Ctk Order Of Worship 10-26-08

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God’s Cleansing

God’s Counseling

Christ the King Presbyterian Church

Public Confession

*Scripture Reading

The Rev. Ed Dunnington

October 26, 2008


The Sermon

The Rev. Ed Dunnington

Upon entering the common room, please maintain silence for the sake of the congregation’s preparation for worship. Also, please make sure electronic devices are off or using silent mode.

Reflection & Preparation It ought to be the business of every day to prepare for our last day. -- Matthew Henry

We are caught up at a particular stage in our national ethos in which we're not only materialistic. The church is no civic center, no social club or encounter group, no Sunday morning meeting place; it is a new society, created for the salvation of a lost world. -- Charles Colson

Most of the ordinary people who lose their faith are not overthrown by philosophical argument; they are disillusioned by the churchmen they meet. One sanctimonious hypocrite makes a hundred unbelievers. -- Joy Davidman Lewis Smoke on the Mountain

Welcome and Announcements

The Rev. Doug Hart


Let us confess our sins together.

O God of all grace, we confess that we are sinners, but in Christ you have given us a Savior. Produce in us a faith to live by him, to make him our desire, our hope, our wisdom, our glory. Preserve us by his grace from this present evil world, so that its smiles never allure us, its frowns never terrify us, its vices never defile us, its errors never delude us. Cause us to live as strangers and pilgrims in the cities of this earth, knowing that our true citizenship is in the city of heaven, so that all we do may be done to the Savior’s glory; in whose name we pray.

Silent Confession Assurance of Pardon and Comfort

Psalm 34:17-18

The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears them; he delivers them from all their troubles. The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. (Psalm 34:17-18) *Song of Renewal

“Armageddon Attitudes” I Peter 4:7-11 (Page 1016 in the pew Bible) God’s Communing The Offering *Gloria Patri Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost; as it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen, amen. Prayer of Consecration Words of Institution

God’s Commissioning


“The Sands of Time Are Sinking” (Used by permission. CCLI License #271117)

Please use this time for prayer and meditation in preparation for worship.

God’s Calling *Call to Worship Psalm 34:1-3

The Rev. Ed Dunnington


I will extol the Lord at all times; his praise will always be on my lips.


My soul will boast in the Lord; Let the afflicted hear and rejoice. Glorify the Lord with me; Let us exalt his name together.

*Hymn of Adoration “When Morning Gilds the Sky” *Prayer of Adoration

No. 167

*Closing Hymn

The Covenant Promises: For the promise is for you and for your children and for all who are far off, everyone whom the Lord our God calls to himself. And I will establish my covenant between me and you and your offspring after you throughout their generations for an everlasting possession, and I will be their God. And they said, “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved, you and your household.” (Acts 2:39; Gen. 17:7; Acts 16:31) Question to the congregation: Do you as a congregation undertake the responsibility of assisting the parents in the Christian nurture of this child? No. 182 “My Story is Love Unknown” Congregational Petitions

No. 164 “O For A Thousand Tongues”

*Affirmation of Faith

*Hymn of Faith

The Rev. Aaron Hofius

The Lord’s Supper (see comments below)


May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all. Go in peace.


And also with you.

Baptism of Corinne Ashley Dunnington


No. 432 “We Give Thee But Thine Own”

The Rev. Doug Hart


The Rev. Aaron Hofius

Postlude *The Congregation Stands

A Word About The Lord’s Supper At Christ The King:

We come forward by row to receive the elements and each person may eat the bread whenever they feel ready. We ask that everyone hold the cup until all have been served in order to allow us to drink together. Wine will be found in the outer ring of the tray, grape juice in the inside rings. If you need to be served in your pew, please notify an elder or deacon. You are welcome to participate in the Lord’s Supper if you are a baptized Christian, a follower of Jesus Christ, and a faithful member or communicant of an evangelical congregation, recognized as belonging to the fellowship of Christian believers. If this does not describe you, or if you are not prepared to share in this meal, we encourage you to spend this time in prayer and to consider more deeply your relationship to Jesus Christ. We also ask that children, who have not yet publicly professed their faith in Christ to become communicant members, refrain from partaking until doing so. This is a time for all people to seek the Lord. For Christians, Communion (also called The Lord’s Supper) is a time to meet with their Savior by faith, to be strengthened and renewed by Him as they eat bread and drink wine.

