Cp Insideout London

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  • December 2019
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  • Words: 467
  • Pages: 1

J-r'r',r , Progrrmmo

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Biggerpicture,sharpertbcus.bettc-r leaders


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Common PurposeInsideOUTbnngs together leadersfrom variouslocatronsrn the powerhouse crrcle that sunounds London The programme starls with an examrnationof each parttcrpants localfi and leadershrpchallenges but rt soon revealshow each area rs connectedto the others - ollen in surpnsrngways, what the leaderscan leam from each other and what they can achieve by workingtogelher

The eightday programmebnngstogetherover frftyleadersfrom aroundthe crrcle lnrtrally parltcrpants work rn localgroupsand focuson the rndrvrdual leadershrpchallengesof the locatronIn whrchthey op€rate



Each localrty- Bnghton,Essex.Gatwrck Kent and Suflolk- wrthrnthrs crrcle rs favouredand iinxedby therrproxrmfylo each otherand the caprtalAs the programmeunfolds partcrpants Usng the provenleadershrpdevelopment will rnvestrgate lherrconnectlonsto each others techniquesdevelopedby Common Purposeover locatonsand lo London reflectrngon what thrs nearly20 years.it ts a rare opportunrty for leaders rneansto therrlocalcontext from all aroundone of Europe'smostproductrve and v,brantareas lo deepentherr understandrng In yourareahere broadenthar perspectrvesand expand their leadershipcapabrlilres r : .

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The fee for InsrdeOUTrs €2 900 + VAT

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The partrcrpants.drawn from the prrvale pubhc and voluntaryseclors wrll rnvestrgateat frrst hand.locel.regronaland natronalproblems They may visrt prisom. housingdevelopments busrness€s.hosp|talsand manufactunngplanls rn order lo erpernnce leadershrpchallenges- and frnd insprration- outsde thetr usual expenence

Abrlrtyto pay rs not one of the selecton cftterra and each programmemarntarns a bursaryfund to coverthe coits of thosewho are genurnely unableto meet the full fee However every participantrs askedto makea conlnbulton

sxposurato a varictyof difbcnf ,ppro.cficc to leadershrp

How dr i irt,t,li')

lf you wouldhketo applyfor a bursary pleasefrll rn the s€clronof the form for bursarycandrdates They will clernloptherrleadershrpabrlrtesthrough lf you needto clrscussthrsfurther please sd6 usrts. pancl tlisaesions. expert brnfiqgs and

!'il',r! atr' lfi{

For rnformatron on applyrngfor a placeon please lnsdeOUT, downloadthe . anct and sendthem both by postor fax to your


Partrcipantsdevelop ' an understandrngof how lherr place works the role of drfferentsectors the laversof power.the drivers of future change

i i ' acoessto a broaderand more drversenatyvgk of relatronshrps wrthsenrorleadersand key frgureslocallyand morewrdely : , a wrdergeographrcalperspecltvetrom wnr{ they can examrnethe Int€rplayof local I regronaland natronalfaclors \ a moreexternallyfocussedradar'wilhwnicn to spol strategrcopportunrlres and how lhese can work lo localadvanlage fromwhrchto produce a slrongerfoundatron real change


Emarl haveany guesttonson how to apply

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wrllbe submtttedto your local The applrcation Advisory Group The Advisory Group rs a cross-s€ctorteam of senrortndivtdualsIn the communrtywho provrdesupportand gutdanceto local programmestaff Pertfclprtlon on tne progrrmnr.. rs hlghly t ldc and the frml w[h the Advisory Group decision ro!t3

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