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Craig Doughty: Concentration on Central America Proposal

Migration LLC. Concentration on Central America Proposal Craig Doughty 12/9/2018

Craig Doughty: Concentration on Central America Proposal

To: Migration LLC Employees From: Craig Doughty Date: December 4th, 2018 Subject: Proposal

Hello Employees of Migration LLC.,

The idea of Migration LLC. comes from our Mission statement. The Mission of Migration LLC. is to help people in need no matter, who, what, and where they are. The values we share can be shared with any individual who wants to enter the United States of America. In details, we want to expand our project of helping people gain access to our wonderful services to Central America. Migration LLC. believes that our values and goals can be met by the wonderful individuals and families of Central America.

Executive Summary

Over the years, there has been an issue with immigration with the United States of America. With politics bickering about the process of immigration, it has become harder to have families who have suffered through economic turmoil, unsafe extortion of their political system, and gang violence to overcome the adversity to immigrate here to the United States in a safe manner. We will begin the process with a social media campaign. There has been an overall negative connotation of immigrants that what to immigrate safely across to the United States. This negativity has provided an ill effect to the mental state of our future clients. The hope of Migration LLC. is to use commercials and advertisements featuring our clients to emphasize the values of our company. With the emphasis with our social media campaign, Migration LLC. will set up a home office in Mexico City. Mexicans make up most of the population of immigrants in our country. We will provide the work of in-house employees who are fluent in Spanish to help in providing extensive background checks for our future clients. With the help of our social media campaign, the new location of our Mexico City office, and a concentrated effort in the central American region we can help families overcome the prolonged wait of the American immigration system to our system of vetting and representing families that will carry our mission statement. Research on this project was done with sourcing peer reviewed articles. These articles were written by the American Psychologist Association, The Independent Review, the ILR Review, and the Journal of Latina/o Psychology.

Craig Doughty: Concentration on Central America Proposal

This report covers the following questions: (1) The Psychological impact on immigrants to inform or social media campaign for the Central American area. (2) The aspects and operations of our social media campaign run by our Marketing Department. (3) Lastly, the new operations base in Mexico City, Mexico and how that will impact our sales in the next quarter.

(1) The Psychological impact on immigrants

In recent events on social media, there has been a negative connotation of immigrants trying to gain legal status in the United States. This has caused a negative effect on potential clients or even current clients living in the United States, “31% of Latino/a people reported personal experiences with discrimination and 82% reported that discrimination is hindering the success of Latino/a people in society today. Discrimination can manifest itself in perceptions of personal experiences, social attitudes, ethnic group barriers (Brittian, Toomey, Gonzales, & Dumka, 2013), and microaggressions (Huynh, 2012). These experiences have been found to be linked to lower self-esteem, internalizing symptoms, and problem behaviors among Mexican-origin youth (Zeiders, Umaña-Taylor, & Derlan, 2013) and nonimmigrants.” (Torres, S. A. & et all). Due to these negative connotation of immigrants, Migration LLC. will develop a campaign to target Americans who developed this negative thought process. This social media will help bolster support of the mission statement Migration LLC. wants to accomplish Through this campaign would like to detail why we are targeting Central America through this campaign. We will use stats given to us by the Journal Latino/a that state 29.8% of trauma has happened with immigrants trying to come immigrate across the border (de Arellano, M. A., & et all). This will detail how important it is for the impression of these immigrant families that want to come across the border to change. Especially the youth who are the most affected by this negativity, “In one of the few studies to compare trauma exposure among immigrants and nonimmigrants, McLaughlin and colleagues (2013) found that immigrant youth from various racial or ethnic backgrounds experience most types of traumatic events at approximately equal rates relative to U.S.-born youth” (de Arellano, M. A., & et all 161). These effects need to be informed to the public of the United states of America. It would be in Migration LLC.’s best interest to have these sorts of statistics in our campaign. This will enhance our mission statement for what we are trying to overcome in our campaign.

