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UNWTODaily Committed to Tourism, Travel and the Millennium Development Goals THE DAILY OF THE 18th SESSION OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY -

Дневник Генеральной Ассамблеи

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Дневник ЮНВТО

ЮНВТО – на службе туризма и Целей развития тысячелетия

The 18th Session of the UNWTO General Assembly will bring together tourism ministers and senior officials from national tourism organizations, as well as public, private and academic Affiliate Members Astana, Kazakhstan, 5 – 8 October 2009

Taking a growing role in the United Nations Systems PAGE 4

Seeking Finance

Highlights of the 18th Session of UNWTO’s General Assembly PAGE 5

Assembly Debate

UNWTO support for climate change accord in Copenhagen PAGE 6

Combatting Flu

President Nazarbayev opens General Assembly in Astana The UNWTO General Assembly was welcomed to the middle of Eurasia for the first time when the President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev performed the official opening at the Palace of Peace and Concord in Astana on Monday. And while Astana is still a young capital, he added: “We hope that today’s meeting will be an important step for the development of Astana as one of the tourist capitals of the world”. The president pointed out that with worldwide daily expendture on tourism set to grow to US$5 billion by 2020, and international travel to grow threefold, “tourism is one of the drivers of the world economy. “For many countries tourism is one of the key instruments for economic growth and for the Millennium Development Goals to eradicate poverty. This sector ensures a significant inflow of foreign investment, creates PAGE 5

World Tourism Organization Calle Capitan Haya 42 28020 Madrid (Spain) +34915678100 - Fax: +34915713733 [email protected]

Taleb Rifai appointed Secretary-General The UNWTO General Assembly yesterday voted by acclamation for Taleb Rifai of Jordan to be the next SecretaryGeneral, ratifying the recommendation of the Organization’s Executive Council at its 85th session meeting in Mali earlier this year. Mr Rifai will begin his four year mandate in January 2010, becoming the fifth Secretary-General of the UN’s tourism agency.

of Tourism and Antiquities for Jordan during which period he served as Chairman of the Executive Council. In his Statement of Intent and Management to the Assembly, Mr Rifai said: “Tourism is at a crossroads.”

Mr Rifai is no stranger to UNWTO having served as Secretary-General ad interim since March 2009 after Francesco Frangialli’s decided to leave before the end of his third term.

With current economic realities intensifying long-term global challenges such as poverty alleviation and climate change, UNWTO, as the leading global tourism organization should: “take stock of its strengths, consolidate its achievements, acknowledge its shortcomings and move to address the challenges ahead”.

He had previously been Deputy Secretary-General since February 2006, although his with the Organization extends back to his time as Minister

In this way, UNWTO can continue to provide leadership and support its Member States while adapting to the current global situation.


Русская версия статьи на стр. 5

Президент Н. Назарбаев открывает Генеральную Ассамблею в Астане Впервые сессия Генеральной Ассамблеи Всемирной туристической организации проводиться в середине Евразии – молодой столице Казахстана Астане. Мы надеемся, что сегодняшняя встреча станет важным шагом на пути развития Астаны, как одной из туристических столиц мира. По прогнозам экспертов, к 2020 году ежедневные расходы на туристические поездки в глобальном масштабе увеличатся до 5 миллиардов долларов. Примерно втрое возрастет количество международных туристических посещений. Таким образом, туризм является одним из двигателей мировой экономики. Для многих стран – это один из важных инструментов экономического роста и достижения важных целей Тысячелетия по борьбе с бедностью.

Эта отрасль обеспечивает солидный приток иностранных инвестиций, создает новые рабочие места, помогает экономическому возрождению многих стран и регионов планеты. Одновременно с этим туризм является одним из факторов сближения стран и народов, распространения в мире культуры толерантности и согласия. Сегодня в отечественном туристическом секторе страны задействовано около 1200 предприятий малого и среднего бизнеса. Туризм – это, прежде всего, бизнес, требующий постоянных инвестиций. А для этого в Казахстане созданы благоприятный инвестиционный климат и все возможности для развития бизнеса, которые с каждым годом улучшаются. В 2008 году совокупный доход от туризма составил 74 миллиарда тенге,

