Creative Thinking Petros

  • May 2020
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Table of Contents

Executive Summary

p. 3

1.0 Introduction

p. 3

2.0 Originality and feasibility

p. 5

2.1 Models of Creative thinking

p. 5

2.2 Range of Ideas

p. 7

2.3 Application of theories & techniques

p. 8

Models of the Creative Process 3.0 Potential Impact 3.1 Level of Research 4.0 Project Management

p. 13 p. 13 p. 16

4.1 Immediate Practical Steps

p 16

4.2 Range of Management issues touched upon

p. 19

5.0 Communications and IT Skills

p. 32


p. 42

Appendix A Appendix B

Executive Summary

A consultant report from New Solutions for S.U.B.S for recruitment into its postgraduate program was submitted. Report first clearly identifies various creative thinking and problem solving techniques and then chooses various models to study in depth the problems faced by the university and lastly, finding various solutions to fix those problems for betterment of the university and students as well.

In addition to theoretical analysis, procedural guidelines were drawn to guide university through various stages of recruitment and selection procedures and are depicted diagrammatically as flow charts accompanying with appendices. Report throws light on different aspects of the problem in detail and then provides various possible solutions to each problem categorized in various steps. Recruitment in postgraduate program is not one-step solution to the problem, but it involves various small steps to be covered to accomplish final task.

Steps involving problems at academic level, general and research level problems, problem in university services, and students’ problems are addressed separately.

1. Introduction Research on various organizations revealed the importance of implementing creativity and innovation in running successful businesses and companies. There are certain key points identified in successes and failures of these businesses (Plsek, 1997).

Creativity and innovation is associated with remarkable long-term financial performance. The companies that are highly competitive and successful in increasing their shares in shareholders after long term innovative stress has a corporate value (Plsek, 1997; Fisher, 1995; Higgins, 1995). In addition, innovation is constantly needed on customers’ demand. Because customers use services and goods, they experience new ideas and want innovative change in goods and services. Customer not showing their satisfaction on services actually leads to the creation of innovative idea (Deming, 1993). We can stay ahead even by implying past innovations for competing in the market because in some businesses past innovations are reversed and replicated, which are more cost-effective than making newer one. Patents offer little certification of exceptionality (von Hipple, 1988). To stay ahead in marketplace it is necessary to be constantly innovative (Utterbeck, 1994). However, these innovations should be new technology enabled. According to Bower and Christensen (1995) if businesses will not employ innovative technology they will lag behind, because, their competitors will lead by employing new technology and take the market in their hands. There is a need to have a fresh look on old problems with new ideas (Senge, 1990; Stacey, 1996). Problems are re-emerging with reemerging changes. Therefore, we need to find diversified new solutions for each problem and rework on it in a different way and leave old ideas that do not work anymore.

A project was handed over to New Solutions to look into problem of recruiting students in the postgraduate program of S.U.B.S. New Solutions has analysed completely various aspects of the problems and proposed different solutions using various creative ideas and problem solving models to fix those problems.

2. Originality and Feasibility 2.1 Models of Creative thinking Different models of creative thinking were examined to study the current problem of recruiting students in Postgraduate program. During the period from 1908 to 1964, eight models of creativity were in use pointed by Arieti (1976). Ever since there have been new models of creativity emerging for implications into different problems. However, many researchers do not agree that creativity could ever be described in models in sequence of steps. In arts, it does not follow any model (Vinacke, 1953). According to Wertheimer (1945), sequence of steps in models cannot be implied to creative thinking, as it is very complex integrated process of brain. However, while applying these models for different problem solving issues, one needs to be flexible according to different situations we are encountering rather than rigidly applying a model in a situation. Changes are brought according to the needs of the difficulty to fix the problem and have proper results. According to Wallas (1926) process of creative thinking passes through four phases, namely, preparation, incubation, illumination and verification.

The Wallas Model for the Process of Creativity Preparation (definition of issue, observation, and study) Incubation (laying the issue aside for a time)

Illumination (the moment when a new idea finally emerges) Verification (checking it out) Wallas (1926) Incubation period followed by illumination reveals that creative thinking is a subconscious mental process, which is not directed but innovative (Torrance, 1988). It also reveals that creativity involves analytical thinking. It involves analyzing a problem and making judgments according to the results. According to few researchers creative problem solving model involves six steps i.e., object finding, fact-finding, problem finding, idea finding, solution finding and acceptance finding (Parnes, 1992 and Isaksen & Trefflinger, 1985). The Creative Problem Solving (CPS) Model 1.

