Cyber Bullying Outline

  • Uploaded by: Tiendat Dinh
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  • August 2019
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  • Words: 471
  • Pages: 2
Outline 

Problems - Have effect on students’ academic performance and personality - Negatively affect their social life Lead to depression, suicide School should provide support for their students without interfering their life 1. Working with parents - To figure out why kids bully - To pay more attention to their children 2. Teach students: - Responsible for their actions and behaviours - Learn how to stand up for themselves

Topic :More and more schools across country are trying to address the issue of bullying. But bullying’s presence online has grown considerably. What happens when it occurs outside of school walls? Should schools regulate the off-campus, online behaviour of their students?

The widespread epidemic of cyberbullying amongst students , in recent years, has sparks incessant altercations as to its grave implications when spiraled out of the domain of school and its intervention to monitor this trend. In my opinion, excessive online abuse would exert an adverse impact on the well-being of students and should be partially regulated by schools. It is inconvertible that that students who are subjected to constant cyber harassment would suffer from many deleterious repercussions. Being lambasted online might be a contributing factor in exacerbating their academic performance and personality. Admittedly, when continuously immersed in a bullying environment, some tend to spend time answering back hatred comments. This ,in turn, leads to a waste of time and the deterioration of students’attributes. Besides, bullying online might also adversely affect students’ mentality as well as their social interactions. According to a survey conducted by Harvard University, the victims of bullying , whose minds are yet to fully develop , show a disposition to isolating themselves from the real world and adopt many heart –wrenching self-harm even suicide. Yet, alleviating cyber bullying is by no means an illusion. In order to tackle it, schools should intervene in regulating off-campus students’ online conducts as regards the severity of bullying without infiltrating their private life. One of possible measures is to collaborate with students’ parents to understand the reasons why their kids are insulted online hence proposing appropriate measures against bullies’s abusive actions. In this way is there little likelihood of the worst case to transpire. Additonally,school should also educate students on how to be good digital citizens and offer tips for avoiding conflicts in social networks such as not adding random friends to facebook. What is of utmost importance is to criminalize bullying by helping bullies to be held responsible for their breach of decorum and serve age-appropriate punishments which would act as a detterent to potential offenders. By means of conclusion, cyber bullying is undoubtedly a stumbling block to the development of students. For this reason, it is crucial that the aforementioned measures be followed so as to stop this phenomenon and guarantee a life with ease for future generations.

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