Cv Sauer

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Revised 9/2013

Katherine M. Sauer, Ph.D. University of Colorado [email protected] 1800 Grant Street, Suite 400 303.735.6820 Denver, CO 80203 __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ EDUCATION Ph.D. in Economics, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO 2006 (chair: Keith E. Maskus) MA in Economics, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO 2003 BA in Economics, St. Cloud State University, St. Cloud, MN 1999

EXPERIENCE University of Colorado System Administration Office  Program Director - Financial Education

Aug 2013 - present

Colorado Springs  Graduate Faculty – professional development graduate courses for K-12 teachers, offered through the Colorado Council for Economic Education June 2010 – present Boulder  Graduate Part-Time Instructor, Department of Economics  Lead Graduate Teacher in Economics, Graduate School  Instructor, McNeill Academic Program  Research Assistant, McGuire Center for International Studies and Dr. Keith E. Maskus  Research Assistant to Dr. David Leblang, Political Science Department  Teaching Assistant, Department of Economics

Aug 2004 – July 2006 Aug 2004 – July 2006 Aug 2003 – May 2004 Aug 2003 – May 2004 May 2003 – Aug 2003 Aug 2001 – July 2003

ChinaLinks Educational Consultants | April 2013 – present  Faculty – professional development trainings for university faculty in China Colorado Council for Economic Education | January 2010 – present  Faculty – professional development workshops and courses for K-12 teachers  Content Expert – consultant for economic and personal financial literacy content issues Metropolitan State University of Denver | August 2009 – June 2013  Assistant Professor of Economics  Co-Director, Center for Economic Education  Visiting Assistant Professor of Economics

Aug 2011 – June 2013 Aug 2012 – June 2013 Aug 2009 – July 2011

University of Southern Indiana | August 2006 – June 2009  Assistant Professor of Economics US Department of Commerce, Washington, DC. | May 2004 – August 2004  Research Analyst, International Trade Administration, Trade Development, Industry Trade Policy Division

Katherine M. Sauer

RESEARCH Refereed Journal Publications Sauer, K.M. and W. Mertens (2013) “The Test Assessment Questionnaire: A Tool for Student Self-Assessment After the Midterm Exam” Journal of Economics and Economic Education Research 14(2): 93-100. *Previously selected for distribution in Economics Educator: Courses, Cases & Teaching eJournal 8(30), September 16, 2010. Peters, C.R. and K. M. Sauer (2011) “A Survey of Medical Tourism Service Providers” Journal of Marketing Development and Competitiveness 5(3): 117-126. Valentine, G.P., K.M. Sauer, and D.P. Sevastianova (2010) “The Status of Post-Secondary Personal Finance Courses” NABTE Review 37: 34-39. Sauer, K.M. (2008) “The Quality of Parallel Imports” Economics Bulletin 6(44): 1-10. Sauer, K.M. (2008) “A Model of Parallel Imports of Pharmaceuticals with Endogenous Price Controls” Economics Bulletin 6(36):1-8. Sauer, K.M. (2008) “Wholesale Pricing under Parallel Imports” Journal of International and Global Economic Studies 1(1):60-82. Proceedings Friesner, D., S. Mujumdar, and K.M. Sauer (2008) “On Contracts and Governance: How Entrepreneurs use Strategy to Attract Funds from Venture Capitalists” 2008 Proceedings of the Academy of Business Economics. Work in Progress “The Syllabus Evolved: Extended Graphic Syllabi for Economics Courses” with Lauren Calimeris *Selected for distribution in SSRN’s Management Educator: Courses, Cases, & Teaching eJournal 5(65), August 6, 2012. Economics Educator: Courses, Cases, & Teaching eJournal 10(10), August 9, 2012. Leadership Educator: Courses, Cases, & Teaching eJournal 4(24), August 15, 2012. “An Analysis of the Test Assessment Questionnaire” with William Mertens “Mislearning Economics: Addressing Common Thinking Errors of Principles Students” with Mariya Burdina “Flipping Your Principles of Microeconomics Course” with Lauren Calimeris