Objective finding


Fact finding


Problem finding


Idea finding


Solution finding

6. Acceptance finding Parnes, 1992 and Isaksen & Trefflinger, 1985

According to Koberg and Bagnall (1981) model, we should first accept the situation, analyze it, that is, study the problem, defining the objectives to be achieved, finding solutions and options for fixing the problem, selecting the best way of fixing the problem, implementing those theories into the situation and evaluating the results. Koberg and Bagnall's Universal Traveler Model

Accept the situation (as a challenge) Analyze (to discover the "world of the problem") Define (the main issues and goals) Ideate (to generate options) Select (to choose among options) Implement (to give physical form to the idea) Evaluate (to review and plan again) Therefore, we need to accept the challenge and find solutions to the current problem. Another model of creative strategic planning proposed by Bandrowski (1985) involved analysis, creativity, judgment, planning and action, analyzing, thinking creatively, judging, making plans and taking action.

A Model for Creative Strategic Planning Analysis Standard planning Insight development Creativity Creative leaps Strategic connections Judgment Concept building Critical judgment Planning Action planning Creative contingency planning Action Flexible implementation Monitoring results

Fritz (1991) model of creation describes the steps of making concepts, imagination, comparing reality, taking action, adjusting and evaluating, creating momentum and completion.

Robert Fritz' Process for Creation Conception Vision Current reality Take action Adjust, learn, evaluate, adjust Building momentum Completion Living with your creation

We have engaged these high-ordered thinking models into the current problem faced by S.U.B.S recruitment of postgraduate program.

2.2 Range of ideas generated Following creative ideas were generated after looking deep into various problems of the university.

Evaluating enrolment figures in the program and implementing strategies to attract students in particular courses of study and subjects. Decision making by the staff is an important step towards the progress of the program. Improving and restructuring existing subjects. Updating all the books and curricula according to the requirements of students and according to the today’s need for the professionals in their specific field. Upgrading the program to international level and developing international degree program to reach the market worldwide. Consequently, developing worldwide market will not only ensure greater number of students being enrolled but will also open employment door within the university structure and abroad. Evaluation through students, by collecting data from students on their satisfaction to the course offerings and educational environment in the university. New staff employment strategies to fill up the current vacancies of teachers and other essential staff for the service of students. Staff and students should be encouraged to participate in research projects and to publish their work. To generate more scholarships for research purposes and employing more research groups, improving research labs, investing in new equipment and computerizing infrastructure of the laboratories to deploy more number of research students. Supervising committee should be set for complete guidance of the students in helping them selecting their subjects and conducting their research and other activities.

Evaluation through Staff, studying the progress of research activity and other strategies for improving current curriculum for the students. Rewriting certain postgraduate program to meet the current needs.

2.3 Application of theories & techniques

Models of the Creative Process There is a common theme that forms the basis of all creative processes. It involves analysis, creative imagination and evaluation. Older models show that creative ideas are the result of subconscious process in the brain and they are not directed or controlled. Whereas newer models imply the creation of new ideas is under the direct control. However, all these ideas need to be worked on and implemented to turn them into innovative techniques.

Deep analysis and study of these various types of models are encouraging to take a forward step for improvement. Successful businesses often apply such creative problem solving techniques to improve their business plans. We need strong workforce, creative skills, scientific thought, analytical thinking and implementation to accomplish this task.

For the current problems prevailing in the university we do not need to completely discard the old system, but we need to improve and upgrade the current system and bring

important and useful changes that should be attract full for students and their careers, Just as we need to supplement old models with new thinking skills for sustenance of novel ideas and innovative object. In addition, there is a need for mental ability, power and will to direct these ideas into proper innovative creations. There is a need to face challenges faced by university as this time and will to work, only then we stand well-equipped to lead our institution to compete and generate new results through innovation.

We also need to analyze that which model or plans were implemented earlier to rid of any repetition of mistakes we may do in implementing new plans. We need to see and analyze deeply that which plan worked and which failed. The choice of technique is also very important. Making efforts to turn those technique in practice is another important steps. There should be balance between generation of ideas and judging prematurely. First we need to harvest and enhance our ideas before final implication of those ideas. It is clear that all ideas are useless if they are not being worked on. Creative thoughts and new ideas can bring change only if they are valued and put to work. Therefore, it is important that we should have purposeful mental movements. It is mandatory to avoid any pitfalls in making current plans that might be associated with our cognitive mechanisms. Four major steps are preparation, imagination, development and action. Tools are needed to implement those in workable solutions.

Conclusively, we can say that innovation is not simply the result of generation of creative ideas but generation of ideas in accord with the situation, analyzing new generated ideas

with the situation, careful planning, implementing wisely, evaluation and cost management are all needed having innovation to take place in the actual world. 3. Potential Impact

3.1 Level of Research

According to a recent research (Parry and Hayden, 1993) postgraduate students benefit from the program only when these students are paid attention separately, faculty and departmental staff clearly verify the assistance these students should receive. For recruiting more students in postgraduate program following strategies are needed to be implemented in the new curricula. These strategies are formed after careful analysis of the problems that were faced by the students, which were causing decline in students’ strength in the university. Creative ideas were generated to find out various possible number of solutions for the prevailing problems.

