Gmail - Nye Frank-Does Ty have a court date that we can go to?
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Dawn Breedlove
Nye Frank-Does Ty have a court date that we can go to? Dawn Breedlove
Mon, Jul 21, 2008 at 9:11 AM
To: "Emmerling, Kim" , Andre O'Harra I was recently shocked to see that DA Pacheco got a award for elder services when I had kept asking for that type of service. I cannot imagine what type of reason can be given for this. Please let me know and our rights to attend. The misconduct of this case is going to come out. I am asking you to stop preventing justice for Nye Frank and his family. I am putting this in writing so the request can be documented. Please fax or email your reply as soon as possible. Thank you -Dawn Breedlove ph: 310.212.6260 fax: 310.388.0276 email: [email protected] 10/1/2008