CREDIT CARDHOLDER’S AUTHORIZATION (信用 卡授權 表格) In lieu of my credit card imprint, I hereby authorize MAYOR TRAVEL to charge my (Credit card name) (Credit card number) (Expiration data)
In the amount of $
for the transportation of (Print clearly)
myself and or
for itinerary as follows:
(Passenger’s full name)
(Complete routing)
my billing address:
Phone: home Phone: office Note: Identification is required. Please provide Photostat copy of the credit card (front and back) and passport or drivers license of cardholder. By signing below, I acknowledge charges described hereon. Payment in full to be
made when billed or in extended payments in accordance with standard policy of company issuing card. X
(Signature of cardholder)
Incomplete information or false statements shall be considered sufficient cause for denial of tickets. Please fax in for faster service (212) 732-4099.