Council Of Minsiters.docx

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  • Words: 332
  • Pages: 2
Central council of ministers

Constitutional provision





Art 74 –COM to aid and advise president Art 75- collectively responsible and hold office during pleasure of president. In Part V of the constitution

PM by president and others by advice of president

Collective responsibility: Art 75-collectively responsible to lok sabha During no confidence all ministers including rajya sabha ministers need to resign

1.Cabinet Ministers-who heads important minsitries

Total no of ministers<15% of total strength of lok sabha added in 91st amendment act

2. Ministers of state-who in charge of independent dept or attached to cabinet ministers.not part of cabinet 3.Deputy ministers:attached to cabinet minsteries or with ministers of state nad works as deputy to them. 4.Parliamentary secretaries: no dept under control and attached to senior minsters and assist in his parliamentary duties

Cabinet-inserted in Art 352 by 44th amendment act which does not find place in original constitution

Individual Responsibility: Minister should tandem with council of ministers action or its decisions

State council of ministers

Art 163-to aid and advise governor

CM by governor and others by advice of governor but tribal

Collective responsibility:

1.Cabinet Ministers-who heads important Departments

Kitchen cabinet: composed cabinet ministers + outsiders too. Cabinet committees: Extra constitutional-to reduce workload of cabinet a. Standing committeePermanet in nature Ex.Political affairs(‘super cabinet’),Economic affairs and appointments committee. b. Adhoc committeetemporary in nature Cabinet committees: Extra constitutional-to reduce workload of cabinet

Art 164- collectively responsible and hold office during pleasure of governor In Part VI

welfare ministers in Chattisgarh, Jharkand,odisha and Madhya Pradesh

Art 163-collectively responsible to legislative assembly of state During no confidence all ministers including ministers from legislative council need to resign Individual Responsibility: Minister should tandem with council of ministers action or its decisions

2. Ministers of state-who in charge of independent dept or attached to cabinet ministers.not part of cabinet 3.Deputy ministers: attached to cabinet minsteries or with ministers of state nad works as deputy to them.

a. Standing committeePermanet in nature b. Adhoc committeetemporary in nature

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