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  • Words: 1,202
  • Pages: 24
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An Integrated Approach to Customer Relationship Management & Portal Development in HE Peter Yeadon Programme Director CRM & Portal Development June 2007

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Content Coventry University Strategy Alignment CRM and Coventry University Portal Applicant Portal CU Portal – Key Issues Future Direction Q&A

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Coventry University: Our History • • • • •

Established in 1843 as Coventry College of Design Evolved and grew through the years, notably as Lanchester Polytechnic during ’70s and ’80s University status in 1992 Our historic strengths: product design, healthcare and engineering Market niche: - Advanced, vocational and professional education - Work=related and work-based learning - Updating specialist skills

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Coventry University: The Present Basic statistics: • 17,000 students • 2,400 staff • £125m turnover • City Centre Campus (significant landowner) • • • • • •

5 Faculties / Schools 6 Service Departments Students’ Union 4,000 undergraduate students – 2007 entry Average 5:1 applications to places Regional / UK / EU and International

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Business Goals & Objectives A dynamic, enterprising and creative university – excellent education enriched by a focus on applied research

Major Goals of the Vision • Student-centred and client-focused • Smart campus and processes • Enterprising place to learn and work • Less bureaucracy; fast to market

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Objectives and KPIs Increased student numbers Increased efficiency Increased fundraising Better student retention More valuable business relationships Improved image

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Strategy Review Web-based information provision – several sites, several domains, uncontrolled content, out of date information, duplication A new website, a new portal, a new customer focus •

Central control over external marketing web-site

Distributed portal (MS SharePoint) for everything else

Positive relationship between students and the university (full student lifecycle)

Mechanism for student and staff communities to develop

Personalised content tailored directly to the user

Integrate existing applications (never enter the same data twice for in scope systems)

Rich collaboration facilities

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Coincident CRM & Portal aims CRM • One common CRM layer across the campus

Portal • Personalised one-stop shop for university information sources

Keep legacy processing systems where appropriate

Integrated content management systems

Increased efficiency through simplified workflow

Administrative efficiency through collaborative working

Value added efficiency through integration with Portal

Increased efficiency through greater Office integration

Increased self-service for all

Personalised experiences for staff, students, partners, applicants…

Wanted: a CRM & Portal Programme

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Business Transformation Optimise

People , Process , Tools , Information


Customer Service

New “Care” CRM System Core generic CRM: • Contact Management • Enquiry Management Specific processes: • Placements • Admissions


Business Goals

New MS SharePoint Service Portal Navigation: • Student Portal • Staff Intranet Collaboration: • Cross-boundary sites • Research

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CRM & Portal Integration •

Integration between CRM and Portal holds the key to big improvements Legacy/external systems

Line of sight to lifecycle history SOLL D epartments Services


UNIVERSE Contact & Enquiry Management

Phoenix Partnership

Student Records


N on -U C AS Applications

Process Workflows

SharePoint Portal


Applications Offers

Placements Careers


SMS Texts

Care CRM

Current Students & Staff


CV U pload

Applicant Portal Progress Enquiry

CU External Website s nt a ic pl p A

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Contact Management • • • • • •

Business contacts via Corporate Partnerships Academic and business contacts within Research Centres Students and applicants are now customers! Student records integrated with the CRM layer Outlook emails attached to customer records Sharing of contacts across the campus has begun!

Portal - enhanced • Remote access to contact details • Online forms for contacts to supply new and updated details • Status of contact recognised by portal – personalization • Single sign-on to the CRM layer

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Enquiry Management • • • •

Reliable comms history – documents, emails, texts, etc Extensible to all customer interactions across full lifecycle Management reporting Simple workflow for passing enquiries to other areas and tracking progress

Portal - enhanced • Web-based technology implemented across multiple sites • Responses tailored to known personalized groupings • Future SharePoint version (MOSS 2007) will permit some workflow outside the CRM layer • Ability to turn enquiries into applications • Grant permission to the Applicant Portal

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Careers & Placements • • • •

Student records visible within CRM as contacts Special workflow defined for setting up and monitoring placements New “tick-box” control over placement process involving students, tutors and the Placements Centre Business meeting functionality extended for careers interviews

Portal - enhanced • Collaborative WSS site supporting placement activities • Students to upload CVs into CRM • Partner organisations access for submitting progress/monitoring

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UCAS Admissions • • • • •

UK undergraduate applications channelled through UCAS UCAS applications automatically visible within CRM layer Complex workflow – assess/offer/reject/accept Automatic comms (texts, Outlook emails) Management reporting

Portal - enhanced • Applicant portal to permit applicant progress enquiries • Personalised information and specific workflow options • Open day booking for (pre-)applicants • Applicant interview booking and processing • Recording prospectus requests by potential new applicants

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Set up the texting task

SMS Texting Run the task in Care

Text received by mobile

Ensure appropriate support arrangements are ready to field enquiries

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Applicant Portal Status of Application returned

Content personalised on login

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Applicant Portal • •

• • • • • • •

Recognition of applicants as a specific audience Combining the power of web-based communication to a known community of applicants supported by CRM campaign management Discussion forums, interactive web-space involving Student Ambassadors, etc Direct control of the Applicant Portal with Admissions staff Access to selected “internal” information (eg social) Online enquiries integrated with CRM layer Ability to support Loyalty Scheme approach Extensible to Pre-Applicant Portal Start of cradle-to-grave customer care

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CU Portal – Current Key Issues •

Local ownership

Keeping within accessibility guidelines

Integration with applications – web parts for teaching and learning (“CUOnline” VLE module webs)

Integration with applications – Single Sign-On

Identity Management a growing area of strategic interest

Speed of response eg Voting for Student Union posts

Upgrade path for SharePoint identified – SharePoint Portal Server 2003 – Windows SharePoint Services v2.0 – Minimal licence cost uplift for adopting MOSS 2007 – Significant advantages for Portal Navigation and Collaboration

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Future Direction • Increase in Self-service functions – – – – – –

Account information for achievement scholarships Uploading CVs (Careers/Placements) Application status enquiry Maintenance requests Staff HESA returns Internal recruitment via Staff Intranet – Event booking – Submit enquiries

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Future Direction • Governance – Contact Management Forum for data ownership issues: protect and encourage – Information Architecture Group for what information is held where: tracking the master data and key application development: understand the processes – Merging of external and internal web-based strategies – VLEs, Portals, external webs

• Management Information is key • Extending Community – Enhanced collaboration through the portal – Blogs via MOSS 2007 – Video streaming and podcasts

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