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It isn’t a bad thing to want to know how I created the World and yet, when it comes down to it, it all remains a matter of faith and what you or they are willing to put faith in: whether it be Me, My Word and the supernatural, or the finite reasoning of man. You’ve got to have some kind of contrast against which you can see the light. It works like this in many other aspects of My creation. Independence from Me is as if the Earth would declare its independence from the sun & drift off into space. I’ve written it all over My handiwork: ‘you need Me, you can’t do without Me any more than a fish can do without water, a plant can do without light, no more than you can live without air: without Me, you can do nothing!’ With all their knowledge about the intricacy of My creation, of how complex everything is, they still refuse to accept Me, just because that would be ‘too simple’... I am the Great ANYHOW! My specialty is to do things in spite of the unfavorable circumstances & against all odds. The very existence of life is a proof of that. I am He Who creates something out of nothing; in fact, everything. There is always an upgrade & an improvement on each of My creations in the physical! Everything down there, on Earth, is only a shadow of a heavenly reality... an image of something greater to come. The drawing power, the suction, the empty space you create in you for Me to fill is the way to happiness & fulfillment. I can answer every question if you’ll but ask, solve every problem you put Me in charge of, fill any need & empty space you open for Me! All nature is full of examples of this principle: Every creature seeks her mate to unite with, so together they can bear fruit. Everything is a sample of how My love, My heart seeks you & yearns for union with you. Most people never even acknowledge My presence nor existence at all, blatantly denying the possibility of My existence in spite of the plain evidence all over My creation. Imagine your children just simply refusing to acknowledge your very existence! – ‘No, I’ve got no father! – I simply came into being by an unplanned, random process called evolution...’ If you think you have reasons to be frustrated sometimes, all I can say is ‘Welcome to the club!’ Every day is an intricate new creation of Mine, full of many planned & coordinated processes, innumerable activities behind the scenes... When there’s a need, it creates a vacuum. It’s like the darkness that cries for the light, the cold that longs for My warmth, the question that waits for My answer, the problem which yearns for My solution. You think the Spirit realm has little to offer to the physical? The physical realm is only a product of the Spiritual. Everything you see, feel, touch, is a creation of the Spirit. ”God is a Spirit”, and just because ”spirit” to you means ”invisible”, you mentally restrict & minimize Our potential to near ”impotent”, instead of what it really is: omnipotent! Nobody's interested in their Creator, nor in finding out what He's got to say, they're all too enwrapped & busy with creation, trying to keep it functioning. They need to get back to their Maker & refer to the Manual or call the service hotline, but it won't even occur to them. Take a hint from Me, the Creator of all things, and Master of precision: you'll get more done, and you'll do it a lot better, by not ignoring the little details! Details are important! Tiny little herbs & spices can completely change the entire flavor of a big meal. Tiny little strokes & touches make the big picture come to life. Tiny little thoughts gear the actions of people, big & small, and tiny little words can make the difference between life & death... Tiny little atoms & molecules, the building blocks of the entire, gigantic universe... Tiny little sperms & egg cells uniting into a new human being, consisting of innumerable more little cells. To Me, every little detail matters. Every little hair on your head, every little sparrow, every little word you say. Even all of eternity consists of tiny little moments, as does the ocean, of tiny little drops... One of these days you'll just see how much I am into details: every man & woman being faithful in doing just the tiny little thing they can do. Worship of creation isn't going to bring the same satisfaction and fulfillment as the worship of the Creator. The tale that there aren't any absolutes is just one of those poisonous lies of the Devil. Just because he put his own curse-resulting filter of "less-than-perfect" over My creation, in order to hide the perfect from man's view, doesn't mean there is no perfect!

