,,}" n u" 1 1. r,d,nu)\,\ (;1,,1101'"'' ( ..... 1). l ,dO ) wll" "" ".,.ielIu,,1 (I J ) "",1_ r."yloll had l,;s ,, ~. 12. 'l'homa3 Bud 12. William :O'HI I:!. J .. hu "n<1 I:!. IUd" ,,..1 ClculII'''c (A .I). l .;;''! ) whQ manic,l Eb,uu r r"ulcn"lN' (of Sl oc1:lo "i , I!I~ ,11101 Barto"" COIl"lj' (If WeotnIOI'cin ,,,l :111,1 had i ~!'u~ : I:). 1':111'1<111<1 or 1>1,l1cr"),. Yo1"l;·.li", 'l'rC"<''''~I' 1<.,. Ii rP, :'Ile11l1K'r "f Ihe ('"u"~iI ;",,' I '~I "lll' (:''''cr''''r. AI'I'0inl",1 Ito,nL1 Sun'c,I'Uo' fM Lhp ('"I""y rot ViJ'I:ini" :i",1 l'am~ """1' will. Sir J."'.1 ,,~h \I'" ,,, tl ill Hl~l, I:nlcr of ;\!"r... l:o lI,J m,d r'",.li"mcutnry C/)nmli'~*'''CI' will. U~Il IlC\t r (:,:!, ~t.'",hel of \II~ L('I:j~h.t",.c. ((;(;Ii, 1~1CC:: I::: Willi,1m C~.i"on'e, ( ;"IIt .. ur J,,,n~ . Cit)' (l'drl'~ " cu p.,':'''! or 1;\,,(1 rill' I rail'; I>(>rlnl ' '11 "t I h.-.,(· ""'r\'''''\~ HI \I t.'gird,,) "Gr'I11\<.'



    CQ\. a",1 I: ~\', L ill<':.;: e" of ,'m~ ,' iLn, l'al:p" (;·1, ~, 17:

    Col.mel Wilii"" . r:"IJc,' I.Q",I,:I11,


    ('1;';1~·'rn" Th~)'

    nutrrkd El i :::r.1llh....,' .1"",· lwl a ,I",'gilkr (.lth chil,l) ;1J'Irr,


    ....., ,J

    , I

    ,, l

    , !

    who Ill" n,;.,1, 1,,\ "

    l'mnily ). 'I'h " 1:00];.'>

    \'.)'it~l' >~j"":





    Hicc .11111 2ml. 1I(>1,"r l IInnis

    ( sc~

    lI ~",·i ".



    lH~~ I.

    In 1>(1":",..;0)0 ,.r Ihu

    ",\1njoL' Huh"'"l ](.~ ,·,·i,.' \\"if~ Wa" hloum; "1:

    Clelll., J Ie 11':," I h,· rOil of William J 1:"";,, ,w,\ '1"~"\ I"" " nllc~ O,"e r ]"". h i.• wifc. W ill i""l HH ";:; \Va" lit .· ,'"'' or i:.;,l",,"\ Ir :"Tio: ,,,,,I hLt wif.-, 11".), I :i~.., (,l:\ i l~",It". w lo" ""'" the .buxhl"r "r Willi",,, (:b ;lo()r "~ :n,,1 1·:li1H,I....~h I! II U~r. h;~ wiC,,:' lV;lI ::,,~ ::ClI.: Will i,, ", Clail",rnc WM h(1I'11 "]/{Hltl !;S'/ ",,,I i~ f1 r,.l I IO!i~1 wli~1I the Vi,">,illi:o ('~mll'a"." "n:;:I);",1 him ;13 1\ '.lIl'1'rYOI". He ~:nn ~ lu Vind nia wilh Gul'QI'IlUl' Wyatt ill I l: ~1. II " \\,,,.1 ~"""elnry r,,,. the Co]"''? nn il I>>emb., ,· of II\(, C •• ,.ndl, rrol<), "t Inl ~\"';1I', IG::!7 [" I GtiU, On AI"'i! IG, \I; l:l !h.· I:; ,,!, "!'I",,1II,''! hi,) 'I',""'O,,"'d rm' l ife h ilt ;ll" Ill)[ k""wn It"", I,'nl: \'" '~'l"I'c, r ill th 'H ~"p~c'I.". I n 1(;2:' Ion eD"Hn,,,,,IL~1 .on ;·"'pe-I' li.on .. ::~lu~1 the 1",ll:lII~ "".1 ";:,,,ulu t r.11. 'rhere i~ ,nlleh .ldnll "10,, .. 1 h"n ",hid, ;,0 " 'I1 ,tl,,<1 (r ..", t hi: I ,u,rr"ti,·c. lith(:,\.I,,( W, I '''r.~ 'Il! ; .'11 " GOUl"t ,1 t ,I :"M~ Cil,\", ::1 )lnl'ch , I~~.~, l',"'"ctll , •. ~! I·. Ct")'bvl"llc .. . t;"",e, l':'IN 1;1: On Odvbe J' :l, lG r,n, 1''''' li""" " ll 'a """, ] ,m ,\d IIl'.. hi bilin,[ [mol" wilh till, 1:"l'iJ:u]Ul"," . Virgi n;n 'IUd "t he!' ,·()t.",i"" I:'''''' HI~ Cnunci l r.,.{ ~1 "1c !lnllLu]'ity tv "",rnc" H, o::" c"l""i ~,. Tlli. \\""0 \"":oUH! or dvil ,,":01" in )("1:1",,,1 "".1 the ,',1'1;; "'" n"u,... ,.r 1:11 , )\,,1 ~ ... , "",te,- II,,, .100n'""1;0,, 01 the l:oy,,1 (;t},'ern{),', Sir WiIIi:>!n 1l''1'k~I'')', re(lIlIClI1eI11 (r,,' it- ,hy nlld tl llW, "II i:,,, [or" I"U' ncr "f II, .. 1),..:l;)."I1<,n 0( llt,iel",,,.1(1' OO "L~,i" ""'OI-Iy I:!:; Y":O'" tnt",.:' T],,·,," nrlid,,~ we"" sir.lled t.y WiII i:.. n (;I" i t.ol"l'~ ,'~ ''',e ,,[ Ihe 11,. ,·,· c<)I1I "'lft~i", ... ,·",

    Smnc, 1"'I:C r,;\; Th u t hr,.e co"""i",jnncr" Lhe " I " '''''t"~lc,l lQ ~l l!r~'L" ,,1 \\'h~rc ~ ~1;trd " I(;,')~ , which M:lCtrulh' ~ "r... millNI I., Ih., ~OInm;'..~ion~l'.' who relurn",1 to Vir),i " b wile"" , 0" '\ \1rll :10, \fir,:!, th e ll Oll 'lU of r:"I'j:e" ~,. ~l""te,l Wlllj'I1" t:.,,, IIdl . Oil" QC the clIn" "i"',;o" cr••, I:(o\'t r nor of


    I I


    (j'l: Col"lIel Wi ll iam (;lailoo rne wn!l clec\p, \ Slnlj' ,,,,,1 n new Coun" illV'''' ~ho'~n,

    ~:lme, !,,\g~

    Se~""l" ry 0(




    ~Hlnc, p:ogc r>l)::: lh nl Wini"!,, Cbn"',n ,e W~3 Ihe f" .. ,\ Scc,'d: " T <;of 11'0 C.. l(lil )' I Virg ; ,,; il). I.,;"" or OC'IC~ "I , William' \]1~ iI ~lr nc " ,a,',' ;o





    and I, ~ ,] (!}' "lhb 11,,11:.11']' J! iver~ who ,n n,",·j.,.1 Tk uj"'nill ....' e Mler. (Sl~ C:U'l~" ,\(((1 l'(>jI~ U",,-•• )

    CLAnK j,',\1.1I LY 'I'h ~ AhtUll ~ ,mo\ ,\I I~ I'''''' DC N()rth a nd ~uuth Carol,,,, •• 1,1' (;ro\'<,., 1:10 1. I"'g" :'8: .[ohn Cl:, rk die,] :IQ M,,)·, lti ~!! , '~a,'inll "" ""Iy c hihl, M"ry, m!l1"ried J ohn ,\I~tou. (S~c A":\oll ["" nli l)", NCU&GI: I W!: ,\J...:l n

    :::7, l(;3:'. Ab:" r~c~ "i Wills. N(lrlh ('nroU nn, 16(10. 1,00. I"we 7:;: Jolon CI:,o"\[. ~r"." ::0. lr.BIJ. Wife "li'\ [';xcc tl\,·ix. :>'1",,;,. T he At,I(I"'. ~Ip .. Jolm Cl:lrk "m r "ied r.Jnr,' l'nlill (~e r"li" Fnmily ) or 1''''''l,,, ,j,,,,k. NI>I"lh Cn roli" " , l eSr.. ~hc WM j.h ~ ,1:111!~hkl' or ,Iohn \'"li n (,l ie,1 A,l f:, .. t W, 17::'1) 1",,,;Jug: hi~ wi re. ~:'r"h; ~(l", .I"h", "ild 'bu~h(·" • .\\:11" ,'MOil.


    I r



    I'CII &GIl lf l ~.I : l lory Clol"I:. widow 0)( J uhn Clm-k. :m )l ay. 1 ';8~ . T~m. : li en "." " nlln, Chown " C""n ly. s.~mc. 1,I!!2 : Mm. Id "."), Clad :. wi.l"", of J o;,lm Glnrl: ,\\11:11,'\ I, J (;%.

    I.in" of

    o.c.; ~c"t:

    .r" h,,1 Clark J",,) :>']'''',1'' e lm'k ",110 m~I"J'ied Jul.,,' ,\1 ,,1011 "".I hatl S""I\Io ' Al.;ton who ma""i~d Lonl 'I')w!!", '" l(e:mlOY 1\ 11 '\

    ," ",


    Philip' [,~al'1lCr wh o ",,,nied W itnloclh ' l (in~h e " nll'l ha d S: 'l"II h' l"""" kY who mm... i ~(ll :, ',· .. lolIl!' 1,;",1'1.')' I"" , EIi1.:, lJ<.~ h ' Lill'I~,,)' who ", ,,rd~,1 1)" , IIcnj,,,n ,"' O .rler. (So,<, ('!Lrter ~u,, 1 POlle !.inc.·. ) T h.·...., Weri' othe.' CL,r~1I ill CIllo"''''' 0 "1111." j "~l ~"t.. t:o.~I"c"l \" t il" nh.we ""d, p,.... ,.:,hlj'. ,,[ I h~ mOl"" li rn~. I l:iI'l! the .I:'" wl ~nd ill tli,' l"dl" " II'",·. , l 'ii.l; Member of l .eKi~l nlllr~. 17::·1: V ~c,try t""l\ ~ t. Th~ "'l:l ~ rlu'j ~)" (;hl,lWiLtl COlllli.\' , NOlI·tl, C: I,r"Ii"", 1)0 11,,1<, Ifh '.. " .


    "m,,", S,,,,,,'.

    !.. ,,I I·





    102 lf i
    "f 1'''I,r .

    (,""/eI' ",,,/

    .ll ef ·c,,,,!,, I,·"",i/i.'u

    COLE MAN J?AII'IH .Y (i..1\':!r.!!·1!: J:"h~"l' l:(olelll., n \\,,,~ 1,(11'11 ill l':"t:I~",l cj , .•. " I(',;iG. l Ie n~lll~,1 i" 1::'1'l'ah~ ' '''''rk I"""nlr. V~., ",hid, b t .... r bee,,,,,,, E ,~'ex C,,,,,,l)" wh~,'c h,· wns .In , \ice of Iho l' ~"o:c . nO:;,1 70:1. Sheri'" hI Ih,' "",rrnL.~ 171 0 "'.,! 1 7 1 ~. lli.1 will \\,:111 ",Imill e,[ Ito I" 'u""t,, I.>dol'~ the t;;""cx C","'l 1:: ,\ ,":".'1. 171;:. Ill:: JllIIrrird. 1,,,,",;1.\)· in 1-:n;:1:I11<1. ,\111' (SI , i!;.!.>, ?). T hoir ._r",. ""t.c,j ' r;" !CI11:<1I rc'i,l~~1 III I'ry~, l"l" I >,,";~h. I(ill l: " ", I Qnce" C"lln!y ",,,I h." t 7.t r, 1110\'cd l o C,,,' ol i ll ~ C""lIly. While" ..,..idcIiL of I~i,,<:" ",,,1 Q"~n CO\lnL~·. 1](· ,,,,,,· ded . on :'!G .1,"""".... ' t7()'li f);l, Mm·,\'. \lm,girl or of S~U\"c1 nIHI S"",uHr.1h Clnsl"" ,.r r:hllce'[,'r ~I\{l Kill lr alld (jll l'C ll COll"ti~", It" h,'rl ' ;"Ie,",,,, "':o~ do"hll l'"'' '' ",u" of nlr",r,; ., . H i:: w il l w,,~ I'ecol"/col ;11 Car~/il1e C:~II 1\ I.l' I:) U;I,\'. 17.!H. T hei,' U"". S:" ",,~1 ('''l~mm' "'"" ' " h: iHI' ,,,,,I

    ,,~ I ;.oUr Colemau. '1'1oe will or s.:'Il'''<'! C.. lc"",,, wn~ '" C""~H,, " COII" I), CQul't 10 .11I "e. 1 7.1~ .


    "" CO Wn" J·:I":abct lo. 1,,,,, \\'ynll.


    "l'lwa," un

    "1ol' Cm't)li,,~ e '",nl.,· O"la Il""k l'h'co' tlil! ehi l'h~" uf S;,mllel Colrmnn who ,ne,l in 11.111. 1'h,'.,· were ; SI,i!,,",. " ", I IW7J,I,,'I h. 1,:'Ir"u",1 1"'I"l le\.o". (:"" l .. <1 " ,,1 j n ~ '1 "" gu:,rd", ,, of El i""I •..Ih ('"INn.," I,,";w'!':'tcly "ncr t lt~ ,1,·"lh of 11 01' f"th~l'. ::~"I·jC:! BlI~;"""Lh ('1",1 ... ". "",I"w. ;',,,1 711(' !!c,,," in I> inl~ nIH1 Q"ro,n C:UII"t)'. 17(1.l. :::!VI·H': S"",,,,,[ Col" ",an ha d .17 '1 HC"C'. in 1\i 1l11 ,,'Ill !}IIC,·" Lounl)'. 1'/(' 1. I ~T2·l n: E l i~"I,~! h Cole"" '!'. aiat" ,· Q[ S !, I I~ l>y (:"h''''''''. "",rriNI \\',111:<111 ]\a"i~l •. Ir .. IH';'''' Ii) 17·17, Un" of 1:W"c~" t : Hohe rt' Colcnwn m:L! r;etl All" Sl'ih;h:. "1ll1 11",1 Holoc,.~ C.....lcnwll ", ho nmrri~"l ~ la r.\· C~,yulri "",1 1",,1 S~ "" wl' C"jQnll" , wll ~ ""uT lel! i';Ti!.atocth Wyatt :.,\d h ~,l lWUliK'lh' Col~,,,,, ,, who 11",,·";t·d Wi ll i",,,> D,u oi..t nlHl

    I , ,I t

    ! ,





    8.1,.,,10' I)""id who ."'n , e~' l.i'''I "n}' ""d had .!oh'" 1.111,1.',,), wll" "'"nlerl ~1 1L"Y ' ;\l "Hl~I'~on and h",! J ()hn ' LiIl,}!I,1)" wi..., lHal"'i~d »n r:lh' K~n rur)' :I"d lm.1 1,liulloclh' l .i ll'V~y who l1wrri ... l Ill". 11"nj,,,,, ill C:. r lrr. j:kc (;.wicr Mhl 1'''1''' 1.;" e~ .,

    CONY l':I:S


    f Ai\t Il~Y

    ll:o ~

    I';tl ll l"" of " ' l llll(oll C..HlY,,"'·· (1Io"~) Y,..!"l;,hi.·c. EII\:lnr,,1. )1:l '1:Itret. d:!Ul:lotc" of Sil' \\'iIIilltrl nl:(llm·y. marri ed Joh" CUnY~ L'~ [C"loll."".tlnk 11",1 ,\'~, mIlU,c,' of (' hr i ·.I"'l' h ~ r C "'ny~rri whO) mnrri~.1 " ~i ~l~r " f ("lInlim.l Illll·lI. \:ire l I:;,,;'·,!. ::\1' ( I ) 1!;;~. ~~! : » ir \\'lIIb", 'I'hom 1\'011. I:n....i.tc r, Me",· Lei' of t>n,.lia ,,,,· ,, I. I(I,ighl. IIII"'I"i"(1 J llli " . r1 ,wl:hh'\' ,.f »i,' r:I"'l i'I()I,lIc,' (;"nr~r' .. Ill.. /'If Ih,,·,I.·u in Ihe JlLf I)"l'1mm. 171 1. J uli" \t",,~ u,~ \\"il l,,,,· 01 Sil' \\"lIi"", l :hI~lid1." I.:.... 'uel of \\'"1 ""1:1011. ill NQrlhlUlI!,crb ml. who ,li~d in 170:•. 1I""'i,\)' (,Il l' ~O" nll,[ ~;;.: ,h\l[:hl ~" s. Lbl.. IIf '"l'Pl'."''' " /'If Q",di'.\' '' f"DIII ""1:1",,,1 to n,,: Vii'· giu b l.bHhltio"",- II.\' I tr.Up". I'~l!~ ::0: --.1(, : (J"h "t) ( '''(1' "i..,·", 2 1 )'~~ ''', I... 1l:I1·h;"I... ~! "j' -"',wary', II;'!·]''' ( :,b " y ('of [j'e Clllil:l':l ll h f,'o111 [.;!lgi:!nd to \,i"~illh, ntl'l ,,111<''' ""\tlhenl r: ('ol'lIIi~,< (":In'" hI' wny nf Ihe lln d': ld (IC~ ). 'l"h~ "ell"Y"", Fmllil.,· "f ,,111 C,m.linn ,,,,,I Gc(>n:b'" i ll l lo~ \),\1: I .H"."ry, \\'".,11 '":" " 11. I). C.: The' .... j.; ""!II""d,' "" ,\merirlltl F"",il)' wh.,"'l ""cord" 'U'~"O f,IIl~1 with ill lcr · , dillg t ..,,,!;lion.1 ",,,I ,,,h·~ ,,lnr~'''II'' I h~ C""yC!·.' or --the ,;tiOIM " t" 0"" (If Etll:imul'A "'(>.< 1 n"l "hl~ f"mili t'<. ·11.c h,:,,,b .. { [I,i.' (""'ily We"" 1::"rI ~ of Shr.-·1\'sl" "..,· ",,,I 1:.1 N"~ or S<Jkcbolll·I"·•• f ('''''Ill y I)II1'h ,IIII .• IC' te nd,·,1 fr oll1 [!"g.-r ,I c (·ull ,n";rs, of No,.""""I.,·. l'rm,ec, IV)'O ~am'J wiLl> II'lIIiam Lh~ l''''''III~rO\' in l OO/; \0 Jo:II£"lnn.i m,,1 hN:I"'~ C"",),,hlc of IJllrlmll1 in IG!\O. 1'he C""j'crd of 8", ,111 ('"rolilln (le~lIded fI'om " ~mlet 1o'·.1!)ch. ",m, ~l Ihc C~",·t·'· .• of II"I"III,.\' (;1I ~t Tu ;" Yo,.\t"I,lrc. ( ~~\'1 2 8 : Iknr.\· Pml '~r. r·;.,'1 .. uf 1:01l0n. w ill (i Rel'telllh"l". 1.;11. l.r(>\',·11 I ~larc h. foU" ... 1u be J", r i~d lIt 11(>11(>11. ,"~rrjcd ~lm'l:.1r~t, .111111' ),1" 1" <.f Sir' Jol", ( ''''')'cr:l or i :olt""








    II'~ :!

    hltricll "I Holl,,,, H>OO). T he Conyer .• f'lnu)

    mel, ill Nlrhti,w. The Cnny~ r" wr ~c powerfnl "l one ti",,, in Ille hist ory " r Rl1:!I~"' 1. 1'h~r were {:"n~d fo,. chiv:ll r;-.



    mle j !J,,,;]' " ,,"ullbl h,,",'''''

    'I'he Y",·bIJi,.~ CO" )'er~ ,l l'.1cellll frIPm Illp. IYArqil', d<:\.; .....,}'.... t\,;:,·ill,'.•• 1{;I1I~ E. lm ....1 I "r E"r.lnn, \, William tim C""(j ucro ," Il)\(l Al r" " d thn (;r~'\1 and em", Lhe Killll,"' uf ~'I'~m'r, '",,,is IV. Clmrh=-' II. 1-'0";5 II ""d Er"loerr.r Chnrl~n"'"h'(!.

    I" '\"'''''k'' th e;" (I ~~d" \wvc \,.:.ell 'lu il~ well

    ,'p",>!'ded nb,.

    Thi'I'c :o n: InJu.~ ,,"L"ie' fOr th" Conyera in Ill" '<'lI' i",'" r: "'i~h re!:I ';U>I'~

    of S ou lh C:Ll'o]ill n, :l nd """'Y ""me'! 10 ...' j'] C"tIM1 wH II Ih" Norll, C;"r<.>li,," ItAm," , 1s... IK'1. Wmi:uu. Well:....!. k ... h.;;1 wns Ill" .1mwllt N· of William COllyur .•• I~"I .. of I';dlat,,~ 1' Mdm wh I ~ 1)('Cc,ul,rr. ],.\.1. II" WM "r;"'k~1 I' larg,' Irnct of tnlll iu Ihe Iliad: !li ..... !'. Cr.wNl [)i"lrlci. "U I[I! "\-. I,m. Ili ~ ,<;11 Wfl ' reo "orlled "t Bmnt .. r. &>ul h C:LrI;>linn . •]nte.1 " Mnn·h. 178:1. 'l"h~y IIml l he [ollo\\'hw rhiIJ ,·"", n. Mnj<w .l "mcg C"nYfr.l : h. ('\l't ~i n Ih "i,'1 C"" ye r, ; c. Slrll1l1'l", n (;O;>II,-cr.l; .1. IW1.". I)ell, Cm .... ~r. ;; .'. ~br.\· Co nyr,.,,: f. Sn., h {:"IWo!rA. m,,,·rl,·,] D"ni~1 C~ l"I ~ I" (Sec Cnl"t e l' F'n,"i1y.) Thei,' hlll1w w.... cat\t:tt " J;" ~w i"!II"" M""')r:' Thrr.' n r<' litany illkrrsl illl; l~'1!"lHlq :11.0""1 Ihem.



    ': i,·..,·..




    MIlj",' J ~m~~ ' ·""J·a.< w"~ ,, H.h llll'..- r "n.1 rec~h''''d hi~ \-ommisd"" ~~ (",'l)I:,'" " r ~hl" l'l h &.ulh ~"roli ll" Ik;lj " .cnt .Iuri ll~ the l:c,"u1"llllu. 11 ~ .1'c,1 ill 1'111 1. l'"ou,(1)1 in Ih~ 1,:.1.111.' o( t:~UII. t.O. IlL.. " "'''e wnn ,,!.onll! r"ur mi1es "')rllo (>( Il rew inj~IVl' f:idj:p, on the "0,,,1 I., Sumler lI11d On Ih~ hill" (.r Uhcl. l~i\·~". II i" will \ul.' non '\(' FdJr ual".I· l ~. t1:10 :L ]](1 r~~o1"l\e.1 1 711-~ . Iii •. w i (~ w,," S II ",'lUia h Ne\so n. r:"ptuin D:Ll,i ei CoI,.,en, "",,·,'ied Mary WiU ,erspoo n. ,111"1>111"1" uf J ohn Wilh r·I·Jj)l}(ln. Sh ~ WM IoMH ;11 17r.o\ nm\ .lI e,l " , 1~~2. ll ~ (~I , !:h l w;lh ~,·c"l. " ,."I·cry ill the 1te"',.. lu(i"II.



    "\;. n ;,,,1 O"''' d C:,rlc,·. wio(l



    "Oil (It I':'.. ...,rl GI'I·ter. 110;0"" "boll( 11!l.1 in V;'l:'ni". 'J'hey ,'dl1~,1

    in Sumkr D;.
    ( 1:0"" 1"1) 'H"rricd 1.b ....:" rN. d,mchle,' OJr Willi,,,,, T: r""...,,,,

    '''',[w~~" mcmbe,· ..r ih<: ,',.",. ;4ioll,,1 <,:o"" n~.... in Ch.~rl.!st()11

    in Hi;;. Il l. will "'~s ,b led lXot:eml.otr ~ 17%. (See e nr '''r Fnmil~·.) ~!C II &tjl! 1/.[.J:; ; A Churle5 <':u"} ~r" i~ lIl"nlilme,[ ,,~ l' "'j"~."t .. ill Ih ~ will of (; ~or1:" Pow~,·~ . Murd, 6. !Gflo1/ fi. <': h.. w~n p ,·c" in",. ~: t1eu\(jn, !\orth C" rolin n. ,\ .Ioh n Cun yc ,'~ IWlwa "ed in So"th CII "oli nn in 170,], SCll&(:~ 1 10/ 2:1 3 : ,Iume" Con )'~"" n' ~ l1liun c,1 nil At,!: ",,!. 1:1. lr.~ 17 . (I.l ijlration WIL ' r,·cqu imU.I' f ,'o ,,, ,,,,,tl, I.... "o"llo nlOll!: Ill>! ,\Um,lic 0,,,"1 "lid if H," c,,\"li~ ,' C,,")"c rn seWe,1 I"','t ill \' i!·&i n' a. iI ;" 1'0.<:;;1.1" I hal. lhe}' I h ~lI "..·" t n ,"lh 10 N.... rt.11 (":orolill" nml I.... ::;o" l h C:Lrolil1:1., SCn&(; i\; 1:':/::;1; M" ry. ,1''''lt"hlcr ,.r Il'''' ''''h CUlly-cr.,. b.'l'lizl)d Oclo' .c\" 7. 172.'t s.~ ",,,. I:l/::':l ; 7.br )", d"nllh l~r or I l" Ulm " (;unyer.'. "u ri",l .I""""ry lr.. 172iJ/!I. Il i,jQry of Sout h C:",lIcli. a/' ; '111 " Co,,· y~r.1 Jl"am ilr h:.:; lil·c.l ;n CI"re",I,," COllnt.". for ,,,cr1r to th~ Hc"ot"lio",\~~' \Vn • . Slllnle,' j);"!rid . ~ ;lLce 1' h ~y were of E " ~li ~ h de!;cc nt. SCU&(;]'L Vol. 3. All the c !\t ~I().~ (r''''1 thi:I \'" hnm' are "'Hl~ l·th ~ he: ,,!in/{ "St. Ilcl('II " '" I'n'·"h It"K il'ler":


    ""lie .IS: <':Oll)'~n, hor n Jil l)" 10, 172G.


    sou, WiII;;t1l1 ",,,1 Elizabeth. i\1n)' hi, 17!12 h)" I'.!n.eiy. ~lllrricd hr I), Or r. llec~ll1lJer 10. 17·1!. £len" 5col1. 1'1';'" 1'''11<1 ~ !I: Co".'·~r". El i~"I,~th. ~1'111. ,1(\UlthICr "r 1"iIl;,,,.. IO nd r~ll7.nbcth . born Mar 28 . lias. r:~fll;~('ll ~lny 28. r'.1S bl' .!""" ~. ~1 "rl'i"d '\"!llIsl 3. 17.; ", I'''Ge .IS: C(,"yer~. ":lill-11 K'l h, Il'ii
    .1:Ln\llU·r . 173~.


    1':11/" .11'1: COI1,"cr.;, .J"hll. 110m .Innu" .. ), :.!7.

    17~ ~.


    ,,( Willin1l1 ",,,I Elizllbclh.

    Hnplj, ell ).1:.), H;, 17:\:? by .lOll"•.

    ,11",'rk'! hi' l" '''"clr 1.1,.;, HI. 111;2. j·:lin\,(,th lI ick-. I\' idow !·'dm,;\r.\' 10. 17;'5. bl;c 11r.: EliznhNh nicki, wid"w. 10 .Joh n. Married or I'(',,~cl.'·. ~I "y 10. 1 7~2 . .["ll1! COllyer.c. b,,(II. h"rir~1


    ,18 : COII.,..,rs. Willia" •• 1'011 of Willimn ",,,1 1;;1[,... bel h. 1'/:: 1. IJILlllizc","r.], 1·;I;:tal,dh . "i,!!,w ui J ~hn . tIlll r,.;..,1 I... I·~~self. ,\pdI2f1, 175G, J ohn SWllin. I'''!J"~ 62 : COII)'~ r~, !lich",",1. "r r:khllrd II.hl fiar.1h, hor n Nm'elll l)(!L" 1·1, IjIiD. H~llti'e'! ,\pr ;1 15. I"1roO 11)" Cool'cr . SCl r&G) 1 2~ ' ;;2 : Itidtnl".I. "On nf r.ich:ml mHI :jnrah Co ny~r'. b".,t :-'0,",,,,,1)(:1" 1·1. 1757. Hapti1.r ti '\I\["i \ I;'. 1760. &U,IC. ~l I;'" .Ioltn Co"yer .• IInL! 1-:1l1.,,1).11> Slone m:"', ti~d )]")' ~2. J 7~:J. lie ,!i~" j\'()\"~m;,c!" :10. Ion!) ill bi. :!911t ren r. S;llne. ~'O/ 1:"l·1 : .] IIne 9. Ino """ tbe .• nllLlI.)lD.~ hn. broke O\lt "n 1'0111' nf <':nl'l. <':on.,·c )·.,· neol ,le 'ITt S"l!i"anl '" 1~I"lItl ••. " Snlth:, I / I ~&: O,,,id mHj J~me~ \.onrc)·' volnnlnily cn1i"1 ill Capt. ~l \\tlhc\\" Slt lglclou'B coml'iL11)' of hOl""e, hul"n

    S~l'le1tlbilL' ~ 1.



    '\ "':1I~1 !!6. 177'-, :1t ··SI. ~I"rk'~ I'~ ri.'h .... 11 the h i~h hill,; or the Sn nl~:' Slime, 2, 261)·\! J llmd CO lly"r~, J r. , ",,,I [):o uie! Conyers ill C"I'1. Flill wood·.f C()m1mny 1",,'1I; "U dlc :l1(l\i,. III 11',,,1000 :llId mCllli"'l1~ C;'1 ,t. C... n::"r" ,md lij~ SI;,I" G",·;d ,·y two l imc.•. S;'IlIC. IS. -II ; (""pI. ("olll"(!r~ .1i''I1 ill Ill " G(Jlh )"<':lr_ IIntite in Ihe S''''lli (':lro!in" \\"C('kly (; "Zdtc. ::"hmby.

    ~1 ;1)'



    I 'J/ I I I : C"pl. Clemenl l:r"w,·r,., .1,'.. ,lied ,,\ !:cl·mlldn. \\·~II"<,."I,,,I" , ;':o,·"mhcr 10. l i l:\·l. Same. :\.-, 1 1r,: Col. I'cIa I [ orr.'··~ (),oder I1000k. J)~~CI"l"'I' 7. 171:1 1 "' ~IL'. SU:'" ('anrc"" "0 j!.in f a I' ll. \l'it her. T roop, tOI' t ile )lI'c,on l to do d\ll,l" ,,~ CIIl·I!<'i. a mi lI.1 ~lI ch will I", Smr.I'.

    ",,,,,,,,"[(,,1 ,11 111 uhc.... r tl ,'· Oll ;,;or, of th" Co nt ine,, !;,1 S~r ·."lce. ll " i l ", a n: 1):O)lid COIl)'er" (S . C.) Cp,pl:,;n in ~.I")'ia,, · ~ 111"f1l1"1~. in 17~ 1 -8Z. ::,Hn h l:"""lilln durinl! l h,' lle,·"lu lion""r \r~I'-hi' l.leGrml)" ; 2 r,~; ."'lll~' Cc.11,1"crS, .Iinior, ~ilC'" [01' o(1"j""r~ r.'~,·i,·in~: "rtlde.' ,.1' cloth;,,!) in 1"'ldmclll (If c,,,.,,lry C"In_ "'''mlclt by 1.1. C'J\. \\'"d~ lInl"lllon. 2: 112: I)"nicl C""r~rs in M nr;o,,'~ flr;!:.,,!,·, ;.: 6::9: I)IIu;e: C011.,·er •• ~I "jol' ill new CQ"I'~' (;\'4 11) : This I,uo); !'h'es t he ,Jeocell l of;, Johu C"'l1~"C,"" n I hTCC ':nrou~ "' ho ~iKncd 11m .\[~Kn~ Clwrtn : 1';\I~t8t'"ill,,!: ro" Ihe "i n :;" i" )lInn!". li oll~ III If,:\4 :,, " eh ,,)'lc" Conyl'l'''"' \l'lI"; 1I (;111 '\\""" COII " t)'.

    rr ....


    NOrlli Carolin:l, ]I;~'l, (; "no! n " ,Iame~ Cony~ rs" W:I~ mell t io ncd ill lGfi7. It cou ld he p"".;hk tlia! Ihey wcr~ ,.da ted . EU$'J',\ CJ.: de VEl:\CI.WIUimll ,Ie Ve'd_Willimn ,Ic I'e.'d·WlIIh,m ,l~ '"e", j· l
    ,le,,,,",,! ;."

    COllY"" ,,), Por " Iher ~I:
    ]7:) 1 ~I ,

    T h.. dn\H 10 loll",~ On 1he C"")""r~ F"", i~,' h:lN bo..-ell " m,,· piled (rOR. the dnt" 1I"']er thi~ ,'"r":on\,, whid, Iw " been fO ll m! ill the SOUl), C" t'nli l1 l\ fil,.te ,\ rch i,,"" , Colnmbia, So~ !l\ CMolill'" by ,\lr, 1."'01\",.<1" ,\" ,Ire" , G{'''"nio:ti;,,, ~"Ih Cllroli,ul "",hi,-,',. ,\~ ,1 01m ('""yer& ",,,I It" ~"' .. 10 hp t he JilO;~ O)f t he 11al'lQ 111 So uth ('n !'oii"'I, Ii!'on. " ~hHl;, "f Ih~ loc"I;(}n of Ih~ .• c two twct .' o( I""d lh~y 1I','rc local,',1 lICm' th" S~\-",,,wh ):h'~r ill l·"r,..tlhll \,~ TI)w ll. hil' lIe;'r Br iar Cr~e~,




    I ot._

    J ohn

    COII)'~ r,;




    h ;~ Lrnlh~r,

    Willillm ( \\'ik Eli"".

    Co"y"r~, ",-'C~h'ed

    II ,'n uLl , l':]i', ahd)' 1101101' Con,nr,' , I,(n'" 27 I,' uhn'''!')" 1720, ('rhu

    Co,,)'",'" re" "li]" ,

    ct~" I),

    A. 11. Lll".",'," ')

    ,lmtl e,; COl" )''''''' ' S,'" ma""j,'d MH!,)' Mellllo. h, 18 D()Cc m· I'~r, 1;4.J, II " "'", gmn l cr" lI1ul 1hrl'~ n,.~ mnny inl er~.; t i 11K I"/!,"lirld nboul I h~m. Th e Ihr~c 'On' of .JlLm." eOllyc r~ , !:;r" Jnnl c<, ,II'" l>nniel "11<1 !:;Irm'jrl,:,n, h"d :h,lilltl'ui"h(;d r ocorll . in lit e Ho""],, . lioll ary \l'ar, Tiley arc !lIe nli,,"",) in: n. The Cun,'"r~ Fa m. it)' or Suut h Curolin " n ", \ Gen)'" la : h. II ;.1 0"." of So ul It ell ". "li m, It)' S1l
    Ge'Ii'"IOK!cB] T,I"II",.1 l1 o. ,1"1II~~ Conycr_ , Sr .. l"",d G rnllt, umlm' the Crown : J"I01 ~~ Con.'·~Tf. :!;;o "cr~s 0" 1I0rlh p"le "r I:!t,tk I:i" cr. CI';wrll, :! AIII:'II~I , 17.,., ,' nn'~' ('(JI1\"'''''' lao ncr~~ ill the I '~ ri~h or St. ~""'k, (' r""fll, 2(1 February, 1760. J a mes Con,"""", 100 ;rt n~ "" t he n(Jrllt ~idc " r mack Hi'·er. era'·cn. M"n-h ·1, 1160. ~r~ mol'i;,l Tllx Itdnrll 5 on 1"lId Il' r;ln t ~ from Ihe Crown: .Innw~ Conrer~ )1 1 l'~tnl'll ~ for 1"",\ in nbon. Ja me" Conyer", Sr.-I"ilc rol' ,nnll ), i;[t l'l'1i~~ fm'ni"he,! j " 17S I ·8~·S~ fo>' the l\l'lny of GCll er:ll N"lltalild Glwn_ c1"lm "WOI']1 to 1\1'l'i 1 .-" 178,1, lidoI''' ,Janl GH ~I" "t j n , ,I, 1'.. f(II' IfI!:h 1ll1l •. Il)' .)"m e~ (his X m ll1'l:), (D ~' "~lI[la nt " of


    Ih01c furllid,ing ""I'Jllie~ fOlr tl,,' 1: ~"ollitiOlII" r,\' ,\nll" pre el:gilJle (or m~lI1lJcT .. lljp;n Ille I). A. ;t,) AlIIl r~n ~n)'~: I 1I~"e geen mll"Y 1"'l~I'~ t il:"cd hy J nme.' C\)l1Y~u. Sr. lJe w;!. ... likely \'~ ry ill wh"11 he ~ill"e'l Ihe,'e l'~!,~r,' h,I' hi~ " X" m:tr); , t oflcII 11('1" [hlK ill "1tll1Y Iml'"'·.' . 'rho per"un wrde" h is H;!.InC 11" ,1 Inl"r .•IKII... wi th hi " "X" nmrk, • . . Oft cn t lw man wa h rc~bl" I\nd .m1(CI'I'Cil to make hi " Ilm!"l! rnthel' tha" to "I't ~m pt to "il:1\ wil h " gOO'" Iln i\l , ~1"11)' pallC"" ~li o w t h i~ J nmc~ COllyer., S'·., "ign h, !: h i. : n"nle. ~l r", Mal")' COllyer,,' (wi,low o( J"n"'~ CUII)"~!' ''' Sr,) h<>me w,,~ :l1",,,~ h:=\fw"y bdw~d' III" !-\"Icm llbck l:iwI" ! 'r~~bylcr;an Ch"rd, 1",.1 Ih e \\'illi:LIt,.,h"n: rl"~.<1-'.\·leri:", Ch",..,h :It J(ulIl,,'trL,{>. I" SCI,j,;mbd', I!!Q1. tllere md :II h~r IIp,,,~ I he~c mell: .I ohll \1";1 her~jlOti~.l"1. • , . ! k"",,' t he ("mil;- of ,JOh ll ~l ern!o..h r",[ded ill "'hnt i~ 11(>1'.' St, l! IU"I, 1'" ..1"11 "",] H ",n. Mln,,'- 7,'; mile~ or mm P ri"cc F"cd,



    1 '~r[~11 Ch"r~h.)

    Jllmc~ C""rcr~ w~,

    nmrd",II\) Mn"Y )lclnl,,~h thp 11(:11 "ny of [)tcCnlu..,·, lH·1. lI"il1., ; ,1;1n1C~ Couy"r:> of III" Hiy.i. lIil1K IIn,1 SI, )ll1rk'~ l'"rl~h .•. ;\ will ~igM,1 to ) ];"'ch, 17!\3 , , • no 11T0,'e" d;,\c , .. tWto conlc1 in SI"le ,\rch;"N , .• f,l'il:ill~1 in CnmolcII . co»)" ill Sumtc\'. l"el:l)nl('ll in l~OO "(("1' h,Ue r

    I Aim'), Mal her hu. In the ['rcRLytcr;ml Clonl'eh lI\ .\1:lIl11illJ;. ~ol"'l y ,,~a\ of i' 1"<'~cnl Clllrcndou COllllty, th ere iA a 1" 1'1l~ !LUlt hi>""nfll l me morial \dnll ~\\' 10 , he Ct)n)"'~ " " Fam ily. It Wi ," lit,dy f(),· .\Ir", Ma ,.y Conyer8, rOI'I~ WII " ,,\ h~r him\\, t lw! t lL i:- c)Wl"ch ""r:m'; 7.C'1.