Sermon Notes

For Your Information… Guests! We are especially glad that you have chosen to worship with us this morning. It is our hope that worship is an encouragement to you and that you will have an opportunity to return soon. Give us an opportunity to meet you today and introduce ourselves by joining us for refreshments after the service. Also, please assist us by filling out the Guest Pad when it is passed during worship. Information Table Visit our information table located in the lobby to pick up our weekly prayer sheet, information on our women’s ministry, missions, and many other complimentary materials. Cry Room Parents… We welcome children of all ages in worship here at CTK and encourage parents to train their children to participate. If your child is crying, the room with the glass windows in the back of the cafeteria has a speaker where you can take crying infants/toddlers and still hear the service. Church Office Our church office is located in Suite 190 in the Tanglewood West Building located on the corner of Rt. 419 (Electric Rd.) and Starkey Road. Our office hours are 9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. Sunday 9:30 a.m. 10:45 a.m. 6:00 p.m.

Christian Education Worship Pastor’s Forum

Nursery Christ the King offers fully staffed nurseries for children ages newborn to 3 years. The nurseries are located in Ellis Hall. Nursery Schedule 10/26 Sunday School: Morning Worship: 11/2

Sunday School: Morning Worship:

Worship Hymns for Nov. 2nd #53 Trinity #257 Trinity Insert Insert #598 Trinity

Gary & Janice Mohnsen Paul & Diana Marr (Infants) Dean & Mary Beth Robinson (Toddlers) Frank & Eleanor Smith Betty Whitley, Chad & Rachel Sloan (Infants) Aaron & Andrea Hofius

“Praise to the Lord, the Almighty” “Stricken, Smitten, and Afflicted” “Before the Throne” “When All Thy Mercies” “Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah”

Ch rist t he K ing Pre s by te ria n C hu rc h is a member of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) and Blue Ridge Presbytery. Pastor, Ed Dunnington Associate Pastor, Doug Hart Associate Pastor, Aaron Hofius Youth Intern, Jake Gee

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

For more information visit our website: www.ctkroanoke.org For more information about the Presbyterian Church in America, visit: www.pcanet.org

Growth in Grace Sundays – 9:30 a.m. Toddler (ages 2-4) birthdays between 10/01/04 and 9/30/06 Preschool/K (ages 4-6) birthdays between 10/01/02 and 9/30/04 Younger Elementary (grades 1st - 2nd) Middle Elementary (grades 3rd - 4th) Older Elementary (grades 5th - 6th) Jr. & Sr. High School (grades 7th - 12th) Adults

Growth in Grace Sundays – 9:30 a.m. Toddler (ages 2-4) birthdays between 10/01/04 and 9/30/06 Preschool/K (ages 4-6) birthdays between 10/01/02 and 9/30/04 Younger Elementary (grades 1st - 2nd) Middle Elementary (grades 3rd - 4th) Older Elementary (grades 5th - 6th) Jr. & Sr. High School (grades 7th - 12th) Adults

Growth in Grace Sundays – 9:30 a.m. Toddler (ages 2-4) birthdays between 10/01/04 and 9/30/06 Preschool/K (ages 4-6) birthdays between 10/01/02 and 9/30/04 Younger Elementary (grades 1st - 2nd) Middle Elementary (grades 3rd - 4th) Older Elementary (grades 5th - 6th) Jr. & Sr. High School (grades 7th - 12th) Adults

Note: All classes are located in Ellis Hall except the Adult classes, which meet in New Slack Hall (cafeteria). Ellis Hall is the building directly across from the side entrance of New Slack Hall.

Note: All classes are located in Ellis Hall except the Adult classes, which meet in New Slack Hall (cafeteria). Ellis Hall is the building directly across from the side entrance of New Slack Hall.

Note: All classes are located in Ellis Hall except the Adult classes, which meet in New Slack Hall (cafeteria). Ellis Hall is the building directly across from the side entrance of New Slack Hall.

Fall 2008 Adult Sunday School Classes The Peacemaking Church—This class will have a 20-25 minute video lecture by Ken Sande, followed by a discussion on practical application for each lesson. Class will be held in New Slack Hall Choir Room / Led by Bob Saville, Bonz Hart, and Doug Hart

Fall 2008 Adult Sunday School Classes The Peacemaking Church—This class will have a 20-25 minute video lecture by Ken Sande, followed by a discussion on practical application for each lesson. Class will be held in New Slack Hall Choir Room / Led by Bob Saville, Bonz Hart, and Doug Hart

