Cycle B 3rd Sunday Ordinary

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 1,418
  • Pages: 3
Third Sunday of the Year [CYCLE B]


[This is for reference only. Please do not read it at Mass] Jesus begins his public ministry with the call to repent. ‘Repent’ does not merely mean to feel sorry or even to say sorry, but to make an ‘about-turn’ in our lives: an about turn towards God. The people of Nineveh respond wholeheartedly to the call to repent. Simon and Andrew, James and John also leave their old life, their nets and their families, to follow Christ. We take the inspiring and dramatic story of Saint Francis of Assisi to highlight the response God wants from us.

INTRODUCTION: Celebrant: Tomorrow is Republic Day, and if we put on our TV sets we will see a great parade, with soldiers from the army, navy and air force marching in perfect order. Let’s watch as some boys try marching on their own. [Four boys stand in line and mark time on the spot, but badly, as each one calls out the beat to a different time. A bigger boy comes up] Leader: You don’t seem to be doing very well. You need a leader. Are you ready to follow me? [All agree loudly] Then follow my commands! [Leader stands behind the line and calls out] Atten-tion! Mark time! Left- left- left-right-left right- left – left... About turn! Check one-two-threefour! Forward march! Left-left- left-right-left! [At the command ‘about turn’ only one boy obeys and follows the leader off the stage. One boy keeps marking time;another moves to the right and the fourth to the left.] Celebrant: The marching did not turn out very well, did it? All the boys went off in different directions. Only one boy followed the leader. What command did he follow, which the others did not? [It was ABOUT TURN!] About turn means to turn right round. Today we will hear our leader Jesus, calling out, “About turn!” Jesus used another word instead of ‘about turn’. It is “Repent!” PENETENTIAL RITE: Jesus wants us all to turn right around. That means to follow him wherever he leads us. Some of us are like the boy who stayed in the same place. We do the same things day after day, even if God is telling us to do something different. Some of us chase after fun, instead of Jesus; some do wrong things instead of following Jesus. Let’s be quiet for a minute and tell Jesus we are sorry and that we are going to start follow him wherever he goes. [Moment of quiet.]

LITURGY OF THE WORD: Commentator: In the first reading God told the people of Nineveh to turn back to him, and they did. First Reading: Jonah 3:1-5, 10. Psalm: 25:4-5abc, 6 &7cd, 8-9. Commentator: Now we will hear how Jesus called out to Simon and Andrew, James and John. Gospel: Mark 1:14-20. Homily: Celebrant: Today I would like to tell you a story about someone who heard God say, “Turn back to me!” He was a young man called Francis. Francis was a rich, good-looking young man. He had many friends, because he was a ‘fun-guy’. His father was a rich merchant. He bought Francis fashionable clothes from France because he wanted his son to be a success. Francis gave parties and spent money freely. He liked the idea of being a brave soldier, a hero fighting for God. When Francis was twenty-four years old something happened which changed him. Francis went to fight in a war and he became very ill. Lying in his bed, he began to think more about God. One day, when he was well again, he went riding on his horse. Suddenly he heard a bell ringing. It was the warning bell of a leper. No one went near lepers because of their terrible disease. The man was smelling and looked disgusting. Francis felt like running away as fast as he could. But to his own surprise he could not go away. Instead, he got down from his horse and come close to the man. He bent down and kissed the man’s hand gently. At that moment something happened inside Francis. He felt very different and wonderful. He turned to thank the man and found that he had disappeared. Francis thought, “Was that Jesus in disguise?” As God’s voice became clearer in Francis’ mind, he realised that he needed to pray a lot. He started going off to a cave far away. There he would pray and pray. He stopped bothering about fancy clothes, food and parties. People began calling him ‘mad’ and ‘crazy’ because he looked so different. One friend asked him, “What’s happened to you? Are you in love? Who is the girl?” Francis said, “Yes you’re right! I’ve chosen a wonderful bride. Her name is Lady Poverty. (Poverty means being simple and poor) And she is the same lady who went with Jesus to the cross!” Francis spent the rest of his life as a poor man, preaching God’s word to the common people. He looked after lepers and taught people about God. God worked many miracles through him. Some people laughed at him, but others were touched by his life. Many of his rich friends gave away their riches and joined him. Today we call him a saint and try to be like him. Thousands of people visit Francis’ home-town, Assisi, and listen to the stories of his life. What we remember most of all about Francis is that when he heard God call he turned right around and followed him all the way. OFFERTORY: Close your eyes and listen to Jesus calling you. Tell him that you will follow him all the way, like Francis. We’ll sing, ‘I Have Decided to Follow Jesus’ APPROPRIATE HYMNS ENTRANCE: OFFERTORY: COMMUNION: RECESSIONAL:

How Great Thou Art I Have Decided to Follow Jesus Make Me a Channel [Prayer of St. Francis] Happiness Is

PREPARATION REQUIRED: • Practice readings. • Put up a banner with the words: JESUS SAYS: TURN YOUR LIFE AROUND AND FOLLOW ME!

FIR ST REA DING : A reading from the book of the prophet Jonah: The Lord spoke to Jonah and said, “Jonah, go to that great city of Nineveh and speak to them for me.” Jonah obeyed the Lord and went to Nineveh. The city was so large that it took three days just to walk through it. After walking a day, Jonah told the people, “Forty days from now Nineveh will be destroyed.” The people believed God’s message and they set a time when they would all go without eating. Then everyone in the city, no matter who they were, dressed in sackcloth. When God saw that the people had stopped doing evil things, he had pity on them and did not destroy them, as he had said. This is the Word of the Lord.

PSALM : Show me your paths and teach me to follow; guide me by your truth and instruct me. You keep me safe.



Response: Teach me your ways, O Lord. Please, Lord, remember, you have always been patient and kind. Show how truly kind you are and remember me.

You are honest and merciful, and you teach sinners how to follow your path. You lead humble people to do what is right and to stay on your path.

Alleluia, alleluia. The kingdom of God is near: Repent and believe the good news. Alleluia, alleluia.

A reading from the Holy Gospel according to Mark.

After John was arrested, Jesus went to Galilee and gave the good news that comes from God. He said, “The time has come! God’s kingdom will soon be here. Turn back to God and believe the good news!” As Jesus was walking along the shore of Lake Galilee, he saw Simon and his brother Andrew. They were fishermen and were casting their nets into the lake. Jesus said to them, “Come with me! I will teach you how to bring in people instead of fish.” Right then the two brothers dropped their nets and went with him. Jesus walked on and soon saw James and John, the sons of Zebedee. They were in a boat, mending their nets. At once Jesus asked them to come with him. They left their father in the boat with the hired workers and went with him. This is the Gospel of the Lord. NB. All Readings are taken from the ‘Lectionary for Masses with Children’ canonically approved for use in the USA.

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