PRESENTATIONS Research “Practical Strategies for Flipping Your Class” at the Higher Education Teaching & Learning conference (Orlando, FL) on January 14th, 2013. “Using Arts-Based Learning to Help Students Learn Graphs” at the Southern Economics Association Annual Conference (New Orleans, LA) on November 17th, 2012. [scheduled but cancelled due to illness]


Katherine M. Sauer

“The Test Assessment Questionnaire: A Tool For Student Self-Assessment After the Midterm Exam” presented at the Economics Teaching Conference (Orlando, FL) on November 8th, 2012. “The Test Assessment Questionnaire” presented at the Academy of Business Economics Annual Conference (Chicago, IL) on March 29th, 2012. “An Introduction to the Graphic Syllabus” presented at the Economics Teaching Conference (New Orleans, LA) on October 27th, 2011. “Mislearning Economics: Addressing Common Thinking Errors of Principles Students” presented at the Association for Private Enterprise Education Annual Conference (Nassau, Bahamas) on April 12th, 2011. “Mislearning Economics: Addressing Common Thinking Errors of Principles Students” presented along with Mariya Burdina at the Annual Teaching Economics Conference at Robert Morris University (Pittsburgh, PA) on February 18th, 2011. “Using Generative Learning Strategies for Assessment of Student Understanding in a Principles of Microeconomics Course” (co-authored with Mariya Burdina) at American Economic Association Annual Meeting, Teaching Ideas Poster Session (Denver, CO) on January 8th, 2011. “A Survey of Medical Tourism Service Providers” at Academy of Business Economics Annual Conference (Chicago, IL) on March 25th, 2010. “Lack of Learning or Lack of Studying: An Inquiry into Low Exam Scores” at the Annual Teaching Economics Conference at Robert Morris University (Pittsburgh, PA) on February 19th, 2010. “Medical Tourism: An Overview” at Academy of Business Economics Annual Conference (Chicago, IL) on March 19th, 2009. “Internationalizing the Curriculum: A Global Economic Issues Course” at the Annual Teaching Economics Conference at Robert Morris University (Pittsburgh, PA) on February 20th, 2009. “The Market for Human Tissue” at Academy of Business Economics Annual Conference (Chicago, IL) on April 3rd, 2008. “College Students’ Knowledge of Personal Finance” presented (along with co-author G. Valentine) at the National Council for Economic Education Annual Conference (Denver, CO) on October 4th, 2007. “A Model of Parallel Imports of Pharmaceuticals with Endogenous Price Controls” presented at: - The Graduate Student Seminar Series, University of Colorado, January 2006. - The School of Business, Auburn University – Montgomery, February 2006. - The College of Business, University of Tampa, February 2006. - The Department of Economics and Finance, University of Southern Indiana, February 2006. K-12 Teacher Professional Development Presentations, Workshops, & Courses “Teaching Personal Financial Literacy in the Elementary Grades” online course presented through the Colorado Council for Economic Education. Pilot offering scheduled for spring 2014.