Fall 2008 Adult Sunday School Classes The Peacemaking Church—This class will have a 20-25 minute video lecture by Ken Sande, followed by a discussion on practical application for each lesson. Class will be held in New Slack Hall Choir Room / Led by Bob Saville, Bonz Hart, and Doug Hart

Ephesians—How does Christian doctrine relate to Christian living? In this class, we will walk through the book of Ephesians together. Paul’s letter to the Ephesians will guide us as we seek to answer these and other questions in ways that engage and transform our heads, hearts, and wills as we grow in grace together. Class will be held in New Slack Hall Band Room / Led by Aaron Hofius and Calvin Smith

Ephesians—How does Christian doctrine relate to Christian living? In this class, we will walk through the book of Ephesians together. Paul’s letter to the Ephesians will guide us as we seek to answer these and other questions in ways that engage and transform our heads, hearts, and wills as we grow in grace together. Class will be held in New Slack Hall Band Room / Led by Aaron Hofius and Calvin Smith

Ephesians—How does Christian doctrine relate to Christian living? In this class, we will walk through the book of Ephesians together. Paul’s letter to the Ephesians will guide us as we seek to answer these and other questions in ways that engage and transform our heads, hearts, and wills as we grow in grace together. Class will be held in New Slack Hall Band Room / Led by Aaron Hofius and Calvin Smith

Introduction to Christ the King—What is Christ the King all about? Why is CTK here? What does CTK believe? How can I get involved? In this class we will talk about what drives this church, what we pray God does in and through this church and ways everyone can serve and grow. Class will be held in the New Slack Hall Conference Room / Led by Pastor Ed Dunnington

Introduction to Christ the King—What is Christ the King all about? Why is CTK here? What does CTK believe? How can I get involved? In this class we will talk about what drives this church, what we pray God does in and through this church and ways everyone can serve and grow. Class will be held in the New Slack Hall Conference Room / Led by Pastor Ed Dunnington

Introduction to Christ the King—What is Christ the King all about? Why is CTK here? What does CTK believe? How can I get involved? In this class we will talk about what drives this church, what we pray God does in and through this church and ways everyone can serve and grow. Class will be held in the New Slack Hall Conference Room / Led by Pastor Ed Dunnington

Small Groups Meeting This Week Youth Girl’s Group – Tuesday, October 28 All CTK youth girls are invited to join us on Tuesday evening at 6 p.m. at Jake and Anna Claire Gee’s home: 1712 Sherwood Avenue, Apt. #2, Roanoke, VA 24015. This semester we will be discussing how our Christian worldview guides our understanding, appreciation, and involvement in art and culture. Come, invite your friends and enjoy an evening of fellowship, great discussion, tasty treats, and laughter. For more information or directions, contact Sarah Meador (540-797-4937) or Anna Claire Gee (478-960-8847).

Small Groups Meeting This Week Youth Girl’s Group – Tuesday, October 28 All CTK youth girls are invited to join us on Tuesday evening at 6 p.m. at Jake and Anna Claire Gee’s home: 1712 Sherwood Avenue, Apt. #2, Roanoke, VA 24015. This semester we will be discussing how our Christian worldview guides our understanding, appreciation, and involvement in art and culture. Come, invite your friends and enjoy an evening of fellowship, great discussion, tasty treats, and laughter. For more information or directions, contact Sarah Meador (540-797-4937) or Anna Claire Gee (478-960-8847).

Small Groups Meeting This Week Youth Girl’s Group – Tuesday, October 28 All CTK youth girls are invited to join us on Tuesday evening at 6 p.m. at Jake and Anna Claire Gee’s home: 1712 Sherwood Avenue, Apt. #2, Roanoke, VA 24015. This semester we will be discussing how our Christian worldview guides our understanding, appreciation, and involvement in art and culture. Come, invite your friends and enjoy an evening of fellowship, great discussion, tasty treats, and laughter. For more information or directions, contact Sarah Meador (540-797-4937) or Anna Claire Gee (478-960-8847).

Women’s Morning Bible Study Our Women’s Morning study meets each Thursday from 9:15 to 11:00 a.m. at Beth Strelow's house: 5770 Club Lane, Roanoke, VA 24018 (540-774-6479). Childcare is provided.

Women’s Morning Bible Study Our Women’s Morning study meets each Thursday from 9:15 to 11:00 a.m. at Beth Strelow's house: 5770 Club Lane, Roanoke, VA 24018 (540-774-6479). Childcare is provided.

