Creative And Life Principle

  • June 2020
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ALWAYS KNOW THE TRUTH In seeking the truth we are seeking crucial cause; we know that every human experience is an effect; then if we may find out the cause, and if we shall find that this cause is one which we can consciously control, the effect or the experience will be within our control also. INTRODUCTION When I was a child I thought like a child, but now I am an adult and I am thinking like an adult. I often asked myself, “Does God exist?” and over and over again ask myself “Who started with all these mysterious things?”And frequently ask, “Do I believe in God” and so many questions of that kind. First question, as an adult, I declare that, the God of my character exist. Second question, I will answer myself as follows, it all started through thoughts. Finally, I believe in God of my nature. As time goes on I will go to the extent of giving the God of my natural world a wonderful name. Supremacy Thought. God {creative energy} lives within you when you have no limitations. Creative energy throws itself besides someone who knows exactly what he wants. It expresses itself through you. Therefore one should note that, this creative energy originates in the Universal but the Universal manifest only through a human being. By Universal I mean, the brains similar to ours but, the difference is on the degree or quantity. In addition, God name given to the mental being called the world within and it is universal, hence, thoughts are dynamic. This is what I call the creative principle which can only be achieved by our ability to think. The more you think about it, the more you are closer to the infinite, invisible and invincible powers. It is that creative

energy which is within us which was later termed GOD or Allah by some people. Henceforth you receive its favour when you labour for yourself and give service to others. This is the only truth I acknowledge. "In him we live and move and have our being" is literally and scientifically exact! That you are because He Is, that if he is universal he must be in you. That if he is all in all you must be in him! That he is Spirit and you are made in "His image and likeness" and that the only difference between His spirit and your spirit is one of degree, that a part must be the same in kind and quality as the whole. When you can realize this clearly you will have found the secret of the creative power of thought, you will have found the origin of both good and evil, you will have found the secret of the wonderful power of concentration, you will have found the key to the solution of every problem whether physical, financial, or environmental. However, according to Charles Darwin an English Naturalist and an Atheist says, “The world is so wonderful without a god or a deity, all species on earth evolve from common ancestors in order to survive and others failed to copy up with the changing environment thus, today they are extinct, for example the dinosaurs, these days we know only about their fossils. Human beings and other species on land today are evolving hence they exist”. Therefore I will conclude that, our ability to survive is the energy in us that let us think through, think over and over and think deep to our subconscious mind, bear in mind that they are great thinkers out there who are making you evolve with them with their great efforts. So why aren’t you doing something with them? Thought is to form a thing out of formless OR out of nothing {it is spiritual or sacred energy}. Human and universe are the “Likeness and image” of God. Wherever is that so-called God, he is viewing the mirror on earth. Nature Thinks, so is the man. Man and nature forms things into originality. “From nothing to something” {visible and tangible}.This is a Scientist theory. Things go through the mind then are processed into visibility by labour. Hence we must not rely on thought only; individual action is necessary the use of one’s body. What you think should be the Truth and Achievable. Thus nothing can be created before we know that it can be created. Purpose or an Idea {idea is sowing a seed but, before sowing the seed, do you know what type of seed you want to put on the ground?} or a Plan can be planted into mind by repetition of thought. What leads you to the right path is creative mind; clear mental picture and holding that picture in your thoughts. There was nothing called N.M.B bank in Zimbabwe but; through thoughts and actions it is now operating. It came out of an idea created through imagination and mixed with faith and formulated to a plan and put into action. In addition to this, there is Law of Concentration which says, if you want something to grow into your life, you must concentrate, be attentive on that thought or picture until it comes into your reality. I once met a doctor with my uncle at a certain hospital; he was of the opinion that, there is a limit somewhere and everything that you think has an end somewhere. I began to wonder how he had become a doctor. I thought the doctors are the very persons who should know that, “Sky is not the limit, and a man can go wherever he/she wants to go” like a butterfly. Since doctors spend most of their time in Laboratories and Theatres, examining new drugs and operating patients respectively, knows how the human intelligence and potential operates.