Recruitment and selection of students

There is a need to develop a unique workable policy for accommodating minimum or maximum number of students in the postgraduate program on the basis of preferred recruitment practices and on the university standards to recruit students per class.

There is also a need to start scholarships for students who are unable to pay their full fee.

Technical expertise and competencies in their language should be considered mandatory prior to admission.

Apart from quantitative analysis of students’ recruitment, university should also consider the qualitative approach to recruit students. Thus, admitting those students who are skillful and eligible for the program. And who will prove to be good in giving out results, thus, improving the standards of university in terms of qualitative education.

Staff and supervisors All staff and supervisors should be highly qualified and experienced. Per supervisor and staff, students allocated should be evaluated. Number of supervisor allocated per faculty should be evaluated New developmental strategies for students, supervisors and staff. For every student there should be a clear statement for the academic mission of the university and department, research achievements, focus of teaching at the university, discipline rules that are to be followed. Every student should have a clear idea about departmental activities, social and intellectual prospects, facilities, resources, services, support, research facilities, and other procedures.

In addition, there should be accommodation facilities, offices for mail typing, laboratory space, technical support, research equipment, computerized infrastructure, photocopying, library facilities, telephone, email and facsimile facilities, research grants and paid work. All above mentioned facilities should be publicized among undergraduate students, who might get interested in taking admission in postgraduate. Recent research showed that postgraduate students find various elements useful such as outline of the research they are taking, opportunity to meet other postgraduates, academics, administrative, technical staff and faculty. Selection of topics should be made easy and should be in consistent with the research facilities and financial resources available in the department. Each student should be guided individually that how they have to conduct research. Each student should be encouraged to acquire specialist assistance in writing thesis, computing, analysis of data, researching in library and archives in the management database. There should be regular meetings and discussions between the supervisors, other research students for keep check on the progress of work and new innovative ideas that research students might learn from each other. Each student should keep a record of his or her work. Similarly, each supervisor should keep record of their supervision to avoid any misunderstanding between student and the supervisor. There should be brief records of meetings, discussions, deadlines set for the

accomplishment of certain task or research work, notes on advice provided to each student, photocopies of other important notes, drafts and student diaries. There is a need to have proper writing assistance for the students. Working relationship with other students should be kept in harmony. Students should have opportunities to mix socially with other departmental students. There should be network of students to get mixed with each other and learn each other problems, research and learning abilities. Progress of each student should be completely checked. There should be a definite policy to monitor the continuous progress of students. There should be new developmental policies to provide financial assistance for research and other postgraduate students. Each student should keep participating in conferences, seminars and colloquia for sharing their knowledge with other research scholars of the same fields.

4. Project Management

4.1 Immediate practical steps

Following steps are important for enhancing recruitment and participation of students in all disciplines. Improving and streamlining admissions in postgraduate program.

Access and retention of the programs should be improved. Staff employed should be highly qualified, knowledgeable, and experienced. There should be essential selection criteria set for hiring employees and staff. Selection criteria should be flexible enough to determine the right person for right job. Every essential quality should be followed by desirable qualities to enable widely capable applicants to get the job. Rather than restricting to numerical scores of each applicant, judgment of selection should be made on strength, capability, creativity, and willingness to work in a competitive environment, experience and contribution to the earlier organization. For selecting the academic staff educational qualification will always come under the category of essential requirement rather than desirable. In selection of general staff educational requirements may not be essential but desirable. There should be separate training for non-academic staff to improve their skills and knowledge for certain positions in the university. Career advancement programs like ‘Fundamentals of management’ and ‘Leadership and Management development program’ should be included as a desirable selection criterion for the staff. For general staff knowledge and basic skills are mandatory for performing certain jobs requirement to accomplish the tasks. Acceptance of the responsibilities of the position should be specified, as well as, the capability to acquire knowledge, comprehending, and developing skills quickly should also be acceptable. For general staff communication skills, interpersonal skills, leadership and management skills are very important. For

academic staff, teaching skills, research and representational skills should be important to acquire. Positions involving the management and supervision of staff and students, requires demonstration of knowledge of, and commitment to equity principles Experience in the relevant field and the positions applied by the applicant is mandatory. In addition, any other general or relevant experience that might have provided the applicant with transportable knowledge should also be taken into the consideration. These may include organizational or communication skills, the ability to work well with other people or accept more responsibility, and the ability to manage committee work effectively, are only a few of the many transportable skills that may be acquired in or outside the paid workforce. In selecting academic staff, their career in research, their number and frequency of research publications, quality of teaching, types of publications will be important. In case of women, higher rate of publications should be considered. Owing to the greater likelihood that they will have had breaks in their academic careers, it may be important to consider the rate of publications over a concentrated period so they will not be unfairly disadvantaged. While selecting general staff, focus should be made on the quality of the finished task, the quantity of completed work, timeliness, and the level of service provided may be considered. Assessing personal qualities are also a crucial step in performing relevant duties. Qualities like judgment, integrity, ability to relate to students, initiative, adaptability or