что на 17 процентов больше показателя предыдущего года. Растет интерес к Казахстану со стороны иностранных туристов. По данным маркетинговых исследований казахстанских туристических фирм, около 14 миллионов туристов из Европы и Азии планируют в ближайшие годы побывать в Казахстане. Особенно большой интерес к нашей стране наблюдается в Германии, Великобритании, Китае, Японии, США. Большой поток туристов мы связываем с проведением в 2011 году в Астане и Алматы Азиатских игр. Убежден, что проведение Азиады станет мощным стимулом для развития туризма в нашу страну. Я уверен, что Казахстан заинтересует многих туристов, а так же потенциальных иностранных инвесторов.

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I nterview

UNWTO Daily - General Assembly 2009

Presenting Kazakhstan to the international tourism community

Minister of Tourism and Sport of the Republic of Kazakhstan Temirkhan Dosmukhambetov

Tourism is one of the most rapidly and dynamically developing industries in the world. Today tourists are seeking new ideas and travel destinations, such as the original culture and history of nomadic civilizations, and ecological and active tourism. Kazakhstan has a special advantage due to its strategic geographical position - at the crossroads of Europe and Asia -, and its rich cultural and natural potential. Not by chance did Kazakhstan gain the privilege of hosting the 18th session of the General Assembly of the UNWTO. In this interview the Minister of Tourism and Sport of the Republic of Kazakhstan Temirkhan Dosmukhambetov talks about the initiatives of Kazakhstan and its tourism potential. How is the relationship between Kazakhstan and UNWTO? Since Kazakhstan joined the Organization in 1993, we have developed a successful relationship that has been strengthened with the Kazakh Ambassador to Spain also being nominated as permanent representative of the Republic to UNWTO. This step also broadens the opportunities for mutual work. Kazakhstan is a participant on several UNWTO Committees and Work groups of UNWTO and, since 2007, has been a member of the Organization’s supreme body - the Executive Council. Our hosting of the 18th General Assembly will be a milestone event with the election of a new Secretary-General and the setting of new strategic perspectives for the development of the tourism industry. How have you prepared for the General Assembly? We set up an inter-ministerial Organization Committee chaired by the Prime-Minister Karim Massimov. Security questions were worked out with the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Foreign Affairs helped us with visa support. The Ministry of Culture and Information designed the measures for media coverage of the Assembly; Health dealt with the issues of medical assistance, and all worked together closely with the Mayor of Astana. It is important to mention that the initiatives of Kazakhstan have been strongly supported by the international tourism community, as can be seen in the convening of a special meeting on the Silk Road at the General Assembly. From this meeting will come the Astana Declaration, which will help Kazakhstan attract interest from the world tourist community and potential investors in its tourism industry This will be our contribution to the preservation and revival of world cultural heritage and the development of international tourism. Tourism is considered as one of the priority clusters of economic activity. How successful is it in your country? In 2005, in a message to the people the President of the Republic said that “Kazakhstan is on the path of accelerated economic, social and political modernization” through market sectors such as oil and gas, engineering, food, textiles and metallurgy, and that a leading role is being given to the formation of a system of local clusters of non-primary economy sectors like tourism. President Nursultan Nazarbayev considers tourism a priority of sustainable development for diversifying the economy of the country and its competitiveness. Tourism is one of the biggest industries in the world, after oil and automobiles, and every dollar pays three back. That is why the government has adopted a strategy for developing the tourism industry, taking into account the competitive advantages of Kazakhstan and cluster initiatives over the

