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CSC Paper (rec surat +rec Bhopal 2002) 1.with framework CASE tools IPSE can be achieved .IPSE is a.integrated product software engineering. b.integrated productivity simulation environment c.inner project software estimation d.inntegreted project support environment structured system devolepment (DSDD) is also called one of the below which is evolved from work on information domain analysis a.j.d.methodology b.yourdon methodology c.warnier-or methodology d.Kevin-yenn methodology 3.a.COCOMOestimation model is a single valued mode to compute software development effort(and cost)as a function of program size expressed in estimated lines of codes. b..PUTNAM model is single valued model assuming a specific distribution of effort over life of software development project. a.only a)is correct b.only b)is correct c.a ) and b)is correct d.a)and b)is wrong 4.when in data coupling portion of a data structure(rather than simple argument)is passed via a model interface it is called one of the below a.control coupling b.stamp coupling c.sub-coupling d.reference coupling 5.what is measure of reliability for a computer based system if MTBF=mean time between failure.MTTF=mean time to failure.MTTR=mean time to recover a.MTBF=MTTF/MTTR B.MTBF=MTTF*MTTR C.MTTR=MTTF*MTBF D.MTBF=MTTF-MTTR(sign is not cleared) FURPS quality factors by HEWERT PACKAR a.functionality is accessed by evaluating o ne feature of program and capability of algorithm only b.supportability means breath of premna application and death of standards used a.a)and b)both correct b.a)correct b)wrong c.b)correct a)wrong

d.a)and b) both wrong question is not cleared

7.ur testing of basis paw message means software devolepme nt quatiative measure of logical complexity program of independent path in search of program cycle complexity b.path complexity metric c.cyclomatic complexity d.none of above (question is not cleared so try to understand it) a general rule a.MIS performane criteria determine management information needs and these needs determine the objective of the firm b.the objective of the firm determine the management information needs and these needs determine the MIS performance criteria information needs determine the MIS performance criteria and these criteria determine the objective of form d.the objectives of firm determine the MISpwrformance criteria and these criteria detemine the management information needs. 9.a relatively small project is to be developed by a small team with good applocation experience needing to fulfull less than rigid requirements. Using the basis COCOMA model calculate the effort in person-months if the estimated lines of code is 33200 a.95 person-months. b.111 perso n-months c.102 person-months d.87 person-moths 10.CRC modeling provides a way for identifying classes their respomnsibilities and their collaboration .a collabration refers to. provided by a class to other classes b.requests sent by a class to ther classes to fulfill its own responsibility. c.taxonomy of class types d.characterstics of a class 12.a software was developed using component assembly model.after some time and old componet is to be replaced by a new one without disturbing the overall fuctioning of the softwarwe.following statements is true. a.the new component should be developed in the same language as the old one b.the new component should have exactly the same attribute as the old one. c.the new component should inplement exactly the same methods as the old one.

d.The new component should provide exactly the same interface as the old one. 13.a real time system is to be developed .the choice of database would most appropriately be a.distributed databases because the reduce redundancy of data. b.distributed databases because the facilate parallel data processing through miultitasking c.centralized databases because of high computing power the server. d.centralized databases because they provide better deadlock handling mechanism. 14.the following statement is equavalence echo~ a.echo SHOME b.SHOME c.pwd 15.the equavalent of following statement is echo~bin a.echosbin b.echo bin c.pwd d.echo pwd 16.the command that gives the process of ID of last command invoked a.$@ b.$# c.$! d.$$ 17.the output of the following shell script $set-a planets mecury venus $planets[9]=Pluto $print ${planets[*]} a.planets b.mercurity venus puto c.Pluto mercury Pluto an error 18."let"command is used for a.command substitution b.arithmetic calculation create analias d.not used the relationship(s)that denotes some semantic dependency among otherwise unrelated classes. a.generilazation or specification. b.part of c.association d.all of the above 20.object persistence is best described by the following a.the ability to retain an object throughout the execution of a method

b.the ability to retain an object throughout the execution of a program c.the ability to save objects from one execution of a program to the text. d.the ability to retain an object throughout time and or space 21.what is socket ? how many two systems a.a socket is 2-tuple having requires 4sockets b.a socket is 3-tuple having and requires 4 sockets c.a socket is 2-tuple having sockets d.a socket is 3-tuple having and requires 2 sockets

required to make connection between protocol and port number and protocol address and port number protocol and address and requires 2 protocol address and port number

22.TCP/IP runs on Ehtener b.a token ring x.25 net d.all of the above 23.the job og fragmentation and re-assembly of datagrams in TCP/IP protocol suite is done by access layer b.internet layer c.transport layer d.application layer 24.the sequence number in TCP header is used to a.identify the first byte of the enclosed data int segment b.identify the computer c.identify the port on which server is running d.none 25.what is output of the final echo command $x=hell0 $ echo'x=goodbye'>sedtx $sh setx ;x=bye $echo $x a.hello b.goodbye c.bye d.none 26. what would be the output of the following echo command in sequence? $x=1 $echo'x=2'>setx $sh setx $echo $x