readiness to co-operate with others may be important to judge. In addition, consideration for the potential of future and advance career development, as well as, willingness and enthusiasm to perform the duties and responsibilities of other positions at the same or higher levels might also be appropriate. In this case, occupant’s advantage in acquiring more wider skills and experiences. In planning certain selection criteria it is important to comply person’s potential abilities to perform certain jobs and their abilities to cope with university environment and learning new skills in performing various tasks. However, these skills do not generate from being paid in workforce. Therefore, selection criteria will be based on both knowledge, qualification and experiences rather than only on knowledge or only or skills. And skills should be job specific skills to keep a balance between merit and experience. In making such selections more than five to six criteria should be kept in mind or particular positions. Assessment should be quite fair to increase objectivity and ensure clarity and equality. Therefore, it is needed that while making selections university should avoid narrow range of essential qualifications and experience but should encourage hiring of potential candidates by applying loose-fitting profile of best candidate to draw widest pool of applicant to choose from competitive environment.

4.2 Range of management issues touched upon Success in business should be achieved by change in the business and change in the environments. We need a complete change in competition, in the market, in technology,

and in government regulations. There are certain measures we need to take to save our business successfully against environmental turbulence and to be highly competitive. The current problems of S.U.B.S were solved upon based on past experiences. The problem was the declining number of enrolled students in postgraduate program. The problem was analysed and studied in detail for finding out the grounds that caused thinning of students in postgraduate programs. There were several reasons. Lack of interest in students’ postgraduate program. In adequate supervision and attention to the students. Declining of student services and facilities at the university. In adequate research facilities at the campus. With new technology, computerized infrastructure should be provided to labs. Employing more staff and services to the students. Changing old one, insufficient staff and replacing with new energetic one and opening more job opportunities. Doing business and marketing is creative. By applying new innovative ideas to the institute and employing new staff and increasing workforce we can have vast number of new strain of ideas from new people. In this way, we can have better responses to the new challenges we face everyday rise in competition. New creative and innovative techniques were applied to solve these various problems. It involves divergent thinking. As this type of thinking involves large number of alternative solutions to a particular problem, we visualized problems with various different solutions to each problem. Thinking analytically also involves convergent thinking, in this case, we also worked to study various alternatives to find out best answers to the solutions. Then, the most suitable and best solution is applied to the problem. However, the earlier

mistakes that were made were due to the reason that thinking and solving problems in a way to jump right on the one answer mental solution to the problem without giving a seat to the other possibilities that might prove to be better than one solution answer. Creative thinking and finding correct possible solutions to current problems involves brainstorming, which is best known tools for creativity. Therefore, the very first step is to think creatively, then finding plenty of different solutions for the problem, then analysing them to find best suitable answers according to the situation prevailing in the university. This also involves financial support and cost management. In this way, we can get the answer that will not only increase the number of students in the campus but it will also increase the quality of education, resultantly, the university will be thriving the competitive environment. Involving creativity in solving problems is just like employing our own new novel ideas to improve the solution. But creativity without implementing those ideas is nothing. Therefore, creatively thinking then intelligently applying those and managing them in new innovative environment is the actual cost effective solution. Knowledge alone is not enough. But we need to use it wise and creatively. Imagination in right direction works. Imagination pulls out new ideas from the knowledge and then use those ideas at hand to solve that problem. Some scientist view imagination as being more important than knowledge itself. It is not always what we know but it’s how we use it. Every normal intellectual person has very unique creative capability because of one’s own different experiences in life and the environment we live in. Therefore, each of us has different creative skills, some being better off than others and some are worse. This

implies using our creative imagination differently and working on it differently. However, skills can be learned, directed, imaginative, and developed along time with more experience and using more of our skills.