    FrUin th e :>I>o\''"-f,n,I,,,1 rrQm tIm Cuny"I'.< of !lurn!>;" ('",tk ('Of Yorkshir". 1-:111:1",,(1. nlill throl,,~h J"h" C(ollY".. II"ho "'''Tried M:.rr QII'Irt!'lle 3. 1;"llj~",;" C"rler m:llll I'CI'ill\ hi'IOI·... o{ his {;unity, ''l)p"~r Ihe'" entric.':" " .• , ~r r~, _ Awle r."on . . : ' The "loo'·~ cb,r., up her l;r.'1 n"me. '\11.1011 H:lme 1>.1I:C: h. " ... til" oll'er :h (;~rn\j l " ,

    I. ill c of De,ce nt: Cun."~)'~ !l\"rrj~!l ~1"ry QL"'n ~r ",an

    nnd had COnY"I'd who mlln-i e!1 ~1"1".'· Mc l"l o, h ma! hm! Sn r"h C(ll~\""r" who mll •• ie,l O:.n l(·1' Cnrle!". ( ~C"r. ler 111)(1 1' 01'" Lilies.) ,i<"I UI '


    CRAW F01:D F AMILY (;,,, ... fonl F,,,nlly lte""r'l~ Iw \\'iIIin m M. Clemcn~, !!t 1·I, :l: ,\ •• Uock of Cr:twf"r.Il"nd in A Y IISB III E. Swllm\lj. \\',,~ 11m c"6:~lInIL~1 ~~"I of (he j'r!":11 hou<e of Cr.twrorol, which (01· c~nlurje" \\":1.; a~~ociul,'(1 with Ihe ch ic{ ~'·~I)t'" in S,·ot~j.h lIi011,' cOltlht.' took 1'1"00 heh,,.eel, tlw Il"m"" ~ nml t hc !;dt ol\~. Tb e ca stle I~'I'~



    \\..,~ b:" II :II II r emol e l'~riod of ~"li'IUilr nnd WII. the re.:"e ... r flll~ f t he "rcewl{c of !>cotl:l1ul," 171G, Ihe (;" nwfol'dl w~,.~ (;"lcdoll ;"II5, r, ,,,1 de· "[" cd t heir li" ence f t'om th e n),1 I';"rl".-\ t>f Hichmon!!. I :~r.;IOnI11" :lml Il"U~ her il:lhl~ S hr "ilT "r ,\ yr. The olfice r,i>I , who hom thiH tim " 0" ulilil th e ,,"ion \l'ith Ent;lnml , c(mtilillcd I" 1,~ nwmu~,.< of the (;ounci1 of B",'U!" 11'11 0 rl\le Scotl~ nll. At 'h" "" iol>, wilen J " mc~ I I (of Scotl",,'1 hN~me ,ram"" I of 1'~" !:I" nd, thc)" werc still "'.'I)ci" Ic<1 with the ,,,lor.' of Ihe ](;ngdom. ]:e~i""hl .Ie Crnwfortl, ~ur""me,l Ihe "(: "0;1" wns lh~ 1(1" '" t !;r,,,,,lf:'lhp,' of ),1)1 r lr Jll'~t C m",fo ... 1. \".'ho In nl' ri cI] "In I· wlm W"Uncc 11",1 b<.'C!lme tlm ml>U, el' of SeoU""d'" imm{!l'tn \ 1,~ ro, Sir \\,illi:"n \\"nllncc. S:ml<', pair" H: Tn el'e wcr ~ II"my (;"",,.fol"lb w no .. tlnC II, this COtUlt,.y ( th t' Iln "o;;, of 1IU1·I~ r<",!.' , 1I;:;~ CO.1 G~r.!, I~'re :lOfl, ,\,n. 1 r.~!I: 1~II~e ::1 3, '\.D. IGSS; pall" :\:J,I. ,\. D. In!!!!; ,,11 ,Imw ('nptai" (',·I\wfo,.,1 I"·~"" nt. 1 '~I'c :;30, A.D. IIml, milt 1,.11:"(' asr,. A.n. lGn, ~oth ~I, ow



    Mr, 1):1\';,1 Crawford prc"''''1 as mcmbeT. AlSO. CT"w{or,I, Mrs. Ih I,'. $1"l>h~"3. Jl~I: C" !l. 10, I:!. 1:J.j 1)""i,1 Gmw«ml died in :-lew I_cn l Co""t)", 17 10. li e W,~" " "'Trie, li e "',UI ~:l IIc<1 C:l .. t~;n. Thc~' hnd s;~ Poll A",,,I fi"c dmlgll icr., T he ~ixth ch ild waa Mar),. born 170:1, ,lied 177!;, w)w In:I!'ri{'{1 J ohn nOlle.' , ~1 :"')' ",no t he n:",ghtcl' of "Gont! old ClIpl a;" (; ,.a", (o ",I " in New Kenl Co,," I.", Vltg; n;", who mllrr ied EliwlK:lh Sm ith ill Hanm'er CO,UlI)" Vit}(;n;", in 169:; ,,,,,I \\'n ~ the g rl\l1Ihlllllll'h tcr o( 1)," 'i,1 Cr~\\'r(ml, lK.r" l to:!f, ill IW birnlc, Scotbnd, who ,lied ill /'\C\\' !.:e rn ('on nl,.... 1710: g''''''l-jlraudd" .. g h tcr OJf .I oh" Craw{o,.. I, hal'll I GOO ill j'ilbil'nle. Scotl:", d, nn,! who w as k illed i ll l GiG ;n I'i qri n;:o, G~Il .. I.)'

    J ~llII nlltl ih " ieI1", d e COI,n l)', Viw in' ,,_ (See Hoole. j<' n m i\ ~'. ) P~IN 17 : '\Ino,,~ l'Ioceln1r ,I' !lCo"ercd wjll~ ill Virllinj:t rc<:orcl~ IU'~ \ he foll ... w; II!~ : Cr~wfonl , t)~,' id , A,uhc Tllt Co"n, I", "irll ini n. Will,h,te,1 Sellld"bcr Ii, 17G2, S\"'~ : 1)""i,l, ,10\"" lJ"u~hter" : H!' od.~, Judit h_ 1,lIe,\' ,' li d M " rtirl"~ c hi' · ,h'rll, I'n!!c 18 : (;."wfo"I , O""iIRI'~·, horn in !>Inrch 170:1. "",I nmrr ied John 1:0<1....,.. Uno of tl c>
    1'YI'(>I:' 1:0<1". who """'rl ed Cynt h ia' 1!"IL1nJ :",d hod ~1.'"r;J ' 1:(i< who m:lni .:.! J ohr' ilarper' I:i w!~d IIml 11:,.1 Cy lllhb u"n"wl ' !ti,·c r.1 who nml'l'bl Be njnm;" ... .'

    Sn r"h

    ClLrl el'.

    (Sec Carl c " ,,,,,I 1'00lC l,III c·".)

    DALE: li"Al\I!LY " hc""cl: .J~nl ~ or C~]11. Thomns C~ rlel"" (,.I' I) r •• lo:'~I'h I.)'ull Mmer. of Th nnlll~, \\'e~l \'il'l:llI;". 1!1i2: The Oafe r·'nnll))' Were "m01I)! Ihe 1(0)ati,III who OOUI:ht I'd,,!:,' I" \'ir)(ilila nft c r the death 0( l, ill!, C llllrl"~ I '''HI lhe 1·:,1w,,)"<1 1)"1,, Fmnily ""a" or the nnd,·nt 1"'10 I·'"mlly of NVl'til,,,,,p. tOil 111,,1 1.0,,,1011. !$m,,,,. 1~~l!e 17: \\·iI!;nm [hlc. E>'h of Rr ll:~t()!On of Sir 1I ~"r.\· Sk i"wllh. Ilnrl .. of l'r""two\1Ir1. ]" ·il~,,'lcr" h ir;·. \\"h"'I' ,"'e.,.'· t,"), 1:00", h:LCk in nnllf(,hn linn \~ Ihe tlmu of Ih e ('III\,[",·,·or ,01,,1 Mnio .· lJ~li! w~~ I'roh"!)I)",, mcn,l)!' )' of th e :".dell ] f;nn. I"· of !lulc of Not'lh'mlpt on ,"'tl LoII'[{}1I r« he ,,,-«llhe .'nn,c lI . m.i. I)c~ce,,,L'''' t'' 0( Cnl'l. ThOln i'~ Cnrl ~r. 1>.1gc IS : J)c<;cmher IS. 167.1. "],:d\\"nrd Dnle of COn ,IJ )' of Lnnc~~I"r I" Vi l'~l"ia. n ellt l .. ~H well mid in c01l'I jdcl'lLl[O" of n lI\m"'ip\l'~ .. 1"":,,ly hl,,1 nnd ~ol~mni~"tI helwcc" Th ol"n.1 Cnrter of ~"1II(' COH llty . Merdll .. of the OllC pnrt ""d Kntlle r ;IIe. hi ~ wife. ,lil1l.1>f me.: the n ror.:!$JIi,1 E.I\\"nr.1 J)"le." lIiH w l f~ WllS Ojll"" SkiJ"


    " full nctollnt of ~hc S KJI'W ITII F.1rnll)· flU'), be (o~nd I'cern!(c.I'.a ronelntw. lUHl J(nil\"hthood. 1898. P BIl~ 12Cr.. The:.' wer e I1 c""c ml c~1 frl'. ( Soo Sk il,with F~!IIily.)


    n ,,,·\ta· ~

    l •

    1711'( 1)IM: Edwnnl Dnl

    Skil,WUh ]),,11!

    (ol1e of ~he tWQ dnlll:h[el"!i ni Si r lIenry Skip"'; th, (Jm't .. l'resl wollhl, I .cic!!lll",.,.hir~. Elllllnml. :\lui his wif", Am.". wlto wa~ dau!:lu,·,- ""d co.lw;r ()f Sir Tlu""", I':em!'", Knt.). weI'" t he parent " or two daHllhtcr.l who r,""w \0 " ,,,jln'it)' : 1.

    !\ul hcrj, w. who m,,,,,,;,,,1 Cal'L

    Tho"''' ~

    Carle", 8,'" pr ior

    to 1(,74. 1 7W(l) I ~G: lII n,;"r Ed",,, r,1 !la l.. Iroll1 I t:~'; In l(l" :' ClcL"l: c.r 1 ~,nr,, ~U'r C,,"rl, 19 rca r.-; J,,~ticc of the COll nl)' )01 rcar.' ; lIi l:h S ho"ifl', ·1 ycnr~ ; !IOU"\! of Hur!ru~cs. Z :.. eiLr ~. In ('olonia\ ,Ia)":. the clcl'k wM probauly th e 1l\{)"t 1"'IIOI't'I1>\ off''''' an,,,· tim Co,,,,!\, 1.:~1It<·1''''1l. ",,,1 h.,i,lo, lJ<,lo"l:in~: \0 the loenl I:cutry, w.,~ one of the len,lilll( men


    h ;~


    S:n nl" l'''r;c 1'8 : I" "n hi.; dc~,L~ r.lld r-~I>tr.' h~ WII:< >lrlcd "1·;llw"rJ I)lIle. (] C l\ tl~nl" "··_" !\I.le In the


    Se'·ctll cc nt h CClIt lll'Y wh ich \"'"II~ (I~nllcd with Il·t:nl pl"ecj,;lon lind I:s lH e n
    (Jo",·"nl of 11011.'" of !lUl"!~c"'~'. lGr,!) r,()_lG(':I. p:'!t~~ IX. 110 ) lo\'::r.o : Mililnry Office r. )~,"c~'lcr Count)'. l6:1: !.

    ··Oo,,,,," (1:.nt< of (·"pl. Thomn. C:,.ter:· 1'''1:(' 1·1: The l"~~orll d .

    N."·~m1(c(" .

    lG77 .•1ml Jlmu"T)" . lC S~ , ~l:Ijo(" Dille· WM !jIll·. r.~':; (lr I ~(( (~,,

    OlneN In 1~' lIcn~1;::r Co;mt .... ~I~jor 1)"le WM first ekrk of II" c'lrnorelnll!l (;ounl)" l!Clw~en 11;;;2 ""d 1662. rmming the office wit h the help u! 1\ depl(!)". f;~m'·, l'nf(e 18: 1';lIwl\r<1 ll~ic·~ w ife w rut Din nn Sk i!,_ with. Hi ~ I:d will ntl() t~'t~rne"t made A"I:" ~l .1. 16!!-}.

    l.nllc" . tcr COUllt)": '·;\1)" body to the I;;~rth wh ence H cli me 10 he ,Ieccnll)" i"":I"rC(l without ~ny wlnc (Ir;llk in",:·


    Snn,e. I~~U:"" I!)·~O; II ~~" I,..n!: I;~~
    D,\ NJ8L

    FA~I1 I.Y

    lIi~I!Il'Y of e arolin" Co:",ly, \';rl';n;n, I'''C'' 7(0: Co~'.ninl :11,,1 1...1n,1 (; ...mt~ of 1,000 ae .... ' to WiLlinm 1),111;.1 •." ',, Oc_ t<,lK>r 17. 115'1. GII'(2)1~G: l1a)·,lcn (Genca]o/!j~t ) I'II.I'~ 11m\ he fo,,,ul Ihe Ilaniel r>",IIr.r~e Ihe nlO,,1 dljfjclIl1 10 hn",l1~ of :on... in Ilj~ bo<>k : it iH ~liIl ,tiff1euh, 'fh~ wrilu ( lI a)'Jen) h:l~ >lilt <1~l1n;tcl)' placed th;~ William U:1!li cl. 1'1", 1",)'ilBt nf the fr,no:].\' Wn~ "acro~~ the rive,." in St"rY'Jrd ('''11,,11', 0 " Dc_ c cmlJo~ " 17. 17ht, rrs \\'illin", ))anid, .Ir .• h" 1",\ ollle,1 1.000 lIel'" ," "r lml11 in C"I'{)] i, ,,, COUllt)" VI" j{in;a (V h'~ i" in CQu nl)' H ccor,I ~ . I ~l) . ,I" he :O)lJl"""~ "g II'lIli lllll , .J,." the i" fcl'ell~c i" 1hnl IIi, r[(lher I,m·" I h~ "nmc !lllme. ·tho wifc ef I\'iIIi"m ))",,;el wn a EI ;Y.n.wt h Colcmnn, Sllil.h)' Colen""" who ,1i~,1 IUHI",rried In hI~ will ,Inlet! )("rtll 2::. 17.;" nn<1 l'ro~:ll~,1 Ma)' ::. ~:'me )'<':,r,l~n\'e~ ]~gndc~ to.,. hi " hr"'I1· er.in.law, William J)~"iel. ... W,"" thc r"lIwr of S I,il.h ... 1<",1 J-:iil"totlh ( Col ~ni:"') wa" Hl'C"'~ ullt·~rlain_",h~lh·r l:"h<'rL or !';~m"e1. (S~~ Col~m:.1I f'nmily.) l:!T2-1!l: William [laniel. Mln·in·la,,· of lIolK>rt lI' iIl,aml', Im~ lIe~1I r~fcTl'e,1 I'~ n~ I,rolmht-· " J{rolll,l~on or I h./!h IJnnil'] or l:1ehmon,1 Co""t;:, \'ir!;i"i:.. lI'm i""" Dn"l pl , Sf:.'. ],,~t \\,11111",1 tp"l"m~n~l\'n· 1'l'",lnceti in Cnu l"l ((,"""Olh", COIUltr anlel' Ilu~~) Oil ,1111)' Hl, I ';'~:j , by 11'1111;'1\\ lhnid , .Ir" n,,,l Thoma" Ila " 'e l, E",pcul",." . II ,~ Io nd, ... !';'m,h: 10. Wil liam. rMcl"l"~d 1(, aflel' 17.",1 ami 1''';01' \0 17f,.] :,,' Wi ll iam , J,..

    1.",'\ ~~f"...,ncc \0 him \\",,~ on ~,,'·~n ,b.;r :.I. n;r•. wheu h~ wl,l GI;I ill J "\,,, lJ ickln$OlI. 011 fMC r"lurn~ hltcr 1;,;2 his tan.1 ,,"n~ "~ ...,,-.eliin wile amI h'"o "",,~. II" mar_ ri~'1 (Wf"r.., 1i·17. t':liz"I",l h. ,d.ter u( RI);V1W (;"!cm",, 1<11(1 hi. wife, \,:li7.:l1,clll . They \",<1

    II ,

    hll,1 ,,~i~ter. EIi"nbctl,. who w"" .till II "lllll,ter In ITi !, wh .. ~,,~ the will of William [' allie1. Sr.. ,,.,,, I""oducclt ill ~o"rt J ul)· 10. 17&.i. 81.il.,\ .... Colenuon ,II~,' in 17;;;. tll "''''rrk,I, ,,,,,I I",,,·,,.,, .';11 ,n whkh lie referre,\ to \\'illinm D",,_ lei n.' hi~ lI""lher_in_I"w. II !~ (Iuite cHllicuh 10 rooonclie ~\:Ilrmc "l~ in Ih~ I),,,,iel """



    Cole",,,,, (c.mili"s n.' t" thi~ I,:lilnbelh. Am' :·'nc" S.....~h. da,whtcr u( Il'imam IJa niel. Sr .. mnrric,l.llOlnc:! l,in!!"" ... b.'ror~ 1;23 ,,,,,I h,,,1 01 M)!l born ,\",nl'l :;;. 1128. ii is f"'·lht,· cOll(,,~ inJ.( n~ hI '·!·:li~;tbctb."

    Lin,: "f

    Dcsc~nt ;

    lI"illi"m ' Dani el had \\"HlI;LT\\ I),,,, icl wh(\ nmrri,·d 1·:lI r.a b(,th · Coleman ntl d ~:"·nh Da"id who Jhh,, ' Liml",,)' who .1" lul' Lind~~)" wliu Elit."lb.'lh' Lillti,;,oy IScc c.,r\u nud 1'011"

    m",·ried .J",,,",' J.i,,,I~n.'" ntHl 1t,,,1 ",,,,",",ed hl nr)·' )1:".,,",,011 I,n,1 Ion,] marl"i.,,1 SU I·,,1I h: e,.. np." nn,l h".1 w1lo mnuie,l Dr. Ilcnj:tnlin' enrlcr. I.iu~ ... )



    I ~I"


    or \\,11:111 Counl.'". Virginln, pnge 21 9: !lenry 1)01\\"· \<1 \'irK;"i" with Ihret! $flu~ . Joh ll. Thol1ll's :lIl,1 \\·;lIin", wilh \\·illi",,1 GI,,;[,ornc in 1(;91. ( The lext ~:t y~ I ~ ~l) but Ihi~ i,; ohio[l,;I)" alL trror ir Iho)· c:ll ne wilh Willilllr) CI;Lil)(!l·llC , '" the l nll~l· \\":\ . flr~1 Iloli< ell in I'i,."in in ill Ir.:! l. "",I .i!lce Wi ll ;a m Dnw~o ll . ~ on , 1",\",,1",1 1"'1<1 i" Vil"jrillin in IG3L; (Jl" !~C ~17) " IHl sulll in IG~7. and in lGlil

    , •

    ""I cnm~




    i ll i" ~""'C William Da ""n ,. IL II ' \ wife . .I ~"'" ~ol
    til Ih",r)' [)awson .


    wife "'HI fou r

    ch i hh·~n . ~c,.(" i!\ l"nJ~

    [(.r which the relit WM "2 fu nt. of In,]inll "or n y~ady." a'1<1 ill 170:: (l'fIl>C 2 HII \\'iIIilLin 1:",llIie ..,hl Ihe bnd on which the 1I"tl'lI\" D;nwon Ii'·cd. it i~ edel"n l ll1,,1 Ih., .I"" 'lJ' IGfl l IIlll.it he W1'OI1I:.)

    LO"l Trill\" of Konh (" "',,lIl1n. )I"::~ (;I S :)" 1(;:1 7.lo ll " J)nw,_ lm w,,~ II ),lmltcr wil h hi . bl'other. 1\',111,,111, in I'lu or lYi!(hl ('ounty. Vil'!ri n ;", "ud Hellr;: lhw.
    r,lndl", /.I:m;n, ",'te,' /,r ".our.\' i.br:ill.



    "h"r 16~:!. I1 e ur), !Jaw'o n whu ,tied I"'i(lr to 1~ ~B '" Ltt ~Inrtl ,, ", hi , wife, had : a, Willia ", : b, , I olm;~ , T homas, \\' II Ii Rm mar· d ell J~ntl _ , ""') il ;~ ,,,,I lInown whnt h~~"",p' of him, .1<.1", 1,l'(wt'!(.lIl. ,1,,1111 ,tI"rrie,1 pr i<>r 10 l'ir; ::r;2 r. ",1 At".Lrn"l or Will•• 16- 1 ~· I ::IOO. hLI~ of \\'ig1LI COllnly, I:ook:!. I"Lf'~ .]), lUlIl mO"ed to X'orth:lmfllOIl (;O UII · 1)" ~ "L'lh (;;LI'q)inn, :11.1)11\ ]73:? T he nnnm or Ih is wl,low Wag I'; !ilnl!pt h (OI' )!nry) ' I'h om'" a " ga r lL "!.>Y TholLm ~ fpa!;c !i~[j) !'L,re, .. ' 10 .1 01", llnw'O IL ill J7:J~ IL,' h i" 1" ',,lh t l'·; 11.1aw. ISc'C Th Ollla ; F.1mil,.. ) Wi!! , nn :>. 1. 20, 11LN,Hons ""D. J <>hn. ,,,,,I w, (e, F.1;zni)eth. J:x""n lri" . "ow, ~ Itll'fl B.,runi)." 'rhOll"'~ n'cnlio!\~. in h;~ will , hi s h,. ... th~r.iH.I''''·, Jolm Dnw!o(}lI , t his brinll~ in the Thom;, .. 1·',,'I,iI,.. whi~h i .. r~c"",l el\ ~l"",'.'hcr". In th ~ ThO!lla " l"a1>\_ lIy we IllLd HI, ~:liz,,\){!t h 'I'hollll! ~ wh o mnrri cd, Tlr .• I, ,John


    , ,


    ~u,l. ~eco",l ••Tohn

    11:1\<.">11, 1'h,s El,zaoolh

    IIml ,:.,"ernl "'rothc"~, O"~ (loe whom

    "00"". (See


    Family. ) J"hu flod,lle an.1 EH,,,bulh

    'l'1<"m,," ]',,,1: " . lY iIlint" r:",hll~ who mnrd ... 1 ~ I nr)' l)~nnc1t nnd 1>_ Jl)hn ~",Jt!i .. who "",.ri"d l:lIwl>elh J dTdc.l. (S •...Idfric. F :unil)" . ) Aft~,. John P.GllclitiOl ' hllhm itlcd no,,, rc"" lt of th~ " intl L1 iri e5 in to the I:ri~'·~m:c.i of I l l.. )IHj",ty'" ,,, ,bj"cl ..... 1r,7G/ 17. Snmc. illig" 21 8 : :1. 17u: I. John lJ",tI(li e ~old la nd "whcr~ ~I n l"ll". I)uwf,<.>n. widow (of Il~"ry). "n : lI "nr)' 1).1\\",on I. eld ::''(\0 ;'er". ,,,,,I .Io)m \),,,,,·on :\00 "er~.' in \\'n r "';ck Counly. 170 I. ~nH'. I~,g" ::;;2 : .1 nhn 1l0,1,1i<::. 11011 <>f 1.;]i1.l1he:h ,,,,,1 WII , lilllll ]:",ldie. hO"n Isl e lIf Withl Co"nt~·, Vil1:i uill, Ill;>';, [) icd "I ~un'h"d him amlllrtcrw,mls married Colonel John 11:.w'CtlIl of .'forth Cm·olinll. E tithb~t h ,Ue,! circn 17 .:;~. John r;",ldi ~·.1 will dnte,l 10 M.uth. 17 19/ 20. )lrob~t c, 1 2.:. :\pr;1. 1720. r.:CH,~CH 2 !\2: .roh l1 Un\\":!QII lIC'In il"e~ 100 ae,'e" fO"Orn Fr.' nee' [' nv,h . O"tobe ,' 2:l. 1 7~~ . (; holl' [," Cn'"ll.,·, },'o,.th (,,, r "l;,w.






    I \



    T homn~

    w'"' n ",.",,\')" mention~~1

    Same, Vol. I. Jlnl:~ 113: John lJaw~oll, 380 "Cl'Co; un north or Flnt Cy l" '~"~ SWU II1Jl, ChuW1\11 Coun ty, )!areh 2:1, 1733/ 3·1. S"II1~ , 1/ 92: U",lm' " Com'O)"Hllce";' John ))"W 5011 with CO II ""nt of nly wi fe, Mar.'" . '\l'ril COIlrl. 1707. Chom", si d~

    COIl1l ty.

    Hi ator.\· of 1I"lifHX Co!' nt y . Ko,.th Caro lina, pa.:~ 10: About 17~;O ]""d t"mllt s received loy li e",..'" Dawwn and Juhn DawHon. So\"cut cen( h Cen t ~'·y "",II"le of Wi!:ht CUll lll;·. Virr- illi", png1l 218 : .I ohn Daw,ulI mm"'i~d t he wi,Jr_", of hi ~ la nd_ lor,!"" " on ohOl'II)" "ftcr th~ ilCl,th of th ~ laH Ii.1UlC!\ in l'I~Q. The)'. with .John Bo. !"l~ of Wi!!ht COIUlt,·. Vi rgi ni l< . 1(,28,18UO. P,,!:c 15: Johu DllwsQ n li nd Mr~. E liz"h"th H()(idi e, I{elkt of .l ohn \Jo(\d ie. Ins. (Thi" m" "t he "n e",·or. If he married L·: ]i?nLeth Boddie " f'OO ll nfter t hc d~"t.h" of .Toh" Ho-:!




    oj I 'ol,e. Car/u auJ JlcFcrriu



    PBUcnce. nnll >c"cral children ; h. ,lm'l:lIt~ r. Mnry. who m:.r r icd Willinm I\inchcn. Same , ling" 1;27; .John ]) " w~(On . 17~S '11,,1 17·10, WI .. " m ~ ",he l' of t he General A ~.;~ tIl hl." from Bertie. API'oint e' ] J IIslice o f the Couuty :t",1 I hen Sheriff. II is nn nll~ ront i nll"~ wid, i"lcr\";'!~,,~ 1II~ItI"Cr nf the '\ ' :;(:",1>1." IIlllil 175·1. II i, w ill Wa " lH'oycn J\'vrl hmnpton Court. FC\JrlHlry, l'Io~, g"",c. l'''g'' 70S: .John I)ow~()n Wi lHnm Ki nehen . J" . litell or the Pence. ]tcn;'" (A},, "\.". Nor th CaM]i" ,. 17Sf!. Sum e. I'll!,:" 703 : .101m ' "" l'l"cr,c nlnt i\'a i" (:" 1\. e ral A"cmhly. North e nroll"", fr<Jm Norl l""IlI 'lO n COlln tr.



    l N7 ~ 19.

    rr1~ of Wi,;bt C(Hmt)" VirginilL. ]l:lltC :)r.2 : E!i~ ~hct h. forM wife of Col. .I olm Ihw30 n. di e,l cire" l 'lil~ . IIIMQll.1l1'''\ "l!~\o"~. f:lc., p.~ge li27 ; ACt~r hi~ wi C,,'~ ,Ieath. J\Jhrl I)",,.,..on mnrried Chnril y AI!tQn. w/10"" lir
    Cl:NC 'I, :U!-ol : .Ioh" Unw! Ull "1'llOi ll\"o:\ 10 Cumnr ilt cc t>f elni ",,, oC ""'emh)y. 8 Felrnul'T. 17:l8 ( _3~) . NCW;;CI: 2, :108: Colonel Jul", l)aw!I<)n d Ied In I\or_ Ih ~mllto" ( ·(," nt)". J\"orlh (;nmli, .... 17&1. [I" wn._ .hlstke or !l,e PeHe,·. 1 7:;~. Be" ,ic C0 ll111y . I)""ghl",.. Mn ,.y . n"'r r ied \\'i11i;ltl,l,jn"hCI1. II j~ fir,\ wiCe """.l lll"oh:rhly name,1 M"r)·. Johll Onw' O" ·,. S
    LIne vf Il ~nry'


    ))~.; e"n(:

    l);, w>IOn Imd lIenrr' Ua,,","-,Il whu m urr led ~I nrl h" ml!! I",d J ohn ' l)nw sO l1 who ma r rie(\ Mnr.l· a nd lmd Col. J ohn' tJ"w~(on wh o n!:lr ricd ~l ary 'l"hom"3 anrl b .1 )I:lr .\·' 1):\,,"0011 w ho 11l1l r rt"d WiIIl:tm ' Kinchen "lid had

    I I


    " Ij~~r",rh' Killchen who n'~rrred I' hili!" 1':(>Il r lley ar,.1 Il~d

    Sn r~h

    " cnme)" \':ho mnl"rlcd 11<:,·. J ohn' 1.lnd:my nmr

    Ioml 1': li7."b~tl,-, Lind",,)' wh(> married Il", lJenj""';II' ("arl~r. (See Cnl'tcl' nnd I'ope I,in ~s.)

    GI LI:lEH'I' FM,IILY CJl:>lC I~/ GGG ; lVitliam Gflbe,·t ,·c .• j,bl ;n l\"rt), Caro. Il,,,, f nm' riCO 10 1'j"f10. lI u rill:!! lit r;;lh~l't Tow", Tr;'ol' COY " I.'", ;\'orth C:'l"olln". li e W:I." h\>rll III 17:1~. \\';" In !lie ,\ f.ICmhly, lIi~tI>r," of ohl Tryou ~ud I:IIth"rf(;,',1 Cotluti e.~, K"rlh enroli"", 1~"\r:e3 7 1·7:!; G;,'~s much ,1c13;1 :,hOllL \\,ill;n", Gilhen, II " u'a.1 ,rllstice of Ihu (:"" r l of l'l~n~ ;,,,,1 Q"~ rlo:r l) Sc~"iotl~, Tr),on Co,mly, 17S I·.!I:!.8:r-S l. 011 Oc101l('r 1:;, ]77.i, II" ~i!:II(!j 1 1he ·· ,\~tJIII t h~ COIlH"~"t~1 ;111<1 Prod .• ;o",,1 C~nl( re''''I!:!, lie .lilld :>t Gil [,~ r l T"'l'Il, 1 1~ro, 1.0.::>lioll or Itl';we un):llown . Iii . wi fe ,lied l)~~c ml>l!l" :!2, I S:?~ , lHLving ~~" ['01"11 in ! 7:\7. S h~ iH buried w !l<"·~ her ~01\.ill·hl\", Mlljor .] II ", C" Hol land, ~ett l~d at "1I 0! 1 ; I"d'~ focn ,," or fo rI! ,," !luck IU,'cI', Fourth Di st "i el, ~1:L"r,\' COlll,I;- , T""" c.""". Cllbo,·~ h,,,1 cIl" 'r c


    " l\te t.~: (;ilhert "'''S rCllr>.'~cllln l i\'c from Hmh .. rror.1 Coullty III lI on~e of Conm'oll.', 1719, p"&~ H-I : SnlllC wh"11 the ,' ~."",hly met ;11 Il ill .. llOro, I j~~,

    I'n;:e 5~ ; Mnj",. FCl'C"Il.c ,·t Town priOI' 10 th e L:\tll~ or J':i n l(~ ,\lonll tl'l1\ 1011(1 (' Tl !r~lrcn\c "t " wltb North Gn!'l)!;nn tro(,)1.l ;ll Ill'lt ")dlli1,".





    AmcricJllI lI istorklll Max,,:';uc,:l ::!(;u d ~l'I.; William GIU}ctt •. r,,~ti~~ of t im COllrt of Pl";L~ mId QII~rt~rl.\· s.:.~­ sl(>II! • •lu ly. 1'1,,,, 1777. liiS..... ~'~~.Ol· IIf It'Xl:lIlI1HI cl)ilcr . tor of lnx<,., J""""rr. I n!), "~I"~_.cntc,1 Trroll e n""ly in th~ II D"~C of (;!}m,no" " 0" Fchl'l"'l')' ~. In!), he IV:!' c.~pd l l'd fr~11I rile 11 011'" and {m'cct! In l'~·.
    .,,,,1 ''''"




    was n ],UW' h,,,dowlicr. He



    Jl1i~~lo"cr of Ihe I'Mce Ill' to 177C or old Tryon Coumy. TalC

    ,\'i;(-MOt Imd C"",mi",,iollci" "r \he Pellec, U"W coulily o( 11I1tl,,'rf'1I'L III 110"'" l'iilO·f:2·!tl. ~kn,locr of J'orlh e:or. Olilln I.cl:i~l"tul·e:o t I\""",h",'" ""d eol""~1 in Ue\'{.llI t iollnr~· I\""t ",,,I 1':ld(:r in th" Pt.., Chn ,·lc-'lowll. ~I" ""ac hu,'~it~. II" ,,,",. .. h'd hi i ..... ~I\rn h )Ie. Can,lIc:,' of 1'"",,,,"''':1,,i:o (be" ~l oth","" ",aidcn "n",e w,,~ eHher Ji ou.'lun or lr,·in\(j . Whcn Willi"", GHbert ,,"1<0" Mr. />I cC,,,,,l1e,s fO! ' hi s ,I:!u~hicr he rcfu ,'ed , "l)'i nK lhat he w"s 100 lIoor. Sh~ Ihm' ~o"'cIU NI to IIi"'" him II!! I'r.wid~(1 he woul.1 nol C'O.n l,d her to ",,,try nn."oue cl<.,. hnt "rtcrw'Inl.l her r"Lhcr in~i .• t~~l tI'n~ Ihc ~huuld Iml r,')'" ""c,,lIh)" hnchdor iu the u"ighlJorhood. 'rhe wed,ting ;Jr. rmll~e"'N't$ "'ere coml.l"'lc; l; t he nucs\, n~'cmlil..,.l ; but the b,'ltle, nlll",retcd. Inateml of "'~etlull' lh~ c.~p('(:inlll gU"-il~ ,,, ,,I,, wnililll~ l:rOO"':lt lwr I,'"thcr'~ ho,,~c. w:'lkL~1 thro~l:h





    th~ 1:;\I'd"n I::ll c (the l!"l'nl< h""lllg hl'\'n r.,,"t IicfQr~) to " ncigh11O" On the "PllO.ll e 1,;,10 of t he ~ t,·~~!, ""'\ ,hN'e h~. ~flm c t ho wifa of Willi"m Gilb~rl. {~1\"~, (;I \l,erl ;nfo,.."",1 he\" children of t he eircunl "(" nc C.1 of thi ~ m"ro-l"'lc when







    H",,. l{rcw " I~ IIer (blighte r. Mrs.. lI oll;.lId. nl~" 10],1 h"r th;ldr~" nft~r Ih,,)" were grown. ) Mr~, ni11.>1'rl ne\'~r ~"w her ll.~renu<. ,;.,lers or hr01hcr~ "I::lin. Tho.\" left hnm~­ .lintel,'" for the 'WiMer"e.,. or Norlh (;"roli",,: Aud "(1)11 n m"""rac\\)";nl:

    ((I"",, \\,,,"

    hunt 111' lor II", cncnry of (;o;>lonol

    i I f



    of .kille,1 wol"\:mell fro m [':111"01>0 he wOuld l);lf their


    MI:P to Ihhl cO lllnr.\'. Ih~." rcpnriHII h im Ii.\' their In ),01' fo1' II "Crl: (!rC"~rn ll.,· t wo y":\,",,), l!iH ,1""lrlllor. M,'';. Il olbml. oft~" ilpoke of hr',' l'nT hcr 'hu ),inl[ Ihe ]l'i"h,' lie wn" n brITO lmHlolI'llcr !In,l owned herd, of cottle. lli~ Mme i~ ill Ihe hi.I" •.\, ()( :-Jorlh Cm'oJj''ll ;,~ " memt.er of the 1."j,LJ"turc ,,1 Ncwl.e,·,,; he ,,-it.' ,,1.<0 "Colond in the I:m·olmi""nr.'" WIl' "nd Ite ,,-n':!11 Ehler itt th~ rrc~brlerbn Cln"",,It; "",I it "-"S ~"id lkl lI:e Utl1narri~cl clergym"n of 11t,,\ Church, of lh~ir ""'I''',i''t~nce. would fir!\ c",I",,"or 10 win on~ or the E lder'~ dnug;,ter~ in nlur.inge l.>cfn.e n.1tnlh U!"lY, ,,"nulll I'c~d her 1"c.' l,utlcn' '. "",I r(m\'cr~e 1m! little 01\ lh"l ,IlLY. r:olon c1 Gilbert mO"ed 10 CluII'leJhm, SOl1 th Cm'"li"", mHI li ved in llromt h' ~ln')' :11,<1 ck'l(lIn~c. IJj" wife ,ir".;fod I" t) , ~ ,·ichc.eml,," ""d ~ ilk. hel" Im;I" <1" "",,,,<1 ,I:

    • I


    wn~ cn! l~d

    L!pOn b)' Ih ~ Sh ~ r i(f hi a"sis! I" Ill'rc.t inll ll (lc~1"'1':lIc cr imi" ,,1 ;l ml. in




    Cnner "nd 10,,<1 M,'r" P..,llc·


    w!io ""'rried e Ll 'l a" ,,,, ,\ .'

    l'vp~ ,

    (Sec Pope l.lnc. )

    HAHHIS f"Alo JI Lr (;01011;,,1 ",,,I l :c\'ol~ II; ...""ry ],il\r~gc~ of '\nlc rk~, .1/ :;!J': C'LI.l,,' II l' hto"",:< r l;\rri~ of (;I.nr!c. Cit)" Virlll,,[n. til\! Ii,",'t or Ihig linc of IWOl'd , wn~ hor n in ~" Ir l,,,, d " llOut Ina:! LInd ,lic,l in rharl,·~ Cilr. \'Irgi",,,, ll~ cnnlC 10 Virgiui" ill tILe " l'rO'llCrolls" ill ill n)" , Ifill, 1Ll,,1 firM ~et t1e'l in II ClL·


    rico COlln!y , lie ITwrl"ied Ad ..." 0,'\'01',1(:, ,bUlrht!! r " f TI,omn n O~I,OI'''", She Ul'!'h'ed iu tht! "~IIl""''' lh,\(c '' in No"emLer , \ G2 1, 'I 'hl" w:,. ThunIH r,' !ir~t IOlILlTi .. ,.(c, Tho," h~d : Hobert. bon' h' lG:15 , dierl in 1701; ''',, ''''jm\ ,'\I ~r.l' Cl:!ioorne IHc~, 'l'he l!"TI'i~ ..-,,,nil;- of \fin:,,,i!!, IGlI- l n·1, Inll!" II : He (,l'h"""'5 1I''''riH ) ~'''Ile 10 Virg, ni" .",1;' 'l'hmm'H O~h(lnll' it. ]611 IIn,1 !eltlc(1 on l"n,l" IIOW ill Henrico COUllty, li e w;,~ ,;«otl,1 ,II oomm;uul with ']'hC>nu,~ O,\>Iwnu in Ihe Innll WnT w,th th~ Jndi"l1< in IC2:!, He w,,~ " member of Ihc \follse Q( Ii " rl(""~', \G2~-IGa!'-lG\7 (.\oul'Ilnl of th~ J1ou ~~ HI' JlIlrK~~,;"" , Iv·;~1 r,Il- \ W~t 1'''1:" ,-i, 'J'homn~ Ha,'r". mCIll_ her r,,1' Ned: n _ "",I ,\,tr,a ( O~bQ""") ""rri ~, 10o,'" eire" I~ !l; , He ,'mllC 10 \'i f):,,,i,, ("~l> 1650 ",,,I m~rricd :'.In,'y CI"lhorn" J:k", \\,;,Iow of E,I"'nTd I: ,ce "",I ,h"'l!hlcr of Co!I,ncl WiLli,,", CI"ibnrnc of Kin !:' WiIIi"m (;""nl),, T ho)' li",,11 ,n l'\cw I{cuL Co"nly. thnl l'~,rt 'atcl' I>ci n" ll:>"owl' Co"nly. nl I he ,; I.. nrl' .... which ! ",licat c~ Ihl\l the), wcre Hc"r th e jlUlttion of :>':tnd, c~ iJl the I'""w nk," Ill ,,€,', Th e )l lIn; " !,,,,,,i1y, I'~ tc .. )\nl>~ ~: Cl ltibo" n~ 1' ~,l il: rcc by G, ),!, Claiborne"IV:tI? : Th " r: cn try I'a",il), Il( ,\m criel<, b;' llicharll (:cntr)'. I'"l:" n I : J: uilcl't II"rl'i., bOl'n in Wnlc~ in IG::,-" di~,1 nt Ih' "I""rk~." l1au,wcr Cou nlS, Vi r):i",,,, 1701. (;ell iry F,nnily of ,\mcr il':I, II.,gM 60. :!2i1,22!l: It o!!_ cr l ll:>rr;? Ihe inm'iyr~nl. f,111wr of \\',m"", lIa rr ' •• c~ ",e


    ,'' c


    , •



    I, , I


    I \'ir,dlli" Ir(lm Enld:ulll (IlrolJnloly from Wale.l ) Ixll ,,"cen mId 16(;0. In 1G6",or~ hi$ death in l i G.; . lQ

    l G~O

    l :o!J~rt lI :t rri~"nd hi~

    "-;r,,, Mour"''',: Glrlll!. had dc"""

    ohlftlrcn_lhc ninth. S"r:llo, born :\Iny 21, 17;16, died J all"nry In. 18('::, m"rrk~1 CaJllain Joll11 r.0<1~., h(1I"1I NO"ember l G, l7Z!I, .... n of John J;ol1,,~ nnd AIr,r,. Crawforcl or \' ir,;;"ia. 0" )1"y 24, nSG. Cnlond Willi,,,,, Clo,;t.um." f .., 1 S('udar." of Ihe (;(>lonr of \,irlrinia, "":."' t he i"ther "r Mar.,· Clnibotnt IIlorr'" ";(" of l:oJ.o<,rt !! arr;~. II ~ c;\m .. from F;ulILn",l 10 \"l"j[I"i" in I(.tl ,dlh Sir Fr~nci~ \\"}1,tt ,,"hen Ikl Urot "J>l'oinkri ,:o;·",·"or. li e (C1:>ioornej 10,1<1 mnu)' inll",. lmll olrkN . Th~ Claiborne PI'~lillrc" Irm:".' Ih" (amily Lack 10 ,h" lw.1:"in. "i,,}: "r Ih~ Thi r;l!I'nlh (·"nluQ·. (!:ll:tl Glnlbornc Fam ily, ) William li arri.,. boru " Wf.YM"OI, E" 0" the JnnM'S l:i,·"r, l (;;'~. ,lie,1 ,am~ place ~I"r 8. 1t;I;' . ~Iatykd Decem· bn 2·1 . \C'{I. 1'~mll/'rnl1"" O""rl011. horn ,Jarch 2. 16'i~. l:.ercrc"~~ : Wi!!ia," Ih,rd- bronte tat.!et r~mo,",,'d hom Old Colon1,,1 Chlln:lr. Wf·:y,\NO!'E. July I . 187". to Old St. l',,,,l'li Church. :\~rlll m\ !>ll1rJ-' C. I [m'ri", I,G"11 dr,,, Ino. 11 ~ mllr";",l T~mr-':lIntP O" crton, <1""1:10. Itr or Will""" "n,1 ~br)" \\'nl<'1">1 On-rio" of Hauo"cr COli n· 1)'. She "''"'' 1~"·,, )lar~h ::!. IG79. dl ...! f'cl".u,.,ry lG. 171t; I T( Vi,·!:; nl" . Etc,:


    I I



    I 1'lIg<, 15:

    \\'i1li~m O\" ~rlo n.

    horl1 [)ce" ,u),er :1.



    ri ed ~[ary Wllt~n' Oil NO"~mhcr ~-l. IG70. li e tm i):mt,,! from Enld""d It! Ilo"o" cr Con"ty "\>,,,,[ l IiS~. Ili l' ';011, William. married 1' ~l:ii)' Garlan(\, nn<1 til('Y hllli Tempel"' mice, who mnrrbl CQloll,,1 ll"hcl"t IIl< rri~. l'ngc !i: \\',IIIIIIn H nrrl~. &0" of lh l~ l: "lot:rt J!"r rj~ . mnrric,\ Tetnl'crnllC~ O'"Cr tOI1. She wu lin }'~n r~ )'QUtlJrcr mill "";\lI \ he d,m)!"hlc!" or Willillrn O'·cr toll. who'o "-if,, ,,'as ' '.'1:1;)' Ga . 1""d. I'nl:e H: The SOn of lI'illintn lind 'I'~m]l~"""cc H nrdt wn5 1:o1~ rt who marl'ic,[ ~IQ\"'nin K (;le"", I'n,:c I:;: 'l'h ~ will of Hoh ert II nrris, Heco lu\ "On of lI'illimn nnd )[r:[I"\ """ o r


    Hob","l ll hl"l'h' ,,, ,,I Mary C lai_

    home Harri". w,, ~ . 2, pas:~ IS5 : C"l"" d )lowr! IIn rrj ~ born lI ~ n O"er Con nt)", Virs:;n;". IGg~, ,li ell J\lb cnml"lc Cmml;·. Vi'·lri ll;". 17G5. )Inrried J\Il>emnrl ~ CO llnt)", Virgin; n, .J nllu:,ry 1:1, 1120. Mou rnilltr Gbm. 100" n ,\l bcm al"l ~ Cm"lly , 1702. ,lied ,\lho· marlc CoUnI)" , Vh'/finin, 1770. li e. 1:,,1>;:1"1 JJ" r,.i~. wns ch(lsen Bu rll"'\11 fur Ihc A""emltlr, 17!I·l·17·1 0 (.Iou .... nh of tiN lI"u~e I>f BUTIIC4_ of Virll";n;n 1.... 27.17:.1.1. 17:16.17 10). II" rc~igncd n~ Mco'bcr o f Ihe I!Oll."Ie ot H" rKc~lM'~ 10 ''':. ccpt ~]l]lOilllme"l hy t he l,i"l1 ~s S"r'·",·ol" fur th~ ,,~w county of Loul.", \\'hio h w,,~ cut off from I[ n",,'·~,. County nnd vrl::,,,i~o,1 in 17,12. Il c "ftcr,,""r~1s "enlo" ed 10 ,\lhe· ",arl~ Count .\", Vin:iuiu, ,,,,d """ ~ one nf tho tin,t aeHl~r~ On DOllI e'.• lIi\"~r. (1 I i ~to,'Y of ,\ lhenmrl e COIl IIt.\" . h." K Wootl~, pas:e 221.) I1i ~ will he ard 'Illte <>f .hum II'-, liG5 . proh"I ~~ AU S:II ~t 8, 17G". "ud r~e{Jl"(lcd ill ,\lhl!"lRrl~ COIUI!" WilL llook No. :!. 1~'Ke 1115. History or t ","i"" COlin! )", Vi!):;";n. P"IIC :1:;5: ~Injor nuher t IInnis, ~o" of Capl~ in Willi~n' nurl Tl!ttllN!fl IllC" O"orloll Ibni", w;,~ hot'lI ;11 51. 1'01er'9 I' m·i"h. New Kenl




    II I


    I r l

    I I


    , •

    I )

    i •

    I, I I


    I I

    ,I I

    \, i


    I ,l

    (;QUill)'. 16%. (:-I'o\ e di!T<:'f (>tlCC of 10 )'tar.! in tiMe Q( birth 1)'om nl,[,\,c.) 11 " "," ,, (he fm ;\ ~ur\'t)~'Ol' 01 1.001,,, t:~Ulot."