Since man didn't want to whole-heartedly embrace the perfect, but rather chose the option of doing his own thing & be his own "perfect enough," I allowed life to be imperfect, with Me and the perfection of the Spirit World being invisible; in other words, with man groping around through life blind to all that's perfect. They're starting to see the mathematical impossibilities of all the perfection in creation to have occurred by itself. But it still doesn't cause many of them to stop & pause long enough to find out what I've got to say. As long as there are other things they're more interested in. How about you? How interested are you? The light and power of love are not exactly the same form of energy as electricity, but it's very much like it. Electricity is its physical counter part, and an illustration of the even greater, spiritual Power of God's Love. Things break. They deteriorate. They don't get better or improve by themselves, as the evolutionists claim. The only way to grow is in the spirit, because your natural man decreases. You have to sow to the immortal, the spirit. Nothing in this world lasts forever. In fact, time is running out. Your natural stature is diminishing, deteriorating. The only way you can actually gain something that will last is by giving away what I've given you. All of creation is connected and intertwined, the separations are only temporal. The term "blindness" really describes the human refusal to see just how much I am engaged in caring for My creation. Seek My mind, and My ways of seeing things: the beauty in the imperfect, in the humble and childlike, and escape the thinking of the carnal mind, which will only criticize, belittle and complain about all the innumerable little imperfections you see in My creation! Many people see the Devil in sex, just because he happens to use it. The question is, who created sex? Me or the Devil? I did. You can see Me in everything if you look hard enough. It's a greater weakness to see the Devil in everything than trying to portray Me and My story even if there are elements in your portrayal that the Devil uses, too! The Scribes & the Pharisees even saw the Devil in Me! They accused Me of being a devil, and so the modern Scribes & Pharisees of the churches accuse those with greater freedom than what they have, of the same. Open your eyes! There's so much more to see! Everywhere! In My creation, even in a simple story! The world is full of wonders! Blessed are they who see them! How miserable are those who see the Devil in everything! My story is everywhere! There are those who decry astrology & astronomy, when My Word clearly says that "the heavens declare the glory of God and the firmament showeth His handiwork... there is no speech nor language where their voice is not heard..." (Ps.19:1,3). You were thinking of the loss of information in micro-evolution, and remembered that you read in a news article that fruits and vegetables are not as nutritious anymore as they used to be. They may look better through all that genetic "enhancement" & manipulation, they may in some cases even taste better, but they actually aren't any better as far as nutritive value and health factors are concerned. And you were wondering how this coincides with people, how they actually seem to look better on the surface, almost as if to prove evolution right, but that they aren't any better when it comes to true and lasting values. They've actually lost a lot of quality & "information" when it comes to that. Although the best is yet to come in the world to come, as far as this momentary age is concerned, everything that has derived from the originals has deteriorated somewhat in the copying process. While some things seem to have gotten better on the surface, technology has improved, progressed & developed, & so have commodities, enabling people to live at much greater ease than ever before, which again enables them to put much greater emphasis on superficial things like their looks than ever before, which may give a certain appearance of genuine improvement; when it comes to a good, deep look beneath the surface, there is actually no genuine improvement of life there. As people are finding out: with all the devices they're inventing to save time, yet they always seem to be running out of time & seem to have less time than ever. That's why it pays to see things the way I see. That crummy looking root or vegetable your forefathers ate may have well been a much greater source of vitamins, minerals, & thus health and nutrients, than all that "too-good-to-be-true" almost plastic-like food they sell nowadays. And their hard and rough life-style may have rendered them greater genuine happiness than all of today's technology & gimmicks can give you. A lot of people may think that they are better than their forefathers, that they may have "evolved" & progressed, but an objective, un-biased look and comparison might tell a different story, in which many of those who have lived before would shake their heads at the arrogance of today's population, to actually

fall for such a gross deception to think that they have improved, when, according to lasting standards & values, it is rather plain that man has deteriorated. In all living organisms, there are good things that work toward the furtherance and enhancement and procreation of life, and there are negative things, which also have their time and purpose, such as bacteria & other parasites, which are present a-plenty in any body, and just show that there is a war to be fought. Those bacteria are not your actual enemy, but help to keep and make your body strong for the actual fight. The entrance of My Word giveth light, it creates the difference between that darkness of an empty & meaningless life and one that sees purpose and fulfillment in everything. Everything is orchestrated by Me, everything visible is only a physical result of some spiritual truth, and thus there is a plan behind it. I'm urging you to see the invisible cause of the visible more, to open up your spiritual eyes, the eyes of faith. If you see the physical as a result of the Spiritual, then it simply takes on a lot more meaning. You'll know that nothing is without guidance, nothing is by chance; it's all going somewhere, and thus you develop much greater faith and trust with which to walk through every day of your life, and which you can then impart to others, too. Every day should be a vast scope and canvas of opportunities for you, of things to learn, and things to pass on. It shouldn't ever just be a struggle for survival. The forces of gravity, speed and light, etc., are all parts of one great force, namely Mine, and you can avail yourself of it through prayer! There's a lot more detail to everything. It takes time to get an accurate picture of everything. I don't paint in black & white. My palette of colors is as infinite as My creation. There will never be a lack of surprises, of