Women’s Morning Bible Study Our Women’s Morning study meets each Thursday from 9:15 to 11:00 a.m. at Beth Strelow's house: 5770 Club Lane, Roanoke, VA 24018 (540-774-6479). Childcare is provided.

Aaron Hofius’ Small Group will meet on Wednesday evening (Oct. 29th) at 6:30 p.m. at the Hofius’ home: 2523 Beverly St., SW, Roanoke, VA 24015 (540-7744633)

Aaron Hofius’ Small Group will meet on Wednesday evening (Oct. 29th) at 6:30 p.m. at the Hofius’ home: 2523 Beverly St., SW, Roanoke, VA 24015 (540-7744633)

Aaron Hofius’ Small Group will meet on Wednesday evening (Oct. 29th) at 6:30 p.m. at the Hofius’ home: 2523 Beverly St., SW, Roanoke, VA 24015 (540-7744633)

Fellowship & Service


Fellowship & Service


Fellowship & Service


Youth Group Volunteers Training – This afternoon We will be meeting with Jake Gee and Pastor Dunnington at 4:30 p.m. at North Cross (before the Pastor’s Forum) to talk together about how to most effectively minister the Gospel to the youth here in Roanoke and Christ the King. This will be the first of our monthly meetings, during which we will discuss how to help our students grow in grace and learn how to serve Christ with joy and purpose. Anyone who is willing and interested in volunteering with the youth is welcome.

Youth Group Volunteers Training – This afternoon We will be meeting with Jake Gee and Pastor Dunnington at 4:30 p.m. at North Cross (before the Pastor’s Forum) to talk together about how to most effectively minister the Gospel to the youth here in Roanoke and Christ the King. This will be the first of our monthly meetings, during which we will discuss how to help our students grow in grace and learn how to serve Christ with joy and purpose. Anyone who is willing and interested in volunteering with the youth is welcome.

Youth Group Volunteers Training – This afternoon We will be meeting with Jake Gee and Pastor Dunnington at 4:30 p.m. at North Cross (before the Pastor’s Forum) to talk together about how to most effectively minister the Gospel to the youth here in Roanoke and Christ the King. This will be the first of our monthly meetings, during which we will discuss how to help our students grow in grace and learn how to serve Christ with joy and purpose. Anyone who is willing and interested in volunteering with the youth is welcome.

Pastor’s Forum – This evening Our next Pastor’s Forum will be this evening, 6:00 p.m. at North Cross. One of the four emphases of our CTK Small Groups is Prayer, and we would like to grow together as a congregation in our commitment to and practice of prayer. Pastor Dunnington will lead us in a discussion of the place of prayer in the church. We will also hear updates on our church life, take questions and sing hymns old and new. Nursery will be provided.

Pastor’s Forum – This evening Our next Pastor’s Forum will be this evening, 6:00 p.m. at North Cross. One of the four emphases of our CTK Small Groups is Prayer, and we would like to grow together as a congregation in our commitment to and practice of prayer. Pastor Dunnington will lead us in a discussion of the place of prayer in the church. We will also hear updates on our church life, take questions and sing hymns old and new. Nursery will be provided.

Pastor’s Forum – This evening Our next Pastor’s Forum will be this evening, 6:00 p.m. at North Cross. One of the four emphases of our CTK Small Groups is Prayer, and we would like to grow together as a congregation in our commitment to and practice of prayer. Pastor Dunnington will lead us in a discussion of the place of prayer in the church. We will also hear updates on our church life, take questions and sing hymns old and new. Nursery will be provided.

Youth Movie Night – Tonight The youth group will meet after the Pastor’s Forum for Movie Night at Jake and Anna Claire Gee’s home: 1712 Sherwood Avenue, Apt. #2, Roanoke, VA 24015. Please invite your friends to come with you and if you need more information or a ride, call Jake Gee, our youth intern at (404) 805-1164.

Youth Movie Night – Tonight The youth group will meet after the Pastor’s Forum for Movie Night at Jake and Anna Claire Gee’s home: 1712 Sherwood Avenue, Apt. #2, Roanoke, VA 24015. Please invite your friends to come with you and if you need more information or a ride, call Jake Gee, our youth intern at (404) 805-1164.

Youth Movie Night – Tonight The youth group will meet after the Pastor’s Forum for Movie Night at Jake and Anna Claire Gee’s home: 1712 Sherwood Avenue, Apt. #2, Roanoke, VA 24015. Please invite your friends to come with you and if you need more information or a ride, call Jake Gee, our youth intern at (404) 805-1164.