    III !7~2 n"d h~ ,Il>cc" lIurgcM from II nnO'<';I'. li e ,m,rried MOll rning Gll'll n "huut ],29. lIi~ home w~., jn ,\II)(!" "II'le COUlIlr 1111.1 he ""n~ Vo.,jr.\'!lIilll in Fl'<~<1~rick"\·j ll c l'.u·;o;lI. Il l... will i~ '"o"o •• \"d in ,\l1>e"'Drlc Coun l)' 1:"ool'{l'I, Will Book

    !l. P"I!C 165 (I';(i~) . (;hildren . .. Snrnh . .. ho ru ~I:ty 2 1, 17~G . malT;cd ,luI", r:~d eo. Am cri ":\ n Jli~loric,,1 ~llll:;,~itle. \'01 .·1. I~'V.C ,1·i: \'c;try Boo~ or r·'rcd~l·ic1t~,'!I!e Pari! h, IA1I1;':'I Count." \"in:;!)i". 1'1-12 to \7S7. At II ""'M)" mv.ct;ul: hehl:lt tb e Cb\lrch helow 'h~ ~ i o"l\\" i1j.<, Sel>I~ ln b~r ~. 17GS, JtI)", Ilodc~ :ll'llOilltcd II \'c.itr."U"1I In the room of HoiJl,rt lIarriH, (l~eea~1. Slime : 27 .)tIlle, 17,,3 , Tr" "" II n,.,.i~, Ve." l'j"nl"n, in Ih c room of J~obu·t H,~r"; ", {;~nt., ho h3dnK r ~m(l\'~d (lu t (If the 1'1If;,-h. gllmh Hard , "IILlT;"!! .I"h n 1:<)(1,," uu,l beca",e the "",tl",,· o! Tyr~" It od~~ of t\lhcmnrl~ Cou nt) . Vire i"j", I_'lt"r WIl' onl' of Ihc Co,,,,,,j$.. iollm'll who 1!lld out Ille town Qf I'I'h,~lci , Ten " r~~"c, S<>o '\cto, To "uc~~ce Legl6i:tturc, "()"~mllr r H. Htn. 'i')'I'CC n,,,I,,,, w,,~ Ju ~tite of til" l'e;1ce lu (: H,,_, (;o"nl),. Tenn",~',(:;>. !I,,,l ;R Imrle,' where h" o:tUl~(I. "Ix mil e~ lIo,·th "r I'"lnoo ki . 'l'cnnc&Occ, nt " Clifton r b~e. " Tho j(ode~ Fmnill' Wl>le. I S~. in the j)l>Me~~ion of II", "'r:l"r !il'~'S : "M ujor Robcl'l 1J8 rr;~' wife wu3 )IOll ru;"1: GI'mn. 11 " Wn ~ the ,. co" of \\'iIlln'n Hard .• an<1 Tell11''''':m" r O'·crlon. his wlrr. \\'illiu11l lIu1'Ti~ "'!IS the ~on of I!oh~,': l ln 1'ri < rUld his ",ife, )1,,1';; HiL'e Clniliornc, whit \':a ~ the (Im'll'h t~r of WI1HHm Clnlbo,."e :uluth Uull c,', hb wil~."

    "G~'I('~iH of thc Uuited Slnte.~" h~' Brown "n~'~ Ih"l. 1.:11111. Thon", ~ I!,wris may h:ll'o I.oeClI " ~ on of Sir WiJliam lI 11rris of Cri~ Ilh "",I \\'ooll)",,,,·~!or lemn r. E!<.I~1<. Enll'l"nd. IA" e \'I' 1)e.'C(!nt: Th omns' IJH,.,.I~ mnrriCli ,\(\l'iu' O~bonl O nnli hnd il.o!s" rl ' lI ",.,.id who n""'ri e,1 ~!ury ' Clnlho1'''~ untl hml \\' lII illm' lI arrl. who lHllfried 'I'.:mllel'""I:(" O" C1'tlm 1111'1 Ilml Roher t ' Jl nrl'i~ who m;1.rri~d Mou rning Glenn nlill h;1.,1



    I ,,,,.1

    SHah' IIn r r,s who mn r rie,' John' I: "dl'll h:..1 Tr r~e' r:OdC3 who nmreletl Crnl h;:,' 11"11",,,1 "'"l h:\l1 S.~ rnh ~I}·r,,· lIodcM who mnrried .1 ..hll ll n r l'~r ' [:h'e r~ "",I hn,l

    Cr nth;" lloll:II"I ' lli,·~ .,! wlon m"rried n imj:t!nin F.' Cnrlc l' and h.1d ~lyt'.1 Bell ~' Curter who mnnic,1 GII"tlL\'II~ A.' Pope. (S ec l'up c Li n.... )

    HA lm lSON

    Hi.to rr of 0 1<1 Tryon n"d Huti wl'for,1 Cou nti~", -" ortl> Cnr<>li nn, p. 117 c! ::c<].: )lBj(lr J am\," Hol!"nd the Non uf \\'illi"m )lnr~' (ll a r riwn ) 1l01l:lwl. Willi",,, Hol_ Inrnl cn,;!:r"lcd \0 Norlh Cnroll"', (r.C: ril'l In femi"'"c h"", Iwr illng ill thc wril<'r K Il08~C ...~io" is extrnct ... ,' the fullo\\"_ jill: ' "n-Hllllm Uoll",,,' WM ou ElIl>li ~ h "ohlcm~n. II" fmd Irn,-cte" nwl' Ihe co"ti",,"t of Eur(>l'c with hi~ Illtor ~",I th .. 11 c~rne 10 ,\merku ""d 1llnrrird .\Ii~~ M"y Haui"",. " "i ~ ter of the ~it:"~ I' of t he DcclnrntiOll of hHlcr~",I~ IIce. Sh~ Wfl" of fille E"xlillb Iln rcn tng c 11 < is ~hown;1\ the jlrinted li fe of her brother." [ ha" o not fOluld t he "" ri nt ed life uf lI er orolhcr" " " "' ~ nliOll~,l iLll o\·~. Thi ~ " Si){MI'" w,, ~ Bellj"",i,,' 1!nrr;,on. J ,"a" e _enrclled :lO 01' mOI'U houk, Irrill){ to loe"tc tllig MOl)' hut without ~"CCC'lil . In 32\'98, H)j. J fOllll\l the will \If J!~njll,";II' ll nrri'Oll , the father of the Signer. In hl~ will 1m m l'''t;ol]~ {Olll' dn\ll:htcr~ : Iklty, Alln(', Lucy lind II l1nnn h. :-':0 mention "f )Inr (Qr Mo..,. ) . :~(l\'.IOS : T here weT(' IIunlorOll." lI arrl!



    1~'J\ I\II I. Y


    2.~\' I G'I: ~I"ry IIn rr'son, dnul;ht<:r of II ~nry Ilal"ri00" (0""'[' 7 V;\2,\ : The II olb(((l~ w~r" I]Ot nr 11 uti rn.~ COlllltj", Nud;, C"rol ina (a s wn~ .• t"t".'ltry of M" ry Ilnrti.-.(In II IIq ,m'TTie,! \\"[1limn' 1I0lbnd h~~ nol ~H J.rn"cd. no dc!\CcnL iN r,iWll.

    HOLLAN D 1,'Af-II LY l'I"om :,n !I1H!:.ti:tI ",,,I u"~Il("ed !l\nn"s~rjl't in (~mi"int '"""Iwri l ing in llOS~c~"io" of the wl'ilc" tho fntt<,wiul{ i ~ ,·.~I ,." ~tc r~g" in hiH pI"OII" ("t)'. lie h~d ~"CU HqU~ ",,,lone d'(l(l:hl er nud dud"l1 the ltemlnlionaTY \\'nr lile .ons "'ere nil on t he Whll: Hide, ;1,,,1 he would \'i~it thcm in theiT C:lml ' 1In,1 8Uy t(I thcm: 'I,iug G~(Irll"c will whil' yqn ,,11.' II I' II"ns imloleut in b"~ir'c'~, wn~ ;l h"nd, ~omc man, II"~~ IIn,,.e :m" ,Iignilkd in nl'llCarnnce, II"n9 " memher tiC Ihe ehurd, of E"lItand :mll orl"n f(',.. l hi» I.,.nycr hool,. lIi~ wi(o j n~tr"cle,l hc~ c\lil,lren In al1 the !,nnc he~ of I,'nrlli,,); wilh which ~he I\'n~ ne'l,minted. She wus " hill hly_ed "c"led 1:"1.,,, .I"m~s "'''" one "f tho ."oungeRt " On~ 0( the r"",i l)" "",I dcICl"n!j,, ~ ,1 to h e cd l'~nted "'HI to wm'" 10 p:o.l' r"r it , "OU\ the :oge

    thnt kiml of IallVr a '[':I1 "" lnlio" nlul each ycar look Ihe money ",,,I kepI !\llntll he wn~ ~1 .,·em·~ of :lI/C , lie thcn hn nded Ihe SI,m!! mon"l' 10 him :md oe.t yon ~nn for ~'olll'"clr: Janll'~ ),I!ion of his c~I:olc I hc. \\,im~", 1101· lan,I , r~H " c((i!l lr Ihnt h i~ P"'I ncg lcot wM "ow 100 old \OJ 1;0). T he H')'"OIC II'~' tilen ",ade in 'lot 1(ll<:I tl"," :0 ycnr 111,,1 t ltl! lInle of nblKom:o ultccrlajn und Jame~ d«linetl 10 I~O. Hi " f"lI,m' Wn~ 1:,'~"lly di s"pp ointed. ""yin", (ha l he w:l~ lite only On" whn ~oltl,1 u((end tn hi~ lou,ine"'. ... ,\ mcrirl,n Il isiorieal )[,,[:,,7.;no. 1/ 2!l-!: WiIH'"ll l[ollm,,1 1I]l(\ h i~ wlfe lwd : ,l l1mc~ lI ol hU\d (h(>l'n eli'ea 11 &1. di~'tl :.II(j' I!'I, 11:23) who w,,~ "It<:~;tr of (>1,1 '1' ,,'(>11 C(>'lItl),. "''''Ttlt Cn""ti"a, I,cfor" t he ,I;"i:;;on or til; " cOI'n!)' hi 1779. fro,," .h,\),. 17i7. to Jul)'. 17711; Ecell"!! Hcul~"p!l1. 1I,lrtli!l'~ Co",. 1l~1I}'. Lod.e·~ 1:"I:i lll~nt. N(>rlh C:lroU U" .IIilitia: nftcl' Iho 1 : ~l'olutio"'''')' War w,,~ i i, t he S1Bt~ l)(Hu,te. l'IS!! m,d 17~'" "",1 in \h~ lIon'o('. J'i liG mill 17S!'I: in em'gre...... ~r:.reh. ro n:;. t(> M:ordl I·i'}'i. am. from 1801 to 18 11. Die,l 11l~,1. n(>ru ,,],out 17",] in 1'r."ou t:u unt y, No..th Ca "ollua. t!lld lil'cd iu Hutlt~rfordt(>l', Mnjor;n l:ol'"lul\(I""r), WII'" ",,"c,l 10 T<:""e",~l·. ' 807 (it w",' Itc( (I:.il), l ill I_sec l:oter), .I ~m",' ll oll ""') ",m',';('11 1;,.... 'h C ;llN,'t, Jununry l~. 17HU. (Sce eiUlCrt V:lnI'ly.) OlnC""~ of the Couti uenl al ,\ rl11),. licit ",."1: II 0 L I,A" n. J"nI~~ (NOI'lll t:;oYQlinu). l.icutcllnltt n,,,] Cupla;n. N(>rlh Carolin/l ~l illti:o, 3Y32 B: .JnJne. Il ull:I11(\ emiJ,n'\l'd 10 TC lll!e~~"u ill 1811. IEislo,'Y of 01,) 'j'rron ",ul [(ulherrord COIlIlt:eA. "orll, Cnrolil~' : r>"!l~ 117: J"mc,.llll C"unly. "ol'th C"t'OlirtN which l/1t~r hN~"''' Med<1enuu rg. lhen ·I'r),o". then l:ufhe,"fo,',1. Ilc "',," 11 TnTI:" InndowllC ,·. n ~I:t"e IlOldtl' BUU f"lIowed : in CI:NC IO/!l~ ] . ~l:I7,) Locko'3 ll e~j.

    ment dc(~nt~d the Tor;".'! nt HmnStlcl"s Min. nell t I.incoln. 10wl1. J une :ro, 1780. bUI Ihcr~ i~ 110 rO)(:ord il1<Jic~ l ing Itol_

    I~",r'/\ ",jiila r)" "",,"k.. or rctllrd Ihere. li e WlU "no,,'c,[ i J I. ~3 tor ~e n'jce in Iha\ ~o"ncclion ( nook A ellto-y 6!l08, ,\udilol"s Office. H:!lcif:h). ,\( Itr Ihe \I'M he "'"S in t he S,n\<) Senn!c 1 78:~ ~ nd 17 ~)7 lLnd in I h ~ !I
    17i1_JIII,I'. 1778 .

    I'al:" 8:;, J 'Ill'es ll oJI:t"d. clecl(~1 COllmy C"'''mi""iQncr. J:"lh~I'r"rd Connlr. Jul)". 17112. 1':,1':1.' 86: Jam"" Iiolin"'l. r:CI'N.~CIIIMi\"e (rom r:"the._ (.-ml Counl.", I\'''rl ll Cnrolinn, in Scnn l(!o, 1 78~, I'ngc 127: J"m~~ IloU:""I, ,,,In,il{td \ .. Imr, 1793, [n

    I, MI'

    Llulll(!orfonl COllnLy, O~lobcr ISlh. I )nl/~ 127: J"",CS HoUand. r.el"c~ ulnti\'c in !>cnnte from HUlhcrtonl COlI!lIj', Xorth Car!>1inu, 17n7, ra~[c" LOG, 107 : ,Iamll.' Ilol1:lI ,d, JIH;t ic\' of the Pcace, Jl ,.j). crford Co""l y, 178 1 :md 17$6, 1'11)[" lOS: ,l a me.'! Holl and, H"III'C~c llt ath'u f"" m Ilu th"r_ f~ ... 1 CO"rt!,\' ;11 t h~ lI on,'c !l'hen t ile L~~ir.bh"'c met ;n l'u)'ct(cdll,', No':cm~r 2U, 1 1 ~ r., to J''''"nr,\' Ii, 17~1 , P"!lc 12n; ,J"nI~." \!oll:",d n'Ceil'ed !ZS "ul.e> fvr Con. gre.·' from l:uth~rror<1 C,""'t)' 10 ,12 \'<>tN (lr .Io'"ph )Ic. Ob\".,!I, his opl,ouent. l'nr:c 1&1: Tc'",I!S.<~'e b~i llJl"" ne", <;<11111 11','. l:uIII C(,Iuld be ~ccn red chea l,ly ",hieh \",.,~,.,,, indllcemcul 10 ~o",c Who cou l,1 ~ccu re il for ~cr"ic"" [n t he IlC"Olll(io", ,\ n",nC" Iho;'Q ,,"ho le(l Ihe cnll nly "'He J:lmCJ llolln,," ,,,,,I hi~ (,,,,,i))'. This W:li :lholll 18 11. 1':llre 117 ; ~lc1nl>c r of thc ~tond North Cn roli"" COIl_ ~l;l\!liu""l C',)II",mt;on which :I,lol'tcd t he F~,lcrl< l COJl~lil n. !lon in l 78!l ,,,,II "'''" Ilcl.rc"e "t "I;"~ ii, ('''''Jrr('>1,< ("0'" 17~~ IQ 17:'1 7 ' rom l ~OI 10 l S I I. I" JIIlll ,nr,'" 1 7~O, he m"r. ried Su rah Gilhcl't,

    u,"'Y 12. l i SO. Durin:: his l'l~t term in Cong .... a,., hi~ olt t o". Willi",,, mou llt. llon~'III. hmll/ee ll ~e llt. ""ilh his ~If",,'" --1l"', ""d H~n'~d in Ihtll CU1J:1c1ly until t,h"u~ J nnlla ry. Hil I!. In 11!2 1. he wn~:m un suc .....,~~ful cnmlidntc for Con. Ilre.'~ from Ilml di~trict. II" IIe'lu ire,1 " l" rllo lrOl'1. o( 1"",\ ;11 ~l:c n ~ enC" ;




    l!r~"1 rlOr"'l~ri:.'" IIml wo:;l: lol or chllr"c tcr "flu a" nnlllQll.i nm] ("ilhr,,1 :;er "ice of :r; YC~I·~.'· T H. [s followCd 1>;' :J "moraLizing" CI,iral'lI. Thi R Illorall~illg cpilnllh hn5 lle\:l1 l"fll'iclj by lite "'rilcr :m,1 il r"nO\~~ : "I n JllIhlie ,..:,Int'o;"" he wn ~ " good h" ,I);lIId. pMc nt, ""'''' er, neil:hhol' nn,1 r"i~ llIl , WII ' k ' l1Il "" d 1!O.l l'i: nhl ~ 10 the poo r "'h1 onb n of tt, u mo..t PI'I.ro"ed ""li' '''~llcrali~1 11$ Ih; ug~ WCIlI ,h,m. MQjor 11<111"",1 w,,~ n dQIl of " ', Ilium n",' ,\laT), ( If "rr i_ ... >1\) 11 01l"nl l. (See U"r rison Fnmil),,) Willia m 1I0lbnd cmll:r,ncil fro", t-;ngllllllilo ~orth (;,u'olina "hnut 172[;, Major ,l lLmc~ Hollund a,,<1 hi. wire, ~:L r.1h (Gi\oort) lI olia ",1 ,, 1.'0 had" ,i;lughl" r , Cyalhl " (1)0)'1, 10 C'< ol'emlJc ,', 17 ~:), llied .lilly 17, l i\~:n, who "' II" I'jed T),rec Holle,., S ,', (1771 - I S ~7) , on April 2r., 18 11. )'\ol'l!> ""d SOl/lh C",.O]l ll " ~I""";"!,(,, Hn ntl~, page 2'10 : Cy"l hi " Il olln",1 "nd Tyree n oIo,'lh Q lroliu,,_ '/')'rce HOlte.' ""d Cynthi" 1I01I"nll 1I00Ic_~ werc the progen_ it ... r~ or the H ode~ in Teml~J,;&', A.t,li tiou,,1 I'xtracb from Iho tnmnml'riJlt IIII'II\iot'e,1 " Lo,'~: " \\'he" Jm.\('" 1I011all<1 m" r ried her (M r5. GilLen',,) .l:\uJ,hler, ~he "',,_" fifteen "",I he h "unlr' r,,'c ,"eM~ or "g~, 'J'h ~y "'~re maTl'icd 011 C h ri~\m"~ 1)0)', T hc «r~monr ",as JJt r formeol ill Ihe I,.~rll, Lei"J: ,he (1111), rO}()m ]nrge enough 10 cotllain th e I:UC8t" •• , ,.JaInI'd 110110",,1 tll,lncl roll o\\' the ,'o~"t lon ... r carpent er anor he 1l ~lIn '" or "III', but toolo: C(l1l\1'.1C\" , hire,! wOrktnim a nd di" ~ct~d t h~m for tI , hort ti me "",I IICCt llnuiat e(1 mOlle)', li e ~tltd lcd hlw tl nl] WM di~_ t l lll!u i~hcd Ilutlo in the Ci,';1 an.! Cr im i",,, 1!!'lIctice". li e


    I WM ("ar;'"


    !,olilic!!. ".",. lI irlo SheritT ... r Ilm County, W:l.~

    ill Ilia Sln~~ Se:ml" nlU! t\~e"I)'.I\\'o ."enT.' in Hie Un:I,,~ Sl:tled COllgr~:'-'. lI is "l:.jorille~ were klr):!"" nil'! he n:,:I1r:lUy I]n,[ II pro;,d look;"f! ("(~.!O mnch M th::l ",mm mal) w;"hrd Ilml h~ mir:h: be declu,l lor j""1 or,,, "O:~ M tlmt la' IIli!;hl nut he n. proud. He \l'fl.' " Jlnjor ill the Hc,·o]"l'on. ""y \\'Ilr.
    h.wl,,!: bcen Rd~ctcd to 110 j" H) Ih ,· 1':" lJl i~h Army nml report th,';r ~tl'clllJth to the \I'hil; ,.fl!c. li e II'nll:crl up .1nd ,jl)\\'u th~ EnJ;lh,h lille.' .",,1 .1 .lnitlc:r the ]llfm'lImliol1 l'c'II!I .. "~ . rdu!'ncd 10 hi <>WI! II .. m,.. The Imowhh(u II",~ ").1.1;",,11 w,,~ On" grenl r~II'<,· ... r the 'UCC~."i or th~ .\I~lcl'ientl ArlIw in til:)! IWld or rh .. ~lIunl ry. II " w,,~ cho~~tI "" wdl fllr hi~ n"'''n''r~ "wI 1"~'~mIJI:",ce [(I Ihe EURli..h :I." for h l~ II'...."~ I""l\"-!rr "w! fkill. ",IN Ab jo:' lI ollnnd wn .• '":II'dr,1 ,lllring Ihe \\·"r. he c:ll'l'icd 1I;~ brid" nl (Jnce inl" V;rl',"III :",d II"·,, lefl lI~r "'1:11",1 IIf P,~lritk I[~nrr (:""I'I'lIur or Vi"l:illi,,) IlIltil,h,' do.'" or tile "'''1". 1'il~ hrill"l trip wu~ tuken "n rne.: lIor.' ~' .'11<1 tho "lie 1I00cd loy Ille bri, hm):" '~r'"''''t with Hl elll (tid" ~C)·\'''"t, 'Oi""II: li" e,1 to he 0,",," IIIt,cty )"":\I':! all(1 iliell ill Ihe fnlllil;-), ,\fit'" th e W"r. MnJ",. 11011,,1111 ,,,dlt ",,,1 (,"'111-.1>"11 " I;IIL' hOll ·w. Tho 1""'_ 101' ou th~ ~"e",,,1 'lory WII . "("aCllerl b.v " 1>1'0:\11 "t.~ i,.". 1)) il "-','re l'ortrlLit~ (If )laj",. lJ(,lI n"d ,,,,,1 hi" 1I'''lJ'hte,', (" ,.". (lilli, "'111 hi' Ir iCII(I, ThOll"" ,krrcr~on_ I'll J~'illt,~l by Ih~ h~,t IIrli,'(.< ill l'hiI:Hldi"hl~, Th iK 1I0UiI(l lI'a~ thll th~,, !<',. of hcn\'Y trouble.•• Ju~t :Lt il~ oomlltel;u" M,,jor 1101111",1 wn~ 011 !he ro"r. hr~ foo! ~I1I,"p',1 :,,,,1 he fell 10 lhll \:1"<111".1, Ih~ ~c:trrol'ljll~ Ilrenk;"y' hj~ f~n. /Je .'e,·mc,1 IIf'",1 wh~u hi. "'ife re"dll:'] lIim; hnl ~he '1,,·teey W:H ILlnrkl'IIIJ.,· ",,'" nr", hei"l~ oIT nl ti,nt Ilbc~. Ah, IL(I.,' Ill(' N1ml,Io'li"" ;I!HI ("r. "Hling of the home "orne "p:,rk. f.-ll 011 the Inr roof . .1",1 the lIo" ~t· wa ' h"I"1,o,1 10 th e !~rnlU\<1. 'I'll" >C ," 'mll ', c.~r.']lt ,1 few. r,1n IQ n utherfo,.,!toll COl ' hdl" ,"\II tho .• ~ 1),,,1 Nma;n"" tln'i'w the mi,.rol",', pnil 'tia!{.< (11,,1 r\lrlllt"r~ oat M ,h c will_



    II"II~,,,I ~',,"I',1 h~r I""';''''I
    hi~ \'''lu"J,l~ IMIi,· r. ~",l;, ~"'''III, IInl, of It,,!,l which ~he car";e,1 ,,1011" 60 ", lWI \n lJt,t,.".\' it, "",,;rlll lIml it Ctlul~it",,1




    I I

    ,I I

    I •

    K01,]. This ~\r~iu w~~ ,,\ 1"~L thu c~u:.(' of hH .lentil. 'lJ ,,1.<0 Iho hn':Oie!llq: from Ihe r"l1 from the hOll c 11m calise of 110" (I,·"t h 0( the hu "bmul. f,[l\jOt'l!o]lnlld, who Ht th e tionc ", Ihe ']t-e w:, ~ II"''',' from hOllle ~'I profc~." i"":ol li\I .'in",,~ 10 1m "bsc ut scnml <1ny~ lon,:e,", bul '''' i ... ·~,;I,tiLlc im)1uj 'e "atl.'e ,1 him to conJe home 1",[ \<>0 !:tIc "" an w,u <.I"~troycd. li e I-eh"il l Ih~ ho",,,, 11)(011 t h e 01<1 ],rjc), " ,1110, nm! a{t cr_ warJ< "old il !L1I!i move,! hi' (1111111)' hI T~"" Cle"" wh "r~ lou ",,,I C"l,.nd (;m",1'l h, we~I:.1 hcf.;! wdl. he "ft~II 101'1"1:;1111' j;, ft < o r je"'~lr)'. ct~,. 1'1 them. II i· O\lJl 'h~ __ rl w,,~ of thc I,~.d ,tu" lil y. Io"t on lh' .1:11 of .Iul)" he "I.,.,,;... ,,'ore n comillete ~uil of home~I 'u", .. , ",\la jlJr Il oUnn,[ was not ,I mcnllicr of :In,\' Ch ul'i: h, Coulll "01 heli~n' in Ihe ~"'lu"lily of t he Go,I· II ~",1. CouN',lcr in" «hri,~ tlot Ililunl in pow~r "'itll the F"tlwT. ,,111I/)Ul; h he !optic,""l ill hi s ,H\'in~ orlgitl, ",\llljol' Bolland Iin,1 tor s~\'C I',,1 ytal'" Hftm' hi . r cmo\'nl (0 TcnlJ(··"ec, 1 1l~ nnnle w,, ~ ""CO I'U" fg,' COI1K'r~~~ . hut he w[" not d ected , lI is ~o ,'c I~)r Wn! " I:rcnt nmiction to him, nnd hi ~ death \\'n~ a[!dllu tc.l to ItA hchlll too "lHhl~n l.l' heal ed. When he ,li ed, "'''11)' c:un e ti, ,,~~ i ~! ~lr,'!. 11 011'''1
    hul ~hc refu."c,1 their ~,~~i'I'''''''lll",1 locke,l hcr~clr ,n \\"ilh two (II" Ihree of Ioc r m(k,l (";lhf,,] ~el"'llt"~ nml ]1erf(lrmed 1i!'. ""I{ Ihe ,.ad olri"e of ".".ohi"I: ~'Id ~hru"di,,): him. She ~nw "'·er.," h(lller and nW:nlion "told 10 hi . r"",,,ins mH) for two w/'I'h coulo! not sited " l~u ,' 'Hul hemin" "" "'~I"""lic kn""., t hat s he hnd to )~~"" to "'ulh ;\1I"i". ",\l r~ , ll o11 Itl,d, who ""\"~l' "l"'k~ c" il of "" )'011", "h id. 'Ci\';Iit." wn . e"c,..dmcr" of th e ("lnily ~)lQk" uf I,ein,: ~ ick 1'(1 tlml th~r fell "II11Q.! ,,~ if l.hc), hn" L''''''milt~d n W,'UIIj.;" if Illey w~r{> sick. :;h~ "illerI'! I with ~"joy me"l jlllo l he pl~,,~urf'.< or Ih" Y"'" lI'". ",,,I ~he prdN"",1 the w~,dtlw n,h", ......;'! of her 'Ie~entlam~ It> Ihe I'u',,-.;r. She .,-n,,, "ote,1 for her lille bu.'i,,~"~ m'nd. Sh" h'Hilll<' :olmu'l nU or Ih,' hom... . llIlit~ to n""'''g~, ~h" 111,1 n liltle ",",wi"" bnl had ",'cr.'"_ thi"ll' w~n Jle rfurm ...d b.,' tho"ll O\'er \\·hol1l ~"" I'Tt·... "I~d. H". Hldc~ hcr ho:.'I{'. d"iry. Jll>U h l")" ",,,I ~lo"k, f ll<" a\lcmlcd II) her fll r n., IWu.-el".<, em·JlI'lll",.,;. ~ h""mllkcl'~, 1<",1 l>ll :\",J collu n. She , Il"c,~ , cd wd l ""11 ill hel' lallel' d")'5 "Iwnys worc Linck ", Ik w'lh whil e ", ll J. lin 01' in c\' ~I'''\\'l 0\'\," i\. 1"'''';'' 11 on l.I' whilc r"ld~ ","ih le in ("Ollt. She ",m',' la cu C~I>" with flll1 cd bOI"fICl'", Th e Taht Iwo )"\,:11\' of h~l" life wur" d,,".loxl hy i1 111 ''''~, "csllUi n)( f,.om l~"" ()f m~mt>r.l' whiel' c,",~cd her 10 nClrl~Cl the 118unl con. """1 l'rc":,,"li()llS which ~ h,' hlld IIlwII.I'1I lI S1:!(I far Ihe (liNe~"" cml!"" by lifl'''!; the heu,·." (r " u k 111"11)' Y"~"" I,era...,. The "('Il lcel uf l itis (li""" ' e "',,' nil ~x"""~~i\'c intlnmm"tioll On her "r'tI~ ns well " 8 cntir~ nh~c nrc or IIU ~ il1e:<;i cn rC5 "JTl'i:t~,1 h"r mi".1. She Ih




    F rom Ihe m:tIl,,~ri l 'l mentioned abo,'C i .• ulracl ed the ,\, ..,(:\,,,,1:11115 of .I :om~s Ilolb",I II ,,,1 h;~ wi(e. S,m , h ( (; ;nwr l)

    ""11;'11<1 : "J. '1')wIIil's lI "rrlson J rollall,1: d le, t UII 1»" rried . 81 \ld ied medici '''' n" " I ~,. the grea t ' I)o~l(or n",,!!' ; W',ii n U "ilo.'ll Sl n\e.~ Slm:ron ; di c.t <.of yd lo\\" fC I-cr in :-'cw Orbm_. 1.""'"i:lIl:O. i'ill'i ng ma,le a dj"ti n:':lli ~h e(1 !'(' put illion fu r h i.1 ' Ilccrs" ful l ,'(,,, t"' ~ tl t or thaI dl ,,,,, "c. l:\ i,-k mOn Wer .. h '"oll!:h t a mi w" r~ 1;-;1\1\ at h i" ( 1>r . IIolland:.1 thnl limf'. " II . ~ amc~ lIon'l11~ l11~rr:el! \\';";(re


    T~nnc:woo ).



    ".Iohll Ila r l""r Itiwr.• "lid S..."h M )'rn n;"er~ had : "( I) Gy " , lo i;' \\" ho ",n rric,1 Ilcllj,un i n ~'rm'kl ill C:Lrt~r. " (~) Willi",,, who m:or";",1 ,hllill 1' I(1I1 I'1'(ly . "I ~) M ary I\" bo m,,,.,.ied. r.r~t. G ~o rlle ,\. S)"k~" , ",,,I ~cc,,,,, I. Ill". Wil lia m Il nLte. "h. Hobe ,· ' ,,"11o m" r ,.j"d S",." h I·: li •. fl h~ th Cllrtcl', " i ~tcr of )1 "" j"lII il1 F . Cnrt ~ ]· aho\" e, Tb ey h ~ , I :

    "(I) l ue~ who rtI" ... ied 1:/)". Ceor!:c II IIUI, '"l t:piHCOlm. lilln ~ l i " i~ler. ··(2) Cynlhia; rtI~l"ricd Fcli~ Smi t h. "( a) '1",,,"00; married E li.al.oclh ~lul'l'cll "1111 hml <)1m ""H, CliftOll , w lm OWllo,1 ' Cr~"cellt View: Gil e~ County, Tenlle5"~

    "(.1) F ra nk ; ( 5) [(01)<,01"\; ( G) It ol lu " ,!,

    "C. Tyree. " IV . S ur~ h ~1 .'",.,, ; Ii1llrr iefi her ~"u J ill . DOCIO I' ,J~ "ky

    I'd nee. Sll~ lI'us 1he (laughl(',· with olle ,,,",no S he d i ~d wil h. ollt,chil,lre)1. 011 1I0COlln( or th el,. rcimiouJ hil', '\illj,,n' J "'" M 1l(l1l;lIl1i 01'1'''''011 (hi s IInioll ro,' "e"o l''', )'Cl1 r~, but II! (hoy wcr" . till OOmil'"1! he [:11\'" hi.. eOIl~enl. " V. SlIphi" Snlinn, who ""u' d ,,1 ~ I "jor Ha o·,lin I'erkin~ mul hnd: " "'. AIIKu~tu~.

    "b. I.... lli"'~ ; married \l'iIIi,,,,, Cuo::hl"HlC, ~l III\\"yer. ~nd

    1,,", :

    "( I) Sol,h,,, 11011" ,,"; "'Mri ..,,1 J'IIi1ip A. F ill ,., ~II Epi". co!,all:", dcrgrmatl, ,,,"11110;" chi)(lrPti III"\:; WilHam. Sophia, I'hllip. "(2) II n"lin Perlli,,", married Hlltti u Enrlc. " (;J) Loui'll l1cll ri e\ta: nH"'I'i~d Tb"il)M ,I . Pe r ki,,". ,Ir. "(.I ) I\'illimll Gill""'l: "'''''r;~,l 1.11)" 'I",,;,lor a nd hall;

    .101111 l'~ylor, Lou"", ClnuoJi " ." 1I:11'.1L11 1'''1'1(;,,",'' Thi a i~ th~ end of lhu "'Ita (liken fr("Otil llin ~l"nH ~cripl, Insc dl,(io" 3 tahH frOm the 101111,,;(0" "5 ;n the 1I0]"u,,' Cemel"r)' nbnHt nine mill'S 0:1$\ or Coli""!..;,,, Teo1llc~"ee : M,\ J OI~

    JM.u:S IIQI.I.A)oI[) Thi" in
    "S"cr~d tQ the memor)" of J'''H e' lIolillml, ~Oll of ltlnjor J"'nc~ lI olln",!. horn Ihe 1st of F~br"l\ r)'. 1800, "',,' rlepnrled thl .• lifc the 81h of ,l Hly , 183G." WIl.I.1 ,Ht

    Hl.ou~n 1I0t.r. ,\~1l

    "I n mcmor.... or \\"illinm I.llmmt lIo\lnnd, "~"II l'ubrlUu'," :!:l, 1 7~O, ami d ied ,Jn llu l G, 18 10. 1I ~ eII J~,\'e



    (}I I'''J'~. C""!~r





    f 'mni/ic. \ ·11

    l. au , S,\ lIOl.I .M.:!J

    "' n mtmory of ~I " I'Y All" 1.0"'"" 1I 001ialld, d:"'lI illcr of J am,·s 11011:11"1. L:orn 12 ~I"rcll. 180:1; ,I i~,' ill J uly. IIU S. ill Ih~ ';);\"""111 Y':':1r of her IIge:'


    (" ,I:-;l ,j(; E II Ol.L.I:;n

    "111 menlory uf t:llulil"ll l 'olill lU;' wife (jf

    tn,,,,. allel,hew of ~ll\jor J "m.." 1I0n""II. lit"

    '\ III:II~t.

    181 7. ill the


    Jlio\\~ Ch ri~ti n "

    Ii,"ed ml
    !MltAl I


    II !)!·

    S he .ieparted this y~ar of hfT nl:('. She

    "r th e

    M ~ \lwdibl


    G[I ,II ~: IlT

    " I" rtl CmMy "r S:H':,h Ciloc,'I , ,"olli e,'.jl,-lnw o( ~1 "j'>r .Imne.1 11 011""" . who 'lcp"I'I ~!l this life Ih(: Iwe'Il )"·tl,.., of [)~emher. 1 8~:!. nflcr :.. , nCli,'C "",I ilhlu~tI"ioll' life o f g:; yl'!lf••

    )(I':n N S.INPFC)Hl t HQ!. I.,\:-ll)



    Holl~I"l , infant t1""t:ht er i:tlrn the 2,Uh or Man-h. life on t ilt 10t h or I\llr il. 18:J5, nf(1'<1

    of I': ern Smul("rd

    or .fanlCl< ",,,] W inifred Uolbnd,


    1 I.

    ,t ,

    183;;, ,,"<1

    <1~ I~tr:ed thi~

    on" week,

    ~ i);

    (by,. : '

    0,\\'1.1:,,9 f.,\I~ I , \'l!lN CI: "I n me"'",I'," of B,,)'le.,~ I"wll'ri "c~. w hu
    I.ine or 1 ~.lCCnl : II'mill'n' 11 011:011<1 ,rnU'r ic<1 Mar." lI arll~on IIlld Illul ,latnl'~' Hol lan'\ wh", m:1<'I'i"iI Sara h' GllIH'rt il"d hu<1". CI,,1 hnd Snr:rh Mrl'l\' 1l0d O!!! "'ho 11I:'!rriell Joh n lI '1rl'.er ' l:i"era

    '''Id ),:,,1 Cyntl,la [Iol lm,,! ' Iii" " ,," who "'m'ri,,
    GIl' (:n:w; : I.onl Thom~ . I("nrlley (I>orn ci rcn _ : tiled A1>\:1I11. 17Go1) "."" '''' I rl~h Lord ,,,,d ~ lni ll'r" t c(1 10 " orlh Cn.-olinn eir<'n 1700 from f'lI ockony,bf<.l , ·ri ppcr"r)" , ami re~h,",' in :-I ol'lh enrol"", fronl 17:1\ 10 17(;·1 wh en he 'ticd in lIali f;LX CO" ,,!)". Hi" til lo , i~ IlI'u"cd loy hi s will, whi oh i~ I'l'

    h~"I, dc ,"

    ,III'( 2)1 8!i : Wha t i~ the l'cblln n ~hip (If Edmo ",\ Ke,1r_ of !! mnl,!on , Vi rginin, to M ichne! I(ear ner Hl,d 10 Th o,"~.< I ,<':(rn~r? The kno,,"!! fnets IlM: E(hnol1ll :nul )Iic h"cl "ere ooth in II~ m l'tro". Virginifl lOCI "'~II 1712_1719 ( e l: NC 2 11'.122. ,12,,; .1 7GG,890). Hollo ~c~it'~,llmtent ~ in 1717 nlld 172 1 (cn~c 2, ·12;; ), ,I Michncl nIl EdllH>nd of Virj:'l"i", hrol her~ mHI mcuhll" t ~. r~g iHt~re'l l!Owcr of 111_ 1<Jl'llcJ' ill Chownn COll llly. :O:orlh C:.. OI ;,,", T homns, I)f (:hl)"''''', mnrried S~l'nh ,\I~\{Jll, .1:lIIlj'h\tr I)C Joh" AI,IQ", Th", ,,,,,! '-"1(1 Edm""d ),,,,1 m!joi",!!JI' ll1nd ~ ;" Edr:ecombi> 1;01l1ll,\', !{ort h Ca rolinn, alul Thumn~ b"d n ~QlL, EdlllO",l , NCll &G I: ~I I'1~1 ; )!ichlLi"1 1( ~:",,' "Y ilL I'ro";11ce of Nor! b Cn ,'"li" ", 1720, KC II .u :n 2, ::7n: Il'iIl of Il r.njnm in IIIL ",Ii " ", 1';<1"( 001)1 he C(>II Hty , lJ~<"ml><". 10, 173S--1"cll1'llnr)' CQH"t 17:18/ 9: Lcga_ l' ~_', "1':,lmoll<1 I( ca m e)' ( !Iron of 1'h omu~ II lId S" rllll) ; T hom, II" I(,·"rne:.: S"l'"h Kearne;', ",If~ of Thllmn": E1i l:,hel h AI.;lolI, wlfc or John. " 1'homl'~ I(f" rne." , EXC<:lItor, (i\\' (2):\,17 : Surah A I' ton IIIft r. I,...1 T h(ln1ns KeA rn"y Ci...,A 17:1{], fi",\',


    CI: NC -I 62~: Thonlns Kc~ rn\')'.-IOO IIcre~, lIcrl ic (:oun , t),.:!1 ~l nITh, 17,1:>, (;t:l\'C '\ 'GIG: 'rhomll~ l( e~ rll~)', :100 ;Icrc~, ~;(Igecomoo County, 5 :11:1),. [7-1 2, el:xe ,I, (;I :! : T110 llln~ K enr "~y, 1,10 "cr~,' , Edllec",nbe eVlln tr , ;; MIL )', 17,12,

    C!t:-lC '1; 7G l ! 'l 'h01T''' " 1( ~""'l\o)', 200 " en," , 1':dllccom\J c Cou nt y , 0 April, 17,15,



    I CI:r-;C 4, 7(;6:


    h:i.':J.r lltr, :100



    County. II AI,ri!. 1I.1r>. (; 1::>:(;

    .1;:117: Thonllls


    Shcrirr. E,I!(eoom\>e

    Co""ly. 17:19.

