Ctk - Dorchester Prospectus

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 1,827
  • Pages: 13


“Seek the peace of the city where I have sent you…” Jeremiah 29:7

Dorchester, Massachusetts

Quick Facts

• Founded in 1640 • 280,000 residents • 65% of the population is African-American, Hispanic, Asian or multi-racial • 39% of people in Dot hold Bachelor’s degrees. Dot is home of UMass-Boston • MA was a haven for Unitarianism and the birthplace of Transcendentalism, and it has more members of the Universalist Unitarian church than any other state • Dot’s slogan, “Boston’s largest and most diverse neighborhood” • Deeply concerned about civic issues • Very “religious”, but only 5% of the population place their faith in Christ alone • 260 colleges/universities in the New England region • “Settled” neighborhoods have been home to the same families for generations



Christ the King- Dorchester exists to glorify God in the Dorchester neighborhood of Boston, to be a gospel-driven, community based church striving to seek the peace and well-being of the city and the surrounding neighborhoods where our members live, work, and play.

I not be concerned about that great city?” - Jonah 4:11

Boston is a bustling and diverse city with residents from a broad spectrum of socio-economic classes and faith backgrounds. In recent decades, the city has also become home to a large and vibrant immigrant population. Increasing numbers of Brazilian, Asian, and African immigrants now live in Boston, and there are more Cape Verdeans (Cape Verde is a Portuguese-speaking country off the western coast of Africa) in Boston than in Cape Verde. The world has come to Boston, and now the Church has an unprecedented opportunity to share the gospel with the nations standing at its doorstep. Much like New York, Boston is made up of various neighborhoods that have maintained their own distinct demographics. Historically, the residents of Dorchester, Boston’s largest neighborhood with over 200,000 residents, have been poor and working class African-Americans. Today, Dorchester is 46% African-American, with a large African and Asian immigrant population. Dorchester presents the church with a challenge. What would bring these different types of people together to love one another and be true neighbors? The gospel of Jesus Christ is the great reconciler, and today through the movement of Christ the King - Dorchester, we have an opportunity to meet that challenge. With a population of over 4.4 million people representing every tongue, tribe and nation, the need and opportunity to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ in Boston is untold.



At the center of our vision is the conviction that the gospel of Jesus Christ is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes, that every malady and grief is addressed and substantially healed in this gospel. We long to see a transformation of the city by the outgrowth of the lives of the congregants as they are transformed by this gospel. We are convinced that the good news of the love of God expressed in the death and resurrection of Jesus towards real sinners with real problems will change everything as it courses through our communities.


Christ the king

One church alone cannot possibly begin to reach the diversity and density of metropolitan Boston. It will take a collaborative network of gospel-centered churches to reach the wide variety of communities, ethnicities and cultures God has brought there. CTK-Dorchester will be part of a larger network of churches under the umbrella of Christ the King – Cambridge, a church plant of Redeemer, NY. To that end, we will begin with a vision for new churches. We hope, by God’s grace, to see at least 20 healthy, reproducing churches planted in the next 20 years, extending out into the suburbs, the North and South Shores, and beyond.

“Grace is the most potent counterforce at work in our violent species, and our only hope.” -Phillip Yancy

The church will be both a home and a mission by:




People know God through

Community among our

Christ in our lives, our city,

Christ-centered worship,

members and neighbors

and the world through

prayer, intentional

with supportive fellowship

relational learning and

evangelism, and missions

and community, and

equipping, and cultural

restorative mercy and

engagement and



My Role Church planting Intern

There is a good reason why you do not see many 26year-old pastors: We do not know anything. Working as a volunteer in the Church over the past few months has shown me how little I know about life and ministry. Although the Lord has given me a strong pastoral calling, I know that I need experience and guidance before I will be ready to lead my own church. Christ the King, my home church for the past three years, has graciously allowed me to become the first of what we hope will be many young men to receive formal

church planting training. Over the next two years, the Pastoral team will meet with me on a weekly basis to address my strengths and weaknesses as a future pastor. They will help me to improve my preaching, evangelism, pastoral care, and basic leadership ability. Throughout the year I will work side-by-side with CTKDorchester’s lead pastor Dan Rogers , a seasoned church planter, as he attempts to builds Christ’s Church. Over the next two years, I will be trained and equipped to preach the gospel, disciple others, and expand God’s kingdom through the church planting efforts of CTK.