Later on, I guessed that, the doctor was maybe an ardent Christian who had no passion to devout his energy to creativity, hence he was limited. He thought God {as an external agent} would limit his thoughts, ideas and plans when he goes beyond boundary. There is no need to fear God when you really know what it is. Thoughts of doubt and fear will accomplish nothing. Purpose; energy; power to do; and all strong thoughts ceases when doubt and fear creep in. Whilst at school; we used to say; “Believe in you” {Know thyself as it is said by the Jews}. Samurai {a class of warriors in Japan} used to say “No fear, no doubt, and no hesitation”. People fail to take chances in business because they fear criticism. They think the external agent will come to the rescue one day. Fear is like the cloud that blocks the sun and it is this personal devil which prevents people “To arise and shine”. It is also a fact that Faith and Fear make poor bedfellows. Where the former is found the latter is totally absent and there is no doubt about that. No fear and no hesitation because “it is your father’s pleasure to give you the kingdom” said, Jesus. Therefore it is for you to prove that you have Infinite Power to do what you desire. Desire is to know what you want and it is the sign of power. A thought without fear becomes creative force. Godlike character is achieved by God-like thoughts. Divine thinker is the one who is the Master of his own ideas, thoughts, plans and actions and he is the only one who can speak with authority since, he/she knows who or what is God. This proves Divine Self. Positive and negative To think the worst about something will draw you back from Creative Energy. The God {Creative force} I know today, love the rich and poor equally. Do not ever think about the worst, as the modern thinking says “Father and I are one”. Father and I are the Great Architects, Creators, and the Universal Master minds. Religion is widely thought to end sins; poverty etc. but it seems the opposite is true that, without religion everything for me seems simple and smooth. Thus the study of poverty will end us nowhere. Why not study wealth at large? What you sow in your thoughts will blossom later and produces a fruit. Good thoughts bear good fruits and evil thoughts bear evil. Therefore we call good on creative power directed towards benefit of the humanity and we call evil to creative power that is directed towards destructive and undesirable conditions. Both poverty and rich are offspring of thought. Thus every thought is a cause and every condition is an effect and it is essential to control your thoughts to bring forth desirable conditions. Many people try to change conditions by effects instead of changing effects by causes for example, what caused us to be in poverty?, why is wealth elusive?, should be the kind of questions to ask ourselves. Harmonious and desirable conditions are obtained by right thinking. On the other hand discord, inharmony and limitations are result of wrong thinking. Many people desire for, health, wealth and love which in turn ends up to happiness, but they are unaware of the causes of these effects, “yes these are effects look for causes”. The truth is that, correct thinking is the only cause. Poor people are given charity instead of inspiration. To eradicate poverty be positive, know how to do away with it. One needs to think the best always. It is the best to teach the poor about Creation and not teach them to be a Christian and to accept charity always. One needs to ask himself/herself this question, “Does my religion help me to keep my mind positive”. It is our existing religions and governments that are leading us into poverty; reliance on them is a negative thought. It will never pay to rally behind these sectors. The masses should do it for themselves to end poverty and not these old fashioned organisations. It is a fact that; politicians; popes; pastors

and priests are competitors not creators. We are the ones who can create things such as employment not those who are power hungry and because we have freedom of responsibility “Yes we can” Barrack Obama’s favourite saying. Therefore our minds should be dominated by positive thinking, for example think of creating systems which will generate money for your expenses. Negative thoughts over and over will never bring us success, for example, most of us think of working for money rather to have money work for us. Money will work for you only if you have chose to create the systems of money like business owners and investors do. In addition to this, the astronomer centres his mind on the stars and they give forth their secrets; the geologists centres his mind on the construction of the earth and we have geology; so with all things. Men centre their minds on the problems of life, and the result is clear in the huge and complex social order of the day. One should note that, before controlling all conditions the first thing to do is selfcontrol or strength of mind. Law of Attraction states that, every human being is able to attract people, events and circumstances by the way he/she thinks. Despite the debate on this law, especially in African continent, in this situation it is however correctly quoted. I say so because, what we are personally today is the effect of our past thinking both conscious and subconscious. If you think positive everyone around you will be positive about you. All events will be positive. Moreover there is also a unique Law of Repetition which dictates that, if we wish to change from negative to positive habits, we have to practice positive ones over and over. Form the habit of analyzing every thought. Positive Emotions The emotion of: Desire; faith; hope; sex; love; romance and enthusiasm. They only work when they are intelligently used towards your goals. Never let either positive or negative emotions control you but, they must pass through intelligence or common sense. Negative Emotions The emotion of: Fear; jealousy; hatred; revenge; greed; superstition and anger. They must be avoided at all cost. Therefore it is crystal clear that negative thoughts and positive thoughts altogether cannot or may occupy one mind. Negative emotions they usually start as a result of destructive criticism and lack of love from our parents since childhood. The Law of Belief says that whatever we believe with a feeling becomes our reality. If we wish to change our realities we need to change the way we feel. Law of Gratitude- Gratitude is to show thankfulness or appreciation. It is natural principle that action {deed} and reaction {reply} are always equal, but in opposite directions. When you receive good things, appreciate {action} your creative energy gives more that is {reaction} - equal and opposite. Action and reaction begins by paying attention. Mental gratitude brings you closer to Creative Force and you are eligible to see the creative energies of the nature. “Draw nigh unto God, and He will draw nigh unto you” from psychological point of view. Therefore it is this gratitude that let us see that we have Creative Power based on thought and faith. Faith is based on what you think of, will come true and more so; it is already yours. Faith is starting point of all accumulation of riches. Faith is the bases of all “miracles” and all mysteries and cannot be analyzed by science or religion but by mental attitude. However the habit or practise of gratitude should develop within you. Alongside gratitude and faith you need to hold on to your purpose of getting what you want, with