In addition, to all those creative thinking and innovation business should undergo various changes that should be dynamic and keep changing with time. As for university standards these should be kept changing with dynamic environment according to new innovative theories and practices hired by other business. This also requires that apart from keeping our business and institute upgrade we need to study other businesses deeply. Studying their pros and cons will lead us to find mistakes other businesses did or key to their successes. We can then acquire some of their tactful innovative strategies to improve our businesses. For accelerating change to keep in consistent with the ever changing environment there is a need to have supervisors team formed who will keep monitoring the progress going with in the postgraduate program. Another committee will be formed for studying constant change that is occurring in the outer market and then bringing changes in the curriculum according to the recent needs of the market. Attracting students with advertising and marketing is also very important step. But advertising and marketing alone does not work. Attracting students is not enough for recruiting students into the program. But attracting students and then providing them the program and course according to their satisfaction is key to the success. Once students are being compelled to get enrolled in the courses, they should be provided with enough

information so that they should get satisfied with the university standards. Printing clear and useful brochure that should list all the facilities and advantages the students will get after enrolling in a particular program. Students should have a complete idea of what they are going to do and what advantages they are going to have in the university. In addition, what competitive advantages university postgraduate program is offering in contrast to other postgraduate programs offered by other universities. Increasing transportation and other facilities for students is also an important step to take further. Providing convenience from campus to their houses will attract a large number of students. Many students who find university out of their way or cannot afford to reach university because of long distance, time, and cost will be attracted towards the university for the transport services provided by the university. There are many students who cannot have a car or any other transport of their own to reach university on time. Such transport system can be acquired on contract basis. University if unable to provide their own transport can hire any company on contract basis for pick and drop facilities for the students. Charges would be beared by the students who will use any such facility. Another major step is to provide courses to a level that should be of great value to the students. All postgraduate courses should have professionalism and high degree awarding programs. Students after taking courses and completing programs should get internships or affiliations with certain business organizations so that they should immediately start availing of the courses they were taught. Apart from offering theoretical courses, university should design practical training in each course so that students should learn the practical skills of whatever they were taught

in theory. In case, university do not provide any internships to the students, this will ensure their immediate employment after leaving the campus. This will save a lot of time, students can waste finding jobs in various institutions. Third option is giving employment to students in their own campuses and opening new job opportunities for fresh postgraduates. Hiring by university of their own students will not only strengthen the workforce, but ensure successful students their right employment. Employing new workforce, newly postgraduates is like hiring new ideas, innovation and new thinking in the current curricula of the university. This will also create a satisfaction in future students of being hired by the university and they will feel more comfortable and dignified while studying in the university that values their credit and success.

All these changes are necessary to provide students with better services by improving the value of the programs. One more additional solution that university must consider is to cut and reduce their current cost of postgraduate program apart from providing them the scholarships and financial assistance. Financial assistance can also be provided on loan basis. This will ensure a gradual recollection of the money they invested in providing education to a particular student. Cost effective assistance can also be provided by ensuring job opportunity for students within the campus. Students who are unable to pay their debts they took to continue their postgraduate programs can join university as their full time or part time job. In this case, their half or full remuneration will be deducted to pay for the debts they took for their studies. This will increase university’s free workforce and will be very cost effective in hiring more employees.

Old supply and procedures are not applicable for current changing technology in business and various institutions. Changes always occur with the demands of different products and services. Other institutions and businesses keep on developing new ways for fulfilling the customers’ and students’ needs. For example new payment procedures keep on developing according to the needs. We can consider the example of the creation of credit card. It came first under consideration when Frank Mc Namara wasn’t left with any cash to pay his bills in the restaurant. It was not possible for him to carry so much amount of money with him all the time. His wife then drove back to house for two hours to take some cash to pay the bills. Instead of carrying more cash from next time, he invented Dinner’s club card. This is thinking creatively. He then used to dinner’s club card onwards to pay his bills. With more evolution and changes according to the needs there was an invention of platinum, titanium, Master and visa cards for paying bills not only to restaurants but to any shop, petrol pump and even online shopping on internet. This indicates that with rise of need, products and services rise to fulfil the requirement.

We understand that businesses and institutes are in great competition. We need to thrive and check what others are providing their students. So that we can compete and provide and better solution. Suppose if students are getting better facilities, more attention, and quality courses at discounted rates then their only choice will be that university where he feels more comfortable of finding education at feasible rates.

One another thing university need to do is to completely computerize the labs and classrooms. All the courses and programs should be available online and through intranets for easy accessibility. Students can use computer as their researching tool by using online libraries and subscription to various online journals, newspapers and magazines. Reducing prices will benefit many students to complete their course. The current need is to establish flexible study opportunity for students. We need to establish institutes that are nimble, lively, and adaptable for various situations. With competition we need to see opportunities and create them for our students. According to very recent survey by American management Association of 500 CEOs the number one skill reported is the “practicing creativity and innovation”, however, only few believe that they have already employed creativity and innovation in their organization. Latest researches conducted on various successful organizations show that there is a statistically positive relationship between creativity of an organization and performance of their business. Further researchers show a positive correlation between a proactive and innovative management style and a flexible and adaptive organization and it’s business presentation. Research findings in the business press show a strong statistical positive relationship between the creative organization and business performance. Using UNIX software for researching information is now an old idea. It is laborious for the student and time consuming. With the advent of graphics interface and World Wide Web research is very easy. We can exchange information and communicate through web

based protocols is much easier and should be assessable for each students in the vicinity of the university. According to Gary Vasilash 80s was for quality management, 90s was for lean management and just-in-time, and 00s is for creativity. Creativity is defined as novel, adaptive, ingenious response to change. It is today considered as successes in business.