(2) Social Media Campaign

The idea for this social media campaign for Migration LLC. is to present the positivity of immigrants in Central America to come across the border. The positive effect can be told with how immigrants can present an economic positive for the United States of America,” The

Craig Doughty: Concentration on Central America Proposal

Mexicans with secondary schooling that remained behind largely benefitted from that emigration in that their skills were more scarce and hence able to draw a higher price. For countries such as Benin for which there has been a real brain drain, i.e., large-scale emigration tilted towards the most educated, the highly-educated that have remained also saw an increase in their wages and earnings. (William Carrington 34). The positive of a diverse pool in the labor market will encourage our clientele to Migration LLC due to a positive social media campaign. Migration LLC. wants to contribute to society a more diverse workforce. This will also engage other companies to partner with us to give immigrants a faster way to citizenship. The Marketing department for Migration LLC will oversee this endeavor of finding the right candidate to convey this message. One type of suggestion would be famous actor Guillermo Del Toro who would give us a popular message to the Immigrants of Central America. Del Toro was born October 9, 1964 in Guadalajara Jalisco, Mexico (IMDB). With his heritage and culture being Mexican, Del Toro would be the perfect candidate to preach about the American dream for the positive message on what we want to deliver to the American public. The bulk of this advertising will be promoted on twitter, “The reason could be that a fit between the engagement dimensions of a platform and its embedded advertising is more likely to translate into advertising that caters to consumers’ needs when experiencing a certain platform, at least if an ad is not ignored or avoided. For example, if Twitter is experienced as a platform that gives consumers useful information and assures they are up to date, advertising on Twitter may also need to give consumers useful and up-to-date information to be appreciated” (Voorveld, H. A. M & et all 42). Migration LLC. want to have our message have the most effect on the platform everyone uses for information. The Marketing team will have an amount of this advertising fees in their next coming meeting.

(3) Office in Mexico City

With our concentration of Central America, Migration LLC. wants to move an office to Mexico City. This is because Immigration in the United States have increased to about 700,000 from about 40 years ago (Whaples 325). They are more and more immigrants trying to come across the to the United States each year. It makes sense to set up an office in Mexico City for half of the unauthorized workers that come to the United States come from Mexico (Maria Lorena Cook & et all 808). This type of activity can be reduced if our services can be offered at this location. This can come across as a positive to both political party. Whaples makes a good argument about the change in immigration from the United States will increase economically, “Once the immigrants count in the calculus, the net gain of immigration to the United States is truly massive—about $2 trillion a year” (326). Migration LLC. can take advantage of this market by constructing offices and allocating resources within the area. These costs could be upwards towards the 700 to 800 thousand dollars a year with incentives for bonuses. Offices will coordinate with our data centers situated in Tucson. Migration LLC. will accomplish its mission statement by providing service to families that are in need.

Craig Doughty: Concentration on Central America Proposal

Recommendations and Potential Outcomes.

The recommendation for these plans is to have them implemented early next quarter. Migration LLC. would provide press conferences to help detail this plan with the public. The goal is to have good press for our proposal to have it set in motion. Articles will give Migration LLC. exposure to what we want our mission statement to mean to the people of Mexico City. As soon as the press conference is over we will implement our advertisement video all over Twitter. This will provide more positive coverage and press for what Migration LLC. will be doing in Mexico City. The potential outcomes of the office will have an increase of sales in the Central American region. Migration LLC. will perform over 10,000 background checks on different immigrants in the first six months of operation. The data engineers in Mexico City will process and vet these individuals on a timely basis and manner to accept what we think would best represent Migration LLC and the Mission Statement. This will translate to 7500 immigrants obtaining green cards to perform work or go to school in the United States. Migration LLC. looks for professional or degree-seeking immigrants to display skillset to different employees. This will help their process go along faster as they are matriculating to a school or paying taxes by working for an American company. These benchmarks have set up the highlighted goal of Migration LLC

Craig Doughty: Concentration on Central America Proposal


Cook, M. L., Gleeson, S., Griffith, K. L., & Kahn, L. M. (2018). Introduction to a Special Issue on the Impact of Immigrant Legalization Initiatives: International Perspectives on Immigration and the World of Work. ILR Review, 71(4), 807–822. de Arellano, M. A., Andrews, A. R., III, Reid-Quiñones, K., Vasquez, D., Doherty, L. S., Danielson, C. K., & Rheingold, A. (2018). Immigration trauma among Hispanic youth: Missed by trauma assessments and predictive of depression and PTSD symptoms. Journal of Latina/o Psychology, 6(3), 159–174. IMDb. (2018). Guillermo del Toro. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Dec. 2018].

Torres, S. A., Santiago, C. D., Walts, K. K., & Richards, M. H. (2018). Immigration policy, practices, and procedures: The impact on the mental health of Mexican and Central American youth and families. American Psychologist, 73(7), 843–854.

Voorveld, H. A. M., van Noort, G., Muntinga, D. G., & Bronner, F. (2018). Engagement with Social Media and Social Media Advertising: The Differentiating Role of Platform Type. Journal of Advertising, 47(1), 38–54.

Whaples, R. M. (2018). Symposium on Immigration: An Introduction. Independent Review, 22(3), 325. Retrieved from

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