Cyclone: It is a large low pressure region with circular wind motion The peak Cyclone risk time is Premonsoon (April) & Postmonsoon (September/October)
Types: Tropical Cyclone & Extratropical Cyclone Tropical Cyclone: Winds are anticlockwise in the northern hemisphere Extratropical Cyclone: Winds are clockwise in the northern hemisphere Typhoon: It is a tropical Cyclone occurring in the region of south-east Asia (Philippines and China Sea). Hurricane: A severe tropical cyclone occurring in USA and originating in the equatorial regions of the Atlantic Ocean or Caribbean Sea, traveling north, northwest, or northeast from its point of origin, and usually involving heavy rains. A wind with a speed greater than 119 kilometers per hour Tornado: A violent thunderstorm in western Africa or nearby Atlantic waters. A wind with a speed greater than 800 kilometers per hour