Coverity Origins, Static Analysis & Dhs

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  • Words: 830
  • Pages: 38
Coverity Origins, Static Analysis & DHS Oct, 2009

David Maxwell Coverity's Open Source Strategist For

Stanford Open Source Group

Agenda • The Origins of Coverity (Stanford!) • Static Analysis • The Open Source Hardening Project • What about my project? • Open Source Report 2009 • Architectural Analysis • Summary



The Origins of Coverity • Stanford Professor – Dawson Engler – Graduate Students • Ben Chelf (CTO) • Andy Chou (Chief Scientist) • Seth Hallem (CEO) • Dave Park

The Origins of Coverity • Bugs as Deviant Behavior: A General Approach to Inferring Errors in Systems Code (2001)

The Origins of Coverity • Bugs as Deviant Behavior: A General Approach to Inferring Errors in Systems Code (2001) • Programmers' beliefs about the program state affect the code they write

The Origins of Coverity • Bugs as Deviant Behavior: A General Approach to Inferring Errors in Systems Code (2001) • Programmers' beliefs about the program state affect the code they write • B = *A;

Means the programmer believes A is a valid pointer

The Origins of Coverity • Bugs as Deviant Behavior: A General Approach to Inferring Errors in Systems Code (2001) • Programmers' beliefs about the program state affect the code they write • B = *A;

Means the programmer believes A is a valid pointer

• If (A) { … Means the programmer believes A is only sometimes valid at this point in the code

Contradictions • If these lines occur together: B = *A; If (A) { … • There's a contradiction, since A can't be both 'valid' and 'sometimes invalid' at the same time

Static Analysis • Static Analysis includes: – Path Simulation • Code is not a single linear sequence of instructions

Static Analysis • Static Analysis includes: – Path Simulation • Code is not a single linear sequence of instructions – Data Flow Analysis • Values of one variable affect values of others

Static Analysis • Static Analysis includes: – Path Simulation • Code is not a single linear sequence of instructions – Data Flow Analysis • Values of one variable affect values of others – False Path Pruning • Some paths can not occur at runtime. Reporting errors on those paths is a distraction

Open Source Hardening Project • DHS contract awarded to Stanford, Coverity, and Symantec

Open Source Hardening Project • DHS contract awarded to Stanford, Coverity, and Symantec • 3 years, total of $300,000 • Research automated detection of software vulnerabilities

Open Source Hardening Project • DHS contract awarded to Stanford, Coverity, and Symantec • 3 years, total of $300,000 • Research automated detection of software vulnerabilities • Prove value of technique

Open Source Hardening Project • DHS contract awarded to Stanford, Coverity, and Symantec • 3 years, total of $300,000 • Research automated detection of software vulnerabilities • Prove value of technique • Harden Open Source

Open Source Hardening Project • DHS contract awarded to Stanford, Coverity, and Symantec • 3 years, total of $300,000 • Research automated detection of software vulnerabilities • Prove value of technique • Harden Open Source • Validate findings from a Security centric point of view

Coverity Scan Site Created by U.S. Department of Homeland Security Part of ‘Open Source Hardening Project’ Coverity Prevent is exclusive static analysis tool Now contains over 250 open source packages


> 11,200

Software Tools • Version Control • Bug Trackers • Debuggers

What about my project? • Eligibility guidelines are available on the Scan site –

• Essentially, non-commercial open source is automatically eligible

Self-Builds • Coverity's Analysis requires code be compiled – Coverity has been managing builds for all Open Source projects in the Scan • • • •

Changing version control systems Changing library dependencies Changing compiler dependencies Changing Environment dependencies

• Creates a bottleneck on Scan staff time • Released to current Scan projects in Nov 2008 – Projects can now do their own builds, and submit them for analysis


Report on Open Source Software 2009

Let's Reconsider some common beliefs about good coding practices... By looking at a lot of code, and a lot of bugs

Original Research

60 million LOC 250 open source projects 26,181 analysis runs Over 11 billion LOC analyzed

Overall Project Progress

Frequency of Defects (2008) Defect Type

# of Defects


NULL Pointer Dereference



Resource Leak



Unintentional Ignored Expressions



Use Before Test (NULL)



Buffer Overrun (statically allocated)



Use After Free



Unsafe use of Returned NULL



Uninitialized Values Read



Unsafe use of Returned Negative



Type and Allocation Size Mismatch



Buffer Overrun (dynamically allocated)



Use Before Test (negative)



Cyclomatic Complexity/Lines of Code

Architectural Analysis

• Data about high level architecture of code, not low level code defects • Collected by the same analysis mechanisms

Architectural Architectural Analysis Analysis

Architectural Analysis

Q&A • Questions? David Maxwell

Open Source Strategist

[email protected]

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