long-term. In 2007 we began a five year Government programme for tourism development that was approved by an Edict of the President of the Republic. Until 2020 we are focusing on attracting investments for the construction of modern international standards tourism centres such as Burabay, Zhana Ile and Aktau-city. Within the framework of preparations for the 7th Asian Winter Games of 2011 in Astana and Almaty, well-known sports complexes (Medeo and Chimbulak) are being renovated; and a number of modern sports and tourism facilities are being constructed to host delegations from the Asian and Pacific regions. Space tourism plays an important role. Kazakhstan has been a space hub ever since the cosmonaut, Yuryi Gagarin, made the first ever space flight and Dennis Tito became the first space tourist from the Baikonur cosmodrome. The Ministry is now planning an international space centre for tourists, along with a planetarium, entertainment and retail centre. I think the realization of these major investment projects will create an appealing tourism brand for Kazakhstan and enhance the growth of services in the tourism sector, helping to improve the welfare of the people of this country. Is there a Kazakhstan brand? Modern tourism centres such as Burabay, Kenderli and Zhana Ile and, of course, the great Silk Road, in my opinion, will all become a new brand for Kazakhstan. Also, Astana’s biggest attraction, Baiterek, is gaining popularity among foreign tourists. What is your wish for participants at the General Assembly? The General Assembly is a major image event, which is very important for our country, one that enhances its prestige and uncovers new investor and tourism possibilities. I am sure we will excel in presenting Kazakhstan to the world community and demonstrate our beautiful and wonderful country to participants. Together with the Secretariat we will do our best to put on the best General Assembly in the history of the UNWTO.






A ssembly News

UNWTO Daily - General Assembly 2009


ЮНВТО в структуре ООН

Taking a growing role in the United Nations Systems The growing importance of tourism to the global development and climate agenda was recognized in 2003 when UNWTO became the UN specialized agency for tourism. Since then awareness of the importance of tourism has continued to grow with the Organization’s participation in various UN Inter-agency mechanisms and networks. As an engine for job creation and economic growth, tourism has an important role to play in poverty alleviation. It is also well positioned to help raise the profile of environmental issues and to be a lead change agent in the shift towards a Green Economy. This gives tourism a direct link with issues at the very top of the UN agenda, especially those connected with achieving the Millennium Development Goals. UNWTO’s involvement with the UN system has been in three main areas: statistics, sustainable development and climate change.

Commission, the two joining together with the International Labour Organization to stage the fifth International Conference on Tourism Statistics earlier this year. With sustainable development, UNWTO has consistently promoted the growth of responsible, sustainable and universally accessible tourism. As an active collaborator in the International Marrakech Task Force on Sustainable Tourism, it has worked with the UN Commission on Sustainable Development and the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) to encourage sustainable consumption and production patterns. In partnership with UNEP and the UN Foundation, the Organization launched the Global Sustainable Tourism Criteria, a set of standards for tourism businesses aimed at protecting and sustaining the world’s natural and cultural resources.

The UN has recognized UNWTO as the appropriate organization to collect, analyse, publish and standardize the statistics of tourism and to promote their integration in the United Nations system.

UNWTO is also preparing a guidebook on Heritage Interpretation for Sustainable Tourism, with the support of UNESCO, the World Heritage Centre and the World Bank.

In line with this mandate, the Organization is an active member of the United Nations Statistical

In the run-up to the UN Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen, in December,

the Organization continues to play an active part in positioning tourism on the UN climate change agenda. This has included participation in the UN Conference on Climate Change in Bali in 2007 and preparing a joint report entitled “Climate Change and Tourism: Responding to Global Challenges” with UNEP and the World Meteorological Organization. The same UN agencies are currently developing guidebooks on Disaster Risk Management for Coastal Tourism and Climate Information Services for Tourism. Another of the many examples of UNWTO’s active role in the UN framework is its work on the influenza A(H1N1) pandemic, participating in the UN System Influenza Coordination System and maintaining close links with the World Health Organization. Collaboration with other agencies in their respective fields has ensured that tourism’s potential as a sector capable of contributing to economic growth; sustainable development and poverty reduction is getting an ever higher profile at international level.

ЮНВТО и Организация Объединенных Наций (ООН) сотрудничают в трех главных областях: статистика, устойчивое развитие и изменение климата. ООН признал, что ЮНВТО как соответствующая организация собирает, анализирует, издает и стандартизирует статистику туризма, а так же продвигает их интеграцию в системе ООН. С устойчивым развитием ЮНВТО стал развиваться ответственный, жизнеспособный, а главное доступный туризм. При подготовке к приближающейся декабрьской конференции ООН по изменению климата, которая состоится в Копенгагене, ЮНВТО продолжает активно позиционировать туризм в ракурсе изменения климата. Другой пример активной роли ЮНВТО в структуре ООН - это работа над гриппом А(H1N1), в составе Специальной Комиссии по борьбе с гриппом в тесном сотрудничестве со Всемирной Организацией Здравоохранения.

