Creative Thinking - Presentation

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 1,184
  • Pages: 23
Venture Cup The Leading Business Plan Competition in Denmark

w w w . v e n t u r e c u p . d k

What is Venture Cup? 9 Venture Cup is a competition, where university students, graduates, and researchers alike explore opportunities for commercialising their ideas or research. 9 The competition runs across three phases, which are designed to bring your ideas from a rough outline to an investment-ready business plan. 9 We provide participants with workshops and coaching within various fields you need to master in order to succeed in the competition, and hopefully with realising your plan afterwards.

w w w . v e n t u r e c u p . d k / w h a t i s

Competition Setup

Deadline End Product

Phase 2

Phase 3




Business Potential

Business Model

Business Launch

• Idea & Concept • Unique Selling Points • Team members


Pages Evaluation


Phase 1

• Competition & Market risk • Protection of IP • Financing • Business Model

• Launch Plan • Marketing • Budget & Cash Flows • Investor contracts

2 to 5 pages

10 to 20 pages

20 to 30 pages

”Elevator Pitch”

”Jury Meeting”

”Pitch to Investors”

10 x Kr. 10.000 Awarded Nationally

1st place 200.000 2nd place 100.000 3rd place 50.000 Awarded Nationally

5 x Kr. 5.000 Awarded Regionally

w w w . v e n t u r e c u p . d k / m a n u a l

Coming events: Fall ‘06 Creativity Workshop (English) e-learning! Monday, 2nd October, at 17:30 - 20:00

Matchmaking (English) Tuesday, 10th October, at 17:30 - 19:00

Creativity Workshop (Dansk) e-learning! Tuesday, 24th October, at 17:30 - 20:00

Matchmaking (Dansk)

Deadline Phase 1 Monday, Nov. 13th @12:00

Monday, 30th October, at 17:30 - 19:00

Review Session & Networking Thursday, 9th November, at 17:30 – 18:30 Workshops are in English and held at CBS, food and drinks will be served.

w w w . v e n t u r e c u p . d k / c a l e n d a r

Edward de Bono - Creative Thinking Generate the most profitable business ideas and solutions in order to create value for investors and shareholders

Objectives To introduce you to techniques that will help you to: • Increase the numbers of new ideas/solutions. • Generate much more creative solutions. • Improve the quality of ideas/solutions.

Lateral thinking • In normal thinking, each step that we take is firmly based on the preceding step (vertical thinking) – When we arrive at a solution, the validity of that solution is proved by the validity of every preceding step.

• Lateral thinking gets us out of the normal way, and we create something new.

Lateral thinking tools • Provocation • Random word • Pressure – generate 90 ideas in 10 minutes • Steal from the previous idea on the list

Differences generate creativity • Everyone changes thinking from one mode to another at the same time.

Create systematics • The fundamental rules can be secured through structuring and staging of the creative process. • Edward de Bono has developed a number of methods and tools: –The Six Thinking Hats

–Lateral Thinking™

The underlying principles behind the Six Thinking Hats • There are six different coloured imaginary/metaphorical hats representing a different type or mode of thinking.

• The whole group does the same type of thinking at the same time, which is known as parallel thinking™ as opposed to adversarial thinking (traditional discussion is adversarial).

Practical Process • • • •

Presentation of main thesis Split into teams Assignment of hats in the teams Six Thinking Hats incl. Lateral Thinking – – – – – –

10 15 15 10 10 10

min min min min min min

calls for information known or needed creativity: possibilities, alternatives and new ideas to manage the thinking process judgment - the devil’s advocate symbolises brightness and optimism signifies feelings, hunches and intuition

• Key Learning's

Documentation Tools

Facts Sheet

Final Idea Selected Ideas Combined Evaluation Sheet Idea Sheet

The Data Hat The person with this role should focus on information and data. The role seeks to contemplate the information in a neutral and unbiased way. The registration and objective stating of the known facts. Rationality is the driving factor.

What information do we have?

What are the objectives?

What information do we need?

How do we acquire the needed information?

The Creative Hat The main objective is to seek a pattern in the presented ideas. To synthesise the information and knowledge and find commonalities, and thereby developing new aggregated or derivated ideas or possibilities.

The basics of this venture are similar to...

This is comparable to...

There is a likeness between this platform and...

The synergies between what your saying and what he is saying is...

Brain Writing

The Practical Hat The main objective is to ensure that the overall agenda is maintained. The focus is to accumulate the communication and plan for the process ahead. What needs to be done to accomplish the wanted tasks and realise the durable ideas.

This has been thoroughly covered. Next item is...

Will the yellow hat please elaborate on the subject...?

What is the documentation for the idea that...?

We need to involve these stakeholders to ensure that...

The Critical Hat The main focus is critical in all aspects of the communication. The role's center of attention is problem driven; why an idea is not going to work, potential risks and weaknesses in arguments as well as current beliefs.

That is a bad idea because...

Drilling in the reservoir is problematic because...

The risk of going forward on this is too high because...

The implementation will be difficult because...

The Positive Hat The objective is to look at the ideas through an optimistic optic. The focus is on ideas potential and possible solutions to existing problems. The role seeks to produce and promote valid arguments for the ideas at hand.

It would be a good idea to...

The project is running well but it could run even better if...

The idea certainly has qualities in the area of...

The potentials of this idea are so great that we should attempt to...

The Intuition Hat The person with this role should focus on his feelings and first perceptions. This role is based on personal experiences. The main objective is to generate ideas through brainstorming.

I once read an article where...

That reminds me of an episode where...

It is my impression that...

What if we tried to...?

Thesis for the exercise

How can we solve the problem with the future energy supply, once the whole crude oil from the Earth is extracted?

8 min Brain Writing on • How can we use this going forward ?? Executive Summary The Idea Management Team

Key stages in writing the business plan

Marketing Business Model Risks Financing Implementation Plan

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