The university needs to reflect the successful market changes. Applying creative rules we need to brainstorm and see the negative side affects of the rules coined to improve recruitment in postgraduate programs. One method of reaching students is to prepare questionnaires for the current students enrolled in postgraduate program and also for those who are in under graduate program. Questionnaire should be such to ask students what are the most convenient things they find in the postgraduate programs, after enrolling which steps they find most helpful in conducting their research. What are the set backs and disabilities they find within the university? What new facilities students think they should get while accomplishing their postgraduate program? How is the attitude of staff and supervisors? How much attention they get from their supervisors? Getting knowledge of students’ need from the point of view of students is the best way of keep improving facilities within the environment of university. We can build ourselves on each other’s ideas, views and contribution. The project is to recruit more students in the postgraduate program. Recruiting students means not only to increase number of students

enrolled in postgraduate program but providing them with those facilities and needs for which they will enrol in university’s program. If they are deprived of it, they will not consider of taking admission in it. Therefore, it is the primary task to know how student’s perceive postgraduate programs and what they think that program should be made more workable than ever. Once we will be able to generate a number of responses from the students, we’ll be able to improve university standards to increase the strength in various postgraduate programs. While applying creative thinking we should now also apply convergent thinking. We now need to know that how we can get large number of responses from the students. Also the information that we’re going to collect should be right and accurate rather then just mere joke or entertainment in the eyes of students. One such procedure is to make several options on the paper and leaving blank boxes. Students will require to fill the boxes, thus, marking the changes they think, should be there for their improving studies standards. One way is to take surveys individually or the other way is to take surveys in groups. After generating a large number of ideas we need to abandon the bad one. Jack Ricchiuto describes four core competencies in creative thinking. The first one is to imagine more than one idea, and to find more possible right answers rather than just one straight answer. Ricchiuto, termed it as open-mindedness. Second one is about brainstorming and diversity. That is finding out more solutions to the problems. Broadening our vision and generate more of useful solutions rather than stick to one problem one solution theory. In a way, we can say that looking for different ways of solving the problem. This was termed as inventive. In third competency stimulating

ourselves or others to look outside usual pattern of thinking. That is relating our problem with other businesses. It is to think differently. Fourth competency is to develop those ideas which can be worked on or have practical implementation to seek the results. This also requires complete analysis and details of the plans. We should increase our productivity using creative thinking techniques. It should not be stressful but joyful and should be done in relaxed and stress free period. It should result in more useful responses. In the current era there is no stationary of stable environment of doing business. With fast changing time and new inventions and fast progress in information technology, we also need to change our environment according to current changes. For best results from our business and to reach remarkable performance we should deploy an entrepreneurial management style, flexibility in our organization, and do finest changes marketing techniques. Entrepreneurial management style is applicable for both smaller and larger firms. A firm should be proactive in its competition and customers as addressed by this style. This style also emphasizes the value of product and services in the eyes of customers i.e., how customer defines it and perceive it. In addition, through innovation we need to develop, create and implement new products, programs, and services that should be to the satisfaction of customers. In this century, successful organizations are very flexible. Organizations that are dynamic and continually adapted to the changes in the culture and concurrently imply those changes in the business environment are successful. There is a need to decentralize decision-making in a sense that decisions should be made according to customer needs.

Employees should be empowered with necessary resources, tools, support, and assets to enable them to make best decision for the customers and the firm without causing any delays in their procedures. Marketing is the most important and major step in publicizing the institute in general and targeted public. Therefore, orientation in marketing is also very important. Another important step is that institution should be informed of the current update about its own services in the market and in view of other students. University needs to continually scan the latest news about the students, about competitors and services at the university. University need to know about its services in view of the students studying at the other campuses. As well as, updating technological, socio-economical and financial issues. University can then have responses from implementation of these new policies and keep check on the new issues. University also need to have cross-functional team with record of enrolment, strength of students and finance. Such team should have diversified members belong to different race, class, gender, and age. Such team should approach diverse problem solving tools. Creative thinking produces best results with such thriving groups. Therefore, implementation of such innovative ideas resulting from creative thinking are not as straightforward as analytical thinking rather they are messy, problematic, difficult to handle and take longer time for implementation. In this oriented environment creative thinking should produce student-driven and market driven responses which are most profitable and cost effective.