How to seek finance for tourism development Member countries will be able


to raise their awareness on how

organizations such as the UNDP,

best to seek UNWTO’s technical

the World Bank, and individual

assistance and external financial

donor countries.



support for tourism projects when the Secretary-General a.i hosts a

Members will be advised on

lunch on Tuesday.

how to formulate their projects,

Vanuatu joins the family

especially those that link tourism Ever since setting up its own


specific Development Assistance

environment, climate change and

Department, UNWTO has been

poverty alleviation.





extending its technical support to help countries develop their

Among those speaking at the

economies through tourism.

lunch will be Mrs Young-Shim Dho, Chairperson of the Korea-

But as the Organization is not a

based STEP (Sustainable Tourism

funding agency, that is only part of

Eliminating Poverty ) Foundation,

the battle. Countries then have to

which has become one of the

find sources of financing to carry

major donor organizations since

the projects through to conclusion,

it was set up with the support of

and most of them do not have the

the Government of the Republic of

requisite information or expertise

Korea and UNWTO.

on how to approach multilateral and bilateral sources for funding.





work on a pan-African study At



on financing that is due to be


completed by the end of the year

tourism community leaders will

and provide a blueprint for other

be discussing the best ways



lunch, and



Как привлечь деньги под проекты Во время обеда, во вторник 6 октября Исполняющий обязанности (и.о) Гене­ рального секретаря рас­ ска­жет странам-участни­ цам о том, как лучше исполь­зовать техническую поддержку ЮНВТО наряду с финансовой поддерж­кой для реализации туристи­ ческих проектов. С созданием собственного Департамента по поддержке развития, ЮНВТО увеличила техническую поддержку для развития экономики стран посредством туризма. Однако, стоит отметить, что организация не является спонсором, что означает, что странам придется искать

источники финансирования для реализации своих проек­тов извне. При этом многие из стран не обладают информацией или соответствующим опытом для привлечения средств из мировых или двусто­ронних источников финансирования. В этой связи, странамучастницам будут даны советы как реализовать подобные проекты. Особое внимание будет уделено проектам, соединяющим туризм с такими инициативами, как защита окружающей среды, изменение климата и снижение уровня бедности.

The Republic of Vanuatu was approved as the latest member of the UNWTO family on Monday, the tiny island nation having applied for membership in July 2008. Situated around 1,750 kilometres east of northern Australia, Vanuatu was originally inhabited by Melanesian people before European settlement began in the 19th century and won independence from a Franco-British condominium in 1980. It is made up of more than 80 islands stretching over a distance of some 1,300 km. and with a total land area of 12,274 square kilometres. Only 14 of the islands measure more than 100 square kilometres. With its sub-tropical climate, Vanuatu has seen big increases in tourism in recent years, thanks mainly to the archipelago being used as the location for reality-TV shows, notably both US and Australian versions of the Survivor series.

Assembly Debate


UNWTO Daily - General Assembly 2009



Charting the Roadmap for Recovery The Roadmap for Recovery set the stage for kick-starting the 18th session of the UNWTO General Assembly, with a lively debate which will be concluded today. Overall, discussion is focusing on both the endorsement of and adding further contributions to the document. Opening the discussions, UNWTO Assistant Secretary-General and Spokesperson, Geoffrey Lipman, stressed that the Roadmap was developed with short and long term perspectives, that had already been expanded upon through direct engagement with Member States and via the UNWTO Tourism Resilience Committee. The document further benefited from the participation of other stakeholders and partner organizations who had helped identify key tourism issues for stimulus on one hand, and in mapping the socio-economic impact on other related sectors. The first day of the debates outlined the areas where the travel and tourism sector can have a positive impact on economic recovery, such as jobs, partnerships and infrastructure. This provides a bridge between crisis management today and future challenges. Common themes among the presentations included tourism regulation, fiscal measures, and promotional initiatives. Put together, these will help provide the framework for a common message for the industry to add to national, regional and international initiatives to combat the overall economic challenges.