full Determination or strength of mind, the desire can be achieved in that way. This is what I call “Truth”. Some of the things that we possess are not ours. Therefore someone needs them and in return you are going to receive what is exactly yours. “Give Caesar what belongs to Caesar”. What is required is to give what we have. An athlete who wants strength must use his strength to get more of it. A corporation which fails to give adequate service will lose customers. If you want love, give it first you will see it coming. Note that, it is everywhere and this is the only time when thoughts and actions combine. Every act is either a failure or success and it is either efficient or inefficient. Difficulties; in- harmonies and obstacles indicate that we are refusing to give what you no longer need or refusing to accept what we require. Exchange better for good, old for new. Your mind should focus on the present when you network or negotiate {you should know the art of networking} i.e. Concentrate on the things that you want most, make your partner feel like benefiting more than you. It’s a Win/win situation. Think of wealth, think of the methods and plans to abundance or wealth. Do this with all your heart; strength and mind. Hence the verse “You reap what you sow” and “If you sow the wind you shall reap the whirlwind”. Dishonest man may prosper in these circumstances and honest man may tremble into poverty. Therefore avoid hit and run, remember you need the same partner next time. The honest man reaps good results of his thoughts and actions and the dishonest enjoys happiness and suffering. This is the only truth and nothing else. Peace of mind. This is one of the basic requirements of success. You need the calmness of mind also called serenity of mind. The book of Psalms says, “Knowledge is power”. Knowledge can only have power when it is highly and intelligently organised into definite plans. When you have freedom from fear, anger and guilt; you are mentally peaceful. Without this calmness we end up interpreting the laws, the Bible or Koran incorrectly. To save as an example, majority of the people around the world misinterprets Genesis chapters if not the whole Bible. Without peace of mind one cannot interpret the way Great Architect created the universe, why, because of fear. Any purpose may be best accomplished by scientific understanding of the spiritual nature of thought. Only scientific approach will tell you the truth that, there is nothing supernatural and nothing superstitious. The mind knows little without the soul. Thus it is important to awaken the cosmic or spiritual being so that, everything, be it religious or business will move from “Darkness to Light”. Great minds seek solitude or loneliness; this is because when you have your privacy you are able to recognise or develop that invincible or unshakable power which is necessary for all achievement. This explains why world greatest business owners have their private offices. More so never laugh at someone who is walking by the seaside or by the riverside maybe he/she is looking a lonely place for that reason, seeking loneliness is tantamount to seeking knowledge. What does it take? To be successful means to achieve a desired goal, well planned to an end and it is the correct antonym of failure. Success is to be victorious or to win; if you crash during motor race your chances of winning are very low. This is the same when you are on a journey of life; if you perish you lose. Therefore, the secret of all power, all achievement and all possessions depends upon our method of thinking. The majority fail because they concentrate on loss, disaster and disease; the things they fear most are coming upon them. Therefore in life you

