Course Outline

  • October 2019
  • PDF

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  • Words: 1,470
  • Pages: 7
Microsoft .Net Course Outline Getting Started with Visual Basic .NET Lesson 1: Getting Started with Visual Basic 2005 Express Edition This lesson provides an overview of the series, including the RSS Reader project. Additionally, you will learn how to create your first "Hello World" application. Lesson 2: Creating a Windows Application User Interface This lesson covers the basics of the Visual Studio IDE. Topics include the Toolbox and Properties window, as well as controls such as the button, label, MenuStrip, StatusStrip, and ToolStrip.

VB.NET Language Fundamentals Lesson 1: Writing Code to Handle Events and Set Properties This lesson gives an overview of an event handler and explains how to write code to react to events. You will learn how to set properties for controls, as well as how to use IntelliSense, add comments to your code, and use code regions. Lesson 2: Working with Variables, Expressions, Statements, and Operators This lesson explains what a variable is and how to use them in your applications. You’ll also learn the difference between expressions and statements and how you can use operators, like the addition operator (+) in your code. Lesson 3: Using Branching and Recursion This lesson explains how you can use conditional logic and looping constructs in your applications. You’ll also learn about an array and how you can use looping logic to read and write values from an array. Lesson 4: Handling Exceptions This lesson looks at exceptions -- what they are, and why you want to handle them in your code.

Object Oriented Programming Fundamentals This lesson has two videos and explains the fundamentals of object-oriented programming. It covers the differences between a class and an object. You’ll learn how to create and use properties and methods, as well as inheritance and encapsulation.

The .NET Framework This lesson looks at the .NET Framework and the large set of classes available for your use within applications. You’ll learn about namespaces and how to use Help to discover classes and their use.

Windows Forms Controls

Working with Databases and XML Lesson 1: What is a database? This introduction covers the questions and terminology necessary to create and manage databases, such as: What is a database? How is a database different from an Excel spreadsheet? What do databases do in my website or software applications? What’s SQL Server Express’ relation to Visual Studio Express? What do terms like “ADO.NET” mean? Lesson 2: Understanding Database Tables and Records Learn about tables and definitions of data types, properties, keys, etc. in this second video. Find out how table rows, columns, and fields interrelate and whether columns can be empty. Lesson 3: More about Column Data Types and Other Properties Explore data integrity, know which data types to use for what, and avoid common data type pitfalls. Lesson 4: Designing Relational Database Tables Discover more SQL statements like sub-select and learn stored procedures and their counterparts in C# and VB methods. Lesson 5: Manipulating Database Data Learn about ADO.NET objects and execution of SQL statement from ADO.NET. Explore SQL and learn about insert, update, and delete statements. Lesson 6: More Structured Query Language Discover more SQL statements like sub-select and learn stored procedures and their counterparts in C# and VB methods. Lesson 7: Understanding Security and Network Connectivity Differentiate between database files and SQL Server processes. Explore scenarios for connecting to SQL Server Express databases, enabling and disabling user instances, login permissions, and other security precautions. Lesson 8: Working with XML This lesson looks at XML and how you can use it in your applications.

Project - Building a RSS Reader Developing Web Applications using Visual Basic .NET Lesson 1: Getting started with Visual Web Developer Express In this lesson, you will begin to get familiar with Visual Web Developer (VWD), and look at the workflow involved in using VWD to build dynamic ASP.NET Web sites. Lesson 2: Creating a Web forms user interface In this lesson, you will explore the various ASP.NET 2.0 server controls available in Visual Web Developer. In addition, you will begin to get familiar with the windows in VWD.

Lesson 3: Understanding more about events and postback In this lesson, you will learn how events can be used in your code, and how to react when those events occur. Lesson 4: Understanding Web application state In this lesson, you will see how to maintain state in your ASP.NET, including the various objects you can use to store information for your ASP.NET 2.0 applications. Lesson 5: Debugging and tracing your Website In this lesson, you will learn how to debug and monitor your ASP.NET 2.0 Web applications. Lesson 6: Working with stylesheets and Master Pages In this lesson, you will begin to learn how Style sheets and Master Pages can be used to maintain consistent appearance for your Web pages. Lesson 7: Databinding to user interface controls In this lesson, you will learn how to display data in your ASP.NET 2.0 Web applications through some of the new databound controls. Lesson 8: Working with the GridView and FormView In this lesson, you will learn about the GridView and FormView controls and how you can use some of the features of these controls to make editing and displaying of database content easier. Lesson 9: Securing your Web site with membership and login controls In this lesson, you will explore the new membership capabilities of ASP.NET 2.0. In addition, you will learn about role-based security, and how you can use roles to control access to your Web site. Lesson 10: Configuring, building and deploying a Web site In this lesson, you will see what is required to make your ASP.NET applications available to everyone. This includes configuring, building and deploying your Web site.

