Course Outline 201

  • June 2020
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Northern Virginia Community College CSC 201 (COMPUTER SCIENCE – I), 4 credits FALL 2009

Instructor: Pavani Gundamraju E-mail: [email protected]. Please include your name, course in the email. Blog: Office Hours: By Appointment on Tuesdays and Thursdays between 1:00PM and 2:00PM LECTURE TIME AND CLASSROOM:Tuesdays and Thursdays between 11:00AM and 12:50PM, A-Bisdorf /AA-0461. PREREQUISITE:Students MUST have successfully completed course MTH 173 or MUST be currently enrolled in MTH 173 and CSC 185. Students who do not satisfy this criterion should meet me on the first day of class. COURSE DESCRIPTION AND PURPOSE:This course introduces program design, algorithm and problem solving methods. Emphasizes structured and Object-Oriented Programming, concepts, data types, I/O, Control Structures. This is a 4 credit course and is designed for students who primarily want to major in Computer Science. There will be good amount of programming involved and student is expected to put individual efforts in their homework or assignments. TEXTBOOK:Introduction to Programming in Java – An Interdisciplinary Approach By Robert Sedgewick Kevin Wayne. We also have a website for this book ISBN-13: 978-0-321-4905-2

ISBN-10: 0-321-49805-4 In addition to the above mentioned there will be some web links that will be posted on the blog. GRADING POLICY:Attendance and Class Participation: 10% Homework and Programming Assignments: 25% In-class quizzes: 15% Midterm Exam: 25% Final Exam: 25%

Extra Credit: 5% 90% and Above 75% - 90% 65% - 75% 55% - 65% 50% - 55% Below 50% -


Student has to score a minimum of 50% in ‘Homework and Programming Assignments’, minimum of 45% in the midterm examination and a minimum of 45% in the Final Exam, otherwise his/her Final grade is ‘F’.

MIDTERM & FINAL EXAM: Midterm examination will be conducted in the mid of October 2009. The exact date and time to be announced later in class. Final Examination will be conducted on December 15th 2009 between 11:00 AM and 12:50PM. The exam will be comprehensive – covering all the material which is covered in sixteen weeks. ASSIGNMENTS: Programming assignments constitute of 30% of the grade and the student is expected to submit both electronically And manually by submitting a print out of the homework at my mailbox (No Exceptions). I will not be grading the assignments if either one is not received. The program MUST execute on a designated IDE. There will be partial credit for those programs if it is incomplete or part of it is correct. Therefore, I suggest you to handover the assignments even if they are incomplete rather have a Zero in that assignment. AUDITING: No audits are given in this class. BLOG: I will be updating the blog which can be found at to make any announcements or post assignments or materials for this class. It is the student’s responsibility to check it on a regular basis.

ATTENDANCE POLICY: Students are expected to have regular attendance with active class participation. Please make sure to contact me by phone, email or in person if you were to miss any class. If you miss a class it is your responsibility for finding the notes and assignments/homework if any were given on that day. LATE POLICY: Students coming late to the class will be marked as ‘Absent’ after 10 minutes from the start of class. That is, if the class starts at 10:00 am, the students coming after 10:10am will be marked as Absent. CLASSROOM PROTOCOL: Food and Drinks: No food and drinks are allowed during the class. Cell phones/Pagers: In the interest of common courtesy, cell phones and pagers should be turned off. Headphones: Headphones will not be allowed in the class at any time. CHEATING POLICY: Exams, Homework and Programming assignments are individual efforts. Any proof of cheating will result in ‘F’ as the final grade in that course. You are allowed to do some research on the Internet, but your program should not be a replica of the code on the internet. When asked you should be able to give an explanation of your assignment. IMPORTANT DATES: 09/10/2009 September 9th 2009 Last day to withdraw from the course with refund. 11/02/2009 November 2nd 2009 Last day to withdraw from the course without refund. SPECIAL OFFICE HOURS:There will be special office hours conducted per student’s request before the midterm examination and final examination. Day and time will be discussed as per student’s convenience.

SPECIAL NEEDS AND ACCOMODATIONS: Please address with me any special problems or needs at the beginning of the semester. If you are seeking accommodations based on a disability, you must provide a disability data sheet, which can be obtained from the counselor for special needs, who is located in Bisdorf (AA) 229, with phone (703) 845-6301.

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