can achieve a career goal only if you have control over Crucial Resource and Crucial Tool. Goals can be broken into following major categories: ○ Family and personal goals- things we want to accomplish for our loved ones and for our own pleasure. ○ Business and career goals- it is a must to have this goal for you to be financially successful. ○ Self-improvement goals-just to ensure the development and improvement of your life or existence. What does this mean? Resource and Tool ➢ Resource- It is the means of doing something (i.e. success or achievement). The so-called minerals, land, labour e.t.c for human success it is old fashioned or to say archaic. What does this mean? It means that, there is only one resource which is free and equal for everyone i.e. time. In short time is measurement of sequence. It is the continuous passage of existence in which events pass from a state of potentiality in the future, through the present, to a state of finality in the past. Day and night are measured. Both are equal to every human. Every human has 24 hours of making every progress possible. Hence everyone has the potential to achieve what is important at any given time. If day and night are equal to everyone, and if I hear someone say, “There is no hurry In Africa because, we are two hours ahead of America”. For me it’s incorrect. Always respect time with following steps: In 24 hours everyone has 8 hours of Labouring, 8 hours of Service and 8 hours of Refreshing, resting or relaxing. What does this well sequenced order mean to human success? 8 hours of Labouring. Labour is productive work, simple as it is, productivity is the path to success. Reading, Learning, struggle and working hard is to labour. Labour with Idea, Purpose and Plan. 8 hours of Service. Service is an act of helping or supporting. Investing, socialising, attentive to family issues, help those in needy and with this, it is part and parcel of serving God. This is the only way one can serve God and not by attending religious groups, recite a prayer {act of requesting to the unknown power} or taking the Bible, Koran or any other source of that nature, literally. 8 hours of Refreshing, relaxing or resting Free from mind activity. Therefore what you will be doing involves body and soul and less use of mind. Things like travelling with your friends and relatives; fun with your family and of course sleeping. What you need is to set goals. A goal lets you develop direction, focus and channelled energy, and we accomplish more in short time than we accomplish in years. Focus is like telling the world, “Watch out…here I come!” Relation of time

Morning- Afternoon- Evening Birth- Living- Death Beginning- Struggle- Progress ➢ Tool- anything used as a means of performing an operation or achieving an end. The crucial tool of success is The Self. The Self is the centre of operation. Take note of this thing called self: What is “the Self”? The innermost or secret, essence {spirit/heart} of a person or an individual distinguishing one person from another; The innermost part, consciousness, soul or spirit of a person; The inner being that one is. One’s own interests, welfare or advantage; the personal identity or the essential human aspect that give “personhood”. To understand and then discover the innermost essence of a person or an individual, let us examine a Human Being and his/her constituents’ parts. A Human Being is a combination of 3 Beings or parts. 1. Physical Being – this is the natural body. It uses and is moved by five senses, referred to as “common sense”. It is the focus of biology as a subject. It uses or is guided by character or basic behaviour. It is involuntary. The physical body is material centre of the Physical Being and it is earthly. This is the level of the beast kingdom. With this alone, a Human Being is like an animal. 2. Mental Being – this is the Physical Being to whom one has added intelligence. Is given form by being the occupancy in the Physical Body. Uses reason and voluntarily. It accepts or rejects the impressions of the Physical Being and the environment by rationalising and smart. This is developed by education and is the subject of study of psychology. The brain is the centre of the Mental Being. Mind is the static energy and thought is the dynamic energy, mind in motion, two phases of the same thing. Therefore this is the world within, world of thought, feeling and power; of light, beauty and life, although invisible its forces are mighty. Mind governs all these invisible forces. In order to express life there should be mind and nothing will exist without mind. Mind is the creator and it operates through the law of attraction, natural laws of growth and psychological laws. 3. Cosmic/Spiritual Being – when the Physical and Mental Beings are well developed and balanced, there is ‘something’ that is deeply thoughtful that connects the two. It controls the Mental Being, which in turn controls the Physical Being. That ‘something’ is the beginning of the everlasting and unlimited Truth about a Human Being. Therefore the spirit of a thing is that thing; the spirit of you is you and without spirit you are nothing. The solution to every problem is to apply Spiritual or scientific Truth. What is scientific thinking? It is the appreciation of the creative nature of spiritual energy and our ability to control it. It requires discovery through selfrealization, which is knowledge based on experience. These are three basic parts or modes of consciousness a complete Human Being to create the processes of doing (Physical Body); thinking (Mind/Intellect); and feeling and sensations (Spirit). A complete Human Being should have the Body, Mind and

Spirit/Soul. These are the sources of processes of Thinking, Action; and Character and are the origins of concentration. Using straight lines: The Physical Being is at a Material Plane, i.e. horizontal: The second level is higher than the material plane, but joined:

The third level is the joining of the two, the lower and the higher planes. Complete Triangle A triangle is thus a symbol of the combination of a Human Being as a whole and a complete unit. “Don’t let the Self overpower you, instead of you to get the better of it severely”.