    CliN G '1 / G~G: 'J'homa" I\ cnrn~r. E,lgrcombc Co" nty. e"" nci. nt r·: d~lllon. 1[, March. 1• .1:1. llro\'+.'.' right 10 tak~ "1' I~lld . l G hlnel: )",r;o,,~. CHNG ,1/ l :J.I· l:W: Tll om n' I (~"),"c'r ~il(l1~ "The Humble ,,<1<1n'.'s or t he Gra'lIl Jur,l' fOl" th e whOle l'''u\'ln~c of North G:m,Huil," now met ut Ed ~m oll . ' \Iwil I. n:!1. (Il~ \'.'a~ r"O'l! Chow"" COI",t)' nt Ihn\. time. ) SC\'CIltC~llt" Cenlury ~!ul Jr.lo of \\' ,>;ht Cu" \';ro:ill;


    'I II


    J)"I:C au7: TllfIIJI!ls Ik:lrnc.\' :;old lmlll 011 Peach Tree Greek. fI"li(,,~

    COUtu)". Nor lh C:'rolirm. M,,)' 10. 17.1':!. '['he AI.,tous "tid A!lMO!l5 or North nnd South Cn ro1i n:t lor (:" :I"C' , 1m),,, .1 9 1: 'fhoma .• I,e~rncy nlarriCII Snr:lh AI ~I()n (hor n ~ir":1 - - ; died ei ren I':OS) "bouL 17!ro~12. lie Ili.11 in ,\nlluq. li61. ",,,I hi .• will W:I.' d"lell the >:!Ine n:olllh (AI'lon .• ~nd AII>lon .•• cl e .• poge .J:Y.!. :lnd Ah.itr:lcl of WilL" :-I onh enrolina. h.\" nrimc.< , ll:~.!";r.(o. ""ge \ ·1L ). In hi ~ will h e mcntioll s S:~I'Bh, h!~ wir~. ~((ol c!lildrcn. (,; ,1_ momi :I" d I'hllip. Th e ,\I "tnl\ ~ and A11 .110111O of NOI'!h ml(] Soul h C"roIiIlB . pall" .I!):!; 'fh c I1r,' pllblio r eco rd of 'I'j,,,,,,,, " I( cHII O)' wa~ Il ~ " I: I'ami j urO}r ill Uhow:I" COU rlt)', ,\pdl I. )7 :11, nt Iht! ~"l1Ic time no' Henry GlI"!;". h, .l ll"~ he \\'" . ,11I "lice of t he Pc'ace (0" hi , co""t;· m,d thcn ,nu.]" the tit~t ~ her ilr. "I the 'lIIne lime .1 S .John I)n,,-_on. ( 1"loi" i~ ,,100 in Ihe H is!or.,· d 1-;,1!:ec:orl,bc eo",,!;-. i':orlh Unroll"". IliIlle.' I, 17, .11. ) In Allri!. 17·1';. 1«, "ht"in~"1 " I~Ile"l (lr 1",n1 irl E.lllccomoo ('nuntr. In '\I.ril. 17r.:!. he WnM" memher lOf the As<embly

    :11](1 ill 17,, 1 WlU on "

    tDlll m i.~i""


    ~~" mine



    pul,lie "crOll n L... ( .... 1. 0 in UIINe '1. I !.~.I lind 1">/ ;;:;.) AI/St rnet ..,r WilI _. Norlh Corolillll, Ifl (lO.]iGO. ]I"ge~ ~GO, 2BO ; Thon'"~ K~:orlley ~jKlls ,, ~ IkplIl.,· Clerk Df lh~ CDur t , 1-:,I)(I'"olllb" COll nly . N,... lh Cnl·ol;n". 17:t:>·: W. "no! a~ Cl~ I'II, 17:)G. Cll:-lC :1/2a~ ; Tlwl11;1H ](QurllO," cl,,;rw' ,~(; (ot' 10

    ,, •


    I rl


    cn~C:l :l l~ : Amwe "',,;m nUowul M'I)' (,!l~C;;, ·:17: Thom.'~ l\l'IIrn,·)·. J u. t lc~

    II;, 17:11. o( the I'c;",<:f'.

    li,·rli.. C...",ty, H. Mil)', 1732. Cri, ....... A b!lrnd or WHIR, 1~9D.1100, Inliia 110: Thoma _

    !,en rner, J)('IH1tr Glcrk of Ill" Court. 17:te. I'nge 2.16: DcI" Ill y Cj~J"~, 17:1(;. 1'''1:'' 2(;0: CI~tk nf Ihe Court. lnG-:t7. Pu\:!! :!~n : IJIl!rk of l h~ Cnllrl, 11:::;.:14';; un In E,lg~.,..mlle ("011111.'" NOlth C~,"Olilln . l'nlCc :1D!>: ThoPiu l'; c:l rll~Y, E". ","II tCl" or" will. F..Igc<:n",be ("OUIII)', rJ('<,:c", b~r 10. 1.:15 , SH,1h l,em'IIc), (oIIC I)f the 1'·J:alc .. ~. ,\ hollins .11,,1 ,I n.,«,".,. El c. , 1'~1I~ '1!1 ~; Thom" ~ nml Sumh I.p,w",'}' loa,1; :!. !-:,tnlUnd; h. I'h illl) who lo1 11 rrlcd t;lizahc~h l(lIO(hclI. ol;\~ ... hlCl" or Wlllinzl1 Ki'lehclI an,\ .ll nr~' ( Ilnll'.101l) 1(ln... h,·n. AIl,1 on 1"'£~ I!lI: l 'lIlUp \{e.rn«y "",rriNl No. "~,,,t...·r ;W. 1'6:!. 10 ~,UZll""l h Kindall: died Oc:lnboof 2lI, 17!11. 11'i11 pr"blued !\o"~lI\bl'r, 1 7~ 1 . (ArtI'T hi s
    wlrlow rnnrri~,1 .lolli' .I,,"e~.) Thdr Mlh d,ild, S.,rnh.oorn Moreh ~ I . 177·1. 1IIn,'r;l'd "n ,ll'rH ::0. J7~Il, 10 1:"1 . .Iohn 1,ln·!.",},. IS!'t· I\ inch"" lin,) 1.ln,I II)· Fmnm... q ell' (!!):: 17: Thor"~~ I\ p:I ,n cy hn d 1<.',.,,; I'hilil' (born In:l: 1. 1 '9~). who marrirtl 1'0"~Plher ::0, l iC'), l'li,."hclh l\inch"n. (1;"'Chl~" nf Willi,,", ;",01 f-bTl' Unw~ol l )({I) Chell. ('rh e fHther of Mo r.l· I)"""o n. wif,! "f 1\"JIlII'1II I( inclu-n, wn' I h ~ I h>lloru h)., .1 0111\ lJ B"'~!li I. of Norl II (·..,... l\r",. men,lJL:r n rnh R",ITI.ry ,nnrTied Nnl'cn,bt-r I". l'i"IG. Itel', J ohn lJml."y. F""fnte<:nlh Cl'lIl u.y nlld 1 "1~ or Irillhl COllnl)·. r~~It" :1:,7: 'I'hnrM~ l\tI1rn.:y n",dc n dC'l'd 10 hi. rnlh"._in_!n\\'. lI'jllin", 1l,,""eU. in f~ocomlM! (;(m il l)'. ~



    •: Smne. F~~lt
    SC"'mln'lIth Cerlt", ), 11"'\ Isle (If lI'i!!ht C OHil l)", 1~1HC J.l7: ·'Mr. 1;c,,!'rwy [,,,ne 'mIl de~ ir" d tlmt we .~huII1.1 not " ."'nnll "',", '~",on,1 Cou nt.,·: " l'o~t nolJer 21. 1671. Thi ~ "':II ~ Mnj. Il:lrnabr !;"',rlle)", lale r " memb<:r or the lIoll Ae of ! : "r):c~"<'" Time: ,Iurin$: B" w l1'~ a ehel ];oll. T h~ r~latit""hil' of ll11rllllby, E ,\mOIl(I, Michne l mHI Ti>om:u I'ear",·,.. hn~ 11<1:. b""l1 L"'t"h1i ~ h<:t1. T he In tte r (hr~'t' ll",ncd "''')' hn"c L"Cllbroth "f" 11",1 ,.I I the "OHMof th e r,,'xl . N"rlh "n,1 South (:"tol l"l1 Ma rri"!;\.' Dbtlll", pailI.' I:;;;: Philip mid 1<:1I7.',II<.-I h ]{;,,,;hCII, 30 r;'M"Cm\ioer. 17G3, Hnlir"x CO''''!;'.





    Line ot'


    IIIm'ric,] S~I"Hh ' ,\]HIQ" Hm\]m\l Phili p' He:, rIl C." w!i" 1I1I""'jed 1,~li wbeth' "inche ll ""d

    Lo r.l1'hom,,~' K('~rrl~.\·




    who "",r,.led He\".. 101",· l,inM"y


    hnd Eli?~1h"th" I ,illd",~)'

    who married



    Cart ~ r

    mHI 11",1 Hcuj"mill F: C:"'lcl" who married C)'n l hia !lolland' Hlw,.,. n"d hnd ~1 .\'r:l Bel lc' Cad",. who lIIa'Ti ed Gu~t:l""" ,\ ! I'oII C.

    eS"" I'(lP~ Un".)

    J(IN CII EN ::e"~nteent II

    I~A;\I I]'Y

    Cent lOr)" nu(1 Me or Wig ht County. \' i rl:inin,


    :!:I(I. ~'lId 7\\'( I ):!(;8 ; Will lam ]{ illchen WM rc~hl;))g in the l ~to of \\"1,,111 Cnnlll." '-'cforc 17110. ][~ Wn " " membe r

    of til", ,·c.,: r}" of Ihe 01,1 Bdrk Chur~ h (etalnu~d t(l he the (lIM"l ElI gli~ h Chl1rch in ,\lIlcr iclI) ne:lT $mHhlleh! from 1724 to his ,I enl h. SC\'clIl~nlh Century. Etc., p:!j:C 16'; WiUlnm Kinchen ~ig,w nd , I,.~~ •• ," torud i'l th e mi liti". to Queen ;\IIH ~ i'l 1702. I'rnl e.till g I~)":o lt y .

    ,, I


    , 1\C;II&.GH 2/ 308 , ~ir. W. Willi"", "",chen ",;l~ one of lhe Church \\'ard~lll! of 1 ~le or \\"I/ht County. \" 'TI:,,,Ia, J uly 1:1. 172 l.

    Calc."I". of Vir!:'n; " SUlie I'"peri, 1/ 201 : William l'i". 11.< tcd!O! \\':mlc" from \,,·~t rl' BoKIi! of the VI' PI.'r Par_ i.nw~ Kinch"n, Gent. lic'·cnlCO'nlh CCllt " r..-, Etc.. 1'!If(C 2:10: :1,1\,21)1: CI: NC :1 :!:!.~ ! Wininm Kinchen, Sher;rr, 1.le of lI'if(hl COllnty, dl ~"

    Vil'Ci lllll. 17:1.:1 (al'l'"il1to\",.,.i"iI P.l ir.ahcth l:ntTil1 . d''''l!"htcr or [("hert HutTin or S"'"'y r"'II,ty . Vir1:lnin. He ",,,de hi. will A" I( ~ "l 1:1. 1"13 1. HII,I it ],ro_ hat ed .1"ly :!B, 17::.;. They 111«1: ~I "t\he,,". died UllItiarriNI "00"\ 1137; \ \·,IIi",,,, "''''ricd EUZAooth O.,wson, ,Iaught",· or (;oloncl J o]", lJ"wMln "n.1 his wire. whu \\"n~ fUrrn<-rly ~Ir~_ Jo:li._,hclh (Thol""-1) Ito, "'i<-, widuw of J ohn lk"lt!ie. (Thi s ,101", 11o,I11\·0 murried I': lilnllclh . i!vnght cr


    or Th Oll"'" .r o)"ller. rillll"~.)

    (,\I ~


    Ch"l'nmn · ~

    li' le or Wight Mi"··

    , I

    Ab. tra ct of Will~. !\orth Cnro1irln, lG~·17GQ, am1 Will " "",I ,ldmilli.' h'nti ou" lHle or Inl:hl COII"ly, VirICinla, 11.1l(n , '; : WilHnm r,inch~n; wife. I':ll,.al.oct h; 'lOllS, ~I;,tthc\\' 111111 Willialll: J.(I'Rllfll'on, William, Dl e,] '\l1l(lI::t 1:1. 17:H. li t . cor,It~1 Jul:.' 25. I,!\;;, ~1"]'I'i;'J.(e,', I~le of 1\'i~11l COUllt}', \,irKin;H , IG2S-1SQQ, I'n!:e !lO: ,J ~'cph J"n~~ ""d Eli~~llIelh l\inchen , ~ i5tcr of Wi]. lin'" !>;nchell, 17~G. \\'il1 I;ook 3, l'~ge -13; \~'i1I 11001; '1. !,alre I I:!.

    1;;.n1(:, I~~)~C :!:!: ,J "m~~ roodw;" dlurl1hl c]' of \\, ilHUln Killche", 173,1. Sam e', I_nl'~ 28 : Ti",mM Jarrell <J:,UIt!ltCl' of Will;"m I::i,,~h e ll. ]':!,1.

    Will S"""h l\illchell. Will Book ,I , 1''').(0 ,2. IIntl MlIr!"" l{in~Ir~", Will !look -I, 1~'1: ...1 12

    and 113,




    S~mc. l'a~!' &0: Eth el,.~d Tn,.lror :w.ll';'tiellce l\inclien. dUllghlc,' of lI'ill;lIm l'i'lchcn. 1 7::~, wm J:ook ,1, r>"f::~ n, ,\ h~l L';,d of Wi 11 <. NIo\'~mLel' ~j, 17;:fj _~O\'e!t\hc r Co"rl. 1 7~W, Dnughlcr~, ~ b r. Ii,:•. E1i7.llhclll. Mar)', 'rcnll,C!'nncc : SO" " J ~hn, \\'illinlll. \ 11.1\'0 not hlellliti,·d thi~ Willi'!n! I\inche." 11 0 I1m,l' h~\'c be" " Ihe o,,~ IllClIlio",,'] in Ihe mHrrl~J(es jlls t ;, b",'c, 110 c(lI1M "tit ],,"'c !'''e '' ci t he" ()f th~ ot her II'iIli ,,", Kl uchcn ". a~ Witli",n ' died 17:11 ,,,,,I \l'ilIimn' ,licd ,'lUH,) \\'ilh :md ,\, lm i"i.. tr;Ilion.. 1 ~lc of Wif::hl Co" nt)'. Il ook 2, tmj:c ;\:!: JOJIct,h J"",,~, wiC~. EIi ~~hc1 h, brothcr·i". bll', Willinm I(lnche". Ionh C~ro1il"' •• lIIlI mOl'cd to 1':Lllff.e unlb~ Coltnt}', li e rCI)rcBe nlrd thi~ counly in the t.:c ncr:r1 '\ ",,~ mbl}' o( 17(;,1 ,,,,,1 17,'i~ I\\\d di ed in 1758.


    ( VOl" hid will. l«)C , \ 1~lon .• "IHI AIL~lonH. 1~~I:e ;;21.) William "n,II·:lilnt...lh (I>a",>on) Kineh"n hml: ". \rimmn: b. J oh n: t .•' !:,rth:!: d. Eliznj,Clh II'ho m:! rr ied I'hili I' i'r:!rl1~Y. ( For hi! ,le.;cmld"llt~ ~ Alilton 1Ji~lory. 1J.111C .j!}.l. :!!HI I,""rne)" "lImil)".) ,\I.,ton3 IIml ,\ 11,;10"". J·:lc .. PI'!l"~ '1 ~2, Philip Ke;; .. n"y rnnl"l"l~d E l i "a~t h !(i"clren. d"rr l~h ICl" or I\'i lll",,, KilldlCn. J,. .. who mnrried ~lm·.I' lJaw"oll. Snme. !>n1:"~ 'In·): Philil) !C~n 1·l\c.l". Who nlln'd ed IO:l izn \lel1l I'hl ch ~" . ,li ed O"lOk,' 23, 17D.1. (1'1 ~n~e ''''I e Ih nl jt!51 n\ln"o the te~t "IY~ thnt WiIIil\", 1\llIchcll mnl"ri ed Elizllb~th I)"w ooll "nd thal he married ~l m")" Ihw~o". ll owe\"cr. in Ihe J)"W3t>" ,""cord il "'}'., thaI he mnl"ricd M""(I, or wnr.l<'. ~h~ ""ntd been mImed hoth "wi l';liznbcth,) !)e\'clltccnth Cent UT)" "lid Me or U'iRh t Count)·, VitRi n;;' . pallt! 52',: I'...,."m ber I I. 17:15. lJarnab)" T holllH3 rder.l 10 John Oa'nOIl ,,~ hi~ brMhcl",ill,inw. I·'roll' Ihi~, il i~ cd_ dCn~ lI~~t h~ m"'Ti~d ~la TJ" . ... i~ICt of \!nnmloy Hnd I' hili l' '1'100111:1$ ( .• cc 1'holll~s l'nmily), who bore him ohihll"en : l>. Mll r.,·. who mnrricd Wliliam [Oneilen. .1r, II~ ( Wmi~m' 1{ln,hc") \\"~~ II memb",' or t he Gell om l '\ 3~e llll)l )" lit l'c w Ilcr nc. Occcmbc" , 171;~ lLI1d 17G8. TIr ~il" ohil,Ir'"1I we re : Mal'l ha. 1·~li Zll ),cl h. ~Inl")'. 'l'cItlPcra ll



    Ili st "" y of r;d!:ccolllb~ Ccu nt)'. Xorth GlIl"olin" . llU!:"

    ~a-r : III 175·1, Wlllimn '\' illill1n~ ami II'JIlin", "inchen, .It..

    U el"~~ent"li\'e~ from Ed&l'Comt..., int rodu"cd " bill in thc A fI!'~mbb' ;nlthor;zi'IR Ihe nl'IOO; IIlmerlt M 1\ " e~t ry [or E'[ge,

    ( omlH-, Se\'enlCf!n th Centl'r)", Et c., lo:Ige 708 : WilIi"m " ,"" hen nnd J Ohn I>n,,",;oll, JII~li(c' cr t he Pelle'i!, Rertie Coun.,.. l\orth C:uol iIHl. 17:19. CI:NC r./ 2:l:l : I\'ilIimn Kinchell ~lt~ tc(1 n'tllll,,",r cr the Gellernl '\""Nllbl)" from f:dl-:"t



    1 •

    CI:I\C ,!, J'!U : Wil1inm J(jnch~'I, ,Iu.ticc of lI.:rllo Connty, ~lnrch G, \7:19. C Itl'iC

    2~/21 0 :

    th~ I'~ac e


    Will iam Kinchen apllO inl cd Vt .• \rynI:Ul

    for the :.farll""C.11 1'nrish (If Ikrlic C(lunly. 1,27. (;1:1\'(; :!5/2B~: 1\11 \:,~ !ll Q"je~ 10 be paid 10 . . . )lI'.



    ! I II



    COlln ti<,~

    (:'''11\'ill<,. 175·1. 1I t.<\ory of

    E dl:f~ollll>


    COlLnlr. I\"(.rtll C,,,'o \,,,,, ,

    1~ lgc


    WilHum I,inch"," , b,,1'Ii lWO. died 1757·58. lie married )Olilry J)a wHlIl. The)' h,,,I: El i~"bcl h i;:int hen. oorn 11·1 ... died 17!!!!. nu,rri c(l l · h!1illl' e"rl1 ~Y. They h,,'l: Sal'ull. 1>""" March:!. 17.\.1. . Iied l),-",<,n.I,e,· Jr.. 18 10. who umrricI[./olin 1,;",I "ay find ha ,! Eliz"belh I(inche,' LilL,I"".". w ho ,l1IL r l'ip;i 1)0", Jlenjumln CHlcr. Sc\'C ulc clith Cenl!lr)'. Etc .. I,"g" 52 1 .;;~a : Willinm l~ill· then. J ,':~ Will dntt'<] G :\'o\"emller. l i58. Ah ~t rn ct. of Will ". Nod II C"ml ilia. 17CO·ISOO. 1'''j.(C J Of' : William j(inellcn : S.~,.ah "",I Mnlthcw. ,\ h,!rncl of Will.' . North enrolina, IGnO·17GO. 11a)(~ 20:1 : Willimn I",,"hell. Etlg~",1Jc County . ,,·iII ~x~'C" ted 1\0\"0:"" ber C. nr.s. ~! cnlion.\ .· on. WilIiH!lI. 0" 0 of the l'~ec "tors w:,~ H ~nr)' Ih wtiOn. m,othcr "'a~ John Kinchen (Moll ). Sa me. I'~gu llG: Will •.101111 I(i ndwn. 17~):J. ~I c nlioll ~ lI enry M. (ROn) '111d i'egIl Y, ~1aughlcr. Wife 1101 nn mc'l, This wn . jn F,.,,,,ltlin County. H btod ~nl S1:cl~hc. of N"rlh CHoli n:. h.,· Whteler. 1 ·7~: a~ mcmuc,· of rrod~ !fl!w\ CO" I:'W~ for thc whole Slllte-from lIalifa1< m ... lticl. OrtlnllC C"Ullly. 911b. >c~! "cnt 10 the J) cd.1,·ntiOIl M )I cc ~ lcllbul'r., ~O j\] ny. 177(; . Sam('-, I~'):C 7G: S«on,1 Sc~"l tl" or Cou ncil toll\'ewbcrnc. 28 I'cllrlmry. 177G. !>i"che" ",,
    .John l(jneh en


    o f Edm-'<:otnhc. I\orthnmp(o:.u.


    ,,,, i

    I !


    t! "


    , I

    l!r~~S, 'I April. 1776.

    (I!tre 1" a pr"hnl.>le o;o.:l'llL lI nt iol1 oi the text aboyc w h ioh ~a ,. " that Wi!linm' lOnchell 1l1Hr,.jed Eli,ah"th . Or ~lBrY . Dnw"oll, oIml!lht c l" of Col[)nel Joh n D"W .oll . "l'he la tt er h:,,\ a "Oll, .foh n. who pro",,"I ;' mar_ ried "11[\ had " d""Khtcr. Eli;mlJcth who marr ied J,,!w I,in_ chc tl.) Note : .fohn I'::i nche n w~ .• not a di rect Bl\!l()stOl" of th e ,!Ullom'. hut t he notes Him,,! him arB n'conl"d ill ord~r It) ~ho\\" t.he Jlrnll1i)lCllC~ oi t ho (amil". Ah,t r:tel. uf I\' i \l~ , 1\0>'1 h C~"oli)"" 1G90_17(;0. pnge 20:: : l\'iIlinm ' I, inchen, Edl~CC


    !Gil' ( I ) 1:18: The fol lowi n!r gh'i nil" I he 11a1"C)\1 age oi IlC\', ]):1";,1 U nd sfl )" will 1m 1"011 nd il< the SmIth Leith Church re<;o,. d~ nt t li" 1\cgietfr lI o ll ~e (lun ~ .IG20) . Scotin",!. ,Ie_ rome (0,. lIieromc) Li nd,,,)" "",1 ~lnrgar~1 Cul \"il1 u. their' in innt. WII h:l]1U'lCd II" "j,!. 2nd .1n nUHr.'". I GO:!. lVit !l "~sc., :


    I. 1l:t\,;.1 I ,,'nd"'~r Qj E,lseli. lit.: :!. Ge(lrJ:"- I: ,.""",), "f 1)01_ !oou.lir. Sir Hi~l'ome (or .I ~fOIOC ) 1.llttl ~~y of th~ Moun\. l G\\' (I )I;lti: He\', 1),,,,;.1 l.i u, I:<.~)· . Iied in J\'orlln, ml,er· btul (County ) in 1(;1>7 "ill )'e G;:rd rea r of his :11;"-:' 'rhi~ "'Otlld mnkc hL, h i,.th y",,!" IGOL f,lt·I:l: G ive .• coat of 'II' ",", Li nd "a," of NOI'thllmhe l'ialld. IGW (I) I:lG : ,\ hur;lIllIro",,<1 "':OM (ou,,,1 III nil io;oiatcil gron' (If In-e~, nnd onu ~Ionc 1>0. .. t h l~ i"~. r il'ti(>H. " II <:re lrNh int"r~(1 )'j! bo,l), "r T II:!l lI oly ,,,,,I Hc"erllill I )i\·in~. ~I r. David LiIlIINlY. M~ ~1il\i~tcr of Y~ocunljCll (Nnl'llillnt. b': l'llLlld (;0.111 1." ), bO l'" ill th o k i"!l'dom of ~collnml. yc IiTol nlLd I;un'ul ~n ll or' rc It' ll"nom1.o1" SiL' lI ieromc Lilul,,,,\". '" of),e MOil ,," l.or'I . I ,"'·onl\.i"g·:It·'\ r m~. \\' ho del~"'·\(.~1 ih is lif" in ,\"" (l:ah yen .. of hL. :I~I AI 'TII. ,\nllO [rom lGG7." :J l\ CJ!&GH, In!! : 1J"'"il!l. mayri".j" oo\l{1le·1 Jlllluury. IGr.a/ !) in l\ortJllulll>er·



    "1(". )'"




    lm"l County. !I\':I.::';: T hl' ,\Ibem"rl.. Li ndfJI)'" nre cle~l1Iln "h of " I(ohert Lillll~W of NOl·tllllllll ... r1!11l11. " ~ontClnlmrur.l· lind I,robnhly " ,·"Ialio ll 10 lIt\,. D.wi,l. I OV!)6: The AllJcomnrlc 1.ind"lly~ "I'~ ,leR:end:' lll g of ,\ dll"' Lin"s~y. who i~ l>c1icl'('d 10 hll l'e come 10 Virginia from Scolln",1 in Ihe Inlier r~ut of lh" Sc,-enleenlh Cent" r )" or e"rly ill the F: il:h t"",,,lh Cent"r.,·, ,\,\nnl Li,,,I,'n)" um,;l. I" ,,"" f lllil:r:
    I (




    : J mnes

    I.i "d~ ay.

    t be innn ljfrn nt ,


    "PI... a r~

    County ill l G:l5. " ",I ")1I>cnr~ i" Ihe ("mil)" 1'~"0 ,.,1 of I: ~,· . .Iohn Llnd ~,,)". hi ~ 1:1'~" l.-J:nnt·!! '·nll(bon. 11" th~ o\econ,l ~('" of S i,. ,)cro!110 Lind"n.'· of AIIII:lt)",,
    I f

    St. Ala ry's P:lri~h. C:lrolill~ COlillty, Vlrginin. 17 17. Cal ..!> I.imbo,. married ~lis:! CI:l1"<) uf SfIOlt~}'h'~lIin COllnty. \·h·. Kinin. alill had is.'lIe •.1"11''','1. hor" 1700, died 17H2. fA thor. "~lI:h ",mrc h hile.1 10 lim! any rdi:ol,lo reference 10 this "~Ii"s Clairc" and her I.,"~, ~u J {cd Mir e thaI Ihe refer. ~ lI ce" to follow u!lout Culcb Lim!!:!y lire CQ I'I·ceL .) 10\':110: Cal~h Lind""y, "011 of COlonel .)aIll C8 Lind ,,,,'. '''''''I'ied Itll1l died ~ . I'. (died witlioLlI i~~ LI ~ ). I OV~Ir.: CR leh Lindsuy 1I""c hi ~ 11L1'/le "'blu in I';s"cx Count ," . • . to hi~ younl:"1' hrothcr. Hell!>"!!, wll!> nmrdc,1 (;; ptcd dm'l!lll~r. \l",,,, uh 'I'idwell. 1jW(2)~4~: hlll~' Lind "n;-, VCIIl r)·lIlrll'. St.. .'Il lIrl'·~ PM. i~h. Carolille COUJlly. Virgillin. nU,rrle.1 Sarah J):lIlie1. da"l:ht~ r or Willinm D:lniel. Gcnl .. of Cnrolillo COlHl!Y IIml hnll i:<.'l'lI!; J<:>lm. born AIIJ:u~t 27, 1728. (See DIll1icl ]-"IlIIi. ily. ) 10"9(;; Colonel Ja me.l LillliS/lr of CIITolin .... l!On of ,\ dam. the immigr:lnl, m".rk~l S"r"h Ilnlli,·1, li e ,Ii...d i" l1S:? ",,/(~d II:! ... ca<&." IZT24n : Gi'·....' Ihe 'hll~ of tht: ""'rriuge of ./m"c" Lind. ~ny iIl\'] Snmh [}"nid uS 1'~lmlR !'.I' IG, 1720. 1j1\' (2):1·18 and lI i"IOl'it ::; h ~l'lLer,l~tllwn lJy n"lwko Ibn. ,11'i,1 1{~. lnlO, Vol. 7. ]luge ~20: .J oI", r.i,"b,uy lnu"~,l to Hal i. r"x Cou nt)', Korl h Cnrolill U. lI u WII ~ " militlnnwll ill t11~ Frend, " ml In,!i:\11 W'l r~ . 17r,G.f,9. lJ e !Ii"""led ~I",'y :;l,,~. lCr!O". daughter of Ed"'"I'II ~1,,'t(:r!on nnll ~rary. hi >; \\'if~ ( E,lwnr,1 ~1 "alcr~on ~a id 10 he" de.lccud""1 of Sir Thon\a~ Ma~ tcrsoll. n lid ht:, Ed,;-a .. l. \\'IIS nl:;o n w l,liel' i" t he French "nd !rllli" n WH."!. 11i!;tory or Shel.hc.. lto",n, 7/ 21). ",ul h:lo.I .Iohn. hOl'n " b y 30. 17m!. ,lie.1 1328. ill:! ! : Ed",a rd M" ~I..,r:;oll, Mnnh, 175(;, in mililia ot ~·airrIlX CUlmt)·. \,irgilli". "'M r.i'·M :l00 11a]'ly monied IIlHI wna last hcnl'd or in the cad:. pal· t of th~ NllI dQem h Centul· ... In II nl. ifn~ , NOl'th Cnl·olillR." CII'(2)~4B: He\,. Joh n !.ind ~lL )' ( HCB.18Z3j )n:"'r;,,d SlIl'U b I(cnr nc), 0)\ l'\ ov"mucr I O. I 7% (~C" ,\blnl1 and ]«,,,,..


    , I

    , I

    I I


    ! I I

    I I

    1 I

    , I

    II ~.'" !'m"jti ~" ) . mal moved to 1.l ullry COli III.\". Tall1JCu .. c, nnd ]"',(\ ;:c$.,C " orlh C~ rolinn. I"'!:'C 208 : SHah I.l nd",,~·. wi, lo,," of .I,.n.('s I.ltutMY and dnn!:ht(',· of William l):lIIic1

    f!'!O n of <;<>\(In('1 Jan'c~ Li ml_ 0.1.'" of C""ulin c C"""I)', \'il'lliniH . mid 1,1" wife, Snmll [)an;'·I. )',,,1 no ch ildre". C,,1cu \\'~s oor n B I"c\mmry . 1720. (I f CII I~h W/IS lh~ Mln o f Colonel Jl,mc" ],;'Ion' "cire" IGG 'l," ", . llltc,1 aoo\'c. Cololl cl .f ~n1C~ , lk~l in 17S:!, ""J{cd 82 yeM'.," whieh wou ld ha"e ," nde hi~ bi r th ~'c~r 1 7Q ~. ) 3V·lli; : J ohn LiUJ <:l)', G~Ilt., Vc.,t r)" nHlu, 1'" TiBh of F rcd. ~rirk, f',·cde.irk , VI' I;; " 'a. I ;G~t This J olin I ,i"d!l."~' 1~3 ~ !,fl\],ly ,he ,,'n or ,Imnc_ ,,",1 ,,"IlS ho ,"" All J;,,"t 27 , 17~ 8 , " H .t a ted "ho'·c. I f itoixol'l Lill!t~n)' w,,~ a c" ul.CmI'Orlll"Y of ]:c", 1)'11'111 L; "d,.1)' WIll) ,li e,] Jr. IGG'I , lhu ,I"t ~ .• would ", a~o it IH'obal) l~ Ihat :ho1' wcr" hrOl hen< am I t h" l th(~' t ,\dmn. It i~ proh,,!Jlc II",! I:oherl ~ n,l Ihe n ~Y. David were Iho ROn ~ o r Sir Ili~ ro m c (or ,r cr(JlllC) Lind"ay. ( S,'C 27\'75 allOl'C.) I.i~ts of E migrllnls 10 ,\n""r ica. ]10(10. ]700. 1~'J{e 1711: I\,,],el"t J.i ",l~r.v , li"ing "Oue r tho Ili""r," lfi Fel,.·w ,!')·, IG3&, TIll. r,i'IlI "~)"~ Ilnmc I" 81)Cn~~1 with "" "0" 1"~le'l(l of nn ""." 11 0we"cr, i ntcrd' ~ "I:C of ,'owel~ \\'n~ more Or Ie.. com mOn ill earl)' '!I' )'~ , Th~ yen]" IG31) i" tim "",ne )'Ctu· t hnt Jmn~" l.i"'I~"r II' n' tiT~1 fo unt! ill Glo"cester Count)". Vi r , I:inin. Tb cI'c i'l MmCl hlnf( \\,ro,,!;: 113 10 Colonel JntnU l.it\(l~ Il)", If he w,,~ th~ son or A, lmn, which !<e(!m ~ r>robftble, he 1'.0"],1 !lot h,we i.H:'cn In C1o"c~ .• tcr Co mi ty in 1C3fi . Since 111 0 lext


    I , I.

    I !~


    ~lnl".' Ihn( Colonel J nmes l.ind.,ay .licd in 1182, "ngcd 82 yen,.,.." h" ",,,st h:<,'c bl'('n bor n in 1700 nl nhout thc linlc ,\ dm" enn", to Virgi nin . TO) h:lI"c "1'llCnr~d in Glo"Ct"Stcr COu"I)" in 16:1,; mId 10 hn"1l d i~d In I1S2 wOlll.1 " ",·c made ,In",c~ l.i" ,I"lty ' ,17 ycar~ ..,Id "I Ihe time 0( hi ~ de:ll lt. So. it ~~""n s Ihnt th e yeu I G~'-. sliQuld be 17:15. A ~I ml y of the dnl c" nmk~A il prolml.ol c t1w t Ill,\·. D:l\"id !.il"I ~IOr "",I Hoberl Lind Sl <;" were brothe," .11,,1 that Itobcr t mij[ltt I""'e been th e f" ther of ,\oI"ltl 10",1 li e, AdlLm. tb e r"thel' of Cololt el .llLmc" Lill dslly. !.ilt ~ of Il,,"ccnt: ,\'[nm' J.; "d. ny ll:td J ""'C3' J.i"d~nr who IIlIL rric,1 S'
    OVEHTON FAMI LY l!i~ t Yry ..,f LOlli ~n CO)unt .l", Vlrl;i1\i". tV-Ige :Wfi : It is hdic\"CI\ Ihat th e VirKinin On!"toll ~ were (lc"Cen' , Yol"l(" hir~ . I';ll!~. 1\\1111. w ho.," "0" \\""s G ~II~rn\ Ho),,·,·t O"erIOIl , ho rn lG On, ""d. miller I';,r!i mll cn!. took up 'onn ~ "llli .' c rved under Crolliwell :1I1l1 fin"lly was .e ut to ih~ I\"T),:"I


    I I

    I ,



    I ""n.

    j\"' rg~,rcl ( Peggy) • •Iaugloter of Ed,,"" r,l (:"rlun.[ or o\'cr Counly, Vi rgi nia. ] 1\':106: From the O"~I'lon I!cgj~lcr: Wi lliA m O,·erlon. born III ~:n{:lm"l. Ix..,c"' ..... :..I. IG:!!I, married 1\1".)" Wllt~rs N o \'~ ",I", r 2·1. [Gill, :",,1 emi!:.,.I,,!! to Amcrk". (:>lot e II yen,.~ '{ilrcrmletl in hirth of Willium.) 'rh~y had Temper. "nee O" erlon, ,jau"htc1". oorn Ala rd. 2. IC70 . 11 \':107 : 2:1 April, IG Sl.lI'illi"", O" crl'm , 4.GOO acres in .'< cw I( cut County, 011 south .Ide ur l'arnul1x)' Hiver, On 1" ,<111"1: Creek. [01' tr:", ~!>ort "lio" ur 02 l)(!r"" I1 ~ . Among tho ~) ~ atl:tchcd nrc Willi"", O" "r lon "ml EI;1.llbclh Ovcr lorl. J I V:107 : 29 (ktQJ,c r. IG90. WiII;"m O\'(~r torl. 8:11' IIcre3 in 31. 1',,1<:. 's ['"rish. "'c w 1' ('II t CollInty. I I \':to::': ,\rmc W"\crs ,,f St. SCllU lchrc!, 1,(1II(1 him. elf nL the h"Ulc of ""brsloll ~I oo r." Sept ember 20. 1M:): comllll'",\ed" brig,,,!e ill tho I"'ttle of DUIII",r under Crom well: GOI'!'t'I,,,r of lIull ill IM7 IlIld re ndered other dis tillRII"h cd ~c r\"~('~ to t he Co",n'on' woallh. li e wa ~ I, politic,d Jlri ""n~r i" Ih " Tow er of London for 1IIml)" ye.,," : ,"ccom],an;",1 Crom well tll Scotiallfl in ] 6&0: CO" crnor or E,' illt.ul"gh; tchob r: '01,1 icr. Inl imni c fri~lId of )Iiltoll wlHl ~c!ch r" t ed hi. (·xploit.l ill "J)c fenslo Socundo." ( ~II" rri ~ Fam ily. ) l.i ll~ of ()""c""t: .1011",- O<.·~rtoll h,,,1 Gel1. Itobert' O"c.lon who IUIII Will im11- 0 1."Crton who married )Ia r)' Water!! and 1,,,,1 1'e11lp"."nc~ - O'·C.I011 II"ho ",,,,,rie,III' ;U"'m' " Il rri ~ and




    ll ,," "rl' lI''''rig who ",a rri~d Monrn int( Gl enn a",1 hml S:II"nh' II nrt'i,~ who ",a rried J ohn' Jt(HJ "~ mul h:,,1 Tyl'c')' 1 10<1~.i w ho m",'riod Cy"\.h!~' 11 011111"\ nnd had .\;:II""h ~lyra' who murried J oh n IIht'L'l! r- Hi ver" ",,,1 hnd


    (;YIIII,i" lI oU:""I' !til'CN who nm rrl~~1 l:enj:lIuin F: (;:"'.

    ieI' m,d had

    Mym I RU~' C3rte,' will> "'''rried Cu_I:"'08 A.' 1'01"" ['OIH: Li nc.)

    ( S~..,

    P ALIN

    I~Ai\I IJ.r

    ,\I ~tOll .• "",I Al1~tOll ~ of Norlh "",I So"th Cm'oli"", 1.0.\' (;rOI"'.< ' 1901, rmgc 118: II Oll!'Y P,Llhl 11:,d " land g!'ant ill Pa S'I,wlank COllnt::, North C:,roH 'I:i, IG"'~' ScYCnl"""tli C~ lItl\r;" 'lnd I ~ I " of \\" I:II! CO\llltj' , Virgin ia. 1'. I:J.I : Ol l,er gra"t~,·~ w~ ru Hellry I'ali" . who came from



    Ih .. W"rc !ti\'er in Vi rgin i" , IG;18. ,\Islons lind Allston!!. Jo:tc .. I~II:'" 98: lI ell r)" P~lin !""I " l Oll. II"nry 1'~ l i ", Jr .• who ,lied :10 ,' mlll"rj'. IG!l!I. le""ing hi" wif~. "nn. and snn.~. J obn nllll Tho",,,!!. [,0.01 , ' r ibe" of l'or(h C" roli"". Jlage ,,7,1: lI enry ['alill . J r .. li"'nl: in " M'lnolauk I'rceincl, l Gn. (;ri"I1.' " J\ oo trnd of Wills, IG!lO.I'GO, palle 27 7: Iicnry I'nlill . J r .. [" '~fIU"l,, " k Pre", inet, J"II11nry ~O, I7~O-Al'ri l 16, 171){1. Son~, John ,u,,1 Tho "'n~, wife, JIIld I';.,cc utri.~, -'Illite. NCII.tGH 1 /4~3 : lI enr.\' 1'lI lill of 1',,~q\lOlnllk Precin ct, die,i F~b l"ll"r.\· ,I (?) , I (;~~!, Court It"c Ql"li H, ChOWlL1i C"nn t.' .. Ellcllt Oll , NOI"th C"rol;II:<. SaUl e, 1/,liiG : ,J oh" I'a]in, Chief ,ln ~licc ill In]. COIwt Itccord ~, Chow:", Preoinct, F, ,]cntOll, Norl h Cnrolina. Sn me, Ij l2fl: Jobl! Pnlin, Cldef ,Iu st ice, ai!lll S "h~beo,,~ Cuq", ... " 4 J\ " !lust, 1732. I.ost T ribes of l'orl l> C"r(/Iitm, I~' CC 12 1: J ohn I':of in "uur Chief Jou;li«'," 17;12. AIsIoHa nnd ,\U510,,~. Etc., 1"'1:" lIS : J oh n 1' "Ii". Chief Justice ill 173 1. II " died " n '\UI:uSI IG. 173 7. I~n\'ing hi~ wi fe. S" l"lIh: BOil, John : d'UlJ:htcr, ~lnr.r, who m" rrie,1 ,' oh" CLuk "bout IGS6. Johll Clnrk flied "'tly 30. IGS!!, Ica " iny' "n "Illy child , M:ory, wi,,, ",,,rr ied J Ohn M~lon Hnd wife, MlIty, ,,~ 1,:x""I, ([·ix. ,\ b5trncl of Will " ;.:rorlh Cnrolllln, WnO ·17GO, p"ge 277 : ,Iohll I'nlfn, P" SqllO\"lIk, '\\llCn ~ t IG, 17:17- 0clo!.ocr Court, l7:li. SO)\ . ,Iohn; ,1""1:111 ,,1", ~l"rJ' CiI'"r k.