Project: Building a quiz engine

Core Java Course Outline Session 1: Introduction to Java The Genesis of Java Java’s Lineage What is Internet? Services Provided by the Internet WWW and Hypertext Client Server Interaction Limitations of the WEB The Java Edge, Java Buzzwords Java API and JVM, Applet versus Applications Basics of Java Data Types, Variables, Literals Simple Data Types Type Conversion and Casting Automatic Type Promotion Arrays Operators Arithmetic, Bitwise, Relational, Boolean, Assignment, ? Operator Precedence and Associativity Control Statements Selection and Iteration

Session 2: Object-Oriented Programming in Java The Three OOP Principles: Abstraction, Classes, Objects Accessing the Class Members, Methods Returning Values and Methods with Parameters, Constructors, the Keywords: this, static, final, finalize( ) Method, Overloading Methods and Constructors, Recursion, Nested and Inner Classes, Access Control , Inheritance, the Keyword super, Method Overriding & Dynamic Method Dispatch, Multilevel Hierarchy, Abstract Methods and Classes, Packages, Access Protection Matrix, Interfaces, the CLASSPATH Session 3: Exception Handling & the Input/Output System Exception-handling Exception Types, Uncaught Exceptions Exception Clauses: try, catch, throw, throws, finally Java’s Built-in Exceptions Creating Your Own Exception Classes When to Use / Not to Use Exceptions The Java I/O System Java I/O Methods Predefined Streams in Java:, System.out, System.err The File Class, Byte and Character Streams Hierarchy Data Streams: DataInputStream and DataOutputStream Classes The RandomAccessFile Class The Scanner Classes: StreamTokenizer, StringTokenizer Session 4: Threads, Applets and Event Handling Threads The Java thread model, States of Threads, Thread Class & Runnable Interface Methods

Creating a Thread, Thread Priorities, Synchronization

Self study: Interthread Communication: wait(), notify(), notifyAll(), suspend(), resume() Applets Applet Basics and Architecture, Applet Initialization & Termination, Applet Restrictions Writing a Simple Applet, Visualizing How an Applet Works, Simple Applet Display Methods, Overriding update(), Requesting Repainting - Threads in Applets, Using the Status Window, the HTML APPLET Tag, Passing Parameters to Applets. Event Handling Event Classes, Sources of Events, Event Listeners and Interfaces, Handling Mouse Events, Handling Keyboard events Self-study: Adapter Classes and Interfaces, Inner Classes Session 5: The AWT, Swing & java.util Packages The AWT (Abstract Windowing Tool Kit) The AWT Class Hierarchy The Frame Windows, Creating Frame Windows in Applets Working with Graphics, Colors, and Fonts Using AWT Controls: Label, Button, CheckBox, CheckBoxGroup, Choice list, List, TextField, TextArea. Arranging Components on a GUI: Using various Layout Managers The Swing Designing a GUI with Swing using: Swing Applets (class JApplet), Icons (class ImageIcon & Icon Interface), Labels (class JLabel), Text Fields (class JTextField), Buttons (class JButton), Check Boxes (class JCheckBox), Radio Buttons (class JRadioButton), Choice Lists (class JComboBox)

The util Package Contains collections, the most exciting enhancement added by Java 2. A collection is a group of objects. Its addition caused fundamental alteration in the structure and architecture of many elements in java.util that contains a wide assortment of classes and interfaces: Date Related Classes: Date, Calendar, TimeZone The Random, BitSet and StringTokenizer Classes The Enumeration Interface & Legacy Classes: Vector, Stack, Dictionary, HashTable, Properties Session 6 : Soft Skills related aspects will get covered under this session of one day. Session 7 : Communication Skills related aspects will get covered under this session of one day

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