Curriculum Vitae - Engelsk

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  • Words: 978
  • Pages: 4
Anders Chr. Larsen Rosenkildevej 60, 3000 Helsingør, Denmark Phone: + 45 49 25 33 03, mobile phone: +45 24 26 34 11, e-mail: [email protected]

Curriculum Vitae

Anders Chr. Larsen Rosenkildevej 60, 3000 Helsingør, Denmark Phone: + 45 49 25 33 03, mobile phone: +45 24 26 34 11, e-mail: [email protected]

Personal data Name: Born: Married to: Wife´s occupation: Children:

Anders Chr. Larsen 2 March 1967 Louise Bie Larsen Computational linguist in Ankiro ApS Johanne Bie Larsen (6 years) Signe Bie Larsen (3 years) Julie Bie Larsen (1 year)

Experience June 2006 -

InfoMedia Huset A/S, Senior Product Manager Product management, MediaSeach Market strategy, product development, project management, pricing etc. of the webinterface MediaSearch on

Project Management, WebSurveillance Commercial design and project management on developing and marketing a webcrawler to monitor Danish websites. Oct. 2005 – june 2006

Eniro Denmark A/S, Product Manager Product management, Eniro Red Locals Market strategy, product development, pricing and marketing 63 titles with a total impression of 1.7 million issues.

Product management, Mostrup Map Books Product development and marketing, 13 titles Apr. 2004 – Oct. 2005

Post Danmark, Mediapost, Product Manager Product management, Value Added Services Product development and marketing of Value Added Services related to direct mail and unaddressed mail: • Address sales • Address wash • Datamining • Segmentation (MOSAIC and Conzoom) • Response management

Legal analysis and assessments Responsibility for analysis of legal issues, particularly assessments of legal risks related to the monopoly law and marketing law in connection with product introductions, pricing etc. in close cooperation with the Legal Department of Post Danmark.

Partner management Managing partnerships and contracts witht external suppliers of Value Added Services.

Project management, Specification of requirements, webdesign and development, legal analysis, official introducing and marketing of the webservice in cooperation with Lettershop Mailservice A/S.

Anders Chr. Larsen Rosenkildevej 60, 3000 Helsingør, Denmark Phone: + 45 49 25 33 03, mobile phone: +45 24 26 34 11, e-mail: [email protected] Jan. 1998 – Apr. 2004

Kraks Forlag AS, Product Manager Product management, Kraks Business Directory and Kraks Sector Catalogues Market strategy, product development, pricing, marketing, campaign planning, coaching of sales consultants Budget holder of total turnover of appr. DKK 50 millions

Product management, Danish Exporters Market strategy, product development, project management of the webdesign of Increased total turnover from DKK 5.6 millions to DKK 10.5 millions

Product and project management, Specification of requirements, webdesign and development and market introduction of the advanced business seach service Worked up from scratch in two years a total yearly ad turnover of DKK 6 millions.

Product and project management, Business Guide Oresund Specification of requirements, webdesign and development, market introduction and sales management of a business search service for the Øresund Region on in cooperation with the Swedish publishing firm, Lokaldelen i Sverige AB. Worked up from scratch in 1½ years a total yearly ad turnover of DKK 2-3 millions.

Head of Product Management Responsibility for the overall market strategy of the total B2B-area. Coordinating product strategies and coaching of 4 product managers and a product coordinator. Decisive influence on the total corporate market strategy. Jan. 1997 – Jan. 1998

Kraks Forlag AS, Product Coordinator Product management, Kraks Export Directory Product development, marketing and campaign planning.

Aug. 1996 – Jan. 1997

Danish Association of Lawyers and Economists, Course Organizer Coordination and project management Organised with limited means a professional two weeks course in interview techniques for unemployed lawyers and economists (voluntary work).

Apr. 1994 – Jan. 1998

Statistics Denmark, Interview Employee Interview and analytical work Analyses for The Rockwool Fond, Ministry of Transport and Energy, Ministry of Economic and Business Affairs, Danish National Institute of Social Research, The Danish Defense and others, including participation in formulating questionnaires.

Anders Chr. Larsen Rosenkildevej 60, 3000 Helsingør, Denmark Phone: + 45 49 25 33 03, mobile phone: +45 24 26 34 11, e-mail: [email protected]

Education Aug. 2003 – Jun. 2005

Graduate Diploma in Business Administration, Copenhagen Business School • • •

Aug. 1987 - Dec. 1995

Master of Social Science, Roskilde University Center

• • •

Aug. 1982 – June 1985

Statistics, data analysis, market analysis and strategy Specializing in the Market Dialogue side: Communication strategy, media planning, direct marketing, effect measurements etc. Thesis on cooperation with Egmont Serieforlaget A/S – developing a new communication strategy for the game magazine, Superplay. Elected the best thesis on the Market Dialogue side. • cvg Master degree in business economy and geography Specializing in organisation, transaction costs, sectoranalysis, Localizing, export and internationalization Thesis on establishing production in Polen

General Certificate of education A-level, Aurehøj Statsgymnasium •

Mathematical/biological side

Courses 2004

CRM Academy, Danish Marketing Forum

• 2000

Internet, Technical, IDG

• 1998

3x3 days course in direct marketing and dialogue marketing

1 week of technical introduction to the Internet

Forum for product managers, Danish Technological Institut

4 days conference on the role of the product manager

• • •

Business fluent in English, both in writing and speech German, almost fluent verbal conversation I understand Swedish and Norwegian perfectly. Can make myself understandable in Swedish, as consequence of 2 years of close cooperation with a Swedish publishing firm I have mastered French and Spanish on a relatively high level - need to be practised


Personal caracteristics As a person, I´m creative, structured and hard working with a high energy level and spirit. I have great decisive power, not least because of an unpretentious and humorous approach to the daily problems and tasks. The predominant part of my spare time, I spend with my family, as three small children are both lovely and demanding. Nevertheless I take great pleasure in my great interests for jazz music and history as well as running half a marathon once in a while. Moreover I have travelled a great deal both in Europe, the Middle East, Latin America and South East Asia.

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