Complete Man On Operation.

If you have peace of mind that is freedom of thought and freedom of responsibility you will reach your desired destination. Nothing is beyond human knowledge. To be successful is not a matter of environment. They are rich and poor people in business industry. So what matters? The ownership of money and property comes as a result of doing things in a certain way. Like causes results to like effects. Have time to dig in the mine called soul and you will begin to notice that you are the master of your own thoughts and you are the only shaper or builder of your destiny no one else. Jesus once said; “Seek and you shall find and knock and shall be opened for you”. Do not hesitate to seek knowledge. In the book of Amos it is written “Seek good and not evil that you may leave”. Along the way of success there are obstacles which let you quit? There are of course but; never quit on something that you have thought; desired and determined. After quitting you will realise that; “I stopped just three feet from gold”. A quitter never wins and a winner never quits. When riches start to come to you, they come in great abundance such that you begin to wonder. It does not take money to make money. According Robert Kiyosaki in his book Rich Kid Smart Kid, “I want people to know that they have power and the ability to have all the money they want…if they want it. The power is not found outside them. The power is found in their ideas”. Poor people are poor because they have poor ideas about money. Money will not serve the mind that cannot match it. Is this the reason why you call it evil? Therefore it is true that it takes your own way of thinking to make money. The richest people in this world are Jews and they are of the opinion that wealth is good. According to the New Testament, the Christian world has, at best, an uncertain attitude toward money and wealth: "Easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God." (Matthew 19:24, Luke 18:25, Mark 10:25) "You cannot serve God and wealth." (Luke 16:13) "If we have food and clothing, we will be content with these. But

those who want to be rich fall into temptation and are trapped by many senseless and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction." (Timothy 6:8-9) "For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil." (Timothy 6:10). For Jews, on the other hand, wealth is a good thing, a worthy and respectable goal to strive toward. What's more, once you earn it, it is tragic to lose it. Judaism has never considered poverty a virtue. The first Jews were not poor. The Jewish founding fathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, were blessed with cattle and land in abundance. Asceticism and self-denial are not Jewish ideals. With your financial house in order, it is easier to pursue your spiritual life: "Where there is no flour, there is no Bible." The Mishna (a collection of books that outline the detailed laws for daily Jewish living) "Poverty causes transgression." (Hasidic folk saying) "Poverty in a man's house is worse than fifty plagues." This is according to Talmud, a collection of books of rabbinical commentary on the Old Testament. It is not a matter of profession to be successful than the next person. So what matters? All achievements; whether in business, intellectual, or spiritual world, are the result of directed thought. Despite the fact that; you have been used to do with wrong thoughts; what is interesting is that; it is possible to throw away what is cynical or uncertain or doubtful and replace with pure thinking. Understand that you have the creative power no matter where you are right now. You can do it from your current position. The fact remains that if your thought is powerful, constructive, and positive, this will be evidently in the state of your health, your business and your environment; if your thought is weak, critical, destructive and negative generally, it will manifest in your body as fear, worry and nervousness, in your finance as lack and limitation, and in harsh conditions in your environment. The nature responds to our specific needs, if you use the crucial tool and crucial resource wisely. Nature provides you with anything and it will never fall short of resource. Hence it is up to you to be creative about nature and taking care of what you have created- a balance between creator and a steward or supervisor. Refrain for what you know as impossible. This means that; it is a weakness to know, “it will not work rules and it cannot be done”. Again it is a weakness to think like everyone. This means that; think in the same way as the rich do if you want to be rich like them. Develop habits of Think and Grow Rich: Note down the name of newspapers they like most and; take note of their favourite sections and; go through the same sections {their favourite are money/business sections} and be attentive to their type of language. In that way you began to grow rich even in your vocabulary and numbers. How does one execute well and get good at it? You need to focus time and resources on the “core activities” necessary for achievement. There are always more things to do than there are time and resources available to do them. Go for the “high impact” activities. You must hold yourself accountable to deadlines and adjust tasks accordingly. Slipping deadline are a symptom of poor execution and a lack of discipline. Set realistic deadlines and then monitor progress and make timely decisions to ensure they are met. You need to surround yourself with people, experience, and expertise. Well trained experienced people know how to get the job done effectively. Inexperienced or non-trained people will simply not be as effective. With training they can be developed over time. People who experiment and learn become experienced executors. Consciously pay attention to the small details of the core activities.