$x=3 $setx $echo $x a.2,2 b.1,2 c2,3 d.1,3 27.memory reference instruction branch subroutine (BSB) IS given instruction transferming control to subroutine b.first word of the subroutine c.address of next instruction in sequence which is presently held in pc (return addres) d.another BSBinstruction 28.assume memory units has 65536 words of 8bits.the number of bits in program counter.accumalator. memory address register instruction respectively are a.16,8,16,8 b16,16,8,8 c8,16,8,16 d8,8,16,16 29.which of the following instruction is used to load 2050h address toHL register pair? a.LOD H,2050H B.LOAD H,2050H C.LXIH,2050H D.LDAH,2050H 30.what will be the value of the accumalator having AAH after executing RLC instruction twice? a.55h b.abh c.bah d.aah 31.the top of the stack contains 5A&next byte down the stack is 14(all address in hexadecimal) the stack pointer (sp) containts instruction call subroutint stored at location 67AE whick is 3 bytes long is located at memory address 013F. What shall be the contents of Program Counter, SP and stack respectively after the call instruction is executed? PC a. b. c. d.

SP stack 67AE 3A58 0142 3A58 67AE 3A56 0142 3A56

42,01,5A,14 01,42,5A,14 42,01,5A,14 01,42,5A,14

32. Time oriented metrics is one of the below i.e. times it takes to analyze change request, design an appropriate modification, implement the change, test it and distribute to all users.

a. MTBR b. MTTC c. MTBW d. MTTW 33. which of the following is not a tool for application prototyping? a. Application Generators. b. Third Generation Languages c. Screen Generators d. Report Generators. 34. For Real time process control or embedded software application having high algorithmic complexity programs. Which software process metrics would be most suitable for project measurements? a. size oriented metrics b. Function point metrics c. Feature Point metrics. d.3d functionpoint metrics 35. Regression testing is: a. Testing the System under extreme conditions. b. Testing the System after a new component is integrated into it to make sure that no additional errors are introduced. c. Testing the system with an exhaustive range of data to make sure that all the conditions are tested. d. Testing of a module by its developmer before releasing it for integration with the entire system. 36. For a module to be strongly cohesive: a. it should ideally perform just one function. b. Et should have well defined relationships with other modules in the system. c. It should be compact in size. d. It should not take any data as input parameter. 37. The approach used in Top Down Analysis and design is: a. To identify a top level function by combining many smaller componen into a single entity. b. To identify a top level function and then create a hierarchy of lower level modules and components. c. To prepare flowchart after programming has completed. d. None of the above. 38. Engineers use the CASE tolls to: a. Analyze these requirements and determine their feasibility. b. Design the system's general algorithms. c. Design an actual detailed implementation in terms of target environment. d. All of the above. 39. While constructing a data dictionary, the analyst considers:

a. b. c. e.

Each data flow in the DFD has one data dictionary entry. Definitions must be readily accessible by name. There should be no redundancy in data definition. All of the above.

40. The procedure for evaluating relative performance of defferent systems is referred to as: a. Parallel processing. b. Bench marking. c. Comparative analysis. d. Standard Evaluation. 41. The variable used to change the secondary prom string is: a. PS3 b. PS1 c. PS2 d. Not possible. 42. The command used to send signals to specified job: a. send b. kill c. d. kill 43. When the complesity of a problem domain is modeled in an Object Oriented design, it takes the form of a a. Hierarchy b. Graph c. Tree d. none 44. Which of a. An object b. An object c. An object d. An object

the has has has has

following statements is true? a state, behaviour and identity. only state and behaviour. only behaviour and identity. state and identity.

45. Object Oriented Analysis is a method a. In which the system is viewed as a set of autonomous agents that collaborate to perform higher level behaviour. b. In which programs are organized as co-operative collection of objects, each of which represents an instance of some classes and whose classes are all a members of a hierarchy classes united via inheritance relationships. c. Encompassing the process of object oriented decomposition and a notation for depicting both logical and physical as well as static and dynamic models of a system. d. That examines requirements from the perspective of the classes and objects fount in the vocabulary of the problem domain. 46. Encapsulation constitutes: a. Identifying the essential characteristics of and obhect. b. Separation of contractual interface of an abstraction and its implementation. c. The property of a system that is decomposed into a set of

acohesive and loosely coupled modules. d. Ordering of abstractions. 47. The enforcement of the class of anf object is reffered to as: a. Modularity b. Abstraction c. Typing d. Binding 48.The Gateway and the Router are used in the following sense : a. Gateway moves the data between different networks of the same protocol and the Router moves the data between different network of different protocol. b. Gateway moves the data between different networks if different protocols and the Router moves the data berween different network of the same protocol. c. Gateway and the router are used for security. d. None of the above.\ 49. Which of the following is a Network Mamagement Protocol?a.DNS B.CMIP C.TELLNET D.TCPMP 50. ip uses 4bytes many butes address IPX usesa.12 b.16 c.8 d.10 51.IPaddress192.10.100.3is an example of the class a.A b.B c.C d.D TCP/IP protocol suite the protocol which controls the flow of data isa.ARP b.ICMP c.RARP d.IP 53.ARPprotocol is used IP address to physical address EthernetAddress to IP address c.both of above d.none of above 54.what is the output ofthe two echo commands $export x

