Cyber Ethics

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 2,073
  • Pages: 35
Cyber Ethics

iSchools Project Team

HUMAN CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT GROUP Source: Rommel Andong & Mel Tan Commission on Information and Communications Technology

Issues • • • • • • •

Privacy and Personal Information Trust Freedom of speech Intellectual Property Computer crime Computers and Work Professional Ethics and Responsibilities 2

Computer Ethics • Category of professional ethics similar to medical, accounting, legal ethics • For computer professionals & those who select, manage or use computers in a professional setting • many people do not understand technology well... – Concerns relationships & responsibilities towards customers, clients, coworkers, users, people affected by computers, ... 3

What is Ethics ? • Study of what it means to "do the right thing" • View ethical rules as – fundamental & universal – made up to provide a framework to interact with other people

• Behaving ethically is often practical • Needs courage sometimes ... 4

Some important distinctions • Right, wrong, OK, prohibited, acceptable • Distinguising Wrong and Harm • Separating Goals from Constraints • Personal Preference and Ethics • Law and Ethics


Introduction • To handle information in a responsible way you must understand: – The importance of ethics in the ownership and use of information. – The importance to people of personal privacy and the ways in which it can be compromised. – The value of information to an organization. – Threats to information and how to protect against them (security). 6


• Ethics - the principles and standards that guide our behavior toward other people.



Two Factors That Determine How You Decide Ethical Issues

1. Your basic ethical structure, which you developed as you grew up. 2. The set of practical circumstances involved in the decision that you’re trying to make — that is, all the shades of gray in what are rarely black or white decisions. 8

Ethics: Practical Considerations how much or how little benefit or harm will come from a particular decision? how much do you identify with the person or persons who will receive the benefit or suffer the harm?

what length of time will it take for the benefit or harm to take effect?

what is your perception of what society really thinks of your intended action?

what is the probability of the harm or benefit that will occur if you take the action?

how many people will be affected by your action?

Intellectual Property • Intellectual property - intangible creative work that is embodied in physical form. • Copyright - the legal protection afforded an expression of an idea, such as a song, video game, and some types of proprietary documents. • Fair Use Doctrine - says that you may use copyrighted material in certain situations — for example, for teaching purposes. 10

Intellectual Property • Pirated software - the unauthorized use, duplication, distribution or sale of copyrighted software. • Counterfeit software - software that is manufactured to look like the real thing and sold as such.


Privacy • Privacy - the right to be left alone when you want to be, to have control over your own personal possessions, and not to be observed without your consent.


Privacy • E-mail is completely insecure. • Each e-mail you send results in at least 3 or 4 copies being stored on different computers. • You can take measures to protect your e-mail.


Privacy •

Cookie - a small record deposited on your hard disk by a Web site containing information about you and your Web activities.

Adware - software to generate ads that installs itself on your computer when you download some other (usually free) program from the Web.

Trojan-horse software - software you don’t want hidden inside software you do want. 14

Privacy • Spyware (also called sneakware or stealthware) - software that comes hidden in free downloadable software – tracks your online movements – mines the information stored on your computer – uses your computer’s CPU and storage

• Key logger, or key trapper, software, -a program, when installed on a computer, records every keystroke and mouse click. 15

THE TEN COMMANDMENTS FOR COMPUTER ETHICS from the Computer Ethics Institute ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔

✔ ✔

Thou shalt not use a computer to harm other people. Thou shalt not interfere with other people's computer work. Thou shalt not snoop around in other people's files. Thou shalt not use a computer to steal. Thou shalt not use a computer to bear false witness. Thou shalt not use or copy software for which you have not paid. Thou shalt not use other people's computer resources without authorization. Thou shalt not appropriate other people's intellectual output. Thou shalt think about the social consequences of the program you write. Thou shalt use a computer in ways that show consideration and respect. 16

NETIQUETTE From Computing for Life - Book A by Tan, 2nd edition. FNB Publications, 2005.

1. be responsible enough not to waste other people’s time or bandwidth by posting unnecessarily long messages or unimportant messages and sending large attachments – –

Keep your messages to the point - you may opt to use common abbreviations Limit the size of attachments to 100 kb. 17

NETIQUETTE 1. Promote civility. Be pleasant and polite. Although the Internet advocates freedom of speech, it does not give anyone the right to write anything he wants without minding how it will affect others. – – – –

Avoid using CAPS LOCK. Minimize the use of exclamation points. Use smileys or emoticons when appropriate Do not use offensive language.


