Creative Beacons Network Minutes And Actions 8th Sept

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CI BEACONS Network meeting 8th September 2008 Notes Apologies: BERR reps. Sue Warburton BL:NW, Max Adam Kent BL, Mark Adamson ONE:NE Agenda Item 1: Introduction, notes and actions from last meeting Chris Garcia. Personnel update. Since the last meeting, Tracey Patfield had been replaced by Rebecca Binns (SWRDA)

Agenda Item 2: Andy Lovatt (AL) from The White Room (TWR) gave a presentation on The White Roomʼs methodology for delivering the Commitment 13 and making the Network succesful. (Presentation included) Initial profiling almost complete - other than East Midland and RDAʼs from South East and West Midlands. These will be completed by end of September. The Following Research phase will involve TWR visiting each region for 2 days. At this point TWR will need access to: Existing Evaluations; Information Management Reports; IDBR figures. TWR will also need suggestions for some in-depth case studies for successful business support in each region. TWR will illicit suggestions from regional BLʼs TWR suggested the next network session should include a workshop on developing a prioritised impact assessment framework for BLʼs. This will be finalised by Dec 08. In the New Year, a framework for regional pilots will be developed, at which point The White Room will go back into regions to trial framework with mapping. From this, the network will then have a ʻdryʼ informative report. ACTIONS: TWR to complete Regional Profiling. TWR to undertake further regional Quant and Qual. research BLʼs to identify 5 regional success stories Agenda item 3: Bernie Emery (BE) of The White Room gave a progress update on the Scoping Research. (Presentation included).

Differences of language - across regions (ie, brokers / advisors). Common challenges - contextualised service, IDB delivered by people with sector knowledge. Intermediary agencies are critical to delivering effective services (ie Screen Agencies, Codeworks, CIDA). Knowledge hubs are beginning to be developed. Opportunities to share knowledge hubs / open up access for advisors across regions. (Linked to above) Training of advisor/brokers is a critical success factor. Sharing & collaboration across ʻadvisor networkʼ. There maybe opportunities to share between different regions. Web 2.0 technologies starting to be adopted. Some regional BLs are using Web 2.0 tools to reach businesses. Others are not. An opportunity to share good practice. Good practice to date: Business Link North West Large team of specialists (20) where advisors allocated sub-sectors. Recruiting where gaps in coverage, plus training programme in place to develop team. Information shared between RDAs & BLNW Developing a knowledge hub. Advisors collect info at present and store on Delicious. Well integrated with ʻTrain To Gainʼ, UKTI & RDA. Strong partnerships with other agencies

Business Link South West Less agencies in region, but strong partnerships. Large amount of specialist advisors & legacy from previous programmes. Detailed Management Information Systems Shared CRM

Business Link Yorks Sector based

ʻBuddyingʼ with CIDA and other agencies Innovative Web 2.0 approach to marketing Good links to UKTI

Business Link North East Sector based Sector advisor & Sector broker who seeks out & develops new relationships. Shared access to CRM Innovative approach to marketing (whippets) - donʼt have to use blue and green. Sometimes the brand guidelines can be ridged, but can be adapted.

Business Link West Midlands Very credible service, developed over last 5 years. Credibility - built on reputation, relationships. Strong relationships. One advisor The White Room spoke to has 95% word of mouth referrals from CI gateway. Comprehensive MI knowledge hub shared by brokers & advisors

Conclusions Every Business Link has examples of good practice. Theme of success - sector knowledgeable staff. Critical to develop relationships & reputation. A seamless services is important for CIs. Need to provide mechanism for sharing information.

Q&A David Furmage (DF) initiated discussion about access to Web 2.0 platforms such as YouTube, from which WM RDA and BL are denied. Chris Garcia from South West RDA stated that, within his organisation, certain sites were blocked, but they can request for such sites to be opened up. There was a consensus that other RDAs / BLs are largely able to use such sites / apps leading to a suggestion that an outcome recommendation for the network: that member orgs should be able to access, given the sector, credibility etc. Iain Bennett (IB) said that NWDA were getting feedback from IDB and CRM at BL, providing strategic information, thus allowing them to target & prioritise investment support. On the subject of best practice, Lara Ratnaraja (LR) of Business Link WM stated that we need to consider the context: it canʼt be a ʻone-size fits allʼ approach for all regions on issues such as data sharing between the RDAs and Business Links. Rebecca Binns (RB) of SWRDA said that it would be useful to define what info to share. CG found that understanding strengths & weaknesses had been useful internally. The issue of competition was raised by AL, specifically around the dangers of entering into collaborations, when BLs are re-bidding for contracts. Is a protocol required? Action: Alistair Finlay (DCMS)_ & Chris G will followup on information sharing protocols. Agenda Item 4: Attendees were split into three groups to define a list of 10 objectives for the network, based on the following guide questions: What does the network stand for? What does it do? What can it achieve? How can it be achieved? What is the networkʼs continuation strategy? Group 1: Network should be about implementation of good practice, consistency (a ʻblueprintʼ of CI support from a BL), national advocacy (flagging up good practice, ongoing discussions on sic codes - needs to be done at a national level too). Group 2: Has to be a task & finish group. Continuation strategy needs to determine whether we need more of this, less of this, or nothing at all. Rather than consistency maybe itʼs about uniform responsiveness (not one size fits all). Network has a Communication role that needs to develop into a prioritisation role. Group 3: If we seek continuation before demonstrating benefit, it will be a hard process. However if we have some ʻquick-winsʼ, we have more chance of success. Continuation

strategy: challenge to record outputs to demonstrate impact. Concerned that we continue to demonstrate an ongoing interest to members. If meetings (and Network Site) arenʼt pertinent & relevant people will stop coming. Online tools need to be also relevant if weʼre to continue to use these. Need for next meeting to be workshops style. Agenda Item 5: Commitment 18 - meeting planned, will include outcomes and feedback from this work. Agenda Item 6: NESTA diagnostic - In Creative Britain, there is a reference to a requirement for a diagnostic toolkit. Now there is pressure on NESTA to take on a diagnostic tool from a particular consultant. BERR may have ʻcasting voteʼ. Action: Workshop session - TWR to develop a framework for this session AOB: CG updated that an RDA ʻChief Execʼ meeting takes place on 24th Sept on the theme of ʻBusiness Sector Engagementʼ. Actions: CG will include info from the Beacons project in his submission for this & AL will send update by 16th Sept. CG also updated that DCMS & BERR meeting to discuss funding of regional agencies (RSAs).

Next meeting dates: mid-November. ACTION: LR will suggest dates, meeting to start from 11:30am - close for 3:30pm. Meeting Close.

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