    I I



    !I I Sa rr,,,, 1~~I~e 277: Tlooma~ Palin, 1 ·"~'I'lOtnnk. August J, 173:!-Jul)' CGIl r1. 173·\. Son~. lIen r>' mlll Thomas. N"C II .(o.G Il I/ :\(i;l ; Will, .Iohn 1':llill , 1' '''''llIo:>\""k, Fc br n. ar)' 15, 175:1- l)c""ml)e r 26. 1756. A ls to n~ " "'. AIt"lO n~. E l~ .• l ij,~c :)5: ,\1 :.. y Cla rk. ollb' chi ld Qf J ohn Clark and Ma ry 1',, 1111, borH oiro" 11l87. died " fl cr I71iS. She married Johu AI ~ t o li. ci rC
    or Des oent :

    He llr)"' 1':!i;1I had Hellry ' !'alin who I1mrr; "" A,,,, and J"" I J ulin' 1'"I;n who m:ltri .... l Saruh IUlil h",1 ~r a r.'" · l',tI; n w ho ma rried .lohn ' elMl, 111111 h ad ~I 'lry ' CI1Ir1l whQ "'n t d ..,t John' ,\ IHlo" IIn,l 11:1<1 Sa mh ' Alston '''ho m;lrried I..:.r
    I'hili!.' Kca rney w ho

    Ita,1 SH" h'

    11lIlrri~~ 1

    Elizllhct h' I,inc hen a ",1

    I( ~" rn .. y who marri~,<1 li e", J ohn ' [.jll , I",, ), atl ,1 hml I': lizabd h ' Li 'l
    PANNIL f 'i\i\J]L.Y aW(1) ]!:!: On th e r oli " o( Battle ,\ h~ "y will he found th e name of I'AI1\ £I.I.; (rom hi n, ure "np]lO'lCri to be de!ccn,]cd the 1':111110115 of )o;nl;IIlII
    1;r""~d in Wclnnond County, AuI. 17 16. ~Iak"" hi 9 wire EK~c" triK nnd nnm...,. i~5U~ : William . who w~ s ~"illenlly Willinm I'a utlll (If Orange County. Virginia , D/\\'id, G~ors;~. El i,.~bcth. FnOl\c~s. l\nth_ cr i"" n "d Mnry . !,:li?nkt h Illarried na"i ol' C"rler circa 1722-1;25 ami wn ~ II I year" old when he died. :J:JV:J~~) : "Th e P,umii " h",·o 101111 heen" family of illlpurtanc!) in that pnrt of Colonin l V1rt"jr.I:< ." The l'nTlllil [.1m il" had n"<1I )' promin ent 111111 di "t illIIIII "hc,1 dC5CCl1(lant ", amonl~ them b"illl( (: e,,"r,,1 J . E. !l. Sl""rl, 111<, noled Con federnte C,\\'al r)' lealier, and Ihe bte (;o\'~rnor lIolt of Korth Q' rol in n. 1I'''"CII<'3 of the p,,,,,,i l tnmil)' w"ru !i"illl!" in old Grall,'HIe Co,," ly, Norl h Carolina. "fler I7roO. 17\\'( 1) 75: June I. I G:l~.lh!) Il(!l ilion or William " nn nil n",1 France•• hill wife, Ihnt \\'iIl i:uII Mill.>!. formerl)" of I b ,). 1'~ lmll1".>Ck, hml bml whith dl'lcth 'a sole hei r. ( 1(Cl: ord ~ o( Hi chmond COlln ly, Vi I"g i ni", O"lor Book No. ~ . ) ["n " of ll "~t e])t: II'ilIin"" PlUmil IImrri c,l I"r"" c ~s ",,01 ha,1 Eli ,lIheth ' who married I)III,i el' t:ll rtor, (S ee Cnrter mill Pope Lin"".)

    will Deo:en,iH,>r 1:'1. 17IS.

    ~ I


    H1 VIms

    1 ~'Ai'
    T he wri ler h.'H h",1 """.idcr allie dilfiellU), ill lind j"l{ :'Ccurllte ,lata on t he Iti .. crs I:"mil)" pn r ticlI larl), I>r ior to lhe Ite"olulionary W"r. F:' m;l), " ceor,1 or Itichnrd m "ertl b}' (M ..... J a mes J .) i\1:IUie I:~'ed QU iUlI : T he I: i"e($ Family ill Virll'ill i~ were l1ul;IIellol. We kllOw t ll:"lt Ihe (nmil), w,,~ of hil{h . tand ing ill t;"t"land; nmoll", Ihe li rdt coming to .·lmer icII, 0 1650, iH,>fll,: rl'

    I t

    I r \



    , ,, 17'7G Hichurd lEver .•

    "'''$ " dd t'IIIL!e

    to In a I1nlifnx

    (North ('"rolin") Cu,,,",, ,,(l ol1 lto,1 Wu.~ Ju ~tlcc of the Pente ,1I"ll';i'llU(o'C (CliNt: :::~/ 9·1-1). lie died ~'1c1' the 111]0 C~n· There


    WCTil 1m",),

    l.y the name {If l:h'"rs in

    i; ~" th


    li"a .h ero)'" " " '] nne" th e 1I"" olnt io",,,"," WIL>", 'l'h~.,c " lid thruc III "' m"lh c.:al'Olin:. Illar h""c emi[:'rnl~.l from Vinlil1 in. 'J'~ ~imibrit ... of n"lnC.' be.~rg Ollt thi~ Millml'l'on. GV::;,;!: Geol'l:" l! i"';.r~ get", 1 calf in l~le of Winlll COII"_ I;:. Vir"i "la. ~IIlY 1. l~,i.1. l.i~I.' of [': mi l(1"alllll \O ,\m",·i cn. Ilioo-17oo. JIM:" :11 _1: .Jah " l:;'·~ r~. "Th~ \\'l!-~teTnlO'" "r }"~ II r(Ollle'< Isl:lmls. lyeing


    i• I,

    next tu G oorl{"~


    wilh " 1'''n...",' t he"" ill Y
    ,' Ollnt. p ,',I;l1m1 20'\ . OI1l. :lOl'cl"ch, " in th e G,.c~ t~ ::;OUII, b<' b ,·ch . J3(Y.J, in lJ,'un,wld: Cou nty, VirJrinia. lIi ~ two h,fi

    1• I

    f ,





    .om. 110 1h J oh n Il:!n~r I:,v~rl< :..,d W/III"01 Wilkina Wwu in 1S-'l6. Win;"m J:h'cr~' will s:I',I ; (,,) A,uon IIrow n. gr:u,,1 r"lher O}f illY IwO} ~on~ ; (h) hi. Iwo ~O"8 were J Qlm Ibrl". ' It,w.s IIml William \\' ilkiu~ I:;" " ... TILe will W"$ dated 1st ~1"rch. !SOn, prolm tc,l IlrlHl awick COUlIt)' CUUI't, March ~, l SI)!). I ll, e.\,,\c was ra\h ~r I"r,:(' (01' tll"t tim e and ,late, 'rh e ;,weill ory HIlr,d 8NllC'll of "~t,,tc o i Tho}lmI' W\'cr~. ,\Inrch 23, 1181. Slune. I~~ge ,10: M:l rri"I:e liC(ill!f\lnry, 1182. 0 , A, I:. 1>lag"zi nc, 69/ H 2: Mll rringc of Th<.m wH ni\"er~ nlld r.l n r~· - - . ili s will wns (bled MHoh 10, 173!l, "I\([ l"oI",lod in Brunswick Co" nlr 1189. I[i s chilll .... n: I. I:obert; 2. J Qlm: 3. Tllomns;~. N"'lc), ; (;. ~I" rllm Bro.~dn3x; Go 11:11"'311 i\lord:m,1. :....;11' ( n!lS; (n ) ThumnH !:i"Crt recommended 10 the Go\'_ crnor 10 comnmn,[ coml''''W of U ,,: I't lI o •• e in Milltin o( Crcc ns\"il1c Con nty . Virginin, Octo1icl' 2,1, 1788. fhJ ,ruly 2:1 ,1 789. Thom"" Hi\'UB, LiolllclI""1 Commnnil er of Mili tiR, Ihl ~ COlllll)" look onl h of olTic e. ,\t ,·.wl)" ,inlea of th e .dtlemc nl or VirKill;n, Ih e migra. tiOIi WII R (rom t he co,,~t towi""I H the we., t or IO"'~r"g t' di~,1

    i I /


    ( I


    I I

    C"rol i "a~.

    Th.. ,j.,,1 l :i'"H ri "'l,S (ou lld in laic Q! Wil:ht Co ullt y. Sl1lJ1!cqltcn\ re~ord$ . hnw Ilivcrs me n in Green!\,-ilk>, Brunswick :!l1<1 Prince Edwur.! Cot"'I{~. , nil wc~ t or l ~lc o( W i~ hl Col",! )", It is ]or,icnllo as.l1UlIC thal lhc ..: mUll

    were ~on n cct~ll. "s tlmt name "" .... fonn.1 only a~ indi c:II ed . It mar 00 not e!l IIm1 in the :,,)O,.~ ~ntri c" "",I thos" to follow Iho I: i,'er .• men we,.", eOnillarnt h'elr. Hll ort li'·cd. I fOLII'" 110 n", ..,..t of the p:'rcnt~ ,,,I(I I>; .l h of WiIl i..... , R!I'eu who marri ed EIf?~,b et h 111"0"'11 IIlId who ,Iicl l In ISO!!. 11 1$ 1~~ ""IlI' mllY h,l\'c oo.:n ltohcrl ml'cr._, wh o marri ed Jmt~ nB"i w ll .m l'o\"cml>cr 8, 171 (;, Si neos<e~~ion of Ihe wriler ,,"1)'5 on l',,!:e.l 1!l_:!O ; "W illia m H . I!I\"er~ lUul Julill F lou rJlo)' were llw rried Ihe 28th Dl'eettl her, ISr.i, U!u] re_ s ided in Tun ica COlill ty, .\li,,"~i." ll' pi, Ol! II «IttOI' 1,llII!mtiol' IllIlillhc Civil II'RI' of ISlil_6G. whml tl, W rOlllrncd \0 TenJlC>lIrn(>)" John ll llrr~r , Flournoy, Tyreo Hodes, William Cll nno", Julill and i\1)' rn, Wim"m I"., bor" - - , tlit d - - , J olm 1! .. Lorn - - ; di e,l l a G·!. Flour"oy, a lawyer, llO!i, t id:m IIIld far m"r , nlnrriC"l\ Llda ,Iy,·ret. li e w,,~ born Oclol.oo1. IG, 1$:;8. ,,,,,I hi~ wi r" 0" - -. Thc~' h:"." tout o"e child. 1I:""ed .1olm ,\. 'l' ... r~e It. g radua te,l HI We5t Point :md i~:"I ( 190 1) C"IIlni" of Ca,·"l ry ill Fourlh U. S. lI egi_ m~nt. Be W;I~ b0 1" 11 i\lny 10, 11162, nn" Illa rril!ll Cn lh ~ rin c •. ~~;" 1-·e nla'](L Th~y lmvc a d:mj{hl ~r born I)e~~m""'r I, 1!IO·1. . Willinm C. Illoo g rml""t ed Ilt West Point and i., " OW in ~I anil" o n Ihe gener,,1 ItTm), ~t nlf wilh rnnll of Cn plain. 110 WI)" bllrH - - :l1\d mn rricd i\lnry (ulled I'ollic ) IInlt le or Vin:i " l" (m _ . wh ll wn.~ wr n ~. 'rbcr hn,'C ch ll_ dr" " n:""1!I1 Jame. - - . 1>I )·.a Hi vcn \\"M born _ n",] mnrd ed CRI'lnin 1101'11 o( the U. S. ,\ r till"ry ~ervke on _ . li e WM horn in Ne w J cr~c)' - . On an ex


    I I"

    I \


    "hlld were .I ro",,,~d. II " . bod)" wus rcco ...~ .......1 at !!C~ a",1 l"'ried there. '· .\\ary ~;I i ..... to..th Il h·er.i WM oom Fdtrll;.r)" 8. 18:16. ,,,,,I nmrri~d Goo .>:~ Alfred Sykes or M j~i!l...ip]li on October 28, I K5~. 11 0 w,,~ lwr!\ - - !'ltd died No,'cml>cr 2~. 187S. ~ I'r. \"I\"cd by hi " wife Bl,,1 a &l " llmncd Gcon.~~ Percy. bO I'n July :1, l MS. m1(1
    J oh" Harpe,· H i"er~, one of Ihe " infnnl """" .. mentioned ma rried Sa •., h )'I )'r., J:o

    1I001e~ t'~lIIili~"'. )

    I :e"j~ mi" F. C~l"Ier in hi ~ m~ml ~cripi hi~tory ":,yg thaI Jo)lm lI :trllCr I:il"crs wa~ bor" 2:1 ~I:orch. IS02. A ~tudy of ,laIc' II lI d 1"""litie. ,eema to IImke togic:.1 tlte foll\)wi"lI": Tho nln~ !:ivers, who Wll~ "C" i,ljllg ill Ilnm~w ick CounlY, Virll"inla. prior to l7GO, ",,,I who dic,\ ill 178n. mnrri ~ <1 M:t rr ,itmc". H i" will mellUon . a ~O ll, 1I0h('rl, ", lw lllm ... ied J:l!)C U"rriMlIl Noycmbcl" 8. 177ti . I mil of the Ol'iniOIl Ih,,\ lI'iIli:Ull I\i" cr~ , who Olarried Elitlll>e\ h Brown drc~ 1800. wa~ th e !!On of Hooorl fill,l J:lII C

    Hi,·tn. William lUI'" •..,. "'''~ tli" father of John Harper and WiHillln Wi1kin~ ( SO<' "oo,·c) . I.inc of I)c s~nt : Thom:.s' [(ker!! mttrri",1 MaTY JonI'!<, h:I(' Ilobert ' I(i\"en m~ rricd J :tn(' lI arri ron. 1m!! William ' m'·N." marri e,1 Eliwb>lth' IIrown. )" ,d .rohn H,ll·j....,r' Hiver., mll "ri~d S",'"h Mrra' !l(>(lCd. h:1(1 C)'ntlii a Holl and' It i\"er~ n"'rr ied Fl cII.i"mill 1>'. C~rtc,·.

    (Sec Cnrter and !'OIIC


    Line~ .)


    r u



    nODES \·'t\ i\!lLY T he 'H'''''"l r), OJf

    ryn~ rl
    who W,.5 the

    "rOll~"it or


    F,,,,,ily in T"n"c,-
    l(o ,l "~


    Ger..r.1 de IIOI1O::i is tIm



    li r~t

    or Ih" f"mily in

    ]':nlr1a ll ~

    \0 ",1, m" referellce i~ ",,,,k " Gerard ,I" Hode5 wm'ron5e" "" nUy " ',:'''',\('' [,aro,,' ",,,I as :unIJa"",,,lor he :.t(., illc<1 a ~LiU h il!'he ,' ,'ank, Hi. au"tnce in th"tc,"~,dtj' will act"u ,,1 i,,~ hiN name roO! occurri",! 0" th e ~oll of .I]"g n" Chm'la . Gcran\ d~ I :odc~ ""' ~ ~c"t as ,"nl>:.~>",lor to fo~"ill " 1~.rL~, :!~th M,,~d, in the ni"th )'c:. r uf K ing Joh ,,'~ reign ," It i" l,rul~~\Jlc tl);<1 Geraltl ,Ie 1:",1,,", WlIS m,e of Ih" f"mill' of eo unlft d ' '\rm..'lI: ,, :lC Rud 1\",IC5 {Hllot!c., ) n\CII \ iOl\ cd hy I" 'oi r..~"nl who <. ~ iJ,.'lrun. the Cal.illll ~ent of w ho~e haronch:y wn ~ Horn C" stl" i n I ,;ncoin.• h irr., li" cd in t he rdgl1 of J1 ~ nr)' II ( 113:IoI I S!'I) , lI icha rd I, John :;n,1 ll e"r)' [ II, from ,,11 of w hom he rccei,'c,' g~nt h o tt o r~ unt! by " ing Joh u (11 2~ - L Um ) WM cmployed uS :;mb.1'U~, lor, IL is lin,,:,] de,,«;n,lnnt : I I. Wi\l i"111 l!otl<:s. of T hor p ju~tn llolhcrd,lIt'. in Ihe Co" n' y of " ... rlr, marri ed ,\n ll, (llIul~hl c r ""'\ hei r of ,101m C"cli~lior~ c, E~q .. of Sln"cky Wo<wl thorpc, In the Count," oi !Je rb.\', "'liS the fnther of : 111. John Llo, lc!, E~'I., of SI:I.dcy 1I'00" lho'l'(." w\o()$il ~ o n:




    E""., ...·u (" tlie r " r:

    V. Itobert It ode~ . ..:"" .. nl"rr i l~1 EH""bcth W"~"e ,,"d ld t 8011 " ",I heir : VI. .Iohn t1od~! , 1':"'1« of Sln" clcr Wood t.hoq ,c. who mnrri c, 1 AUelina. d;\ughtcr of Tho!ll n ~ 11 cwitt. E~ 'I .. of Wnlli~ j" York ~hlre . .fohn Ilodu w n~ !liheriff vf DCrU)'Hhirc IIml w"" auccccil cd. "t hi " dC:lth, lJ)' hi ~ ~Oll:

    VII. F mllc iH n"dc" of


    St nv~lc)'

    1V()<)II, horpt!,

    li e "'".

    marte Se rgeant of the I ~,w 2 1 ~ t '\"1':11 31. rI;S2; ,lu sti C/> of t he Co ",,," on PI",,! 2'Jlh .1""" , r1>S r.. )lu rch"" ",r Ba r loor oug h. Grca t 1I 0lll:"hloll ,,,,,I o the r ,·(... ~ ; ,Ic ra blc cs l,lI"s. ) !nrricd ~;Ii znbocth. ,laughter of Bri"" S:uloIf"rd, E"'l .• of 'Th"r" &11,·,,,1' ill \'orks h ire " "d hy he r ha d: VI II. Si r J ohn r:(N I,,~. h i ~ heir. k n ig hll~1 in rf,(I;I. Sol.1 Stnvdc), Woodl hor p~ \0 nuke {)( P" r tl",,,I. an.1 he ....."i
    IX. Sir Hoh" rt Ilml us vf Hnrl ho roullh II "n in t he Connty or Derby ; klli lr ht ed ,\");n~t ~), Hj·\I at \\'hit "Ii:
    X I. J ohn Hod"" or Slurton.

    or Si moll

    J C"'">I' of Colton


    tn~rric(1 l.;]i: "beth ••1!Lughler Slr"ffor dshi ..., ,mol 111101 :

    XII. Ch" r1"3 1:00"". who WClll I" ,\mcrie:! lI n,1 Ull l1ed ill Vi ..:inb. ",,·here he is l11ldy m:lrried 16~m·· li nd who i~ the (o"nder of t he Rodes f:l n,i l)· ill Virl:inh. (l\,'l~O : "So the t itl e to tho h:L l·o nctc}" wOIlld lie between til e dc~tcndc lll.< of John !lode ... or 1.011<1011, F rmlch; I:odes of Mnryl:lm1 and ChZlr l ~s I{od e~ ur Virll ini!L.

    IWDES I',DIILY in America

    While l'<).!Iili>'e I,roof h,, ~ "u\ )'<:1 Ix-e" fo und thal John Hode., who w,,~ !Jo]'" ;11 Virg;"i" III lti:l7 w,, ~ the ~O ll of eh,,'l .... I:o~r. 17GG: .John Hodes III'JlOilltcd Ve.itrr_ lI1all.


    ,, \




    Sa",Q ; Oi:\ ()b~r 25. In:l: John lI ()de~ rcsign.1 ,," Vestry. III"" . D"vid !: Od~3 :ll'l'()ill!ed to "tlccecd him. ~1:\ rch I,). I i7G. Same : D""id Hode .• alII''''''!".! \\"" nkn for lhe ellStl'llJ, ycar. S,It".... , 2(; UKcml)('r. 173:1 ; Cli fton Il"d~~ nl 'l'oint<J(1 col· lcc:tor Cor t he I're~cut yea r, iu thallmrt of Ihe I'a r ish L~y;ug in Alm.marle o..""ly. In Oc tobe r of t he nc~ t l'en r (1766) ,101m ~nll ~ln ry, his wife. "mdo " dced 10} Ih ei r ,o}u . Clifton l :o, re~. com'eying Ia"d t hey oo " l:hl in 1727. 7V8~-8~: .Ioh" ll ",l c~ w".~ a .In:;ticu of t he Pc," ce cll" ,\ lbc nmrle COUllll' 1,,-Ior to l i75. Th" iuvun\Qr)' of his IIlJr:;orwl e" t at~ "'''0'' nt e,l 10:: 1.0.].1. S 17.1'. ;1." la rl:e prol",r Ly for tI",1 time ,,,,,I cO""ly . Jolrn n u,l Mar~' ltodC!l had i..." e : Clirtntl. Gh"r!c:!, Jo}", . 1I",·i/l. ",,,I Ih'c I:irls u",mmed. I[ ;story of l.oulsn C.m tlly, Vill:in "" 1),~I:C .I!! : Clifton I:"dc, w~R:I 1ll~lllhe r or C:,]>l"in S:tmnd \\'1I,1.IY'5 Colllp~n)" of .\Iili!i:. who m,"'c hcd in \,r, .\ 'md~r Colon el GCOl"{:e Wa" h,nl{! on to Grellt ~Icado"'" :lnd b\,; I ~ I-',,)" t N ccc"_~it)' . .fol"l I:onarri~~l SCT.lembcr fl. I,M in Albcm"de Count)'. S"r"h (I>orll ~lay :!-l. l i :16 :lnd died .Jllnll~ ry :\1, 180:1) ,]a""hlcr ()t M:tjor Hobert lIa,.ri ~ of AlllC "'I!I'lc COHill), ( ~ee H:lrri~ Fa ",;ly) who h:,,] 1o"on a memlo~r of the !!()I,"O of lJ\\ rl: e.'5e~ for lIa1\o" or in 17'13- 14. Tll l" nmrrinl1"C is alHo mcnti o", c,1 in th e \\ot e~ loy Cynth ia Ilil'.: r~ Cllt tcr. Th ey ha,l i",.. l(l : XV. Tyree Ho,lc~ (""" I'''r~gr" ph I ), tC"cllt h child. horn O"""n,bcr 2 1.177 1 died July 17. 182 7. li e mow:d 10 Giles Co""ty. ·rcll nc~!lCe. I H07. n".1 ~cltled on nil C!lt~ tc he n:,",e,1 "Clift(on l'lnoo" (st ill exist;',!: In I!I.'O IJUL not ]n


    h" ",b of hlllil}') . Ma n l.... l ,\ pTil ~;,. 18 11. Cynlhb , d,I~.• t ,Inll!thlcr of M"i ur .I,,,,,,,~ 1I01\""d of Gil ber t " (1,,"11, North C~rolina. (see Holla m! Fa",ily) who "'"" " member of COIl !! r~

    " e" ....'

    T)' . "" CYIll h in l{ocn . horn ."me 2·1. 181G and ,]je,1 OCiob\:r 2:1. 1!\!I7. m" rr ied on CK:tobc r ::0. 18·10. Snrll fo Eliz:.bet h Cnn e,', (bo rn April ]~ . 182;1, died July 7. 18G:1) . ,Im,c hlcr of Ill-. ilcnj r,min CH!' Wl' :md "hl M! , i"tel' of He" j",n;n Franklin Cart er, GV8G: .I olm ]] ""ll<'r a"il S:.rah ~ l rr" !liI'e ra ha,l: ". William !liv",.,. hor u .lu"<1 \!l, 1831. ,Iic,\ 1882 (I S!l'!~) who n",rrie,1 Julia, ,1aUll htcr of Willi"m C. Flournoy of l'u]u.t!ki , T~n l<~.<:!c~. h. C,"llhia 11<:>11",,,1 l: iv"o . marr ied " I"i l G. IfI:;:!. ncnj;'1Ili" F. C" rt~r. , 'h" r" W:IH " third ~ hlld ami """oncl dnughter. )1;, t y Eliz;,iJet h wlm "';\ tri~,I , \ ~ t, Ge<:rrp,c ,\. Sy k e~ and 2m!. Ilt. Wi ll i:,,,, llntle-~e\l Iti\'c r;\ Fnmi l.... (;\';12.): Mnr),' ll ()lie.' (Cli ((o n' John ' J ohn' ) !tinnie!!. :,:,,,1. Il cze\(i"h 1'. ~lul'rd J und left I\\' O ,i"u lI li t



    h",] :



    X\' II . Cynt hi" lI ol1"nl1. '1I:.. r i,,<1 IJcnjnmi n F . Ca r ler ro n!! had: X\'II I. ~lyr;\ Bell e, married G n~t;\\'u~ ,\, 1'01''' li nd h;\,I : X IX. Will iam Hl\·cf' . married Virl:ln;,\ ~!cFcl'rin IIlIII h",! : XX. ViT!: in i~ :'Ilcl'cr rln, m.~rri ed Leon .1. l.iv ingston

    h;\,I: XX I. ". "~t hcri llc l'011\! Liv;ng;;toll. h. lI'illi:'nl 1'<;'1'" I.;-'; ngston . e. Hi~h"rd ~leFcrri n I.i" ; \\r:~tm' ,




    A.I,[il iulln l j ll rorm~ti'>n :oS II) I"t~r IIcncru1!ong of , he "'amil), "laY. pos~ ihlj'. b" [o lltl(l in t he ''' '' 'I1' ~ ''' il,t hi .lory (If Ih e ClIl' ler Fmn lly ",rittell by lle llj" min F. Ca r ler in 1!lO·1. ,\ ~"{Ir'." of th is m~nll~cr;111 will he "cnl. to Ih ~ Slale l!i~IOrit;, 1 SoI: icly lit Naglw ille. Te n",-n~ by the H ClIl c~

    writ er.

    R U F' FI N FA"r IlN


    IS\\'(1 ) 251.::!5.1: Th l" (,,,,, ilr lIeJl'i ng wil h \\"111 ;,,,11' Huirill. who app el.TO in the rcI:'; " Gcorll~ Watkin .•• Clerk of SU rT)' County. IH~ wi ll d:ltc,. M",' 18. 1&93 W:U pro"ed .h.ly .1. IG!!:!. N:mm.< SOliS. l:ol>i>rt ~n,1 11'!l lI nm ; wi fe. 1':l b.l>i>th; "" u l\' ht~I·. 1·:ti za !.oeth. Wi f~·., will prOH11 in Surry COUlIty, Au!r" "t [ ij . 171·1 "'''" "~ ~o n " : :J. Hob~rt. .1. William. Danlthtar~ : 5. EH,J\bct h. G. J,m". Itooorl ' l~ulTl" (William.' Iloberl' ) lived in Su rry Cou nt y. whero h~ marri~,1 I':li zal>i>th _ a",' died. lI i~ will prO"cd Ap"'l W. 172 0 pro"e,l I,'ubrunl')' Ir.. 1720-2 1 "amc~ wife. Elizabeth. :11111 children : .. . 13 , E li?~,bet h. \,;]i!:\ooth' It"ffi" (Hooorl ,' Iloloerl.' II'imam ') marTied. fir ~ t. Wil1inm I,inchel! ( ~ce IOli cheu io'nmily ) ",,,I !eco nll . I(lclm r,\ Cocke. ( 1l1"'C not found the d~t c" of birth, mnt' _ r i"ge "",I de:l ll, of lWznoot h. ) Sumo !.orandl{'H of the It" ffin rn"'i l ic~ e\'idcutly wowd to Nor t hampton County. Nort h CtLroli ll":18 there ArC ",,,n), HlltTil! \\'ill ~ r eco r,] e.1 ther e. LillO! of I)~cnt : Will ia m' II nlTi n h,,,l William' IlniTin who nlH n icd I%~a!.ocl h \\'" tk;lls "ml had It ol>o.!r l' ltilifin who mar r iud Eli z.~uel h lind h:id r:\; 7~,l>i>th ' U" lrin who n~~ rried W;lIi mn ' J,;nt hcn nnd h.,,1

    I I

    i \ I

    Willillm ' I,illch" " who 'm' r riL~1 ~1:lrY' 1)1IU'''''n "nd hml ~;li2nl>cth ' I\i"ch~" who ,""rr;~1 I'h ilil" I, ea rney uno! hn ll S:m ,h' I, ,,arney who ttlaTTi c,1 l: c\,. Johu' l.ilUI":LY "ud 1t,,'1 1·:li ~."lJcth' !.iud",,)" wlt o m" r r icd I) ,'. Ilcuj"ttlin' CHI" ,·. Oleo enrler' ",,,\ 1'01'0 i.ilW".)

    SKII'W]TI·! Hurl; c'~

    [" A~ ]I]'Y

    I'ccr"l;e. l;aroneta!lC lind I,,,i llhlhooll

    1 8~1!, I',,~e


    Llncal:e: This ( "mi l)' "ri~i ,,,,lIy c"lI.-d SC llrI ' \\'Y I-: from Ihe lOW" a nd lordshi l' of Skil,with. in r orkshiN'. ,'e.Kend~ from 1I0ber t ,I~ E~I Oul~"me, naron of CoWnc· I",,,,. ill lhe lill>C of the Conqueror. of whom lit" femlallord" 0( Colli uch"m, DlIfld"le t"",IS at I.-nglh in Ihe lJaronage. lie "''' H ic,1 A,lcli, a. d"lIghte. o( 11"0. Co" " L ,10 lle:tumonl. The,' hm\; (th in I~ Ic uJj"lhr. ~o only Ihe ,lirC(:t Hu e i~ Inke u ( ,'om t lti " I'o; ul) ItoL crt. ",,, ni,,d En cbm·Jj"n . dnulrhk ,' of Hu g h Fitz Hnldoric. lire,,! Sllxon-Th " lt e. The." 111,,1; I'at.l"kk (lord ship of Skip with. "",I loo~ tim! ullm e). II ~ hml; Si r Willium. ~1. " . for York. JUlI!;c of Commou Pie" ......... lonl chief Il:Iron of Excl!(l4jucr , Chief J ust ice of Ireland . ;'larricd ,\lice. tlauI; hter of Sir Wnlla m ~Ie Ulltofi. I.ord or Ingold"eU.... T It<')" h.~d: Sir John of Or mesby, ,lied J uly l li. 101 1(;. high sheri ff or l.i u~ol"gh ire. knigltled 1st lIeILr)" IV knight in ParlinmCttt. m" rr ied t\l ic~. daUJ:hter of Si r "'r(l4l~ r iek TH"e~·. !.:: nt. uf T;I,,~)" in Cou nty o( Nor fOlk. They hnd : S i r 1"hun\"~. di ed 5th lI enry V I r. Frellch II' (Lr~ . kll ig-hlcd itt "'rll"c~ by lI enry V. m:lrri cd Marj:'ITct . "Illl g-hter gf .lulm. 1.0nl Willou!rhhy de Er~shy . They hnd; Si r Wi ll iam , di ed I"t Il em',' VII. ~ni t; hled in Franoe. Te mp. lIenry V I. sh eri ff of Lincul ull hi\'c, Hu ncchnl of Ihe

    ,Iomi"ion 6f 1:O)rowoll. ",n~ri ~ 1 ::,,,1 Al:ncs. <1''''llhler of Si r Jolin CO" "I"hlc. Kill. of I:arlon Conslable, wid",,' of Si r John St. Quinton. Th ey Imo1: Sir .Iohll . "",,11' knig ht lJ~n nurct fol' "c r,'ic,·.~ n:i"in, t Co.."ish r~hd3 (WiUl 1,;1111 "I j",ttlu of Ul atk he~ lh), hl!;h ~herilT Linl... III'."ire. 7th lI..,nr~· VI I. mn .rico ' ,.IS0 C:ltherinc. d""chler Uiebnrd Vilz Willi"m~. ~:"'I. of W:I.b "'or!h. Til;!}' h",1 :

    S ir Wi llillm. HllcrIIT of I. lIwolMhire . 181 h lI enry VII !. lIIa n'led ,li ke. ,I'l\ud,j er S ir Liollel Dymoko of Scrl\' eIHhy. (;ClImly of J,incolrl. The)' !inti: lIenr}'. 1.1'1. ,Iil"tl \1iSS. 1'(1I"Clm~~d l'rcst"'o"ld i" l .eice~len;h i rc. "'''rri~d .JaIlC. (blighter of Fennel., lI ull, ~:'(I . of Gr:(lItham. They hacl : S ir \\'iIlinrli. j(1I1. ,Ii ~ d Mill' :I, l(jtO, "''''''ied )!:In:arcl. 'Iau)t ht~r of 1I0)lCl' C:\\' ~ , I': S(I. of SI''''(OI·,I. Th e;' had : Si r IIt:nfY. I, lit. of Pre.t"'o"I,I. COll ll ty J.ci~5te,.. cr~"t c.l 11,,1"0)"1'1 ~O l);:<:emll('r l G~2 , 1101<1 ~ stn ll! of I' r ~st w o"ld 14;;;::_ ".. ~~ n p.",I_m"rried A my. daul(hter of Sir Tho",:"\.'! I{enl!"'. I'I\L T her h,,<1 : Si r G,'~Y , emi.r,."l~d to Virl: ;11i" ,Iu";"v. Im,rpatio ll rot Cru lllwell. huilt 1'n.·sl wou l
    Ca rt er II l11t !'OIIC U nN. )

    THOMAS F'A M!!.\' In "Lust 'I''';!]". of l'ort h C"ruliml" loy Worth S. J( ,ly . In Ihe Sl~tt e !.ilomry at Iti chmond . Virgi"", I., milch (I ala 'mel :l chart nho ut Ih" T ho",,,~ F:lmilr. J II n,·c ext rude.] l",r tinenl l>:Irt.:I. I'''ge 6{17 ; T h" Tho",,, s Family ~ettled hI "hi Albcm"rle CoulIl,.. VirHini" bdor~ "Ihl lift er tli e clld Clf t he 17th

    C~lItur... .

    Th~ lir~t T ho", ~s to :'r ri '· ... WHO II cert:'; u .Jl ",III ill 1(;10 c:l.me til ' t he .I" nl~,' Itt"cr, J ohn T homM I~~1(:'1: C"pl:l.l" J ohll 'I'hOllla~ ","I wi fe [)Qrolh.,· (t\ngcIII. 1~'Kt~ IS;;, I?4i ) (nme I" Y"rk Count)" (rom I;\:r· IIl'"t:. I~]and.< wi l h SC"j{c:u,1 S:""1I~1 ShnTlJ<: in IG IO. &:\.11~1 Oil QIICCM Creek ill Y"rk COllllty. ]I " had fOllr "on~ wl,o ~Ioo cnme t" Yor lc Counly, V;'·l:in;". :",.1 .cltl",; (.'I, Vols, 21.21;) . !'nl~c GIO: Phili p Thomas ,m'in,\ ill1.he Colony by I G~\::; "nd Ih'cd Oil Q"c"!1~ Cnck. l'a l:~ G2a et ~e'l : Th i• .foh n Th~ma ~ who ca ",,, to Vi r _ I: i"", wj th :;CnrcaHt S" mud Sh""]1e ,,"a~ pro\mhly of "g~ in IGIO. ,,~ he was hom. 1II) ,·1,a p." Ly ISS" ,,,"l th e fOll ,. 'J'h OHlJ 'HC.' wlw ," ttI ~ d "rm llll\ him h,le\' He be lic"c,1 to I,m'e IIC" " hi ~ aOll s . .Ioh u' "]"1] 0""'5 p nlc"t ~ d 1 ]L1](I ~ ill NH""Cmond COllnt)". /l." o,·cm\.lcr t9. IC,, 1. l! 1~ wifc'a l\,,,ne was (nk,, ) Doroth r "",I Iher Imd th e fol luwi lllr ~hi1 c1r<m : Hi charol. Will iam. .) o]m. ]·:Ii""h-eth. S"ra h ,,1111 I' at her; ,,". The writer ~a)'" he is ,·",wi ne.... l Ihall hc wife "f I' hil ip T ho",,," wn, Snrn h Md,j une, " ~ i ~tcr ot hlichac] )Icl" nuc n" the "" me~, Mo"rnill~ " ",] l'ri.'lCi lb IIrc 10 be fOll ll ,1 orten in the MeI,i",," l-'Illnil)' (NUII""I. 1m),;" 2aS). J,,,, ,,m,,ra"lc " e,,' Ihe conti nu ....d , nlim"c), Ih:ol exiAl~'" betw~en Ihe two ("milie!!. Holh ("mme~ drifl"d I" : 25. ] C4lndlld~ lil" t th~ follo"'i n,: i~ cor recl: Th{jm'~~




    ,I ' I


    .1010 ,, ' l 'homM (b. ci re" lIiM _ ,1. ~ir(a 161i:1) ",nTried Dorot hy ""d h:,,1 .Iulln' ·['hOIl1l'. who mal'ried "urol "}, ami had Hicll:ird ' Thon", . «lied cireu 171.1) married El l,."L-ol h, ,1a"I:htcr of Ih""phn'y Marsh~n. 1~le o( Wight Cotlnty. 'Lilt! In,,1 J oln, - Th omag who marr ied 1 ~ 1 S~sar",,, h "nd 2",1, ,\l m')' l~,wrcnce. By hls forst IImrr ia"" he h,u[: J oIn', Hielm"': lI'itlinm. mar Tie,' Marl ha Itobi",,,,,, : J OS m~ rri~~] \~'illi:tm Ki nche n, ,/r .. .afte l' EI;7"~I>I!th I)aw~on'~ uealh, he r 2ml hus\"'l1I!"r~ h~ WM t!CC""~ctl th" ee year< blm' l e~,'_ ing. "I l~a51, fl~\'~" child "cI) , ull [lre. u",,, !'l), by hi" ftrgt wi f", SUII., n nnh '·orti... John -r hi/mns ",,, rricd tirst. SII~nn_ "ah ['ol'li l', Il~ho ,'ah Exum, Ihe mOlh er of Su ~nn ",or"ncou ~ with Hich~rd ' Thorna ~ ;",,1 h i~ wife. EI;z;,heth ~["T:ib,111, ~j"ce in IG87. he and hi~ wife, A"" , ~ old 1:18 nerN of Inn.! 011 M nll" c om~ck Creek, li e'" l'r~8cn t E<1""t on. N()rth Cn1'l,Ii ,m, At 1I"'l time, how. el'er ••1ercmill h ,,,"l his wife. ,\lIn, werc "of Isle 0( Wi): ltl Counly, " irj(in;n ," See Exnm ~·"mi)y.




    ] .lllt (If Dc!elh' Mar.lmll and hnd .I ohu' Thomag wl,o m," ... icd SU"IlIIIW h I'v..till "",I had 1:: li~."lJ "th' o;c ~olll i .. Ioh n '

    'I'll""",. who m:Lt'ried, r, r~t, J oh ll !laddie. "'"l UBWHOJl . J oh" "li d 1':]i1."hcth Daw301l had


    I)aw"on ",hn marr; cI] lVillium ' I, inch" " and had 1';l i~,ab"th' I,;nch"" who ""'rded I'hilil" I, c:lrIlCY nnd


    Sarah' Kc;, rllcy who mnrri(.1 It CI'.• rohn' Lim"]!':l)' ami h,,,[ 1':1i~:lbctll' l.imlF.~."

    who ""'rried »r. IIcllj:,miu" c.,rt ~r.


    ( &'e CHh, r 11m' 1' 01'" 1.111"3.,


    i\I:\GN/\ CH A RTA HA HONS The Mnitlln Chnrln


    sil: ned i" A. I>, 121... T here were

    tw"" \y-r,,·c ~[ngn" Chartn S"ft tica. only se"cnteen or whom left i~~uc , Of these "~,'ent""n, t l, e follnwi ng Hhow5 <1c~cent (rOIll



    lhrough the S KI I'WITII line, ,\mcriea ll era ldica, jl"g~ 128 : SlcipwUh_


    . '.



    f[ ,r •



    l)" ri nlr Cr omwell'" Ilrot cctorat c, th e Il ,'nnd.'j()11 of !len ry SHi pwith, n di"Un!: lli "j'eil poet or th~ Eli ,,:,bcthan periud , t OQ~ rd,,!;o ill Virginin "",I ~ ettlcd there in Ihc Co""t)' of )ll,hi)('$cx, li e c"lI~, 1 his N tate "l'res lwQul,I," lift e r the I.elscesler. ghire i::s\"le th"l 1",,1 beiongc,1 lOCI 10"1: \0 hi~ family. The Ski I'Witlon tl e~""",1 from I:obe rl de !-:SU,ou le ,'i!le, liar· Oil ro· netc)" of !"'C SIWOlll
    II "

    ,. II




    )10\10; nothinr.) .





    Dietl je

    !l~ I'ui ~

    (W ith"l'!


    1 can .10

    ~IAGl\,\ CHAllT,\ IlAlIOI'S, llrowning. 1~'lIc 2!r.?Sk ipwilh : William ",,!. j;,'~t Hawn [tooo . of II",,,ln ke. :"n1 10.,<1: Willi:un I)" 1:000, !\eCi)nd Ba ro" Itoru o r H n",l,,1<~ Ca stle.


    Imd: Wi lliam [)c 1100.'. third na ron lI Do<;. of 'bn,l"ke


    who Imd: ,\I:ul!1 I)e H(l-.tI".