Sample Emoticons :-) ;-) :-D :-I |-O |-I :-/ :-( >:-(

Happy face Kidding or teasing Laughing hard Indifferent. Either way is O.K. Yawning Asleep Not quite sure about something Frowning Angry

:-@ :-C :'-( :-O :-X }:-) O:-) ^5

Screaming Disappointed Crying Surprise or amazement Your secret is safe with me A devil An angel High 5


Sample Acronyms • • • • • • • • • •

AFAIK As Far As I Know AFK Away From Keyboard ASAP As Soon As Possible B4N Bye For Now BBL Be Back Later BRB Be Right Back BBS Be Back Soon CYA See You (Seeya) CU See You DLTBBB Don't Let The Bed Bugs Bite • CYAL8R See You Later (Seeyalata) • FC Fingers Crossed • F2F Face To Face

• • • • • • • • • • • • • •


Grin From The Bottom Of My Good Luck For What It's Worth Hug and Kiss Gone For Now Have A Good 'Un Great Minds Think Alike How's It Going Have A Good Night I See Have A Nice Day In My Not So Humble Hi There 20

Sample Acronyms • • • • • • • • • • • •


• •


In My Considered Opinion I Love You I'm Sorry In My Humble Opinion Just Kidding In My Opinion In Real Life In Other Words Just To Let You Know Just For Grins Keep In Touch Just My Opinion KWIM Know What I Mean Keep It Simple, Stupid Later

• • • • • • • • • • • •


Kiss On The Cheek Laughing Head Off Later 'Gator Laugh Out Loud Laughing My Socks Off Love You Forever Laughing So Hard My Rolls On The Floor Love Ya Sticking Out Tongue Oh, I See On The Other Hand


NETIQUETTE 1. Use descriptive subject lines for your messages as a courtesy to your reader to help people organize and prioritize their messages. 2. Let the recipient know who is sending the message. – –

From: or end your messages with your name Signature


NETIQUETTE 1. When forwarding messages: –

Check the reliability of the source of a forwarded message and the accuracy of the message or story before passing it on. •

Clean up your messages before you forward them. • •

Do not unnecessarily alarm people, waste their precious time, and clog the network. Take out unnecessary header information and forwarding symbols (usually the > sign). Retain only those that are important to your recipient.

Choose the recipients of your forwarded message.


NETIQUETTE 1. When replying to a mass email, avoid hitting Reply to All. 2. When sending mass email, it would be better to use BCCs (Blind Carbon Copies) –

respect your recipients’ privacy

NOTE: Be careful when corresponding to strangers on a network.

– –

Do not give out sensitive or personal information to people you do not personally know. Be wary of people who give out or lie about their own information to gain your trust.


CASES discussion points

Commission on Information and Communications Technology

Case 1 You are a unit supervisor. A member of your unit is out sick and another member requests a copy of all files from the sick employee's computer to his so that he can do some work.


Case 2 My brother and I saw this really cool game being played in the network gaming shop. We would really like to get a copy but it costs a lot of money. My classmate told me that that there is a website where I can copy it for free. That way, I can enjoy the game without having to shell out any money! adapted from From Computing for Life - Book A by Tan, 2nd edition. FNB Publications, 2005.


Case 3 When I went over to James’ workstation to copy a file, I found that he left his Instant Messenger open. A mutual friend, who is on the other end, just sent a message. Since nobody is looking, I sat down, typed a response, and sent it pretending to be James. adapted from From Computing for Life - Book A by Tan, 2nd edition. FNB Publications, 2005. 28

Case 4 I have an English book report due tomorrow, and I have not even read halfway through the book. I found a web page that gives a review on the same book. All I have to do is to copy and paste the contents of the page onto my word processor. That would be a lot easier than finishing the book and writing this entire book report in one night. My teacher would not know. adapted from From Computing for Life - Book A by Tan, 2nd edition. FNB Publications, 2005. 29

Case 5 Despite several warnings, Bogs still leaves his computer account open even if he knows that another user will be using the same unit afterwards. Annoyed with his non-compliance, I decided to move all his documents to another folder without his knowledge. That would teach him to close his account. adapted from From Computing for Life - Book A by Tan, 2nd edition. FNB Publications, 2005. 30

Case 6 My friend sent me this really funny story via email. I decided to change all the characters’ names to those of people in our neighborhood, just for laughs – and CC:d all the people in my Address Book.

adapted from From Computing for Life - Book A by Tan, 2nd edition. FNB Publications, 2005. 31

Case 7 Danny brags that he can break into any computer system. He says that it’s really fun. He is coaxing me to help him get into the school’s main computer to get a peek at next week’s exam questions.

adapted from From Computing for Life - Book A by Tan, 2nd edition. FNB Publications, 2005. 32

Case 8 I saw this girl enter her password for email access. Now, I can log in as her and send hate mail to take revenge against my enemies.

adapted from From Computing for Life - Book A by Tan, 2nd edition. FNB Publications, 2005. 33

Case 9 I used my father’s credit card, without his knowledge, to bid on this collector’s item Star Wars figurine. I am so happy because I won the online auction.

adapted from From Computing for Life - Book A by Tan, 2nd edition. FNB Publications, 2005. 34

Thank you

Commission on Information and Communications Technology

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