Principles of Achievement .1. Desire- is to know what you want. It is a wish of or want. It should be definite; dedicated and reality desire. Desire backed by faith is the starting point of all achievement. For example they are steps of financial desire: Fix in your mind the exact money that you desire. Be crystal-clear {definite}. Determine what you want to give in return for the money you desire {dedication}. Establish a definite date {time} when you intend to possess the money you desire. Create a definite plan for carrying out your desire, and begin at once whether you are ready or not, to put this plan into action {realism}. By following these steps you will become financially powerful. 2. Faith- is an unshakeable belief. It is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. It is state of mind that can be created- It is created in mind, and what you believe come true. Therefore, Faith is voluntarily. Faith is also a starting point of all accumulation of riches. Faith is the bases of all “miracles” and all mysteries and cannot be analyzed by science or religion but by mental attitude. Faith removes limitations and gives courage and endurance, and will develop the power of concentration. 3. The conscious mind and the subconscious mind {two modes of mental activity} This is the way of communication between conscious thought {awareness of one’s thought} and subconscious which serves as the seat for an action {unconscious, unaware of one’s actions}. This is the seat or field where all thoughts, plans and ideas are recorded and are then recalled later. The process is done day and night. Subconscious mind never sleeps at all like does your heart and your blood. It cannot be entirely controlled but, one can set his/her desire in it and push that desire to an achievement. Subconscious mind is freely directed whether you make an effort to influence it or not. Any chances of negative thinking will destroy your constructive mind. Therefore by literally following the Bible or Koran you are doomed for real. Those who pray after everything has failed will be filled with the emotions of fear and doubt. Above all, you cannot entertain weak, harmful and negative thoughts ten hours a day and expect to bring about beautiful, harmonious and strong conditions. I asked my aunt how many hours do they spend in church and she said, “We usually start at 9 am until the sunset”. She declared with total confidence such that, she felt like outclassing other churches “Oh Shame!” The following is an unseen and all-powerful element, thus it was personalised and given the name GOD. This is the Conscious mind which can either reject or accept a thought. Conscious mind take information and analyse that information whether to take it or not. Therefore the outward and changeable power has been termed “conscious mind” or “objective mind” {dealing with outward objects} and the interior power is called “subconscious mind” or “subjective mind” and besides its work on the mental plane it controls physical body regularly. Conscious mind is therefore the “watchman at the gate” of the great hall called subconscious mind. Human’s mind and the Great Architect’s mind are similar in quality or excellence; the difference is on the quantity or amount. Poverty consciousness will voluntarily seize the mind which is not occupied by money consciousness. Money will not serve the mind that cannot match it. Is this the reason why you call it evil? Therefore if subconscious accepts what is wrong; everything will go wrong. To think correctly is therefore to enter in the “Secret place