new discoveries, of new, unexpected twists and turns in events. You will never be able to say, "Now I know everything there is to know..." There will always be whole new worlds and dimensions to discover, new angles from which to see things, new additions to make your scope wider, which will burst your former limits. The Devil is so scared of you, fighting you like crazy because he knows he's going to lose victims out of his clutches of hell, and they're going to have heaven happening in their lives. That ingredient of heaven is like a poisonous, deadly virus to his kingdom, his system, his Matrix! It totally busts it! It's like what the Spring does to the snow! It breaks the cold spell of winter & just makes it all melt away, and everything becomes possible again: where there was only cold and grey, all of a sudden, life springs up again everywhere! You can be like that to those people! You can be like the sun of Spring to them! ‘Except a grain of wheat fall into the ground & die, it abideth alone... ’ On its own, the grain of wheat doesn’t do much good. And down there in the darkness it doesn’t see, feel or perceive much but its immediate surroundings: the earth & the worms, an occasional mole or bug. But if it absorbs the heat of My sunshine & the waters of My rain & lets its shell become soft, something inside starts growing, which finally wants to burst through the shell of your former confines. And that’s the moment when your old man dies to make room for something new, something greater than your former self. And as you grow steadily heavenward, finally you see the light & eventually find yourself side by side with many, countless other stalks of grain. Your roots intertwined with theirs, you sway & dance in the wind in unison, you’re not an individual entity anymore, alone – no, that lone self & former you has died – you’re one with the harvest now, ready to ‘bring forth much fruit’. Sometimes the solution consists in separating two factors so that we can get a closer look at them individually. Progress & growth comes by parting cells. In order to bring forth growth, the cell needs to divide & multiply. "Except a grain of wheat fall into the ground & die, it abideth alone. But if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit." So it is also with cells. The disintegration of things, the spreading of things, the partition of things, especially of living things, is one of the great secrets of life & of the universe. First 2 cells get together: the sperm & the egg. They unite as one & form a new entity. Then that has to part many times & develop into a new baby. For the baby to grow, you're going to have to do some splitting. Otherwise the baby will die. No new life that could have been. No joy brought to all those it would have touched. Just the sadness that death & stagnation brings. The smaller unit has to die in order to give way to a greater new unit... That's the secret & principle on which all living things are founded. Cell partition. Bringing forth new fruit is not a process that can be achieved in a rush. You don’t just pop a seed in the ground and ‘plop’ an new tree or plant stands there, but first the seed has to remain in the soil, be moistened & warmed, until its shell grows soft & breaks open. Then a tender shoot pokes out its tiny white tip at first, then it grows, and after a while you see the first tiny leaf on the surface. I specify in quality fruit. Quantity’s alright, but quality is better.

All these things from My hands: milk & honey. And yet, so many, so often take it for granted. They don’t see the myriads of miraculous processes needed in order to get these things to you: the precision in the exact right distance of the sun from the Earth in order for plants to grow... water... people never realize what a miracle water is. They just take it for granted & waste it, waste it, waste it... But soon, all this flow of blessings will come to an abrupt halt, & everything willfully wasted now will be willfully wanted then. Consider My heavenly light that source of energy you need in order for your spiritual flower to really come to full bloom & blossom into its full beauty! So far, you have felt its warmth & it has pulled you up above the ground from the depth of the cold, dark Earth; you have soaked in My water & rain, but now you must open up your petals fully & look fully into My wonderful face! Have you watered your little plants? Have you cared for your garden? Have you been faithfully sowing My seeds into their hearts? No ocean or mighty river without the tiny little drops of water, or the even tinier water molecules, and likewise, ”no greater love than this” without all the tiny little, but consistent & constant manifestations thereof. No babies without tiny little, invisible-to-the-naked-eye sperms & eggs, no body without tiny little cells... It’s the tiny little faithful actions & deeds of love that make Love the greatest thing in the universe. I created the animals to illustrate human behavior in many ways, but to base your knowledge about humans on the assumption that human behavior stems from the animals, is not exactly conducive to genuine wisdom, nor real solid knowledge about the human psyche. Unfortunately, by denying the true origin of the human spirit, man is often somewhat reduced to that animal state in which they believe they are in the first place, for "as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he." If he believes he is an animal, an animal he shall be. And the more people there are walking about, thinking they are animals, the more it seems to confirm that delusion. The "herd instinct," "Monkey see, monkey do." Although My signs are everywhere, and My handwriting is seen all over creation, it is only few who are able to see it. Only few are able to make out My path, because the majority choose to look out for other things. People primarily focus on the things they are interested in, and My still small voice of truth that promotes the path of humility is inaudible to the majority. Man was the master over creation and over the animal world, and when he turned from Me, he was leading his entire kingdom away from Me. The result was enmity. That's what the Enemy does, he sows enmity wherever he can: enmity between people, even hostility between brothers and sisters, enmity between animals, and enmity between man and animals. If you follow the Enemy and his way, you'll reap enmity. The reversal of that process is My way of friendship, of love, of peace, the original way, it's "back to the Garden." Back to the place where all is in harmony with each other, with its Creator. They way of union, of unity. The machinery of life is very delicate and intricate, and you wouldn't want to mess with certain factors, or you'll disturb and unravel the equilibrium of life. The secret of the beauty of creation lies in the exact proportions. Some folks think I just slapped things like air, water