    I, i

    i . '



    who '""I: ,·;",10 Dc wen..,., dele3t OfOn . 0.\'.11., who 10",1:

    Sir loco ]) ~ II' clle~ . KG .. t hird Baro" Wd lc" of GainAUr. who I~"I: i\I""I(;Lrct lk Wcll,·~ . mn,'rie.! Si r Tho ",~~ 1).I· moke. of &r;'·cl"h;l". ami had: Si r I.i O"tL I>y mok~. &:ri\"tL"b~' mmlOr . who h;lml>1('\e c),"I.h:r .I e'·oted In \I'im"," 1)',\11>;"1, S Ilrctll /01" M"!HlO Charln_hig ,leMccn\ i ~ gil'en 1;rielly "S roJlo,,"~):




    [tnlx-r loc Too",,;, or Toe")'. elkd IOS~.;I f>;"rllll,n 1:;1«1)), 1:;\'''''' SO lordship" (or di8I inl! " ishl~1 ser "ice rot l l:lst. it,~ ~. Ercdcd IIc]n.ir Castle. Mhr r ic,1 A,ldR _ and lm,l : Willimll d',\II>; II '. cnlie,] BritL II I~ ""know" why he :'~! "lI1c,1 the na me «'Albini. [;iUI! Stephen 6eizd roll his po~~ c.~lolI' b,',,,,,,"" he bnd ,,,U'l'l'c,1 to th ~ em.:!" of the I' m_ ),"" .1. ~lm,,!. Il l' di ed about 11li5. ~l''''I'i cd ~I"",l. ll:tu"hlcr of Simon St. Li z. t he Earl of lIunt;IIcdOll n,,,l Norlb;Lm]ltoll "nd wid ow of Hobert d~ Clare (licl!~,,101;igb ,10 Ilot ,,11 cOncelie her a~ Ihe ~l nud wlm wa~ hi, wife). They had; nnlph. (omuler of ("mily or Onn!>"'I1",., died III ,\erc, "'~ ~

    11{;7. rt.'<'c;"cd (r"m 1I" " r)' 1I &:l\'o;r C,,&tlc "II
    , ,





    wit.., 11,,1 I're;
    \\'iIll"m of IM"olr c.~~tI;:, Sun/II for .1/"UIIII Clturlc. , Ihir,1 f~ud:.l 001'011 of fnmlly ; mnrried ~r;'rr.HY. ,1:'III:hlcr or o.l ...IIc!. t;.,ro" d·V",frA\'iHe. ( Sec foregoi u!,; ror cOll l i". 1I;,\iOll or line,) ,HlImIC,U:S 01' ItO":\!. [)[':SC I': ST, Ilro"'ni"~. V,,1. I,



    H ~ ,,,'y III, I,illif of [';"1:",,,,1, mnrr ied I~.% 1.:.. ma r ried 1 ~',ly M,,,,,l. d:.ughlcr or [':.Lrick de Chn. worlh; Ihey h'l(l: I ~~d)' .Iool! I' lnll\:lg""I'I. m:.rrie.J J ohll . third Unroll de Moh,."y. of ,\ du;lnJ e, died I~GI: thcr lI"d: .J"hn ,Ie r.i owbrn)" fourth I1m·oll. I.o rd of 1&\0 of ,\ x. hollne, die,1 l:lGB . nJnrried 1~1dy EJi~l\ll(lth Segr''''e, onl)' chil

    I i


    I )

    of I'hi!!]. I l l. King ,·o:h • .. rton. ~:~ rl of Norfolk. End M :m.I~11I of ~:lIg1a"\cr or It all>h, IInron ,Ie Gr.'YHlock. :lIld hi s wife. I."d.l' e"lheri" ... d;>lI r;h lcr of 1I 01(er , [.on] CWforol: tho)" had : Sir U U1Id lie Wcl1e!. ! ixth 1.0rd Welles. Lo r.1 Lien!e,'· ,,"t o f l reln"'!. kiLled in l>:lltlc of 1'" wloll Fieltl. 1·IG1, ma r· ried . fir ~t. Lndy J oan. ltall l~h t~ r I)f Sir Hollert lI':ltGrt(lll. I\nt. The)' h"d : L:"I~' Margaret. rna rrie,1 Sir T horn:!., i)}'rnoke, ... See under forogoil.)( rvr c()n tinu nt i(») of linc. A:'
    Willinm. !lnd Eo_ I of \\'"rrclI ami Su r.)". ,lic,1 Febr'" Bry 1:1. 1131. n""' I';ed Lady !""ll\!lltc Vennnndl>i •• ,la"l:hl er of l h ll{h the Grent. so n of lIe nr)' l. [Gn!: of Frnnce ; Ihe~' 1!:It! :

    Lad)' ' ""hcl de WIl ..... n. mnn ied Il~!lr;r WIJ"'/. cre"I~ 1i 1189 J-:nrl of Norfolk: Slcw,ml EII I(Ia",I: un,; "I ti, e M n!JHu Clmrlu SlIrdiu; Ihe}' h:lt!: " "!lh ili!lm/. thi rd t:::lT1 of Norrolk. Ollt vllh e .Ifa!l)'" (;I,,,rlo Sl"ct.i~". ,li ed 1225. married l~~d)-' ~I "ud ·.\lar~[1Il1 1 (her fl r.'!1 I",sb.~nd ) . ,I''''l(lIler of lI'ill ;mn Ie M:lr~h.,\1, E.~rl of Ptmuroke ( "i~1c r of WiIli nRl I~ Mn rs h,' \1. i\lnl(lI :I Ch" rt~ Surely. Vol. II . l'''l(e 7\ .1): Ihey Imd : Si r 1:"II.It. Ihi rd ! on, m" rried btl)· Ber t:l, .lmllChter of Il"ron F Um h'"I: Lher h",l :


    I J



    widow of Gilber t de I ~,dc. I"ml of )leath. ~·itz. i'icr~ Filz.Geoffrey, I.or([ or IICrHI"'1l\I)~tcml alilt l{irkling. S h ~ri fT of Yorkshire 12:101 , LOl'd JII ~lic~ of Irciu nd 124G: they Imd: .101011 Fit~·J ohll. Chief J ustice of [relnn(I , 1258: he hall: ! ~~dy ~I "'''I Fit~-Jo" " . w;,I.:.w of Ger,,.,] de 1'"rll1\'I\I, m:'lrricd. ~oml. Wi11 inm. six th lla roll de 11e:lUchaml' ere· "led Ea rl of \I'newl ..k. di~d 12911 (tI",w(!O,dnnt " •• 0 of h:i nK Willi",,, t he t;on'lucror) : they ha.l: I ~~d)' b:lhcl. l1larri~>tI . nr.i1. I '~t rick .Ie CI~' w"rlh. oorn 12::;3 (fifth UarO Ii Ch:lWorth af O): rn nre C,,"I\c. ~1"lo:lI a Chartn BIlron" . paKe :n ·l); 1he), I" ,d: bdy hi li"" (I ~ C))",,"or lll. \'01 . 11 1280 , married Hem')' 1'1,,,,l nl:""CI, third Ellrl of 1_~ " ""H I~I·. dk~1 134G, l,rand.'lO ll of Il enry I I I. Ki ll!: of E11!;I:md; ther hat!: 1 ~'\.ly J/).1n 1'lnll t:lllcnet. ""'rried J ohn. thirll l1:1roo de ~Iowbr"y • •Ii~d 1:lG1. ( So.-e l,r...,.,.l;nK for ""O{i11U:ltioll of L",I),

    1 ~" I)(l 1.

    nm rr i~(] . Hc~o nd ..Tohn

    t his


    A ~ I EI1ICM'.JS

    OF ItOY,\ I, J) ESCF.N T, Browning. Vol.

    I. )mge 71 : Wit1iMIIl tll~ Conqu eror , I'in !!' o f Io:nl:l"nd, married 10u:1 1 ~1dy M littlollL, dlLII!; hto r or lJaldwin V, Coun t of r'b n d ~r~, l>y bia wife, l'ri" ce~ ~ Ad ela, 11'Hllrlotcr ui Hokr! tl, Killg of France, "" d widow or Hicl,anl II I, l)ltko of Norln.1ndy ; Ihey

    It,,,) : I'r ;ncel<>l

    m:l r rie
    Gllnd r~dn.

    ;11 Norm,u,dy.


    I hey ha,l :

    Wi11i:lm, 80coner l. Enr1 of Me llenl, ,la'I!:IoI",· of Hu [:11 j\1"lln"~, ~O" of Henry l. I{i l1l1" of I"rllnco; t lw}, 10,,<\; I.ady C\ln drcd de \\' al' ren, I1mr ri ed ltogor de Newburgh, ~ot,,1 Earl (If \\'",-w;ck, died 11 5:1 ; the)' hn d : \\'" lor'\II .Ie Newbur gh, four th Jo:'lrl or War\\"ic~. died 1205, lIla rried. lII'""ntl, 1 ~1dy Al icc, d:luCblcr of ,Iohn .1' l ia r· court, 1,,,1,, 011,1 widow or J ohn de U mscr; thcy h"d: -

    118 /f islOriu al l'apc, C~rf~r un" MeI'c,"''' "'"",;lit~

    1,,,ll' ,\Ike, ma rried William de Mnn,l uil, B',ron of lInn! _ I"'I~, lI~riJnI.oI~ Ch~m\ll,'rlni n the !·:Xchec'lucr. died 12;:;6: Ihe)' hnd : l."dl' I" ,\'el, "", rried lI' i lli~m, flftlillaron of Iknndmmp n",1 I·:lmley. d ied I:!GS ; they hnd : Wimum. six th Ilaroll • .,tc. Wi!\iam . 8ixth 111m)!), mnrri ed I.:uly Malld ~'H z·.I 011ll. F or contillllBtion of tlJi~ Ih, ... Keo nbove. AMlm lCANS OF UOYAI. I) ESG I·;N T. Browning. Vol. I, 1~' l(e 174: Dermot ~I~e !lll1roll!rli , J.n ~! I"in!l of i.cln8tcr, 107·1c rt:ll-&rnn,hlOn of Ili~rm:lid, the 177lh Mon nrch of nll IreL~nd. m~rried - - : Ihey h"d; I'ri nc","H 1';\,:1 M'le MlIl'ouj(h (mnrried 117 1) !Hell:, •• , d e Cl:lr.... ""lled Ihe " Strong !le,\\'." l\(.'Cond l-::\rJ of !'c",hro];~ nnd l.JJrd Chi~f JU$lice o f Ireln nd. died 11 76. ( Gil bert ,/c Clnrf~\)rot!, er of Hichnnl. n r~t (,;nrl of lI erefo rd-o r~a k..1 l':nrl of I'clIll>roke 11:18. \)y I\in\: Steph en ) ( Mnglll' Charla B.~ron.~. I~ 89.) T hey h ~d; I ~~dy 1 ~~\II,'l .Ie Clnre, ,,1\ Oll!Y child (111",,"e). "nde f IIU!II·,I . ;",,"hip of "i"l1 !lellr;- II nlld gi\'en ill n1 :t"'iBlie by King I :idl~nl. the I.ioll II c~rled. b~forc his COrll1,"tion (l'\.>o\'C). III R r ri~] I I H!l (h i~ r. r~1 w ife) Wi lli"n. Ie M "r~hnll. Ihir,] E arl of I'cm \)roke, ['rolce!o r of 1-:1111]1111<1 durin!: mi1lorit)· cf [ICll r)' I r I. Sher iff lIf Lin~I". SlIl!lK! X mil] Glollcc,!el'. ,lie,] 121f,; the)' Imd: 1 ,,~,ly M",,,I ~l"r~ ]mll, ",IIrried nr~t 1f11!1}, lliyori. t hird Earl of Norfolk. died 122n. 0116 0; Ill e 25 M"9"(1 Clio ria SNr.: lk~ .. they .. ~tl: 'rhe 11 011. Ibll'h lIi llo1" Churl", m:l r r icd Hobert, sixth IInron noo~ of IInm la~e, 11(111 of \I'mb", de !too!!. fift h Unroll. Mil of Hobert de 1\00.' of 1'·lI r ~n ll. fOllrth Unroll of Hllm ], l~e. It Surel!l l ar ,11"911(1 C~arln. ~b\GN" C]!,\ it T A IlAnONS, Browning.I"'II1! I!H;



    ,, .

    " I,



    ,I' '

    \\' lIli:lm de M~whrnr. Ihird HMolI, S"rtly for .l!u l/II(l Charlu.II,,(I: ItOl:t r, fou r th Ruron by tenure, Imtl: Itolle r, f,rst BiLron MowlJrlI)", of ,\x holm. loy writ, marri~'tl J:o~~ (dnUllhter of Hid'i,rol, Earl of Il cN! foni 1Illd Glou l"eltcr. "'l" of Gilbert de Cl.1rc, Ell rl of II crtioed ami G1Qucc~t cr . J/"lI J16 C"~r/(. S,u'dll, ~on of Hic),:. nl de Cla re, E" d uf Il crlford . (.'1""'1,, Surely); th ey hatl: J uhn .ie ~I owhr,,)' ~eco",1 !laron Mowl>rn)' of ,\xhQlm, woo ha,l: J l>I"" third Ua'"Qn ~luwlorn.)' of ,\~hol ",. nmrrie,1 Joan

    ,lfrl" ",

    i'lallt:<Jjcnct. line.



    f,,,· co nUIIlIatioll of Ihi" lin c.

    M;\(;:-IA CIIAHTA IIAnONS, Brow n ing. I~'ge 12·1: ['cler de J:oo.~ !If ltos, fc",!al HlL ron of tor
    : l.ord [~om- rt of Fur""". fourth B:'NIl II)' tellure. horn 11 77. c r~",tcd c"~ tle .• in N 01"1 hUIll t."l"lm l(l II ,,,I Y orkslll re- .1 I';:nillhl TeUlI.I"f, died 12z(;·27. ma rried I ~ .. ool. "Mural .Ialwh lcr of William Ihe I,ioll. li inl: of Scollnntl (w ho mar_ ried 11" "l II S:1 110111':"\ de IIru •• who died 1l~J): tlw)'lmd : Willi"lll. fitth Baron. h)' tenure, [.onl of ll nm lallo C,,~tl e "",] , 'r ",II",1 nn, \ \\'n r l rc, ,liNI 12,;8, ,"eli ...e 8ul"oor ter na ro, ninE "(lU:I4:, I~k en Ilri~oncr nt Lineol", m" H iN.I.uein. daullhlcr of Hel:;lU,ld Fill, P inro. Lord or [,Iewl "";: n;, eMllr. . in Wale~: Ute)· had: I:(lh,~rl, firsl Unron U", by wri t, remlnl lord of Werk ... Cnsll" (who ",a rried bahel d',\lblni, !ICC Mal:n~ Clmrt" {la,·ons. )laKe l nl) . See cO litinuHti oll 1\1)0""', ~f,\GI\A CIIA HTA BAHOI\S. Broll'nilll[. page S7: 1I.~,1

    , I

    I I

    C<mn t m~ rr i"d


    Bc""moll t 'a dBU!(hI Cl'. Atie1 h)' ,lc, died ]09 1.

    HUISh Grel1lem:.isnil. lord of lI ineliler. ,hbhy.

    I-C!:er~. Norl b" mloto,~I'lrc-- lo r,1


    dl ctll on~ :

    3Ic,,":...1 of I( ;nll',


    they 10:,,1:

    t': ,leli,", or Alice. "'''rried hcfo ro 110:1 I !o~er IIII{OII. or Ie niga!. died 1107. fl nt of r:lmily to ~eu le in Enl:bnd--. feud"l!mrnn; they hn']: S ir I!U!:l!. ]\lI t., lord "t"",nnl of Kjl\I: '~ hou~chohl to Ikll TY I. ins\nuncnl:t1 in raigi nr. Stellhcn 10 thl"On L~rc· "'a rd,,d wilh I~nr!dom of I';n~t Anlldes. or Norfolk, m,d Sn lr"l k nhout 11.10: m:"I" I'irllrl "' ~r:e to 11(1)" I_~ ",I ] 1. 7 3" Crll~:ler ic d~ Vere, ~r<'''IO, set:Olul ~:'~ rl of I'Qr, folk ,uIII Sufrolk, MIl!!"IO ChUl'l1l SIn 'Glrl, db l 12'11),21, mar, ri ed I;r.'t i s0"0 for The anee"l r)" of

    ~,.",Il "'mlio" 1 ~ "b<1H"

    " f th i~ linc. I' lnnlnlj'enet, wife of Si!'



    Bigo!! I" : li cll ry I, of Fra ne.::, hnd : Hugh the (: re:'1I , Im,l : 1>
    ! !





    ~ ,\"jon. lift lo E".l of Su rry ill rir;ht of hl~ wife; Ihey ]",<1 : 1"1boell", 1"'0111 the "bo\'~ it i .• ;'PI,arCII! 11",1 t l] e d "-,cm,,lal\t~ of r,alhcrinc U"]e. wire of QIIl\. Thom'L~ en.ler, Sr.. nrC ,,]00 't.:..,.,,,,I"tlL~ of 'e"en )1~1l '''' elmrt" SII. clieH. T he)' arC : 1. Wil1i,un d',\lb,,,;; 2. WiH1nm
    Vc!d; :!. l\obertllc 1103; :IIul;1. Wi!l imn


    , \














    I, I



    :h , II'

    I •

    JIi8lori". of I'QI'C, C.. r/~r

    .l/ef'c,'ri ll ~·"",ilic.. 183

    l\!c VEH RI N AND ALLllm

    VA l\I lI~ms

    A I.I.r~;r) FAM II. IES, AllSTON. ,\CU ~·F. ,\:-/ 1)1':1:50..-. '\\'~: nY, BEltlt Y. mlVAl', C,UII'IIELt., CAlITEr!.


    COO[{ I';, CULLOM. CUNNINGll,\,\!, [)OUGLASS, I)UNC,\N . .IOIINSON, LAUGH!.!", M,\TTHI';WS, ['[';Y1'O:-', PHOR,\I!T, SOWELl.. S'I'OW[-; . WILI.I ,\M _ SON, YA!l8ltQUGlI.

    ,\ I.


    I .1

    ! .

    • I'


    I\: !'



    I I

    McFERRI N FAl\IlLY There ;I re

    !iC"cr~ 1 ~tcou"lJ

    cnr lr ,\moric" "

    h j~tory.

    wllc".ning the

    'The mUll " "-"S

    )!CFc rrj,,~

    ~ l'c1tc([




    w,,~·~ jn en Tly timc~ : Mel,'crr,,,,, ~IC[··cl·ron, M ~ F"r ron. ',\le· Farren " nd McFerrin. Some br:UlChc. of the fmni1y retair. ~O '''C oe th e"" IIlctl""J ~ of s jlelling th e ",,,,Ie. The b""lch

    wit 11 whic h \hi8 na r rative ,Ica\"


    \ he name Mel·'I·: II It IN.

    An ,,~ou ,,!s "n ree tim! M!vcm l McFerrin brothe. s emi. Ii."tcd from [reln nd "nd ""Ulcd in York Cou nty. Penns)'!_ ,-:mia. ':roll' the re U",y wcn' to '\" I:Il! I" C<>luoty, Virg inia,

    "arly n~ the 1 7.I O·~. The names of th""" brolhcu were: John, J"me~. Th omM, lI'illinlll, Smullcl :!lul ,\Imtill. Wh e~h . cr ,,11 of Ihell' c~me to ,,",,('.iell :I I the ~" me tim" ;, not n~

    knuwrl_ollC auth ority ~"Y" th nt [he ori l: in:l1 t mil:r:lllt~ co,,· sisted of th...,c hrolll;" the cnl.i ..... to rollow~. 10 cOlllllie" n11ft dat c~ . il 'il iit hl be I,roper to l:iI'c here t ho dale of Ihe ort:ani7,~tiotl of liI e"o countieH. "\l g u~t:. COlln t}' WM formed from Or.~ nge Conn!y ill 1738; Bolelou r t Olunty wn~ for m('ll from AUll ll51~1 Cou nty in l"1G!I; old Fi nc"~tle Coun ty "':13 di"ided in I77G int o Ihree distin~t cOI"IIie.~ : Wnshington. ~lontllom. ar)' lind l,alltutkic (s i n~c """"m",I), ~\IId lloc1enj mnin Horden'~ "good tfILet s" of land 011 Cat"wha (Creek_ in Bot etour t Count)" ) Win John ~kF'errnn who l.utdm>;c








    I I

    .lnm<'A ~lcF"rr~n w:u kill.....! b)' the I mlintu in .,:>7, ~nd .Iohn. J r .. the "on of .John . wn ~ dc:,,1 in 17Gl. There ia II Ir",llti on in Ihe r~mi l}' Ih:ll \ Wtl Mc Fer ra n boys Werc lli()lIg th ~ ap"i ,!}: br:Uldl ill th e lot helw"" n Ih ~ h(m.~e nnd t he ro.~d when One W:'3 killed :u,,! the other In k"" I,r l""ncr by II:lSl!inl: Indinns. The l ' rc~t()11 li st gives William ~lc Fcrm" ,,& n l'rj!\o lI ~ 1' in 17fi7. ( Th i~ is Ih ~ only ti me 111:11 Willi",,, Met'err:1fl " pJll.'3r~ in the !Jook_howc"cr. il c st:lb1i ~h"~ " ~ I:
    , I



    Fmm this plntc. m,l,' the home of Will ia m :'>1".

    Fer rall (a 1:II<:r ,(On" r:ll;oll). the oltl bu ihl;.,,!.• 1m" " been """lOv ed, lm l fllrlh~ r lIorl h Hlui 1I ~:Ir~r Ihe creek Ihere I ~ ,." oril:in:ll hewn.log hOIl ~ wll h rock ch jmne;,~ wlliell cer· tainly il clO!lll'A t o the endy hi slo ry of Ih., community , ( ,\ ).ieluru 011 1~1ge ,IS5 h ca illiulled " Sll~/Idi llll' Sllr in g Ma" · "ioll U""SC, I:ol clourt <': 0""\ ,1'.") 1'''111' IliG : John ,\lct'lIr r in in <':', \;l wlo., \'all~'J', circa I Hr,· 17:->0, Pnl(e I j !l : J ohn M C ~'hrran a l' llOi llted O~c r,'IOOr oC roml, 17·!G, Crom the C:ltawha townrds Norlh Caroli "n. Page j ·1: Joh n Md-'cn in!1 li"in,:: on <'::l ln rlm (C" \:lwlo.1) C r~k,

    17;; 1. P:LJ;C 78: 'I'honmg ~lc l'crr:ln, Yeom'lI!. 220 uc rc3 on P~ r· ~ immon Cr('(!k. h ranch fi r t he Ja me~ !liv~r. 17ul. I'Hl!e IG7: Th oma! Me l" urri n llrocc~cd lan,1 ill Cal.l . J ohu Mc F"rr in'a com]>:! n}' On G.1 t:lwlm C.... ck in I'i GG but "ran 't ~ h ow hi a li1l1'5," I'og" IG8 : Thoulns MeI'arri n In Calli, Joh n Mc F:'rri n'~ COIIlP:"')', !juG, 1':'l(C 1G8 : 'f hD""'! McFarr:l n. Ilro~sio ncr, 1156, Ca. l"w!.>:" 1l0lutonrt COll nt }', I'UI:~ 2:i I: T ho ma5, Jllmc~. J oh n. S:unuel McFerri n p., id 10 . hi!1 ings ror sc n' ic~~ ill tho mili!in, 1 7(j~, P:,!(e 3r~t : Joh n ;\lcl'errin , J r " gf:l nl. 100 :lC fe~ o n 1~'IIl" ley's 1:1111, 1·1 Fehruury, l'iGI,



    I !'nlle ;100: Under ,.. r ~mc ~ I(i,'cr !' :"I:1 I~~ ScH1~d , " 1760. 1770 : Jnh1e~ ~l c Fe rri,,'~ est!ll c IIPI,mi.-.ed Ill' Andrew H lll'~ , Cb" r lc3 lI !1l'~ m,d John McGow3n. M II~' I!I, 176 1. I'lilre 3GO : .J a, ,, e5 McF~r rin'H e~ llIle 10 I.oc "~ttlcd tor A,..,h ib"ld Buchannn "'I(I Air""" bl ~ '\ Il"e~ ~kF crr i", "'bu li re nl"o 1II'IlIIi nlcd l:u:u'd h " of ,Joh n Md'"r r in, orr'h~" or .Jnl!\e~ ,

    l'''IIC :160: Jolin Md'crrin, Jr.'8. eslate ndmini ~lc~d I,y J nl", McF~r ri n wi tli Tbom,,~ Mc F~'rj n li nd Willi:tm I're!OtOIl. A" Ir"~t IS, I'G!. I'IIC" IGS : J oh" Md 'h"rT(111 t"ku 31!l III''"'''' III' th~ CnInwlm ,1 7Gl. Pnlrc 2SB : SnlLLl,d ~IcFerrin. IMm ~ r of pnrl)' llllr sui nJ.: Indj"ns. M" ,..,h. 17GI. j'np;c :16~: J obn ~ld'"r ren , proce~sin n er'g rct urn, 17Cf,. I'M;"':: :>G6: Thom"s ~kFtrmn, l'rocc!lSion cr on I'er "im. mOn !lun. 1765. I'IlI:e 4G2 : S"11Iuel i\l cFc",-nn. wit h ot herH, u,',IQr ed to " ,-ic'" II wily (rom 1'homM Alc1'nrr,,,, 's by J'ulter""" '5 Cr«=k In II cnry l'"u1in '~ Oil C "' ig'~ Cn..,k" ciTC" I"no. Botetourt Conn ty. J '''g~ ,163: S~ ",uel AIc ~'Hra ll 81,,1 lI en ry J'aul in ordere,1 tl) ope l> roml ami keel' H3 m e in repnir, 1771), J' Il!!e ,172 : Smn" d ,\lcFn n -Bti, !~O a cr~. on Cntaw),,, Cr""k, 2 Fcbrunry, 1770. J''' l:e ~n3 : '1-!\O tlIll S MuFnrrun, c~rti ricat c f"r r,;;:! lb~ . hCIIlI'. 177 1, Bot etourt Counly, I'at:c ( 71) : Fo. ~cr~lce5 in l'roll'Ctl"", i n h~ b ;t"nt.!L 0( ~';n _ c:' ~lle C(llI li ty. 1777 ; ,101 m Melln ,-rin paid fo r 17 ,I" ),H, ~l :\r. l in MeF"" r ;n I~, id (or I:; d,,}'~_ Smnuel AicFlLrrill 1~~i,1 (or 15 .r"y5, 1'''1(1' :187 : "Illrti n ~I do'arrnn, Ju "tice or tho I'":o~e, Bot ~· lou r l Counl)", '\ lIIlLlsl. 177!l. ]'''I:C 481 : Jolm Md':.rr,,,, ""d Amy Howl'''''1 of J," "ea, morrled, 179 r. I'~gc 4&1: 1i1l:I-Jamca Mc Ferrin o.... ns I hor.., ; "In r tin ~lcl'c l' ril> OW!! " I! hor "". "",I :11) cattle : S'''II\,el 7I!c1"crr in owns 11 horllCs. :11) .."tile : Tho",,," ~Id'errin ow"~ D hor~c~, :12 t"ttle, t M b,-~_



    I'ng" ·IG~: Samuel M,FHrron OWI1~ :;70 n,re~. July 13, 17:11. 1'''11'' 48 1: J Ulie }ld'Ml'nll "lui Alc~",,,I~r (; .. th r i;:. mar· ried. 1791, Ikllll'loun Count)', ]'nge ~ 82: J.:liwiJcth ~lcl'nrran , lhlll;hter of Snmuel, marrb l Jnme~ Mont!:<>me,'Y, 1 7~·1 (n"'rri"~c,< or acco ud J{~l1~ ra tiou ),

    I 'nr.~ H I: M:trtin ~lcF<:rrin. :1 June. 1796.9:1[0 ncre.i. Botdou r! Count.", Pall'e ·182 : 'I'hom,," Me l'c" ,.i" an,] 11 ""u,,1I \',,,, Mulcr. m"1'1'i~d , 17~)n . lJ otetourt COIUlty. ,\r,"n t~




    Sl1nl1n~ rtI :

    1'",;<,: 7:1: 1:1 Ma rch . 1770. Iloleta". t CoU"I)'. J ohn ~I c. Fn" rI\u "(0 "PllOin! lithnl.ol e~ (or "'"eh l' recinct." I'ng" 77: J(>1m Mel'""n" VI, gFn rul j ury ,Iuly Botetourt CoUIlty, 8 ~I ar. 1770, I':\g" 1.10: .Iohn ~"'fnrl"UL on g rand j ur y dulr, BoleIQurt Counly, 12 NO'·cmhcr. 1771. 1'''lIe ~5.1: I ~'"t will "n<1 les\"",,,,,1 or Jol", ,\IcF"rrnll. E~~'r!l, Tho"':ts ond S",nucl McJ'"rr,.",. Botclourt Coun.


    1·1 ~"'r. 1776.

    I'M(C f'!l7; .) (,\1", :'IIeFa]'"", proved" will in WIIBhinglon Count)'. AU I:II,~t I~. 1778, I'n g" IOO~ : ,I1<111C3 ~l cI··~rrcn 0" jurr duty. W"Bhil1c ton County. 19 No"~mber. 1778. I'nge IOi.5 : John I>lc Ftr ren , c"~illn. W:tsh innton Counl)' ",iH(in. 19 ,Il'ril. 178 0, 1'1<1:" 10!l!l: J oh n Mc f crm n n]'llrui l!<.'" II" c~t" I~. WMh. in,:lon County. 17 ,11.dl. 1 78~. I'"g~ 11:1;1: Wim,,", ~lcFarrnn on jnry dnl),. \\'''~h i ng. IOn Cou"I:\" March I~, 178:1. I'age 3~2; Jn111~" Md'",'r" n "llllOi ntcd Ll culen:lm In Cnl'lniu S mi t h'~ comp"ny. i!otctOl1ri Cc>uuty. Mny 11. 17M, ['",:e 42:1 : hme. Md'''rrnn ~rnnled le" ,'~ to includ e n\1 ]nn,l ~ in Onc ~nr\'C)" Bote!"llr! Counly, .ll1ly 10, 1787. I'nile J 2S ~: \\'iI )i"1ll ~1cFcr ran deed" ~50 aere~ of btul 011 Spring CrC(!k. \\'n ~ h;nl:10n Count)'. '\l1gIlSt I, 1788. to Snmud Mndl~~nIl'Y for 110 pds,



    0/ f'0I1e, Ca rltr <",,/ Mof 'c l'riu r ami/iea

    "c"c. ln th e Weh

    Ch"rl~3 Cl l rn!tlilll!~,

    Palle &1 8 ; Enrl), ma rrlaKe~. Bot ct ~"rl CoUll!)' : J ohn ~ 1( Fcr rnn nnd ,\my Ilowlllnd, 1791. J nmcs ;lIeFc rran ~1U1 )Ia r)' MeFcrrlll1 . F~b r lla r)' 11. 177:1 , S:umwl Md··err" " :m,l Pcac)' " "l1meter ..Iuly 1:1 . 1803. Tho"",,s "'IeFerran "",I II """n ll Vumnete r. 1799. (;I"'lkl~}" s ne"'}f(I~ of ""l:u51". Cou nly : Vol. 3. P:lII~ 80: John Mc Ferri n "'hi Tho"''' ~ ~IcFcrril1 np)lr:li ~c estate o f ,I:lln es Gatlivc, 1'\ J IIIIC, 17Uj. Chronicle.'! or Scutch- I r l~h Settlcnlcnl in Virllirl;". Clu,lk_ lc~' : AII!: 1I5t" COIlIII), : 2/ 50:1: Captain Geo rge I{O\.till ~O)\'R Li RI : J "mea Me Ferri ll ( Md·cron ). Lic lII cnnnt. ]7·12, ar~ I Z; 15 M ~rdl. 17,.... D.'noid Mitchell, },(!()m:ln. to Thtlma~ MeFer."n , t::!O :le rcs "" Pe rri;m"'OIl Crll()k. bl':lllch or J"mc~ Hive r, :II'!~ I : 30 ,," u\·cmbc r. 17'ln . B. Borde ll d cc,l ~ 10 J ot", MeFnrr in. :II!' ~cl1,'.S of ~.S~O ~crt:'J on C;'\I;,\lI'l~'\ Cr""lI , II brallch o f the .Iamcs P.iw, r. a/ ~ SG : 23 Mn y. 1750. J oll11 "'Id'crrin atles \s :I ,Iced, :1/ ·142,H 3: 'l'itOll"' " Mel,'crr in in Cltp!. J Oltll ~l c Ferr i ll' " (oml'nn)'. No'·ember. 17,j5 nm! l'i';'iG. 2/·HZ; '\111;115\11 I''' r is h Book. 1>:1 ':0 157, ' r h01ll35 Mc' Fe rrin in Cnl!! , J ohn McJ.'cr rill·~ ( Ollll':mr. 27 No\"(~ mbcr . 17:;5. I I ~ carrie' l c hai n for Ho),n1 Cump" n,. for all"'"C)" "holl~



    17G~ _ 7 1.

    2/ .101;1: ,\III{IIHt:t I':'ris h liouk. ]l:tgC u';9; 11:;6. 'l'hom:I.I' i\ l cF~rrili ill C:'I'1. J ohn McFurrill'~ ( omp'lIIY 011 Cal;'lwh.a

    Creek. ~/;j l l ' J"mC3 ~lcFcrrj". k il le
    I I




    <>11'tllle, C.,,'IO" .",,1


    F .. milic~

    I S~I

    :! \ ',h):I: A r~ci~ter of IlI.'r$olls who 1~1\'e lJ«'T\ cith~r k,lleil , wOllnd".1 olr tuJ:ell I'ri"onur lJy lite encmy ill AlI l:tlSla Colunly, Virgini". OtlolJcr. 1757: .Iames ale "','rr ;". Cal""'" 1.011, killed; WiIli:lm ~l cI" err;I1, Cat!l",lJa , pr; "o" " r, (,\Iw ill AIl!\"I~ of AUg UHtl\ Co""l)" Virgi ui:l, by WmltLel1, p.1ge I:', .) See "TlI~re is" tr:utilio" ;n the r"",il), , , ,," at"»'e, 71[1'0 : ,1'llcl ~ltFerr:lIL !i,';ng itl '\\l1:\l 3Ia COII "I ),. \',rllin,:< , '\I"n 20, 176n ,

    f.'rom the ROO" .:! we "rc "ble to t r:n:e the )[cFcrr;n~ from in thu IH()'~ to AUICl1.~ta COUII!y, Virginia , ill the 17.lO' B. \0 Botetourt COUlIty, Virl:illi" , in th e l'jr, ()' ~ , 17GO'3 "n,t 1770'~, ,,,ut t .... Wn~h inll"'o" Co.. " ty in t he 17fl(r H n'HI 1790'3. Th e IaUe r COli Il ly i~ M xt to the Tt nn." ..e

    I'~ II n"yl\""I;R


    I 'I


    T he r.r~ t nuth",,!ic nl1ee~tor of th i" 1i1l ~ fOUlll1 wn ~ Wi[. liam ' )1cFcrrin who wa", doubtl e~~ , one of Ihe fin: hrothd'~ who emir. ral~~] with t heir younl: (lUrl i l il'~ from lrd:lml :1ml "cLtled ill York COlli'! ), . l'unns),I\"!Lll in. It i~ IlTol~~ble 1hnt Ihe \.Ir<}th~,·~ r"rn~ill~d but n "hort ti me in l'cII MY!,","';" :l ml mOI'cd to AUI: " ,h, C01m t)", V irl:ini~ , :ltIIl Ih" " ce (url her "outh !ow~r.l~ the 1'cllnc~~c" Ii li e. I h~\'~ [omn!llo r ee(>rd or Ihe nalllc of th e wife of thi. \\'lUi" tI1 ~ld·'cl·ril1. 1I0r of Ihe ,1:lle5 of hi" hirt h or dC:l t h. :I!t houg h he j.~ buried ;n th" olt! "Green Sprin l(" I'r~~\.I)"terin" Clmrcllyn rd. II' n. hin Jl"1<1I1 Cor",!.'", Virt:inin. "John n . r. 1c~'~rrjR_'\ I:iogrnl,hy" by l'-ilzg\"rnl.1, I~,g c 21; "This t(Cllca\ollicnlglance ~how~ n prolific. "tu rdy "tllek , ("n of vitality , n.i
    ,,,ony: ' Willia m' ~lc Fc ... i" . 'h~ ~ on o( Willl:l11l' McFerrin. IVn3 oorl1 in York Count,'. !'cnll ~.I"h·n lli n, ill 1 7fi~ ,,,1 01 remo" cd wil h his flllher 10 Augusta Coullly, Virnin in, in liG;";. lie joined the nc\"o luti oll"TY Arm), in 177(, :11111 scn'c,lll llti! t!!" d 4IIC o( the \\':LT of In,l cpcndc nce, lI i ~ "e n·j"~ wn.' II. (01. IoWM: F ro'n '\" ,,"0$1. lii(" four nlOnthll in C;\pt~; " Lyle'~ compa ll )'. Cololw! ChriHti c'.• regim~ " I, "I!ai""t the CILCrok~e l ",!i:,"~ ; !n Ihe ~I'rin!( of 1777. Iwo rnonths ill Cal1\"ill ),:wt u's cOn1I,~ n y ; ill 1778, (Pne mon,h in Cnptaiu 1\c .....ell'~ oompn"y " "" on e month ill Captain Il1:Lo k'" omnl'''l1)". lie Ih,," remO"rrlt o \\' ,,~hinl:tO'1 COllnt)", Vir)l lnin , ill 1 77~. ,'nd in the HI .. i" ,.:: of 111." )"c"r """'cll " ix w!!eks in Cnplnin SLLlltltci Mee k'" COlllp:ln)": from Oclob ~r, t;79, he s~ rI·e.! th rca mouth'. ill Cal,I'rill C,mc's comp",, )·, Colollcl Tipton's

    I "

    reg iment: und frorn SCl'tcltluer. 1780. he se rved Ihree mouths in e:.l't~i " Coh'in's ~"'''' I~~Ill'. Colonel ClIrtI\l!Jel"g regiment. " "d was iI' t,be hattie of l,i!\I1'~ Monutnin, (Tl lis Is aJf.o in 3[, V:IOO-;IO I.) III 1760 he """Tid Jan" 1":"'I:lolill, ,h,ul:htc r of J,,",u





    1_"lUlrhlin " "d h i~ wif,', (.:>.me r!)" 11 l>l i 8~ Onnen!!. T hese Duncan s ind "lllc d jl> " 1'".'do"a lolo flLm ill' traditioll that they were remOlely ~OIHl«-I ...~, wilh th .. ol1ce royal fnlHil), of

    Scot I"'HI. The WllIim"


    Ih'.:..llIhout lli ne

    mi1e~ ~ollth

    Abillj(!lol1. Vir!l illi:!. on the sOll th fork of t he l!o!slnll

    "',,' ,'!o;iC tu tilt " ~I " Fe r r i n ""~""c·· ~RY~ :




    m"~ r



    l'nmily of I'c" "'Y\"''''in. Vi rJ;in i" li nd

    'I'~n _

    l 'heNl were thre<.! McFerr in


    brot h cr~

    .:11" .. with thei ,' r"milics from LTd",u] and M!tL]~il in \'ork Conn!)" ['enn, )'h',mi" , ' '''tween 17,1 0 ml" 1 7;';~, Willin m' ,lId'crr in "'''~ the >ro n uf one of Ihese urothcr,i, Il ~ "'~~ hor n in Yor k Con,,!)' in Ii:;" and ,H~d in 18,1r>, ll e joi ned t he ,\ rmy in lh~ IlI'j(i ""lull' ()( Ihe Hm-olu llo"a r)' War in I77G ,md ~cr~1', ,Inu ghl er ot Jmne~ 1.''''I,hl;u, (&e L.1t1l[hllll F mui!)',) lI e'm.1 hi5 wife liv"" oil Ihe {:t t m 111111 rai sed th eir cijf"t chil dren, a li(I it WM Iher~ that J""l e~' ~[d'e ,'l'i" wn~ oor ll ~b rd, ::!2, 111H, , , . Willi,,,,, McFerriu e"H~t e,1 in t he He\'olut;onm';' W"r ill );7G, "en 'c d u"til S"),lo","", L, 17S0, lie w,,~ cnll:lgcd in b~tll(l witl, Ih e CherO)\;"" I ndi nu~ nru! wn~ lit th e battle of l<:inl.,'8 ~I O Ln,t nill, .. . (lI cI'olutlol\ar," II'",· LlccordH, Wllah_

    , ,


    ;" 1:10)11, D. C,)

    '"J ohn U, ~[d'c"rI "- A Il;oj{ra\,hy'" by F i l~g~r31t1. 1'~l[e IS ; The William Md'"rr ;" [mnily r~., i(I~,t nen r th e [:"nons '"Gr~c " S"r;njf Meetillir Home'" cre<.:\ cd Ii)" t he I'rc.lb)'tcr i:l" s where the}' hml .... g"br lIIi"i~lry .1",1 " ble pr~nc h j ng, , .. I Ie lll'ed 10 lJc " incly yenrs old runL died in II", St:atc of )[;""i ll.'l;I.I'j., . . He W:U.1 ! ' re~"rt erin" of li bernl vi cw• . .. , 1\0 rccord ha~ been [ollnd of 1101.' ,b tc or ,le.1t h of \\' lI, linm' "!cFcrrin '~ wife, .Inne 1_1ughl in. IIOr the pineo of




    l !l:!

    I/is loric~


    oll'oll e. Carl a 'nu/ M eb'crd"

    b ~ t l'r~5u mc


    n",\ she ,lied "nd wM huri{'<1 in r.l is·

    ~i~i l'l' i.