Execution of these new innovative ideas into the university services and curricula will take long term plans and longer duration for running. This type of creativity is based on expertise and knowledge, skills of thinking working creatively and motivation. Apart from positive effects there could be negative effects resulting from delaying in deploying new changes in the university’s postgraduate program. University should make arrangements for the staff and student’s seminars and conferences for mutual understanding and updating their knowledge and skills. University also needs to have small workshops in the vicinity of the campus to encourage reading, writing, and other research related activities among the students. In addition, university should hold all other creative activities apart from student’s expertise and study patterns. In this way, they will be exposed to new fresh approaches and learning from other’s viewpoint. Learning from others and outside our own experience and expertise improves creativity. Motivation of employees and students is an intrinsic cyclic program and works as driving force to keep working for change. Giving awards is rewarding but recognition is another major step for motivation of students. For successful implementation of plans university needs proper direction, resources, information to accomplish task and capabilities to operate on the plans. In working environment like labs and classrooms, university should ensure that there should be plenty of flip charts, white boards, board markers, bulletin boards, computers, assess to World Wide Web and other things to enhance communication facilities for

students. This way student will feel feasible in asking questions and opinions with each others and their teaching staff. Realizing past failures and then avoiding doing the same mistakes in the future is another major step. Finding out reasons that contributed to the failure and then learning from them, correcting them and avoiding them onwards. Having no failures means we are not confronting any risks. The greatest of mistakes is to have no risks and being ignorant about our faults and failures. University needs to develop trust among students, staff and educational environment. Students should think positively for university and the program. Negative feelings and attitude will create a distasteful environment and discourage future students to get enrol in postgraduate programs.

5. Communication & IT skills; Today technology is thriving into every business and organization. Therefore, its literacy and setup is very important developing academic skills in students. It will prepare students to use tools, materials and procedures, and research tools in an efficient and responsible way. Consequently, it should be visioned to foster development and growth of students’ capabilities. Hence, the outcomes should be met through integrated study so that students should develop technology knowledge and skills within the context of all areas of research in postgraduate program (Appendix A). Such integration in research will provide better opportunities for students. University should implement information and

technology learning through university web portals that will provide students with best practices and resources. Inclusion of all applicable technological skills in all research and postgraduate programs will enhance the teaching and learning process. This will ensure incorporation of computers and other technological tools in different postgraduate programs through which students will gain knowledge and develop more skills. Students will also learn benefits and limitations in their research programs. For incorporating such a system there is need to draw specific guidelines that will contribute to these IT skills. Every student should experience these skills during their research programs. As for there are different students from different backgrounds and experiences, therefore, the guidelines provided will be quite flexible so that every student should get adjustable with the environment. However, the guidelines are not for limiting students to the use of technology but directing them to use them wisely and useful manner. Therefore, focus of such programs will be for the students to participate in different types of activities that involve online communication, choosing the communication tool appropriate to the task. Students will understand the limitations of this new technological medium and be aware of possible hazards within the online environment. A student should be an efficient user of the Internet. He or she will be familiar with the nature of the World Wide Web and the role of search engines. Students will gauge and assess the features of different search engines and understand the extent and limitations of each.

They will learn to perform advanced search functions including use of Boolean operators. They will know the advantages and disadvantages of various search strategies.

Employing technology in their research students will assemble and organize different viewpoints to find out their validity. Using information technology tools for finding facts about research and diversified ideas. However, this will follow evaluation of the reliability and validity of the information assessed electronically. In addition to this, communication technology should be used to share ideas, getting opinions, finding information and locating, evaluating data critically and gathering consensus with others. There is also need for the university to teach students about the mass media techniques for enabling them to make particular informed decisions. In addition, university will need to make particular policy to show students ethical and legal use of technological resources, comply with current postgraduate policy; respecting intellectual property of other authors, writers and researchers; employing satisfying strategies to for working in safety environment. Assessment and evaluation of information communication technology on personal privacy, styles of communication, accuracy of information, assessment and equity, protecting copyrights, and technology related hazards and dangers. Therefore, its implication should be assessed in personal and global community and to avoid its negative impacts on the program.

Developing communicating skills through implementation of technology is also a very necessary step. Skill of communication is an art of delivering message to others about our perception, opinions or experiences. Speaker attempts to convey a message that should be comprehendible. Communication can be verbal or non-verbal. Language and words used to speak convey the ideas in the mind and are important verbal tools in speech. It is the prime goal of communicator to focus attention on the listener to enhance the perception of the message. Perception of the message largely depends on the way it is communicated and delivered. Presenting our speech is an important task and might involve use of rhetorical tools. According to Rafe (1990), presentation involves a listeners who may or may not accept the idea, changing existing opinions, or elaborating current principle or point of view. Forcing others to believe into our own ideas is also called persuasive speech. Conveying a message in a way to alter beliefs of others, their attitudes and intentions by enforcing them your own ideas being right is involved in persuasion (Ilardo, 1981).