and earth together, nothing much to it; but each of them are very carefully concocted combinations of ingredients following strict measurements and an exact balance, otherwise the result wouldn't have been the same. The sun is a very good illustration of what each of you can be: either a source of life, or a scourge. It all depends on the right balance, and whether you agree to make sure to always abide by My rules and parameters: the exact distance and timing I have laid down for earth's rotations both around its own axis and around the sun, etc. You are My stars. You're the stars of My show, and you become, bringers of life in this world, sources of words of wisdom and the pivots on which hinges the equilibrium of all, without which there would be a false balance which would cause everything to collapse. Once you've become a sun, you don't revolve around them anymore, your path isn't dictated by their rules anymore, or whatever circumstances they dictate on you, but you become the pivot around which things revolve, you determine the rules and the course of events. Pressure is one of the physical forces in the universe that get things moving, and without pressure, there's stagnation. There are 2 sides to nearly everything. There is a good and a bad side to even all apparently bad things, as well as to seemingly purely good things. That's one of the side effects of the curse, that everything has a

shadow side to it, a dark side. Even sunshine: you get too much of it, and it can ruin the crops, or your health, and cause whole lakes to evaporate... Chalk it up to the great party pooper of all times to see to it that even the most perfect aspects of My creation have some drawback to it, a result of the curse. Even water, as necessary it is to make all life possible, can also drown you and bring death. Too much air can pop the balloon or - in the form of a storm - tear down your house. It's one of the mysteries of creation: the dual nature of things. No wonder some folks cooked up the Yin and Yang philosophy, because that dual nature and coexistence of good and evil seems to be prevalent and permeate all of creation. What they don't see is that it is a result of the curse which man's choice to believe Satan, rather than obeying Me, has brought into the world, and that this may be the nature of things presently, and temporarily, but it is not the order of things according to My eternal laws. The darker side of things is programmed for elimination, as impossible as that may sound to the carnal mind. We have to strengthen and fortify the cell from its core, before you can consider cell partition, multiplication and growth. You've got to establish and make sure you've got a healthy cell and unit first, before you're thinking of making that organism grow. There is such a thing as "natural selection," only that nature itself doesn't do the selecting, I do. Of course, I've got oodles of helpers to join Me in that endeavor, which aren't recognized by scientists, because they can't see'em, and so, because they can't see what's going on, they accredit it all to "nature." They don't recognize that nature has a Source. They don't realize that there's more to nature than meets the eye, because of the invisible, driving and creative force behind nature. Those scientists have been looking for signs of intelligence in outer space, when the vastest source of intelligence was to be discovered right at home, on the level of the tiniest living unit known to man. There's a time for everything under the sun, and the time for exploring the universe hasn't really arrived yet before you've explored your own little universe at home. There is a certain order required at every basic level of the universe, and at the basis of every smallest unit, in order for things to work. If you just allow them to decay and deteriorate, there won't be progress, but regress; you'll fall behind instead of making headway. You will have to take care of things in order for them to continue to develop in a positive, favorable and progressive way. If you neglect them, there'll be chaos, no order, and things will fall apart. Energy plus matter plus information makes life possible. You've got the matter, but then you've got to invest some energy in a well-planned, organized, intelligent way, otherwise there will be no new life, just a slow decay of the old. You've got to look at Me first! Without looking at Me first, there's no use looking anywhere else, because all you'll see will only drag you down. So, come & have a good, long look at Me! All those scientists looking at creation without Me on their minds stare out into space and figure that the earth must only be one random, coincidental little planet among the vastness and diversity of the sea of stars and planets. They look at "the evidence" on earth and figure it all must be millions of years old. What comes out is a worldview of vast, endless nothingness and meaninglessness: no plan, no Planner; no purpose, because there is no purpose Giver. If your focus is primarily on Me, you'll look at the dinosaurs and won't see "millions of years," and out into space and won't see the earth as a random speck of dust, but you'll see My hand in it all. Sure, you may be tempted to wonder, "Lord, what on earth did You make dinosaurs for?" But you'll reach the conclusion that like everything, I have also made them to illustrate certain things: some people are like huge, greedy monsters, devouring everything in their path. Some of those giants are peaceful and slothful, and yet can be dangerous, simply because of their weight and size. My whole creation is full of drastic differences in size, and just because some things are way bigger than you are, or some stars are way bigger than your planet, doesn't make you or earth less relevant. Let it teach you that size isn't everything! What makes you really precious is what you're made of. A huge piece of rock or mountain may be impressive, but still not be worth as much as a fraction of its weight and size in gold. It's all about finding the true treasures among the vast rocks in this life. People are always impressed by size, neglecting the beauty and importance of little things and thus coming to wrong and erroneous conclusions. More is sometimes less. A tiny diamond is more valuable than a ton of rocks. Are you smart enough to spot the true treasures in life among all the impressive, but often worthless big and huge things? The genetic information for any complete life-form is already there in its simplest state. Although the outward appearance may change over time, the essence, the gist, the information in its genes, does not change. The “genetic code” of God, so to speak, is permanently good and reliable, nothing can change about that, which is the essence of the message, “I, the Lord, change not.” You can count on Him, trust in Him. He’s not going to turn bad on you. With Him, it can only get better.