    T he chil,lnin of Willimn' ~Ic Fe r r; " "",I hi~ wlfc, .l''''c I.nughlin ~!d·~rri". were : n. Jnme~ ; b. lI' ill i:wl; c. Bur ton I•. ; ,I. ll~t5r. marrierl Thom,' ~ H ~ rry ; c. J a " c. umrried Joh" H. Gillila"d; r. ~lnr,,;\rct. ""'rricd James Gi lli land ; g . Ta_ bit ha. married Bu r ton l.. S mith ; h. EI<,nllQr I) .. m:,rr icd Culle" Cnrlce : i. Mnry, "'n rri~d Poslon Sto\·nll. J Ames' McFerri n (Willimn.' Willia m' ) wu the ~""ollli "" ild "ml fir~ t ~On of \l'iIl ia m' McFe..-in an,1 hi~ wi fe, JmH, ],"" trhlln MeFcrriu. lIe w,,~ bol'll i\!arch 22. 178.1. and died in Tipton COlu ,t y, 'J'erme~OICC. SCI'le))lb('l' .1, 1 8~0 . nUll is bu r i.... l in the Ch"rle~to" Churdl)'a rd. On his \wentl('th birthday he ma rried .b ne c.1ll1jlbcn Bcrr)' (hor n 1786, di,,<1 _ I . ",ho \Vn~ Iwo ye",.,. )'o,," ger, (See Ikl rr)' Family.) J"11les Mc l"~r ri" and h i.~ bri de. riding the Mme horse. c,,, jn,,tctl t~ 1I"lh"rforll COII " ly . T~nll es"~c . in 1804 ,,,,,I ~eU!ed On th e ~~8\ fork of Sto nc, lIi ve r. in w),ltl i. nOW I",rl or C,mnon eo llmy. li e wa~ " {arm,," and Ill' ~lI:JII.' rl rifle_ man, When it ~~",e neo:~!!l.uy to fight t h(' 1",11"" ,;, h(' mi ~cd a co"'!';"'}' of whith h" was elected c" l'tain. II i' coml,,,ny ReT\'cd (o r " tim e "t Nale hez. Mis.l illS ippi . and Ihen r etnr ned home. T h ~ n ~amc Iro"llie with Ihe Crtck Ind iHll H. nn'! he "gain I OO~ th e field . ~c n'inlC under Ceneral Andrew J aI'kso n (Old lI ickory) . a fterward Prl'.'lidcn\ of Ihe Uuilcd St al e~. from whom he won ( (\IIfid","", and KlleCi~ 1 COiton'e,,· dation for h i~ Mlnble coll rn gc ami sk ill . T he Creek Wn r cn,le,1 nnd he ret"rne,! lo hi ~ h O'llC. but hi ~ military "pi r it ~ 1lI1 burne'!'''I'\ ho hec~"' e Mnjor m, d COIOMl in the SI"h, ~liliti". Colonel McF('rrin II'n K cOlwerted to ~I et hodi~ m in 1820 .",,1 1I'3~ nn ~di\'" tlrc~cher for thr remain.ler of hi d li fe. li e rem',,"ed. \\',1 11 hi. r"m ily 10 I .h~aton" Count)'. ,\Iaba m". in 1 !lZ'~ mul in 11I:!.!llo Til,l"n COHnly . Tc nne~"l'C. wh ere he die,l Scplc n, hc r .t. 18.10. li e w" ~ ,, "' ~mh"r of th~ Gcncml Con{~ ri: n ce. M. E. Gbu ,·cb. 1828-:l 2. II i. wife. J nnu Cn mphcll (Herr), ) NcFerrl!l. 11i<:'< !lIt the home of her 11011. In",~~ II , )!cF('r ri n.a plan ter. llc" r Va nd" le. CrO-l!s Colmty. ~n,l is bu r ied 111('..... Arknrn!ns. on _

    i e

    "~lcFcrri "

    F"",;I)' of I'"nnsyh'''''''' . " ir!!,,,;,, :,ml TenHm', J"rl\~" McFerrill wU.' th e ~cc o lI!(In (l( Willi am' Md'".r;n l",d .I ,, "~ ~Id'errin. and ",nH lio n . Mard, ~~. 178·1. 0" hi. t\\'~ lLlidh hi r lh.l"y he n,,,.decr ·t. 1 ~·tO. II" ~cr,·cd h i~ "ounl ry a~ " mili""·,, offi cer, Ihe ~] e lhOlti "t Clmrch " " " .. ~! tc~mcd mini ~ I"t fQ r tWenly y~nt~. ",,,I ,lied in the fu n hOlle o! hli.~r" l inmlO r'"l il)·." The !lbo"e i~ in errOr ,,"h~ ..... il !Ill)"~ tlllll IIc'·. J" mc~ Me · F(!rrin " ,,,I h iMwife hn,. fi w cirl ~ "'''lthr<'C l H)Y~. They liml (,,·c ~on.. ,,,,d Ih ree ,laul:h l er~. " " fonow~ ; It • •1lOo 1'" .(1)" ; g. It",.. Wi!Hnm)!. (the !aller two \l"er~ mlni sl" .. of the M. 1-:. Church. Sou t h) : h. Eli"" (horn 1812, C()",I. lie'·. S~ mucl Cilli la nd . •1011 .. Berry' !IIc[o'~rri" (Jllnle".' William; Willi,,", '). the 1011 of .I'I1"es' McFerrin nn,1 hi .• wlfc, JHII U Cumpb cll ( lIcr ry) McF~rrin , ""M " or n Jun" ]r;, 1807. in Itu ther!ord Cou nt.'·, Tcm,e.<.' ec. :11111 diet! in N,,"hvillc. Ten ll e~s ..'l!. M~y "~Mec" :




    II II [i

    II I


    I ,

    1,1 'I




    10, LI!S7 . I! ~ W,," one uf the moot Ilutnble "lid " utst.,nd in ll tolirli slers of tim ~!cthodj~t 1': l'illCOj1a\ Church, South. Jl e lICI'\'OO ;u :. chajll:l.in in I he Con federat e Army. To cin! even " ~hon s}'nOII.r. of his lire wou lt! f<"luirc nm"r I}~gc ... 'Iud it iN fully cOI'creel in "John II. .\\cFcrr ill-A lJiogT:' ph}'" by O. \'. r"it '.s:c",h l, D,D ., I'ubli "hcd in 11!8S. ;11,,1 in otller pub. lications. He wag " ",nfl1l fri ~nd of I'reside n! James K. Polk. was with h im when he died ""d deli.."red Ihe fun".al o. aliOI,. John Ile rry McFerrin WM m:lrricd, Ill'IIl. \0 ,\ 1. myra A" c ry l' roba rt (lw, ,, Jun e :!O. 18 13, dl ~d May 11, ]85.1) in Dal'ld5Q 1l Count)', 1'"nl1cs~ec. Septclnl>er 18, 1833. By t his rn:l.rinJ,:c they had the t ollowi ng chi],L rc,, : ~. Sara h J Ane (bor n Mnuh G, II"':!, died ~ I)trm!..: r 5. I!lOG) , nl:trrlcd .I"dl~c J"m~.~ A)"!eTHon o! S~)mn"r Co~nly . Tenllllssec. Juri125. 1875). da\'Kh\cr o! \I'atron )1. (;oo~c. li e ,;en'ed in 1J:. \es' llril(.:adc. COli. !eder:tte ,'rmy . wn~ wou l)d~..! al the Imll ie or Chi~k3m~us::,. SeptemiJer. IH6:!. I_~t cr ill the waf I\c WM C"I,\ufcd alld rfm:Ll ncd " pr!~o ll e r um!llhe close o! the WlIr. They hnd one child. An"j", wbo "".. r ic'll S~m Mc=-- i.• " . c. J ohn ""dcr~on-'ce lalef .

    ,I. !,:Iiwbeth Joh nSOll (oon' JU li e 21. IS5·1).


    I ,



    ' .1. 18.19, ,lie
    c. Alrny r;, l' rob:. r t (hotll )[ " l" 8. 18!i.I. died '\ I,ril 1. (9 10) . marthl I: ~,·. I'c)'\o tl O. Sowell, " mi n i~l~r of the .\1. I·:. Church. SoUl ". 'fhey 10,,,( 0 111' dlluv,hler. Te n nc,..Ci,' M c ~'~rrin (born '\ \l~1I5t 2!l. 11179, d ie,1 Jann~r.\· 21> . ]!,l-l:?) , wh o ma rr ied l 'rof. C h"rl c~ S. Willi:uu"on. Jr .. or T u bn~ UII;'"cni ty. ,,,,,I Ih'cd in J\cw Orl"" " s, " 111' Wil1 b m""n$ ll"\' ~ lw o chi1<1rcu: Chari .... au d ,\Imyru. .Iohn lIerry' ~rcl'crr i" "'''3 IM rri"d t he ~en>"d li nle to CYlllhia 're" IIt'~~cc McGnl'oc k (horn July 26. I S27. diO!"r ;:.1. IMG, ,lied ,\ U): ngt 8. 1<)13), " "'rried William I:ob~rt IIr}':ll1 !'~hruary:! , ISS I. :l nI1 1",d ,wo ehild r"" . (I) Cbioorn c Ndwn (born .Jnnu"ry 18. ISS:} • •Iied JU lt,, :!G. 1~\7 ). who rtlft rried ]Je"riettn ](icl.:. n lsou :l nd had onc ,Ia"~htc r. ( ~) 1.oui"" (horn Ooluh~ ,' :W. 18!1:! ), m;lrric,1 '1'. Wilbu r n Cr utcher NI>\'emb". lG. 19 15. and Io:ul fonr chll.I , ,,,,, IWO oo n" :Iud lwo dn nllh lp.r~. b. Bell), ~Ic_ G, "'""k (!.>orn .rn l)' 2:1. ISUl. died Ju ne 2. 192'1). rtlMr ied J,uues lI enr)' Y"rb ...)n~h nnol h~.l onc ,lan~hler. Mar!:l.ret ~l eG,,\'(.;:k (burn Now llloor :10. (887). who tIIarrie,1 C;" loriel Cannon :Inti 1~'l.J OnC ~l>rI ",,,1 011" tI:lU); hter . •lohn i\!,tlcr_ull' McFerl'in (.1 olm [lerrj·.' .Inmu ,· \l'il· li:",,-, \\';11 ;"01' ) "'ns hor .. Mnrc h 26. 18-19. n nd d ied ~I"...,h I, 1!l12. II" w,,~ 11m third child ,(lui !cCOIHI "" n of .1 01", !k rr.,· Me]!"rr iu uu,\ hi~ lir .. \ wi f", Ahn), rn A"cry l' ro\,...I. li e WnH th" Ihird of t he ;\lcFerrin liHe 10 he O1 in;sterA of til .. .\I et ), od; ", Jo:I'; "~OII~1 Cln,,·d ,. Sou th. Jo hn AlIdcr~on 0It! "'~1 the Church for for ly 3'"n,.", I n I ~IO" he r cHret! from aclil'c wnrk ,\" c tu il l bc:tlth . h i~ I:t~, 'IPI'OinlmCIit ~eing I' re.~hli nt: 1';I.I"r of Ih" Columl.>i~ 1)i~l r ic\ of Ihe ~1. K Ch "r~h. Sotl\h. After h i ~ reti r ement he li" ~ll in Gnllnt lH . ' re u n~Bo;"e. "ud I"ter in 111 :I .• I",ill", Ten " e!<.~, whcr .. he ti led. li e "':IS w,r}' much like hi . rather. Joh n H. ~kJo''''rri n. in per ...., lI:,] nnd ]lhysit~ l d\:lr:lctc r i " lic~ with nn unusunl ~t ...m!:t h of clmr:lcl,.,r, li e h:.d :\ line IINL,e I>f hU lllor. liked a ![Om! ~ Io r,l' or It joke am! "':<.' co,, "ide rat c of th e ideM of






    Nc.'cr nClI(.", 1 un " " )' illl l>
    "r~ nl

    lind l'boer,.1 in h i~ ,·iew~. On Ju ne ~8. 187 1. he m:lrri~~1 fo.1:I."t ha IWuglau Abi;IOII (00 ' " \)""clI\l~ r 2:1, l SW, ""d died .Janll nr.\' z.1, 1(201), th~ you"l(c~t d "" ~ hter or Ale rry C, ,\ I>. IU II lind "'nry A nn ( 1J0"1I"1,, ". , ,\1>.<10" _'0:: A1>51"n '·'lImit),.

    , 1

    I I





    II· ,.

    J ohn ,\,ulen;on ' McFerr in " n.1 hi~ wire. "'"rIb.. ,\I", lou .\ lcFc r rin. hn,1 the followinl( children : II, John Bel'r), (ho ." .lulI~ 17. 1872. , li~'
    , h. Merry C".lc r (horn ,' nl1!l:.ry :,!!i, 1868. d ie.! ~'cb ruary 1925). nlarri c,lll cIcl\ ClI.tcr (oo rn March :!!.\, ISS!l) Oil Il«:ember 15, 1910. Th ey 1",<1 une "on, John Cn rt cr (oorll Sellt~mber I;', I !III) , who IIOW li~~ in Mobile. AI.~b:'ml\. G. Vlrv,irliu' (Jolin A.,' Juhn B., ' J",nr~.' William.' Wi l · linm') (born Alrri! 17, J~S:'!). ",.~rrjed Willi:1I1I Hi"er~ l'o1'e (hor n JIlI"m r)' 7, Il!JIO) 011 October 2<1, 1!lO:l. See 1'011\) Fnmilr. Li ne o r Ilc-"'Cn l : William' McFer ri n 10",1 Willi,w, ' McFerdn !Harrie,1 .Inne !":H'J: hlin ~"'! had J a mc~' Md'u ri n lII:Lrri ClI .!:lIm Campbell lJ ~ rry nnd Imd Jo lm Ikrr)" i\lcl'err in ""'rri,-~l A1nl)" r :l Aw~r)" " . oha rt ~G.

    II ,

    ",,(1 hml


    J ohn A"'lcrw n' McF~rrill "'aI'ri~d ~lnrth" I)ollrd,,~~ Ah. Imd b3d Virl{inb' ~lcFcrr in nllL rri cd II'iII i,,,,, iI. " Olio! (Illd hnd Virgin ia' M. 1'01'<1 ", " rri ~d I-'!oll J , Li\'i"lI~ton :linl h:ul ", }{~ t hcr ine Li " i"II~'to ", II, Willi am l'oJ "" Lh'i"II~lo", c, lt iel", .<1 )lcFerr;'I ' Lh'i"IIRiu" ,



    ABSTON l"';\i\i11. Y Hi"tol'Y of I' ill."),h'",,;:o Con"t)', Vir!:'n;a, Io~' Clcnml]l h" 5 t he fo!lowi"lI: I'II[(C .[·1, I-'oolnol<: : J osl"m ,\ b~IO" w,, ~ "Ol' or Fr""ci ~ Ml~t()n whu~e wHi w,,~ Ilrollll l~~1 in IJ " lifft x Counl y, Vir· lIini", in 17r,~ , ",un;"1: ,'0" " : Willi" "" JuJU!, J Cl<S~. ,Io.dma, J ohn W" rd " 'M " w i tne.~s 10 tho:: will . J o"hn " ,\i>J


    7H20!!: J oh ll ,\I'HI01' paid .1:6 S:IG (n,' ~f\'ice~ in Ihe milit in of lIt'd(ol"''''ani" on t .... w~t, the n J' itt..,yh·,min Connty "".1 fl ,, ~l l y ill ll cMord Coun ty. I.etter, Velcr.,n ~' ,\ d",illi ~I'·Htion. ]Jure:", of I 'cn"ion~ , Wa" hing lun . D. Coo '\ l'riI 15, I!);; I ; EXlr.,cl : Merry C,,\ b. , 1011 w.\~ borll nOOUI 179C in l: cMonl CoUllt)", Virg jllin . li e cllli . tc,1 in N ash"ille, T~II ne.'''IIC. !""l "",,'M eight month$ 11-' " pri\'ate ill Cal'I, E li lIa", ,,,o,,,l"~ Compa"y o( U. S. )I o""t_ c


    From the "I",,· ... , it i. evid ent I1mt Merry C. ,\b~ to n. who wns born In Il~d(.mt Coo",ty. Virgini ... " boll t 17~S, wu t he son of John ,\ b);t(m who "'a~ in Il~dro rd Counl~' in l' aS "ml I'itt .•yh·nni" COllllly in 17G7 or. dU ll to thc ~ p.'co of ~8 YNlra btl"''''!n t he t wo tla tes abow, Merry C. ",ay h" ,'c I~n thc Ir raml ..... 11 or Johu . M~ rry C. ,\t~. t(m (lHlrn dr~:1 t'l%,
    Fnmll r.

    I,inc or I)l'l!c~nl: Fra nd .• ' A bRIOII lm
    Ab3\(lll wh o h:... l

    J oh n' AMlon who hm. M" rry C.' ,\IMloll who married



    D OIIK]au


    h:,,1 Marth3 1)0u ~la"~r. Alldw u who mnrr i... ,1 John ,\ .' MeFeo'rin nnd h"d \'ill:i nla' ~1f. Fcrrin who nmr riod William nr,'en' POJlCl "lid h"d Vi rgin;;o M c r~ rrin ' Pope who m" rr i~1 Leon J. J,i\'inJ{' ~ton IIn,1 hnd " . ['ntb uri,, ~ 1'01"'- Lh'illl:~tO " , b. William 1'01>'" L['·i ll):810". c, nich anl McFerrin' I.il'lng~ton .

    COLONEL WAIC HTSTILL AVERY \I'hile Ihure l~, appMcntly, no r",,1 r~btio" between Colonel ,\ \,ery nnd the McFerri n "'nm ily , hiB " :lmo has betn ment ion ed in two i n H t nll~S 11,..1 it mlltht 00 well to givo lli3 hl. tory, 7\' 12·1: Wnir.hl 8tHl ,\ I'er)', North C., ...,l inll, wn ~ one Ilf • cnmm i•., {on ~l ay, 1777 which co nch"l o([ " treaty with the ltu[i nn8 at the "I.onl: IAland of tho 1I0l5ton" (1IIIy",ood'. 11i8tory Ilf 1"on Il\'311OO) .

    , "



    I I



    " IASl Tri he~ Q( Norlh CaroJiu:," by W(>rth S. It ay, I)"!:~ :1 1[,: W"il:hl5till ,\" cry ~lllned the Me<:klcllbu rlt 1),.'C:lnro. lion of 11l\lep e l1d ~1\cc, May 20, 1775. Smne. 1,,,g~ ·UR : A"cry was a 11:11;,,<:: of Grot on, CUll. 11'. in.H,; n:mlly den ied lIud. :11,,1 "eknowl. c the n r i ti~h Crown . ,\ " h c·~ Il ,"Iury of Norl II Ca roli U'!, pa!le oI G7 : Wnig ht"! ill A,·cr>· \\"a~ a( t he 1l<..cI" . al ;on 0( Meck.cnl",rg. 177". T here bein): no hloo




    l~A mLY

    T he /Ier ry F"", ih· C.' me f. om lre.:uul amI \\"n~ one o r Inrge fO!Ulet.l ion~ in Virgi nin. Th ere wa " a .Iolm Berry wh o pate!!t"d tOO :lC !·~" o n tho ,':I",,",~ I ti\"(~r (~ ....'" !lot ~1K!C itle<1 bnt u"oIoubt c,d ly IIcar it s mo!lt h) in IG20. Se",~ were in (0101 ) l'atll xel\! Cou nty. in IGGO. :l!!d n numhc r of Ih em were In ~li.hll eacx COIII!!y, Vir, I:i n'''. 172G to 1 7G~. [h:we not con n~... then, with the Berry . i n S01'thwcst~ ru \' irg inia.



    I I,


    I u

    I/ ;~t~,·jc.


    l 'l)p~,

    Curta ",,,I .IIef'" .... i"



    The prinl'il>al "10\':01,," of t.he lterr)'. who i" lerm:orri~,,1 with Ihc ~l cFcrri li Family .ce ' lI ~ 111 )111\' " lIee n i" A" lIu ~ I :1 Cellnty, Vin :inia n,u! ~outhw~rd3 luw:ml. Ihe '1'''''''''''''00 line, Thf')' nrc f requ"" tly me"Ii(",,~1 in BOl dou r !. 0111 F ill_ ", olle n ud W,, "hilll:l (m COU ll tie._ I\'h~ rc t hey "cl Ued wh ,, 11 t hey fl rat en"'c f rum Ird n",1 l. no,," link nO"" " out it i~ q uitOl l.roO!ll.ole Ih"t lhe)' mir.hl lml'c rir.t !oo'l Ih" Ii ",,, I hol<e IWO (,. mill" . d id " 8 Ih~ r" w", " la rl:e lIligr"tion (1'0111 I'ClIlmyh'""ill ~O Llth w,ml ill the e" r ly I':ltt OJr the 111111 Cenlu ry, 'r he )i rHI ......,ord of IhOl /lerr), t'''lIIily ill '\III:II~I;; CUllll ly , Vin:'" i", i" from C),,,lk lcy'8 l(ccOl''' " or ,\ II I«IHt" COllnl,' : Vol. :1, I~'IIC H : E liz.,hct h E. Ber r y, F.x<.'Cul r ix of J ~mc. lIerr ),,29 No"clIIl.>t:r , 17·19, :1 / 15 : .In", ,,",, Bel'I'Y's c~t,'lc "I'pr"i "~d 7 ,\j a rdl, 1750. :l/ :.!O: J ume3 lle r r)"" ho"d a~ l(u,,,,li:n1 nr John. J a",CII ~ ",I \I' ill;;"" Berr)', (lr l.l"'" 8 o( In n",. Herry, 28 February, 1750/ r;!. 1/ 57: .l oh " ~rr}'. jlI"re!! 21, l1io3 , Ii ~clcd to ~,.aiKl (II k""l.i ll)! ~ ro~ '1 Ol",n. :IPS2, ,Joh" 1:":" ,,. I""'d",,,c" ·127 II cru for nos, III ~"'~'. 1762, :1/ 415: J OI>II IlerTY HCl1~ to William nerr}', 10 Nnw mbc r, l iG'1 "~7 acrc" rol' .1: 100, :I/H~: J ohn Berry ouy~ 120 ,,~ ,..,s III' J "" ",,, 1Ii"er 01 " 1""Il~ Ihe m"m ll ofC~"I" r Creek , II .lune, 17(;8 (I'om ,lome" ~1"1)ow cll

    B",I Fr",]""",

    2/ ·10:1, .10-1: John l:Crry, .I r:~ IInn'e ill I·'tt Book. 1167 ~II" 17GS , :1/ 11 8 : Jo hn 1\0) "",.'" will_c" l"t~ \<> ,John I:crry, £l)n of J "mr!. ,1Cl!e"I!<'II : to Joh" Herry, !IOn 01 WilIi"n, Berr), : 10 John Berr)', ~ n of I,' r:moe" Berry, I ~ Odohc r, 1770, Notice three J oil il Berry '~, nn "OTI R o r durcrcll i rnl li ers, :1/ 159: ,Ioh n IIcrr)"~ elIt" \e "ClUed. 16 M,,>". 17111, All Ic~"dea JI~id_f" m ~ rlll li~ lInr, £ I ,7,O-cofTin 11"i,1 for. lWutilwe" tern V;rllin;n by K er.I~·-

    Page IS;;, 1755; Sheriff t urn. in \a:c lisls---John Ilerr}"

    "nol found," Botetourt County. 1'~Ii:C

    ·126: John Herr}.. May 10, 1710, Suney, 48 acre"

    ,HI Moulh &itlc of J umc5 !!i"cr, lIo\ctourt Counly. A'u"'l~ of Southwe. t V irK i l\ i~. 17G!I·1800. 1.0)' Summers-l'ir,:e 135,1: J olIlI Berry with othcr ~ (amonK them were

    ,, ,

    I 'I



    Al ex I.mll(hlin, Tho~ . !lerry, And rew Bcrry, Andrew MeFlIrrc n. William Berry nlld WilHm " llc rry) oi'l ll " call II> Itc\', Chnr l c~ CUl!Hu h'1I3, 1772 "ro. unit ed cOI1!r rcg.1tions

    of [':1.01.0111[:, Ilud Sin k;lI l: Sl, ri n)(" on lI obton'~ Hi"cr, IloteIUII.t Cou nt y." (Tholl1a~ L. l' rc~ton in hi s "!li"loricn! Skcl ch c~ and Hcmini "ccncc~ of th e Octoge narian," par.e HI ""Y~ (h"t !;i"ldnl: SI.. i" l(" i . not it mi le north",!,"! 01 the tow n of Abinj;;don and Ebbinl/ 5 1'r illlP! is I\holl1 12 mi!e~ ...ut or '\ bi n,;don on t he midd le fork of the lI oLiton. li e ,,1119 "ar~ on I"'!!'" 18, "0" the midd le forb o f Iht 1I0lsion .....ut! ... tht! Herry"- . . :' Thi~ ..... ,,8I'i...,'" 1775.) Abi ngdon i~ no ..... in \\',,~hi "l:lon Co" ",y. 1'''11" 650: J olin llerry )( "1II lor or 7~ "o res on ... nth .ide or Jnm"" J(h'cr, Rot elonrt Co" nty, 10 Jun\', 1773. I'''!~e 6Gr, : Johu /lerry "nol J.1I1 C, hl~ wire. g rnlltcd 120 "cre.~ Oil south Hic.lc or the J"lne~ 11"·er. OI'I',," ile 1I1 01llh of Cell"r Creek. Nov cml>cr 10, ]775, Botetourt COU llty, (Here i" the ,John Berry ~lId hi ~ wire, J ,m" (Cnmpbcll) Herry. whose daul(htcr, J un e Campbell Rcr ry, marricd ,Jame" Mc~·crri n.) I'n;:\! ]3·17: John

    Ikrry'~ will \I'M Ilrobatc(1 '\U I.: "311 5, 1711G in \\'lI3hin{(lon Counly, Virginl:I, t"!8t:tte 10 wire ,md c h ildrcII- lio ",,,nes r.i\""n. W"s lo in,;lon COnnl}', \' irl:inlu, w~" ol"jfnn izcd in 1776 ",,,,I Ihe rollowing nOll"! ,, ' e tnken from Ihll same ,," l hor il)"

    ,,\Jon:: I'age 95S: John B~rry H-':(Imm~nlled ror lieuten:ont in County MiHt;". t'~brt"'ry 1(;, 1777, I'~j:e 98~: .Iohn Berry",," Wlm,,", Be r ry on gra nd jury


    I I


    b ce 10·1:1: J oh n Ben ), on ju r )".

    W;I~ h;" I:tou

    AIIl:ns\ ]8. 1779. /'alle H)'j·I: J <>hn Ilo:rr.,- on ju r." ,lu ly, t)". ~farch

    Conn!)" .


    Gou n.

    2 1. 1781.

    Page IOS!I: .101111 B" I'r)" 1m l: ran.1 jll ' )". No~~",ber 20. 17K I. Wuh inr,lo" C"Ul1 ty. I'''I:~ 11 87: .lu)'" g er ry. with othcrw . ~ il: '" "PIIl/intine ~h crj fT rot WMlo in,;I(.n c...Utlly, ,\uC"$~ II!, 178·1. 1':lI:C 117: .lolw lie,',)"'" will elal C
    Chronicle.; or S<:o:ch. lri Hh ~ctll c ",en t ill Vir!;itlia· Ch"Ikl,,)': ,\ U):U~I" eo"" ly : Vol. 1, P"ltC ·17: A " 11,,"1 ::!9. 1n.1. .Iames lIerfY, gua.di,,,, "r Ja",e~ I''''rr)', o'l ,I~~ " of J'''"<'A Ik rry, COIll] .iairlll of Joh n .l ,,"ca. in whose c us!()o iy the Orl'lta ll i, . that he nbll ~e" h im. 1;-19: :-Io"~mkr ;\0. l1fOl. J "mc~ I ~ rr)', gu,.... lilln .• of the " Ci.h n"" of J :"IIC.< Ik rry , 'l ecclI"", I. ""m]J1ain~ that .John J o"e. who "",rric,1 th~ widow ut' .lame!! Il
    2/ :!81: .I"hn Ik r r.\· wi\."'.'~c,' "wrri"" .. April 8, 17aG in 1I'''$hilllCtoll CUlml.\". ::!/ 2SI. 2;1.1; .Ioh n !lerr)". Hurd)' for two marrinl!~ . ND ' "ern ber Ir,. 1785 ill 1I'''" ili!mloll County. There ",,,rt 00 n~~ ")" ' ...·1)1.1" b~' tire n~mc or lIerr), in S"ut !Jwc.• tern Vi rv.h, ill frOIl\ ah<JI lt 17·10 unl il I ile cn(] or th e lllth (:e u(u ry Ibn l it ha~ ho..'Cn ~Olme,,"h;lt .liffielllt to defrn jtely ~" tnhl;., I, r~!atiO ll "lri Ji. Ho,,"e'· cr. hy '''rcrul COlII ~ l d cratiOln


    J/;~ r oriu

    0; /'0]0(', Curler 0",1

    .\Ic~ ·uri" ~'umilia

    or na mr:l, ,b' lc~ ",,,I I,b ees, I nm or Ih" OI>lnioll Ih~ t the followi l'll' is corr~l : Wo k now Ih,,\ J :on".,. Herr)" the li .. 1 o f Ih~ n.~mc I found in AUI( II.'II" Co" nly. Vi r g lll '''. ,lied in t im' t ou nty in 11019 . a~ h i. widow. ~: li."ooU,. '1''''I1tl~oI " " C'~'OI;ulrix lal ~ thnt yo" r. T hey hml J oh n. who ho r n in Augu st:'l Coo lI,l ), in 1740 a nd dicd in WM ltinglo u Co"uty in 1786_ ~c u hi ~ will ,,\)o,·c. ll ~ m:u'ri ed eiren t7G r, J ane Campool! wlto ",,,.• born in AUI:,, "I:'I Cou"l y '\1 .. 111 0. 17·1:1. ,m!! died in W"Hh i"l: lolI COUIII .\" VirI:1 " ;,,. 0" SCl't emoor 27. 18:!:!, \J.einy' ,,"cr ninety ,,"""U o r :'Il:e. J 11m roll,' hle,,<1 Ihat June C:o ml1. bell WM Ih e da ll!:hl cr or 1\ le~"llOle l' Cn mphe ll who died ill 1\ III~ u ~tiL (:.tull tr iLL 17!j:I-~~i: C~L " J'OO!l r'mnll)' ((h ough ] .10 "'" st., te Ih i. M :o. bet) . J oh " lIerr)' own~od oome o f the e:' rlier iron work~ in WII! Ioinl: loII CoulIly. 'h'COrol inll' 10 " Ann" br of Southwellt Virs: in i,," by SlU" ",cr'!. J oh n u"rry was a Il c" olu tion~ ry IIOloI icr IInti wu :o.l t he b lUc of KinK~' MOllll lain. "John n. M. FeTl'i,, _ A BiO!( rnl' hy" hy Fi l ~l:~rR ld II.W~ V" p:Ol:e 20 : Th e r"t lier of .r" lm n. MoF crrl " (J:o. nl eg ) wn" Inn rrie,1 on hi ~ t wenti et h hirU"I II)' 10 .ra,, " C,,,njlooll lIerry wh" ",,,s two ye:o.r~ YOUl' I(e r. ( Th l. wou\o\ mnh Jmm horn \11 17SC. lind the year of th e,,' ,,,,, r"i ll l:" " H ISO·I.) S he WIIg the )'o'ml:c~1 o f cij: ht c hild ren, the ~ l u"l[h lor of J ohn &rrr n",1 Jnuc C""' l'ooH Berry. ,I,,," " Cll ln l'he ll Rcrr)' WM ho rn o n the b:o.n ks or tile Holston Hiver . III n I,\aec kn ow n 3~ " I tcrry'~ Iron Works;' " bou[ th ree n, i.... s from t he b ir t h_ " I.'lCc of he r h u~b~ "d. lI e r ("Iher wa..~ con nected with" 1:orl:C (:o.mily. :o.n.1 ,""'8i:3ikd Ihe rcmn rk:o.ble I)hy~;." r 3t rcnmh " 'hk h w" ~ ,, (:o. mily ch,m ,cter i.• l k. He wua a U':t\ous j'rel!L)·lc r ;311 and a .uUng d .le r in Ih:o l .hu r~h. rr .s wife .• wJdowloood r,," I<'' ' mOr" 111" " Ih ,r ty ycau. She liwll to be more 11m" nincl), )'cn r~ of " lie. nnd wu :o.l I n~t h urled in t ile . a me I: rnv c :o.~ Ihe h " ~11.1 ,,d of Io cr yOlllh . S he ren red e ight

    , '




    Line of

    I)e~~en t :


    Ikrr), married Elir.al.oelh lind hlld J ohn ' Berry who mnuicd ,[atic' Cn"lI'bcll lInd l, ad J:,ne C.~rnl'bcJl' IIcrr)' who m"rricd Jame.' Md'crrin ,~ n

    1,' t\~IlLY

    6\',130: J ohn Caml,IJcH mnrd",1 Ellla!,cl!! W"lk er in Inl i" lrdnllll :nul cnme 10 ,'mer it" wil h J ohn W~ lkeT (r~ther of Elizaheth) in \j30. I,ril']rilll: wilh thelll "c"e n,1 children. )';'1:'1 -1:: 1: n"l>o! r l, one of 11~~c, ml' TTie.! I:"h.,,,,,,,, \\',~l1nc e. l1 e WII" appointed one of Ihe !l\n!:i ~ L r~les of An , Cl.ll!tll Connty. Anlln l" of '\ug,, ~ ta COllllt)", W;" I, leli. 1~~J(1l ' .11$ : nob. r t Carn l,llell. Just ice of the Peaet . A\I]rll"tn COllI(ty. 17-IG. 7\' 126: J ohn C.~ml.hell cam\": frolll lrel"nd tl' A",eri{" in 17~G with five or ,,;x ~rown ~on.' . .«lttle,1 th·"t in l.ntU:II"ler Count)" . Pen "~y l'·'''';,, . lInd ta"'e 10 Augu ~t" Counl y in Ins with hb ~onH: Patrick, rtol>crt nml n'I,·jd. n""loI "',,~ the fat her of Ch:.. I~~ C"m l.hcl1. who W,"\I! tll<: father of (; ollc rI,l William Cllmphcli (born \ 7.(5), the I\inl: '~ MlHm tllin h ... ro. ~",I hi" 6ist~ r, :,llIrl:~ret, who married Arthur Cu ml'hell. who wa~ I'c r)' prominent in Welltern Vil1:inia hi~lorr, I)""id , Ron of Julin. th e immil[l·nnl. wa~ f other o f Colontl Arth"r C.'mlll~l1. whl' \\",,~ hon. in ,\"]:",,~t ,, Co"n ty in 17~::! .1nd ,lied in I SH.

    A " ",, ~ o f A Ul!u~la Couuty, Wlulde ll, .,ax'" 1 4~' : ~!" rg", ret, dUII.:htcr of 1)" " i,1 "",I )I:o ry CaruJ,bcll , ma .. icd th" I)"vid C':'uul'ud l who erected" block hOIl"'" in Te!\ " es~e~ widely known ,,~ "(;aml,hell '3 Stali,,m." He" r I{ n~.w illc. I !er deal h occurred I" 1799 "I tile :ll(e o f 5 1. "l! i storlc:l l ll c", ini ~C ~l\ce. of th ~ Oc lo::",,,,.;,,,," hy Thos. L. I'rc ~ton . P,'I:" 3S : Art hur Ca"' pl.ocl1. hor n in '\ Ul:l' ~t " eo" nt}·,17.1:!. (;" ner,,1 II' illi"m C" "'I'~1I W"8 " ll!o /I na li"e of '\ UKII!!" Co" " ty (di e,I,'nl) " .t:!:!. 1 7 ~ 1 ). Ii i. fullmr wM C harl c~ C" mJ lh ~ lI. wlw ,lied in 17G7 . Wi U i ~ ", C~ m l'bcU. (111)' ..on •• f e h.,rtes, \\"l~ ho.n I7-Ia. rn u . hort lime "ncr hiK r" th~ r's deulh, Ihe whole fnmily mO\' ed In t he 11 "I ~to n. 1I0W i ll 1I'''~hi''I:I"n COll nty . t h~ " in ,\ uR"n~ln Counly. TI", 1\(.,<,,,,,,1 d"" I( III" r. Ja"c. "'''r''k~] ·rhom~ .• T~ te. Da vi d C"m l'b~ II , SOn of .Ioh" lind IJ ro\h cr of " II I r ic k ,,,,,I llolx:rl . ma rri ed i II A U1:II ~t" COli nl}' ~I aTY I I " milloll lUll] ]",,1 ~e,'~11 ~OIlS " nd ~i " d"Ullh",,.,,, "n of w hom "m ix ral~d to the Holsto n. T h" ~O " " !l r" ll:l1ned. The ,laul:hters werc : MIlr_ J,:nret . N"r ..... Marl ha. Sn r"h "",] An n. T he . ixl h ']m' l( h t c r'~ nnme not lIi'·eu. (Coul,1 it h",·c I"""n "J"n,," ?) J ohn Cnn' I,(x, I1. ohlc~l hOn of 1)II\'i,l, in I7G:; " u.ch,,!lt:d a tract of 1" ,,<1 c"lI ed the " lloYIII Ollk ." Hear th e I "~a nnd 11&G. Tn 176~. the C"ml'ocl1:l e migrnt"" to t he ",,, tc r. or Cril'l'i u Crcck, a bnlllc h of lil e Ne'" 1I t-·er. ,,,,,I ",:a in IllX'lIm
    , I




    of 1'01>'.

    en rIa

    ft/ld McFerrill F'nmilic$ 207

    In t r,"irl!~ to llien!ify the hu e Canll'h cU who WItS oor n ,n in lH:'l IIn.1 married John !Jerry about FlIl11ily. ,\1] th o "J nnc" C~n1f.\)ell ~ found arc I,ro~rh' accounted for C~~I't Ihe Anne Cn ml'h~n ",1m 11'/15 thc

    '\III:II ~t a Cou nty 17G5_~"" ll ~ rry

    Jane QUl!phel1 ' ncrry



    J'lm c~'


    nn d IIml

    .Iuhn B" rry' McFerrin who married ,\lmyrn J\\'cry' l'ro_ linn "nti hnd J ohn ,\.' )lcF".rin whn married Mnrlha

    l}ouRln~g' AII_ and ha,! Virginia" )lcF~rrin who mnTricd William mVc r8' Pope "lid h,,,! Virgin i1t )lcFcrr;n' Pope wh~ mardcd l"co n J. ' Lh'!ng_ AtO ll ,'nd hi"! n. K~th.,rin e POPI" Livingston. h. William l'oJM!' t h·ing! !on. c. Il khnr,t ~lcVerrill ' Li\·ing~ lon. ~tO!l

    DOUGLASS FAM II,Y Colonb! 'lI1d

    n c~olutlonnry

    l.inc3gcs of AmcriC3. VOl .

    .1. pag e 183; DOUGLASS. Scotch nlllll e for "[) wcllcr by the hl:ltk "':\Ie. ," i5 the 1"0., 1 rumolls nnn.e IlTodllced b~' Scot_

    Inn!\. Til e [)ollj:)n"ll f"mili e~ of Vi Tl:inin were "cry probably dl'lII:clld",1 fro n. t he I)<'I UKln&:l Clnn o f ScotL1 nd. "Ou r Kin" Ill' Ack erly nnd ['arker. Imgc 78: The Vlr_ l(in i3 l)<'Iuglnsae.' MC tLe5Ccnded f'<'Im the ScoH I~h fllrn!I)' o f nougb.!__dcscrihcd by hi~ torinn s 3. the most J1owcrt~ 1 nnd widcly celebr"ted fnmil)' tlml $c<'ltbnd CI'cr prcrt llrucc of whom "tho good LGrd J anlt!

    the Illost digting"i ~ hctl f

    Doug l~~" W'I~

    1! ou s~


    DO"I: I R~ I m~

    , i IIllGn.




    \0 frienda :ond ncighbor3 withou t cot, nselin/! ,h"m 110 \ to go into t he cou r t"- II " W~~ Om) o f t he r. r~1 ma llis! r:ll l'" in S umn er County 'Ul d udh'c in nlll'nblic n lf,,;rs. IliK hllmc wa~ rn:1Ir S" lcm en",!, GroUlirlH, on Inud i n po~!c~~ iol1 uf h i~ ,I e~ccnd. n l1t ~ in I ~OO. 1::<1"';1.11 l)ullgh's~ ,t1)d S:Ir;," Geu rge had ~c"cn "OM ;l"d IWII Ibng hter.... Th" fourl h Ezekiel. mll rried Ma ry "ib son, n ml t hey hud fun . "o,' K :111,1 two ,Iuughtcn. Th~ _lind 50n. J:ln'c~. mn rr i~l m na lI unl n" d had Ih'" Sol1 3 Ilild rOti r daul: ht c r~ . Th e ~~cultd d'Hlg hter. Mn.y Anu (bor n

    fcc or rewanl.



    .' uno:lO. ISIO. died M"y 10.

    1 8~1 ),

    "mrrlell Merry C. Ah.~ton

    (bor n cirell 17fll) ill IIcdfonl COunty. Vio:i n;;', d ied No,·c,n. her 2{i , 1800) 0 11 "pril r., I S3~. See Au"'oll F I\ln il)', H"m""~" " A n"nb uf Tcn nClll!eII. 1~~l:e Gii 1 : " . . • W. IlDUI:1a"~ nn ,1 I':d",,, rol !loll!.l las" .. . rel'r~So"l~d S um" cr Co unly in Ihe CD"\"~" l io" of 1796." I.i ,, " o f Dc~ cc " t: JamCl!' l)ou):I",,,, had [·: ,Iward' [)oul!I,, "~ whl> m:o rr icd Sara h Gcor j(c a n,1 h~d e ukiel' IMI !:~l ""~ w ho ma rried Mllr.\' GiL"Dn nm l hn'! .! "mc~ · Dou!:)" .... who mar ried 11;"1l lI u nt a m[ hml M"Tr Ann ' [),," g1:o !ill who IlInrricol M~ rry C.' ,\b.,toll "",I h",1

    Mart h" [loll;;I" ",,' AL . tDn whn mnl'r l~d JDhn ,\.' McFe r · r in and IUld Vi l"!l" ill i,, ' Mc l" trl"ill who m!LTri~,1 Willi"n, 1I;,'o!>!' 1'0 1'" and hnd Virg lnin McFer r in ' 1'01le WhD ",arried 1...,011 J .' 1)\' iUI:~I"" "",I had :t. K " ther ill~ 1'01"" I.i\"ill):sioll . h. Willinm I'o)lc' I. ;"inf:~ton . c. r:i d,,,,.d McFerrin" Li\·i n);l!lon.

    LAUG HLI N FAi\II!.Y "The Md'erri ns of Penns)·h·"nia. Virgi nia " n~ Tcn nu . .I nhn bll g htin . tho fnth er of .h"" e!!, WU born an, 1 rentell nell r Belfast , Ir;;:bnd, "nil there m~rriNi Ja M ~1:ll t h ew~. J"mc~ [':lIIghlln. th eir ~on . Wn S born in Ire!:lnd ~",," s.'Y~ :

    210 II;&/orir .• o(


    CtJ rlrcr ",ul .:ref 'u rin f'nmi'i.,..

    a mi Caml! w,th hi:. l",re"l~ I.., I A~ "ca~t ... r Cu",,,l}·, 1' <'nllS)·I. v" "i" . "bolll 17(;3. J :I"",s m.uried " Mi!S!l 1)"'I1(:o n. :m d it Wi.S Ihci r daug hler. Jane b "'I:hli n, who mi. r" cd Willism' Mc Ferri" , n 1780. T he lJ une"" !'·,,".Hy wc re r~ I'''ted to be remot ely ( O""cctcd with th e "" ce rG)",,1 ("mily or SCGIIII "d. ··John R i'o!cFcrr in- A Biogrnph}",· ~y F it1.gora lrl OI.W~ that Ihe t..~ughlil1 s mal t he LJu"cu,, ~ \""C""' C llumCrOU$ filmilies lI nd inler "'''r ri ed \\"illl Ihe l!e l·rYH ""d many other • . Th e 1~~ "ghJjn " wero .wt t d (o r tlldr ,"" sonJar "Lrcl1l1 th "",I con rage. The L: Ia)', 17G8. ~nd :-;"o'·"ml,,,r. 17GS. re~I>CC:liI·d)'. "SOU II,wc3tern V i .y,; n; ~ " t.y Fred Hittlc Key,ley: l'~ gC 3 1·1: Under '·New I,ife 011 the i:oa nokc," J ;omts 1.:"'1:111;" acq uires :16 ,," res 111,,1 t;.I ~t h"ll On Cn,·i n's Creek,




    r" br ll~ry.