Katherine M. Sauer

“Making Sense of Economics in the News” at the Colorado Council for Economic Education’s Workshop (Centennial, CO) on March 2nd, 2013. “Teaching Colorado’s New Personal Financial Literacy Content Standards for the Elementary Grades” at the Cheery Creek School District’s in-house training (Centennial, CO) on February 4th, 2013. Four presentations: “Overview of Standards”, “All About Income”, “Money & Banking”, and “Financial Tradeoffs”. “Economic Indicators and Personal Financial Literacy” at the Colorado Jump$tart Coalition and GreatWest Financial 3rd Annual Fiscal Fitness for You and Your Students kick-off event at the Denver Federal Reserve Bank (Denver, CO) on January 24th, 2013. Externalities & Public Goods Online course presented through the Colorado Council for Economic Education. Summer 2012. “Personal Financial Literacy for Math Teachers: Income and Taxes” at the Colorado Council for Economic Education’s workshop (Denver, CO) on April 28th, 2012. “Personal Financial Literacy for Math Teachers: Financial Instruments” at the Colorado Council for Economic Education’s workshop (Denver, CO) on April 28th, 2012. “Teaching Colorado’s New Personal Financial Literacy Content Standards” in the 16-workshop program presented by jointly by the Colorado Council for Economic Education and Rocky Mountain Junior Achievement. Spring 2011 – Spring 2013. “All About Income: Elementary Teachers” “All About Income: Secondary Teachers” “Money & Banking: Elementary Teachers” “Saving & Investing: Secondary Teachers” “Financial Tradeoffs: Elementary Teachers” “Credit, Debt, & Insurance: Secondary Teachers” Understanding Economics Online course presented through the Colorado Council for Economic Education. Summer 2011. “Macroeconomic Basics” at the Colorado Council on Economic Education and the Colorado European Union Center of Excellence’s workshop Discovering the European Union (Denver, CO) on August 4th, 2010. “International Trade” at the Colorado Council on Economic Education and the Colorado European Union Center of Excellence’s workshop Discovering the European Union (Denver, CO) on August 4th, 2010. “Exchange Rates and the Euro” at the Colorado Council on Economic Education and the Colorado European Union Center of Excellence’s workshop Discovering the European Union (Denver, CO) on August 4th, 2010. “A Primer on International Trade and the World Trade Organization” at the Denver Public Schools’ Power and Authority workshop (Denver, CO) on June 9th, 2010. “An Introduction to Health Economics” at the University of Southern Indiana Center for Economic Education’s Econ Camp South (Princeton, IN) on October 21st, 2008. Discussions Invited panelist, “HR perspective: What are employers uniquely positioned to do?” at TIAA-CREF Institute’s “Engaging early career workers in their financial well-being” symposium (New York, NY) on September 20th, 2013. 4

Katherine M. Sauer

Invited participant, “Education Forum” hosted by the National Endowment for Financial Education (Washington, DC) on September 17th and 18th, 2013. Invited participant, “Pre-Service Teacher Training Salon” hosted by the National Endowment for Financial Education (Washington, DC) on March 5th and 6th, 2013. Invited panelist, “Microlending” panel discussion at the 2008 Academy of Business Economics Annual Conference (Chicago, IL) on April 4th, 2008. RESEARCH GRANTS University of Southern Indiana College of Business Summer Research Fellowship, Summer 2008 “Excellence Through Engagement” University of Southern Indiana Summer Research Fellowship, funded by the Lilly Endowment Inc., Summer 2007 TEACHING EXPERIENCE Undergraduate Introduction to Economics, A Citizen’s Guide to Economics, Principles of Microeconomics, Principles of Macroeconomics, Math Tools for Economists I and II, Quantitative Methods for Economics, Global Economic Issues, Intermediate Microeconomics, Health Economics, Public Economics (Public Finance) K-12 Teacher Professional Development Courses (bearing graduate credit) Understanding Economics, Externalities and Public Goods, Personal Financial Literacy Other Curriculum development for EducationCents is presented by College Invest, a division of the Colorado Department of Higher Education. UNIVERSITY SERVICE INVOLVEMENT Abbreviations: Metropolitan State University of Denver (MSU Denver), University of Southern Indiana (USI) Assessment & Curriculum International and Multicultural Task Force, MSU Denver School of Business  Member, Fall 2011 – Spring 2013  Assessed the state of international and multicultural curriculum in the School of Business and made recommendations to the Dean Assessment Committee, MSU Denver Department of Economics  Chair, Spring 2012 – Spring 2013  Member, Fall 2009 – Fall 2011  Revised program learning outcomes, constructed rubrics, collected data, wrote reports Curriculum Committee, MSU Denver Department of Economics  Chair, Summer 2011 – Spring 2013  Member, Fall 2009 – Fall 2011 5

Katherine M. Sauer

Revised three courses to meet new General Studies requirements, completed paperwork for any course needing curriculum changes, aligned individual course objectives with program learning objectives