My creation is all else but uniform; otherwise I would have restricted Myself to a lot less variety in species and kinds. The abundance in variety in My creation ought to give you a glimpse of the liberty I want to give You, My children, My crowning creation, to be whoever you want to be, and whatever I have put in your hearts to be, regardless of how far it may veer from the mainstream, as long as you stick to My general rules and codecs of the Law of love. Plugged in to Me, you are strong, because then we are together, and it’s not you functioning on your own anymore, as a separate little entity, but you’re plugged in to My circuit, a part of My gigantic, universal network, the network of My “single spoken sentence,” (“uni-verse”) where I utter a phrase and it is done, My creation magic. Everything that is alive breathes Me in and out, and I, in return, in- and exhale you, all of My creation. It’s a supernatural, and yet “natural” process in the spirit world, comparable to the process of photosynthesis in the natural world. To disrespect My creation is to disrespect Me. Some of the “laws of nature” that are in place today were not part of the original equation. But since death entered through disobedience, things naturally tend to decay. Things are getting worse, not better, and that process isn’t going to be reversed until I return to restore things to the way they were before… The right choice to make is to accept Me, to integrate and include Me, and to acknowledge Me, to seek Me in My Creation. Things in this world deteriorate and fall apart… They don’t improve, as the evolutionists claim. That’s one of the qualities of this world, and Satan is trying to create an appearance of the opposite, by creating artificial enhancements on the surface, that create the illusion of improvement, while the real body underneath keeps deteriorating and slowly rotting away. I’m literally having to allow this world to die in order for it to become desperate enough to finally accept and welcome My return to reclaim My own. Things are a little more complicated, a whole lot less transparent and clear than man would have it, which also makes it a little harder for him to believe how a God in His right mind could have ever created such a seemingly chaotic world. Because how carefully designed and how intricately it is truly organized only appears upon second or third glance. The universe is made in such a way that it cannot all be figured out easily upon first glance, analyzed and wrapped up in a single formula, and then to be said of: “Here, this is it. All you’ve got to know. Nothing more to find out…” It takes a bit of a greater effort to figure it all out than even today’s advanced scientists have managed. They’re wracking their brains on that challenge to outsmart God, to show that they could either do without Him or outsmart Him, and that’s in a way precisely why it is a bit more complicated than some would have it. It’s a constant testimony to the fact that it’s not all that easy to outsmart God, and that a Genius has been at work here; a Master Mind indeed, and well, if you want to try to beat Him at His own game, good luck! The moon revolves around the earth, while the earth revolves around the sun, which is the source of its light and life, and also for the moon, and is immensely bigger than both, earth and moon. So am I to you. The moon is necessary to keep you stable, but it is I Who provide you with light and life and warmth. The sun definitely plays a bigger role in earth’s life and survival than the moon, even though the moon is also necessary and indispensable. It is the sun you derive your nutrition and energy from, and when it comes to Me, your spiritual Sun, I also regulate everything else, the forces that keep your spiritual universe in order, along with the physical forces control the universe. The more you establish the importance of your revolving around Me, your Sun, the more stable you will be as a factor for their lives to revolve around. It’s the order of the universe, symbolic of spiritual laws that govern the World that for you right now remains unseen.

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