It’s the economy There was overall consensus that the sector faces an economic crisis and its effect on tourism. “But this is not a crisis of tourism”, was a point stressed by several delegates. Contemplating tourism in the context of fiscal and monetary policies is therefore vital in order to preserve jobs and maintain tourism operations, according to the Egyptian delegation. It was further stressed that travel and tourism still has some way to go to be acknowledged as a key job creator, export generator, and contributor to the overall economy. While the impression of an incipient global economic recovery seems to be gaining strength, delegates also stressed a word of caution, as global unemployment is still on the rise and consumers have yet to regain confidence. Against this backdrop, tourism authorities in some countries such as India have introduced direct capital support, lowered interest rates and provided tax rebates, to boost tourism activity. India has also underscored the importance of keeping long-term challenges, such as climate change response, on top of the agenda, and calling for the direct support of UNWTO to help developing countries through financial and technological transfers. Montenegro said it was counting on UNWTO as a firm voice to advocate for a stronger political positioning of travel and tourism, and

President Nazarbayev opens General Assembly in Astana CONTINUATION FROM PAGE 1

work, and helps economic revival in many countries and regions of the world. At the same time tourism unites countries and nations and spreads a culture of tolerance and agreement.” The president told delegates that there are some 1,200 small and medium size enterprises in the tourism sector in Kazakhstan. With such a business that requires consistent investment, Kazakhstan has created a favourable investment climate offering increasing opportunities for businesses to grow every year. In 2008 total revenue from tourism reached 74 billion tenge (US$500 million), 17% higher than the same figure in 2007. President Nazarbayev said that Kazakhstan was gaining interest among foreign tourists, with market research conducted by Kazakh companies showing about 14 million tourists from Europe and Asia planning to come to the country in the near future.

to contribute with the right framework for public-private-partnerships, as well as pushing forward with a climate change response within the sector. While the world economy moves towards new stability, private-public-partnerships should be regarded not as a choice but as a need by stakeholders. This sort of cooperation can also contribute to raising awareness among governments and keeping travel and tourism in the mainstream of the global economic agenda, according to countries such as Korea and Turkey.

One voice Up to 50 interventions by Members are expected to be presented before the end of the General Debate today, reflecting a wide range of possible action areas for governments and the industry. The main outcome of the Debate will provide new elements to further support the positioning of the travel and tourism sector in discussions with national decision makers, and provide action ideas aimed at stimulating the economy. The conclusions will allow the sector to move forward with a common message and a concrete contribution to sustain the vitality and resilience of the industry. They will also contribute to the overall recovery and help in fostering the transformation to a green economy.

Even on country roads, Kazakh people learn about the General Assembly

Taleb Rifai appointed Secretary-General CONTINUATION FROM PAGE 1

Among various areas of action, Mr. Rifai called for the need to consolidate and expand UNWTO membership at the same time as ensuring that the value of UNWTO be clear and evident. He also said he would be introducing a major revision of the structure of Affiliate Members to enable them to become “meaningful representatives of non-governmental stakeholders”. Further efforts will be made to link tourism to the three global challenges of climate change, poverty alleviation and employment. To achieve this

UNWTO will continue to strengthen its integration within the UN system and its global development agenda. Mr Rifai ended by stressing the need for UNWTO to explore alternative funding models and a general revision of practices and procedures on the way the different parts of the Organization interact and operate. Having served as Deputy SecretaryGeneral of the UNWTO for the last three years, Mr. Rifai is indeed qualified to navigate UNWTO through these difficult times.

Генеральная Ассамблея ЮНВТО вчера, назначила Талеба Рифая из Иордании на должность Генерального секретаря путем голосования, ратифицируя рекомендацию Исполнительного совета Организации на 85-ой сессии в Мали в этом году. Г-н Рифай, пятый генеральный секретарь агентства туризма ООН, начнет свой четырехлетний мандат в январе 2010. Талеб Рифай связан с ЮНВТО с марта 2009 года, когда Франческо Франджали покинул пост до истечения трехлетнего срока и Рифай был временно назначен Генеральным секретарем. Служа Представителем Генерального секретаря ЮНВТО в течение прошлых трех лет, Талеб Рифэй зарекомендовал себя как человек, способный служить на благо ЮНВТО в такое трудное время.