Projected Time Line CTK- Dorchester


• Year One: 2008-2009 - Completed Work under Lead Pastor Dan Rogers to learn the language of the area. Assist his effort to shepherd the existing church, network in the community, and shape ministry plans according to the context. • Year Two: 2009-2010 Continue weekly worship. Leaders will be cultivated and small groups expanded. Networking continues, praying especially for ethnic leaders. Staffing expands as possible; outreach and mercy ministries expand as well. Plan for daughter church.

Church Financial Goals: • Year One: 2008-2009 Support church from outside giving during initial phase

150000 100000 50000 0

Future giving for Planting CTK-Dorchester

• Year Two: 2009-2010 Reduce amount of outside support and begin giving to church planting • Year Three: 2010-2011 Plant new Church, reduce outside support, increase Giving to Church Planting

Projected Time Line Internship and Beyond Events:

• Internship Year One: 2008-2009 - Completed Learn church planting under guidance of the Pastoral Team from CTK-Cambridge, and Dan Rogers, Lead Pastor of CTK-Dorchester Plant. Take Personality Assessment tests and address potential weaknesses as a church planter. Minister to the congregation of CTK-Dorchester. Preach occasionally, take licensure exams, and complete ordination requirements in May 2009. • Internship Year Two: 2009-2010 Continue learning process and pastoral work with the Dorchester congregation. Begin formal church planting assessment. Begin Demographic work for future Church planting location in Boston. • Post-Internship Years 3-5: 2010-2013 Gather core group and plant a new church in the Boston Metro area. Repeat process of church growth and multiplication. Become a self-supporting congregation.

Prayer Needs

Internship and Beyond

At CTK-Dorchester we are trying to raise up 1,000,000 people around the country and the world who will pray for the coming of God’s kingdom in Dorchester

Each week we meet new people who have been burned by the church and can no longer believe a loving God actually exists.

There is brokenness throughout the community because of Drug and Alcohol abuse, violence, teen pregnancy, and poverty.

Our city desperately needs Jesus to transform hearts and lives as he calls people to himself.

I am seeking to raise support over the next several years in an effort to see life giving, Gospel proclaiming churches planted and grown.

Many people in the area still feel betrayed by the church after the sexual abuses that occurred in the Catholic churches in the neighborhood.

Financial Needs Internship and Beyond • Internship Years 1-2: 2008-2010 $53,825 for basic living expenses

140,000 120,000 100,000 80,000 60,000

Giving to Church Planting


CTK-Dot Internship

20,000 0

Future Church Plant

• Post-Internship Years 3-5: 2010-2013 After Church planting Assessment, there will be a Short-Term increase in giving for the new Church’s Start-up costs. • 2013 Anticipated financial independence and giving of future church plant

How you can partner JOIN OUR PRAYER TEAM Our most important need is for people to join us in prayer for this project. If you would like to receive regular updates and prayer requests, please email us at [email protected]. INVEST FINANCIALLY We are inviting churches and people to support the project financially during its early stages when congregational giving is low. As the church grows spiritually and numerically, we anticipate becoming self-supporting by year three and contributing to future church plants in the area. SEND CONTACTS AND REFERRALS If you have family or friends in the Boston area, please refer them to us or drop us a note at [email protected]

Unless the lord builds the house, they labor in vain who build it. Psalm 127:1

OUR CURRENT PARTNERS Logan and Melissa are members of Christ the King Presbyterian Church. Logan is an intern under the care of the Southern New England Presbytery of the Presbyterian Church in America. A one-year internship is a formal prerequisite for ordination as a teaching elder (Pastor) in the PCA. Christ the King Presbyterian Church-Cambridge will provide direct oversight of the internship as well as any future church planting endeavors. CTK-Dorchester will be a congregation of the Presbyterian Church in America, a national denomination that holds to the historic truths of Christianity.

Partnering Goal • Christ the King Presbyterian Church-Cambridge has committed seed funds to help begin CTK - Dorchester. Dan Rogers is also raising additional Funds for the Church. • I am seeking partnering churches and individuals to reach these goals for my internship:







How this goal may be reached • Two-year monthly Commitments Monthly Gift

Annual Total

Number of Partners Total


















Your tax-deductible contribution may be mailed to:

Christ the King - Dorchester Attn: Logan Keck PO Box 220754 Dorchester, MA 02122 •

Please designate every gift to: “Christ the King Presbyterian Church” with “Logan Keck Internship” written in the Memo Line.

Your support may be given as a one-time gift or pledged over a two-year period.

For Secure Online contributions go to:


He has shown you, O man, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. - Micah 6:8




[email protected]

(978) 290-8647

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