$x=1 $sh $echo sx $x=2 $ctrl-d leave this shell $echo$sx a.1,1 b.1,2 c.blank,2 d.none oe abovge 55.the command $sleep10;date& a.sleep and date both run simultanously in background b.sleep and date both run simultanously,sleep in foreground and date in background c.after sleep finishes running in foreground than date runs in foreground d.none 56.following are the contents of a file file echo $# echo $* echo$0 echo $1 what would be output of following $ shfiles 1,2,3 a.3 1,2,3 file 1 b.1,2,3 4 1 2 c.file 1 4 1 2 d.none 57what will be the outputs of the following commands expr 4+3 expr14/3 expr 4\*3 expr 4*3 a. 7,2,8,syntax error,12 b.7,2,8,12,syntax error c.7,2,1,12 d.7,2,12,syntax error 58which of th statement is not true forsticky bit. a.can be set for a file. b.has no efect if thefile nis a dir. c.tells unix to leave an executable in a memo ry after a program has finished executaion

d.none 59.make utility is editor on unix restor the system status c.a utility for devlopment of program d.none e following input is absent on a romchip as compared to ram input b. write input c. chipselect d. both a & b 61.the digital computer has memory unit with 8 bits per word. the struction set consist of six different operation.each struction is stored in one word of memoryand consistof opcud part and address part . how many words can be address in memory a.32 b.64 c.128 d.256 62.output of following will be #include main() { char p="A"; int q=65; switch(1) { case 1: printf("%dand %c",p.,q); printf("%cand%d",p,q); } } a.A AND 65 b.65 AND A c.A and 65 65 and A d.65 and A A and 65 63output of following will be # include #include main() { unsigned short p=pow(2,15)+pow(2,9)+pow(2,6)+poe(2,0); //33345 char c; c=p; printf("%c/n",c); } a.33345

b.45 c.A d.none 64. p in following statement is int (*p(char *a))[10]; a.integer b.array c.fuction d.pointer 65.value of _expression *(((p))name +2))) at the end of programm will be #include main() { struct account { int accno, char *name; float balance; } agent *p=&agent; smith; a.tom smith b.o c.m d.none of this 66.state which one is corerect SQL a. SELECT STORE ID.SUM(QTY*PRICE) FROM SALES .TITLES WHERE TITLES.TITLE_.ID=SALE.TITLE_ID ORDER BY TITLE_ID b. SELECT STORE _ID ,SUM( QTY*PRICE) FROM SALES,SALES WHERE TITLES .TITLES_ID=SALES .TITLE_ID GROUP BY STORE_ID ] c. _SELECT STORE _ID ,SUM( QTY*PRICE) FROM SALES,SALES GROUP BY STORE_ID WHERE TITLES .TITLE_ID+SALES.TITLE_ID d. SELECT STORE _ID ,SUM( QTY*PRICE) FROM SALES,SALES ORDER BY TITLE_ID WHERE TITLES .TITLE_ID=SALES.TITLE_ID 67which type of join is used in following SQL SELECT STORE_NAME.PUB_ID FROM PUBLISHER .STORES WHERE NOT PUBLISHER.STATE=STORES .STATE a.EQUIJOIN B.THETAJOIN

C.NOTQUIJOIN D NONE OF THIS 68. EMPLOYEE DEPARTMENT empid name deptid deptid deptname .1 A 11 11 AAAAA 2 B 11 22 BBBBB 3 C 22 33 CCCCC 4. D 22 5 E 23 SELECT NAME .DEPT_ID.DEPT_NAME FROM EMPLOYEE EM.DEPARTMENT DP WHERE EMDEPT _ID =DP.DEPT_ID GROUP BY DEPT_ID which is the correct result set out of above SQL and table data

a. A B 11 C 22 D 22 D 33 b; A 11 C 22 E 33


C. B 11 AAAAA D 22 BBBBB E 33 CCCCC D.NONE 69. 11.2 'S complement of binary 110110101id a.001001010 b.1101110101 c.001001011 d.101001010 70.equivalent octal number for binary 10001010111 a. 2127 b.1227 c.2217 d.1111 71.while exucuting a programm if the 8085/8080A MPU fetches the machine code located at the memory address 2057H then jthe content

of the programm counter is a.2056H B.2057H C.2058H D.2059H 72number of address line required on the chip of 2k memory a.10 b.11 c.12 d16 73.the sequence followed bby the storage and retrieval of data bytes on the stacks a.FIFO B.LIFO C.FILO D.LILO 74.another name for RS flip flop a.a stable multivibrator b.bistable multivibrator c.monostable multivibrator d.oscillotor 75. equivelent BCDrepresentation of binary 1100010 a.01100010 b.10011000 c.1100010 d.11000100

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