Cry, The Beloved Country Chapter Logs 18-29

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Cry, the Beloved Country Chapter Logs 18-29

Chapter 18 Characters- James Jarvis, Arthur Jarvis, and the 2 cops Main events- So there is this farmer named Jarvis and he is looking at the clouds because he needs it to rain, his crops are dry and nothing is working out for him. While he is looking up he hears a car driving to the farm. He takes a good look and it’s the police. The police come out and tell him that his son has been shot and that they will take him to Johannesburg.

Chapter 19 Characters- Mr. Jarvis, Mrs. Jarvis, Mary, Mr. Harrison, Mrs. Harrison, and John, Arthur Main events- Mr. and Mrs. Jarvis fly to Johannesburg. They meet John, which is Arthur’s wife’s brother. They go to Mary and John’s parent’s house. They get in the car to go to the mortuary. On the way John and his father tell Mr. Jarvis how brave Arthur was. He was a bold man and stood up for what he believed in. Now Mr. Jarvis feels like he didn’t really no his son because this Arthur was bold and brave.

Chapter 20 Characters- Mr. Jarvis Main events- Jarvis sits in his son’s house and looks at all the books and papers. He sees that his son admires Abraham Lincoln. Jarvis finds a letter addressed to Arthur from a boys’ club in the town of Claremont. He finds part of an article that his son was writing. He really likes his son’s ideas and wants to learn more.

Chapter 21 Characters- Mr. Jarvis, Mr. Harrison Main events- For the first time Mr. Jarvis sits in church with black people and shook their hands. Mr. Harrison is already thinking of

revenge but Mr. Jarvis tells him its still to early to think of that. Mr. Harrison tells Jarvis that Arthur’s worker has regained consciousness.

Chapter 22 Characters- Absalom, John, Matthew, Johannes Pafuri, Main events- Absalom’s trial begins. Absalom pleads not guilty. Absalom tells his side of the story. The judge asks him a couple of questions like, why did he have his revolver. After that Kumalo saw Jarvis but didn’t tell him anything because he had nothing to say. He couldn’t say anything.

Chapter 23 Characters- Europeans Main events- This trial didn’t get much publicity because there was a gold rush in Odendaalsrust. Since this gold rush the stock markets went up like crazy.

Chapter 24 Characters- Jarvis Main events- Jarvis returns to the house and reads an essay that Arthur wrote. In the essay Arthur writes about his childhood. He writes about how his parents taught him honor and respect. They taught him nothing. Jarvis was hurt by this, but he kept reading.

Chapter 25 Characters- Mr. and Mrs. Jarvis, Kumalo, and Mrs. Smith Main events- Kumalo goes to Jarvis’ house. He is afraid but when Jarvis opens the door he is calm and tells Kumalo that he isn’t angered. Then Kumalo and Jarvis sit down and talk.

Chapter 26 Characters- John Kumalo, Kumalo Main events- John Kumalo is talking to the crowd about how the miners deserve more. He says that the gold should be shared with

them because of their great effort. The strike didn’t really work though because nobody helps and 3 black miners are killed.

Chapter 27 Characters- Gertrude, Mrs. Lithebe, Kumalo, Main events- Gertrude and Mrs. Lithebe are talking and Gertrude is thinking of becoming a nun. She tells Absalom’s girlfriend if she can take care of her son and she says yes. The newspaper says that a native has killed another white man and they fear that it will hurt Absalom’s case.

Chapter 28 CharactersMain events- They are back at the court and Matthew and Johannes are not guilty because they don’t have enough proof. Absalom is guilty for murder because he has no explanation of why he had his revolver and why they brought an iron bar. He is now going to get hanged.

Chapter 29 CharactersMain events- Absalom gets sent to jail. There he is married with his girlfriend. He starts crying and 2 guards have to take him away from Kumalo. Outside the girlfriend is joyful because she accepts Kumalo as her father.

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