Cronus And Rea

  • October 2019
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Cronus and Rea o o o o o 1.


From them came the Olympians Story about Crones eating his children etc. Rea gave him a rock, Zeus was saved He saved his brothers and sisters War with titans etc Zeus    

most powerful thunderbolt strong sexual appetite for mortal women and goddesses Hera  protector of family, marriage.  took revenge on Zeus’s lovers  Olympia- a 40 foot statue in gold and ivory in his hone (one of the 7 wonders of the world)  Olympic games created in honor for him.  sports  contests  animal sacrifices Demeter  goddess of grain and crops  Daughter- Persephone  very beautiful  taken away in Eleusis (town close to Athens)  Hades  lord of the underworld  opened up the land and took her to underworld.  Searched for her daughter for 9 days and nights.  during this time, crops and fields became barren because she neglected them.  sad

 Hades agreed to bring her back with conditions  Persephone would be aloud earth for 9 months, the other 3 she would be in the underworld  This is what the Greeks based their seasons on.  The 3 months- winter when Demeter was sad her daughter was gone  9 months- the earth flourished with spring, and summer. 3. Dionysus  Son of Zeus and mortal, Semele  God of ecstasy

 intoxicated females  euphoria  women would be so intoxicated and under his trance that they would tear apart animals and children and drink their blood  Theater of Dionysus- in Athens 4. Apollo  God of light, music, prophecy  Came from Leto and Zeus  Was 2nd gen. Olympian god  Twin sister- Artemis (goddess of wildlife)  had evil traits- plagues/darkness  liked nymphs, goddesses, and mortal women.  Nymph story- Daphne, chased her and she turned into a tree. (laurel reef (sp?) )  now symbols prize for Olympian games  Delphi  “oracle at Delphi”  people would ask the oracle about war, family, lost children.  Said- “nothing in excess” and “ know thyself”  Son- Asclepius  had a gift of healing  Was a “HERO”- one of a father god and mortal mother  Healed a lot of people  some say it was like he brought people from the dead  Zeus was intimated by this, and thought he would create unbalance in the world so…  he struck him with a lighting bolt, killing him  Apollo was outraged and killed Zeus’s Cyclops  Zeus later repented and sent Asclepius’s soul up with the stars  Temple in praise of Asclepius- was first hospital  Daughter- Hygieia- where the word hygiene comes from. 5. “Goddesses of Mount Olympia”  Hera- protector of women and family  revenge on Zeus’s consorts  chased Leto away  turned one of Zeus’s lovers into a cow  assisted fighters in war  Aphrodite- beauty, love, desire  promoted love affairs between gods and mortal.  2 mythologies about her birth

 

daughter of Zeus came from Uranus’s castration

 Patron goddess of prostitution  her temples were the first brothels  Large sexual appetite  Married to Hephaestus,  lame god  Ares- god of war  had an affair with Aphrodite   Hephaestus was angry at Ares and Aphrodite so he captured them in bed one day and showed them to the gods  they just laughed “HAHA LOSER”  Son- Eros (Cupid)- most beautiful  helped soften the hard hearts of the gods and mortal men to have love  pierce hearts with golden arrows  Athena- virgin  From Zeus and Metes (sp?)  warrior goddess  Zeus was afraid she would be too powerful, so he swallow Metes while she was pregnant with Athena  Athena sprung out of his head, fully born, and decked in armor  Athena vs. Poseidon  Athena- olive tree  Poseidon- river(?)- full of salt, no one could use it  Towns people picked Athena- now ATHENS  Acropolis6. “Greek Hero’s” (god-father, mortal-mother)  Hercules- ultimate super human  Was an affair between Zeus and mortal mother  Hera was jealous so she sent snakes to kill him in his crib, but he strangled him with his bare hands.  at 8- killed lion  adult- Hera still wanted revenge and put a spell on him  killed his own children  went to oracle at Delphi  had to do a series of tasks in order to ascend to mount Olympus  “12 labors of Hercules”

after he completed them he was burnt alive of his mortalness (not a real word) and ascended to the Olympians  He’s a sign of courage-Didn’t take notes on the Trojan War- Review that 

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