of the most high”. Conscious intelligence is not being exercised this explains why the majority are in poverty. Feed the conscious mind with subject of Creative and not of Destructive {fear, worry, poverty, and inharmony} so that when it reaches subconscious mind it will be always perfect and productive. However the subconscious mind should be well mixed with positive emotions or feelings. To overcome what is wrong in our subconscious mind, is to use strong counter suggestion which results to a new life and new habits. Attention or concentration is also a deal to overcome any obstacle, to acquire this power is to practice, practice makes perfect. To conquer over darkness use light and to conquer evil go for good. A man is being “Born again here, I AM BORN AGAIN”. Truth will remain the truth, no matter what!!! 4. Specialised knowledge. Knowledge can be briefly defined as being familiarity with true facts. When this Knowledge is specialised it therefore mean devotion of oneself to apply things that are known at practical level and this lead to experience. Spiritual being operates with this experience. Knowledge will never attract money but if applied correctly to an idea, plan and purpose it will work effectively. However it is true that, knowledge is acquired by education but, what is education? According Latin the word comes from “educare” which means to educe, to draw out the genius that the child is born with or develop within. Knowledge should develop you gradually, and before you desired something; first know what it is. Never stop to acquire specialised knowledge which is related to your purpose; business or profession- this will never be taught at school, do it for own benefit. May someone give credit to this reality. 5. Imagination or mind’s eye. It is literally called human workshop. Man has developed through imagination. Synthetic or artificial imagination-With this, one gathers old ideas, plans or facts into new combinations. This faculty creates nothing. Creative or Constructive imagination -The finite mind {mind with limitations} communicates well with infinite intelligence {mind without limitations}. This is mental labour; hence it is different from day dreaming. This is where hunch or guess {intuitive feeling} and inspirations take place. Man can go as far as he/she desires. Make your image clear and beautiful and do not be afraid. Limitations are set in one’s mind. No one will set the limitations against you but, you. However what you need is to work, to labour, in fact mental labour, to get the work done. Ideas are critical to human’s success because, behind ideas there is desire. Company by the name Coca- Cola was created from imagination. It is an effect, yes an effect. Very few know that, everything that we see are only effects. Wealth is the product of man's capacity to think. If you are a good scientific observer you will see the accurate picture this truth. 6. Organised Planning. How to build plans that are practical? Friendship with a creative or inspired group. Know how much you will pay to have an alliance. Some need compensation from you. Meeting with your group {social clubs} is essential and meet at least twice a week. Always reach a point of agreement with each member {that is harmony}. Constructive thoughts should be always harmonious. To be successful, your plans should be faultless. Members should show experience, education and imagination. As a result everyone has the opportunity to approve what you have planned. If plan “A” fails, try plan “B”, until you find the one which works. 7. Decision

This is an act of reaching a judgement or conclusion in one’s mind. Be quick to make definite decisions and slow to change them. Majority fail to acquire riches because they listen to “gossiping” of neighbours or the media hence quick to change definite decisions. If you have your own desire, how come people around you are “thinking for you” .They are pushing you around so that, you could adopt their opinions. What is this now? So seek for better mentors to answer your questions. Seek the advice from your alliance. Do not quit seeking knowledge. Procrastination is the opposite of decision and waste of time. Therefore one should conquer procrastination. Nothing can stop you from making wise decisions. Open eyes and ears, and closed mouth are the first and wise decisions to make. The very moment you open your mouth to talk, someone with abundance of knowledge will know exactly the stock of your knowledge. Hence a proverb, “Speech is silver and silence is gold”. “Deeds and not words count most”. When you are silent it therefore means that you are doing something visible, constructive and practical. 8. Persistence or determination. Is an act of continuation in spite of, the hostility. It has to do with will power i.e. the ability to control oneself and desire. The majority of us fail because of lack of persistence and the minority do well because they persist. If you are lacking persistence it means you have weak desire. Therefore, strengthen your desire first, for is the preliminary point of all achievement. Be persistent no matter how slow you are, because this is where success is. With persistence you see defeat as temporary and not permanent. Four steps of Persistent: ➢ Definite purpose backed by burning desire. ➢ Definite plan expressed in continuous action. ➢ A mind closed tightly to negative thinking. ➢ A friendly alliance with one or more person who encourage one another to follow plan and purpose. This will lead you to financial freedom and freedom of thought. Thought will lead to action, action to methods, methods will develop friends or alliances, and friends will bring about circumstances. 9. The power of master-mind. Power is the ability or capacity to do something. Power can also be defined as “organised and intelligently directed knowledge”. Plans and ideas are useless without power. We cannot express the power that we do not possess. To secure possession of power is to become conscious of power, and we can never become conscious of power until we learn that the power is within. Master- mind is to plan and direct. A master- mind is someone of great intelligence .It can also be defined as a coordination of knowledge {man’s ability to think} and effort in the spirit of harmony between two or more people. It is in the master mind that real things are created and it is through imagination that the work is done. Man’s mind is the root of all the goods produced and of all the wealth that has ever existed on earth. Hence it is mentioned, Man has “dominion over all things” this dominion or power is established through the mind. When you begin to observe that the essence or spirit of the Universal is within yourself -- is you -- you begin to do things; you begin to feel your power; it is the fuel which fires the imagination; which lights the torch of inspiration; which gives vitality to thought; which enables you to connect with all the invisible forces of the Universe. It is this power which will enable you to plan fearlessly, to execute masterfully. After