Using problem-solution organization pattern persuasive speech involves five stages through which audience has to pass. These five stages are “awareness of the problem, understanding of the problem, understanding of the proposed solution, visualization of the effects of the proposed solution, and understanding how they, the audience, must act.” (Flack and Rasberry, 1982) Therefore, for speaking effectively one needs to know the topic or subject well. Speaking effectively involves to make a thesis statement just in the beginning of the speech to let

audience know that we know our subject well. Thesis statement is a simple statement made in the beginning to clearly state that what we are going to achieve with our presentation (Cooper, 1991). We need to clarify our purpose, goals, get focus on our talk, limiting to few main points and then developing and elaborating those points using rhetorical advantages. One pattern is to develop a central talk with a central idea. Radiant or associative pattern of ideas are developed from original central point (Buzan, 1996). Improving communication skills either by seeking advice from experts or taking short courses that enhance communication skills. There are large number of courses and mentor services available for communicating effectively at various career centers. University should improve their programs to extent that students should enjoy improving speaking ability and writing skills and should have strong assistance to let them gain confidence in presenting themselves. In addition, providing students with part-time jobs or internships will polish their written and verbal skills and will also be a valuable experience in business communication. Employing videotaping and recording voice using microphone on computer will enable them to enhance communication skills and presentation. Improving communication skills by taking short courses that focuses on writing and speaking capabilities are important. Such courses should be implemented in business, technical, creative writing, public relation, public speaking or any other courses. Students should have a feedback to learn from their impression and improve. In this case, we again need to be extremely proactive. Incorporating computer and communication skills in postgraduate program will benefit students and enable to succeed in marketing and competing university’s rivals. There should be large number of resources like Internet research, software productivity, oral and

written communication, nonverbal communication, workshops, mentoring opportunities, supervision all other creative resources should be at hand of students to make most of it.

University should increase wide variety of supplementary material to be provided to students in their presentational speeches. Making available and use of audiovisual techniques is also very reliable and accurate method. All visual aids should be working fine and accurate.

Making available board work either chalk board or whiteboard for demonstrating when one is presenting his or her work. Availability of flip charts which is considered essential in business settings but very attractive alternative to board work and can be used in advance and in an inexpensive way. They are more helpful because they can be reused again and again in different presentations. Overheads are another frequent audiovisual aid employed in organizations and universities. They are very effective, cheap and reusable. Overheads can be used repeatedly in cardboard frames and save time. There should also be availability of projectors for presenting slides. However, these are very expensive financially and their use should be limited only most important business settings where other audiovisual techniques fail to comply. Computer graphics assistance to students in developing overheads and slides, computer coordinating services and computer informational services should be improved by using new graphics in the labs. Availability and use of microphone should be made common. Microphones are important aiding tools in communicating our ideas at presentation to reach the audience.

Conclusion As depicted in from the Labour Market Information Database changing skills in the students reflects their qualification level (summarised in Appendix B). Campbell (2001) believed that credentials are valued widely put weigh to the student’s skill level. Therefore, whatever they will learn and earn from the university will be reflected in their future. Whoever going to employ them will first measure their potential skills. Students also seek admission in various advance levels of postgraduate programs only to get valuable results in terms of their future earnings. Keeping in mind these objectives, university need to make changes accordingly to recruit more students in its postgraduate program.

Appendices Appendix A

Mode 1 Research is undertaken in terms

Mode 2 Research is use-driven but

of the norms of academic

constrained by resources

practice and pure research. It is

(especially time). Knowledge is

driven by the interests of the

produced in diverse teams, and

discipline community.

reflects both interests and


Knowledge development is

intended outcomes. Knowledge is transdisciplinary,


framed and authorised by

integrative and consensual. There

disciplinary norms and

is a dynamic flow between theory,

communities. Theory and

application and the context.


application are distinguished. Knowledge production is deeply

The site of knowledge production


institutionalised, with limited

tends to draw on both academic

multi-agency collaboration

and ‘industrial’ resources and


values. Teams are transitory and diverse, with composition Accountabili

Researchers are accountable to

changing as projects evolve. Social and economic


and judged by their peers

accountability permeates the knowledge production process, and includes the interests of


The scientist is seen as the

diverse stakeholders. Quality is judged on a broad


expert. Quality control is based

range of criteria, including

on the notions of disciplinary

intellectual merit, cost-

norms and excellence. A key

effectiveness and economic and

criteria is the contribution to the

social relevance. Quality control


is context and use dependent, adapting to local contexts and emerging circumstances.

Differentiating Mode 1 and Mode 2 knowledge production (after Cohen, McAuley & Duberley 2001, Table 1, pp. 150-151) Appendix B

United Kingdom No qualification Qualification Level 1 Qualification Level 2 Qualification Level 3 Qualification Level 4/5

1979 46 14 17 10 12

1989 28 21 23 13 15

2000 11 20 23 19 27

UK qualifications of economically active people of working age

From Labour Market Information Database



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