Timetable for

Agenda &

Press programme

Талеб Рифай назначен Генеральным секретарем

6 – 8 October 2009

Tuesday 6 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. 3rd session: general debate 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. Agendas items 9 to 12 10 a.m. – 12.30 p.m. Meeting of the Affiliate Members 12.30 a.m. – 1.30 p.m. Affiliate Members Board meeting 4 p.m. – 7 p.m. Seminar Affiliate Members: The Role of the Private Sector in UNWTO: how can we contribute to organizing a meaningful model of global tourism governance?

Wednesday 7 He said much of this interest iis linked to the staging of the Asian games that are to be held in Astana and Almaty in 2011.

9 a.m. – 1 p.m. 5th session: agenda items 15 to 17 3 p.m. – 5.30 p.m. 6th session: agenda items 18 to 23 6 p.m. – 7 p.m. Meeting of the ST-EP Foundation / Working Group

“I am confident that hosting ASIADA will be a strong stimulus for tourism development in our country, and that Kazakhstan will awake interest among many tourists and potential foreign investors.”

Thursday 8 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. Resilience Committee 2 p.m. – 5 p.m. 7th session:item 24 + Adoption of draft resolutions 5.30 p.m. – 7.30 p.m. Silk Road Meeting

ONLINE: www.UNWTO.org/ga

Social Events Tuesday 6

6.45 p.m Korea Night hosted by the Ministry of Tourism and Sports of the Republic of Korea. Palace of Concord (Pyramid)

Wednesday 7 7.00 p.m Official reception hosted by the Ministry of Tourism and Sport of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Saltanat Saray. Buses will run from the Palace of Independence

Thursday 8 7.00 p.m Official reception hosted by the Mayor of the City of Astana. Bagration Restaurant. Buses will run from the Palace of Independence



A ssembly News

UNWTO Daily - General Assembly 2009


UNWTO support for climate

change accord in Copenhagen In 1992, nearly 200 countries came together to sign the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Almost 20 years later the framework continues to set the guidelines for reducing global warming and adapting to inevitable temperature increases. From December 7-18, world leaders will meet at the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen to reinforce their commitment to tackle the issue and seek an ambitious new global agreement that includes all countries. . The need for a new accord to update the Kyoto Protocol negotiated in 1997 has become evident with increasing greenhouse gas emissions. As both a victim of and contributor to changing climate conditions, tourism is closely linked to the subject. It generates

some 5% of C02 emissions, which, although significant, is a manageable figure that can be progressively reduced thanks to evolving global agreements, public-private partnerships and the industry embracing new forms of technology. At the same time, tourism suffers the negative impact of climate change, in particular from its effect on certain destinations in mountain regions and coastal areas. It has become a dilemma for the industry; for while many developing countries are largely dependent on tourism for economic growth, increase in demand contributes directly to climate change, which in turn is usually felt most by those same countries. Just as climate change is being addressed globally under UN leadership, UNWTO has the responsibility of formulating how tourism can adapt to and mitigate the challenge.

Since the turn of the century, the Organization has been raising awareness of the urgent need for the industry, national governments and international organizations to develop and implement strategies and to take preventive action, as well as countering the effects of tourism’s environmental impact on climate change. A first International Conference on Climate Change and Tourism was convened by UNWTO in Djerba, Tunisia, in 2003, since when it has been building up knowledge to address the complex relationships between tourism and climate. This work was highlighted in the Davos Declaration, which committed the tourism sector to take a long-term strategic position on the issue of climate change in close coordination with global action on Poverty Alleviation and the Millennium Development Goals.

Honorary title for Mr Frangialli Francesco Frangialli is to become Honorary Secretary-General of the UNWTO in accordance with a proposal put forward by host nation Kazakhstan and approved by the General Assembly on Monday. In accepting the offer Mr Frangialli, stressed that he has left the Organization in very good hands for the future with Taleb Rifai taking over. Mr Frangialli stepped down at the end of February before the end of his third consecutive term as Secretary-General.