Curriculum Committee, MSU Denver School of Business  Member, Fall 2011 – Fall 2012  Review all proposed curriculum changes in the School of Business Teaching, Learning, Assessment, & Curriculum Committee, USI College of Business  Member, Fall 2008 – Spring 2009  Review all proposed curriculum changes in the College of Business  Coordinate piloting of rubrics  Communicate assessment good practices University Curriculum Committee, USI  Member, Fall 2008 – Spring 2009  Review all proposed curriculum changes in the University of Southern Indiana Program Review Committee, USI Department of Economics& Finance  Member, Spring 2008 – Spring 2009  Contributed to all aspects of the 7-year program review International Studies Program Advisory Board, USI  Member, Fall 2007 – Spring 2009  Review any curriculum or policy changes in the program AACSB Continuous Improvement Conference (St. Louis, MO) September 2007  Attended conference to learn about assessment best practices in business education  Communicated information to faculty in the College of Business at USI Assessment Day, USI  Proctor, 2006 – 2008  Proctored assessments taken by all freshmen and juniors at USI Principles of Microeconomics Common Course Objectives Committee, USI Department of Economics & Finance  Member, Fall 2006 – Spring 2007  Revised course learning objectives Global Economic Issues Common Course Objectives Committee, USI Department of Economics & Finance  Member, Fall 2006 – Spring 2007  Revised course learning objectives Economics & Personal Financial Literacy Center for Economic Education, MSU Denver  Co-Director, Fall 2012 – Spring 2013  Liaison to Colorado Council for Economic Education and the national Council for Economic Education Rowdy’s MoneyCents advisory committee, MSU Denver  Member, Summer 2012 – Spring 2013 6

Katherine M. Sauer

Participated in new committee aimed at increasing the personal financial literacy of MSU Denver students

Tuition Elasticity Study, MSU Denver Provost’s Office  Lead investigator, Fall 2011 – Fall 2012  Estimated tuition elasticity for the university, wrote summary for Board of Trustees Shared Governance Faculty Senate, MSU Denver  Member, Spring 2013 Professional Leave Committee, MSU Denver  Member, Spring 2013  Review sabbatical applications and make recommendations to Provost Faculty Evaluation Task Force, MSU Denver  Member, Fall 2011 – Spring 2012  Revise Faculty Handbook language and process for faculty evaluation Search Committee for assistant professor position in economics, USI Department of Economics  Member, Fall 2006 – Spring 2008  Review applicants’ files, conduct interviews at the AEA conference Faculty Senate, USI  Alternate, Fall 2007 – Spring 2008 Student Involvement Women in Economics Group, MSU Denver Department of Economics  Co-Advisor, Fall 2011 – Spring 2012  Organized group for female economics majors and minors Dance Team, USI  Faculty Advisor, Fall 2007 – Spring 2009  Provided academic support and monitoring for team members Strong Interest Inventory Test, USI College of Business  Interpreter, Fall 2006 – Spring 2009  Met one-on-one with students to discuss their inventory results and provide career counseling Student Spring Break Trip, USI College of Business  Faculty Advisor, Spring 2008  Organized and chaperoned trip for business students to London and Paris over spring break

HONORS 2013 Outstanding Performance by a Third Year Faculty, as decided by the President and Provost, Metropolitan State University of Denver. 7

Katherine M. Sauer

2013 Outstanding Performance by a Third Year Faculty, as recognized by the Faculty Senate, Metropolitan State University of Denver. 2012 Appointed to the role of Liaison to the International Higher Education Teaching and Learning Association, term: June 2012 - June 2015. 2011 Faculty Senate Excellence in Teaching Award, Metropolitan State College of Denver 2008-2009 Dean’s Faculty Award for Excellence in Research, University of Southern Indiana, College of Business 2007-2008 Dean’s Faculty Award for Excellence in Teaching, University of Southern Indiana, College of Business 2005 and 2004 “Best Should Teach” Silver Award, Graduate Teacher Program, University of Colorado 2005 Residential Life Academic Teaching Award, University of Colorado


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