mis of of mis of ,;:qrvicq as fh.e.,!,!!ount even thouqh shown as received from m/s creative polvpack l td. was mentioned in the accountinq head as "manaqement fees_ 80th the comoanies are under the common manaqement and ownership, hence several facilities are provided by m/s aoarana paper processim; industry ip) ltd. pondicherry to m/s creative poly pack l tel, calcutta charqes were levied uljon m/s creative nd the polvpack l td.at the vear (md to el7s;u_ equitable dis;tributiol7 of profit amonqst the qrouo comoanies. the charc/es shown in to the orofit and loss account as received and the charg"es were not recovered as consideration for provldinq anv consultancv." 0001-
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only) 09.05.2006 of 09.05.2006 of