Preparing to combat flu The world suffered three flu pandemics in the last century 1918, 1957 and 1968 - and the World Health Organization has pointed out they usually appear every 30 to 40 years. The spread of the viruses occurs in waves, up to four in previous cases. Most countries are currently on the first wave of the current pandemic and WHO estimates it could last at least another 12 to 18 months. To combat the threat of the flu to tourism and travel, UNWTO has drawn up a review and started preparation exercises involving Member States, Influenza Focal Points, the Tourism Emergency Response Network (TERN) and international organizations to identify gaps, exchange best experiences and correct assumptions to better prepare for further waves. The first simulation exercise, held in Madrid in August, emphasized

the interactive content of the programme in providing a collective experience to help the sector deal with global challenges. Since the first outbreak in April 2009, the exercises have helped to make individual roles clearer, to improve coordination and to clear up inconsistencies. While the virus has been relatively mild so far, and caused only limited impact on the sector, there is no room for complacency. As WHO stresses: Mild can turn virulent, and the influenza virus is ‘notoriously unstable’. Absenteeism is seen as a potentially big issue for the highly labour intensive travel and tourism sector, while the ‘fear factor’ of possible quarantine or infection could also cause unnecessary hardship for tourism. Work carried out so far has

demonstrated the importance of harmonizing counter measures where possible. Inconsistencies, especially where they affect personal freedom, as in the case of quarantine, are likely to attract the interest of the global media, and could have a big impact. As the UN lead agency on tourism, UNWTO has given strong support to WHO’s effort to issue case management guidelines and played an active part in top-level coordination efforts with the UN System Influenza Coordinator (UNSIC). It believes any limits on travel would have little effect on stopping the virus from spreading, yet would be highly disruptive to the global community. UNWTO also points out that new assumptions on combating the flu have to take into account that there was far less international travel

Опережая A(H1N1)

and tourism at the time of the last pandemic, and that this one has spread as much in six weeks as the last did in six months. Will continue to keep its Members up-to-date changing





rapidly next

review and preparation exercise is scheduled for the Americas and takes place on the 16 and 17 September in the Bahamas. The findings will form part of a briefing session taking place at the General Assembly in Kazakhstan.

Read more Further informationcan be obtained at UNWTO’s emergency response portal: http://www.sos.travel/

Пандемия гриппа А(H1N1) заставила ЮНВТО принять дополнительные меры по подготовке туристического сектора к предстоящим случаям заражения гриппа, которые ожидаются в этом месяце, в преддверие зимнего периода в северных странах. Напомним, что впервые вирус охватил большинство стран мира в апреле этого года и поставил под угрозу и туризм, и путешествия. Кроме того, для борьбы с вирусом гриппа на высшем уровне ЮНВТО активно сотрудничает как со Всемирной Организацией Здравоохранения (ВОЗ), так и поодерживает тесные контакты со специальной комиссией по борьбе с гриппом при Организации Объединенных Наций (ООН). В этой связи, ЮНВТО продолжает предостерегать людей, которые намереваются отправиться в путешествие и советуют больше внимания уделять своему здоровью, прислушиваться к поступающей информации извне и соблюдать меры личной гигиены (такие как частое мытье рук), а так же с осторожностью относится к окружающим людям, которые могут быть разносчиками инфекции.



Members’ News

UNWTO Daily - General Assembly 2009


Republic of Korea fights the economic crisis

Visit India Year pulls in the tourists India has been alluring tourists this year with a wide choice of attractive extras and bonus offers as part of its Visit India Year 2009 promotional campaign. Incentives for visitors have ranged from free sightseeing tours to bonus accommodation and flights, to trips to the countryside including free accommodation. Participating airlines Air India, Jet Airways and Kingfisher Airlines have been offering free flights on international and internal flights, while hotel chains and leading Indian resorts have offered big price reductions, bonus nights and other added extras. For their part, the Indian Travel Agents Association has played its part by arranging free sightseeing tours for customers in cities of their choice, and to the countryside with attractive programmes giving people the opportunity to see the traditional India with its local artists and craftspeople.

KTO President Lee Charm The Korea Tourism Organization (KTO) has taken a series of measures to counteract the downward trend in international travel. Among these is a discount promotion scheme with Visa Card which started in April 2009 and ends in March next year, offering card users from all over the world discounts on a range of merchandise, hotel stays, eating out at restaurants, leisure activities, and at many other Korean attractions. This comes on top of the gains already being made by visitors thanks to the downward trend in the Korean Won against other foreign currencies. Another initiative follows up the meetings industry (MICE) being designated a value-added service industry by the Korean government, which prompted KTO to reorganize


KTO is proactively promoting existing green tourism attractions such as the Korean Demilitarized Zone, Suncheon Bay, the Upo Wetlands, the Tidelands of the West Sea and Damyang, and is working on developing new environmental friendly products such as the Gyeongin Canal, a waterway designed to link Incheon to Seoul.

