Critical Thinking Case Study Rubric

  • June 2020
  • PDF

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  • Words: 194
  • Pages: 1
Critical Thinking Case Study Grading Rubric Total Points Possible: 100 Item Length

25 points Three paragrap hs

Grammar/Spellin Correct g Discussion/answ ers to questions

Use of Literature

20 points 2 paragrap hs

15 points 1 paragrap h

10 points Less than 1 paragrap h

1 error

2 errors

3 -4 errors

Question s answered minimall y Uses at least 1 additiona l resource but does not cite througho ut the posting per APA format.

paraphra se

Analysis Analysis and or reflection minimu m reflection Uses at Uses at least 1 least 1 additiona additiona l l resource resource to add to add depth to depth to the the original original posting posting with but correct incorrectl APA y uses formattin APA g format

Uses at least 1 additiona l resource, cites througho ut the posting, but does not have reference list per APA format.

5 points Incomple te or fragment ed thoughts More than 5 errors Off track

0 points Did not comple te

Does not use any additional resources

Copies directly from the resourc e without the use of quotes or citation of the source.

Did not comple te Did not comple te

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