Cycle B 3rd Sunday Advent

  • June 2020
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Third Sunday of Advent [CYCLE B]


[This is for reference only. Please do not read it at Mass] We focus today on the reading from Thessalonians, where Paul shows us how to live as we await Jesus’ return. Verse 16 has inspired many Christians through the ages: ‘Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.’ We look at the example that Paul himself set. Even after being beaten and thrown into prison, he prayed and praised God. God in turn worked in a wonderful way, bringing good out of the situation. We invite the children to learn to live with Jesus by praying and giving thanks at all times, even when things go wrong.

INTRODUCTION: Celebrant: Children, we have been talking about Rapunzel and how the king’s son rescued her from the witch’s tower. She married him and they lived together happily forever. Jesus is also a king’s son. He has rescued us from Satan’s power and he wants us to live with him forever. Even though he has not yet taken us to heaven, we can still live with him. [Refer to the words on the tower, LIVE WITH HIM.] Today we will think about how we can live with God. LITURGY OF THE WORD: Commentator: Saint Paul knew how to live with Jesus. He gives us some good ideas about what to do as we wait for Jesus to come again. Listen now and try and remember the first three ideas he gives. First Reading: 1 Thessalonians 5:16-24. Commentator: We are now going to sing a song that Mary sang when she met her cousin Elisabeth. Psalm: Luke1:47 & 49, 53-54. Gospel: Mark 13:33-37.

Homily: Celebrant: Today we are thinking about how we can live with Jesus. Did you listen to Saint Paul’s ideas about this? Who can tell me the first three things he tells us to do? (Always be joyful, never stop praying, keep thanking God, whatever happens.) (Put up the poster with the words of the song.) •

When do you normally thank God? When something good happens! When do you rejoice? Again when something good happens, like if you win a prize. It is good to do this. But Saint Paul says that we should rejoice and thank at all times.

When do you normally pray? Maybe when you have forgotten to do your homework! You say, “Lord please don’t let my teacher come to school today!” Saint Paul tells us to pray without stopping, all the time, not only when we need something.

Saint Paul himself did these three things, at good times and bad. Once Paul and his friend Silas were beaten and thrown into prison because they had been teaching about Jesus. The guards put them into the innermost cell and locked their feet up with special locks. What did Paul and Silas do? Start crying? No they began to pray and sing hymns to God. “Thank you God for your love! Thank you for the beating, for being able to suffer for you! Thank you for putting us in prison!” Suddenly there was a violent earthquake. The whole prison began to shake. All the locks and doors opened and the chains fell off the prisoners. When the prison guard saw the doors open, he was very frightened, because he knew that he would be punished terribly for letting the prisoners escape. He took out his sword and was about to kill himself, but Paul shouted out, “Stop! Don’t kill yourself! We are all here!” The guard realised that Paul was a man of God. He fell down on his knees before him and asked him to baptise him and his family. Then he washed Paul and Silas’ wounds and gave them dinner. That night they all rejoiced and thanked God. “If you had not been put into prison, we would never have come to believe in Jesus! God is great!” The next morning the leaders came and set Paul and Silas free. • Children, let us all try and be like Paul. Let’s rejoice in God and thank him at all times. If you get sick and are in bed with a headache and fever, what can you pray? “Thank you Lord for my bed. Thank you for my mummy and her love. I know that even now, you are with me and that you can do something good through my illness.” •

And let’s remember to pray all the time, not only when we need help. If you do this, you will make God very happy. You will really be living with Jesus.

FIR ST REA DING : A reading from the first letter of Saint Paul to the Thessalonians: APPROPRIATE HYMNS

Brothers and sisters:


ENTRANCE: This and is the Day stop praying. Whatever happens, • Practice Always be joyful never keep readings. thanking God because OFFERTORY: My Life You Lord • Make poster with the words of song. of Jesus Christ. Thisisisinwhat God wants you to do. COMMUNION: Thank You Lord for All You’ve Done • Write the words ‘LIVE WITH HIM’ on Don’t turn away God’s Spirit or ignore prophesies. Put everything to the test. Accept what is RECESSIONAL: Rejoice Evermore (Words on poster) the tower.

good and don’t have anything to do with evil.

I pray that God, who gives peace, will make you completely holy. And may your spirit, soul and body be kept healthy and faultless until our Lord Jesus returns. The one who chose you can be trusted, and he will do this. This is the Word of the Lord.


Response: My sou l rejo ices in God, my Sav iou r.

With all my heart I praise the Lord, and I am glad because of God my Saviour. God the Almighty has done great things for me, and his name is holy.



God gives the hungry good things to eat, and he sends the rich away with nothing. He helps his servant Israel and is always merciful to his people.

Alleluia, alleluia. The Spirit of the Lord now upon me has sent me to bring good news to the poor.. Alleluia, alleluia.

A reading from the Holy Gospel according to Mark.

The Jewish leaders in Jerusalem sent priests and temple helpers to ask John who he was. He told them plainly, “I am not the Messiah.” Then when they asked him if he were Elijah, he said, “No, I am not!” And when they asked if he were the Prophet, he also said, “No!” Finally they said, “Who are you then? We have to give an answer to the ones who sent us. Tell us who you are!” John answered in the words of the prophet Isaiah, “I am only someone shouting in the desert, ‘Get the road ready for the Lord!’” Some Pharisees had also been sent to John. They asked him, “Why are you baptising people, if you are not the Messiah or Elijah or the Prophet?” John told them, “I use water to baptise people. But here with you is someone you don’t know. Even though I came first, I am not good enough to untie his sandals.” John said this as he was baptizing east of the Jordan River in Bethany. This is the Gospel of the Lord. NB. All Readings are taken from the ‘Lectionary for Masses with Children’ canonically approved for use in the USA.

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