Crew Manifest For Research Station J-32

  • April 2020
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  • Words: 207
  • Pages: 1
Station J-32 Crew Manifest • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

CAPTAIN LILLIAN RHODES [F54, Canada, Earth]. Commanding Officer. MARILLA BOSWELL [F36, London, Earth]. Station representative of The Gaumata Initiative [cf. corporation code #341227-L541]. PROFESSOR NETWON KOOP [M46, Valles Marineris, Mars]. Primary Xenological and archaeological researcher. DR. THUSHYARSHA GHAZAN [M68, Groundfall City, Proxima]. Primary electro-mechanical researcher on the station DR. FANG-CHEN CAPE [F43, Ceres Dome, Asteroid Belt]. Head of neurological research unit. LIEUTENANT ISRAEL RAMOS [M37, Cytherea, Proxima]. Station Security WARRANT OFFICER MANASSAH RAYBURN [M23, New York, Earth]. Station Security. MAJOR SOLOMON RAMIRES [M41, Hooverville, Proxima]. Assistant electromagnetic researcher. PROFESSOR ABIGAIL RODGERS[F26, El Dorado, Alpha Centauri A]. Neurochemical specialist. TRYPHENA SIGURDSDOTTÏR [F30, Groundfall City, Proxima]. Archaeological assistant. DR. PHILOMENA CROZIER [F42, Experimental Zero-Grav Colony Beta, orbiting Proxima]. Station medical officer. LIEUTENANT JUNIOR GRADE CLEMENTINE OH [F28, unlisted]. Logisitics. SUB-LIEUTENANT WING RUBY [M35, Pandora Station, Pandora]. Commisary. NATHANIEL SPENCER [M22, transit between Sol and Proxima]. Fusion Power system maintenance. ENSIGN ROSABEL KOPP [F26, Enceladus]. Planetary Survey and experimental test subject. ARTEMIS MARTINEZ [M35, Jabib, Proxima]. Human Resources. HONG JACOBSON [M57, New Zealand, Earth]. Self-described "Scientific Dilletante", had no official role on the station but his presence was confirmed.

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