    ('nile 542 : Jtll\\e~ !~,,'!(IIIi", G''' lI t of 136 Imd 3·1 .1"res 011 Cnr"; ,,·s Creek , 177 t. I'ny,c 1i:l2 : Jn mcg tA 1Lll:hlin. ror""t of 6·1 nnd 8·1 ncre.~ on Ga n·ill '~ Creek. In \. !'aKe 542 : James Lallghlin n"d JUlie, deed, 1:1G nor es on Garvin's Creek. 177 ~. n'l"Om ttli ~ it I ~ c,·i, lcnl that Ih e '·Min Dunca,," who marri ed J mll es IA~\llthlin W0\3 named J nnc, mill il was Ihcl r d:lllg hler J:lll"_prubat.ly n.1mcd [ or her mother-who mnrricd Willi am' :'lcF crrit. in 1780,) ",\"nab "f Sou lhw~t Vi. y,in''' '· by Su mme.~ h~ft the fonowl,,!: : I'lIg" 952: Ordered tlU11 .1" llleS I A1uj: hlin lH! const3blc from Glndcs 1I0110w ~5 high M t hr. 111'1 >1: ' MlHlcmcnl in Elk Glm lcn, Wuh ingtol\ Co""ty, Ja nll~r)" 29, 1770. l'uKe 6·19 : J~mc" [_~uJ:hlill n nd Jan e, hi. wife, October 1,1, 1n2, g rlln!o r" of l :1G IIcrc~ 0" Cnr,.in'R Creck. n b.llnch

    of th e Iloanokc. l'a!:c 20n : John Laughlin on j "r.l· <1111 )', Botcloll rt Counl }". Vlrginill, 17 Scptembc r. 177:1.

    Pa ge 9~0: Ord ~ re'! 11tH! !tichan! P r ice he coa.~tllh le in t he room of J ~n.~ 1.:,(1;:101;1>, WII~hinKlou County, HI Mil)'. 177S, I'age 10·1 1: ,I nme" [';"'l:hli" I. privileged \" hulh l a mill Oil SI.r ing Creek "/I" hi s OW" 1:11"1." WM hill):torl Co:mty. 17 ,\ " gll. I, 17i:), I'~gc 107;): ,I ,",,~~ 1 ~"'lIhlin ~J'IOj)i,,\~tl g,,,,rd l,,,, or C$' late .. r C;'I'1. ,1(110" DUllkln. "Prlson er~ wilh Ihe Ellcm)' In C,,"mly," W:o")oI"I:l oll Connl,\', ~O M:'rcll, 17H1. Io'r(llll the "h..,'c il lIeC11l3 Iha\ Ihe lR1ul:hllns, like the )lc Ferrln. nnd til" 1J "r ry~ , mo" cd ~ ou l hw,ml fro1ll ,\,, _ HUllla COIlllty tn \\'I!~ h l llgton CO llnt)', II jg nol kno ..... n ,,'b~l her t he John 1..:"'l; hll l> who w:os on ju ry duty I" I~I,,_ Im .. 1 Counly Wl\~ the ("I her or the hrothcr or Jamc~ bll t nrobhly th e brothe r,,,~ he "1'1"'''''' In W~~hi"gtoll COII "t)' III ' \ 1IgIIsl . 1 17l!."~ I:,,'l nl: I"'''I\ ''~ the "~""\llor or ~ n ~~t ~lc

    ( pHI:e ~n),

    J "ne I.:",g ll lill • •\:o"g hler ..r

    Ja"'~ $

    nnd (J:one?) I':HIg h.

    Ii ", w,,~ horn ci r~" 1i60, " "d "''' rrle.llI'iII l~m' :'>kFcrr ln I" 17 S0 ~ cc ~!cFc r,'i n

    Un" or John '

    F"",ny ,


    ' _~ul:h1i"

    ""'T ried Jane

    ,,,,,I I,,,d J ""1l Dunc" " "n.1 had

    ~l nttl' UW3

    Jnme,,' I_,ughlin who "'~rricd J m.c' I,:,ug hll" who mn rried Willbm'

    ~leJo·crr ln

    u!,,1 h:,,) C:O"'I,hell ' \lerr)'

    .l " m e~' ~!c Fcrrill who ",,, ..ied .""'~ and had .Ioh n Ber ry ( I) ' ~l c Vc rrlll who milrrie. s tOll :0 ",1 II "d Virglni,,' McFerri n wh" nmrricd Willia", Iti,'ers' PU I'C "'HI had Vlrgl"l ~ Mcferr in' Pope who n'nrrj~1 ~on J ,' Lh' ing. s\on :ond hnd n, 1{lIIhcrinc 1'0pe' !.i\'illllstOll, h. Wi lli:o", 1'01'''' I..i\'I "~tOll, c, nith,ml McF errin' LI vingston,

    :! I:.!

    f(i~tQl·j~ •• ,,'

    POlle, C,,,·Ir.. '''id Jrcf.'crr in f·n'nili~••



    The fi .... t l'r"h,1rl of wh()n. I h" ,·" r()und j" SIr lI en rr P roh" r\. w il" m..rrlcll "ne of the Yd"crt"" Peyton I" amil y in I,:"glitl\'\. !.lon'ke's Ilaro" dcy lIiv~5 IUl account of Sir lI enry :",,1 'iay" t h... P ruh"rt ~ were" very ,,1<1 ram ii)' m,d cnmO to E"g. b nd with lIenr)' VI I. ,\ n "ccou nl fI r Ihe l'rob". 1 Fam ily m"y t.;;, fu.,nd in " I)(,,,ni~' VI~it:o lion or Wnle~:' Th~ I'eyIon f:~ncn lol: ic"l reeo .. ] i~ t(ln~i,1cred " ery won derf,,1 nnd I:"". Lack without" b.e"k \0 IIcn.y I. Capt. Wliliam Yelvert on l'ruLa,'l of th u lI.ili Hh Navy \\'a~ the Ron of Sir Henry I'rob;.rl 'Hullhe nUi, hcw and h~i r of Si r Willi'"1l I'c)'\ on of [-; " "ln n'l. C:;"I,tai " I'roo!!.r! wn~, ("." Ion!: l imc, III. the \, il1: illln ~u,ti"n . li e ma rried ft Mill8 1~'''IC of Snow lIill, ~b .yln"'l, and w,,~ ,li.•inher ited by Si r Willi" m f'~yto n ror m:!rryi uj( (( II '\!II cricnn. lGVG:l : Eli ~,,, bc th Gro uou~ , S lli n"l "r, ~1id"l c~c., Counl )', 1';n~lmlll. lefllo I\' iII inm I' rol>ll rl " f "I'olomu ni" er, l\'or cCA. Ie. Co"nt)'. ;n V; rg;n;n," .f!lOO. Sh., a l.o left 10 "m)' Cou... i ..," Sir Ch" r l.,.• Pey ton, £ 100; 10 " my cou.I .. ," M"ry Pcy_ lOll, £\,000 : tu " my CO II.~ill ," ~: I iz,,"el h I'~ )'to u . ,£]00. I)alo of Will, A\I!:II ~t H , 17·1!l, pro!J:lle,16 Ju ne, I7r.O, S,,!((e, P"Il C G,!. Fool note : The leslnto r II'n~ probahly of I' Wd ~h r"",iI )'. ,\ T ho mas (; ron~ws, of LOIII]Ul1, 10:"'1., won Sloeril! of l : n, h",r~hirc in 17~, S ir Ch.,rlu l'c,'lon, who II, referred to in Ihe will, su«eeded 10 Ihe Raroncley ( lleid uud cr" ml"ln kcli ""'i",) on the denth, in 17018, of hi~ unde, Si r Yd,'crtou I'cylo n, n lI l<\'.,1 officer, who WuH long In "cfI'i ce on Iho Vir~ ini:< sl"li o((, Sir Ch,'rlc~ ,li ed in I7GO. II " w :u; (( ""n "f lIIadwell I'c)'lu", wll" ma rried ~"'ry, d.'UKh . teT "r WiIIi''''1 Probart, K" I.. of Coni l·:\·CnIlC....e~c. Ib ol_ ((o""hi...,. l:b ,lwcl1 I' cy lon Wi'S a ron or Ch" rl~3 i"eyton. a yonllll'cr hrnthe r of Major H"her l i"~)·to n or \' ira-inln . When tlte e1 d ~ r li ue fnibl, tlt o baronetcy w a ~ n~~ umed in the helie! that ltohert I'c)"tn!1 hnd left uo I ~~ ue br l h ~ de. I!Ccllllenls of th l3 )'Ollll!:er l..rot her, Charl es. Th ere i ~. of """,rs.,. no COllnt)· of \\'orc~tcr in Virgi nIa, nnd the Mn.)'_ ~~n,1 tou n! y or the mmc n~ me i3 nol on l loe rol"m.~c, &0 it

    i~ Ulu.-e.[nin wh",h o;. the trdlnlor WM m f~tnkc " ill wri ti lll: "l'~lom"c. " or ;ntem!L..! [U ~ay Wl>3tmorelnnu CounLr. Vir-

    I! ' n;",


    The l'rG!.>"'1 FIl llliLy ~,,,m~ \0 II,,,,!! 1>\.. , ,, of ....rn" co,,~c· q Uelle'!. Amo",: Ihe ~hc rifh of H n,! " or~h;re w~ re William Prol.o~rl of Lh""ltiwci. lCo,G: Il en . y 1' ... 1~~ rt. K· ' I. , uf l.Iowl'.i, 14>$0, and Willi llm 1'.... lmrt, E"'I ., of l.t3",l<1w~i . lG91. Mnr_ . 111.11 ~ l,\t<," (1"'1 [here i~ n I'c, ligrec of I'rok.. \ in I)wn,,'~ Vbi[" ['(l"" of Wak'". I, :!67. C~pt. II'jllin", Yelvert"n I'rob_t nn.l hi" " 'Ife. ;\! ~ L.~"c. had two chil!!o (( . •j"or, hl"r of 0 li\'er Joh,,~o" , h"'1: known in J\':1~I,,' ill c :IX " worthy citil "", It is c\,i.I.,II1 11",t Willia m \'(!h'ertoll P roh:trl WM nr· ph""",I, whe" you " I:, in Muryl:Illd . "ml weill tn North C~ro. linn 10 hI! wi lh his lOUIIl, I.cah, who ",a.r iM COlouci Avery, ~'rom Iherc hi! emir-rated to Nn ~ hl'1II ", TQ ' UlC~,~CC , wherc, on JU lle~. l80lI, 10" mnTr icd Sar:>" J ohn!lOn (horn h uunry 17, 179 1. ,lied Fcuru nry 1«>, IS,,1'), ,lllugh te r of Oli,'u lItlll lI ~m,a h J ol ", ~o n. Thc), h~" one ~hild ,:> daur,ht cr , Almyra

    I A"c ry, who uIIIl'ricd John H. IS:J3_"cc McF er rin Flllllil ),.

    ~ld'crri Jl

    on SCl'lemwr 18.

    Line of I)""",mt : S ir n..".}"' I'rol~~ rt married ~Ii_t~ l'c)·ton :..,,1 had CUIOt. William Y e l"~rla,,' I'rorn,rt whn mur illd ~Ii"~ Lmw ,,,,, I had Willi am \'cll'c.lo,,' !·'.... harl who nm ••;e,l :lml had William Yell'c r l" n' l'ro1.o ;,rl who married Sn :l h' Joh "~(m mal h,,,1 Aim), ,",, AY e'y ' I' roL:... t who m,,,.,.i cd Jot", Berr), (I )' Mc Ferrin a nd 1>,,,1 .101111 ,\ /" ~Id'crrin wh" mar. i",l Marth:. [)oUIl I:l~~' ,\.<:h. \<'"

    :Ol\d hml

    Vi rl:i njn' )Old"e rrin who I"nr "; cd II'mb", l: i.. ~I' "· I'op<: "n,1 h".1 Vir,:ill,a McFer rin ' 1'01''' who "",. ried 1..,.,11 .1,' Lki",~_ -'ton unci had. :t, nn\), C";" C I'op,-,' [,h· i,, ~sl o n. 1.>. WiIli" m 1'(l1""- I.h· i "I:~ton. c, f!ic hnr,1 M c F~rri ll' l,j,- ;nl!'\OI1 .

    'S~ I '''"'IoU "'"II lU,I '<;;; 1 ' •• ! .....,

    'SUI ".'1 ""-'0

    'UG '16 'IG


    "' f ·"" 111!.\\


    'tOt '00; ';;0; ·OO~ 'b 'l~ f "lo,~

    'ro,;: '10;;


    '10;: ';;0;: 'CGI ' ~6 1 '!I",!dwo::l .... r ·~O;;

    'SO I '£G '~9 •.• ~ ·"mIlH.II

    ';;0 ' 00 "' f



    '1"0. ",'0.\\ ·OO ~ " 11'" ".1 '10. '1 0. ''II''!'' !!:l '~" 'n


    T.;l '00 .p' .... ' !!l "!IG '00 ·~11. t.: "tlI 1 '!G

    ~ ''' 11:

    ':';; '~I":) ""1'1d''''r

    '90', '~G ' I G ~:~ '1r..I'~~ 'l"~:!J~ L~ '~G


    '00 "Ir ' '''I"r

    ·tG '~G '00 ' '''Iof '~G 'I"G 'IG "St ·...' 1 .<;;; 1 6 ' CG ' IG '00 "'S 'JU'I '0;; ... ........:,

    ' £~

    ' ;;;: '~"''1 J ~ lI '''1"''" 1 ;>OIl\' '''''IIV'U 'I;I~

    ' 00 " '..., 1 ·II ! I''''I~I.'\\ '103 '~'''V



    1.'''''>::1 ·,.....

    'Ztl ' I ~I ',~ ' I ~ .~ . .. ~


    'd !ll~,l

    'I a '~" [:) ~'"l'l '~~ 1 ' :~ t ':wt '~l"l '10 1 '001 '!!I '~II 'IS '~I '"~Or ' 18 ·~ 'I"'~.~

    '~ I

    ·lll lUn .{

    . " '.b",

    "G I " J ~"r ;>;I" nr '6U"'"j ·u....pUV w \'

    ' I~ I

    '1:6 '~G 'l1""S 'Ie""." 11

    "06 '.il l.... 1 '~G ".1'. '1:) '~6 .~~ """'1""11' '.'''''''1 1 "6 'ur, "11 ' :-1 " a ·"OI . """' U ' ''.m!.\\



    '!8 ',..,' .... . '1.!lI .... " .11: ">II 't8 " ' r ' lI ~ '! ~ '01,,;0"1

    '18 '~'!J ~~3 '~OI'IV 'HII " -M ·I •• '!) "'I' I""II\' ".11 ' r ·,,'pu".IV

    '1 :;/ ":) "'lO r IV" . ' :)

    '% 1 'IF""! )! '~I" I~ " ~1 '.0" [>.1\ 'l'-i1;) .jIU" \, ·jlt.. "

    'G~ 'WI ''1I''I~'II:l 'LH 'Il''''n ~Jru<".;) 'tt "1~"'" b"y

    '1Il " ,\ .... ,., . ·IY.II ' G~I

    ~ I '1I~ 11

    '10;: '~,;t '!;6 1 '00 1 "~"":l ~u" l\:

    lIGI '~~ I 'UlJ \ ' ~"~ I ~

    '% 1 '''~l'lnou "'IIJ"I\'

    ·.,S 'w~ ·!W "J~ '"o'V I' 'u '' ''''1 1

    '~ IH ·!.
    '~! I

    'm I ~II 'Le '9~ '!I I '~I 'u'I"r " t '~I ''11 ..... '!1:{ "IN"'!I


    ·I(I;". "'r'"~" r

    '1"" ~U! " " )1"" . IJ " ~:) . ":!. I~ .'ll "! '.WO. '~I "'. "u ' 1 ~"'!,ul , .u ... ~"'Ql' 1I1 ' 1'[' "I 011111 •.,,~ ~ 'I ~" .. . ~ , .. ~"U '''''' ' q, u! ~lun ""'0 p.>u0I ' "'W ~,. q'l q" .""' ." ~""I'I


    X ~IO NI

    C."'I'''U, ,\It..





    Chnl ... 2O~ . 2OG. IJn,'ld, 205. ~ (l
    J , .... ~'(II. I'aukk. 20::" ZOG. Ito"", :0.:;, 2OG.

    Ca, ~p ""n.

    C.'Y. E li.... ~· alni1y .

    ~"OO. ~'{I 7.

    :.t .•

    J •.•


    ~" .


    C." ... ,\...t.....,. 11. .1<.1,.\10 1I'IlI'.",oon, t>l. Ilonj"m,n ( I). 1~. 19, o;;;,t6.1\1, G~ . 71. ~O . ~~. [ltnJ.",'" W). U,.• GI;. ag. 11. 13. 7~ , 101. 149. I r.:<. IG7, 1I... j ....[n till) , ~8, ~" 8 ~ . lI. nj . ...i. f ...._I' '', ~J. 71. 77, 78. ~2, ~ .' . IIr~. 1.7.


    Cynthia Iti..·,. (I), 2:1 . 71. 78, ~O . 8~.

    (:y",hi. It" ~" (ilL 78, 79. U,ol
    ~I .'lt...,.


    'Io. I H.

    1;'0.... '0', 10-1. CI.lbo, ... , 1!II.. bcl h lIuilu. , 8,


    /.I n, y Lew)" V,n:inl" :!tA-


    (:~" .Io"'.~n.,


    C."nll, Loui • .It.. 2f,. Lou;'.



    M'h~c,~, ~w.

    Har, h.

    S • • oh 1:1i»OOlb. 7l. 7~. IG7. e.p'. Ti>on&o., »•.. &S. GO, G I .~, 11 ,1. l'iO. e .pl. T h""", • • h ., tI. t>:l. G:!. Willi"", . ~". C9 .


    lllilon. ~'O. ,; ~, 7r•. ~I)·tn 11. 11. !I), ~\, :!:"l. Z'I. 7H. 1(;1. ~ty,. B.llo (HI. ~(;. 73. M)',n 11<1.... (I ll ). ~ ,. 110m. a nJ )'amIlJ <>1. &3. " ..bert, G·I. &.~, eG. 118. tW. lOr..

    r o,nily, r" Jnne tlullo,. ~~. Lineage. ~7. ~I A ')·. lIS. 99. I ~. Will i."" ~ :. ~R. "J. 100, 12G. C l a . ~. t·.... ,ly. 100. John, 8~. 86. I()O, 101, 156. I~: . )Iory, ~G. 100. 10 1. l foG. 1&7. Mar)" ( II), 101. "..,;.

    Cul,·n,n". ,,,,,, ~1'lbhy, \ 02. \\· y"U . IO~ . , ·,,,,il)·. I O~. ~la'1. IO:!.


    Ho",uoJ. tOt. S pit,b)·. 102.

    1 1~

    l Ot, 106. ,'.mily. 10:!. Jam ••• !:S. G9. 10 1. lOG, J om< • • ~t~l", . ~~. In.!. lor•• 107. 109. Jobn, 10:t. 10 1. lor.. 10':. IO~, l in, I ll . Jo :, 1(1:). Sir John. 103. Ihnrorol. 10:1. Mm)·. 10 ,1, 11 0. ~!a.y ~t dn' ''' l •. 10 1. 10'. ~!.TI· Q Un<1o\h.

    s..ro.h. ,~. ". ". 11:1. 1'. 101. 105. I O ~. I I I, S t,a u~hn n ( SI ... n ). 101. I O~.

    1(11, II' ..


    .In", ...

    WilliAm. 10,1. Itl<:. 10'. J)a~I , 1

    ( II . II:!, It!!,



    o. ~.

    C 'LI"~or, T. \\' ill,u,n . I ~~. Cullorn. "I " 11o<1, ly. 1%. ~I o "h. 1\·lron rl,l. 100. 11'<'1»\." lIu,,·. I~" ' :unn;n.t>o",. J."' .... S<" I ~';' hm.., J , .. 1:16. ~!MY lId·,,,i •• I ~.

    S~l r"'h h.



    1II, . • t :d ......I. G ~ . (.1, I H. I Iii. 1711.

    t'amil),. 11 ,1.

    I'a""', ;•• , (, 1,





    Col ~",a n .


    I'amll,·. 11 r.. Sa'~h, II ~. 117, I "~. \\' 1 1I1 ~m. II G. \\'illi.",. Jr~ III::. U S. I ~~ . 1'" _ Ch..1t, AM .... ~, 12(1. I~ I. 11:!. ': li",I>
    F"ml1y, 11 7. Hoo". Ill. II R. IW. .lohn II ). 117, 1111. John I II) , 3';' 37. 8 •• 1I!1. l"!(t, I~O. I ~!.



    8.1. 8·1.

    " " n
    ~n .


    ~·. ml l }'. ~ ,.


    J .~n, 12. ::!t, ~O. ~


    t:P... t ..... I~n 71, t :Ii",b<, ,. I.;ndu,·. 7•. C~l1ri"' ".


    Cornoll. C" 70. Dr. J~«II'. 71l. I;~ " ,". Ann. 3 1. ~. J.l.



    14·:. 14';' 17::.


    m <~.rd C' Ol~"


    ] (i.!o.

    P"h'. PI;<,,"

    1l'3. I~. ::till.

    I I ~,

    ~l ou .... I,, ~,


    Glb " R. ~!I!l.

    .: ; .... Ih.n'.

    Cu ... I' I·.


    M. ty

    !! • • ~h G..... sr, ~'\l8 .

    ~ b l · 1. Il : ~

    [)~ ni,,1.


    ~OS . ~O,.

    ~lAry A M.

    r rel="nofollow">:o. id (I II. Il a. t:li,.b<, h S,.lth. 11 3. FAmlly. I I !. "Good Old CA l" '] " '" 11 ~.

    11 2.


    ~I nr.h., I ~'.

    Coo~~, ~·. ml l y. I~ J.


    10.\. l:.two ..!. I::'"kln ]. :roo

    I lw ~~ ....



    C •• ",la , d,

    J)'Ar~y ..

    I ~.





    4 1,

    h r><. ~1, :1':. :1.'1 . J . ..",:ok. H. J I. 32. 33. 3 1. JS. .10, H. 5~ . 17~. ~ lorY, I~. J~. 3:1. 4,1. ~~. ~ 3. r.I .u r nin~. l a. Hkbnl. ~ O, 3 1. J2. :13, 3_' . 'Tho", .., 3 1. "·im.",. 3 1. J2. :1.'1. ' ·.."., on, ~r. Jor. IIrlti, h A,m,. I~:.

    Gn ... An" . 35. .:.1 ... ,,1 ••'IIi • t:f!",b<:k. :<3. ~·...!lf. 3~ .

    JDlIn. 31. a:;.

    r..."h ~orwood. ~ I . a~. ~ I . 1....1' Jo .... :!O, ~ t. 35. LI. ~2. Will!,,,". ~ l. l r. 35, ~! . Willi. "., Jr .• :l!. 35. Gil be". ~·.",H)·. 1 :!'~.

    :>."•• " •.


    ~sT~h. 1~2.


    1:::1. I ~I. 1;1:1. \\'ill ia,n. 122. l~J. lZ5, IJ~ . ,I. G,,1O. 101. (Icanvillo, . ;.d of. '6 • •I ~. 1104101. 1:11 .... ~ 1. 1;",,21.



    Umnr' O" , Gtn. \I'~"" C7 . Wi. HaTJeri , k, r ir>r Sax"n I(lnl:. 81. II nrtl., Ad ••• On",. ".,. I::>;;, F,'mily. 1 2~. Mory Clolbo....<. 1~'G. 1~7. I~'!I. Mo~rnl"~ (ilonn. 128. I~. I lol~,,, (I ). ~~. 12';. I ~H, 1M.

    Ilobort (11). W . 127. 12., l ~~. &13h. I~~. 11>6-

    T .......... . '" U"'''"., :I!>. 1::7, 167. Co, ... ThM"", I"~'. I~U. l :!ll. 1I';)li o"._~. \ ~r.. 1 ~7. 1 2~,

    16 1.

    U. ,,;.o .. , lJ
    ''''oj.,nin,' I ~O. ''''"j.min,' 1:10. r,,,,i1y, I l~. H <"t~, Il l. 1.lort .1 J I. ~I,y. I l l. n.wkin., S ...... 2.1. tl~n 'T.

    1:1i,.. b
    :17. f:II.~I><'h LI~.

    ( Il) . I r, . 1~, ,,~. ~7.


    " .miIT. ~Ii. O, bo, " . I ~ 36. ~f. SIonon . lG. J8 , ~~. Jnh" •• ". 110"" ,)" ~ I l. Ollv.., ~13. S.,~ h .


    K~...".,.. Ua,~.by (I) .

    I .... 146.

    II>"naby (II ) . 1·11.


    (I). H Z.

    Ed ,,,,,,,.1 (11) .

    '·_",iI,·. MI.h""l.

    I · I ~,


    14~. 14 ~. I~ :;.

    I'hillp. 115. 101. 1·11. 1<6. 11 8. 11).1.5(1. Sa,. h .110M' , ~e . I .I~. SUTO h. 101. IH. l.ord Tl,,,,,, ... J ~, 8[;. 8G. 101 . IH .




    I ~ ~.

    I." .

    I~l. I~I.

    IJ:!, " ,. Ill, H~. I U.

    ! ~ ~.

    1I001,od, C.m"'.ry, IJ.I, C)·n thi. , l J~ . 1 ~ 7. Il..

    ~Mnh Gilbo", 132. 1 3~. \\' 1111. ,", 130. I~L. L 3~. William U1Gun " I ~ I. Ja<"-. ~ ... A"d...,~. 7:;' 1~:!, : 1:1.

    Kind....., t;li ..~b<'h. 101. U2. 1.15. HG. I-IS. L ~~. Ir.o. ,:li,nb<,h !turrl" . I~ G. lH. '·amlly. J ohn, U7 . l ~R U~. IW. l laUh"",. UG. IH. I~~. 1e.G.

    " ."i. k. 1:sG.


    MOl' U."u..". 1~~. ~"" ."Iw. l a l. 131;.

    I ~",

    J am.,' widow. 1:1[,. Mory 110 ,,10011. 13D.

    130. 131, 131. 13~.

    .\I 'r)".

    r 17,

    1611 .

    •'IMy I"',..""n . HZ. ,\l ",tlon, (,17. 1~8. Somlt. (·17 , J.I~. Th"", . .. ,",Ii. I\'illi.m (I ). I~ Z. 14Z, I~~ . 147.


    \\' ,!iiam (II ) . l~l, 1.1;'. H7. l ~ ~, H ~. 17Z. 11'1111 .," (Ill). 141. I~S, l~O.



    e"" lcr








    "'UX KI,,,, ;·1.

    I... ,,,·, " " " , 10)", ·1 •. ) ... ~h. ~ ~ . os. loIi , '. ~ I : , ~ L ~. r,'UI:hlin••',,, ,,;1)". ~'<)~,

    J " ne.



    ";~J:.' ~I

    1 ~ 1. ~IU . ~ I\ .

    J ,,"e ~1 . "I ,cw • . In....... ." , 2(1:1, John. :!O:'.

    ~11~. ~11.

    I." ....TO"". '\ '''', [ _I. ~ 1 • •'0 ,



    • ".. ",il)·, 1·1, J8.

    John. ~ l. J2, ~S . :I~ . ."'. SiT J obn, 38. )I nry. Y.l • • 0.

    IM", ,'. Hr., M,

    .l~. :I~.

    Uo"'!' J , .. ~·I • .l~. ·1 ~.

    , J

    ,o.m.~. ~9.

    ,,,,,,,,iT. 1'.... 11)',


    1.•• ' , •• ~. r.1.

    Th,,",,,", ~O. (:rn. II'im ...,. 40. I.,nd .., ),. Ad",~, 151. 1'.2. Cui,],. l id. 1'.2, H, ~. Il"vid. l~~. L ~l. , r.,. 1[,.1. Eli".l .. ,b I(ir.• h..,. ~ I, 101. 14 ~. IF,:;' f'"mil y. ' :;0. J ,mn . \1 1. 1:,\. 1~2, l~:l. 1~1 . :lir J~ ...... '., 1:.0. ' ~1. Jr.'\. !icY. J ohn, 1m . lH. 14' , mi. 1,1""

    M•• ,,,,..,". l G2.

    II"""". I ~I. 11,1. 1M. :I~c~~

    W!. l ro;:. JIO«>". ~7.

    I) ~niel.

    l .\v; n ""t~n .

    l.«ln J ., ~'1. h:~tb • • l... I'ope. ~: . Kntb.cir.e I''';«,.:!T. Ill,h .." ;" " ·ot,I" . ~7. Willi nm 1'01"" ~7. VII"I:;ol. l'~,..,. : : . l.u,. " .I n". IS. ~ 1. 4:.

    " . mil )·. ·11.

    J.",... "". J obn. ~1 , Willi . ",.

    ~ ::.

    l~ .

    , I ~. , I ~.


    )l"~,," Ch~"~ 1~"'>1" . 101 . lOa. ~l .. b.,.·.

    1: 11.". BI. Willi .. " . 81. )lnrlO". {i on. ,',,,lid , . 70. 107. C~I'"

    .\1, .. \0 ..... 1;'lw~nl . I ~::'

    Sor T ko,oa"

    1:;~ .

    .\l nUb. .... . J .1O • • ~o~ . ~ln~ .... II. I: i,bord . ~~ . \·i .uinl~, ~:. ;,td·~,.ri " •

    J.",. :11 . ,10,


    .\lon)·r. ,I",h-"on. 1~.



    .\our. 1'4.

    I O~.

    21 3.

    I''''''.''. IW;. 11 0< ••\,,,1 • ....,. I'u,dy. In. ,II .......

    Urn{h . .., 18·1. l ~i'",",Lb. LS1. L~. 1~ 1"''''Lh J oh" ... ". I'~,

    I:H .nl""h [,\ , C;"v""k. "L, Fj,n,lly. IH4. (;«>1"1:0 P k" • • 1(10;.

    1M... Coc",e, 19:. J"n, .1 57.

    J on. Co",»""" Horry.

    1 ~ ~. 10~.

    ;:O ~ .


    l ... u ~l,hn.


    JO"" • • 1M, lRb. 18~. 1 ~7. IS! . 1 6~. 1 ~2, \Vl. ~ O l . Jo,n,u .\bs.o". 1t11l. h,,,... II .. 1 '~ , I~ :I.

    Jun,o. 11',111.",. 1' 1. Jn hn. 18~ . 180, 1 ~ 7. I ~~. J ol .... J . .. Il:i. 1 ~8. Jo ~n .\ ",1"""0. ~r.. I~I.

    I ~~.

    19~ .

    J ohn U"'Y (I ), I ~ :J. 1 9 ~ , ,,~. ZO ~ .

    John Ikery ( III . I ~ G. ; <>Im Cn,ter. 1 ~ 7 . f(~th .. iM l.oui •• • 10:;. )l nrth ••\ b:Uon, 1910. .\I ."h -,,,", WG. )I""io . 18 1. I SG. IS7, 189.

    ) I .. y.


    1 ~1.

    I>IoI'Y !louR'"'''' 196. C. " .., 1:;7, ~"",uol . 1MI, IMr., 181.






    'I'.,,,,,.,, IgI, I Mr;,

    l~ ' ;,

    VI,~;,,;a . 7~. \ ~ILI.

    " '7.

    l 1i1. 188.

    V; . ~;nl~ Il ."~l" ••• I ~


    I BI.


    I R~.



    1l1li. I ~I.


    l ~J .





    ;'l " ;"vo
    101. 110. Willi ..... 110. ~1''' ; .. 1:,cn.l.y. 13, L.I. ~~, ~· I. ' :', 4~. H. 4~. I,t. "'. H G. Ufi' '' .~Y, J." .1["

    ' <.

    ~:II <. ho' h, , I ~. ~· .mily. ~



    '·,,'i•.....,. _,.,




    " ,y;llo " 01><'. 2::' "',kl n, I '~I"" 22. ~::.

    f·r~"«' . ~~.

    ,1",, 1. ,


    J ol", n.,


    r....oy ,\.on. ::'J.

    r.. , ~~· V;o:-Ih; ••


    1\<1\.;""_ ~~. "I,lnoy G ..". ~~. Mill •• f:H ."l«III, ,1.1,

    1',,, ..«.,


    I.... h, 35, 51. !'~dl • .I Of'ja", :.(),

    ,ltn'Y 11',11, ~ I . 'r homao ( I), i\(), T ~ ... ~ . II'I ~K ln

    ~ I,

    ( II ), J;O. do. 4~.

    Williooo (II ,

    r.o. M.

    1\'JIli.,", ( II ). W,

    (1.1.",,,,, Ad ..",

    I ~G.


    I ~ G,

    ~·u,; I >·.


    J ohn.

    I~ ~ .

    ~b "

    Wnte, .. 1::1.

    ~ I,

    lI'illi"8, GI, WO, N<"'li,~, ::'0><)' IIdl,'. 81. ~:,,~... ...,. 84.

    I ~ ~.


    Cui, It....,' . I ~I.

    T"IOlI",mr« .

    1 ~7 , I ~,



    William ( I) , I ~~ , I ~ · I. I :;~ .

    \\,j11;.", ( 1). 1:1,

    ~~ .

    ~' d ........ <~.



    0 ..."'" . 1-:11;<.,bct h, ILr.

    r.ll.! .... ]. ;n. ~ I. '7. 171. ~l"u'"inc. 13. H. 4~. ~ 6. 48. ·17. 4~. S,,
    .\I.orr n"I>1"",

    t:"O '~".

    Joi,n 0 ), ~ ,. JBhn I I I).~. JBhn \\'nll, S,~ ~II, 5 1. J "bn 11'011. J . .. ".

    Th o",""

    1'''1 Ex,,,,,. 'I ~.

    .'I ,KI"."k. JolIn W.,

    N,,·mo .. 111 1. I' l
    I ~.

    !'olin. An n, 1t.6. ~·.'ni1y.


    " "' hM",


    J, T.. )''''''<)'. J."I,I, IA. 71. Chlld, rn, n. 1'<)" 0", Illod"oI1, ~l~.

    [ I


    l, J

    J j 1,






    ~ I·

    ('lIa,lo. ~I:!'

    >;i. Charko, ~I~. f:II","",,,- :!I~ . I"",ily. ~I~. 'In,y. ~ 1 2. 11 "1,,,,1. ~ 12 . ~;. II'jjUD"', ~I::' :II. \',h.." ...... ~ I :!.


    '·"Lk, "~11, 19.1. I'.. "", ,I " .., III. I ~. "',," 1.10."", I~. ~~. C~rh'r. ~~.


    (;1"IK·I, 19.

    0."", •.


    (:.'1 W.• l H. t:llnl ..lh. I II.


    )1"1 I :;y~ .... 2 1. )1 " 1 U~bioa. 2~. .lI""oing ) Ida", ... 13. H. or•. .(G. 41. ·r~. ~I)' ,a Ikll " (I I. ~1. 21. 7H . •\1)",. II dlo (il). ~6. 7A. M)'''' IM!~ WI ), ~•. 711. l"a," ~ and t'an,;I,. of. ti. Na,han"'l. ~. 9. Id. I ~. 17. " . ,,01101'<".17. fll<~n"l. 10. 11IdtntJ W•. l~ . II. I~. 1::. S ..... I, W~,~.. II. T, ..""......... 11.


    T~",,, ... G. 11/.

    I:U~. ~r.

    TI,",,,,,. ,\"do" ..,.

    " .", ill, G, ~~.

    """,1, C" rt,., ~I.



    ': l' ~ r ~..·.~.~.

    Sir Th"",,, •.

    !;"" ••,"

    \\";";(,,,1. I:;. III.

    17. A. (i), :(I.

    ·:,,""·u, ,\.( 111 . 21, :::1. :4, ~II. (Iu. l",·u. A. ( li n. 21, '1 11.

    (:",c,v... ,\. un. 21. It.!.

    11 «,,)". ll. 12. 1:<. :10. r.... ,

    n" J",,,, 0,,,,", ", J .. (I). 17. J""II (II), 11 .

    ... J"',,

    , ~,

    ' G, 4$, 46.

    (iI), I ~. I ~. 17. :17. II !'.

    Jol", (Til). "'. :17. J"h" (1 1'1. I". I ~, 17.

    J .. h" 11' 1. If,. 17. J ohn 0 .. 18. J "I.. , W.o l B. l.lb,::';.

    I ~. ",


    I~'",y ,I,.". :!
    1.. ",uo1.



    \\"illl.", 1\·llli.", Wollin", Willi"", Will;.", 1\·, lIi., ,,


    (I I .~.

    III. II. r..~.

    01) , I I.

    Cn",,,,*!I. I ~. I.e"" "r.l o·'. ~I. ~1. I~j,·" ". 2 1. ~~. 7~. II.u .... 11. 19. ~'\I. ~ 1.

    ~~, G~.

    J ."'.. Ilou .., ~2.

    J O , U~hnn . "J .hn II J. I::. I~.

    I ~.

    TI, " mM .1. I. .• 1M .

    I~ .

    •... '1 Cr~Ir~'~, 19. }I.,y U.Uc. II. r.::. .II"i•• III. l la,y r... ,.)·. ~'j;. ~I(.

    W,II;'. 2 1. "n';'u" ~1.~~. \'11)(;,,;, Md',,,I,, III. ~.:. \' I ' ~In;. Mof"'"l" lUI. ~". I·" ",~r\. Aim)',,, """y, 19 1. ~":. I'.",il)·. 212. ~r::.


    II . . ". 21:!.

    II.·",,·, 213.



    I ...~l,. 21"11'111,""", 211. ~ I :l. Willi.", Vol"·" o,,, 212. ~ I ~. I!i.~ •. ~· • .,ily.

    /,2l . .. ~. S •.• 3:l, ,~. ~:l J ."",. :It, 33. 4~. ~~. M . III . .... Cyn'Ioi •. 78. 8~. Cy", I,i" lIoll •• d. 7~. lr,~.

    1:1;",l",lb. U . tW. ~·.' . ;Iy • • &S.

    ~·~" .. Iy.

    ti l, 14~. 1 ~ t. 11...,.,1 (1 0. l OS .

    n.~""'l. 1 ~1.

    ''''''tv..·. I ~'. JOIn ... W.•


    J u no 11 .,,1, .... 10,), 10,1,


    )C,,,,.. II . J" I." C,,,''. ~ !.

    It, ~ . l G~.

    7 ~.

    Juli o Flu" " wr. 1r.J. M. ry t:li mb"tl " 7~ , J .m~,

    •" .... y

    I ~~ ,



    1101",, 1. I ;!I,

    Si. lI ,nTt, 0 1.

    :;0", u (

    I ~O .

    t~ .


    T~,," .

    I ~~.

    ,.-,.,. \"",

    J . J" J,,, 190:.

    MM'"'. W,~ ~1.", l",l i,. I ~.

    II ' iIl'n ,.. II:••1>i1.l"", IGI .

    \l'IlI, " ," \I' , l~ ;" •• 69, IMI, LGO. Il... ~,., C ~ ",h'. ( X II ). I G~,



    11' 11110,"

    ~ 1 .l'o " ;,,.


    ~''' ''' 't. (;,,,,·,,,1, m .

    ·rl""<\",,,. Im" I.,tI , [.1,,,[., • • ~ ~ .

    (:1.11 0" .1 '; 1, It;r., It;,;. (:),,, ,h1• • ~6. 1:lr•. tlvll "",I , I r:I1 , 1':7. 11",hl , Wr., ~·.m i l l. I';". ..·. " , lI y lIiMo. ryJ. I ~~. I .... IG1. J~h" . 11 :1. l Zl. l ~". H:-'. 16 1, I ~ :; . I&G.


    •'.1 •••

    ... ,~

    :-:"•..-<, J . I", ,1.1,I.y. I!!G. I:.,... J. J. 191;.



    II,,· 1:""'i",,>I', ~ I. 1\,1, ""Y'''''' I ~~

    );o .... U. 1I~,'.

    'fl,... ,••• ' 0' , 1,;0.

    Willi"," \\' 111 •• ", 11.,

    II ~ .

    LI".n~"'. I H.

    ~a .. h M y,~. ~ U. l<.~.

    lI', n;"d. HR.

    I ~~.

    SIT l: ro)', I H. I?G•

    ,r." 1"1.

    T h_.,·
    Jut", C."" J r,. ~~. S!.ip", lt] " Dir,,,,, , Ill. ll l , 170.

    r . ",H)'.

    I " ~,


    Il l<~.rd . I.',,~ .

    UIl), l &d.

    \\',11 ,,,,,, 10. 1.;/1, \\' ,lI in", ( II) , 161<.


    Jol l" II M 1'' '' I G~ . 16 7.


    I!~I .. "


    f :IlL,I~I,

    C r~,"f~ r,l. Il~.


    Ir. ~.

    s . .. ~ ~Ilrn. ~,:. IC'!. :loral,. 12!l. IG';'

    11"10." ..,(., IGI.

    " :". Ii:'..

    'f1"'" , 1.il
    )1" r,



    I ~~.

    I!;,I'M.I . 17 1. 1I'I II i"", . 171.

    I G1.

    f;I;.. ""tI , (Ilil . lOS.

    1l~ .


    J'~'n·• •hiM"",. J al." ( II If. 1.2.



    ( il ).

    J"h" ( 11. 1~ ' . 11~ J<>I", (II ). 171 . 11:.

    I :,~ ..

    f:I.,,,I,..,h (IV),

    I . ,w;" 1:+, I. o" b · ml" " .' . 'il'. ~.1, ,I ii " :'1" ll h' . 'l U. :0<0 0')' 1< , 11 ,.. 7~. ~1. Th .. ""u,, 1J '.... 'a~)·. :17. I ~'\I, 1J"'~lhy


    /,I)',a ,


    '[' ''' '\<'' G"l. .10." ' "" . 80. ,~ ]I " • • ~O ,

    11'011 , f;lb l,('lh. :,"

    , !,.

    I' ,

    I •

    I ·


    ). ,iI.-


    Family, 6·1. •IO~". :IG. ~ I . J • .."h. 01. ~ 1 .'1. &0. ~ ,. 1\'uMncIOJI, AU~""Li" •• ti. ' ·.",tly, 7. G", ... : • • H. I ~r.. John.~.


    L.\.. ~ILCf!, W.I~i""

    ;. ~.

    1:01>< .1 It .. 77. Chl l, ire". 77. Wa " . , Ali
    il o")")·. &;;, Jolm. JO• ~u. h, I ~. 30, Lr..

    Wh ...I• • , t;.~. J O"·I,I,. :.':I. \\' I';IILb'r, ,Inn. 17,

    Mr. , .w. R"h."I. 18,

    1I· ,Ui.", ,f.. C.... 'I"rr<' •• 104. lli:'. lI" ill1 .......... ,I linIn. 1%.

    "'.I. Q II,. Ch.rl".

    Ya. bro~l,h,


    1 ~5.

    J on,,·' il . II I")", J 9~" .\I'rr~l..r )1

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