Mercy Ministry Committee Meeting – Monday, October 27 The Mercy Ministry Committee will meet at 7:00 p.m. at the church office.

Mercy Ministry Committee Meeting – Monday, October 27 The Mercy Ministry Committee will meet at 7:00 p.m. at the church office.

Mercy Ministry Committee Meeting – Monday, October 27 The Mercy Ministry Committee will meet at 7:00 p.m. at the church office.

Theology on Tap! - Tuesday, October 28 In days gone by, a pub or "public house" was often the focal point of the community, playing a similar role to the local church, where people gathered to openly discuss significant issues of the day. Theology on Tap is a new series of monthly pub conversations at Annie Moore’s Pub (www.anniemooresirishpub.com, 3555 Electric Rd. #D, Roanoke, VA 24018,). Our conversation begins at 8pm and is open to everyone. Please join us for good food, good beverages, and good discussion, as we seek to tackle spiritual, political, and philosophical themes in an open environment. Bring your friends, an appetite for conversation, and a hunger for truth.

Theology on Tap! - Tuesday, October 28 In days gone by, a pub or "public house" was often the focal point of the community, playing a similar role to the local church, where people gathered to openly discuss significant issues of the day. Theology on Tap is a new series of monthly pub conversations at Annie Moore’s Pub (www.anniemooresirishpub.com, 3555 Electric Rd. #D, Roanoke, VA 24018,). Our conversation begins at 8pm and is open to everyone. Please join us for good food, good beverages, and good discussion, as we seek to tackle spiritual, political, and philosophical themes in an open environment. Bring your friends, an appetite for conversation, and a hunger for truth.

Theology on Tap! - Tuesday, October 28 In days gone by, a pub or "public house" was often the focal point of the community, playing a similar role to the local church, where people gathered to openly discuss significant issues of the day. Theology on Tap is a new series of monthly pub conversations at Annie Moore’s Pub (www.anniemooresirishpub.com, 3555 Electric Rd. #D, Roanoke, VA 24018,). Our conversation begins at 8pm and is open to everyone. Please join us for good food, good beverages, and good discussion, as we seek to tackle spiritual, political, and philosophical themes in an open environment. Bring your friends, an appetite for conversation, and a hunger for truth.

Reformation Service – Sunday, November 2 The churches of the Roanoke area will be having our annual Reformation service on Sunday, November 2, 6:00 p.m. at Westminster Presbyterian Church: 2216 Peters Creek Road, Roanoke, VA 24017 (540-562-0924). The Rev. Ed Dunnington will be preaching. CTK will have services as usual on Sunday morning.

Reformation Service – Sunday, November 2 The churches of the Roanoke area will be having our annual Reformation service on Sunday, November 2, 6:00 p.m. at Westminster Presbyterian Church: 2216 Peters Creek Road, Roanoke, VA 24017 (540-562-0924). The Rev. Ed Dunnington will be preaching. CTK will have services as usual on Sunday morning.

Reformation Service – Sunday, November 2 The churches of the Roanoke area will be having our annual Reformation service on Sunday, November 2, 6:00 p.m. at Westminster Presbyterian Church: 2216 Peters Creek Road, Roanoke, VA 24017 (540-562-0924). The Rev. Ed Dunnington will be preaching. CTK will have services as usual on Sunday morning.

Paintball – Saturday, November 8 Calling all men, young and old, to arms. On Saturday, November 8th, the youth group guys and all adult men who are still fearless, will engage in an all-outwar at Painted Forest Paintball course in Lynchburg, VA. Please sign up on the sheet at the information table where the details are listed, or ask Jake Gee, youth intern, for more information. All wanting to participate need to sign up as soon as possible so that a reservation and deposit can be made.

Paintball – Saturday, November 8 Calling all men, young and old, to arms. On Saturday, November 8th, the youth group guys and all adult men who are still fearless, will engage in an all-outwar at Painted Forest Paintball course in Lynchburg, VA. Please sign up on the sheet at the information table where the details are listed, or ask Jake Gee, youth intern, for more information. All wanting to participate need to sign up as soon as possible so that a reservation and deposit can be made.

Paintball – Saturday, November 8 Calling all men, young and old, to arms. On Saturday, November 8th, the youth group guys and all adult men who are still fearless, will engage in an all-outwar at Painted Forest Paintball course in Lynchburg, VA. Please sign up on the sheet at the information table where the details are listed, or ask Jake Gee, youth intern, for more information. All wanting to participate need to sign up as soon as possible so that a reservation and deposit can be made.

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