L I . Roll No. .................... [Total No. of Pages: 02
Total No, of Questions: 091
PaperID [CS305l tt lrtrt r. e\\a *..h'
IDin o1\tn shect) ri' thisPaper
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*^"^ff;T#Ji';r*EM (cs- 30s) DArAeasrc Maximum Marks : 60
Time : 03 Hours lnstruction to Candidates: l) Section- A is Compulsory. 2) 3)
Attempt any Four questionsfrom Section- B. Atternptany Two questionsfrom Section- C. section-A (rox2:20)
QI) a) b) c) d) e) fl g)
What is physicaldataindependence? What do you meanby dataredundancy? What aresingle-valuedandmultivaluedattributes? security? What is statisticaldatabase What do you meanby databaseschema? Definethe term datamanipulationlanguage.
What do you meanby the term deadlock? What aregraphicaluserinterfaces? What do you understandby a distributeddatabase?
Whatis serializabilityof schedules?
Section- B (4*5:20) Q2) Draw an ER diagram for a library managementsystem,make suitable assumptions. Q3) Explainthe differencebetweenphysicalandlogical dataindependence. Q4) Defrnethe conceptof aggregation.Give two examplesof wherethis concept is useful.
in meaningbetweenthe termsrelatiopandrelation Q5) Describethe differences schemawith thehelpof suitableexamples. " Q6) Comparethe shadow-paging recoveryschg,qp-;1yftb recovery --' *'rl FgrUged ,.l *,q0ffi|es. i' Y' sJ b
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Section- C (2x10:20)
Qz) (a) Explain the distinctionsamongthe termsprimarykey,candidatekey and superkey. (b) what is normalization?Discussvarious ormal forms with the help of examples.
Q8) (a) Discussthe basicoperationsthat canperformedusingrelationalalgebra and SQL. . (b) Considerthe following empioyeedatabase,wherethe primary keys are underlined. Employee(ern&Ee-namg- street,city) Works (ernplgyee-nam9-company_name,salary)
Company(company-name, city) Managers(emplape-nax0g,manager_name) Give an expressionin SeL for eachof the following queries. (D Find the names of all employeeswho r.vorkfor First Bank Corporationand live in Las Vegas. (it) Find the names,streetaddressesand cities of residences of all employeeswho work for First Bank Corporationand earn more than$10000. (t) Find all employeeswho do not work for First Bank Corporation. (iv) Find the companythat hasthe smallestpayrolr. (v) Find all employeesin the databasewho do not live in rhe same cities and on the samestreetsas do their managers
Q9) Write short noteson rhe following: (a) MultipleGranularity. (b) TransactionprocessingSystems. (c) Advantagesof DBMS.
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