Long-term objectives of the GGP

energy-saving accommodation;

oversee and enforce

Comprehensive leisure facilities will be located near these attractions with funding from the Korean government. In addition, new historical walking routes are being developed.

The Team’s goals are to oversee and enforce environmental protection and preservation, the promotion of green tourism in Korea, and to fight against unsustainable tourism practices that lead to the degradation of the nation’s environmental resources.

With the government committed to the sustainable development of the tourism industry, KTO has been active in outlining its Green Growth Policy (GGP) for the industry with the support of the Korea Culture and Tourism Institute.

its organizational structure in this sector to give it more autonomy.

information and networking among related businesses.

This has involved the upgrading of existing bureaus and the doubling of the 2009 budget over the previous year.

In an effort to further develop and promote Green Tourism, Korea has been active in tackling its energy and environmental shortcomings under a programme entitled Low-Carbon, Green Growth.

Projects this year have been mainly divided into three categories: development of meetings industry infrastructure; promotion of the country as a meetings destination, and additional projects to attract more international events. Specific measures have included a statistical survey to obtain comprehensive information about the MICE industry; the establishment of a five-year development plan; training of meetings experts and specialists; and the creation of an integrated information system designed to be a source of

As well as extending greenhouse gas reductions to the tourism sector and adopting environmentally friendly measures, KTO launched its own Green Tourism Team in December 2008.

From interviews carried out for the UNWTO broadcast campaign

Rio Olympics win is boost for South America

security, in the airports,” says Mr Moysés. “I think Rio will change a lot from now until 2016.”

The selection of Rio de Janeiro to host the 2016 Olympic Games should prove a big boost not only for Brazilian tourism but for South America as a whole says Mário Moysés, Vice Minister of Tourism for Brazil.

“Rio represents the whole of South America to a certain extent. It is the first time that South America is getting the Olympic Games. It is great news for Brazil.”

Infrastructure and revenues from tourism look set to increase in a region that has seen international arrivals drop by one percent from January to July this year. “For Rio it will mean a lot, a lot of investment, public investment. In transportation, private investment in hotels, in new buildings, in

Following on from Brazil staging the 2014 World Cup football, the Olympics will give another opportunity to “work with other South American countries to build up visitors. “We will do a lot of promotion,” he promised. News that Rio beat Chicago, Madrid and Tokyo in the competition to host the games was met with jubilation by the South American

delegations at the General Assembly. Rio had the least-prepared i n f r a s t r u c t u re of the four cities, but now the city is looking to invest around US$ 10 billion in building the Olympic Village and other related developments. Security issues are improving as the city and Brazil’s economy develops, with more than 20 million people rising out of poverty in the last five years, according to the Vice Minister. Brazil gets around five million visitors a year, with a 0.5 percent rise between 2007 and 2008.

are to unify tourism with green technology, transform the industry’s structure and create an eco-friendly value chain for tourism. A series of short-term plans have been proposed under the GGP framework including: -




- Establishment of an eco-system for the green travel industry; - Application of green technology in the theme park sector; - Support

for zero energy green

events; - Promotion of eco-friendly tourism projects; and - Enhancement of the understanding of green tourism through PR activities and education.

THE GLOBAL EDITION OF THE UNWTO DAILY Taleb RIfai Secretary-General ad interim Geoffrey Lipman Assistant Secretary-General and Spokesperson Eugenio Yunis Director of Programme and Coordination UNWTO Daily Team: Marcelo Risi (UNWTO Media Officer) Editor Kate Holmes, DAVID ING Journalists Beatriz Cordero del Val (UNWTO Web Developer) Design and Layout Alla Peressolova (UNWTO Fairs and Communications Assistance Officer) Advertisements ZHARKYN Co, Printers



UNWTO Daily - General Assembly 2009


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UNWTO Daily - General Assembly 2009



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