you have recognised this; this is the moment you feel the “Kingdom of Heaven” which is “within us”. 10. Mystery of sex. For one to be successful should change attitude or character or habits. Sex is a physical thing. It operates on basic level. Thus the majority of Africans concentrate on primitive creation that is of bearing hundreds of children like animals. Therefore one cannot deny that when a man is operating on this level he/she is operating like a beast, incomplete triangle, and incomplete human being. It is of course true that sex desires are powerful in humans. Despite this fact it also a fact that, sex is inborn and it is natural, it is also a piece of evidence that sex redirects your plans, ideas and efforts. Thus over indulgence in sex expression habits may be destructive. Sexual over indulgence may not only destroy reason and will power but may either cause temporary or permanent madness or mental illness. So, it needs the change of one's character and by transmutation, you give it passage to go out of your Central Nervous System. Then when it is well harnessed and transmuted into action rather than of physical expression, may raise someone to status of genius or mastermind. The emotion of sex is a virtue only if used wisely. When a man is driven by desire to please a woman based on sex emotions, a man may be and usually is capable of great achievement but his actions may be distorted, destructive and disorganised. When his motives are to please woman to have sex then, man may steal, cheat or even commit murder. When the emotion of Love is mixed with the emotion of Sex that same man will guide his actions with more wisdom or good sense, balance and reason. What does this mean? Sex change is easy and simple as explained above. This is true. 11. The Brain. It is the coordinating; controlling; and the central part of the nervous system. It is the seat of memory, thoughts and emotions. It is the broadcasting and receiving station for thought. To broadcast, you use subconscious mind, creative or constructive imagination and auto-suggestion. When you put this into action, desire is the first thing you feel. However these are unseen or intangible forces, but every Human has the power to control them. Force of gravity is intangible as well, but through the human intelligence and potential it is controllable. Neil Armstrong and his colleagues are the significant figures in history who managed to have power over this force, force of gravity, thus, they reached the moon and right now the moon is the playing ground of astronauts. 12. Insight/just around the corner. Insight must be exercised so that the thought which we entertain contains no mental, moral or physical germ which we do not wish objectified in our lives. Insight is a faculty of the mind whereby we are enabled to examine facts and conditions at long range, a kind of human telescope; it enables us to understand the difficulties, as well as the possibilities, in any undertaking. Insight enables us to be prepared for the obstacles which we shall meet; we can therefore overcome them before they have any opportunity of causing difficulty. Insight enables us to plan to our advantage and turn our thought and attention in the right direction, instead of into channels which can yield no possible return. Insight is therefore absolutely essential for the development of any great achievement, but with it we may enter, explore and possess any mental field. Insight is therefore the sixth sense, it is the intuition which one can rely on and avoid relying on reason. Can one describe these well explained facts as true or false?

CELINE DION SONG “I AM ALIVE” is one of my favourite songs. The song goes with following lyrics: Mmmm mmm-m I can’t wait to fly Ooohhh AM ALIVE Eeehh When you call on me, when I hear you breathe I can’t wait to fly I feel that I m alive When you look at me I can touch the sky I know that m alive Uuuuu

Ooooohh AAhhh

When you bless the day-y-y

I just drift a-away

O my worth is that, I am glad that I m alive

If you set the hut on fire, feel me with love make me woman I got you there Eheee I couldn’t get much higher My spirit takes fl-y—y-y because m alive

Oooohh WHEN YOU call lonely *2 CHORUS When I hear you breath*2 I can’t wait to fly I feel that m alive Aar m ma aliv-e-e When you reach 4 me*2 There is a spirit inside that knows that: That I will be the one standing by thru good and thru trying tranche And it’s only because I can’t wait thru the rest of my li-if-fe!!!!!!!! “AM alive”

Yves Larock. Another singer called Yves Larock sang a wonderful and so touching song called “MY DREAM IS TO FLY”. It includes the message of his dream to fly over the rainbow so high. He goes on to say rise up and avoid falling down again. He ends up by saying if you want to fly over the rainbow, the only direction is the sky and there is no another direction.

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